Monday Matters and my favorite deals!!!

I hope your week is off to a good start! Brooke can’t get enough of the snow.  I’m glad she enjoys it;)

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This what race week is looking like!  20 miles leading up to the race and then 26.2 miles on Sunday!  Today was 4 miles @ a 7:18 pace with 4 x 45 seconds fast!  

I never ever ever run the day before a marathon but a lot of people love to do a shake out run… I am not one of those people.

We leave on Friday (my mom and Brooke are coming) and we will get some time in with my brother that lives in Arizona this weekend too!

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My mom sent me this picture and asked if that was me… I’m guessing because whenever I go for a run on the ice I end up looking like this: 

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Because I couldn’t decide between a flavored water or a hot chocolate so I got both (PS I reuse my cups:) and they were both delicious.  

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I’ve really been into delicious drinks lately… horchata is currently in the lead.  Anybody else love horchata?

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The only Hershey Kisses that I will ever buy.  I love the little candy cane bits in them.  

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Why does having a Christmas tree up make us want to stay home as much as possible and just stare at it?

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Megan is FINALLY back in town so we grabbed salads… getting my salad fill at the start of the week because I cut out salads/vegetables for a few days before the race to keep from making stops on race day.

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Brooke was never really a thumb sucker and so I always find it amusing to see my nephew sucking his thumb.  

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Thoughts?  For me it was an easy answer… ELF!

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Brooke almost cried tears of joy when they brought out her pancakes like this:

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I had a few people email me after this morning’s gift guide about gift ideas other than running gear so I thought I would include just a few awesome deals from my favorite stores today!

J. Crew (30-40% off everything)—> I adore this pair of jeans and these ones too (both 40% off).

Gap, Banana Republic and Old Navy are all offering 40% off of EVERYTHING!!!—>  My favorites (some I already have and some are on their way:) are HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE!!! I’m also stocking up on Old Navy’s kiddo pajamas today because they are my favorite.

Madewell—> they are offering 25% your entire purchase (code—> SHOPATWORK).  I just got THESE flats and love them, I adore their long sleeve t-shirts and my turtleneck (I got it in maroon).  

H & M (20-40% off your total order)—> I LOVE this coat.  


And a question for a reader!!! Please answer her in the comments if you can relate:)

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Do you run the day before a marathon or half-marathon?  

-Sometimes before a half but never before a full marathon!

Absolute favorite holiday movie (I know… it’s still November but I would like to get my list ready:)

What was your workout today? 

Do you cut out any foods during race week?

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I love a good shakeout run, but we’re talking two very very slow miles! It just helps get everything moving.
My big marathon is the day before yours!

It’s a wonderful life is my favorite Christmas movie and my sister was even named after it.

I try to eat pretty healthy during race week mainly just to give me the mental reassurance!


I always do a shakeout run the day before any race. I can’t go in with stiff legs!! Plus, I think it’s just a mental thing for me. :)

I LOVE Home Alone and Home Alone 2, and I really do love The Grinch. Elf is up there, too. And Christmas Vacation. It’s hard to pick just one!


I almost never run the day before a race. I have to be feeling really extra tight to do it, and even then I will generally opt for foam rolling over a shake out run.

I need to watch Elf, Home Alone (1 & 2), Love Actually and It’s a Wonderful Life during the month of December. And a million cheesy Lifetime Christmas movies.

I love those candy cane Hershey kisses! I have some in my desk drawer now! :)


Those Hershey kisses are my favorite too!! Those and the Dove white chocolate peppermints, soooo good!! I try to buy as many bags as possible so they last beyond holiday time :) I think Home Alone will always be my top holiday movie!


i do not run the day before any race, of any length! helps me get excited to race the next day.


ASOS – 30% off site wide with code BLESSED :)


Regarding the bed rest comment …

I went from 60mpw pre-pregnancy to 9 weeks of strict bed rest.

Being on bed rest, especially when you’re used to being active, is absolutely miserable and really tough.

But, remember that this is a very short season of your life, and to be blunt … it’s a season that’s not about you! Your only priority now is to do whatever you can to provide the best start in life for your little one. There will be many, many more months and years ahead for running.

As far as recovery, it depends on the length of your bed rest, but assuming it’s more than just a week or two, you are going to lose a LOT of fitness, and you’ll have muscle atrophy if it’s longer-term. I suggest taking the full 6 weeks totally off running – no cheating! It will be more than enough for your body to just get used to walking again.

