Maybe this is why I blog (5 years today!) AND running shoes GIVEAWAY!

Please note this was written at 4 a.m. so it might be especially random…

But first… my favorite picture of Brooke.


Sometimes I wonder why this blog has stuck for FIVE YEARS (3,134 posts) and why it gets the traffic it does.  I make as many grammatical errors as a 4th grader, my pictures are usually poorly lit and from my iPhone.  Most posts include so many random tangents that I get confused reading over them myself, I don’t know a thing about the technical side of it all and I eat the same 4 meals on rotation.  I make a lot of mistakes and a lot of times the same ones over and over again and yet you guys still stick around (THANK YOU).

I then wonder why the hardest stuff (along with a lot of great things too and the greatest thing ever= Brooke) for me didn’t come until I had a lot of people watching me on the blog—>  femoral stress fractures (those really hurt), overtraining and eating disorder side effects at the very beginning of my blog (osteopenia/ammenorhea and ps I haven’t had any relapses since then).   My divorce from a person I was deeply in love with at the time and thought I was going to be with forever, loneliness that my chest still hurts when thinking about how hard those days/nights were (and still sometimes are) and the many ups and downs of post-divorce dating.  The pain that comes along with your little baby/toddler/kiddo being away from you for the weekend or holidays.  Dropping out of a million races due to injuries/sickness/mental exhaustion, my sister’s divorce and my mom’s health (heart surgery and now a stroke).  Feeling so sick recently that I wore sweatpants way too many days in a row and some other things that I have dealt with privately while at the same time trying to keep a smile on my face.

And maybe a part of why I keep blogging (and why you stick around despite my lack of blogging skills) is because of the above reasons.  I am an extremely open human (I am that awkward person that shares their life story within 20 minutes of meeting a person) and maybe I just really like connecting with others about all of the ups and downs in life.  I have incredible blessings (my family—> I’m looking at you) and my life has NOT been any harder than yours (because EVERY human has trials and most have a lot bigger ones than mine) but maybe I love blogging about the good and the bad so that you and I can relate a bit over a computer screen.  Whether it be emails back and forth with girls struggling with the loss of their period from running too much and eating too little.  Or for people like a a non-runner that I bumped into the other day that told me she reads my blog just to see, as a newly single mom herself, that life can be beautiful as a single mom and that you can in fact make it through a messy divorce.

We might relate because you and I both know how a break-up wrenches our hearts.  Our connection might come through the two of us understanding how hungry marathon training makes us and how ice cream sometimes just solves all of the major problems in the world.  We might just ‘get’ each other because we both understand how much we miss running when we don’t get the chance to lace up our sneakers each morning.   Maybe we connect because we are both trying our hardest to hit a goal that we have had for many many years.  I know for a fact that a lot of us can all agree that the perfect day includes a long run, plenty of refueling and some Netflix watching from the couch.  Our ‘reasons for running’ might be pretty darn identical and that helps us both to realize we aren’t crazy.  I think you and I know the feeling of failure and the decision we have to make to either give up trying or to be resilient and come back from the set-back stronger than ever.

I hope that when you read this blog you feel a sense of community.  I think humans crave some form of community or group and that is most definitely what feeling I get from you guys and why I love blogging.  I think that is a part of why we all love running/races so much.  It allows us to feel like a part of something bigger, and something that is really great for our health takes it to the next level.

I really want you to know that we are all in this together and when the going gets tough, you’ve got some random girl in Utah cheering for you.  Maybe this is one of the reasons that I will blog for as long as I possibly can because I know that your comments/emails and support are always a huge source of strength for me in the good times and the bad.  Goodness gracious, those amazingly sweet comments/emails during the first few months after filing for divorce are what got me through some really dark days and your comments over the last few weeks—> wow.

So although this blog might seem like a showcase of froyo and running shoes I hope you know that I really want it to be a place where we can all relate somehow.  Whether it be over how amazing endorphins are, the joys of dessert, our addiction to races, the amazing feeling that comes after completing a tough track workout or how hard it is to keep going when you want to quit.  We all have ups and when we have downs, we keep looking forward and have hope that there are a lot of really great things in store for all of us in the future.  We just gotta keep pumping our arms when our legs get tired, count our blessings and take the hard things a mile at a time.

