Let’s Talk About Healthy Minds, Bodies & Souls + The Most Amazing Giveaway (worth $1,799)!!!

Good morning everyone!  I hope you woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on your day.  Today we are talking about something that is a part of life for EVERY SINGLE ONE of us—>  SLEEP!  I want to share with you about how important sleep is for our health and wellness!  This post is sponsored by Sleep Number® and they have an INCREDIBLE giveaway for you today (I’m talking incredible!!!) so don’t forget to enter at the end of this post!


I think sleep is kind of a funny thing.  The other night I woke up to Andrew snapping his fingers while he was asleep.  I think he was having a dream about Beretta because he snaps his fingers at her when he wants her to do something.  I snore, always have and I don’t know how to stop.  I have a brother that used to sleep RUN occasionally from the ages of 5-9.  He would be sleep running through the house and my dad would have to catch him.  He even went out the front door one night during his sleep run.  When I was a little girl and didn’t fall asleep at the exact time that I wanted to for school the next day I would cry to my parents.  I was so stressed that I would not wake up on time for class and get a tardy (I was quite the punctual student;).  Each night our kids fall asleep holding on to a toy or crayon, sharing the bed with the dog or with 2 of their 4 limbs hanging off of the bed.  Some nights I can’t remember any of my dreams and other nights I wake up thinking that whatever happened in my dreams must have actually happened in real life (sorry, Andrew about being mad occasionally over what happened in my dreams).  Whenever Brooke wakes up and I ask her what she dreamed about, she replies “Mama” in her most sweet voice (because she knows exactly how to butter me up for the day;)  While sleep can be kind of strange and so unique for each of us, sleep is so important for every single one of us!

I think that a lot of times we focus our health efforts mainly on our nutrition and physical activity but we cannot forget the huge role that sleep plays on overall health & wellness!  I think sleep is something that we can all make improvements with including putting our to-do lists away when we should be resting our bodies from all of the running, playing and working all day long.


Here are a few common side effects for me when I am not sleeping well (aka after my divorce for a while or when I was having all of those gut issues or when I’ve been stressed out about family things):

*My mile splits aren’t what I want them to be, I have a harder time finishing workouts and goodness gracious race day does not go well if I have not been sleeping well.

*I make poor eating choices.  When I am tired, I reach for sugar all day long hoping that it will give me the energy I am missing from not sleeping well.

*I have lower motivation with work, with taking care of the house, with getting things DONE.

*It’s hard for me to focus on things.  I feel like my brain is everywhere except for where I want it to be in the moment.

*Overall, when I am not sleeping well or making sleep a priority I just feel like I’m not tapping into my potential as a wife/mom/runner/daughter/blogger/sister etc. and I don’t like that feeling at all.

Turns out that when I’m not sleeping well, SO many things in my life are effected negatively.

When I am sleeping well, it feels like life just goes so much more smoothly.  My overall perspective about life is better and I eat a lot better.  I notice progress in my running and I can focus on my work.  I’m a much better wife and mom (just ask Andrew and the kids;).  The positive things that come from sleeping well are definitely the best motivation to make sure that I take care of myself, my health and go to bed at a good time.  Time for us all to make sure that we are sleeping better!


I kind of tricked Andrew when we were dating.  I was all about staying up late with him and watching movies or talking until way too late.  And then a little bit into marriage, he realized that sleep means a lot to me.  I look forward to it, I want to be in my bed for as many hours as possible and anytime that I can get in bed early, I do.  Since I first met Andrew, he has gotten a lot better at getting in bed at a good time and making more time for sleeping BUT our old mattress was killing his back.  We were using my old one and I would wake up in the mornings some days with him sleeping on the floor because the mattress hurt his back so bad.  For a few years I was single and all I had to worry about was how the mattress worked for me (and for Brooke when she would climb into my bed each morning).  We got married and all of the sudden I needed a mattress that was perfect for TWO people!  Between Andrew’s back killing him and the fact that I’m always game for finding more ways to have a better night’s sleep, we were so excited to try Sleep Number!

Great sleep starts with your mattress.  We went to the Sleep Number store and had an awesome experience there!  We brought the kids and my mom.  The team members there were so friendly and helpful! They helped us to really personalize what we needed and what would be the best solution for Andrew’s back problems along with our desire for two very different mattresses.  I prefer a softer mattress and Andrew prefers a more firm mattress.  I think that this has to be my favorite part about our Sleep Number mattress, it is a win-win situation for the two of us.  Neither of us has to settle on one type of mattress, we both get what we love!


It is so easy to adjust each side of our Sleep Number mattress.  You can use the bed remote or your phone to get to the exact Sleep Number® setting that is perfect for you (I am at a 35 and Andrew is usually around 60 or more and you can choose anywhere from 5-100)!   I am SO comfortable on my side at 35… it feels like I get to have my mattress exactly where my body is it’s happiest.


