Sacrifices for running and it feels good to see this again…

I bet you will NEVER guess where we ended up going last night…

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Yep, Cornbelly’s for the 4,000th time.  We are Halloween festival/activity addicts.  Can’t stop, won’t stop.  

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Brooke even got to experience the joy of cotton candy.  She was pretty confused by it at first but then caught on to the fact that you bite into it rather than just licking it.  

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When I got home a friend stopped by with a RubySnap (the best cookies in Utah) pumpkin cookie for me.   I don’t think I really liked pumpkin growing up but the older I get the more I have a deep love/obsession with it! 

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Megan is at Disneyland currently so we Facetimed so that I could see the giant pumpkin.  When the park is decorated with Halloween stuff it is the BEST time to be at Disney in my opinion.  

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You can check out my tips on how to get over missing out on a race—>  HERE!!!

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It sure feels good to be getting my workouts emailed to me again…  it will be a great week!

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Lately I have been thinking about some of the sacrifices that runners make to keep running.  Schedules are tight, life is busy and most of the time it would be much easier to stay in bed when our alarm clock goes off to get up and run…. but with all of those things going against us we keep logging the miles and making running one of our priorities because it is all so very worth it.  Let’s talk about those sacrifices and clap (silently if you are at work while reading this) for all the runners out there working hard even though there are a lot of excuses to skip our runs.  Not much compares to all of the gains that we get from the miles and so I think that is why we continue to run even though sometimes we have to jump through some hoops in order to get there.  

Props to you if you are that runner that…..

-has a lot of setbacks along the way and still continues to keep trying and challenging themselves.  

-logs miles on the treadmill to keep up with their training when they can’t get outside (or because they love the treadmill!!) even though it might be a mental battle the entire time to NOT push the stop button.

-goes out during their lunch break for a run because it sometimes is the only time of day that a few miles can be squeezed in.

-gets out of their warm and comfortable bed when it is crazy early in order to get their run in before the rest of their day starts.

-goes to bed earlyish to make sure that they are well rested and recovering properly from their runs.

-chugs water and eats plenty of nutrient dense foods throughout the day to make sure they are fueling their running properly.

-hits the roads after a long day of work/parenting/school/whatever… it could be a lot easier to sit and veg out with Netflix but they know that a run will just make everything feel better.

-is patiently waiting for their injury to heal while being smart about the whole situation as they take care of their body first even though it is tempting to go out and run.

-is going through a bunch of trials right now and life is just plain ol’ hard… yet, they still get out the door to move and get those much needed endorphins to help their load feel a little bit lighter.  

-runs through all of the different extreme weather conditions when it is so much easier to stay inside—> snow, ice, heat, humidity… and they finish it all with a smile on their face (I do refuse to smile when there is a strong headwind but I will for the other things).

-keeps going when they want to quit.  I am pretty sure we all have these moments… so yeah, runners are pretty amazing.  

And the list goes ON and ON:) 


What are some of the sacrifices you make to keep up with your running?  How do you make sure running fits in with your life?

Favorite time of year to go to Disneyland?

Have any good pumpkin recipes for me… I’ve got a big can of pumpkin waiting for me to use.

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Sometimes I feel like I sacrifice sleep and along with that sanity! I remember being confused by cotton candy as a kid :)


I sometimes sacrifice time spent with friends on Friday and Saturday nights. And sleep, of course.


I love this list! I’m still getting the hang of the mom life and balancing it with work and running. It’s no easy task and I’m jealous of all the mother runners who have it “together” already. I know that with time, it will come for me too. :)


No one has it all together :)…it just appears that way :)


Girl, I am so far from ‘together’…. we are all right there with ya!


I’m not a huge fan of Disney, I know, I’m horrible but I do love pumpkin cookies, so there’s that.


I think the balance is hard. Yes, my training is important and I have to give things up for that, but at the same time, I can’t prioritize running over friends and family all the time either. There needs to be a good balance with doing things that are good for you (like running) and doing things that are good for your relationships.

I’ve only been to Disney once and it was a LONG time ago! I’m a big fan of Christmas decorations though, so I feel like I need to go then.


I don’t make as many sacrifices as people with kids do (props to you!!) but I do sacrifice hanging out with friends late on the weekends, or having a drink with them every once in a while, or seeing the late football games because I have to wake up early to run. It’s all worth it though and I wouldnt have it any other way :)

My favorite way to use pumpkin is to mix it with a cake mix (any flavor will do). It’s the easiest 2-ingredient cake ever – it substitutes perfectly for all the liquid ingredients! I recently did this with Trader Joe’s gingerbread cake mix and it was SO GOOD!


