One of the BIGGEST determining factors for our running success, 3 x 2s and sentence per picture!

Somehow she snuck into my bed last night without me even realizing… she can be quite sneaky when she wants to be or maybe I was just snoring so loud which made it so that I couldn’t hear her.

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Tuesday repeats on the schedule and after the workout I tried to touch my toes (my flexibility is non-existant).

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I read THE BEST article about attitude right before my run.  It was an awesome way to go into a workout and I actually experimented with it a bit during the workout.  During one of the repeats I stayed positive and the pace felt difficult but doable and every now and then I would throw in a negative thought about my running and boom… just like that, I wanted to push the stop button and the pace felt impossible.  It is crazy how just one little thought can change so much about how we feel while running.  He includes 4 tips to help have a successful attitude so check it out.  If we can rock our training plan and have a good attitude—>  we are all set to reach our goals.  Just like with training our bodies, having a positive attitude about running takes time and work but over time it will come and make a huge difference in our running worlds.  

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I averaged 12:44 for each 2 mile repeat (if I could have been able to do this outside it probably would have been a bit slower) and 12 miles total with w/u and c/d.

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We runners sure take a lot of steps each day.

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Lunch was supposed to be a ground turkey, red pepper, cheese, avocado omelet but it quickly turned into a scramble (and then I finished off the pan of Brooke’s shells and cheese:)

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Library Life.

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We sat right by the heater and I don’t hate when she puts her arm around me while we read.

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And then she brought her laptop and chair (and told me to turn down my music ((Damien Rice… every day while I blog)) so she could get some work done) over while I was typing up this post (ps I love to put my leg up on the table while I type, it is weird).  

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What is your sentence for the day?

Do you ever snore?

-If I am beyond wiped or sleeping on my back… absolutely.

Are you a deep or light sleeper?

Do you notice a big difference in your running according to what your attitude is that day?

-Big time… the more positive the better BUT I will say when I am angry—> those are usually my fastest races (i.e. any of my half-marathon prs:)  

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I snore when I’m exhausted or when I’m congested. Before I had surgery on my septum I would hum (literally, humming) when I slept. My husband thought it was cute at first, but he said when he can’t sleep and I was humming it was much less cute. Ha!

I definitely run better when I have a positive attitude. But running does help my attitude when I’m grumpy. I never come back from a run in a worse mood!

12 miles on a weekday?! I wish! Great pace for your run!


Positivity definitely impacts my races and running. If I let any negative thoughts linger for too long I slow down. I’m a medium sleeper – not super light that anything wakes up, but noises in the apartment like my dog sleep walking (which he does often) wake me up.


I clench my teeth but I don’t snore. My run is happening tonight so we will see how that goes.


Attitude definitely helps my run but sometimes anger makes for a great run :)


Just a 12 mile run in the middle of the week like it ain’t no thing. And a hard one too! Geesh. You are an animal. Your lunch looks and sounds really good. I am in a rut with food. I don’t want to make or eat any ‘real’ food. I just want to eat a bowl of cereal, snacks, or left over Easter candy all day long. I hope Brooke was able to get her ‘work’ done. That really is so dang cute.


I don’t snore but my new puppy does! THAT was a surprise :) Something for you to look forward to!


I snore when I am congested or 1/2 propped up on the couch. I have woken myself up during those times

I tend to be a light sleeper.

I think negative those definitely impact a run so it follows that positive thoughts could turn things around.


I either sleep like the dead or am tossing and turning. I’m pretty sure there is no in-between for me! I don’t notice a difference in performance on a daily basis based on attitude/mental state, but I definitely don’t perform as well when I’m going through periods of high anxiety or when I’m dealing with depression.


I dont hear anything when I sleep ;) LOL! She is the cutest little girl “working” next to you on her chair and lap top!


I used to snore like crazy. My ex boyfriend told me it was cute at first, but then he was like yeah, not so cute anymore. I hope I snore less now because I had septum surgery last year. Guess I won’t know until I meet a new guy! Maybe if I think a lot of really positive thoughts it will happen?!?


I’m a light sleeper and I don’t think I ever snore because I’d wake up! I find it tough to stay positive sometimes for sure, and I need reminders and pep talks because it’s easy to lose perspective.


I only snore when I’m sick and I usually wake myself up in a panic lol


Hahaha! Such a disruption you are to Brooke’s important work deadlines!!! So cute!

My husband snores A LOT! And i am a light sleeper…so it makes for many sleepless nights. He didn’t believe me and asked me to record it…which I did. He was appalled!! We joke about it all the time.
I don’t snore…but every now and then I will snort. I’m sure it’s super-cute. ?

It’s all about the attitude! I try to have a positive outlook before I head out…thinking that I am blessed and privileged to be able to run — both physically and time-wise.
If that doesn’t work because I’m just not feeling it, I at least try to appreciate it while I’m out. I also find if I don’t have a positive attitude as I head out, I’m much much cheerier when I get back!


I used to be a deep sleeper, but since becoming a mom the smallest noises will wake me up!
My husband says I snore sometimes, but I refuse to believe him hahahaha


I also snore when I am on my back. I am a very light sleeper and wake up so much in the night, but I fall right back asleep. I feel like I rarely ever fall into a super deep sleep though. I totally notice a difference in my running when I am thinking positive thoughts. When I think of something negative, I just want to stop right there and be done.


Attitude is something I definitely have to work on, it is so hard to stay positive! I snore when I’ve drank too much (oops) or on my back!