Here’s to another 5 years (well, I have no idea how long) of getting to know each other better, sharing the beautiful parts of life along with the hard stuff, growing, running and connecting.


And to celebrate five years of blogging I’m going to buy a pair of Brooks running shoes (whatever ones you want) to one lucky reader!

To enter:

1.  Leave a comment with whatever you would like to say.

2.  If you want more entries then share the giveaway on twitter or Facebook or email your mom about it or Instagram and leave a separate comment telling me that you did!

Giveaway ends at the end of the week.

Thanks again for hanging out with me on the internet:)

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Happy 5 years! Your blog always makes me smile and even though I am not out there running races right now, I continue to enjoy the realness of your blog.


I don’t comment much but I do love reading your blog, even the random posts. It’s been great to see you improve as a runner and read your journey toward the Sub-3 Marathon. I’m sure you will get it once your stomach is healthy again.


I have struggled with disordered eating for almost 15 years… but I have managed to live my life and realize that food cannot control me. I would not be the runner I am today if I did not eat! You inspire me…and give me hope that despite amennorhea in the past, I may be able to have children. Brooke is a wonderful gift to you and a reminder to stay strong and healthy!


Congrats. Thanks for blogging!!!


I used to blog and loved the interaction with others with similar goals. Now, I’d prefer just to read others’ blogs and don’t miss editing, commenting, promoting, etc. I miss some things about blogging, but am happy to have the extra time. Congrats on making it 5 years!!


Congrats on the anniversary! I rarely comment but read you every day!


Thank you for being who you are. Here’s to many more years of randomness…


Goodness, friend, you are wonderful. I’m so glad my mom sent me a link to some running blog three years ago and that we eventually got to meet and I discovered that you’re the same amazing person in real life as you are on the blog. I think you’re right. Humans need connection and you are very real. It draws people to you. Congrats on the 5 years! Please keep it up. You are a bright light in a world that can be very dark and fake. Love ya, girl!


Congrats on the 5 years! Your blog has always helped me to push myself to reach my goals and I am so thankful for that, you, this blog. I don’t have many friends who run so when I read your blog it kind of feels like I’m with a friend who loves running as much as I do!


Thanks for blogging for so long! Even though I’m just a casual runner, I love your blog for all of the personal anecdotes that you include and the fact that you seem like such a real, awesome person :)


Congrats on 5 years! Thanks for writing and letting us see that life is full of ups and downs for everyone. And thanks for continuing to smile throughout it all!


This is such a beautiful post. As always, your honesty is very refreshing. A lot of websites and blogs just seem fake and contrived. What I love about your blog is that while you and I may have different problems, I can still relate and feel inspired because you acknowledge your problems but still try your best to stay positive (even if some days staying positive just means putting one foot in front of another – we’ve all been there!). That authenticity can’t be faked. Happy 5 years! :)


Congrats!! I’ve read your blog everyday for the past 4 ish years. Keep it up! <3


Thank you so much for all you do- your blog has helped me so much with my own eating disorder, getting over a mentally abusive relationship, and falling in love with running again. You’re right- you’re not alone, because over here in Chicago you have a cheering section too :)


Janae, you’re awesome. Such a trite word for such a truly exceptional person. I’ve gotten so much inspiration from you, some “creative” ? but much more along the lines of how to handle the hard stuff with grace and dignity as my best self. I am filled with gratitude that you share and are so open and welcoming. Thank you, Janae.


Love this post! You are amazing :)


This was a really nice post to read. We don’t have much in common, but still there are some things that I can relate to (khm, love of running and amenorrhoea,khm ) and that’s why I keep coming back to your blog. Even though you had health problems and life obstacles, you always go back to running, and that’s inspiring. A good run can help so much, right? I hope one day I’ll be able to be as fast as you, and maybe run further then I do know.
I would love to see more posts like this from you!



Lot’s of people told me I was crazy when I said I only wanted to run 3 days a week so I could have time to do strength training and cross training (aka lots of biking), BUT I DID IT! 2:15 faster than my previous HM PR, which was also my last HM.

And I wore my Brooks to do it. Love Brooks. YAY!




