The new family spot, shooting hoops and YOUR running accomplishments!!!

I’m just warning you now that this post has about 50 pictures so I hope you are okay with that;)

Let’s talk about Thursday night!

We went to my nephew’s basketball game and played some hoops ourselves after the game.  Guarding Brooke was harder than I was expecting… she is quite agile. 

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We picked up some boxes so that we can get this moving process going.  

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We had many staring contests and I lost over and over again.

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And after my nephew’s basketball game we went and celebrated with the whole family at Rockwell Ice Cream (in Provo—> it is a must go if you are in the area… absolutely everything is made from scratch and all of the dairy they use is locally sourced—>  ps I just want to share this on my own… because it was so good).

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Brooke went with the cookie cone and cookies n’ creme.

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If it is seems like I have been with my sister and her family a ridiculous amount of time lately… you are correct.  I can’t get enough of them and Brooke wants siblings so I’ll just have her grow up with these ones:)

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My bro-in-law had the Peanut Butterooey Gooey.  I have a strong feeling this will be our new meet-up spot.   

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Just one more pic from yesterday’s trail run because I am still on a runner’s high after this one.  

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I’d love for you to send in your running accomplishments to be featured——> [email protected]!  Time for some amazing stories:


Savannah!!!  “Yesterday my mom, sister, and I all ran the Phoenix half marathon.  (I’m the blonde one;)  It was my mom and sister’s first half marathon.  We drove the course the day before and my mom told us ‘I’m just going to run to the McDonald’s, come pick me up there after!” haha.  She was so nervous and wasn’t sure that she could finish, and was scared that she would come in last.  But they both did SO GREAT! -my sister ran the entire race without stopping and my mom surpassed all of her expectations and finished well before she thought she would.  After my sister and I crossed the finish, we met up with our dad and nine year old sister, and then we girls walked back to meet my mom at the 12.5 mile point and run the end of her race with her.  Crossing that line with my mom and both of my sisters, with everyone cheering so loudly for my mom (including the announcer!), was a moment I will never forget.  This is what running (and family) is all about.”




Brooke!!! “This Saturday I ran my 6th Half Marathon with a time of 1:51:09! I beat my PR from two weeks ago by 2 1/2 minutes.  Running has taught me so much over the last few years and I am looking forward to doing my second full marathon this year!”

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Jessica!!!  “My sister and I ran the Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon on February 21st and of course a selfie in front of the castle is a must! This was my sister’s first half and although it was extremely hard to hit a consistent stride, she rocked it!  She says she isn’t running another 1/2 but I think she will (we all know you can’t just do one)!”

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Shalyn!!! “Albeit not a marathon or crazy PR or anything but the fact that I finished was big.  I fought through really awful pneumonia all of February- couldn’t breathe, on a lot of medications and feeling overall really super sorry for myself (cried in Walmart when my Dr told me no more running until I was better… yeah cool guys cry in Walmart).  I had this fun mountain MEC 10k race planned with my amazing running group and finally got the green light to run it on Thursday.  It was a slugger with some pretty insane climbs but I did it! Best part- my husband and my son raced as well, finishing 20 seconds apart!  It was a great family race and I am so proud to have a running family!”  



Sarah!!! “I ran the Brighton Half Marathon (UK) yesterday in 1:46:31, beating my PB by over 5 minutes! It’s only my second half marathon and is my first race since I suffered a femoral stress fracture last March.  I couldn’t run for 3 months after that and I’m so glad that I’ve come back faster and stronger, because for a while it felt like I’d never be able to run again!!”  Also, a huge congrats to Sarah’s boyfriend, Christian, who ran his first half marathon in 1:47:49!!!


Lisa!!! “My whole life I never thought I could be a runner, every time I tried to run more than half a mile my body couldn’t take it.  Then in September of last year I broke through that mental barrier.  Since then it’s like I’ve become an addict.  I’m proud to say I finished my first half marathon on 2/28 ‘The Cowtown’ in Fort Worth in 2:16! I went with a group of girlfriends that I’ve made through running and it was awesome having their enthusiasm and support that day.  The running community has truly amazed me since I’ve become a part of it and the friends I’m making mean the world to me.  With my first half under my belt, I just signed up for my first marathon later this year!”



Sarah!!!  “My running accomplishment for this week is running the Cambridge Half Marathon (UK) and getting my 2nd fastest time.  I have been plagued with injuries for a few years now but being a runner it’s hard to accept and rest enough to let it heal.  Last year while training for the London Marathon it hit it’s worst point.  Thus meaning I only managed to train up to 15 miles before the big day, but come race day I loved every minute.  So nearly a year later and with dedicated exercises and a bit of weight loss I think I’ve finally cracked it and can now run pain free- this is the biggest accomplishment for me and I’m very very happy.  What can I sign up for next;)”


Karrie!!! “My fiancé and I finished our very first half marathon on Saturday! It was such a fun experience and we can’t wait to run more races.  We got to run the CapRock Republic of Texas Half and it was in our college town which made it even better.”