At the 6-week mark, try coming back to running gradually. 5-minute running, 2 minutes walking, 5 minutes walking. That’s all! Add one minute to the running section each week as you ramp up, then eventually add another running interval so you’re at 3 rather than 2 intervals. It’s a humbling process to come back from bed rest, but taking it slow is the way to go since I’ve seen a lot of women end up injured coming back too quickly – and those injuries can be really stubborn.


Thanks so much for your input Lauren! I completely agree that this is a temporary time in my life. As hard as bed rest is mentally and physically, it’s absolutely worth it for the health of my baby. I will definitely take it slow when I’m able to get back into running/exercise. Thanks again :)


I’m wondering if there’s any type of exercise you can do in bed (upper body?) that wouldn’t be harmful for the baby but would keep you occupied for at least a few minutes? Maybe it’s something you can ask your doctor? I wasn’t on bed rest but I wasn’t allowed to run after 12 weeks due to a low placenta. It was hard because overall it meant I couldn’t run for over a year. That being said, altough it took time to rebuilt my endurance, two years after my son’s birth I ran a half-marathon a minute away from my PB. So it’s clearly possible to come back after not running for a long time. As long as you don’t start too fast and give your body plenty of time to heal and adjust. Congratulations on the little one growing in your belly. It is a wonderful experience and I hope you can enjoy. It doesn’t always go exactly how we had planned but it is so worth it :-)


Before a marathon, I’ve either rested/gone to expo, or have run a few strides. What is your pre- marathon routine? Do you ever run strides? Or just stretch? Thanks HRG!


I always do a 2 mile shakeout before a race, although I’m considering resting the day before my next goal race just to see. I love It’s a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, and Christmas Vacation for the holidays! Dairy, tomatoes, and beans are completely cut from my diet during race week – my stomach is too sensitive to them!


I run the day before, 4-6 typically. Maybe with a few strides. Conveniently, that is also today’s workout.

Favorite movie- White Christmas.

I cut soda and caffeine a few days before the race. My big reason is it is hard enough to fall asleep pre-race without the extra caffeine. Also, any carbonated can be painful during the race.


I was not active during my pregnancies, but a busy person. (Volunteering, active social life, etc.) I was only sidelined for a few weeks and I thought I was going to go insane. I found this organization to be very helpful and I even became a volunteer after my kids were born (early but healthy). Click on the link and go to the Request Support and add a note in the Other section that you are hoping to find an active volunteer. Kind of like during a long distance race, find a mantra and just keep repeating it. You will make it to the end and hold your baby!


Thanks Monica! I appreciate your input and will definitely check out that organization.


Elf wins for me too! I don’t usually run the day before a race either but a shake out run does sound like a good idea. I got in 9.5 miles on the treadmill today.


I’m currently 22 weeks pregnant and while I have not been running I’ve managed to stay fairly active until my back started consistently having issues at 17 weeks. I’m not seeing a physical therapist but have been told no exercise until I have fewer symptoms and no more weight training by my doctor. It’s really messing with my mind and my body feels so jumpy without an outlet to get the energy out! Best of luck to you!


Yes! My biggest challenge with bed rest is not being able to exercise to help deal with the constant worrying about my baby and stress of my pregnancy. I’m sorry you’re having back pain. I hope it gets better soon so you can be more active. Wishing you all the best!


YES horchata is sooo good!! Its really easy to make at home too. I use this recipe in case anyone wants to try it


Yum!! Thank you!! I will have to try out:)


What is horchata? I’ve never heard of it?


I never run the day before a full. I need that time off my feet. I alter my diet a bit leading up to a big race — a few days before I cut out dairy and fiber (I’m sure you can imagine why), and increase my carb intake. I tend to graze more, too.
My favorite Xmas movie (and one of my top faves of all time) is “It’s a Wonderful Life.” I love the message behind it. Fills my heart with love :)


Love all the holiday spirit going on here!

I usually take a complete rest day before a race, especially longer distances.

I’m an old soul when it comes to holiday movies. I love White Christmas with Bing Crosby and Christmas in Connecticut with Cary Grant. Love Actually and The Holiday are near the top of the list, too.

Getting in a few easy miles and some strides today! Also working on my Christmas running playlist… ;-)


I was on bedrest for my first and then modified for second and third so no activity at all. At the time it didn’t matter to me because the though of doing anything to put the pregancies more at risk than they were was horrifying to me! I basically just mentally switched out of fitness mode and into gestate/care taking mode, and put all my energy into having healthy pregnancies and then taking care of the babies. I didn’t get back to running until my last was 6 months or so, but I came back strong and was thrilled to focus on running and fitness again.