We are learning A LOT about our sleep with our Sleep Number mattress.  Through the SleepIQ™ technology I get to see exactly how well I sleep each night.  The information that is gathered from the mattress is shown on an app on my phone and it tells me when the best hours of sleep are for me, how many breaths per minute I take, when I am restless and restful and even my average heart rate while I am asleep.  Having all of this information and seeing where I can improve has provided a way for me to challenge myself to get a better night of sleep each night.  Also, Sleep Number mattresses actually adjust to better fit to your own personal needs which I am excited to see how that continues to help me to sleep better!


Andrew has been loving adjusting his side of the bed to meet his needs and to make his back happier.  Hallelujah for no more floor sleeping, right Andrew?


Overall, we are loving our Sleep Number mattress and we are really happy to have such a great solution for the two of us.  Now we each get a good night of sleep while sleeping on the same mattress.. it is wonderful:)


Sleep is so important for everyone but remember, as runners we really have to make sure we are getting enough sleep each night if we want to continue to train hard and recover well!  “It’s during the third and fourth stages of a typical sleep cycle when a body heals itself.  That’s when the human growth hormone (HGH) is released from the pituitary gland.  Although it’s gotten notoriety as a performance-enhancing drug, in its natural form it plays a key role in building and repairing muscle tissue and bones, as well as acting as a catalyst for the body to use fat as fuel.  Without the right amount of HGH in the blood, recovery from workouts is hindered, prolonging the time it takes the body to build a strong aerobic engine.” (source)  Don’t let your lack of sleep get in the way of recovering from your workouts!


Time for you to go out and visit a Sleep Number store near you to help you on your way to sleeping and feeling better!  HERE is a store locator!  We learned a lot about the importance of sleep and what is best for what YOU need!



Now is YOUR chance to win an amazing Queen Sized p5 Mattress!! ($1799 VALUE)!!

To enter the giveaway:

1.  GO HERE to visit the Sleep Number store locator 

2.  Find out which store is closest to you

3.  Comment below the name of the store along with any sleep issues you’ve been having and why you would love to win!!

*NO PURCHASE NECESSARY.  Open to eligible legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C. at least the age of majority in their jurisdiction.  Begins:  Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 12:00:00 AM ET.  End Saturday, May 6, 2017 at 11:59:59 PM ET.  Subject to Official Rules available at http://mediakix.com/sweepstakes-hungryrunnergirl/.  Void where prohibited.  Sponsor: Mediakix LLC.

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We are closest to Westbury. We are going to be moving soon, and a new mattress would be great!


My nearest store is in King of Prussia Mall (which is a crazy huge mall, you would love it) and my biggest sleep issues are anxiety keeping me awake (you know, when you can’t turn off your brain at 4am?) and my awful mattress!


The store nearest us is the Clackamas Store in Happy Valley, OR. My husband hurt his back in the Army and sleep has been horrible for him ever since. Our current matress just isn’t for him. We have very different sleep preferences, I like a little softer and he needs firm. He is currently a chiropractic student and we have two toddlers so sleep is very important for him to tackle everything and I would love to see him get the rest he deserves!!!!


THe Murray store is closet to me.
After having babies I cannot stay asleep anymore, every little noise makes me jump and then I toss and turn trying to get back to sleep. I think the adjustable settings might help me get the right and cozy feel to fall back to sleep easier.


The closest store to me is the Tulsa, Ok store! My husband was an elite gymnast but he broke his back in college. He still has a lot of back problems and it is hard for him to sleep. We complete in Ironmans and marathons so sleep is very important for our training. I would love to win this for him!!


The closest is FIREWHEEL TOWN CENTER 61 miles away!

We NEED a new mattress! We flip ours every week and it is just to the point that we would rather almost sleep on the couch than our worn out mattress. We would absolutely love to have a new mattress and try Sleep Number. Thank you for opportunity for entry from TEXAS! :)


Crossgates mall or Holyoke Massachusetts! My legs hurt if I don’t have the ability to stretch out!


The closest store to me is at the White Marsh Mall in Baltimore.

My biggest issue is that I just can’t get comfortable after having been pregnant with twins. I used to be solely a stomach sleeper, but now I flop around at all hours of the night having not found my comfy spot…


Valley West Mall is my closest store. It would be so nice to have a mattress to suite my needs as well as my husbands. He sleeps on the couch a lot of nights because the bed hurts his back and hips so bad. It would also be nice to have a mattress comfortable enough to fall asleep and stay asleep, we both toss and turn all night trying to get comfortable.


The closest Sleepnumber store to me is the Maplewood, MN store! I would love to win because I have a toddler and am pregnant for the second time, so while I can’t avoid sleep interruptions for now, I’d love for the sleep I DO manage to get to be better than what I get on our hand-me-down mattress we have now!


We are closest to the Street of West Chest. We both are pretty good sleepers unless we are stressed about something. However, we have never had a new mattress. we have always had hand-me-downs.


