Maybe this is why I blog (5 years today!) AND running shoes GIVEAWAY!

Please note this was written at 4 a.m. so it might be especially random…

But first… my favorite picture of Brooke.


Sometimes I wonder why this blog has stuck for FIVE YEARS (3,134 posts) and why it gets the traffic it does.  I make as many grammatical errors as a 4th grader, my pictures are usually poorly lit and from my iPhone.  Most posts include so many random tangents that I get confused reading over them myself, I don’t know a thing about the technical side of it all and I eat the same 4 meals on rotation.  I make a lot of mistakes and a lot of times the same ones over and over again and yet you guys still stick around (THANK YOU).

I then wonder why the hardest stuff (along with a lot of great things too and the greatest thing ever= Brooke) for me didn’t come until I had a lot of people watching me on the blog—>  femoral stress fractures (those really hurt), overtraining and eating disorder side effects at the very beginning of my blog (osteopenia/ammenorhea and ps I haven’t had any relapses since then).   My divorce from a person I was deeply in love with at the time and thought I was going to be with forever, loneliness that my chest still hurts when thinking about how hard those days/nights were (and still sometimes are) and the many ups and downs of post-divorce dating.  The pain that comes along with your little baby/toddler/kiddo being away from you for the weekend or holidays.  Dropping out of a million races due to injuries/sickness/mental exhaustion, my sister’s divorce and my mom’s health (heart surgery and now a stroke).  Feeling so sick recently that I wore sweatpants way too many days in a row and some other things that I have dealt with privately while at the same time trying to keep a smile on my face.

And maybe a part of why I keep blogging (and why you stick around despite my lack of blogging skills) is because of the above reasons.  I am an extremely open human (I am that awkward person that shares their life story within 20 minutes of meeting a person) and maybe I just really like connecting with others about all of the ups and downs in life.  I have incredible blessings (my family—> I’m looking at you) and my life has NOT been any harder than yours (because EVERY human has trials and most have a lot bigger ones than mine) but maybe I love blogging about the good and the bad so that you and I can relate a bit over a computer screen.  Whether it be emails back and forth with girls struggling with the loss of their period from running too much and eating too little.  Or for people like a a non-runner that I bumped into the other day that told me she reads my blog just to see, as a newly single mom herself, that life can be beautiful as a single mom and that you can in fact make it through a messy divorce.

We might relate because you and I both know how a break-up wrenches our hearts.  Our connection might come through the two of us understanding how hungry marathon training makes us and how ice cream sometimes just solves all of the major problems in the world.  We might just ‘get’ each other because we both understand how much we miss running when we don’t get the chance to lace up our sneakers each morning.   Maybe we connect because we are both trying our hardest to hit a goal that we have had for many many years.  I know for a fact that a lot of us can all agree that the perfect day includes a long run, plenty of refueling and some Netflix watching from the couch.  Our ‘reasons for running’ might be pretty darn identical and that helps us both to realize we aren’t crazy.  I think you and I know the feeling of failure and the decision we have to make to either give up trying or to be resilient and come back from the set-back stronger than ever.

I hope that when you read this blog you feel a sense of community.  I think humans crave some form of community or group and that is most definitely what feeling I get from you guys and why I love blogging.  I think that is a part of why we all love running/races so much.  It allows us to feel like a part of something bigger, and something that is really great for our health takes it to the next level.

I really want you to know that we are all in this together and when the going gets tough, you’ve got some random girl in Utah cheering for you.  Maybe this is one of the reasons that I will blog for as long as I possibly can because I know that your comments/emails and support are always a huge source of strength for me in the good times and the bad.  Goodness gracious, those amazingly sweet comments/emails during the first few months after filing for divorce are what got me through some really dark days and your comments over the last few weeks—> wow.

So although this blog might seem like a showcase of froyo and running shoes I hope you know that I really want it to be a place where we can all relate somehow.  Whether it be over how amazing endorphins are, the joys of dessert, our addiction to races, the amazing feeling that comes after completing a tough track workout or how hard it is to keep going when you want to quit.  We all have ups and when we have downs, we keep looking forward and have hope that there are a lot of really great things in store for all of us in the future.  We just gotta keep pumping our arms when our legs get tired, count our blessings and take the hard things a mile at a time.

Here’s to another 5 years (well, I have no idea how long) of getting to know each other better, sharing the beautiful parts of life along with the hard stuff, growing, running and connecting.