Your posts motivate me each day! Thanks for being so honest!


I’ve been reading your blog the whole 5 years! My favorite. You helped me to start running!


What a beautiful post!! I have been reading this blog every day since before Brooke was born (omg!!) and I love that you “keep it real” and have such a positive outlook on life and running despite the hardships. I think the reason I keep coming back to this blog is because for both of us, running is our rock – it is always there for us when times are hard but also brings so much joy to us when life is good, too. I started running in high school around the same time my dad was really sick and it helped me so much to cope with everything when he passed away, and since then running has been my go-to while dealing with the frustration of breakups, worrying about grad school, jobs, finances, etc. Some of my friends think all the running is crazy but it’s nice to know there’s people out there that feel the same way! And lastly, I love that your blog inspires me to value every single second with my amazing friends and family. They are the best :)
Happy blog-iversary!!!


Congrats on five whole years of blogging! And I’m so glad that you’re slowly feeling better and getting back into running again!!


Love this post, and I adore your blog. Thanks for being real!


Janae- you are so incredible! This is EXACTLY why I have been reading religiously for the past couple of years. I read bloggers because of their personalities, and because in a weird way I feel a connection/community just by reading about someone else. I often choose to read bloggers that I feel like I could be friends with “IRL,” and you definitely are one of them. Thank you so much for sharing the ups and downs and for just being an honest and fun person to read about. I wish you all of the success in the world, you deserve it!


Thank you so much for blogging, Janae–everything you said was spot on. You are inspiring and we’re cheering for you too!


Wow congratulations on 5 whole years of blogging–that’s quite a long time! :)


Congrats Janae! Your blog was one of the first blogs I follow, along with The Athletarian, and you’ve given me so much inspiration and motivation all these years.

In my 16 weeks training for my first marathon, sometimes I remembered your words and your achievements to keep on focused and keep pushing hard.

Thank you and hope to read you at least 5 years more.


Happy blog-erversary!! :) You rock!


I loooove this. I started reading your blog right around the time you got divorced. It was totally coincidental. Your positivity really struck a nerve in me and that’s one of the reasons I keep coming back!! That and I really like how you keep going after your goals, no matter what. You feel the same way as I do-that you will never give up, no matter how good/bad the outcome of your race is!

I hope I win the sneakers :) :)


I think this was a brave and truthful post= my favorite thing I’ve read from you in a while. Congrats on all you’ve accomplished!


I have never commented here before but I read your blog every morning and it’s one of the highlights of my day. Thank you for being so raw and honest. You are an inspiration to all of us!


that was a sweet post- i read because you do seem so relatable and down to earth. keep it up! :)


I have a small blog and post only a few times a month. My blog is mainly an online scrapbook, so that I can easily keep in touch with members of my family that I don’t see very often. I recently backed off on the number of blogs that I read as well. I found that my life online was taking up too much time of “real life.” That being said, I do love reading about your adventures—and I’m thankful for your honesty—helped me through an injury and reminded me that running isn’t everything!


Over the years I’ve struggled with disordered eating and also been in an emotionally abusive/difficult relationship. I found your blog in spring of 2013 and fell in love. Your positive attitude, passion for helping others, and infectious smile are all contagious. Shortly after finding your blog I signed up for my first half-marathon and have never turned back. Since then I have completed 4 half-marathons and 2 marathons (with 2 Boston Qualifications). During some of my darkest days, this space has lifted me up. Thank you, Janae!


Whatever I would like to say….hmmmmm. How about yours is the only blog that I have ever read consistently. Ever. I found you when googling “running while pregnant” in 2012 (my Jack and your Brooke are the same age and may or may not be destined for each other ;)). I have read your blog almost every day since, through 2 babies, grad school, and plenty of running triumphs and failures. After reading this last post – I sat and considered why your blog “stuck” (for me).