Sandy UT is the closest one to me. Lately, I’ve been waking up all through the night which is not normal for me. I work out in the morning and it is making it hard to get up and work out. I’m out of my routine and I hate it!


We have one in our mall in Brandon and have seriously considered buying one. My sister loves hers! I have all over achy body issues but lower back is the worst! Need a new mattress soon!


Westfield UTC. My biggest sleep issue is having a 6 month old baby lol. My husband however has a really bad back and shoulder and I know our mattress isn’t helping . We would love to win a new sleep number bed.


Sleep number Vestal. My mattress is old and uncomfortable.


Dallas Park Lane is closest to me. I really haven’t been getting a lot of sleep lately because of stress, kidney issues and just a lot of other things that are making life pretty tough right now (plus my mattress really isn’t that great) :/. I would love for a better mattress to help me sleep better!


My nearest store is in Peabody, MA at the Northshore Mall. i would love a mattress that is a little more firm!


My nearest store is in the Brea Mall. I can’t remember how long I’ve had my current mattress, which means it’s time for a new one! I never did like this one and it makes me hesitant to try to buy a new one — all that expense for something I don’t know I will end up liking. That’s why the Sleep Number sounds great — I can fiddle with it until I find something I like, and my husband can too. Great giveaway!


Closest store is Sleep Number- Beavercreek at The Greene. Sleeping is my favorite – but the older I get, the more I (inexplicably) wake up multiple times per night…


I’m closest to the Midrivers Mall store. My current mattress has a mountain in the middle of it, and a valley on each side of the mountain. Not comfy at all!


The closest store to us is in Northridge/Porter Ranch, CA. My husband has had 2 neck surgeries so getting the bed right is crucial to sleep. Our mattress is getting pretty old, too. I’m not sure if Sleep Number can help me with my hormonal night sweats, it would be great if they could!


The closets one to me is in Destiny USA, which I never knew! Our only sleep problem is our dog Cole sleeps on our bed with us which while we love him very much he tends to take up a lot of room!! A larger bed would be ideal for us.


South Hills Village! Our mattress is old and there’s usually a toddler in our bed at some point. Doesn’t make for good sleep!


Our nearest store is at Turkey Creek in Knoxville, TN. I am just like you when it comes to sleep; lots of it! My sleep complaint would be that I wake up some mornings sore and uncomfortable. I have to do extra yoga sessions to help me limber up and get back to my old self. A new mattress would resolve this problem, I’m sure!


Park Meadows Town Center is the closest store to me! I have back problems on my current bed because it’s too soft! I need to check this store out!


The Southpark Center store is the closest location for me. Only about 10 minutes from home!
Some nights I have a hard time staying asleep and will toss and turn trying to get back to sleep.


Closest store to me is AUSTIN-DOMAIN DR TX. My fiance and I have very different sleeping needs. I prefer a hard mattress and he likes it soft!


Same distance to the Camp Hill, Capital City, PA location and the Hagerstown, MD location.
I don’t have sleep problems, but my husband complains about how uncomfortable our bed mattress is in recent years.


Tigard/Bridgeport Village. My biggest sleep problem is too much to do and not enough time! But also my husband’s back. We got s new mattress two years ago but it doesn’t seem to be good for him. :(


Northtown Mall, Spokane. Our mattress is old and we could definitely use a new one!


My closest store is Anchorage, AK. It just opened too! I have been feeling the lack of sleep recently and know a mattress upgrade is in the near future.


our nearest store is in flowood, ms! i’ve had three brain/neck & spine surgeries and can NEVER EVER get comfortable. i always wake up hurting so bad so a sleep number would be incredible to try!!!


I am closest to the new Canton, MI location and would love, love, love to win. I have such a high sleep deficit right now since having my daughter three years ago. She has been in my bed every night and we just recently got her to sleep on her own through the night! I’m making a priority to get myself back on track with sleep and this would be a huge help!


The nearest store is on Broadway and Craycroft! And gosh, I am so sick of our old mattress, which, over time, has developed a pretty serious dip. Not happy on my back at all!


Knoxville, TN is my closest store. I would love a new mattress! My husband has severe sleep apnea and his machine makes a lot of noise and he tosses and turns all night. I hardly ever get a good nights sleep because ever time he rolls around our old, awful mattress bounces around with him! I would love to win a new sleep number mattress!!


St.Claire Square Store, Illinois
I’ve been having restless legs and just tossing a d turning lately:(


The store at the Wellington Green Mall! This would be a Godsend! My better half as serious back issues (bulging discs, herniated discs, and spinal stenosis) needless to say he is always in pain. Our mattress is old and now I am starting to feel the effects on my sleep as well. You shouldn’t get out of bed in more pain then when you went to bed!!! I have heard great things about these products! have a great day!


My closest store is in Cheektowaga NY which is a suburb of Buffalo. I am routinely stiff upon waking and am convinced that I need a new mattress. I enjoy doing yoga, but I think I would not need to as much if I did not feel so stiff in the morning. Plus, I am a one income household. Any help towards a new mattress would be a blessing.