And to celebrate five years of blogging I’m going to buy a pair of Brooks running shoes (whatever ones you want) to one lucky reader!

To enter:

1.  Leave a comment with whatever you would like to say.

2.  If you want more entries then share the giveaway on twitter or Facebook or email your mom about it or Instagram and leave a separate comment telling me that you did!

Giveaway ends at the end of the week.

Thanks again for hanging out with me on the internet:)

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Yours was the first blog I ever read :) I love it! And congrats on 5 years, that’s amazing commitment!


Me, too :)


I love that you share what is happening, the good and the bad! I think it makes us all feel a little more “normal” when we know someone else is dealing with these things too. Congratulations on an awesome first five years!


One of your best posts yet, Janae!! I have enjoyed more than you know following you for the past couple years– an re-reading older posts that I missed, multiple color fonts and all :) You’re a blessing and an amazing woman! Happy 5 years girlfriend.


Happy blog-a-versary!

I think you hit the nail on the head with why being a part of the run blog community is so special. Even though I only have 1/10th of the readership you have I’ve kept writing for almost three years because I’ve found such supportive friends who understand the ups and downs of training, racing, dealing with an eating disorder and just living life. Your running blog was the first one I ever read and I’m so glad I found it!


Before running (pun intended!) across your blog I didn’t realize what a running community there is out there. I like reading you blog each morning, it starts my day on a positive note. Congrats on the 5 years – wow!


congrats on 5 years! really love your openness and that you are so real! keep up the good work and good health :)


I’ve been reading this blog for most of the five years, and loved it. Thanks for sharing a piece of yourself with all of us.


First, Brooke is gorgeous!!!!
Second, your blog is what inspired me to start blogging and I love reading it every day!!! The running community is the best and you’re a huge part of that!!!


Today is also my husband and my 5 year anniversary of when we first got together. I hope you keep blogging, it gets me through my day everyday.

Have a good day!


I have read your blog for a few years now, and I do agree that your openness is what keeps me coming back! I can’t even compare with your running skills, but reading your blogs (and a few others) has motivated me to push myself, and I just ran my first half marathon yesterday! Keep blogging and inspiring!


5 years is a long time! I’ve been reading for about 3 of those years. It’s nice to have your blog to read in the morning. Definitely a pick me up as I’m getting ready for work. :) Thanks for your openness, especially when it comes to running being hard sometimes. I often get down on myself when I have a “bad” run and it’s nice to know you have those days too!


I love your blog and look forward to your post everyday! I feel like we are friends and yet we have never met or talked. I hope you blog for another 5+ years!


Probably one of my favorite posts you’ve ever written because it is SO true. Your blog has been so incredible especially this past month dealing with a stress fracture/dropping out of the marathon since you are going through something so similar (and make me feel like i’m not alone/crazy/the world is not ending). We ehave very similar pasts and I feel like I can relate on so many levels to your posts which is SO refreshing especially when you’re feeling very alone in the real world :) People are always ready to judge others but i’m sure those judging could never have built the community that you have!! Never give up :)


Such a sweet post! Your honesty is appreciated in blog world!


Thank YOU for sharing all that you do. You help and encourage so many people, and it’s nice to be able to relate to others going through some of the same things in life. Looking forward to what’s ahead for you!


I’ve read the blog since right before brooke was born. Yes, it’s random. Yes, the pics aren’t always the best. But it’s real life and I love a peek into your world. And I know you’ve had hard times, but somehow, you always do manage to put a smile on, and I admire that. Here’s to 5 more years of blogging!!


What a wonderful post …. So brave, open and inspiring. I have enjoyed reading your blog! Happy five years!


Blogging is the best! Congratulations on 5 years- what a huge accomplishment (fingers crossed that I even last for one.) I love how you write like you’re talking to your best bud. P.S. Brooke is darling.


Love this post! And reading along with your life <3


Thank you for your honesty and encouragement! You are a blessing to many!!


I want to participate giveaway. What a beautiful pic of your daughter!


I’ve been a blogger for 3.5 years and often wonder why people read mine as well! I LOVE connecting with others though, and will continue blogging as long as others continue reading.


