15 Pictures from Sunday and Training Last Week!

1.  Another Sunday in the books!

2.  The day started off like normal with our waffle tradition.  We all know it is rough opening our eyes in the morning even if we have a waffle in front of us.

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3.  I will never dare ask who Brooke’s favorite family member because I think I already know the answer:

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4.  We had church and I stayed after for awhile working with the youth!  Andrew sent me this picture of Brooke—> Eye on the prize.

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5.  Sunday nap and Beretta makes sure that she is included.

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6.  For dinner my sister invited us over for a bday dinner!! One of her little ones turned 2 this last Monday so we went over to celebrate.

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7.  Homemade pizza was on the menu!  So my brother-in-law’s brother (below) buys his pizza dough from Sam’s Club (at the front part where you buy the hot dogs etc).  You can buy 24 balls of pizza dough for like $18 and it was such good dough.  We are going to be making room in our freezer for this dough so that we can make pizza at home once a week.


8.  I think we can all agree on this important statement… bbq chicken pizza is the best type of pizza.


9.  After dinner we played air hockey for a bit and my niece is showing off her tough look.

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10.  And then it was upstairs for presents and talking.  My mom and dad came to the party… my dad’s first outing in over three weeks and he did really well.


11.  The birthday boy sure knew whose party it was.


12.  My sister also got her gift from my mom… she bought her some of these gift cards for sling so that my sister can watch HGTV as much as she wants.  My sister is SO good at decorating/renovations etc and HGTV is her thing.  Anyone else use sling?  Seems pretty cool.

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13.  We got him a little cell phone and I think he liked it (until the basketball hoop came out at least haha).


14.  Brownies for dessert (thanks mom for barely cooking them, they were delicious).

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15.  And I am wondering if our kids will ever readjust to Utah time again because bedtime has turned into quite the ordeal ever since we got home from our trip.

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Training last week for my next half marathon!

First two runs in Hawaii and last four runs in Utah!

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Gotta love the random rain storms there throughout each run… also, not sure where that hair is coming from on my nose.

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Monday:  8 miles @ 8:42 average pace

Tuesday:  6.2 miles @ 8:15 pace (which felt like speed work due to the fact I was running in 400% humidity.. I never exaggerate;)

Wednesday:  9 miles of running on snow @ 8:12 average pace.

Thursday:  10 miles total.  1 mile w/u, 8 miles progression (starting at marathon pace and bumping down 10 seconds each mile… I started with a 7:30 mile and ended with a 6:20 mile and I did take one 45 second break towards the end) and 1 mile cool-down.

Friday: 5 miles @ 8:28 average pace (and I think it turned me into a popsicle)

Saturday:  12 miles @ 7:45 average pace.  For the last few miles I included 100 seconds at 5k pace (6:15) followed by 4 minute at my normal pace and repeated that 5 times.

Sunday:  Off!

50.2 miles for the week!  Fun to bump back my mileage to my happy place again!

As I was looking over my workouts for next week… this one is going to hurt just a little bit.  Anyone want to come join me?  Please.

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Beyond fun fact for us—>  Andrew and I are super excited to partner with Sleep Number to get a new mattress!  I mentioned to you a few months ago about how bad my mattress has affected Andrew’s back… some nights I wake up to find him sleeping on the ground because his back hurts so bad.  We cannot wait to have a mattress that helps us to both get a good night sleep each night (and for zero back problems)!


What was the highlight of your weekend?

Anyone else agree that bbq chicken is the best type of pizza (pineapple and pepperoni come in a close second for us)?!

Parents reading:  What time do you put your kids to bed and how long does the whole bedtime process take?

-We aim for 8 pm but this last week it has felt like the bedtime routine and them actually getting to sleep takes about 90 minutes.

For speed work… what do you do for your recovery portions?  Walk… jog… stop? Do any speed work last week? 

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Hi! I’ve been reading your blog for a few years and your family is so great. I have never heard of Sling before. We haven’t had cable in about 5-6 years and I’m excited to get this because I miss HGTV too!


AHHH yes, try it out and let me know what you think! HGTV is the absolute best!!!


We cut the cable cord over the summer and switched to Sling TV. We love it!!


I’m not a fan of marinara sauce (especially on bread), so BBQ chicken pizza is definitely one of my faves. The one y’all had looks absolutely delicious!

I usually do a jog recovery between speed work intervals. My speed work hasn’t exactly been up to par or consistent lately, but hopefully I can get healthy so that can change.


Highlight of the weekend was actually having a Saturday off work to just workout and hangout:) I aim for in bed by 9 for my 6 year old. I can get her too bed but actually sleeping is another story.