For me, it is your attitude toward life. How you slow down and seem to appreciate every small aspect of your day. How the simple things (froyo haha) bring such joy. While we share a love of running, food, and our kiddos – there are plenty of other bloggers who’s interest align. Yet, seeing the world through your eyes is refreshing. And that you are honest, funnily self-deprecating, and sweet certainly helps :) Your pictures make me want to visit Utah, and the fact that you share your trials but do not dwell on them is inspiring. Whether you want to admit it or not – you are a gifted writer and you have captured your readers hearts. We care and are invested in you! Keep it up and happy five years!


you have been my favorite blogger for years now. you’re real, you’re funny, and i love that being a mom is your #1 priority. thanks for all you do.


Congrats on five years! Yours is one of my favorite blogs to read. :)


This is such a fantastic post Janae. I think your openness is definitely what keeps me coming back to your blog. I feel that connection and I appreciate your writing. Happy blogiversary!


also i tweeted the giveaway! (@erin2655)


Happy 5 years! I am forever indebted to you for teaching me the life changing combination of sweet potatoes and BBQ sauce!


Your blog is easily my favorite, and i think its for all the reasons you mentioned. You are so easy to relate to. I feel like your posts are truly a reflection of you and not some other version of yourself you’re trying to project to the internet. One thing i also like is that your eating is about balance, you get nutrients in but you have no problem indulging in dessert. This is exactly how i am and its so refreshing because there are so many healthy living blogs where i find there eating and exercise regimen to be unattainable and its nice to see someone so balanced. Plus your running tips are just the best! Keep blogging!!


I instagramed about your giveaway.


Hi. I really enjoy reading your blog!


Thank you for sharing (parts of) your life with us! You have such a wonderful spirit and outlook!


Congratulations on 5 years!! You inspire me every day to never give up and to be a better runner and mother.


Bless you. I’ve been reading the whole 5 years. Keep up the great work.


Your blog is inspiring, thank you for sharing your life with us!


Very true Janae. Love what you said. You are a very relatable person, that’s why readers always come back.
:) keep doing what you’re doing girl.

And choose me for the shoes. Haha. Jk jk.


Hi Janae! Such a heartfelt blog post! One of the reasons I read your blog is because you are so relatable. I have a little three year old girl and we have been trying for awhile now to have another baby with no luck :(. Breaks my heart because my Brooklyn seriously asks for a baby brother or sister at least once a day. Sometimes life just doesn’t go how we planned which can be SO hard because we think we have a pretty good plan in mind. My friend and running buddy recently told me “Lindsey I know you think you have great plans for your life but God has even bigger and better plans”. So true but hard to not know what that plan is. Anyways, I know we might not be going through the exact same things but I still feel like I can relate in some ways. And I’m running the Halloween Half in Provo in a couple weeks and hope to run into you!!!


Great post, I can’t believe you’ve been writing this for 5 years! That’s crazy, keep it up!


I love your blog and yes, I really feel a sense of community. Even if we are far (I live in Italy), even if sometime it’s hard for me to understand your informal english.
You are open, solar, true and sincere anf I feel it. Your motivation keep me going!
Thank you!


Janae, what a wonderfully sweet post. I have been reading you for almost 5 years and yours is the first blog I check every morning. I love to read it because your always so positive and see the sunny side of things. You’re a wonderful example of a strong, fun, beautiful woman! I hope to keep reading you for many more years!


Keep on being you! I love it!


I think it’s super brave to put yourself out there! You never know who will stumble upon your blog and be able to find help or a community exactly at the time they need it. keep on bloggin’ and runnin’!


Happy 5 years! I have been reading since the very beginning and have been able to relate many times (I too have gone through a divorce during this time, as well as things that suck like injuries….) Keep up the good work and know that you have a lot of people rooting for you!


Janae you truly are an incredible women. It’s hard to believe we have been following each other’s blogs for over 4 years now. You truly inspire me to be better each and every day. You are both an incredible women and athlete.


Happy 5 years!! Congrats. Thanks for blogging!!!


Rooting for you!


This was a really sweet post. You are an impressive human!