Happy 5 years of blogging! I discovered your blog this spring while I was training for my first half marathon, and I’ve been hooked ever since. I broke my ankle last fall and had to take a few months off from any form of exercise and I too have been through a somewhat dramatic divorce in a relationship I thought would be forever, so I just find you SO relateable. I love how open and funny you are, and reading your blog is a huge bright spot in my day. I look forward to continuing to read as you hit your sub 3 marathon goal as well! :)

P.S. Brooke is the. cutest. ever. That’s all. :)


Janae, this was beautifully written. I came across your blog while suffering through IT Band pain in prep for my first half…and I’m so glad I did! Your blog is so relatable on both the good days and not so good day and comes with a bonus of motivation, good advice and some cute kiddos!!

Hoping you have a beautiful day!


Happy 5 years!! I’ve loved reading your blog the last few years. Thanks for the running inspiration….I love my pure flows thanks to you :)


Happy 5th Birthday Hungry Runner Girl Blog! Your blog was one of the first blogs I started reading and I’m still reading it 5 years later! Although I am not married or have kids, your blog is still so easy to relate to. We all understand tough times and heartbreak and family problems. But we all also understand how running, family/friends, and dessert helps us through those hard times! So thanks for always being positive and sharing your life with us :)


Beautiful post. It’s being authentic that makes people want to read.
I hope I do the same #justkeepitreal.


Hi! Happy 5 years! I’ve been reading your blog for 1-2 years and went back to read as many of the old posts I could when I first found your blog. I love your blog for many reasons! You are so genuine, we love the same foods, and we have very similar running goals and struggles. I also love my family so much and it feels so great to be close to them after time away (like you). Brooke is so beautiful. Anyway, keep being you and I hope you keep feeling better. ( as you were struggling with pain in your stomach, I was dealing with nerve pain in my leg, I felt like I could relate on some level). You will definitely break 3, I’m inspired by your training! ❤️


Thanks for blogging!!!


Happy blog-a-versary! And if it means anything, I think people keep reading because you come across as truly genuine and we like that. :)


What a beautiful post. You’re an inspiration, Janae. Thanks for your honesty and courage.


Wow that was a powerful post. I’m tearing up at work this morning. Thank YOU for all you share with us. You help a lot of people you don’t even know about.


Your blog is so inspiring and you are incredible! I look forward to reading it everyday :)


Your blog is the first thing I read in the morning…it has been since I discovered it 4+ years ago. Although we’ve never met, I feel like you are my friend. I cheer your accomplishments and cry with the heartbreaks. Plz don’t ever quit your blog. You inspire many of us more than you realize! ?


Congrats on 5 years! I love Brooks shoes!!


Congratulations on 5 years of blogging! This post was so inspiring for so many reasons. Thank you for sharing your story so honestly and bringing so many people together through your site!


Thank you for sharing your life with us! I love how transparent you are.

That picture of Brooke is stunning.


Yay to five years! You amaze me, and I love reading your blog daily. I can relate to you on so many levels, and it makes stopping by here daily feel like talking to a friend!


I have loved reading your blog for the past year or so as I really started to run! I’m running my first marathon in the next month, and I attribute a lot of my motivation to this blog :)


Wow! 5 years! I’m a pretty new reader, but your blog is such an inspiration, since I don’t have many friends I can run with. Here’s to another 5 years!


I keep coming back because you are such a positive, happy person who isn’t afraid to show everyone that life isn’t always perfect. Somehow though you always bounce back stronger than ever..whether that mean handling your divorce with so much grace or coming back from an injury and pool running your way to a faster marathon than I can ever hope to run. You inspire me so much and THAT’S why I read your blog every day. (and I can’t all the cute pictures of Brooke!)


Beautiful post! I’m a bit teary eyed. I love reading your blog. You are such a sweet person and a great mom! I love your positive attitude! Happy blogiversary!


Brooke is beautiful. Truly. You are a very strong woman Janae, always remember that. You inspire thousands of people on a daily basis, myself included. Thank you for sharing your life with us.


I love your blog! Literally it’s the first thing I do at my desk in the mornings (don’t tell my boss). But you are just such a real person and I can relate to you on so many levels! Thank you for always being a positive influence! Happy 5 years!
Ps- I’d love to win the running shoes :)


Totally normal that I just teared up reading your post, right?!!! We all love you because you are so real :)


Such a good post! I follow you b/c you are frank with your comments and self-depreciating….some blogs are all about painting the best picture, where yours is the good, the bad, and the funny :) Don’t stop any time soon b/c you are part of my morning!!!


