Dinner at our house, eyebrows, 40 miles and a VLOG:)

Our best attempt for a Sunday Selfie…  it was just a little bright outside.

Yesterday was really nice because we left the house a total of one time.  Our Sunday tradition now includes making sweet potato fries and then cuddling up and watching a movie together.

This scene lasts just a few minutes:

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And then it quickly turns into this scene:

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We decided to have my parents over for dinner last night so we got busy preparing everything (okay, Andrew did most of it).

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Soup just feels right this time of year.  Andrew doubled this recipe for the chicken tortilla soup and we all loved it.  It will be a repeat recipe for us and we have enough leftovers for the next week.


The crew together at the table.  Andrew also made this salsa which was amazing and I made cornbread from a mix at Costco.  I worked hard.


Brooke is now in the stage where she will try pretty much everything.  It makes me very happy that she is so excited to try out new things and most of the times she really likes them.  It hasn’t always been like that but I’m loving this new stage.


As I’ve told you before… my dad is very allergic to eggs so Andrew made an eggless dessert for us.  He made this recipe but made his own whipped cream instead of using Cool Whip and it was also amazing.  Andrew has skills.


Just preparing ourselves now for the month of November and all of the pies surrounding Thanksgiving.


As soon as everything was cleared away Brooke immediately grabbed her homework (this is what she calls this big book of activities) and got to work.


Missing little Knox man over here (pic below from Saturday night)…. his Ghostbuster costume will be arriving today and I can’t wait.  Brooke requested to be Ariel so her red wig should make it here today too.

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I hit 40 miles (13 of those 40 with Andrew) last week which is my highest mileage since the marathon!  Many of those miles were on the dirt which I think makes the miles even easier on my body.   I have had a very different recovery for each marathon I have done.  Some I don’t run for 10 days after the marathon and some I don’t run for 4 days.  Some I am excited to get back to training again soon and some my brain wants nothing to do with a set running schedule again for months.  I’m just learning to not expect my body/brain to be one way or the other and to just play it by ear with how I am feeling after a marathon.  No training cycle or race is the same so the recovery definitely isn’t either.

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And we have a VLOG for you today:)  It’s another long one.. sorry about that.  We are talking about our goals right now, day in the life stuff, blending family (a hard part about it) and we need your ideas for San Francisco this weekend.  We are taking Brooke to see her dad and need some ideas of things to do there with Knox… usually I am kidless when I go there and need some ideas of fun stuff to do for him!


Oh and one last piece of information that you might not want to know but a few people have asked about.  Eyebrows.  I have now converted my sister over to doing this too so let’s see who else I can hook;)  I have had fake eyelashes for a few years now (I am not sure if I have any real ones left… kidding, kind of) but a few months ago had my girl start tinting my eyebrows at the same time.  (Remember how this is supposed to be a running blog?)  She just leaves the dye on there, wipes it off and waxes them and then trims them (I have a lot of eyebrows).  I do this every other month and eyelashes about once a month.

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Parents reading—>  What are your kids going to be for Halloween?

What was your favorite costume that you had for Halloween growing up?

What would you say your weekly average mileage is for running?  

Have any household goals that you are working on now?

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Talking about living together with my boyfriend and we both keep chickenkng out. We are worried about how it will change our relationship. Sigh. It makes sense from a financial standpoint. No sense paying 2 mortgages. But we both need our own space.


My favorite costume growing up was Princess Jasmine! I remember a lot of girls were Jasmine the year I was her, but my costume was THE BEST because my mom custom made it for me so that it would be a perfect replica! Ahh, I miss the days of picking out a Halloween costume. Since Adam and I don’t have any kids and there are no kids in our families either we generally skip right over Halloween — with the exception of obviously buying a bag of candy for ourselves haha :). I am sure Brooke will be an adorable Arial!


During a normal period of life I average anywhere from 50-60 miles per week. Now that I am 34 weeks pregnant I’m averaging only 25-30 miles per week. It’s a lot less, but it still is a lot of effort to get those miles in! Just happy for what I can get done!


Okay, girl talk question here for a sec- were you freaked out after getting your eyebrows tinted at first?! I am thinking about doing that because my eyebrows are pretty much blonde (without makeup) and my hair is really dark brown? I guess what I am asking is at first, does it turn out how just “doing” your eyebrows would look?!