Happy 5 years!! I have been reading your blog for 2 almost 3 years now. It was my first running blog I began to read after I started running. I googled best running blog and your was #1 in the list of top 5 that showed up. And it is still the first one I read each day! I think what makes you blog so special is how genuine you are about everything, you show everyone that reads that anything is possible with hard work and dedication. Congrats and thanks for all that you do for the running community!! :)


Thank you for blogging! You hit the nail on the head; the above reasons, the sense of community and connection especially has had me reading this blog for the past two or three years (I can’t remember when I didn’t read HRG :). You have inspired me to keep running, to be resilient in running and life, start a blog (though it hasn’t been kept up recently), and those pictures make me want to visit Utah! Thanks again :)


Your blog is really the only one I read daily. (And as a fellow blogger I give kudos, every day is a lot of work). Your blog is human, imperfect and funny. Perfection is boring and intimidating, it’s nice to read something real.


Congrats and thanks so much for sharing your life with us! :)


Congrats on 5 years! Your hard work and willingness to share the good and the bad keep me reading. Plus you have a writing style that is both “real” and interesting. I’m always excited when I see your posts show up in my FB feed. Looking forward to many more years!!


I love this! And I think your readers continue to read your blog because you’re so real and open. You’re relatable!!


Happy 5 years, and many more. I continue to read because you run faster than I ever will, and because we share the same diet of sweet potatoes and fro-yo :). All the best!


I don’t often comment, but I love reading your blog everyday. There have been many days when I didn’t want to run, came and read your blog and got my ass out there to get it done! Thank you!


Happy 5th!!! Such a big accomplishment – your blog is awesome. I love it because you’re so open about things and you write about the good and the bad. It’s not a sugarcoated fantasy of life. It’s REAL. It’s RAW. It’s HONEST. Don’t change you.


Congrats on 5 years!


I love hearing about your weekly training runs. Thank you!


Beautiful post. I love how positive you are throughout everything. And thanks for the giveaway. I would love some new running shoes!


Lady, I LOVE reading your perspective on life, etc. You seem to be hitting all the major life events about 6 months before I do (both the good ones and the bad) and it’s so refreshing to be able to read your words and use them as motivation to make myself stronger. You are an inspiration and such a positive force on a network that is not always pleasant. Congrats on 5 fabulous years!!!


Thanks for keeping it real.


Love this post :) Thank you for the beautiful words and it’s very sweet of you to be doing this giveaway!


Happy blog-iversary!! Thank you for continuing to write and for sharing your stories- the good and the bad. You are incredibly inspirational in more ways than one :-)


Happy 5 year HRG!!!! I feel like I should go out and celebrate tonight. Maybe run an extra mile today and eat some fro-yos. Keep up the great posts coming, I look forward to them every single day. So much that my husband makes fun of me when I call you my BFF.


I really enjoy reading your blog for exactly the reason you mentioned – because there’s a computer screen connection. I run a lot of races, but I am nowhere near fast. I run them because I have struggled athletically my whole life and I have a sense of accomplishment when I get a medal. I run them just to finish, more than to get a certain time. But, I like to think that if I can use some of your wisdom, maybe I can improve. :)




Happy 5 years!! you’re an amazing person & such an inspiration to many <3 Thank you for being a light!


Your sweet and inspiring blog helped me survive a long summer of unemployment right after graduating from college a few years ago and I haven’t stopped reading since. PS I did get a job since then too! :) Thank goodness! Your words are beyond inspirational for so many! What a blessing you are!


I love your blog! You are always real, entertaining, positive and motivating!


The reason I love reading your blog is because you are so honest with your audience. I’ve also gone through some of the same things you have…femur stress fracture, divorce, disordered eating…and I struggle with those things on a daily basis. Running is the one thing that makes me feel good about myself. “I might have failed at my marriage, but at least I rocked that 10 miler.” It also makes me feel a bit more special than the average person out there…I don’t know why that matters to me so much (about being special), but for whatever reason it does.

I hope you keep on blogging for another five years.

By the by, I am an ex English teacher and now librarian and I hardly ever notice grammatical errors.


Wow! Congrats on 5 years! I have loved reading your blog and find it funny and inspiring.


I’ve been reading for years. I don’t run, I haven’t been married or divorced, and yet yours is often the only blog that makes it through my filtered list of those I choose to read, without fail, every single time. Thanks for being open, real, and having content that matters.


I fell in love with your blog when I first started out running. At a time when I had just gotten out of a 15 year relationship, that rocked me to the core. I love seeing your pictures everyday, and can’t believe I never thought to put BBQ sauce on my sweet potatoes. I have even gone back to the beginning to read you blog from the first day. Always look forward to your new post everyday.


