Pros and Cons of blogging with GetSafe Review!!!

*****I’ve got an awesome offer for you today from GetSafe down by the comments so do not miss out on this one!

Remember a few months ago when I told you a little bit about something that had happened which resulted in police officers in my bedroom at 2 a.m.?  I didn’t feel safe explaining the whole situation until now that I’m moving out to Andrew’s house BUT let’s just say I have a very scary neighbor (he didn’t hurt us but I heard/saw who he did hurt).  I had to call the police on him and he was arrested but then out again and back living next door to me 2 weeks later.  My parents were NOT thrilled about the situation either and so my dad built a few things for my apartment like this big piece of wood that I kept at my door at all times.  To be honest, we didn’t really hang out outside unless Andrew was with us because I was so nervous of this guy and we would just leave through the garage and not open the garage door until we were in the car.  I might have been overreacting a bit but after that night that I called the police on him, I was not taking any chances with this dude.

Since I was living in an apartment that I didn’t own, the thought of a wireless security system didn’t even cross my mind so instead we just lived with a big chunk of wood hanging out at the front door at all times so that I could sleep at night.

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The other thing that has worried me in the past is blogging.  There are a trillion pros about blogging—> i.e. meeting most of my really good friends from it, talking with an awesome community of runners/women each day, being able to work from home while raising Brooke (and now spending days with Knox too), doing what I absolutely love to do and having fun opportunities (Olympic Trials in Oregon w/Brooks… that was incredible) BUT there are definitely a few cons too.  Over the 6 years of blogging I have received a few scary emails.  I took them right in to the police to report them but over the years my mom and I (and now Andrew) have come up with some ways to protect ourselves.

The thing that we haven’t figured out until now is the perfect home security system to keep us all safe and happy—> GetSafe!!!

Just Andrew and Brooke playing ‘My Little Pony Cash Register Grocery Shopping Sprinkles’ (Brooke made this game up;)

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Andrew and I just got GetSafe for our house and we are thrilled about it, it is absolutely perfect for us  It also would have been perfect for all of the apartments/townhouses that I’ve lived in over the years too because it is all WIRELESS and super easy to use and install.


A few of the things that we love so far with GetSafe is that you get the same benefits of a traditional security system WITHOUT the 3-5 year annual contracts.  We just pay monthly and love not having a long-term contract.  Everything came beautifully packaged and the instructions for installation were so easy to understand.


Andrew and I were able to set everything up in just a few minutes all by ourselves.  No drilling holes into our freshly painted walls;)  GetSafe is also very easy to move with… you just pack it up and move it to your new home (another reason I would have really loved using with all of my apartment living over the years) and customize it for your new home.  Nothing changes in your protection.


I’m a huge fan of the GetSafe Motion Detector Camera for a few reasons:  They are pet-friendly which means Beretta running around the house will not set it off, they are wireless and a killer deal and my favorite part——>  you can stream videos LIVE from your smartphone so that you can keep an eye on what’s going on even when you aren’t home.  We made sure to get a few of these to place around the house because we love them so much.

You control the system and set your rules for what to do if a sensor is triggered from your smartphone (with the GetSafe app).


Isn’t that awesome?!?!  PS AT&T 3g cellular backup is installed on EVERY system in case your internet goes down… most DIY systems are wi-fi only!

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And with two little toddlers I love having the entry sensors on the doors and windows so we know exactly when any of the doors or windows are opened.  The sensors just use a 1 AA battery to work!


Yes, please:)

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And I’m sure you really wanted to see this blurry picture of us in our GetSafe T-shirts;)  Andrew has quickly become an IG Husband but he assures me he loves it;)

GetSafe is the most robust home security app on the market…. with controls to activity, history, video and home automation integrations!  My mom has done her research too (she worries more than I do;) on all of the different options out there for a home security system for us to use and GetSafe BY FAR wins.

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And a picture of our two most important people in our lives.  They sure are cute… and FYI when I first picked up Brooke from her dad this last weekend the VERY first thing she said to me was, ‘Mama, WHERE’S KNOX?’  They’ve got a build-in best friend for life!

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Here’s to protecting our little family of 5 and our home!  PS I might put an Entry Sensor on my candy drawer to keep everyone away from it;)  I kid… kind of.

*****If you are wanting to purchase GetSafe for your home (house, apartment, townhouse…), the first FIFTY readers who purchase the Starter Kit can use code HRG2016 to get a FREE Motion Detector Camera (a $129 value).****  Just enter the code HRG2016 at checkout page under the order summary once the Motion Detector Camera is added to your cart:)

Sponsored by GetSafe!! Thanks for listening to my rambling and supporting us and our sponsors!!!


If you are a blogger…  Why did you start blogging?  What are the pros and cons of blogging for you?