I want to try your cake mix concoction. So instead of oil, you use the same amount of pumpkin puree in its place?


I just use one can of pumpkin with one box of cake mix. No measuring necessary!


I definitely sacrifice sleep! I’m usually up around 4:30 to get my run in.
I’ve never been to Disneyland but I love disneyworld in October!!!


I just made these pumpkin bars and they were DELISH

I am so happy to hear your training is going well and that lil belly of yours is finally cooperating!! :) hide yo kids, this girl is gunna be a monster at her next marathon ;) ;)


Great list! I am patiently waiting for my injury to heal… well, patiently might not be the word :)

I read on a blog the other day that we have to “respect the recovery” when coming back from injury/illness just like we “respect the distance” when we are training for a race. I had never heard “respect the recovery” before but it made a lot of sense to me. It’s not easy though, I have to try really hard to not be jealous that you are getting your runs emailed to you again! But I am really happy for you :)


You are right, we deserve a little clap :D


I sacrifice sleep for running – a lot. And now that I have a newborn I have about 2-3 hours a day of “me time” so if I use an hour of that to run it leaves less time to work, clean the house, or relax. I choose running/working out over the other options most days of the week!


But I would say I sacrifice quite a bit for running… mainly my weekends and my feet! But of course it is all worth it and I know there are plenty of people who sacrifice more than me!

My sister and I love to make “pumpkin fluff” and its so easy!
1 can pumpkin + a container of cool whip + 1 pack of instant vanilla pudding + 1 tsp pumpkin sugar spice
dip in graham crackers! so good!


The most annoying sacrifice for me right now is not sleeping in… ever. I felt like I slept in today and I got up at 6. I don’t have kids, so I do have more free time than many folks, but even on the weekends, I need to get up early so that I can work out before the heat hits.

Sometimes I think it would be nice if just once a week I could sleep in until 8 or so!


I’m the same way, Katie! It has ruined me so badly that even if I had time to sleep in, I couldn’t. sleeping in until 8:00 sounds like a dream!


Same here! In the winter, I can sort of sleep in because it stays dark later. But even if I don’t set my alarm in the summer, I’m up as soon as it’s light out.


I definitely sacrifice sleep and wake up WAY earlier than I would prefer to run each morning. I also relate to the going through a really hard time right now but still run every morning. It actually helps, in a way.

I’m not a very good cook/baker, so I don’t have any recipes, but I can definitely tell you that practically anything at Trader Joe’s that is pumpkin flavored has my stamp of approval! I LOVE the Pumpkin Spice Cake and the granola cereal–SO good!


I don’t have kids or a demanding job, so I don’t have to make as many sacrifices as others. I stay grateful of that fact and the fact that I get to run!


I just have to say that the benefits FAR outweigh the sacrifices!!!!! That being said I have to be super flexible. I try to fit my running it at a time that works for both me and my family. In the summer it is mornings. Right now and through the winter it will be lunch time :). I have SUCH a hard time getting out there in the 5’s and even 6’s (ESPECIALLY when it is dark and freezing…forget it), but that is in part because our family is up later at night. Maybe I would do it if there was no possible way for me to squeeze it in later. I also run in crazy weather. Sometimes I think it is fun and adventurous, other times I just kind of hate it. In the depths of marathon training my house also can get out of hand :)…who has time to clean?!


I hear you on the treadmill part – props to me and all of us for sure for getting the miles in, even the long run miles, when it cant be done outside! I haven’t been to Disneyland but love Disney world! Trying to book our trip for December!


Getting up at 3:45am is a pretty good sacrifice ;)
Christmas at Disney is the BEST!
Add some pumpkin to your pancakes! Oh, and chocolate chips :)


I think I saw someone mention this one above, but the two-ingredient pumpkin muffins are my favorite! I make them into cookies sometimes too. I use a spice cake mix and one can of pumpkin, stir it all up, and bake! I don’t bake much, it has to be super simple like that :)

I agree with your list. I’m not a parent yet, I have a feeling I will make more of the early am or treadmill sacrifices then! I was never much of an alcohol drinker away, but when I started training for races and just more serious running in general I totally turn down drinks because I know even just having one will make for a not-so-good run the next day. I’m totally ok just ordering pop or water if my husband and I go out and meet friends at the bar.


I feel like my running is so “routine” now that I don’t really make sacrifices. I mean, I do wake up early before my family does so I can run, but it’s the best way to start my day with that accomplishment. It means going to bed a little early, but I’d probably only be watching TV anyways, so it’s not a big deal.
Chocolate chip pumpkin muffins are a favorite at our house. We make a whole bunch of them, freeze them, and eat them for breakfasts!