Thank you for sharing all of your personal stories! You are a true inspiration and source of encouragement. Congrats on 5 years!


Happy 5 Years blogging Hungry Runner Girl! That’s quite an accomplishment! Life is the real deal and you have so many followers because you share it all! The good and the bad! You are honest and real and that’s why you are loved! Thank you for every single blog entry!


thank you for blogging. I love reading about your training runs.


Just want to say that I have been reading for a couple of years now, and you inspired me to finish my first half marathon a week ago!


Happy 5 years! You have really inspired me to keep running, so thank you!


I shared your blog and giveaway with my mom and sister! Keeping it in the family!


Happy 5 Years! That picture of Brooke is adorable. She is absolutely beautiful! I do not normally comment but I love reading your blog. You have been an inspiration in so many ways. I look forward to reading everyday! Thank you for sharing!


Happy 5 years! I will never forget that you took the time to respond to an email I sent and gave me a lot of hope at a low time. I also like to watch the run recaps come and go. As a 1:50 halfer myself, you are a source of motivation!!


I seriously love this post! I’m not an avid runner but do workout 4-5 times a week. I love your blog because I think it really shows your personality and I think we would be friends if I lived in Utah haha. Keep up the awesome work and I’ll keep reading for the next 5 years :)!!


you are awesome Janae! That’s is all!


congrats on 5 years of blogging! i found your blog about a year and a half ago, when i was going through my own ridiculous heartbreak breakup madness… i’ve always been encouraged by your real-ness, so thanks for sharing. <3


I love your sense of humor, even when I know (or think I know) that you must be feeling down like when you’re sick or injured. Thanks for the positive energy you put out there!


I look forward to your blog posts every day. They make me realize how small the world really is and how we are in this together. I pray for you and Brooke, and am blown away by your love for her, your family, your friends and your fellow runners. You are a such a blessing to all of us!


Happy 5 years! :)


Love your blog look forward to it daily! You are an inspiration.


Congratulations on 5 years and thank you for being real! I am a light runner…3-4 miles/day, but my daughter is a 7th grader and runs Cross Country. She made the varsity team and qualified for State which will be this weekend. I am so proud of her and how hard she has worked as she also plays volleyball. She has XC practice at 6:15, school and volleyball after school. I would like the shoes for her as an incentive to keep running after XC season is over because she enjoys it, not because she has to. I love that she loves to run and I pray that she never struggles with eating disorders like I did for 15 years. Living with the eating disorder was a very lonely and time consuming part of my life. Trying to hide it is hard. Once again….thank you!


I started reading this blog when I started blogging myself. At first it was one more blog I could follow but after reading just a few of your posts I really felt so many of the same things you do with running. It was a help for me fighting my way through running with onset asthma. It was something that encouraged me to keep going so I could eventually run without using an inhaler (8 months now without it!) now I’m setting goals to get back to where I was before having kids and asthma and all of the stress that comes with it! So really I should be thanking you for unknowingly encouraging me and keeping me at it. So THANKS!


Hi! I hardly ever comment, but I read regularly and am always truly impressed by how amazing a runner you are, how your share your positivity even when life has you down. Happy 5 years blogging! I’m not sure how long I’ve been reading but I am sure its at least over a year now! I am newly pregnant with some complications so running hasn’t been allowed (or anything but light walking, and only recently…!) and its killing me!!! I know you and the other readers can understand!! :)


Happy anniversary! Love the blog!


One, Brooke is so beautiful! Second…thanks for being real. Like you, I’m an open book. I think that is what has kept me reading your blog as part of my daily routine the past 8 months. I’m a believer in Jesus Christ and I can say that HE is the only thing that gets us through our trials and tribulations. God has something planned for you. Trust and obey as he directs your path. I can’t wait to see what HE has in store for you.

God Bless!


I freakin’ love your blog! Thank you for sharing your life :) and running!


There is nothing wrong with showcasing froyo or shoes.

Thank you for sharing all of it with us!



Your blog is wonderful. Love reading it each morning!