It’s amazing what a goods nights sleep can do!
I love a nice soft mattress, but I’ve had mine for almost 8 years now, and I think that may be attributing to my tossing and turning to get comfortable recently. I’m definitely in the market for a new mattress!
The closest store to me is the Ridgedale Mall Store in Minnesota!


Closest to Grand Junction, CO. I just had a baby so my body is way out of whack… plus my husband and I are just like you guys- hubby likes concrete mattresses ;) and I like softer.


Murray, UT Is my closest store. I like to sleep on my stomach but my husband sleeps on his side, so our mattress is pretty soft and it hurts my back when I sleep on my stomach!


The Charleston Town Center location is only 45 minutes from me. I would love a new mattress! I am working full time plus going through yoga teacher training right now so I know how important a full night of sleep is!


I’m closest to the one in Sandy, Utah, and I have been having a hard time getting comfortable in my bed. It was good for the first little while, but now it’s not soft enough, so it take me longer to fall asleep. A sleep number would be great because I can adjust the softness to help accommodate my needs each night.


The ones closest to me is Old Orchard Mall in Skokie.

Man, I was just reading how mattresses only are good for like 8-9 years. And I’ve recently not been sleeping well and waking up with a sore back and sore hips (I’m a side sleeper). Then I realized, my mattress is 12 years old! Might be time for a new one!

I also love sleep more than most things! :)


I am closest to the location in the Westmoreland Mall. I have been having a lot of issues waking up stiff on my current mattress. With a baby when I do get the chance to sleep I need that sleep to make me feel better, not worse!!


We are closest to the Lynnhaven mall location. I have not been sleeping well lately. Probably due to stress but I am sure a new mattress would be very helpful :)


The Cambridge, MA store is closest to me. I would love this mattress because my spouse likes firm beds and I like soft beds. Our current mattress is way too firm for me and I toss and turn throughout the night to get comfortable and then wake up most mornings with an aching back.


Wow. Our sleep number store is like 10 minutes from our house in the Houston Premium Outlets.

I think the hardest things is sleeping with my husband. He likes a very firm bed and I like soft. I think something like this would solve a lot of our aches and pains!


The Town Center mall location is the closest to me. My biggest sleep issue is that I have 9 month old who still wakes up a couple times a night. That can’t be fixed with a mattress :) but the fact that I have trouble falling back asleep and having restful sleep after waking to tend to him could be helped with a newer,more comfortable mattress.


The closest store to me is in Oxford Valley Mall in Langhorne Pa. My biggest sleep issue is shutting my brain off. Our bed is just about 10 years old so a new one would be nice!


The Orland Park, IL location is closest for me! My lower back has always been a miserable nighttime hurdle, ever since a car accident when I was 21. Having two babies has only made the pain worse. It’s strange because I’m okay all day but the second I lay in bed it is like someone is taking a hammer to my lower back. I would LOVE to win this mattress.


Coralville, Iowa is the closest store to me. Our mattress is starting to dip in the middle, so a new mattress would be wonderful!! I loooove sleep & believe a good night’s sleep is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Thank you for the opportunity with this giveaway!


The Cape Girardeau, MO store is about 30 minutes away from me. I have a rare autoimmune disease that affects Mary spine and sleeping has been the worst part of the disease. I’d LOVE to win!


Store: Sleep Number Sterling in Virginia
Sleep Issues: Both my husband and I are experiencing serious back pain and sweatiness from our memory foam mattress. We have been eyeing Sleep Number beds and are trying to save up for one!


My closest store is at the mall in Albany – Crossgates! (NY) Our mattress was my mattress before my fiance (then boyfriend) moved in . I’d love a new mattress before our wedding – beauty sleep is needed! :) I’m a side sleeper and toss and turn all night because my hips hurt!


Closest store is in Westfield Culver City- CA

I would love to win my mattress is old and in much need of an upgrade. I have 2 toppers on it and still get uncomfortable. My boyfriend would be very pleased too :)


I would love to win a Sleep Number bed! What an amazing giveaway! The store closest to me is the: CHANDLER FASHION SQUARE, Chandler, AZ. The Sleep Number bed would help my husband and I a ton! He has trouble keeping a certain firmness (he prefers harder). I’m currently pregnant (!!!) and need something semi-soft. We currently own an old mattress (7+ years old). We just don’t have the funds right now to buy a new one (although we really need it) especially with babies (yes…we’re having twins!) on the way.


Westfield, Citrus Park
For some reason we always end up with a bulge going down the middle of our mattress. We have gone high quality and low quality and it still happens. Would be nice to not have a hill dividing the bed in half.


Closest store is in Crossgates Mall in Albany, NY. Our mattress is old and my husband and I like different firmness. Would love the option to choose according to our preferences!