Well written post! :)


I’m so glad I found your blog! I look forward to reading every day.


I’m very glad to have found your blog. I’ve learned a lot reading it and your attitude is contagious and inspiring! Cheers to 5 years! :)


I love reading your blog…always the first one I visit when I sit down to read blogs and eat breakfast! Congrats!


Happy 5 years! I’ve been reading your blog for about 3 years. Love how honest and real you are. Thanks for sharing your life with us. To many more years of blogging!!


Congrats on 5 years!!


When I started reading your blog I had just gotten into running after too many concussions forced me to give up soccer, which at the time was my entire life. That was four years ago and reading your blog about your journey always has inspired me to get up even when it is 0 degrees out or when I am exhausted to get my run in because I know I’ll have a better day if I do. Thank you for sharing your story and life. You’ve been an inspiration to me on my running journey and I am so thankful for that. Best Wish!


I started reading your blog when I decided to start running last April. I read the entire blog backwards in those early days. It has been very inspirational and some days it is the only thing that motivated me enough to go out for a run while leaving my little ones at home sleeping. I’m still not fast, and I still don’t run far…but I do what I can, when I can. You are an inspiration.


I tweeted about your Brooks running shoe giveaway!


That made me a bit teary on a Monday morning sitting here at my desk at work — I enjoy reading your posts everyday and seeing what’s going on in your world. How can someone you’ve never met feel like a “friend” ? Thank you for blogging and sharing your stories.


I love your blog, I’ve read every post. I hope to read for another 5 years or hopefully more! Thanks for doing what you do!! OH… and you have motivated me to run, I’ve finished a 8 week 5K program and am starting a 10K training program this week. My goal is to run a 1/2 marathon! Thanks for being so inspiring and awesome!!


You have inspired me in more ways than you could possibly know over the past 5 years. I honestly think I have read every single one of your posts b/c they are so real. You have inspired me to start running (I ran 3 1/2 marathons this year). 3 years ago I couldn’t run 2 miles. Your love of Brooks shoes convinced me to switch over and I ran a PR 1/2 marathon last week in my new pair of Glycerins. I just love the little glimpses into your life!


i really need a new pair of Brooks! I read bc we both have daughters the same age and to marvel at how much and how FAST You run.


Running has completely changed my life and your blog is one of the things that convinced me to put aside my fears and go for it! Thank you for all you do- happy five years!!


Hi Janae!

Thank you for posting this. Reading your blog reminds me that it’s okay to prioritize fitness even if your friends don’t, and that its okay not to be okay. You remind me that there is a brighter tomorrow.


Love your blog! A source of inspiration for me.


I think what I like most about your blog is your resiliency. I think that’s one thing that running can teach us – you have a bad race, you get injured, or you just have a stretch where you are frustratingly slow. But we slowly and patiently keep going, keep trying despite repeated failure, even though there’s no guarantee of success. You learn when to give yourself a break and when to push yourself. It’s a great lesson in life and I think readers see you deal with these issues and can identify with them. Or at least I do! Congratulations on your 5 year anniversary!


Thank you for sharing your life with the world, not many people have that gift of sharing there personal life. Keep up the good work.
Peggy Wilson


There is so much negativity in the world that finding people and blogs that promote health (in every aspect) is lovely. We are all running our own individual life marathons with plenty of roadblocks and plenty of successes and no one’s will look the same but there is enough overlap that we can all identify with and cheer on each other!


Love this! Sometimes putting our insecurities and mistakes out for the public is hard but I think if it can help one person not make those same mistakes then it is worth it!


Hi Janae, you are precious and so is Brooke.


Janae, I love reading your blog because you are so positive (even when it’s hard to be) and you bring that strength to your readers. I understand divorces (though I don’t have a kid yet) and the aches and pains that it can bring. But it gets better, as you know. Also, Brooke is super cute. You also inspire me to run and train better! Cheers to you!


Happy 5 years! I just ran my very first marathon (Chicago!!) and your blog was a daily constant through training! love love love reading it every morning when I should be working :) you are a huge inspiration to me and I hope to continue reading your blog for at least 5 years!


Your blog helped me get into running which eventually led me to other fitness pursuits. Even though running isn’t my main thing anymore, I love reading about your randomness :) I have been reading for most of those 5 years.