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Any races this weekend?  Long runs?  What are you looking forward to this weekend?

How many times have you moved?  What was the biggest move you have ever made?

Does anyone in your family run?  Run with you?

What would your dream ice cream flavor include?

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Oh my goodness–that snickerdoodle ice cream flavor looks heavenly!!

This weekend I’m definitely looking forward to froyo and some hardcore napping. This week has been pretty exhausting for so many reasons.


Hahaha! I could use some hardcore napping too! That and froyo sound like a pretty amazing weekend! :)


I’m looking forward to my 20 miler this weekend! It’s going to be tough, but then I start my taper! (I actually like the taper). My sister runs marathons and we’ve done a couple together. She lives across the country though, so we can’t run together often.

That ice cream looks amazing! You definitely need to take breaks from packing and moving to go have that again! I’ve moved 5 times and will move again in a couple months. I’m excited for the new house, but moving again doesn’t sound great! On the plus side, I always get rid of things that I don’t use/need/want!


Love hearing about family running together – makes me so happy! I hope to one day run a half with my daughters, for now 5ks are plenty though :) Long run this weekend will be 16, probably the last cold one.


Biggest move I’ve ever made was from England to NJ! My family moved around a lot when I was younger. We lived in Sicily for two years and I would love to move back there!

My mum and I run together a lot, and my boyfriend is slowly getting more into running. The three of us did a half marathon together last year and we’re planning on running a full marathon together in the fall.


That muddy buddy ice cream definitely seems like a dream flavor to me! Otherwise, a doughnut ice cream sounds fantastic.


I’ve only had small moves so far- every year for college, into my first apartment then into my current apartment. We’re hopefully moving for the last time in a while soon!

All that ice cream is making me really hungry! My dream flavor would be moose tracks but with coffee ice cream instead of vanilla. Maybe add in more fudge and some cookie dough and brownie pieces. Yum!


Both the ice cream and your trail run look incredible! I love soft serve though, but as far as regular ice cream, anything that includes chocolate chunks, some mint, and whipped cream on top..I’m game. My biggest moves were from Ohio to Iowa, and then Iowa to Arizona. Excited to see what the next move has in store :)


I love how you share others’ accomplishments! I’m running a half marathon on Sunday! I’m super excited but a little nervous due to some nagging pains I’ve been having. I can’t wait to reach that finish line on Sunday. It’s where I ran my first half, and I’m running it again 6 years later :)


I have my spring goal race tomorrow! I’m running the Lake Sammamish Half and really want to PR.
I’ve moved several times in the past few yeara, from Missouri to Indiana to Germany for a semester to Ohio then back to Indiana, and then finally out to Seattle! The move to Washington was a big move and so worth the stress to be in a city I love.


I have only moved 2 times. got an 8 miler on tap tomorrow. Ooh dream ice cream flavor would be pancakes!


I’ve moved more than most people and who knows we could be moving again soon. It sounds like a lot of accomplishments from people this week. Dropping 2.5 minutes is huge!

Sounds like you have an exciting weekend Janae. I am trying to run a race this weekend but I’m still not over being sick last week so it will be a last minute decision as always. LOL


All of the running accomplishment stories are amazing and make me cry!!! Way to go everyone!


We have moved about 8 times. Maybe more. I am pretty much an expert now. I haven’t moved anywhere too far but I have helped family move across the country which is much more difficult.


I love all those inspiring stories! My mom has always been a runner. We have pictures of me stretching with her after her runs and my brother and I loved riding our bikes during her long runs. I hope I can inspire my kids to be active and run like she did!


My dad used to run and doesn’t run consistently anymore, but he will still do 5ks with me. :)


Since moving to Alaska I’ve wanted to learn more about the native culture and this weekend we are going on a hike, and then to our first powwow.


This weekend involves no running. I’m actually get swim instructor certified so I can teach kids how to swim. I’m so excited that I may have to treat myself to some group this weekend!


I love reading about family running together! My sister runs with me quite a bit and my mom has actually started doing 5ks more too. She has a goal to run a full 5k without walking this spring and I’m so excited for her.