Cambridge, MA
I always get so overheated when I sleep!


My closest store is in Santa Barbara, Ca! I’d love to win, my husband is like yours and ends up sleeping on the couch often because of our mattress and his back. I


Bellevue Square is the closest to me.

I’m a terrible sleeper and it’s only gotten worse since having my first baby. I want a magic unicorn bed that feels like cotton candy and makes me dream about Keanu Reeves and bunnies.


The closest Sleep Store is in the Emerald Square Mall in North Attleboro, MA. I have trouble sleeping sometimes because my dog weighs about 80 lbs and takes up half the bed, not leaving much space for myself or my boyfriend! We need a bigger bed and the full bed is just not cutting it!


Layton Hills Mall is closest to me. My third baby is definitely not sleeping through the night and I have my older kids to take care of so basically, naps don’t happen. If it’s nighttime and the older kids are sleeping, I need GOOD sleep in between the baby waking up to eat 2-3 times a night. Sometimes after he wakes up to eat it’s hard for me to settle down and get back to sleep because I start thinking about the next day and how tired I’ll be if I don’t get back to sleep RIGHT NOW. I’m also married to a marathon runner who gets up every morning to run, sometimes as early as 4:30. Sometimes I sleep through him getting up but sometimes I don’t. I would looooooove to try Sleep Number!


Hello! The closest store to me is in Olympia, WA, where I live, in our mall. I would so love a new mattress because mine hurts my back, too, and we can’t afford a new one right now. Ugh.

Have a great day! :)


My nearest store is College Station, TX. Having a new bed would be such a blessing to my husband and I because, as 2 full time college students, sleep is our best friend we rarely see because of our lumpy old bed.


EAST VANCOUVER – LACAMAS CROSSING is my closest store! I Loooove sleep but often wake up stiff and with a kinked neck. Also my partner tosses and turns and snores and every movement feels like an earthquake on my side. Help us sleep number; you’re our only hope! ?


Fayette Mall, Lexington KY is the closest one to me! My sleep issues are with my baby waking up at night haha! Love her sweet cuddles though!


Definitely entering! The closest store for us is in Henderson NV! (Dang St. George!) Both mine and Brett’s backs are killing us lately! He thinks he likes a soft mattress. But I think it contributes to both of our back issues!


My closest store is in North Scottsdale, about two hours away from me. I’d love to win because we are way overdue for a new mattress!


Layton Hill Mall, Layton UTAH. I would love a new mattress that would help me with my back pain. I swear I have new pains every morning, especially in my lower back. Thanks for the chance!!


Hey! The closet store to me is in South County (St. Louis area). This is an awesome giveaway and I would love to win (just like everyone else). We are just like you and Andrew (I prefer softer and he prefers firmer) right now we have my old mattress and it kills his back. This would be great so we can both win and still have a comfy place for the dog to sleep too! We’re both cyclists and definitely could benefit from getting better sleep/rest.

Thanks for the opportunity :-)


Hello! we live close to the Edina or Mall of America Store :) I have been waking up being with a sore neck and my husband complains of his back being sore !


The closest store to me is at Stoneridge Mall in Pleasanton, CA. Our bed is way too soft and we’ve been on the search for a better option. I’d love to win!


A sleep number bed would be amaaaaazing! My husband and I just started doing Crossfit, and I think we could both use a little more back support at night with all our sore muscles, plus our mattress is 8 years old! Our closest store is in Dedham, MA.


Looks like the closest store for me is in Santa Maria and only 30 miles away, score! Sleep is so, so important to me. If I don’t sleep well I basically can’t handle life and the littlest thing will make me cry. I take sleep very seriously and plan my workouts around when I can get the best/most sleep.


The Layton Hills Mall store is closest to me! My sleep issues consist of me having fibromyalgia and being pregnant. I wake up often uncomfortable and in pain. This mattress sounds perfect!


My closest store is in Cherry Hill, NJ (I’m in Philadelphia). I have been in the market for a new mattress, and would absolutely love to try Sleep Number. As I get older, my back (and hips) have been bothering me more – especially when I lay on a certain side while I sleep. A new mattress would be great!!


My nearest store is Buckhead-Lenox Rd, and I think my current biggest sleep issue is that I have not gotten a new mattress since high school…and I am about to turn 30!


The closest store to me is at Southpoint Mall in Durham, NC. I would love to win because my current bed is giving me neck issues! I’m also getting married soon and my future hubby and I do not have a bed yet!


South County- Lindbergh Blvd is the closest store to me. It would be so lovely to win and actually get a good night’s sleep ?


Hello! I would love this mistress as my boyfriend & I have really been in need of a new one but have been on a tight budget since having our daughter <3. A new one, even much simpler than this, would be great. The closest store to me is at the Stoneridge Mall in Pleasanton, CA. Thank you for the opportunity!


Closest store is in Crossgates, Albany NY! I have been having some lower back discomfort while sleeping. Our mattress is nearly 10 years old and you can see the spots where my husband and I lay on each side!