Your’s look great, but I am worried about looking like the Lorax afterwards (because mine are naturally SO light and SO thin!)

Anyhoo, comfortable mileage is in the 50s, 60s when I am hitting it hard, and 40s when I am building back from injury/a race/ etc. Costume wise… Mia Ham! Those golden days… :)


I’m a mother to an adorable 2-year-old German Shepherd/Rott mix … This year, Eve will be dressing up as a lobster … And I’ll be a chef :)

Now that the marathon is over … Weekly average mileage will likely be in the 35-40 range. Will take it nice and easy over the next few months which I’m absolutely okay with!

Love the vlog and the eyebrows !


Y’all are seriously so adorable. And thank you (and Andrew) for the new recipes–I am definitely going to have to try them!!

My weekly mileage usually averages between 40-50 miles per week. It’s been kind of on the lower end lately, but I need to ramp it up a little since I have some key races coming up in the next few months.


I was in SF last summer, and it was fun. I walked across the Golden Gate Bridge and back. It might be too much for Knox though. I would suggest going to Muir Woods, about 30 minutes outside SF. It’s full of redwoods and gorgeous!


I loved wearing a poodle skirt for Halloween and remember being a ballerina and a cabbage patch kid! my son doesn’t dress up anymore, it’s kinda of sad!


I think my favorite costume as a kid was Raggedy Ann. I don’t remember a lot of other costumes, but I very vividly remember that one for some reason. I would say that on average I am between 50 and 60 miles per week. When I train for a marathon it is higher, but 50 to 60 is my happy place. My husband and I are going through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University right now, so budgeting and financial planning are at the forefront of our household goals.


My top 3 as a kid when my parents took me to San Fransisco … Alcatraz , the San Francisco zoo & exploratorium ! Also recently I took my 3 yr old son and got the most giggles out of riding a trolly down to Pier 39, there’s always lots going on there! My 3yr old will be spiderman and my 2 month old will be Frankenstein (a onesie from Target with a matching beenie that is green with bolts through the head ). My favorite costume as a kid was a cheerleader! I always wanted to be one but was always busy with soccer , track and cross country .


California Academy of Sciences is a really awesome place for kids! It’s also in Golden Gate Park where there is tons to do before and after.


I also think the CA Academy of Sciences is great for a kid. You can buy tickets in advance online and skip the line at the door. The cable car turntable where Powell and Market Street meet is pretty fascinating. Both are pretty cool for adults too. And ice cream at Ghiradelli is fun for all. :)

I do my eyebrows at home, I just use the same dye that I use for my hair. I don’t leave it on as long but I like not having to always do my brows.

I’m working on decluttering. It’s driving me nuts so I’m tackling sections to get it done.


Thank you Nina and Sarah! That is the place that we keep hearing about. We will definitely try go! Thanks Nina for the tips on how to beat the line.


Looks like the dinner you guys made for your parents was delicious. I’m right there with you about the soups this time of year.


Girl, you’re the freaking BEST!


And you have saved my face. Also, your costume on Saturday was legit. I started clapping when I saw the picture of you guys.


Ha ha yesssss! Just because you the struggle is real with me ??


It sounds like a good week for running. I’m looking forward to listening more in depth to your vlog. I always enjoy it because it feels like we are hanging out.


I had tears in my eyes when you both spoke about your children not being content with what you are doing.. although i do not have your experience but i understand you . It is not easy to always want to prove that you are a good loving parent. Even if the parents aren’t divorced and the children live 100%with both of them , we parents are put in this type of sotuation.
It is like you said , they are not doing it on purpose or to annoy you. But nevertheless it hurts and make you feel insecure.
Yes you are right when you said the more people who love my child the better.
I really enjoyed listening to your vlog.. but i think Andrew needs to sleep more??? he looke so tired.


YES YES YES… I completely agree that these feelings occur with every parent in every situation!!! Thanks Rana and yes… Andrew needs to sleep more!!!


I LOVE dinner with family. That is so sweet that Andrew made a dessert your dad can have! Our son is going to go as Mickey and the girl we babysit with be Minnie! We are trying to DIY it so we will see how it goes! haha I am not a creative person at all! Household goals are to eat out less and for me to focus on my son more and get work (medical biller/coder) done earlier so I can have more play time with him when he is awake!