I was devastated when you had to pull out of your last marathon. I was really excited for you to crush your goals!! Next time. You will have so many people cheering you on!


Congratulations on 5 years, and thank you for being so open and honest. You’re truly inspirational.


My husband was actually the person who found your blog. He was doing a little bit of research for me so that I could find the best running blogs. Yours was one. I don’t know what website he came across that said you were one of the best blogs to follow, but I fully agree with them.

Thank you for everything =)


I admire you! :)


AMEN and Happy 5 Years. Thank you for sharing… your ups, downs and all-arounds.


You are such an amazing mom and runner! Cant wait to see you get that sub 3 marathon! Keep inspiring people!


I love how open and honest you are! Which is why I come back to read everyday


I’m a new reader and runner :). I love your blog.


Congrats on 5 years, Janae! What a beautiful post! I love the openness and vulnerability of your blog, and aldo how you always stay positive no matter what. I started reading your blog three years ago and haven’t stopped since!


I am so glad your blog stays so constant! It’s definitely the one I’ve been reading the longest!


I tweeted your giveaway ;)


Your blog is amazing! Congratulations on your 5th year anniversary :) HRG has inspired me to get back into running after a rough pregnancy and labour and to train for half marathons again.


Awww, happy blog anniversary! I love that picture of Brooke and I love reading your blog. I totally relate to all of the divorce stuff and post-divorce dating/divorced mom feelings and of course, the running and associated food rotation :) Thanks for always being so open and honest and for showing me your frozen yogurt and donuts. Love it!


Great post!! Happy 5 year anniversary Janae!!


I’ve been a reader for two years. I check your blog every morning! I like that you’re so down to earth. You give me motivation to keep moving. I started reading because I was running so much and I keep reading bc I’m pregnant and can’t run the way I used to. Keep it up! You rock!


Congrats on 5 yrs of blogging! Thanks for all the running advice, restaurant and food recommendations, and pics of Brooke!


I came across your blog almost 5 years ago when my husband left to Iraq. My mom had passed away, I had moved from family, (ours is close like yours) life tossed me some hard balls. Your relationships with your mom and family just made me happy. It inspired me. As you put on a smile for the world when things come your way that are hard it makes me realize how important it is to do hard things even when we don’t feel strong..

The other day my friend and I were walking and she ask , you don’t really run why do you like her blog so much? ( I always tell everyone about it:). Its funny my daughter recently left on her mission and said ” mom I seen your hero at the temple. I didn’t talk to her because she was In the other area. Hungry runner girl was at the temple the same day as me. How cool is that:).
I didn’t really know how to explain why. You explained it In this post perfectly!


Thank you so much! You are such an inspiration and your blog brings all of the readers so much joy!


CONGRATS on 5 years!! That is a long time. Ive been following you since 2012 and you hooked me because of how well I can relate to many things in your life. I am not a marathon runner and do not have a kid but just general feelings and what not I can relate well. I just started a blog a couple weeks ago and hope it can just be half as successful as yours!



Love your blog, Janae!


Girl, you are just so wonderful! Keep going!


Thank you for always being such an inspiration!


I got teary reading this :*) I remember finding your blog when you did a guest post on pbfingers and loved it so much I went through your archives and read every one of your posts up to that point to catch up! You are one of the only bloggers I feel is a friend and someone I’d actually want to meet someday. Your positive attitude is so infectious and I always appreciate how honest you are. Happy five years of blogging!! I will be reading as long as you are writing :)


Kudos to you on this awesome blog! Its informative and fun and also makes me think!


Congrats on 5 years!! I love reading your blog. I really look up to you and admire your strength.


I don’t usually comment, but I look forward to reading your blog posts every single day. Here’s to many more years(!) of enjoying your adventures.


I just want you to know that even though we have never met i consider you a friend. I come to your blog for advice, inspiration and simply because i enjoy hearing about whats going on in your life. Just like i do with my other friends :)


Thank you for being awesome Janae :)


You were one of the first blogs I read and to this day still my favorite :). While I originally loved reading because I had started running and you were such an amazing runner, I find myself far more invested and interested in your life overall! I love hearing Brooke updates (I recently had a baby Brooklyn, who we also call Brookers :) ) , your family, your fun day to day life! I think your post divorce poss were so real and so heart-wrenching that it took reading your blog to a whole other level. You’re one of the few real ones that does show both sides of life and I love that. I hope you keep blogging for a long time – I’ll keep reading!