My closest store is right here in my town: Johnson City Roan St. – TN. I have trouble with my lower back and it definitely affects my sleep.


The Anchorage, Alaska store is closest for me! My husband and I would LOVE a new mattress. We had to leave our nice one in Illinois when we moved, and since then we’ve been using one that is too small and not very comfortable.


Hopefully my sleep issues will dissipate once the baby is born, but pregnancy has been rough. My fiancé and I both snore. Whomever is lucky enough to fall asleep first gets the best sleep ;) We were hoping for a new mattress, but with the baby it is not our #1 priority :(
Our closest store is in the Fountains at Farah in El Paso…which also houses a lot of great places to eat!


Cambridge, MA

I have had trouble sleeping my entire life. I remember being a little kid and and lying in bed staring at the clock for hours. Lately, as I get older I’m getting up most nights to use the bathroom. I also wake up when my boyfriend gets up, and I have so much trouble getting back to sleep.


The Murray, UT store is closest to me! It would be so nice to be able to adjust to how I’m feeling from one day to the next, instead of stuck with just one mattress forever!


Layton Hills Mall is the closest store, and a new mattress would be amazing! We’ve had the same one since we got married 13 years ago, and 6 kids later… ya it’s time.


Shoppes at Webb gin in lawrenceville, ga. I have mild sleep apnea so sleep is always a challenge


My closest store is in Cambridge, MA! My sleep quality would probably improve if my mattress wasn’t over 10 years old (with deep indentations on each side).


My closest store is northridge-porter Ranch CA. My biggest sleep issue is not getting enough.


We are closest to the Murray Utah store. I would love a new mattress not so much for me but for my husband who tosses and turns all night. He only gets a few hours of sleep a night and never wakes up feeling refreshed. A new mattress may do wonders for him.


The closest store to me is Springfield, MO. My husband and I both struggle to get a good night’s sleep. Our mattress is old, and we both wake up with our backs hurting. And we aren’t old, hah, so we shouldn’t be having back issues! We have two young kids who are in involved in way too many activities, and I teach all day so sleep is super important. I know it is getting to the point of effecting my day to day life, so that is why I would love to win!


The nearest sleep number to us is in the Natick Mall. I would love to win since my husband and I wake up most mornings with some type of ache/pain because our current mattress is so old. It’s not in the budget for us to upgrade right now :(


The nearest store is in Henderson , NV. I have lower back pain so a mattress with more support would be great!! My husband has back issues also so we would love to have one that is adjustable to both of our needs!!! My husband is an Automotive Tech so he has a lot of aches and pains from bending, lifting and twisting every day. We would be so excited to win!!!


My closest store is orem. My current sleep inhibitor is a sweet 12 month old that still wakes up twice a night. I’ve also had back problems that make my sciatic nerve hurt. parents have had a sleep number for over 15 years and still love it. This would be amazing to win!


Closest store: Bellingham, wa. I’m dealing with the same thing after getting married! neither of us sleep well, my hubs flops around like a fish out of water and I wake up with a sore neck and back! However we are way too cheap to buy a new mattress and have other more important expenses…although maybe a mattress is super important. Both of us are currently working overtime and training hard for summer races, something has gotta give and we need more sleep! HELPPPP! :D


I am closest to North East Mall location in Hurst, TX. I am a light sleeper, so any movement or snoring by my husband or the dogs wakes me. I know a new mattress would help the situation!


Albany, NY. I have trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. I would love a new mattress since I need a new one anyway and it would be nice to be able to adjust the settings.


The nearest one to me is at Stoneridge Mall. My mattress is 10+ years old and now sinks in the middle. Not ideal for two people.


Closest to the orem sleep number

My husband wakes up every night and has to take a bath because his back hurts so bad. He’s wanted a sleep number for so many years


The closest Sleep Number store to me is at Mid Rivers Mall. I’ve heard amazing things about these mattresses and would love to have one!


I am closest to Garden State Plaza. I recently started working night shifts, and typically work 3 nights on, 4 nights off. Cycling back and forth between day/night schedule is definitely something I am trying to get used to. A new mattress would be amazing to come home to! :)


Lake Crabtree!

Ugh! All the problems! Currently sleeping on a mattress from that I shouod have traded in probably about 10 years ago! ?


My closest store is Asheville, NC. I would love to win because like you guys, we are blending families and when all the kids (4 of them!) end up on our bed, we could really use some extra space! Plus our mattress is getting old so when it’s just the two of us it’s not the most comfortable.


What an amazing giveaway!!! We are closest to the Cherry Creek store in Denver. Lately I’ve been having a really hard time falling to sleep – it’s like I can’t shut my mind down or something! Maybe I need a new mattress :)


West Towne Mall Store in Madison, WI is super close to my house and the closest store. I’m a bad sleeper. I have issues falling asleep and staying asleep. I also have to switch time zones a lot due to work travel and occasionally take red eye flights so I think I just lack consistency. I would LOVE a new queen size mattress. Sounds amazing, what an awesome giveaway!