I love playing air hockey! I used to love bbq chicken pizza when I ate chicken. actually, my favorite combo before going meatless several years was pepperoni mushroom!


I have a confession to make – I’m not a massive fan of BBQ sauce, I find it quite spicy! My favourite pizza is vegetarian with added chicken! It always gets a few laughs but it is amazing!

I didn’t do any speed work last week but I’ve got a 40 minute Fartlek session this week which I’m strangely looking forward to – I quite like pushing myself to see how fast I can go :)

The highlight of the weekend was making a monster burger with my partner – he decided that instead of making 4 small burgers, we would make one big one and it was amazing!


Our new baby dog has officially joined the family on Saturday! Pretty exciting to have this little furry ball around ;-) I do have a little boy who thinks sleep is way overrated! He started first grade this year and although we’ve been trying since September to put him to bed around 8h30, he very rarely sleeps before 9h45 or 10pm. Exhausting for parents! Positive : I heard on the news last week that not wanting to go to bed could be an indicator that a kid is brilliant ;-)


AHHHHH MEL!!! You got your puppy:) This makes me so so happy! Well, I sure hope that is the truth because we’ve got two brilliant kiddos then:) I hope you are having an amazing day with your new little puppy!


Highlight of the weekend was celebrating my boyfriend’s birthday! Our parents got to hangout with each other which is a pretty big deal since my parents live in Colorado and his live in Boston! It’s the first time they’ve all been together in the 3 years we’ve been dating!

YES to BBQ chicken pizza. I also love Buffalo chicken pizza!

For my speed workout breaks, it just depends on what I’m doing and where I’m doing it. Last week I did mile repeats on the treadmill (they’re my favorite!) and I just stopped for 60 seconds between each and did high knees to keep from tightening. Mostly I did this because otherwise I have to do basic math on the treadmill, which just doesn’t work when I’m running my heart out. If I do them on the track, I usually do a short jog between them.

I’m so happy to hear your dad is feeling better and better! Your family get together looks just perfect!


I agree about the BBQ pizza :) I often think about BBQ pizza during a long run :D

That’s so funny that the kids go to bed at 8pm because lately I have been falling asleep at 8pm! LOL I changed my hours at work so I could avoid traffic but now I have to wake up at 5am. Honestly by 8-8:30 I am falling asleep on the couch!


I’m lucky that I live so close to Philly/New York so that I’m able to try so many different types of pizza. I would say my favorite pizza is pineapple but supreme is a close second.

It looks like you had a productive week of training Janae.


Recovery for speedwork is usually a jog, but there are times I need like, 20-50 seconds to gather myself in a complete stop, even on easy runs. Sometimes this happens ALOT (something I need to work on) but other times I remember I basically get the same physiological benefit as continual running (https://runnersconnect.net/running-tips/stopping-during-run/) and there is no use beating myself up.
Your training is going so well, you are really killing it out there! Here in Chicago the humidity gets pretty outrageous in the summer, so nice job taking it like a champ!
Also, the boy and I eat bbq chicken pizza like it is our full-time occupation, so we are totally on board with your life decisions.


Andrew- I feel your pain. I prefer sleeping on our floor to the mattress as well. Chris finds me on the floor about 4-7 mornings.

We take Hope back to her room to start the get ready for bed process at 7:15. She is sleeping before 7:45. Her routine has always only included one book from me, and one book from Chris after the whole jammy/ teeth thing. Maybe that helps the speed. My patience at this time of night is thin, so I secretly never mind when she picks the shortest book as my read too. :)


I just got back from s ski/snowshoe weekend in Vermont. Highlight though might be the spiced apple waffles served at our bed and breakfast. Mmmmm!


That pizza dough looks great! I’ll have to look for it next time I’m at Sam’s. I love making homemade pizza :)

Usually for speed work I jog for my recovery, even if it’s really slow. My legs build up too much lactic acid if I stop or even walk, so if I do that I won’t get going again! Just keeping moving works the best for me! Last week I had 3 speed-ish workouts for marathon training- one hill workout, one medium long run with half marathon pace in the middle, then one long run with marathon pace for 5/8 miles.


Didn’t you just get a new mattress less than a year ago? I only ask because I am shopping for a new mattress now and have been considering a Leesa/Casper/Tuft and Needle option but if you’re replacing it after less than a year maybe not. I have LOVED the mattress I have for over 10 years but it has such a big divot in the middle these days it is time to replace! Curious to hear how the Sleep Number is and how it compares to a more standard pillow-top mattress.