Actually, my sister turned me to this blog!


Thanks for your honesty! I love your blog!


I just think you’re wonderful. You are one of the people that I’m going to be thinking of during my first marathon Nov. 22 in Philly :)


Happy 5 years of blogging! Because of you, I’m obsessed with Brooks Pureflows! After reading your blog for a while, I decided to take advice on shoes from someone I’ve never met but loves Swedish fish as much as I do! Thank you!


I think I speak on behalf of all your readers when I say, we love your honesty & if this blog was gone their isn’t one that could hold a candle to it.


Happy anniversary…or birthday? I’m not sure which?

I have to say, I write my own blog and read a handful of blogs for this very reason — the connection and the community.


Happy 5 years!! Your blog was the 1st one I’ve followed. Thank you for always keeping it real and for being such a good source of advice, laughs and motivation :)


You’re such a positive role model for so many people – keep running the good race!


happy 5th birthday!


You and Brookers are my FAVE! You were the first blog I ever followed and I am so grateful! Thank you for being REAL and for sharing your ups and downs with us.


So glad that you are blogging! Love my early morning pre-run HGR reads :) thanks for sharing your stories Janae!


Great post. That’s why I read you: you’re authentic in your post, true to yourself and it is easy to relate when you read a post that reminds you of s very random conversation with a friend!
You’re great Janae!


Congrats on your 5 year blogiversary!!
I’ve been reading you for a couple years and I first tried Brooks running shoes because of you! I figured they must be pretty good if someone is THAT enthusiastic about them….and they are that good. So thank you!!


I LOVE your blog! Congrats on 5 years!! I read it first thing every morning. I am training for the Bay Bridge run in Maryland On Nov. 8 and I’m beyond excited to do this. I have always wanted to run a “big” race and this is my first. Your blog is so real and uplifting and I swear you are you are part of the reason I know I can do this race. :) So happy to hear you’re feeling better.


Happy blog anniversary! Thank you for sharing so much with us!


This post makes me happy…and makes me feel a little less weird about feeling like I “know” people whose blogs I read. Yours was one of the first I started following, and have only recently started feeling like it is okay to be less of a creeper and try to share and comment on the experiences of the bloggers I love to read about. Thank you for sharing!


I also shared on Twitter!


Love your blog and have been reading it for 3 years now! You´re such an inspiration and beautiful inside and out. Keep up the great work! Greetings all the way from Finland! :)


I cannot imagine my days without reading your blog. I genuinely get a little sad on the weekends because I know you only have a morning post. Thank you for all the positive support to the running community, especially the women’s running community. And your scattered random thoughts are very much appreciated – that is basically me on a daily basis.


I started reading your blog when you were pregnant and I was too. I live in China but still root along with you for your training and ups and downs of life!


Love your blog and Brooks running shoes!!


Great post and a huge congrats to you! I appreciate you sharing all that you do and love being able to relate to some of it. Thanks!


You were the first running blog I ever read. I read your posts religiously each morning and it makes my mornings that much better. Thanks for everything you do!


<3 this post!! Congrats on 5 years!


Love this post! Your blog is one of the few that I always read. Hope you keep it up for at least 5 more years. :)


Great post Janae! I’ve loved following your blog for the past few years and appreciate the honesty of your posts. Through finding your blog and the inspiring ladies who comment on your posts I was inspired to run my first half marathon, almost two years ago now, and I haven’t looked back. Keep up the blogging, your apple fritters and running adventures are appreciated over here in England!


Your transparency is what makes your blog successful. I’ve enjoyed following your blog and watching Brooke grow.


Great post, Janae. I’ve gone through a similar situation with my ex, and the way you handle it on a public blog is admirable. Sometimes it takes the heartache to fully appreciate the right thing when it comes along.


What a sweet post. I came across your blog when I needed some running encouragement. there is not a big running community in my little town. Family members and friends didn’t understand the love I had for running and would say negative things all the time your pushing to hard why don’t you just walk. Anyways your blog showed me there are many runners out there that obsess about running the same way and it’s ok. Your honesty with your family life and injuries have also been encouraging because you help find hope through everyday life. Thanks for being so open.


Love reading your posts. Your motivation is addicting!!!