Who has a pool?  What do you use to make your backyard safe?

Who else has a toddler or two right now?  

You running with anyone or a solo run today?  Outside or at the gym or at home?

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Wow Janae I cannot even imagine how scary that situation is. I’m glad you were able to leave and get out of there. I might look into GetSafe for when my husband is gone or deployed.

Pros and cons and blogging…ugh…there are so many. We’ve been blogging about the same amount of time…five years? But anyways I’ve connected with so many different people through blogging, including you. Cons include having life on the Internet and the Internet never forgets.


My husband and I are currently living with his parents for at least the next month, but I feel like as soon as we can afford it, we’re going to invest in something like this because people these days are SCARY! I’m so glad you were able to move away from your last place without getting hurt. I can’t believe they let him out after only 2 weeks!!!!

Today I’m running by myself! 10 days until triathlon! (8 til the Olympics! :) )


Thanks for sharing! I really want to invest in some security cameras for my new condo if for no other reason than I want to see my cat while I’m at work haha! But seriously, it’s so scary that you had a neighbor who made you feel unsafe and he was back living next to you right away. Your dad is such a smart guy and the wood block is genius. I’m glad you’re out of that place now though. Feeling unsafe in your own home has to be one of the worst feelings ever.


Glad you are away from that neighbor now! That’s a scary situation. I had a gun pulled on me when I was running in the neighborhood where I used to live, and things like that definitely make you more aware of all of the dangers that surround you.

I started blogging years ago simply because I love to write. I really don’t have a huge following on my blog, so there aren’t that many cons. Sometimes I’m hesitant to say certain things for fear of being too open and who might see it, but I usually get past that and share what’s on my heart. I love it, though, because it’s a great way for me to write what I want to write about, which I don’t always get to do in my job.


Yikes that’s scary! I have an overactive imagination and I’m always worried about not being safe. When my husband works nights I often sleep in my daughter’s room with her. But I know another navy wife who blocks her front door with a chair..
I just started blogging a few months ago! I love it, I don’t take it very seriously but it’s been such a fun way to find new blogs and get inspired. I hope to write a book someday (I may have already started ;-)) so writing a few times a week keeps me fresh. I do worry though if I post too much sometimes.
I’m going to look into this security system for our new house.
BTW, we’ve never been to a Cafe Rio, I’ve never lived in a state where they have them, but there’s one near where we’re moving! I’m definitely going to stop in and check it out.


I’m glad your safe and away from that scary neighbor. I love the community of blogging, but I try to be very careful as to what information I share on the blog for safety and privacy.


I started blogging because my Facebook friends were sick of me detailing my running antics constantly. So now I blog about it.
I don’t have an alarm but my condo development is fairly safe. I hope I didn’t just jinx myself


Glad to hear you’re no longer living somewhere you feel unsafe — yikes! One thing a cop once told me is that having a large dog in your home is one of the best ways to deter criminals. We have two giant dogs and even though they are actually entirely sweet, they both have that scary husky-wolf look that would make anyone think twice before trying to break in. Glad you have a pooch at home too!


this is amazing. my mom is a risk manager and I have inherited her incessant need for safety in all situations so I love this. I’ve been hesitant to look into full blown security systems since I move around a lot, but this looks like the perfect solution, so awesome.

I got into blogging because I wanted something that would keep me accountable and I felt like I had a lot of knowledge brewing away in my brain that I just wanted to share with anyone and everyone. It’s also a great way for friends and family who I no longer live near (like I said, I move around a lot) to check in and see what I’m up to. All in all, I find the pros to FAR outweigh any cons.


Could I have the pic of yountwonin those shirts framed please?


I don’t have a pool now but had one growing up and we had a fence around the pool, and my parents had a traditional alarm system. They had a door alarm on the door to the pool and since it was all glass they had a motion detector in the room that lead out to the pool.


I am glad you called the police to help protect other people, even though that’s a scary thing to do when you know the person won’t be happy!

I like the child proof aspect…my kid is learning how to unlock/open doors!


Gahh, that is terrifying! That sounds like an awesome alarm system, though! Totally random, but where did you get your dress? I’m sure it’s been mentioned on the blog somewhere, but I LOVE IT! So adorable :)


Hey Kristen! I got it from THIS store not that long ago:


Thank you! :)


Wow that is terrifying! Luckily for us, when we bought our house there was already a security system in place. We don’t pay for the monthly service, so right now it just makes a sound when any door opens up. It makes me feel really safe if my husband is away, but sometimes it’ll malfunction and beep when a door isn’t opened and that FREAKS me out!


What a terrifying situation. Glad you ladies are outta there!