Favorite ice cream… Cookie dough or cake batter :)


My mom used to be my running buddy, and she used to win all the time. Years ago (I think 20 now) she hurt her back really bad water skiing. And she still ran when she felt good after that. But now her body can’t handle running more than a mile. She hates it and wants to race with me and my sister in law so bad. But I’m happy that I at least got my sister in law into running so I have another running buddy to go with now and then.


I ran the Cowtown last weekend as well! Lisa, if you’re reading this, what marathon are you planning on doing?


I do not like moving!!! Moving myself and 3 kids was pretty rough when I got divorced. That is a lot of stuff!!
My favorite running partner in the whole wide world is my son! He is amazing and fast and keeps me pushing myself every time we go out!!


Those ice cream pictures!! I die! I love those run accomplishments thank you for sharing those!

My sister runs with me every now and then and actually did her first half in December, but we are just as close with our cousins as Brooke is with hers!


Congrats to all for their awesome accomplishments :)
Moving….well that is a no-no word in our household! After moving so many times – in so many different countries – my latest one from NY to London i am in a NO moving mode for the next – very long – while! But i know it can get very exciting :) So enjoy!


My husband runs occasionally, but not with me. I have moved a lot in my life with my husband since we first moved in together. Our biggest move was after college, we moved from Ohio to Utah (for his job) and we knew no one. It was so scary, but ended up being a pivotal point in our relationship because we only had each other.


Congrats runners!!

Um … That ice cream looks amazing. I was eyeing the snickerdoodle flavor! Dream combo includes something involving peanut butter, cookie dough, and maybe some Nutella swirls :)


Hi from Avery sunny South Africa :)
I’m the only loon (according to family and friends) who actually run…..or as I say ….plod :)
I started walking with a friend a year back who has since decided walking or running is not for her. I do a 5k Parkrun every Saturday if possible and ran my first half marathon this past Sunday :) My time may not have been the best….but I finished it and felt so proud of myself! My next half is in3 weeks time and I’m hoping I won’t bomb out!


Good luck with the moving process. The biggest move I ever made was from Oregon to Houston (and then back to Oregon). I basically packed up my car as full as possible and made the drive solo… after five years of grad school I made the drive back to Oregon.

Tomorrow I am doing a 10k race to celebrate my birthday. Hopefully the rain in the forecast will hold off until after the race. ☺

Ice cream flavor… the more chocolate, the better! With cookie dough.


10 – 11 miles on tap for this weekend.

I moved 6 or 7 times as a kid but I’ve lived in the same house since I’ve been married. (that’s 22 years). I wanted to move out of state but the husband did not.

I like a variety of ice cream flavors. There’s an ice place near my house that does cream ices. Peanut butter cookie dough with chocolate covered pretzel pieces is a winner. It’s not overly sweet and has many of my favorites in one convenient package. I really want to try that Snickerdoodle ice cream!


I’ve moved so many times, I’m practically an expert at this point. My biggest move was from TX to NJ. and we drove…which was a choice. 24 hours in the car can make anyone crazy haha. But I’m so glad I moved. Plus, moving always makes you reevaluate all the stuff you have and is a great way to purge things you don’t really need.


I’m looking forward to at least 10 miles this Sunday with some of my best running friends.

I’ve had to move my office twice in the last 15 months. The first one was really big, but we got rid of a lot of junk. We moved to a permanent (new!) office last December and that move was much easier.

Sadly, no one in my family runs with me. My cousin would, but he spends most of his time in CA and NYC and I’m in TX.

That ice cream place looks like Heaven on Earth! I would love to try the Snickerdoodle. I love any kind of coffee flavored ice cream.

LOVE the running accomplishments! They make me so happy it brings tears to my eyes! GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!


that ice cream looks ABSURD!!!!


Omg I need to go to that ice cream place! I would love that peanut butter sundae. Looks so good


The biggest move I made was from England to Utah…talk about a culture shock haha!

And my weekend plans will now consist of dragging my booty to Rockwells! Holy crap those desserts look soooo good!


That ice cream place reminds me a lot of salt and Straw in portland. It was so good and I think about it often so don’t be surprise if I end up at Rockwell weekly.


I have moved 11 times, I think. The furthest was Madison, WI to Orange County, CA. Apparently I only do big, move to a different state moves and almost never “across town” moves. No one else in my immediate family consistently runs. My kids did knock out a half-mile warm up jog with my last year. Maybe that counts?


This weekend my husband and I are running a super hero 5K. We were going to dress up as one of our favorite super heroes but instead we are going to represent our real life hero AJ, who passed away from liver cancer two years ago. They actually have a memorial run on the same day but we couldn’t make it. We will be wearing clothes from his website,

He was a great person and did so much for the cancer community that it feels so right to make him our hero!


That ice cream place looks delicious! I NEED. That picture of your trail run is amazing!