I love the tip about positivity! I actually just had a pretty good tempo run and I was nervous since I really don’t like tempos, but I tried to stay positive and it turned out to be an awesome run! So I just gotta keep doing that :)


Unfortunately I have great runs when I’m mad… and I don’t have quite the same oomph when I’m happy. But I’m trying to not be fueled by the dark side!


I don’t snore. My husband tells me a quiet still sleeper. He says he reaches over to see if I’m there because he doesn’t hear me or feel me move. My husband snores. He wakes me up. We have to run a humidifier to keep the noise down.

Sometimes the treadmill runs take a good bit of positivity to get me going. In the end, I’m usually in a better mood.


Wow that sounds like a tough workout! Congrats on dominating that! How dare you play your music too loud while she’s trying to work ;) she’s too cute.
Breakfast for dinner is my sentence :) I’m craving some Kodiak cakes.
I usually don’t snore (not that I know of) but I get a deep sleep most nights unless I’m stressed/anxious about something.
I definitely notice that my attitude effects my running or even working out in general. If I’m positive I really give it my all and I don’t take as many breaks during group fitness classes.


I’ve been told that I snore when I’m sleeping, but I think it’s gotten less as I’ve gotten older. My fiancee on the other hand has been snoring more lately than ever!


I don’t snore but I do sleep talk! It can get quite embarrassing.

As for attitudes during my run… I run faster (and can run longer) when I’m angry but I prefer to run with a happier attitude just because well, duh, happiness.


My attitude towards my run makes all of the difference in the world! When I am positive and motivated my runs go SO much better! I don’t think I snore, I will have to ask my hubby haha!


I sleep like a log! My partner gets up a ton throughout the night and I never hear him, I count that as lucky! It does take me forever to fall asleep though, so I guess you win some you lose some!

I used to snore a ton, but since losing a bunch of weight I’ve stopped snoring! Great for anyone else you may have to be around me at night :P


Aww love that she snuck into your bed! So sweet! And her plate is pretty sweet, too. ;)



Positivity absolutely impacts my running. I work for a healthcare facility, and we had a trainer come in to do some guided meditation with us, and one of the things they taught us was to focus on experiencing thoughts and then letting them go – rather than trying to block them out (and end up perseverating on them!) I try to apply that to my running – to have the feeling of being sore or tired, and then to try and let that thought go. It helps sometimes!


Yes, positivity makes the BIGGEST difference. I especially notice it when one of my teammates is being negative. It totally effects all the girls on the team and we just generally have a harder run. But when are just so much happier and our runs are so much better when we are positive!

Thanks for sharing (:


I definitely notice a huge difference in how fast I go based on how I’m feeling mentally. I’ll be the first to admit that I am (always have been and always will be) a very mental athlete, so staying positive does wonders for my performance. Thanks so much for sharing that article!

To answer your other questions…
I’m only a snorer (is that a word?) when my allergies are really bad, sooo it should be happening soon!
I’m typically a deep sleeper, but every now and then I wake up from every little sound around me.
And my sentence for the day… I’m so thankful for sunshine finally making it’s way back to the Pacific Northwest! Yay outdoor running!!! :)

Have a fabulous night lady!


Janae! Such a great question about attitude! I’m pretty sure (at least my running) is really 90% attitude. Once I make up my mind to lace up my shoes and make the run fabulous, it normally goes well. If I continually dread my run or make excuses in my mind not to go, my run normally isn’t what is should have been could have been.

Great reminder as I gear up my mind mentally for my run tomorrow! ;)




Sorry my comment wasn’t working I guess – but basically was going to say that mood is always a huge factor for me but sometimes I surprise myself and run great when I absolutely did not want to run.


I love that minnie mouse plate!


My sentence is; I NEED SHELLS AND CHEESE! They look really good.

And same as you… when I am angry, those are my strongest and fastest runs and races.


Is that the 38 or 42 mm Apple Watch?




I actually run worse when I’m frustrated or stressed but I still feel better afterwards no matter what. I’m really thinking about getting an Apple Watch, my Fitbit is going on 2 years and it’s past its prime!


I don’t snore and I am very happy about that fact. I am a light sleeper for sure though. The tiniest noise will usually wake me, but I read that women in general are lighter sleepers because they genetically feel the need to wake-up in the middle of the night if they something unusual because that may mean trouble for their offspring which I think is pretty cool.

As far as attitude and running goes, the days I want to do it the least are usually my best runs and I have no idea why. This has always been the case for me and I have no idea why it is this way and I kind of wish it wasn’t haha!


I did the same exact workout yesterday :) Way to go, lady!


AHHH I saw that on Insta!! You killed that 6:00 pace. PS I feel like we need to talk soon:)


you have my email :) Would love to chat, mama!


If I’m sick and am forced to sleep on my back (in order to breathe) I definitely snore!

I am THE DEEPEST sleeper. A bomb could go off next door and there’s a good chance I am completely unaware! lol

I’m not sure my attitude makes a difference in my running…if I haven’t had enough sleep, that is likely what will affect me training the most. Sleep/rest is KEY for me.


I’m the lightest sleeper in the world. Always have been. So it used to freak me out if I slept through the kids climbing into bed with me. I would panic and think “what else am I sleeping through??”.

As for the positivity…it is so true. A negative thought and I’m a goner. My pace takes a nosedive and I start to think about how heavy my legs are and how awful its going. Distraction is all I can do.


i love damien rice! i used to listen to him ALL the time in college, so his music always makes me so nostalgic :)


Aw I love Brooke working next to you!


So cute that Brooke wants to get some work done.


I love looking at my FitBit on days that I run because my steps are so high!! Last week when I visited London, we walked at least 20,000 steps on most days!

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