I started blogging in March of last year. I followed your blog and a few others for years and always enjoyed reading them! I’ve kept a journal for years and have always loved writing so figured … Why not?! Hardest part for me is to stay consistent with blogging. Some weeks I write only 1-2 posts and others I’m up to 3-4. I also get overly worried about how people will respond … But I’ve realized that if you write from your heart, the response is usually pretty positive :)


Absolutely terrifying, Janae. Seriously! I can definitely see why you didn’t share that scenario prior to moving out.

Also, no runs on the agenda for today. It’s pouring rain here at the cabin and we have no access to a treadmill.


What a great product! Oddly enough, I started blogging to share my story of going from (sexual assault) victim to feeling victorious (through running and winning a marathon). Safety is my biggest concern 99% of the time and you can never, ever be too safe. I hardly ever run by myself anymore. I do occasionally, but if I do I carry mace or some other defense item and my phone. I’m glad that you aren’t living in fear now. That is certainly not a good way to live. Thank you for blogging and bringing awareness to these very important topics.


Ew, yikes! I had the same thing happen to me when we lived in one of our first apartments. I don’t think they knew it was us calling the police, but because they had to have known it was us or their one other neighbor, we moved pretty quick after that. I’m sorry you had to be the one to do that too.

This security system is actually one that we want to get! So I’m super happy to hear all these good things about it.


Wow that sounds super scary!!! So glad you are OK and no there is no such thing as over reaction when it comes to safety!! I think you did exactly what you should do!!


Thanks for posting this! We’ve talked about an alarm system for a while but this for sure seems like the more economical choice!

I started blogging about food storage cause I couldn’t find anything out there that wasn’t all zombies and SHTF. I just wanted info if Husband loses his job how I could be prepared. It’s been a slow upcoming but it’s been nice to have my mind to focus on something. :)


I’m glad that everything turned out OK for you. GetSafe seems like a really great product.

I started blogging as a way to connect with other runners who were training for marathons & a way to document my own training! The pros are it’s so much fun to met other people as well as keep up with the blogging world. Cons are writers block! Or putting to much pressure on myself.

Solo 7 miles after work so it’s still light out. Was going to go at 4:30 this morning but I was nervous!


We have a 21 month old and he just learned how to open the sliding back door! ugh! I have mentioned to my husband getting a security system, we’ll add Get Safe to our list of options! I really would like to have the door sensors!

Are the camera’s on 24/7? I have this fear that someone could hack into them and watch us while we are at home…


Wow that is scary! I had my house broken into when I was on a business trip once. After that, I had security installed to make me feel safe. Truthfully though, I never felt safe again. It was just creepy knowing someone was in my house and saw pictures of me. They could be standing next to me at the grocery store for all I know. I ended up moving because it was too hard to be there anymore.


Oh THAT is scary Megan! I can’t even imagine… I’m SO SO glad that you moved!


I have a small blog that I started years ago just to keep friends and family up on stuff when I don’t talk to them as much. I use it usually as an “open diary” sometimes I just need to get something off my mind so I blog it….b/c its just between me and the computer right?! ha!

(Hubby has commented occasionally that at times I shouldn’t have posted what I did and how so and so may take it the wrong way…..but sorry, its my view and its cheaper than going to therapy ;-)

yup, pros and cons….


HAHA yep, way cheeper than therapy! I get it big time!


Sounds like a scary situation at your old apartment. I”m glad you’re out of there.

My blog is going to be 4 or 5 years old in September. I can’t believe it’s been that long already!


RIGHT!?!? Hasn’t that last 5 years flown by… I think that about my blog too and then I go back and read those first posts and realize it really has been a long time haha! Thanks Fiona and I hope you have an awesome Thursday!


GREAT post! So important for bloggers to stay safe!!!


We have a wireless security system and no regrets. Not that you can rely solely on a security system but I sure do feel better!

We have a removable fence around our pool, which is mostly because of the dog and my niece and nephew. You just can’t be too safe when it comes to pool safety.

Today is the treadmill because I slept in and it’s already 85 degrees outside. Whew!


Oh I would most definitely be on the treadmill if 85 degrees was my other option. Good call on the removable fence and I’m so glad you are loving your wireless security system too! Enjoy the rest of your day Marissa!


This looks amazing! I had a scary situation
happen at our old apartment and it freaked me out. More than likely, I was over reacting, but I think I can safely blame it on pregnancy hormones ;) Landon and I will definitely check this out!

I’ve been blogging for a year or so now, (most consistently within the past few months!) and there are so many benefits! I love meeting other bloggers, connecting with people all over the world, and building a community of runners, mother runners, etc. I haven’t had any scary things happen through blogging (yet) but there is always a chance when you put yourself out on the Internet. ;)


What a scary situation! I’m glad you’re safe! I currently live in an apartment but I do want to get a security system when I get a house or condo.