Thanks for your input Michele. I’m sorry you had complications with your pregnancies too. When I first went on bed rest, I was so anxious from worrying about my baby and not having an outlet for my anxiety. But, like you, I’m starting to make the mental switch to gestate mode. I’m glad everything worked out well for you, and you have healthy babies!


Thanks Amanda – and wishing you the very best of luck with the rest of the pregnancy! It’s tough but you will get through it no doubt :)


My workout today was Masters Swim Team. Despite not getting enough sleep last night, it actually went pretty well. :)


Favorite holiday movie is White Christmas for sure!

Your salads always make me want to drop everything and go to Cafe Rio.

Gym day today. My legs were toast half way through the class.


I would have to vote for Elf, but I do like The Grinch. I also like The Santa Clause, Home Alone and the classic Rudolph and Frosty the Snowman.

Ross’ favorite drink = horchata. Ross’ favorite Christmas candy = candy cane kisses. Next think you know, you will be putting leftover pumpkin cheesecake in your ice cream like he did Friday, Saturday and Sunday night :/


I love love love candy cane kisses! They are also the only Hershey kisses I will ever buy. My favorite Christmas movie is “the night they saved christmas” it’s old and Noone has ever heard of it before but we had it on VHS when I was a kid. (I’m not even 30, but I’m pretty sure the movie is older than me)


I’m preparing for my FIRST marathon in January, so I’m new to all of these pre-race rules… I’m thinking I’ll take your advice, especially cutting out fiber. Currently my worst fear is having some sort of digestive disaster (may I never type those words again) during the race.

Today was 10 miles at a medium pace – probably my very favorite workout, personally.

It’s not necessarily a Christmas movie, but Les Misérables (2012) is my #1 Christmastime movie.


I bought those Hershey kisses today! We also have peppermint ice cream in the freezer. I happily move on from all things pumpkin to all things peppermint!

I usually do a short run the day before a marathon. Workout today was a nountain bike ride, 37 degrees which is super cold for So Cal!

Christmas in Connecticut is a super cute movie – it came out in 1945 starring Barbara Stanwyck. Of course you can’t go wrong with A Christmas Story (“you’ll shoot your eye out!”)


Christmas Vacation is THE BEST Christmas movie, hands down. Well, and Elf. And It’s a Wonderful Life. And Home Alone… Okay, that’s enough. I just really really really like Christmas movies. ;)



I had my first graston appointment on my Achilles tendon today thanks to you. Ouch! Very painful, but I know it will be worth it. Good luck this weekend! I’m sure you will rock it!


oh good!! Please let me know how it works out for you! Thanks so much Lisa and I hope that Achilles is better in no time!


Bed rest…so necessary but so insanity producing, too!! As Lauren said, miserable and tough and seemingly never-ending (8 weeks bed-rest for me).

It *is* short term in the long term view of things but, speaking from experience, that is *not* helpful in the moment. Focusing on the baby, reading lots and lots of books and magazines (no TV for me – it just made me irritable – and I didn’t have a laptop then), and making faces and patterns out of the texture on the ceiling kept me sane(ish) (or just a little less crazy). I think I completely re-designed and planned remodels for my house (layouts, paint & carpet colors, the whole works) while on bed rest. Since I was on bed rest before the holiday (January baby), I also did lots of Christmas related hand-sewing. Facetime/Skype/email with family members and friends will help a ton, too. I had to have someone live with me full-time to take care of my two year old (my husband was on a 6 month assignment out of state) but he provided some entertainment, too.


Yes I read A LOT! TV also annoys me. Thanks for your input :) I hope everything worked out well for you!


Something about those twinkling lights just makes you want to be at home cozy-ed up on the couch with hot chocolate and a movie.


I was not a fan of the shakeout run, until I did one…and then ran a GREAT marathon the next day.

Granted, I only have one other marathon to compare it to, but I think I like the shakeout run.

I love Elf! But, I also have to watch Home Alone every year around Christmas-time.


I love Christmas trees! I’m so sad we’re not doing one this year, but it seemed like a lot of extra work to take it down while taking care of two newborns! I’ll just stare at pictures of your tree instead.
I love all Christmas movies! But my top 5 are, Elf, Grinch, The Santa Clause, The Santa Clause 3 (2 was just not good.), and of course Polar Express!