Hi Janae, this is the first comment that I leave on your blog even though i keep reading you since last year every day (+ going through your old posts too, I am at november 2013 and going back in time). I love your blog for everything you mention as the “bad sides” – for over-openness sometimes, for all the details of your life that are “boring” but stick this blog together like a glue, your everyday problems and issues, your straightforwardness… I look here for inspiration to get up and kick asses – either with running, personal life or just when I am so lazy and need someone who can be lazy too and understands that sometimes all I want on Sunday is just hugs, sweets and movies. Thanks to your posts I survived my first marathon and did it with 4:04 time… I kept running even if it was very bad : weather, small injuries, general burnout, lack of time. You motivated me to rest when I feel I should and push me when it is just whining and nothing serious. Before I used to push me for weeks and later not do nothing. You make me smile every day and you would not even imagine how many spheres of my life I pushed forward just thanks to reading about your problems/small worries and trying to fight them. You are a great food inspiration too. Turkey burgers <3 I did not even know it exists before ! The only thing I will never understand is apple fritter love… :P


You are always such an inspiration to me. I’m 25, single, and a teacher. That teacher part is the part that describes me the most. I teach in an inner city school and sometimes days are tough; I know that I count on your blog as being there to lift me up even if only through pictures of froyo :) . I love that you are a person of character, a person who can own up to their msitakes, and a woman striving to be the best possible version of herself she can. Thank you for blogging.


Congrats on 5 years! Thanks for your inspiration and sharing your life with us.


Congrats on 5 years! I came across your blog a few months ago when I wanted to start running and it has been so motivating for me! Thanks for always keeping it real! :)


Happy 5 year anniversary! I love your blog and will continue to read it because it is so authentic.


Wow, 5 years is incredible! I started reading your blog about 4 years ago, but it was the first “running blog” that I read and you definitely inspired me! Thanks for always being so open and honest, and entertaining:)


Congrats on 5 years! It’s been fun to follow your journey, thank you for sharing :)


Great post. I love the blogging community because it helped me realize that there are other random, oversharing, fitness loving, junk food loving freaky people out there like me!


I love your blog!! You are so open and honest.


Honestly I wish I had a blog because I’d probably be more inclined to comment often! I read your blog all the time — I don’t remember how I found it but I think the first post I saw was about Costco and I had just gotten my membership there and had no idea what to buy. I was SO overwhelmed. Then I realized we run around the same pace, only I’ve run a total of zero marathons. Following you has made me so hungry for it! Keep doing you. :)
PS. thanks for unknowingly being my Costco guide.


Amazing read! Happy 5th!


You motivate me to run on days I don’t feel like it :)


You are strong!!


I’ve been reading your blog for almost 3 years now after stumbling upon it somehow (I honestly can’t even remember how!), and I still look forward to the 8 AM and 5 PM posts every day. Thanks for being so consistent and giving us so many things on your blog that we can relate to!


Janae, a BIG congrats on hitting your 5 year blogging anniversary! You have most certainly inspired me in my running time and time again. I look forward to your posts daily and really appreciate your vulnerability on your blog. Its HARD to do that but so much good can come from it as I hope you can see from all your readers messages! Keep on spreading your joy and inspiring others :-)


Ah this post made me teary… I stumbled across your blog by chance last spring, right before a very sudden and devastating break-up. Your honesty, kindness, positivity, and strength was such a source of comfort and inspiration for me during that painful time and continues to help me through life’s ups and downs (both running-related and personal). You are the most wonderful role model. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Happy 5 years :)


Your blog was the first one I started reading on a regular basis. Thanks for being open and honest!


Congrats! I love reading your blog every morning. I have been running for only a few years now but have had some medical issues/injuries that have set me back each time. I like reading your blog because it shows me that even the best runners like you have injuries and set backs but you keep going and that is a huge inspiration to me. I have a goal to run my first half before I turn the big 4-0 and reading your blog gives me the motivation that I CAN do this!


I tweeted as well!


It seems like just yesterday I was stumbling across your blog. I can’t believe it has been several years already. You are a beautiful person inside and out! And I definitely eat more sweet potatoes because of you!


I love reading your blog! Thanks for always being so open and honest, even when things are difficult. Here’s to another 5 years!


This is an amazing post. One of the main reasons I started blogging was to join a wonderful community which supports one another through all of our highs and lows. Thanks so much for sharing this :)

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