I’m pretty new to blogging but what I love about it is that I’m always learning new things and I get to write about whatever I want. I also get to connect with others that I would have never met if it wasn’t for blogging. The downside about blogging is social media. I like to post pictures and videos on my social media accounts but I know I have to be cautious about posting my exact location, especially since I’m with my son most of the time. I try to remember to post pictures after I have already left the place for safety reasons.


And, it really comes in handy when the kids are naughty to tell them that Santa Claus is always watching them – then point to the security system.


Scary stuff! I’m definitely going to look into Get Safe once we’re done with ADT (who I’m not particularly pleased with). We have a pool now but Girlie is 10 so it’s not as much of a concern. When she was a toddler we moved into a different house with an above ground pool you could get to from the kitchen (via the deck). I looked at different alert type systems for the sliding door and decided on super low-tech: I hung a Christmas decoration (with loud bells) on the slider where she couldn’t reach it. ?


Thank you for sharing this. I need to invest in a system.


I had a drunk/high guy break into my house back in 2005. Long story very short, even though I was yelling at him to get out he came up the stairs. It ended badly for him – I’ve been an Army infantry officer since 1993. My wife even got her own kicks in on him, while on the phone with 911, before the cops arrived. The intruder survived, but it was a close thing. It still wasn’t fun and we use alarm systems pretty religiously since.

I’ve got a 10 yo, 2.5 yo and 1 yo. Life is busy.

I ran the dreadmill this morning because too hot and humid.


I am so glad you feel safer now. Situations like that can be really scary. Someone in my town was recently attacked in the trails I run in and it is very frightening… I’m thinking of carrying something with me but I also hate being paranoid. It can be a tough balance to achieve, especially as a female.


Oh that is scary!!! I have two toddlers and I can see how that security system would be handy with the little ones as well :) I do blog but do my best to keep personal information off… then again, is there anything that isn’t on the internet anymore?! I’m glad you and the kids are safe now!


That was super brave of you to call the police on that neighbor but terrible they came right back. When I was ~10-YO someone broke into our house and were still there when we came home- very scary. After that and just living alone for several months throughout college I was glad to move in with my husband but I wish I had had this back then!!
Brooke and Knox are too cute!!


I’m so sorry you had to witness such a scary situation in your own neighborhood. That is terrible! I’m also thankful though that you were there to call the police so thiamin could no longer harm others. That is so important and you did a good thing that night.


That’s scary~to know someone that’s crazy is living right next to you. Great thing you have moved out and far away from this guy!


So sad that you feel so unsafe in your own home. But this is realty of today’s world. You have done the right thing by adding more security. It’s better to have this in place before something happens, rather then doing it afterwards. Which to be honest most of us do. I have been in few similar tricky situations and it’s not nice especially when you live next door to each other. I hope things work out for you and your family. You have a great blog!


So scary. Especially with kiddos! And to not feel safe in your own home..the place that is supposed to be your sanctuary!

So happy you found this product. My husband and I have a security alarm system that directly connects to the local police and fire through a central station…so we like that level of protection. But we are looking for something with cameras since our cars have been broken into a few times, so I’m definitely gonna check this out!


I’m so glad you are ok. That security system sounds great! I am definitely looking into it for my house. I started blogging 3 years ago and my little corner of the blogging world has been fun. Where else can I talk about running and family freely?


We have get safe and it works great for the most part.
I can say, the door and window sensors come in handy when you have teenagers too… just saying.


I LOVE never be like you!!! That is my favorite song right now, I can’t believe it is not the most popular song in America right now, tbh


I love the idea of that security system! I move approximately every 6 months right now, its hectic. Security is definitely a big factor when I’m looking for my next apartment, especially because I often live in seedier areas. Thanks for the share ! Also, sorry that happened to you :( that must have been really scary.


I have two toddlers, 17 months and almost 3. It can be very hard to keep the house baby proofed as they get older, because they’re both like crazy Houdinis! They can both pick basic locks (the kind you can turn with your fingernail from one side), and they’re masters of piling toys and chairs to climb. I’m rearranging our playroom for easily the 6th time now to re-babyproof everything they’ve figured out how to get around — toddlers are so crazy!
I don’t have a huge blog following yet so I generally don’t worry a ton about sharing information, I just don’t make it clear exactly where I live or shop — but this makes me wonder if I’ll have to change all that if the blog gets more popular. :/ So crazy!


I am so sorry you went through that. It is so interesting how different things are depending on where you live. I grew up in Miami and everyone has an alarm in their house. The only time I have ever not had one was when we lived in high rises in South Beach and West Palm Beach. We live in a gated community in Palm Beach Gardens now and actually have roving security guards that are fully armed and still have our alarms on every night! I feel very safe within the community but don’t run outside in the early morning because that’s when the alligators come out. Yes, seriously!

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