I definitely sacrifice sleeping in and time at night when I go to bed early because I know it will be an early morning. I try really hard to strike a balance though because I know in the long run, this is what will help me keep running for many years to come!


I always get my runs in after work. Definitely sacrifice some of that Netflix watching time ;) It works for me right now because I dont’t have kids or anything but eventually I know I’ll have to switch to mornings and I am not a morning-workout person….!

I love fall and halloween. I’m glad you are Brooke are soaking it up while it lasts!


If I want to run, I have to do it while the kids are in bed most nights. I don’t feel like that’s a huge sacrifice during the summer months but I really don’t like running at night. Even with my pepper pray. So now I’m trying to work out a schedule to run before I eat dinner, which means most nights I don’t eat what ever I’m making because it’s gone when I get back.


I have a good spaghetti pasta boat recipe on my blog in celebration of fall, not sure if you’re interested in that!


PUMPKIN SMOOTHIE!! 8 oz milk of your choice, a glob of yogurt, some peanut butter, half a frozen banana, a 1/3 cup or so of pumpkin, and some pumpkin pie spice. You can also mix the a can of pumpkin with boxed chocolate cake mix to make super-moist cupcakes (it’s an old weight watchers trick!)


That sounds amazing! :) Totally going to try it, love pumpkin!


I was just telling someone the same thing about pumpkin – I never really liked it growing up, but now I’m in love with it! Maybe it’s an acquired taste?? Pumpkin roll is my personal favorite recipe, but my mom just made a simple pumpkin dip with 16 oz pumpkin, 12 oz cream cheese, 1.5 cups confectioners sugar (I think she used less sugar than this), and 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice. Mix together and serve with vanilla wafers or graham crackers. So good!

One sacrifice…not staying out late on Friday nights with friends, so I can get up and run on Saturday mornings.

The only time I was at Disneyland was right before Thanksgiving, but they had all the Christmas decorations out and it was beautiful! Thinking about it makes me want to go back!


I’ve been through my fair share of set backs, that is for sure. That is a really neat app to keep your workouts organized. Maybe I should do that too..minus I only have one real “scheduled” workout a week…then I just find a bunch of races ha ha.


I definitely sacrifice sleep and time with friends due to training. I also date a lot less when I am in a training season because it is hard to coordinate runs and I am just so tired all the time! I also can’t travel as much when I am in a training season due to when long runs fall. I am excited to be able to have more spontaneity after my marathon in November! BUT it is all worth it- just not something you can do all the time:)


PREGNANT RUNNING! It’s like a big ole’ slice of humble pie!


Me too! And yes, it is so humbling, isn’t it??


I went to DL in August and March – August wasn’t too terrible, but it was hot. March was super nice and not as busy.

I run when I can. If I don’t make it out – I try to not get too stressed about it. I usually keep running clothes/shoes in my car in case I have a chance to go out and run a quick 3-5K


Let’s see… I sacrifice all the little things that add up. The puttering around the house things. Once in a while I’ll find myself with extra time to putter and it feels luxurious but for the most part, I don’t stop moving all day long. I make use of every waking second, so that I am able to fit a run in. The sacrifices are worth it, because running keeps me healthy and my passion alive.


When I was working in NYC I would be up at 415 to get my run in before work. Although it makes me sound badass, I was also in bed around 8PM haha. Getting the right amount of sleep keeps me motivated for my workouts. So glad you’re feeling better ;)


Cutting sleep to run, freezing my patootie off this morning to get it in, coming back from lunch sweaty and taking a baby-wipe bath in the office, and of course, skipping dinner prep to make it happen. Small sacrifices compared to what other people do.


My house could be cleaner. I don’t go out often on a Friday and I’m home earlyish when I do. I have gone for runs while my husband has tests done in the hospital and after his surgery. (and it’s near the boardwalk which is actually one of my favorite places to run).

Pumpkin Spice Smoothie: mix 1 cup of cashew milk, 1/2 c water, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1/2 c pumpkin puree, 1/2 c frozen spinach, 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice, 1 large date or a little maple syrup and ice.

I’ve been to Disney World but not Disneyland.


I’m not a big pumpkin person so I’m no help there.

I love this post though! I’m one of those treadmill users because 5am is my free time of the day to sneak in a run. I have tried the lunch break runs too when I can.


Oh boy, there are many sacrifices when it comes to running & fitness. Can’t we just talk about why it’s so awesome instead?


