My themes leading up to marathons, a wedding dinner and just the sweetest picture of them holding hands.

Happy Wednesday!!! I hope your day is off to a good one.  Let’s start off with last night and then more forward to whatever we did in the morning.

We had a wedding dinner to attend for the beautiful Diana!

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The food was incredible and the donut bar was probably the best thing I’ve ever seen at a wedding.

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The finished product.  Unreal.

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It was perfect and I’m so stoked for them!

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This was an exciting snap to receive:)

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8 treadmill miles first thing yesterday morning… 1/2 before Brooke woke up and 1/2 after she woke up.

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Followed by a little bit of strength.  Mainly planks, squats and glute bridges.  Strength training and getting to the starting line of a marathon healthy go hand in hand.

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And then these two were reunited ha.  It always takes them a minute or two to not be shy but then they are back to their normal routine of being inseparable.

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Brooke was pretending to be a dog while Knox was singing.

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Training for a race out of your comfort zone is something else… you learn a lot about yourself along the way don’t you think?  I saw this quote below on Katie’s Instagram a few weeks ago (I LOVE following her… do it) and took a screenshot and have been thinking about it a ton in regards to my marathon training that is just starting now.  I always tell myself I’m done with the marathon but then it pulls me back in because I strangely love the training.  I love the post long-run accomplished feeling, I love the steady increases in fitness over the weeks, I love the excitement that builds up leading up to race day, I love falling into bed exhausted at 9 pm because I had a hard run that morning, I love all of the carbs, I love the bond that builds with the people you are training for the marathon with, I love the structure… it draws me back each and every year (although, I love the 1/2 marathon a lot too and I think my body likes it a lot more than the marathon).

Leading up to marathons I always have some sort of theme/mantra/goal that I focus on big time during the training/race.  The year after my divorce, I went into marathon training with the mantra, “I can do hard things.”  I can’t tell you how many times I had repeated that to myself (probably in the millions) but it was the best reminder to me and confidence builder that ‘I’ve got this and I am capable of so much more than I can even imagine.’  It got me through a lot of hard track workouts and long runs where I pretty much cried the entire time.  Last year I did two marathons and for those training cycles my brain was so focused on my Sub-3 goal that I was driven by numbers/splits/times and chased after those numbers to get me through all of those hard workouts.  Plus, I had a coach to report back to and that was really motivating to me.

This year I really want to learn how to better accept the pain that comes during hard workouts as part of the process.  I want to look forward to and embrace the hard.  I get comfortable with running really easily but I want this training cycle to be one where I focus on not giving up ever (even if there is a whole lot of screaming and crying along the way due to being hot, or tired, or out of breath, or half-way up a steep hill, or just having a lame running day).   During the intervals/tempos/long runs and especially on race day, I’m going to be thinking about this quote and remember it’s okay to hurt (not injury wise) and want to quit, but giving up is not going to be a thing (unless there is an injury, sickness etc…:)

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Lots of screaming and a little crying happening because of my alarm clock this morning;)  We always have a blast together so it is worth the wake-up!

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What have been some of your favorite mantras/goals/themes/thoughts over the years that have gotten you through your training cycles?  

Last wedding you went to? Who was it for?  What did you eat there?

What time is your alarm clock usually set for when you have a long run to do?

What is your run today?

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I’m sorry, I didn’t see the questions because I never made it past the donut bar, oh my sweet goodness!


HAHA! Me too! I had to go back and look.


one of the mantras that has been going through my head lately is “have a long term memory for success and a short term memory for failure”. since I’m just coming off of injury, my runs are slower and shorter than ever, but I just keep those successes from before in the back of my mind and remind myself of what I’m capable of and it’s extremelyyyy helpful.

also, that donut bar is A+. makes me want donuts for breakfast now haha. I’ve got a wedding to attend in two weeks and I’m already looking forward to the good food!


I love that Instagram quote! I always try to remind myself that the pain is only for a short period of my life in the grand scheme of things, and it’s worth it. Sometimes we have to go through the hurting to get to the moments when we can smile uncontrollably. :)

My alarm is set for 4:07 a.m. most days, so I feel you on that one. And I’m actually going to a wedding this Friday. Now I’m hoping for a donut bar!


An alarm that starts with a 4 is bad. I can’t even think about that right now! Obviously it’s been awhile since I’ve done a long run that started that early! During the week I’m up at 6 and on the weekends I wake up by 7. I’m an evening runner most of the time, so this works for me!

I keep reminding myself that ‘i want this’ when things are hard. I know I’m doing a tough workout, but it’s worth it and I want it. I chose it.

Love the pic of the kids holding hands! Too cute!


I usually have that exact same mantra! I also tell myself (over and over) the bible verse: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. It works perfectly!!

Last wedding was just a few weeks ago, my boyfriends cousin. We had delicious chocolate dipped strawberries. Yum!

My run today is 4 miles in the Arkansas heat! AH!!