Hey Karen!!! Yeah, I got it about a year ago and I am getting a new one because of Andrew’s back… he ends up on the ground sometimes to sleep because it hurts him so bad. I will try it out for about a month and write a full review with all of the differences we notice etc. Keep me updated with how you are doing on your mattress hunt!


Glad you are able to get a sleep number, does that mean the Leesa didn’t last very long?


Hey Lew! The Leesa is still lasting great and will go in my guest room… I got it before I met Andrew and while it didn’t hurt my back, it sure hurts Andrew’s back so we are looking for a new mattress to help him! Excited to write a review about the differences etc that we notice after using it for a month! Thank you and have an awesome day!


Interested to hear a comparison between the Leesa and Sleep Number as well! I’m planning on buying a new mattress within the next couple months. I have never considered a Sleep Number but was interested in a Leesa.

Thanks, Janae! =))


Awesome Katelyn!!! We are going to try it out for about a month before we write the review and I am hoping that Andrew’s back is doing much better! I will give you all the details:) Good luck!


Highlight of the weekend… ehh I got sick this weekend so I can’t really think of one :/ Boo

I love BBQ pizza… Pepperoni, pineapple and onion is also amazing

For recovery portions I like to keep running/jogging if possible. Doesn’t matter how slow the jog, just keep the legs turning over.


I like BBQ Chicken Pizza but I think the classical Italian flavors in pizza are my favorites.

My highlight of the weekend was accomplishing my first week of training for my new 10-miler training plan. Also, I went to the Miami Marathon Expo on Saturday. Running vibes are always the best!

I take walking breaks for recovery during speed work. I didn’t do any this last week but I’m looking forward for my training plan to call for one:)


My parents and I both had Sling after canceling our cable accounts, but both ended up canceling Sling, as well. The price is great, but the service is sketchy at best. It’s fine at off-peak times (first thing in the morning), but if we tried to watch it at night or on the weekends, it would freeze and repeat and we were constantly having to stop and restart the app. It wasn’t our internet (Netflix was fine), it was Sling. Most of the time, we ended up giving up on whatever we were watching and eventually cancelled altogether.

But on a happier note, I ordered my new treadmill yesterday! I am so excited and expect many happy miles together :)


Highlight of my weekend was going downtown Toronto to visit little shops and vendors! I never do that for myself because I’m so busy and because transportation costs 2 dollars wherever you go, but I found a day pass on the ground and so I abused the SH*T outta that that day! Haha!


Speedwork? Recovery is stopping, panting, slowly walking, and then getting back up to a jog :) You are getting some big weekly mileage again. That’s awesome!
We don’t use Sling, but have friends that do. We switched to Dish Network a few years ago. I love all of the technology it has. Not sure how I lived without my DVR before!!


BBQ chicken pizza is ok but not my favorite. Artichokes, black olives, and onions or meatball, ricotta and onion are my favorites. And pineapple has no place on my pizza. (especially if there’s red sauce).

We had a busy weekend. We went out on Friday to celebrate my mother-in-law’s birthday and yesterday was our wedding anniversary. We went to brunch and then that night we went to see John Cleese speak after a screening of The Holy Grail (my husband LOVES that movie so I agreed to go). John Cleese was very funny so I enjoyed his interview.


BBQ chicken pizza is my fave too. We have recently started drizzling honey on it. Whole Other Level!


Okay, that sounds AMAZING!!! I must try that asap… thank you Amanda! I hope you are having a fabulous day!


For speed work, the recovery depends on the workout and where I’m at in my training :) My coach, the awesome Mary Johnson of McKirdy Trained, has been giving me more jogging recoveries lately. On Saturday I had 2 miles up, then 5 x 1 mile at threshold with .5 mile jog recoveries, and 2 miles down.

Looking ahead at MY week, I have a doozie Thursday. 2 Up, 1 x2 miles at 7:20 3 mile rest, 1 x 5 min. @ 6:45, 3 min rest, then repeat BOTH of those segments, and 2 cool down. Yowza. I’ll have to do it after work, so I’d better fuel up good that day! lol

Fav pizza–Margherita! A local restaurant makes one with crab/proscuitto/Old Bay that has been my jam lately though :)


Ugh I do not like bbq chicken pizza, but my husband loves it! I like BBQ chicken, I just don’t think it should be combined with pizza. :) My favorite is vegetarian pizza, or sometimes vegetarian with sausage. Yum. For intervals, I’ll usually walk half of the recovery portion and then jog the other half. I do either intervals or hill repeats once a week (during training at least), which I really enjoy. It is my birthday today and we spent the weekend at my parents house: we had several delicious homemade meals, ice cream cake, and hiking/exploring. Great weekend. :)


BBQ chicken is THE best. Hands down. Followed closely by Thai peanut chicken pizza. If you have never had it, then we should have family get together again and I will make it for you guys cause it is delicious.