I look forward to your blog posts. I love all the pictures of Brooke and I admire your devotion to your family. I, too, am a single mother of a daughter, now 26 yo. She and I have experienced the highs and lows of life together, and our bond is deep. I started running to combat heartbreak both from my divorce and a break-up. My daughter has followed and will run her third marathon this weekend. I understand the chest-hurting loneliness; trust me, it does subside. Stay happy and continue to hug the Brooker!


I always enjoy the blog because it gives me a kick in the butt when I’m feeling lazy. It always reminds me of how great I feel post-run and motivates me to lace up and get out! It really helped me as I was coming back from injury (falling and shattering 4 teeth) and reminding me why I got started in the first place. I always recommend it to others (the blog, not the shattering teeth)!


Happy 5th! Even though I’m older and slower than you, I love reading about your training and your races. I’m at a different place in life, but everyone can relate to the ups and downs that happen. Hope you have many blogging years ahead.


congratulations on five years! I am a new reader since this summer, but you are really inspiring to me. I ran my first half marathon the weekend of the race you didn’t get to run and when I was struggling to keep going and searching my brain for people who would like to be running “with” me- I included you on this list. (There was quite a crowd of invisible people running with me by the end).


I love that you are open about your life! Keep on blogging!


Thank you for blogging! It is a joy to read. I recently started following your blog and have been so encouraged in my leap back into running (jogging really, really slowly).


Congratulations on 5 years! And thanks for being so open and relatable :). I love following along!


You are such a beautiful woman- inside and out. Thank you for being so brave to put your life- the good and bad!- here for all of us. You are able to help others, celebrate with them, encourage them, and much more. Thanks for your dedication and openness :)


Happy 5 year anniversary! I look forward to reading your blog twice a day and I think you are exactly right about the reasons why! Brooke’s dress is so cute, she is beautiful!


I read your blog everyday…and you’re right. It does foster some sort of connection and community. I used to run and race a lot and have always enjoyed reading about your journey. You’ve given me motivation many of times! I live in Boston and was rooting for you last April. I’ll admit though that I didn’t last to see you run by :) …it was SO FRIGID! I was really impressed with you (and every single runner out there that day). Regarding life stuff, I also really enjoy reading about your blog because of the life stuff mixed in. I appreciate when you get real with your readers. The downs of life definitely make the ups that much sweeter. It sounds like you’ve had such a rollercoaster these past few years. Just so you know, there’s a random girl in Boston rooting for you! :)


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I absolutely love this post and your blog. Thank you for always keeping it real – the good, the bad and the ugly. You reflect as a pillar of strength (even if you don’t always feel like one) and an amazingly devoted mom. Keep doin’ you, girlfriend! :)


Happy five years!


I read this blog because you are such a positive person. You showed such great character and grace going through your divorce. You will meet the perfect person for you but you are appreciating all the life you have now.


I am not a runner but I enjoy reading your blog daily anyway. You seem like one of the nicest people on earth and always have such a positive attitude about everything. I love that about you. It’s also cool to watch Brooke grow up on the blog. She’s a beautiful little girl.


Your blog touches my heart and it always “speaks” to me. Sappy and true. Thank you for what you do.


I love reading your blog. You’re such an inspiration with your honesty and openness. And I would love a new pair of Brooks!


Happy 5!!! I always enjoy your posts!! Especially anything with a Brooke snippet!!


I wholeheartedly believe your blog is successful because it is an authentic reflection of the person you are… an honest, warm, caring, open, compassionate woman! Love reading your posts each day!


i really love your blog. it is definitely one of my absolute favorite…in the top 3 for sure! you’re so real and relatable in your posts. when you have heartache or when you get injured, i feel it too…like we know each other in person. and brooke is beyond adorable and i love hearing about the things she says and does. so cute!


Congrats on five years blogging. And that picture is awfully adorable.


Happy 5 years! :-)

I absolutely love this post and your blog!!


happy 5 years!


I haven’t been running as much and I need to get back to running. I forgot Howe much I really enjoyed it. Thanks for your post!