I love this post! We runners do make a lot of sacrifices but they are worth it. From your list three very much applied to me. One being an injury and I am not running for a few weeks to get it healed up. Another is that life is just hard! My mom was recently diagnosed with something terrible and that has been a mental and emotional struggle. The third – weather of course! :)

My fav time of year to be at Disneyland is in the winter. I love all of the lights!


I’ve been to Disney World 3 times for the Halloween season, and they always go crazy with the pumpkins and decorations – it’s great! Thank you for the inspiration from this post. Sometimes it’s just plain old hard to keep going (I’m not a runner, but this applies to EVERYTHING in life), but deep down it is so worth it.


So glad you are feeling better and getting back to running!

I sacrifice sleep for running…you gotta do what you gotta do!


2 ingredient brownies!!!

Pumpkin + brownie mix.. no other ingredients (unless you want to add chocolate chips.. which I always do).


GREAT article! It’s never easy to have to miss a run even if it’s for the best.

I don’t like the word sacrifice because I’m choosing to live a better life because of my love of running. I just adjust to make time for it. I run while my toddler sleeps, I take advantage of my lunch hour and I just make sure my friends are up for the “early” show so I can be in bed at a decent hour.


Love your list of props for runners. We so often forget how hard we work to run and sometimes focus on the negative so much more. Like how slow we were today but forgetting how far we have come and how much we have grown. Thank you for this reminder!


Getting good at a new skill.
I think playing the guitar would be super cool, but with life and running…..not time to really devote.


I know when I’m going through a hardship of trials. Running is what helps me get through it. I haven’t been able to run due to said hardship (having an IUI to hopefully get us pregnant) so it’s been hard to not lace up and go out the door – because these are pretty good temps right now… But I’m doing things so when I can run again I will be a stronger runner. ?

I’ve only been to Disney in the fall and summer. So far I love going at Halloween time!


Yes to all of this!! (Clapping out loud!!!)
You are right – it is so worth it to make sacrifices to do what we love.
I want to work on getting more sleep – esp. as marathon training ramps up this winter I know that sleep will be so important to repair my body.
Injury and extreme patience – yes definitely. It really humbles you :)
With 3 little kids, I have a lot of balls to juggle, but running is really important to me, so I make it work. It may not always be traditional (sometimes I run mid morning, sometimes afternoon, sometimes early evening – just depends on my day and what my kid need), but it works!
Disneyland – love October for Halloween (I once went there during college ON Halloween – so fun!!) and December/ early Jan for the Christmas decorations!!
I’ll have to go and read your WR article :)


I was sidelined last minute for the Chicago Marathon this year. It is so hard, but i really admire how you got through it all!


These days I’ve been reminded that sometimes the most important sacrifice you can make is to just keep trying. Work travel, fatigue, illness, and other personal commitments have damped my motivation to run lately and competed with the time I have to do it. But those are the seasons when you just have to keep on keepin’ on. My running schedule may not be perfect, but I do what I can to find time to do it and give myself a little bit of grace when I just can’t. That’s why I love remembering your advice – that running will always be there for you when you come back to it.


I really love pumpkin chocolate chip cookies! :) yum!


Your list is why I admire and respect ALL runners SO much and why I am so proud to be a part of the running community.


I slept in my running gear last night just to make sure I would go for a run this morning. It worked!


I wish I had a Cornbelly right there! It looks amazing and so much fun for you all to attend. Brooke has such a fun childhood!


What are some of the sacrifices you make to keep up with your running? How do you make sure running fits in with your life?
**Getting up early, going to bed early when I need to and don’t necessarily want to, being aware of food choices when I’d rather just eat junk (this one is hard, I strive for balance though). I think so many people who don’t run have no idea how hard it is, mentally. I mean, physically, it’s tough, but if you can’t stay in it mentally, you can’t stay in it, period.

Favorite time of year to go to Disneyland?
November. I love the Fall weather and the lines are shorter. (Disney World) We are going for my son’s 6th birthday and he doesn’t know yet. Hardest secret I ever kept. Which basically I keep telling the entire internet, so I won’t break down and tell him!

Have any good pumpkin recipes for me… I’ve got a big can of pumpkin waiting for me to use.
Nope. Don’t like pumpkin. Fall is Reese’s cup season for me. I am eating, right now, Nutella and Peanut Butter together. Not a recipe, but super delicious. ;)


I had recently started dating someone and things were going well…until they said said to me, “I can’t date you anymore…you go to bed too early”. For the record, I go to bed between 9:30-10pm

Ba-hahaha. If something like that bothers you, then you are not the man for me.


Ummmm excuse me?!?!? Yeah… not going to work!


LOL. To make it more outrageous, he did it via TEXT message. I just responded with “Ok. Take care”. Part of me wants to go laugh in his face and tell him how ridiculous he is being…but most of me just doesn’t want to waste anymore time on him!