You guys are such cuties! Thanks so much for your transparency and willingness to share the great things and the hard things!


My 3 year old was watching your Vlog with me and she points to Andrew and says he looks tired, lol :) Related to sleep I started using a weighted blanket after having baby #2 and never being able to fall asleep. Before having kids I had no sleep problems, now it can be a struggle. http://www.mosaicweightedblankets.com/benefits/


Yum that soup looks incredible. And like you guys, I’m obsessed with sweet potato fries.


Your eyebrows look great!


You guys are so cute. I love that you’re intentionally slowing down and am inspired to do that in our family. Is the author of the book you’re reading the same one who has the Hands Free Revolution blog? It sounds similar.
My hairdresser in CA colored my eyebrows a few times because they were just getting dull (because i”m getting older) and it made such a difference in how my entire face looked. Loved it!
My kids are going to be glow in the dark stick figures and they are so excited. My fave costume as a kid was a belly dancer.


I don’t have kiddos — but a group of my work mates and I are all going to be Doggies! Like a pack of puppies!

My favorite costume growing up was really just me wearing my dad’s old military stuff — He was an MP stationed in S. Korea (where he met and married my mom) and he had the whole outfit! A jacket with his name on it, a helmet, flashlight and utility belt – the works! Still love that costume… and it still fits!!

My average weekly mileage (as a total newbie) is anywhere from 20 – 40 depending on whether I’m training for a race or not. I’m hoping to minimize that a bit since I’m in between training cycles, but am super afraid I’ll lose running fitness. We’ll see…


My two year old will be a train conductor this year! I never had a favorite costume growing up but I will say 7 years ago I dressed up as Lady Gaga and even made my own disco stick…by far my favorite costume!!

Right now I’m about 20 miles a week. I actually have a half on 11/13 BUT just signed up for a half on 10/29 as well! I thought, instead of doing a 12 mile training run on 10/29 why not run an extra 1.1 miles and get a metal? Crazy? Insane? Maybe but I’m excited!

No goals being worked on right now but I’d love to have our main living area painted – its just so open that we can’t start without finishing and it may take a few days but who has that time with a toddler at home!?


My cat is going to wear a sombrero, but that’s as far as I’ve gotten with Halloween prep :)

I’ve gotten my eyebrows tinted before. It’s life changing for someone with super light brows. But it’s hard to find a place that can match my hair so they only put it on for a minute or two.


Knox would love House of Air Trampoline Park https://www.houseofair.com

It’s at Crissy Field at base of Golden Gate Bridge.

The Exploratorium is great fun too.


Okay, you had me at trampoline park. That will help us get some energy out and Knox would LOVE THAT!


Something fun to do which I don’t know if you’d get away with taking just one kid, but a couple hours from San Francisco in Monterey is the Monetery Bay Aqaurium. My kids love that place. Then Dennis the Menace Park is free and a couple blocks away. Then go eat at Phil’s Fish Marjet in Moss Landing.


Congrats on hitting 40 miles!

Can I join your Sunday tradition? I want to cuddle up with Brooke and some movies. We can watch zootopia (which is what i did!) together.


I agree with Muir Woods – also try Ft Funston Beach (dog friendly) and the point Bonita lighthouse. Great views of the Golden Gate Bridge!


My favorite costume growing up was when I was a chicken just popping out of an egg. My mom is amazing at sewing and she made the whole thing…………I was 3 or so, and all my siblings wore it over the years. I also had a pretty sweet black spider costume from a jazz dance recital that I wore for Halloween. And my brother was captain hook being 1/2 eaten by the crocodile, so my mom made the costume without a pattern and there was a 4 foot alligator that dragged the ground behind my brother! I also was a treasure troll one year! Ha!

My weekly miles are usually around 25, unless I am training, then they are somewhere between 30 and 50.