Congratulations on keeping such an open, honest, enjoyable blog going for 5 years! Thank you for your honesty. I don’t ever comment, and I follow few blogs anymore, but yours is wonderful. I’m always rooting for you to succeed. Your family is beautiful and you are a seriously talented and hard-working runner! Ok enough gushing. I know you get a ton of comments (esp on a giveaway post!) but I wanted to thank you for your blog. I am also a mom (Penelope is Brooke’s age, so I find all her pics and stories adorable and hilarious), and I am also a runner (slower. But it is so important to me!) and I can so relate to you. Keep up the good writing and best of luck in life. :)


Happy 5 years! We are all rooting for you! In the craziness of becoming a new mom about 10 months ago and trying to find balance in everything, I have only continued to read 2 blogs on a daily basis and this is one of them. You are so real and transparent, that I think you just can’t help but want to know how you are doing! I hope the next 5 years are amazing ones for you!


you are so strong and your authenticity, honesty, and kindness leap through the computer screen! I love reading your blog, and I am always encouraged when I read one of your posts!


Shared on Twitter!


Happy 5 Year Blogging Anniversary!! I just recently found your blog. I don’t comment very much, but I read your blog everyday and look forward to every new post. Your sweet personality and enthusiasm are such a wonderful gift to your readers. Thank you so much for sharing your life – the good and the bad. You probably have no idea how many people you touch and inspire.

I’ve told all my running friends about you! I can’t wait until you run that sub marathon!! That is going to be SWEET!!! For now, we can all just enjoy the journey :)


your blog is the best. i love your honesty, and your running dedication (and skill) is an inspiration. also the brooke pictures are cute and the froyo pics make my hungry and give me food fomo


Love the pic of your little angle. Love the blog as well…its in my morning routine to check it. Always makes me smile. Keep up the good work with the blog, the running and most importantly being a great mom to that doll of yours. Heres to many more blog posts.


I don’t think I’ve ever posted a comment, but I have been a weekly reader since you first started. I think you’re right, most readers come back to your blog because you are so open and so relatable, on so many levels. When I read your blog, it doesn’t feel like reading, it feels like I’m chatting with an old friend. So, THANK YOU for writing about the little moments in your life that make this life so beautiful.


Congratulations of 5 years! I started reading your blog a couple of years ago, and it’s so nice to relate to someone with the hardships and successes! I’m definitely the odd ball in my family and no one gets why running is so amazing! Keep up the blog because I can’t imagine all the lives you’ve touched through it.


Thanks for keeping it real, sharing your struggles! As a mother, wife, and woman it is nice to hear that other women have struggles. But along with your struggles you do have a smile on, and you do count your blessings which is a great example to others. Run on :)


Thank you for being you and sharing your life so openly <3 it is wonderful to know that other mommas out there, not so different than me, struggling through the same struggles, and never giving up.


Congrats on five years of blogging. I read your posts daily but don’t comment much. You have been a great source of inspiration and I have emailed you a zillion times but so many different questions and you have always promptly replied. Thanks a lot for the wonderful job you do to the running community. I dont have any running partners and your blog gives me the sense of community and makes me realize that I am not crazy and all runners go through the same stuff. I wish I could come to Utah someday. I’ve enjoyed the mountains and canyons through your eyes and fallen in love with the place even more. Thanks a lot and keep up the great work. Brookes is the sweetest princess.


Ow, what a lovely blog post Janae :D


I love your blog because it is real. I see all the amazing posts on facebook about kids getting perfect grades and awards while mom maintains a spotless house and wins ironman competitions and it is depressing. Its a relief to know that others are struggling to keep it together. I would love to flip a switch and make everything perfect for everyone but since thats impossible it is helpful to read what is working for others. Keep the chin up. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Who cares about grammar when you are helping others? You are a beautiful, strong, anazing mom! Thats the important stuff


Congrats on 5 years! Yours was the first blog I have ever read and I just appreciate all the funny things you write. I appreciate how open you have been with the world and I hope blogging remains a part of your life for years to come!


I’ve read your blog since the beginning! I’ve loved your honesty and positivity, which has kept me as a loyal reader. Happy 5 years!


Congrats on 5 years! I love your blog – you are an inspiration. You keep it real and don’t hide when the “real” isn’t going the way you’d hope. As long as you keep writing, I’ll keep reading.


What a beautifully authentic post. I’m so grateful for you and your blog.

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