I miss Sunday naps. They are a thing of the past now that we have 1pm church. Death to 1pm church.

Yay for an awesome running week for you and also for you dad getting out of the house and being with your family. That makes me happy. Hopefully he will continue to do better each week.


When my boys were younger I usually started bedtime around 730 and it was lights out at 8. Now it’s to bed at 8. Sometimes they’ll want to talk for a bit but I usually leave them by 815. My youngest is out quickly but my oldest takes a little longer to fall asleep. Last night I got home at 10 and he came out of his room. ?? they are 9 and 7


Sausage and black olive pizza for me! Highlight of our weekend was buying a new mattress (must be that time!) – we went with Original Mattress Factory. Also I have a 1 & 3.5 year old. 1 year old is asleep by 7 and 3.5 year old is asleep by 8/830. We do bath at 6:15 (1 bath for the two of them) and read with the older one for a little bit; she gets a flashlight (best stocking stuffer ever) until 8 and I’ll put it away if she hasn’t already.


So you switched your sponsorship and hate the Leesa mattress? Or did you just get a better deal from Sleep Number.


Wasn’t that the bed company that delivers because it’s too “embarrassing” or whatever to get a mattress. haha


Hahah nope! I wasn’t married at the time that I got that mattress and it has worked great for me but Andrew does not like it and it hurts his back. Excited to see if his back does better with this mattress and we will keep the other one for our guest room! Thanks girls and have a great day!


How does Leesa feel about this? DId they revoke your sponsorship?


Highlight of the weekend was probably our friend’s dinner on Saturday. I love that our hubbys and kiddos get along!

My absolute fav pizza is bbq chicken with pineapple and japapeno!

I have a 9, 11, and almost 13 year old and this sounds crazy, but we start bedtime at 7 and then they get to read in their rooms until 8. They have to get up super early (5:45) as do we, so we love early bedtime because they are less grouchy and we get some much needed adult only time.

Typically I jog in between speed repeats. However, last week I did 30 sec repeats on the treadmill at 9mph @ a 9 incline and then I walked 30 sec in between.


That pizza looks AMAZING. Your sis and her husband have mad cooking skills! And your nephew could not be cuter, hard to believe he’s already 2!

And so great that your Dad got out to celebrate with everyone! Hope he continues to feel better.


I like to walk in between intervals. I figure if I’m doing it hard enough, I should need to catch my breath in between… and for me, just jogging alone doesn’t help me recoup enough.


I have 9 and 6 year old girls and bedtime is 7:30. Once a week the oldest has choir so on that night it is later. Basically that is in the bedroom time. My 9 year old is an avid reader and reads for at least an hour. We have a book light on a timer but I know she sometimes resets the timer! For my 6 year old she is allowed to play in bed and then she turns out her lights but 90% of the time she chooses to just have us turn off the lights because she is so tired. She gets up at 6:30 no matter when she goes to bed! We value bedtime at our house and honestly I think the 7:30 time will continue for awhile. We might allow my oldest more flexibility but we will likely say your in your room at that time. Prior to she 4, my oldest often popped out of bed and my youngest was a nightmare putting her to bed. My girls did not sleep through the night until age 2, they owe us!!!


I am dragging today! My girls went to the WinterJam concert last night. They didn’t get home until midnight which means I didn’t get to sleep until after midnight. I need a nap!

Highlight of my weekend was a trail run yesterday. My first of the year!!!

My girls are older now. High school daughter goes to be at 9:30 (that’s the rule. Will be 10:00 when she’s a senior). College daughter goes to be at 10:00 (on her own). When they were younger, it was 8:00. Baths at 7:30, reading right after. In bed with one stuffed animal and lights out at 8:00.


BBQ chicken pizza with pineapple and avocado! That is my favorite! Especially the stuff from California Pizza Kitchen!


I have never thought about adding avocado to the bbq chicken pizza. That sounds heavenly:) I hope your Monday is an amazing one Loribeth and thanks again for your sweet gift!


You’re so welcome! And my Monday was fabulous…..got to meet the Kratt brothers (Kratts Creatures, Zooboomafoo, Wild Kratts) and they met our penguins!