Bed rest: If you’re allowed to, knit!! It’s fun and engaging and productive! I like to watch Netflix and knit (hip injury–so not quite bed rest but very inactive). You’ll get used to not working out and your life will be better and fuller for it. If you choose to go back to being actice after the baby, maybe it will be a more moderate approach! Exercising is fun, but there’s lots more to life :) and an active imagination and busy hands can be very fulfilling!!


I have gotten used to being less active, but I definitely miss running/exercise as it has always been such a huge part of my life. You’re absolutely right though that there is more to life, and my baby is definitely way more important right now. Now if I could just learn how to knit :) Thanks for your input!


I was put on full bed rest at the end of my pregnancy. It was supposed to last at least 6 weeks, but after two weeks, my daughter decided to come early. I did a lot of reading and tv watching for the first week. By the second week I was going stir crazy. Just remember that it is not forever and will be totally worth it in the end. Before you know it, you’ll be back to running AND be even stronger because (if you are like me) you’ll be running with the stroller. Best of luck!


I slept next to my lit Christmas tree yesterday, and it was pure bliss. Nothing like the holiday spirit! So happy it is this time of year. :)

GRINCH ALL THE WAY. I’ve never really liked Elf.

Favorite holiday movie: The Santa Claus. I have a thing for Tim Allen. <3


I do a very short and very slow shake-out the day before a race and even the morning of a race. It probably is one of my most favorite runs of training.
Yeah the only holiday movie I can watch is National Lampoon Christmas, I just have never had any interest in any others.
Today I watched the rain/cold through the windows at work and kept telling myself ‘I can run outside, I will run outside’…..then I marked a cardio youtube video and a runner’s yoga video and decided to make it a cross-training day, haha! Meeting with my trainer in the morning and it is always a good idea to have fresh legs for those sessions!
I cut out dates/protein powders/magnesium/dried fruits/fiber before a big race. I have a huge fear of tummy troubles.


I have 4 month old twins after being on modified bed rest for FOUR MONTHS of my pregnancy. I definitely lost muscle mass and fitness like crazy. Bed rest is mind numbing. Zero issues with 2 previous pregnancies, so this was terrible. I worked from home, only left the house for dr visits and church and by the end was super tired and unable to do Anyang productive by lie there and whine.

Yes, it is a season. Yes, the payoff is tremendous. But, I am four months past it and have literally completed less than a dozen runs. All before I went back to work. Now that I am back, I have no time but to pump, work and nurse!

I have no wisdom- because I trust that as an athlete, you are used to doing what is necessary to reach the goals (this one being having a healthy baby). You can do it. And when the time is right, you will get back to business. And you will be a hero to your child(ren) because you are supermom. You got this. Just make sure you have Netflix :)


Thanks Emily! I’m so sorry you dealt with bed rest too…and for four months! Ugh!!! But, I’m glad everything worked out well and you have your perfect twins now :) I try to channel my running discipline….mind over matter…eye on the prize, etc. Thanks again!


My cousin was on bed rest for the last FIVE MONTHS of her pregnancy, and yes, it really sucks. But right now, it’s your job. Your job is to take care of your little baby, and bed rest is the best way to do that.

It might also be a good time to evaluate your relationship with exercise. Yes, exercise is important, but the main reason we do it (or the main reason we SHOULD do it) is good health. And right now, good health for you means staying off your feet! As silly as it sounds, this is your exercise right now. Your body is working real hard to take care of that baby, and it needs you to rest to do that job well.

Enjoy the freedom to do what you can…learn a new language, read, watch entire seasons of TV shows, read lots of baby books, let your family and friends take care of you. :) Good luck!!


Thanks Meg! I definitely enjoy exercising for good health and that’s a great way to look at bed rest…it’s what’s healthy right now for me and baby!


I was on bed rest for 3 weeks before my first daughter was born. It was supposed to be six weeks but she had to be induced due to my blood pressure. Bed rest drove ne crazy but my dr did give me the go ahead to do very light yoga to help me relax. I also wrote out exactly work outs that I planned on doing as soon as I got til he go ahead from my dr and also when I decided to run my first half marathon. Due to an unscheduled c-section I had to wait 8 weeks to work out but after 3 weeks I was allowed to do short 10 minute walks pushing the stroller. I know how frustrating bed rest can be. Tell her to keep her chin up and know that she’s helping her baby.


Thanks Courtney! Yes knowing that bed rest is what’s best for my baby gets me through the hardest times. I laughed when I read what you wrote about writing down the exact workouts you wanted to do once you could exercise again because I totally do that….along with choosing which half marathon I want to sign up for next year after my little one is here and I’ve had enough time to recover and get back into running safely.