Haven’t watched the vlog yet, but I will! I always enjoy the vlogs that the two of you make. :) I was a robot one year, and I really loved that. Without a scheduled plan, my weekly mileage probably ends up between 15 and 20 miles. If I want to go higher than that, I have to actually write down my plan and make time in my calendar. :)


Hey Andrew and Janae–forgive me for skipping through the video to get to the blended family part! I wanted to hear what you had to say and I want you to know that it takes a great amount of vulnerability (and therefore STRENGTH) to be strong enough to be honest about how Knox asked to go to his mom’s house that time when you were camping. That kind of personal strength translates over to a pure selfless love for your child and so I know without a doubt that your two kids will never question their love and security found within your blended family. Some parents are so insecure that they’d never admit stuff like that, and they’d never let their kids even PHONE the other parent during “their time with their kids.” It shouldn’t be “our week” or “your week”—it should always be our kids’ week. You guys have a good thing going on. Keep it up, and keep inspiring people. XO


Andrew should try headspace to fall asleep. It’s a meditation app that I use and love it. Also, have you heard of the 4, 7, 8 breathing. It totally helps me relax and fall asleep. Breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds and breath out for 8 seconds. You focus on breathing and counting and it relaxes your body. Try it out! It works every time for me.


I’m going to check that out! Thanks for the suggestion!!!!


That breathing technique made a huge difference for me too! I’d say it works 90% of the time for me… I usually have to take about 8-10 breath and …I’m gone… ;-)


Hello! I enjoy reading your blog everyday but usually don’t comment. However I listened to your VLOG today and have to say that Alaska is AMAZING in the winter. I have lived here for 7 years and winter is my favorite time of year. We finally got snow last week and everyone is out on our huge trail system taking walks, snow biking, skiing and just loving winter. Our last few winters have been lower snow for us but its supposed to get better this year. We love it so much here, my husband and I drug our entire families up here a few years ago for a winter wedding! There are tons of moose, especially right now I see one almost everyday, and while they can be super aggressive, most of the time they don’t care much about you and you can sneak on by them.

You should defiantly come visit, it is such a fun place!


AHHH THANK YOU KAYSE!! That is awesome that you have lived in Alaska for the last 7 years. Thank you so much for your comment and now I really need to come…


Favorite costume was dressing up as a horseback rider and my dog was my horse, complete with saddle!

Loved the vlog, and dinner with your parent looked delicious! Whenever I have my parents over, my dad is always seated at the head of the table, just like your dad…i think it’s respectful…and I laughed when I saw his ‘thumbs up’ pic. :)


The exploratorium in San Francisco is my favorite museum, probably in the world. Definitely worth checking out with Knox!


Is it weird that I want Brooke’s dress in my size?


Your Vlogs are always so refreshing! Perfect for a monday :) I’m currently reading Present over Perfect & I want to flag every single page! So good! I also am learning to slow down… !


I fill in my eyebrows a bit when I go out, but I’m fascinated by this coloring you do!

I really dislike Halloween, but this is the first year in over 5 years that I’m actually dressing up and celebrating! The reason is that my friends and I (all in Chicago!) will be watching the World Series bc the Cubs made it FINALLY! I’m secretly pretty excited :)


Andrew, I’m not a good sleeper either. My friend swears by this tea that I’m going to try: Soothing Caramel Bedtime® | Yogi Tea | Yogi Tea.


Hey Janae random question but do you run everyday? If so how long do usually go for?


Hey Valerie!! I run 6 days a week! Usually my runs right now are anywhere between 3-8ish miles but when training for a race those numbers increase! Just depends on whether or not I am training for something. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day!


I have a few household goals that I work on. Firstly, trying to keep more staples in the house–chicken broth, pantry items so that it’s easier to cook up good food without buying a mountain of groceries.

My other goal is to frequently go through closets so I don’t acquire too much stuff. I try to do this all the time, but I still have too much “stuff.”


Hey Janae and Andrew just wanted to give you an update on my 11 mile run today. I tried slowing my pace down and it went ok. I was trying to stay at a 9 minute mile but ended up at around an 8:40. I’m just trying not to push it too hard you know. I’m old. :) But anyway at mile five I took some water and ate 8 of the Honey Stinger energy chews over the duration of mile 5. Then took a little water every mIle after that. I felt pretty good. The only part that was bothering me a little was my hip flexors. But anyway, thanks for your advice. More training this week and then next Monday I’m going to tackle 13.1 miles. MY race is coming up in less than 3 weeks now. MY instagram is @kufferaths if you want to follow. :)


SCOTT!! Way to go on your eleven miler!!! I love that your nutrition/hydration worked out so well too! Take care of those hip flexors and good luck!! You’ve got this… so so excited for you (make sure to send in your accomplishment too if you want).