Hi Janae!
So this Sunday was my birthday! My sister , my parents and my husband prepared a surprise (a cake, all of them singinging happy birthday and they also decorated the living room with balloons). It was so sweet.
After the cake we just spent time together talking, dancing and listening to 90’s music.
I loveee pizza and my favorite is tuna. Is that weird? I just really like tuna on everything.
Loved your photos. The love between the kids and Beretta is so sweet.
Have a great week.


HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY yesterday Patricia. A surprise party.. that is so sweet and that sounds like the perfect way to celebrate! Tuna on pizza… I need to try that!! Thank you and I hope your Monday is a great one:)


I think buying/obtaining a new mattress is really iffy because you never know if you’ll sleep well with it or not and yes…if you’re married it has to work for two people. It’s not a surprise to me that the Leesa worked GREAT for you but maybe not for Andrew. It happens and it should do well in your guest room. Guests love nice mattresses!

I will admit, my kids were in bed early. 7PM. But they had an hour to read/look at books/chat with each other quietly/basically wind down at the end of the night. They couldn’t get out of bed or play or be wild. It was quiet time. If they wanted to stay up then it was lights out…8pm.

I don’t enjoy barbecue. But now I want white sauce pizza with chicken and spinach…that sounds rather delicious right now.


You are SO right Tess:) Thank you so much! I think I need to try the 7 pm thing with the hour to read and wind down. Thank you and your pizza combo sounds amazing right now!


Pizza is basically it’s own food group for me…but I’ve gotta admit, bbq chicken or one with pineapple is way down on my list of choices! But that’s what’s great about pizza – there are so many combinations of toppings that anyone can be happy with pizza…or at least I think they should be! lol

For speed workouts I absolutely want either a walking or complete rest break…when my coach gives us a workout that has a jogging rest portion, my heart sinks…it’s gonna hurt bad. lol

Highlight of the weekend – was my boyfriend’s birthday and I was able to shock him with my birthday gift…it’s not everyday that you get to do that for someone special!!


Pepperoni pizza only! I do not like the pineapple thing… pineapple is good alone and really in no other way

I never do speedwork.. haha! my only speedwork ever is if I’m very emotional and need to pound it out on the street. otherwise, I’m just a run-for-fun-er


Sounds like the BEST time to get in some speed. I find when I am super emotional a fast run makes me feel so much better! Send any of your pineapple pizza to me haha! Hope you are having a fabulous day Krista!


I walk in between my speed work. And yes, BBQ chicken pizza is awesome! that pizza looks so good!!

Hope you like the sleep number bed!


The best pizza is bell pepper (any color but especially red), bacon, and pineapple. Yum! I love cooked pineapple.
I put my preschooler to bed at 8:00 on school nights and 8:30 on the weekend if he isn’t showing signs of meltdown. My 10 and 12 year old’s go to bed at 8:30 on school nights and 10:30 on weekends.


So when did Curly get so grown up???


Can’t wait to hear about your mattress! My husband promises we can get a new one once we get our almost 6 month old out of our bed (help me!). Our poor bed has been peed and spit up on (just gonna leave it at those two) more times than I should probably share with the internet.


We replaced cable with Sling just over a year ago and have never looked back. We don’t watch a ton of TV, but love it. We mainly got it for HGTV, but (depending on the package), you get other tv stations and there is always something we like. They also have movies on demand, sports (if that’s what you like to watch), and regularly have channels for “preview.” (For the past 2 months, we’ve had 3 movie channels, which was great over Christmas.) Sometimes, (maybe once a month or once every 2 months?) the connection is iffy. Then I just restart the roku and all is good again.
Since it runs through Internet, you can’t have major downloads running on the same wireless network (say you can’t be downloading a big game) while watching – which is self-explanatory. So that’d definitely impact your streaming. Otherwise, it’s perfect!


Bedtime is the bane of my existence! My boys were such great sleepers as babies, but now that they’re toddler/preschooler age they just refuse to go to bed. They’ve been especially bad since we got back from NY in November, probably because they both shared a bed with me at my parent’s house. I woke up this morning at 4:30 and my 3 year old was awake and told me how he turned on the TV and watched Bubble Guppies all. night. long. I was up til past midnight trying to corral them at which point I passed out, and I really think they may have pulled an all nighter. For some reason they’ve decided they’re afraid of sleeping in their room so they always want to sleep in the loft, and the only way to keep them in their room is for me to literally sit in their doorway until they give up trying to escape (usually between 11 and 1 am :'( I’ve been giving in a lot lately for my own sanity because I’m generally up before 5 and the lack of sleep is really getting to me, but I wish I knew how to get bedtime back under control.


Oh no! Wasn’t it the Casper? My hubby and I were going to buy it soon but I would really rather try it first if it’s hurting his back!

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