This pumpkin cookie recipe is a go-to in my house–I have been making it for years and my family is obsessed. I use a full can of pumpkin rather than just 1 cup and I usually sub whole wheat flour. I also typically only put 1/2 the sugar the recipe calls for and use a combination of brown and white sugar. I just drizzle the glaze over the cookies so I only need about half the amount of icing the recipe calls for. I promise you will love them! :)


2 other tips–

-Like the comments say, don’t store them in a sealed container. They are too moist and don’t keep well that way. I store them in a container but don’t close the lid all the way. They are best the first few days you makes them.

-Use parchment paper on your cookie sheet and they come off really easily!


THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I am going to have to make these ASAP and thank you for the tips… so helpful! Have a beautiful day Katie!


I hope you like them as much as we do! :)


Noah that is a giant pumpkin in Disney!


Gilmore Girls can fix antyhing that ails me! So glad it works for you too :)
“Oy with the poodles already”


I just love this post!!!! Thank you


Social media will make everyone’s life seem perfect. It also gives the impression that all accomplishments come without setbacks. We all know that this is untrue. The biggest sacrifice I make is sleep. I go to bed between 11:00pm and 12:00am. Then I wake up at 4:00am. My wife has an early start so I have to get the run and be back in time fro her to leave so I am back to watch the kids. Also I recently moved to Atlanta but I am doing the 9+1 for the TCS NYC Marathon in 2016. I’ve had to shuttle back and forth to NY in order to run races. I work around my family so no one ever feels like I am not around to do a run.
My kids are still pretty young for Disney World but I anticipate Fall will be the best time for us.
No one makes better Pumpkin Pies than my wife. Unfortunately, I have no idea what she does.


I have to pull out of my marathon due to injury, so that article helped a lot (along with your super positive attitude about your race) :)


My bedtime is that of an old person so I can run way early (4:15 a.m.). Running (walking while recovering from an injury) first thing starts my day off in a peaceful and positive manner. I’m a WDW girl, but I’ll go to either park anytime of the year!! And pumpkin chocolate chip cookies are awesome. Also, pumpkin banana no bakes are really good. I could eat pumpkin plain ?


I haven’t commented on a blog in agessss. I blogged for a few years and stopped last summer. So my setbacks… I have torn my ACL TWICE. Who does that? I started getting serious about running / racing fall 2012 and dove into a 10 miler with little training. I was hooked and planned a marathon for the following fall and did a few halves… until Spring 2013 I tore my ACL in a soccer game and had to have surgery. I legit cried on the sidelines about not being able to compete in a race in two weeks. I was all healed up, ran my first marathon with some IT issues and was set for a fast one shortly after. Then my ACL tore again fall 2014. Needless to say I hate my knees. I had surgery this June and am about 2 or 3 weeks into running. Today was my longest / farthest yet @ 5.25 miles in about 50 minutes. It is crazy how quickly an hour of running comes back to you, especially since I have some friends who can’t run more than 20 minutes. I will complete a marathon some day on healthy legs and get a time I am excited about. Until then… I will take it day by day and see what my knee is feeling : ) I am glad your stomach is doing better and that you are staying optimistic! Been following you for a few years and can’t wait for you to crush the sub 3:00 marathon!


I have not been to Disneyland, but I love DisneyWorld………… family and I have been a lot growing up, and I even worked there for a few months in college! I was there during October, and that was a great time! I got to hand out candy at Mickey’s not so scary Halloween party, and the Halloween parade was the coolest! I am sort of a huge Disney fan :)

I love pumpkin stuff too! Did you know you can take a regular size can of pumpkin and mix it into a cake mix and bake it? You don’t have to add eggs or oil or water or anything…………just the pumpkin and cake mix. It works best with chocolate, because it will change the color of a yellow or white cake. This tip saves some calories but the cake still tastes great!


my eyes are tearing up just reading this post. Sometimes you can express runner’s thoughts better than anyone out there. I think it’s why we keep reading along with you. :)


Janae, does your running coach have a web-site? Do you know if he is accepting new clients?


great question! I wondered that too!


I have to give props to the girlfriends I run with. They all have kids of varying ages (one even gets up extra extra early to pump first). It’s not easy but they all still manage to make it to our early morning runs. We bob along in the dark with our headlamps and laugh and vent and solve the world’s problems and before we know it we’re done and IT’S SO WORTH IT!!


I’ve always wanted to go to Disney over Halloween or Christmas- the decorations look amazing!


crazy question, but does the email of your runs come from downloading Garmin? Or is it from an app? TIA

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