How do I send in my accomplishment?


Email it to [email protected]


So…..all I have to say is that I am loving your VLOG’s you have been sharing. Since you and Andrew met & got married, I have really enjoyed reading/hearing about how you are working hard to blend your families smoothly. My boyfriend does not have any kids, but since we got together there was still a balance that had to be worked out for my 10 y.o. son. I do not have to deal with visitation for my son, as we live in WA…his dad lives in OH. My son was accustomed to pretty much always having me, and me alone for years. It can be a struggle to find the balance where everyone is getting enough time….

Thank you, to you Janae for being so open and honest about your life. And seriously…thank you to Andrew for being open and accepting of his life (and son) being shared on your blog. Major kudos to both of you.

There are a few blogs that I follow, but HRG is always the top of my list. I love reading all you have to share and reading how you and your life have evolved over the past 5ish years. Hope you both had a magnificent Monday!


Aimee! THANK YOU for sharing your experience with me. I appreciate that so much… keep me updated with all of the different stages along the way and good luck too! You sound like you guys are doing an amazing job too! Thank you for reading, that means a lot to me. Enjoy your week!


Hi Janae! For your SF visit with Knox, Hyde park is pretty much the best kids park ever. But there’s a good chance of rain this weekend! So the Exploratorium is always a win for a great indoor activity.
You can head up north to Sonoma too! There is more than just wine up here! :)I think there are some kids parades happening here this weekend for Halloween.
Have lots of fun!!


For Andrew – I always listen to Guided Meditation on YouTube by The Honest Guys to fall asleep. Works wonders!


I just moved back to the bay area with my husband and two boys (after growing up here) and now I have lots of “stuff to do with kids in SF” on my list! Here are a few:

1. Golden Gate Park – row boats at Stow Lake, Koret Children’s quarter has a huge playground and one of the oldest carousels in the country but I think it’s only open on Fridays now.
2. There is a swing at a place called Kirby Cove with views of the Golden Gate Bridge
3. As everyone else as said, the Exploratorium is amazing
4. As a kid I loved going to Ghiradelli Square and then to the little beach just below it
5. If Knox loves trains at all and you’re willing to make a drive, I just heard about Roaring Camp Railroads near Santa Cruz. You can take an hour long ride through the redwoods on an old steam train or you can ride to the Santa Cruz beach boardwalk.

For Janae: If you’re willing do drive for an apple fritter (duh) I live right by a place called Chuck’s Donuts (the one in Belmont on the Peninsula) and they have the best apple fritter I’ve ever had. They also have a thing called the apple burrito, it’s basically an apple pie all rolled up into a burrito and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar crumbs. Amazing.
For Andrew: You can rent bikes and ride them all around Angel Island, I have heard that is a really fun thing to do.

Also I’ll be running my first postpartum race on Saturday across the Golden Gate bridge! It’s a 10k which I’ve never raced before but I’ve always wanted to :) You should sign up for fun! http://run10feed10.com/race_post/san-francisco/


KELLI!!! YOU WIN!!! I just took a screenshot of all of your recommendations… they all sound so fun and perfect. Thank you! GOOD LUCK THIS WEEKEND!!! That sounds like a blast… I might have to! Let me go convince Andrew…


No kiddos here but my favourite Halloween costume was a witch, I must have dressed up as a witch at least 5 years in a row (your welcome mom!) That dessert Andrew made looks delicious and I’m sad pie season is already over for us, Thanksgiving was a few weeks ago for us Canadians.
I think my constant household goal is to set up an actual cleaning schedule instead of frantically trying to get everything done before people come over. The bf and I are not great at keeping up with the cleaning so I need some firmer rules.


I LOVE chicken tortilla soup! It’s my favorite. Thanks for the pie recipe. My husband and his brother have childhood friends over twice a year. I always bake my brother in law a pie. When they have their get together in a few weeks, I think this is the one I’ll make.

Have fun in San Francisco! I’ve never been and would like to go some day.