The University Parkway store in Utah is the closest to me. Where do I begin. I’m guessing that sleeping on the same mattress for the last 20 years has not been the best for my back. But our biggest thing is how to pick out a mattress that my husband likes and I like. So by default we just haven’t gotten one. I’m in the recovery mode of a very major surgurey so I know how important rest is. I’m just not getting it with my current mattress. Help!!!!


There is one 1 mile from my house at Chico crossroads! My biggest sleep issue is an almost 9 month old who is still a terrible sleeper…I am so tired, help me!!


Closest store is Katy Grand Crossing in Katy, TX. My husband and I currently sleep in different beds because we can’t agree on what is comfortable. I would love to have one bed we can adjust to each preference and be able to sleep together!


My nearest store is the Stone Creek Center store. I have been having serious sleep issues since having shoulder surgery last year. Most nights I toss and turn trying to get comfortable.


Sleep Number Jackson in Jackson, TN

My bed hurts my husband’s back so badly that he can hardly walk some morning. He needs a firmer mattress!


Our closest store is in Burnsville – a quick 20 minute drive from our home!
My husband has horrible lower back pain do to labor intensive work and I have just genuine discomfort from a mattress that isn’t quite right for us!

What a fun giveaway!

Really this would be fun to win because it’s SNOWING today where I am, I need a little sunshine ;) aka a new mattress!


Park Meadows Town Center is only a few minutes from my house. I’ve visited the Sleep Number store before, but just haven’t been able to spend the money! Can you believe that I’ve never had a “new” mattress!?!?! Every mattress I’ve ever owned was previously owned by someone else in my family! I would love a mattress that was meant for ME!


Looks like they just recently opened a store in Anchorage. I am currently 38 weeks pregnant and exhausted! Our mattress is old and we thought we would upgrade when we got pregnant but with all the baby costs it didn’t happen!


The Tuscaloosa, Alabama store is closest to me! I’ve been having sleep issues bc I’m 13 weeks pregnant and I’m already tossing and turning all night long! Help! ?


My closet store would be Marysville but I since I live on an Island I would go to the Alderwood store instead. My biggest sleep issue is anxiety and stress keeping me up.


Wow, the Kenwood Towne Center Store is just down the street from me! My mattress is about 14 years old, definitely time to get a new one! I’ve been seriously considering a sleep number bed, but haven’t decided just yet.
A free mattress would be amazing & totally help with a better night’s sleep!


I was really excited to see a brand new sleep number store just opened in our area –
Sleep Number-AllenPark MI!

My main sleep issue these days is that I cannot get a full nights sleep due to joint pain. I toss and turn all night. My shoulders hurt, my hips hurt …..so frustrating.


Sleep Number North Little Rock is my closest sleep number store. My husband has been experiencing terrible hip pain and I believe a new bed would really improve his joint pain and make us feel more rested each day!


Capital City Mall, Camp Hill PA
I would love this b/c my husband and I like our mattresses VERY different!!!


Pentagon City! I often feel sore in the morning and really tight. I am very active, but this soreness is not from working out. After I am awake and moving around for about an hour I feel much better!


Norman, OK. Just time for a new mattress


I’d love to swing by the Tarentum store to figure out how to solve our competing firm/soft sleep preferences. We’ve been unhappy with our memory foam mattress, so it would be incredible to get an amazing upgrade like this!


The nearest store is like 5 mins away – Lafayette, LA! I just turned the big 3-0 and I’ve NEVER gotten to choose my own mattress. I’ve slept on ones my parents chose for me or hand-me-downs for my whole life! Also, I’ve noticed back tightness issues in the morning recently and have been thinking of getting a new mattress, but it’s SO overwhelming. This makes the choice easy since you can try a different firmness every night. It’s a win-win-win! :)


MY Story is Sleep Number Duluth. My husband snores and has restless leg. Some nights he sleeps well, other nights not so much. I’d love a sleep number bed to give him more consistent good nights sleep. <3


The Shops at Webb Gin are closest to me in GA. My husband has had 3 back surgeries due to a slipped disc so he requires a very firm mattress. Me on the other hand would prefer a softer one, which means sleeping on top of a plush comforter sometimes. This is an unbelievable give away!!


My closest sleep number store is West Omaha at 180th and West Center Road. I cannot even imagine having a bed like that! My husband and I are both in our 50’s and with age comes more joint problems….it would be sooo amazing to sleep on something like that! Plus, we have never been able to afford an expensive mattress, so this would be like a dream come true!


There is a store 2 miles away at BELLEVUE SQUARE! I have issues staying asleep. This mattress would keep me asleep! Great giveaway


The nearest store is actually in my town at the Geneva Commons! I’m pregnant right now so despot how tired I am, I just can NOT get comfortable at night-so frustrating!