I went to a wedding in Jamaica last August. Wow. I hope I get an invite to one soon.
I might run 3 miles tonight after work. Gotta see how my dog is feelin first. He had an upset tummy last night.
My mantra is just keep swimming. I love finding nemo/dory


Ohhh no no no alarms that start with 4 or 5 are not my style! For my first marathon I would get up at 4am to do long runs because that’s what distance runners do! But that nearly killed me because I am not a morning person. Last year and this year I’ve switched to running in the evening and it fits my life so much better! Now if only I could find a marathon that starts at night too!


I feel your pain! I have to set my alarm for 4:30 every morning during the week before work and I always cry a little bit every time it goes off!

Donut bar at a wedding!? Why didn’t I think of that 5 years ago???


Just finished my run of the day- 1200 repeats! So glad to have it done with early in the morning. Great way to start the day!

Last wedding I attended was MINE!


Run to overcome has always been one of my favorite mantras. I also use Fight Song by Rachel Platten as motivation. Not sure if an entire song can be a mantra, but we’ll just go with it. My alarm is set for 4:45 every morning. I usually am out of bed by 4:50 and out the door by 5 to run. I think the earliest I’ve gotten up to run has been 3:30. That only happened a few times and it really put me out for a few days afterwards. My run today was 10 miles w/ 4 tempo miles in the middle. It was a sweat-fest, but it is done :)


Oh boy was this post perfect today! My training cycle for a half started last week and my mantra is “Get comfortable being uncomfortable”. So far, so good – I know my fitness is there, it’s a matter now of getting my mind used to the idea of longer distances again. On the tough runs when it feels like everything hurts and I’m dying that’s when I remind myself those are the miles that count and the ones I really need.

Have a wonderful day!


The last wedding I went to was for two good friends and they had a TON of food. The main course was delicious, but they also had three different cakes, a chocolate fountain, a huge ice cream ball (brought out with firecrackers in it!), and then near the end of the night they brought out the biggest pizza I’ve ever seen in my life! The last wedding I attended prior to that had a hot dog stand set up near the end of the night. So neat! I am terrible at getting up early, so I typically don’t start my long runs before 8. I am a grad student, so I have the benefit of a flexible schedule. Today I have to run 6 miles, and I’m about to go get it done right now!


That donut bar looks amazing! The last wedding I went to was my friend’s in Kansas City. They had a mac and cheese bar and it was heavenly :)

Run today – 7 miles done and about to take a brisk 2 mile walk to work!


The last wedding I attended was my husbands’ best friend from college. Since we live far away from our college friends weddings are so fun because we get to see everyone.
My alarm goes off at 5 AM sharp. I don’t run until after my husband goes to work but I love mornings for getting a headstart on work.


Last wedding I went to was my very own, 8 mon the ago. :)


Hi! I am one of your silent readers! I wanted to say Congratulations on your engagement! What an exciting time in your life!!!
Good luck with marathon training! I am hoping to train for a half this year but I have been dealing with shin splints so hopefully I will be able to safely train without injury!! :)


My run today is lunchtime spin! I’m a huge cross trainer, I always get feet issues when I only run, and I love to mix it up. (I’ve noticed it actually HELPS my running to not run every day).
Donut bar = genius. The last wedding we went to was in Cambridge, England, almost a year ago! We’re getting old now and lots of our friends are already married off, so the weddings are becoming more scarce (although, two this fall and one next spring in the books, so that’s fun!). But the wedding in Cambridge was UNREAL. It was straight out of a medieval fairytale.
I don’t wake up TOO early for long runs…5ish-6. I’m lazy on the weekends. ;-)


Lady!! Thanks for the shoutout – you’re a doll? Huge congrats to you. You look insanely happy, content and all around wonderful:) Very happy for you. Good luck with training and all things wedding! Life is pure insanity for me right now, hopefully a marathon next year and maybe another OTQ? – thank goodness for running, ha!
Have a great day!


That donut bar was such a good idea! It looked delicious!

I hate waking up early in the morning also so I’m definitely a beast when my alarm goes off for work or for my morning runs. If I’m running in the morning before work, I’m usually waking up around 4:30 also which is no fun!! It makes it worth it though when it’s done and I feel like I’ve accomplished so much before most people even start their day!


For long runs…usually my alarm is set for 4:45-5:00am. But this week…3:30am…I may not open my eyes until mile 10!


Random question for you….I’ve noticed you wear your engagement ring on your right hand sometimes and just wondered what the reason was. Love reading your blog! So happy about your engagement!


Oh weird… I think sometimes when we do selfies it flips the picture around or something but I always wear it on my left hand. Thanks Christy, you are so so sweet! Hope you have a fabulous day!


Oddly enough, after my divorce a couple of years ago I used the same exact mantra. My favorites are, “I can do hard things”, “Let go and let God”, and “it’s just a hill, get over it”!
P.S. That donut bar is a brilliant idea! Congrats to you on your upcoming wedding! You look so so happy :)


I am the biggest donut lover and have already been thinking about having donuts at my future wedding one day:) The last wedding I went to was over a year ago but I’m going to one this Saturday and I’m excited.