Household goal: don’t ruin the new couch…which is the same couch you guys have! I love the cozy corner. Of course, tonight, I spilled red wine on it, but I think I saved it with club soda. :)


AHHHHH BEST COUCH EVER… I’m so happy you have it too and even more happy you were able to save the wine spill. Good luck! That is constantly on my brain to keep that couch clean too ha cause I love it!


Andrew: try melatonin for sleep. It is a natural sleep aid. You can get at any Walgreens/CVS I’m sure. It works amazingly well for many.

Also I listen to podcasts or my brain will spin. Find a podcast you are interested in but not overly entertained by and will nod off. It will focus your mind from wondering. Also the cadence and timbre of the podcaster’s voice may matter so explore a few different ones.


*wandering not wondering. :)


If you head south of San Francisco, the Children’s Discovery Museum in downtown San Jose is fun and the BEST donuts anywhere are at Stan’s Donuts in Santa Clara.


CA Sciences Academy!! The aquarium inside is unreal. Also love the tea garden right next door! Have a great time!


We went frequently when I was a kid and the simplest things were always my favorite. Riding the cable car, going to China Town to look at the amazing stuff there and walking along the piers, also Lombardi street is pretty cool to a kid.
Have fun.


I remember one year I was a bride for halloween. It was so cute!! I am getting excited for Halloween over here too… I don’t think I will dress up, but I love dressing up my pups. … they love it too. ;)


Hey there! I don’t usually comment but after watching the vblog I wanted to share this article…I’m not sure if the link is going to work you might have to copy and paste it. Just made me think of you guys and wanted to provide this positive perspective about blended families: Balancing Act: My kids’ stepmom made their Halloween costumes, and that’s more than OK http://www.sanluisobispo.com/living/family/article110086302.html
My husband and I don’t have kids but my parents got divorced when I was 18 months old (I’m 30 now) so I have some insight into what you’re working on. My family wasn’t great at blending or being positive towards each other. My first time remembering my parents together and happy was at my high school graduation and so I think you’re both doing a great job even if it doesn’t seem that way all the time. As a child I never meant to hurt one parents feelings but “pushing ones buttons” to get the easy route was an option if you leave that door open and let your feelings get hurt. Good luck it’s still a work progress but now we all have thanksgiving together!

Also, if you’re driving the coast for Christmas and stop in and around San Luis obispo and I can provide you with pointers!




Okay, Nicole this comment and article were perfect for us! This part really stood out to me in the article too:
It means they sleep in a warm, welcoming home, regardless of whose weekend it is. It means their holidays and vacations feel enjoyable and safe even when I’m not there. It means they feel loved 365 days a year, not just the days they’re with me.

Seriously nailed it. Thank you for sharing your experience!

If we make it to San Luis obispo I will grab those pointers from you… THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!


Just had time to watch Vlog and as a parent in general my kids still tell me and their Daddy (who are married together) “Let’s do something fun!” Or “what are we doing today?!” And once one of our kids said that coming home after Disneyland! So I can completely relate about being still and sometimes keeping it simple and realizing we don’t have to entertain our kids 24/7. Teaching my kids about gratitude (now that mine are older 11,8,5) is a goal of mine. When they are young though like yours it’s natural to be egocentric. Just know you are both doing a good job! My kids even tell me at times “daddy does it better” etc lol


Oh Christina! Thank you so much for sharing with me about your kids! I love how much I learn from everyone and I definitely want to be like you and focus on gratitude with the kids as they get older. HAHA daddy does it better;) Thanks Christina and I hope you are having a beautiful day!


Hii! How do y’all make your sweet potato fries? Every time I make them they aren’t crispy! They are too soft but kinda burned on the outside. But I do put the best spices to make them tasty :) Thank you!!


Our little dude is only six months old, so we’re not doing the whole costume thing this year. We will probably start the costume thing next year if he’s old enough to be excited about it.


Where did you find your white book shelf? Also, did you lose your eyelashes because of the lash extensions? Just curious, because I am thinking about getting them.



Janae – just an observation. Do you guys think you could consider speaking a little bit louder when recording the video? No matter how loudly I have my speakers I can’t hear you guys. :(

I tried to read the closed captioning and I simply could not follow. But I am hoping that you two are doing well with figuring out the blended family situation. My parents live in separate states due to jobs and while it sucks to have them apart and not be with them I know that I have them both by phone and that they always cared for me no matter what their distance.

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