Brooke is adorable when running in the snow!
Fav holiday movie: Home Alone. It reminds me of elementary school, pop corn on the sofa with mom and dad and many many happy evenings leading to Christmas

I finally signed up at a local gym, after a terrible performance of my last half, I decided that I need core work.


I rest the day before. I have a marathon on Sunday too! #11 or 12? Nervous but mostly excited. Good luck on your race!


Best holiday movie ever: Arthur Christmas


Those pancakes are adorable! Need to Pin that for later use. ;)

I never run the day before a marathon…psychologically I’ve felt like I was tiring myself out when I have in the past.

I still love watching the claymation Rudolph at Christmas, but It’s a Wonderful Life is my all time favorite!

P.S. 20% off on my running apparel until midnight tonight!! Sorry, don’t mean to spam…it’s all running related and for a good cause!!


I am watching A Charlie Brown Christmas, which I love. Santa Claus is Coming to Town is my other fave. Grinch over Elf.

If I traveled I might do a short shakeout run. If I am home I don’t.

I don’t eat salad a day or two before the race, I stick to cooked vegetables.

I ran 3 miles today.


Elf is also my favorite! And I absolutely agree about the tree; I just put mine up and I never want to leave my living room its sooo cozy!


Amanda, I was on “house arrest” my whole pregnancy with triplets. I had been running up until IVF. My story is too long for a text, but I am happy to speak on the phone. My email is [email protected] if you would like to contact me. Take care!


Thanks Michelle! I will email you!


I don’t run the day before a race! Gotta rest up and save my energy LOL. I focus on eating clean and hydrating the week before a big race! I try to stay away from the ice cream until after the race. Brooke’s pancakes are awesome!


I’m running the Dopey Challenge in January, and I will be running 4 days straight. So I won’t get a break. I’m crazy, but it has definitely been a challenge training for it.

Uh, December is TOMORROW Janae! :) So it’s okay… My favorite is Elf. for sure!

I was supposed to run to the gym go to Barre class, and then run home. I ended up going to only 1/2 hour of Barre, did a few weight lifting stuff and then ran a mile on the treadmill there, and then came home. You do what you are able to do, and sometimes life just doesn’t work for you.

I haven’t ever cut any food out, but I do try and eat a few more carbs throughout the week.


I NEVER run the day before a marathon. Not ever, and I stick to very easily digestible carbs 3 to 4 days before the race…rice, bread, bagels, potatoes, pretzels, pasta..things like that.

Awwww…your nephew is so adorable.


I ran throughout my first pregnancy (including a three mile run the day I went into labor!) but the second time I ended up on bedrest. UGH! It’s just so boring but you will get through it. And of course you’ll lose fitness but you can get it all back after the baby is born. The one thing I would say is, BEFORE you start to run again, do core strengthening exercises- both times after my babies were born I enthusiastically started to run again after six weeks, only to be injured. Then I did the strengthening and finally started to run again- skip the injury part and strengthen first! And really focus on your glutes! They will need to be activated or it will really mess you up. You can read up on all the proper exercises to do while on bedrest. Also listen to podcasts like Runners Connect, and you will eventually get back to running stronger and smarter.


Thanks so much for your input Jenny! I’m sorry you had to deal with bed rest, and I hope everything worked out well for you and your baby. Great advice to focus on strength training before getting back into running…and yes, reading about running and listening to podcasts about running is alllllllmost as good and helps relieve some of the boredom! Thanks again!


My favourite Hershey Kisses are the caramel ones. Yum!

And the Christmas movies I have to watch every year are Love Actually and White Christmas.


Horchata is amazing! I have been hooked on it for years! The only problem is when I see a place that has it and I can tell it wasn’t freshly made. There are a few local Mexican restaurants that make it fresh and then some that don’t…the difference is unreal!


What a beautiful Christmas tree!

I am so sorry to hear about the other reader needing to be on bedrest. One thing that I find is helpful, is to remind yourself that the health of the baby is the priority right now. I was training for the Boston Marathon when I found out that I was pregnant, I was unable to train due to pregnancy concerns. I was bummed because I tried sooooo hard to qualify. But then I reminded myself that my training at the time was to provide my baby with a healthy environment to develop and grow. Praying for you!!!!