My first half marathon (my second one will be post-baby!) was all about running for those who cannot run.
I ran with a group called, “As Our Own.” They free girls in India from sex trafficking, shelter them in safe houses, and raise them as their own daughters. They even see the girls through college and marriage! It is such a beautiful organization and gave my half even more meaning.
When the going got tough, I thought of the girls who would give anything to simply run, to run away from the pain in their lives, or run from their captors, and it spurred me on to run more, harder, and faster.
God was good and I was able to raise $1,500 for my India girls and had lots of support through the half! I even finished under 2 hours (which was my goal!)

Recent wedding? We’ve been to about 5 or 6 this year, but one of my favorites had an ice cream sundae bar. You really can’t go wrong with ice cream.

Yesterday I ran 3 miles, but today I’m focusing on core and leg work. (Tomorrow’s a run day for me!)
Hope you have a great day Janae!


I use the “I can do hard things” a lot too.

Planning on doing a mile and a half today! Yay post pregnancy run. I’m slowly working my way back.


I did my longest run to date last weekend (20 miles) so my alarm was set for 4am. Luckily, I’m a California girl who works east coast hours so my alarm usually goes off at 3:30 during the work week so 4am feels like sleeping in.

My run today will be a treadmill speed/pyramid workout. The temperatures will hit triple digits today so I have zero interest in running outside on days like today.


Donuts at a wedding are genius! I’m actually surprised you didn’t do that or a giant donut funfetti cake! You can do a donut bar with toppings and ice cream. Ugh getting hungry just thinking about it!


Are you guys serious with your overuse of the word stoked? Please tell me it’s an inside joke!


I like to use the mantra “It hurts so good” when my cf lungs start to burn hard and smile… Although smiling sounds silly it works! I also remind myself that I am kicking Cf somewhere I won’t mention ;-)


Really enjoyed reading this post, it’s always interesting to get insight into what inspires other marathoners! I ran my first marathon in May 2016 and my mantra going into that was I can do this, I can do this! Haha. Now that I have a bit better idea of the marathon, during my second round training I am trying to be a little bit less cautious, push my limits, and embrace that “pain.”


1. Love the “they’re next!” photo ❤️
2. Love your idea of embracing pain. I’m a history teacher, and Aristotle advocates this idea that the good is in the hard – that most good things come through pain and that we train character the same way athletes train their bodies. I’ve always wanted to put “The good is in the hard” on my quote wall – but I teach teenagers, so welcome to sexual double entendres for life ?. So not so much going on the wall ?. But I thought you would appreciate it. Hope your marathon training cycle is good even in the hard. And also…that donut bar!! ❤️?❤️. Maybe sometimes the good is in the chocolate??


Is Brooke’s shirt inside-out in the photo of them holding hands?? lol They’re so cute!

The last wedding was my college friend’s wedding a few weeks ago that I was a bridesmaid in. It was a beautiful wedding and they served Indian food for the reception which was a first for me but it was really good!


YOU’RE NEXT!!! So exciting! That dessert looks phenomenal.

I love Katie and miss her blog posts!! She is so inspiring.

That pic of the kids holding hands is just the sweetest thing ever.


My Mantra lately has been HOPE – which means Hang On – Pain Ends

A donut bar????? that is GENIUS!


Definitely an exciting snap to get! I love the donut bar idea, I want to have a cupcake bar at mine!

My favorite mantra is mind over matter!


I grew up in a rough neighborhood under rough circumstances. Every time training gets tough I just remind myself that the hood isn’t that far away… I’m not going back.



My mantra has been “I can do this!” If I keep telling myself this, it will happen.


I will begin marathon training in a few weeks for my second ever marathon. I’m in my 40’s, and in 2 years have gone from being 60 pounds overweight and never (as in ever in my life) running to running a marathon. During my first marathon, I kept hearing the words of my CrossFit coaches–“Come on! You’ve got this!” I don’t have a mantra as I head into training again…I might steal yours! I like it!


Ahhh what a great snap!!


When training for Transrockies with my husband our team name was “Team KMF” for “Keep Moving Forward.” That mantra still works although I easily forgot it while on haitus during pregnancy. I officially start training again tomorrow for a goal race. I was looking for info getting back to training after pregnancy and came across a blog post of yours. Thanks for the motivation. The last wedding I went to was on 3-14-16, purposefully done on that date to celebrate Pi Day…they are self proclaimed sci if nerds :-). They had a pie bar of course. Congratulations on your engagement!


A donut bar = genius! That picture of the kiddos holding hands is so precious!!! If I run before work, I wake up at 4am!!! It is painful, but so worth it when it is over! :)


A DONUT BAR, OMG. I need those in my life. Immediately.

My absolute #1 mantra these past couple of training cycles has been “run the mile you’re in”. I get easily overwhelmed by stuff – big goals, long runs, challenging projects – and it has really helped me to just take a deep breath and focus on the moment I’m in.

When I’ve got a morning run scheduled, my alarm clock starts beeping at 3:50 AM, and I’m out the door at 4 o’clock sharp! This is never ever fun, but I’ve got a physically demanding job that starts at 7 AM, and I’ve learned the hard way that if I leave it to the afternoon I’ll probably half-ass it or skip it completely.

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