Family birthday parties this weekend!!!
I have moved 4 times. The biggest move for me was moving out of my mom’s house after college to be closer to work :/
There aren’t a lot of runners in the family, but my fiance is always down to run with me! Thank you again for putting our success story on the blog.
My dream ice cream is probably that cookie cone with cookies n creme ice cream that Brooke got. It looks delicious!


I recently moved a few months ago while I was pregnant- it was not fun at all! lol

That brown butter pecan ice cream sounds so yummy! One of my favorite ice cream flavors is pistachio. It’s absolutely delicious!


I ran my first half marathon with one of my sisters…and then I got hooked and she hasn’t run once since. My other sister and I plan a lot of races together! I definitely love having that bond.


I am looking forward to no plans this weekend! :) I think I have moved 8 times now and the biggest move was from Vancouver Island, BC to Regina, SK in Canada haha. My mom sometimes runs with me which is the best thing ever. My dream icecream would have chocolate and peanut butter… in excessive amounts.. ;)


Hey! I live in Regina!


Literally about to head out the door my 16km long run after some coffee and banana. I have fallen in love with cookies and cream ice cream – and I also love the smoothness of classic vanilla too. I’ve moved twice in my life – second home was a lot easier because I really started cleaning stuff up and sorting well before the move date. Good luck!!


I am so going to Rockwell Ice Cream now! I haven’t seen or heard of it, but the ice cream in those pictures looks amazing!!


I’ve been running for 13yrs now. I can’t tell you how many times I begged my sister to run with me. She used to tell me that running wasn’t in her vocabulary. After she had her first kid 6yrs ago and not gym membership I talked her into doing a local 8k with me. I ended up with a stress fracture so she had to do the race on her own. She actually loved it. I then talked her into her first half a couple months later promising I would push the baby on all of our runs. Since then she’s run at least a half dozen more. I’m so proud of her!

I’ve got the Napa Valley marathon on Sunday. It looks like it’s going to be another rainy one (this will be my 5th Napa and 2x in the rain!)


OMG that ice cream looks amazing!!!

I love the running accomplishments. The running community is truly amazing! I hope when I get more settled somewhere I can begin to make new running friends.

This weekend I am doing another long run before a “rest” week next week. I am over the halfway point in my marathon training. Woohoo!

I have moved a LOT. From IN to UT for grad school. After UT I moved to OR then to IN then to VA then to MN. I am good at moving!


I have my 6th half marathon Sunday! I haven’t raced in my hometown since 2008, so this should be fun!

I moved a lot growing up, and my husband and I moved twice last year, so I don’t want to move anytime soon!

My dream ice cream sundae is vanilla bean ice cream, hot fudge, oreos, pb cups, whipped cream, and a cherry! (now I want ice cream…………..)


I wish I had family that wanted to run with me, maybe my brother will when he lives in the states again!

This weekend I am planning a 5-6 mile run tomorrow, tried to last minute register for a 5 miler that I heard of today that is tomorrow, but unfortunately, no such luck so I’ll be (hopefully) hitting the pavement and not the treadmill tomorrow morning.

I have not moved too much in my life. Twice when I was younger, just a few blocks from where we had previously moved. During college, to the dorms, home then apartment, then home again. Then lived with friends for a few months after graduation, moved to the city I was working in (Green Bay) and then moved again in September to my current location in Wausau, WI. Two hours from my hometown. Maybe ill make a large move one day.


Thanks so much for including us Janae! :)


Dream ice cream flavor: carrot cake… no wait! Pineapple upside down cake :)


Go Savannah! I was there too! Wasn’t it gorgeous? I had a great time! So cool that you had family with you!


You make me want to eat ice cream right now!! So good


love the running accomplishments! ((go Savannah’s mom!!!))

no one in my family really ones now that I’m thinking about it!? although I can convince my brother to run with me whenever I see him. He helped me run my 5k personal best this last Thanksgiving! (he’s a natural. darn him).

side note: I’m going to start writing my “R”s like the person who writes on that ice cream board.


Why in the world would you buy boxes? Go to any grocery store in the world and they will give them to you for free.


I bought boxes for our big move because a lot of our stuff went into storage for a bit and they were more stable. They are cheap and you can write them off with taxes where I live.


Where is the trail run that you did? My daughter and I love trail runs, she is going to BYU and we do long runs together up there sometimes. I run with my daughter and husband a lot!! My daughter and I just ran the Dirty Hurty in Ivins and my husband and I are running the Zion Half on Saturday.


to Jessica in the photos/recaps–LOVE the WV hat!!! (from there, went to wvu; holla!) awesome job to all the ladies above :)

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