I was on bed rest for 28 days in the hospital with my son. I had to stop running at 20 weeks due to preterm labor. My son still came early but once I was in the hospital it was all about keeping the baby in as log as possible. I’m not sure what the reader would like to know specifically I’d be happy to chat with her! Maybe I can pass along an email? Or if you’re reading this – let me know what you’d like to know. It wasn’t easy but I know you can do it too!


Favorite holiday movies: Home Alone and Love Actually. :)


I love Elf too! It never gets old!
I’m like you, I don’t like to run the day before a race. For some reason I think it’ll make me super tired on race day… even if the race is only 5 miles! I know it’s just in my head…
I took a barre class yesterday and I’m so sore today! I have no upper body strength!


I don’t run the day before a race because my legs feel fresher after a short rest.

I wasn’t on bed rest during my recent pregnancy, but at 16 weeks I was forced to stop all exercise but walking and yoga. It was really tough since I’ve always been active and slow wasn’t something I was used to. You can do a lot of the pregnancy yoga from bed, with your doctor’s permission of course. Not going to lie, it’s taken a lot longer to come back from this pregnancy than I’d expected, but I’ll get there!


I can totally relate to the pregnancy question! I am not on bedrest, but I am 37 weeks and have not been able to have extreme physical activity during my pregnancy! I went from running a decent 40-60 miles a week to nothing. This is my 3rd child, and with each pregnancy I gained 60-80 lbs. I lost it after each of my first 2, and hope to lose it after this baby is born. It is such a hard road to come back, and it is so frustrating not to engage in my normal exercise routine. I miss running, crossfit, and my workout buddies! So, I can relate girlfriend, but we WILL come back stronger and better off from it :)


Love horchata!!

I usually run 2-3 miles the day before a marathon but if I’m traveling/can’t fit it in, then I let it go!

I tend to eat pretty bland the days leading up to the marathon … Stick to grilled chicken/turkey, steamed veggies, and bread rolls … Lots of bread rolls! I try to avoid legumes/spicy food/things that are harder to digest which I’m okay with since I could live off bread rolls anyway :)



Elf is just awesome. It’s like the more you watch it the better it gets, lol. The Polor Express is good too. We watched Home Alone last night.
I’m sure I’m alone in this, (not really a Christmas movie) but I love the scene in Sleepless in Seatle where after visiting her family Meg is listening to Christmas music in her car and singing along, “horses, horses, horses” it just cracks me up.
My husband claims that Die Hard is his favorite Christmas movie… so there’s that. Yeah…


Amanda – I spent a little over 4 months on bed rest during my first pregnancy. You have my full sympathy. Looking back (it has been almost 4 years now) sometimes I wonder how I survived. But when I think I little harder I think there are a few things that really helped. As much as laying on the couch every day was awful I kept in mind that it was for the absolute best reason possible. My daughter kicked a lot and that worked as a reminder that there was going to be a wonderful outcome of this terrible situation. I hate sitting still, so I took up knitting. I took my knitting to a whole new level! I tried out harder and harder projects and having a goal to work towards helped me. The biggest thing was only taking it one day at a time. I didn’t allow myself to think about how many more weeks/months I had left, instead I only focused on how to get through today. It was rough on me and my body though. I had a C-section and then corrective surgery 3 months later. I wasn’t cleared for any exercise until my daughter was almost 6 months old. Definitely return to exercise slowly, your body will have been through a lot! It is so difficult to not be active, I’m sending a hug your way.


Amanda – if you have any interest in learning a new language you could try the Duolingo website or apps. It’s free and there are short segments that can take your mind off things. Your little baby may learn along with you :) Best of luck, you can do hard things!


Nope. Never run the day before. Did it once – because everyone else it seems does it…but it’s not for me. Never again. lol


Always a shake out run the day before. Always!

My favorite Christmas movie is Christmas Vacation! Close behind is Elf and Home Alone!!

I spent 1.25 hours strength training this morning and going to a group run this evening in Detroit. 8 miles at an easy/social pace.


“White Christmas” is my all time favorite Christmas movie. I cry everytime they open the barn doors and the snow is falling. It’s lovely! I don’t run the day before a marathon, but I usually do before a half. Today my coach assigned me 3×2 mile repeats-it was tough, but I got it done. Happy running!


Movies: Home Alone (the first two), I’ll be home for Christmas (JTT in his finest!), While you were sleeping (my favorite holiday movie!), Just Friends, Love Actually, Christmas Vacation, Elf, and the Santa Clause (all 3, but the first is by far the best!).


I love Elf, so good!

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