My nearest store is Southpark Center in Strongsville. I don’t know that I’m having issues with sleep, but both my husband and I just wake up some days feeling like we could have slept better. Also, we’ve had our mattress for 13 years and it was a guest bed in my parents’ house for a lot of years before that, so it’s probably just time for a new one.


Valley Plaza Mall. I think I accidentally slept on my wrist/hand because it has been so sore and I can’t think of anything else that I did! Weird. I don’t think I’ve ever had a really great mattress, I’ve just learned to sleep on eh ones.


There is a store located in Gainesville, FL where I live, I actually drive by it on my way to work every morning. My husband and I have totally different ideas of what constitutes a comfortable mattress, I need extra firm support and he wants to sink into the bed. We would love a new mattress to address these issues.


There is a store 15 miles from me, in Harker Heights, TX! I cannot sleep on my back without pain, so this mattress seems like a great fit! I’m sure my husband and I would require 2 different settings, we typically don’t agree on everything :)


My closest store is in Florence, Kentucky. My sleep issues are related to my lumpy old mattress, so this would be a game-changer for me!


My nearest store is Pentagon City! Lately I’ve been feeling like I haven’t been in as deep a sleep as usual. Maybe a new mattress would help :)


The closest store is in Brentwood, Missouri. I am pretty sure our mattress is almost 15 years old :( My husband is always complaining about his back hurting and now I am waking up with a sore back (I think it’s because I sleep on my stomach) and I have a difficult time with my hips, especially after super long runs. A new bed would be lovely. I don’t know why we don’t just get one, but maybe it was because I was meant to win this! Lol!


ARROWHEAD TOWNE CENTER STORE Is closest to me. My husband and I currently have to sleep in separate rooms, something that breaks our hearts. He snores loudly and we both end up awake the whole night. I also have a history of 2 injuries to my neck. It can be very hard to sleep in such a way that my pain and discomfort is not exacerbated. To be able to sleep with my husband again and not suffer from weeklong headaches related to neck issues would be a true blessing!


My nearest store is the Freehold, NJ store. I’ve been going to the chiropractor and physical therapist for months resolving neck, back and shoulder issues. Both specialists say my mattress is probably to blame, so this would be a dream (sleep?) come true!


The Valley West store and the West Des Moines – Mills Civic are both 3 miles from my house! How lucky am I? We have needed a new mattress basically since we bought our mattress. We thought we were buying a good brand, quality mattress but we literally have a hill in the middle of our mattress and valleys on either side. My husband wakes up every morning hurting and complaining about his neck, his headache, his back, etc. and we are convinced it is the mattress and it’s lack of support. So we could definitely use a new mattress!


My closest location is Pittsburgh-Ross Twp and my sleep issues come from having scoliosis. Wake up all night long with lower back and hip pain!


Our closest store is Fashion Fair Mall in Fresno. My hubby and I have been talking about getting a new mattress and this is the direction I’m leaning. My parents have one and they love it. My hubby winds up on the couch most nights because he says it doesn’t hurt his back so much. Getting ready to celebrate 15 years on June 1 and this would be an awesome way to start that 16th year!


The South Hills Village store is closest to me – I’d LOVE to upgrade my bed and get better sleep before I teach 5:30 spin classes!


There’s a Sleep Number store down the highway from me at the Summit Sierra Mall in Reno, NV. We always have guests staying in our spare bedroom (the only room with a queen) and hear complaints of how horribly hard the mattress is. Ooops! When you’re not sleeping on it on the daily you don’t realize it. Luckily, people still come back to stay. Wouldn’t they be surprised if there was a Sleep Number in there!


The Redondo Beach store at the South Bay Galleria (90275). I am now 37 weeks pregnant but my growing baby boy is already measuring 8.5lbs! Our current mattress is not nearly supportive enough and sleep has been less than ideal, especially in this last trimester. And, I will definitely need a good mattress for the few hours of sleep I’ll be getting when the baby arrives!


The closest store is Buckhead Georgia.

My fiance and I just bought a house and are moving in 2 months together!! We are actively saving for a new bed since both our current mattresses are 15+ years old. We would be SO FORTUNATE to win this giveaway and start this new journey together! Thank you for the offer =)


The Valley Fair Mall is the store closest to me. Our current mattress is a compromise — my husband likes a firmer mattress (for his back) and I prefer a softer mattress. It sure would be nice to have one mattress that met both of our needs!! :-)


The closest store to me is at Fashion Fair Mall in Fresno, CA. I’ve loved my foam mattress since getting it 10 years ago, but I think it might be time for a change – I’ve been having a fair amount of back pain the last 6 months, and it always gets flared up from lying in bed.


Opry Mills in Nashville!

Just like you, I find myself tossing and turning in bed if I don’t have the right “feel” for the mattress. Between that and a dog that takes up way too much room, I would love to have a sleep number bed to help you overall health and happiness!

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