I cannot understand my old brain and some Tuesday Tangents.

I was SOOOOO not looking forward to my Monday morning run—>  because I knew it was going to be done on the treadmill.  For the life of me I cannot understand what drove me to run a marathon on a treadmill back in the day.  

I had to keep reminding myself yesterday morning that the treadmill is much better than not running and it is a great tool for when I don’t have a babysitter.   Once I finally pushed the start button I felt better and better about it and luckily the workout was 60 minutes… we can do anything for an hour right?

The second my run ended I went straight outside because I was so hot…

A tad bit dramatic but that is just who I am.  

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First 30 minutes @ 7:14 pace (1% incline) and second 30 minutes (and 18 seconds) at a 6:15 pace (.5% incline).  I brought my movie theater cup of ice water.  A huge benefit of the treadmill—>  you can take a drink whenever you want.  

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After the gym we went straight to the park for some swinging.  

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Tuesday Tangents:

-It doesn’t matter where I hide my lip gloss.  She will find it.

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Megan got back last night from San Francisco and she did the sweetest thing ever.  She picked me up an apple fritter from Bob’s Donuts and brought it all the way back to Utah for me.  True friend.

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-I haven’t listened to anything besides Taylor Swift since the concert on Friday.  I wish I could relive those 2.5 hours.  

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-Feel free to check out my latest post on Women’s Running… I talk all about how running has taught me a lot about patience.  A lot.  

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-HUGE CONGRATS TRICIA on rocking your marathon… 94 degrees at the end.  I would have died.  

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-A grilled cheese and egg sandwich close-up.   The simple/classic foods are my favorite foods.  

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What do you think are some benefits of the treadmill?

Donut people—>  what are your favorite donut shops?

Lip gloss, chapstick, lipstick or nada… what do you prefer?

Favorite super simple/classic meal?

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I love good old carmex in the winter time when my lips are always SUPER dry.

I like the treadmill to teach my patience. Running in one spot for over an hour can be really trying.


Lots of chapstick for me, I’m sure I’m technically addicted to it! Eggs and bacon would be my favorite classic meal :) Also I felt the same about Taylor after seeing her, so awesome!


I think I gain mental toughness when I run on the treadmill. There are so many things to look at and I usually have company outside, so being stuck in the same place for a run really makes me stronger mentally. If I can run for hours on a treadmill, I can do anything!

Chapstick is necessary all the time. I have it all over my house. I can’t stand dry lips!!


I’ve never been a big treadmill person, but one benefit is watching TV! I got rid of cable last year when I moved, so I love being able to watch shows (or sports) while I’m running. I also appreciate having water within my grasp at all times and not worrying about getting lost/hit by a car.

I prefer chapstick, especially EOS :)


One benefit of the treadmill is that you can set your pace and force yourself to hit it. Although it’s such a mental battle on that thing.

Nivea “A Kiss of Smoothness” chapstick is my go-to. Can’t live without that stuff.


Mmmmm egg and cheese sandwiches are one of my favorites as well. Now I’m ready for breakfast!

I did a 10-miler on the treadmill this weekend and agree – one of the biggest perks of running inside is having a big cup of ice water within reach at all times! I also like the a/c a lot since it’s a million degrees outside over here. I can’t imagine going outside to cool off!


Treadmill runs help me with speedwork. Short and fast. i seem to be able to keep up with the belt more than push myself outside

In NYC Doughnut Plant! OH MY GOD! The best doughnuts ever!

Burt’s Bees lip shimmer. It’s a chapstick with a hint of shimmery gloss

Favorite super simple/classic meal would have to be a BLT


With the treadmill there are always the fuel I like readily available, I’m not carrying my water (I cannot plant water bottles in my area) and I cannot overstate the importance of having a bathroom handily available. My one long run on it I watched one of my favorite movies, which was a nice distraction.

I’m in love with Fresh Lip Treatment. It’s moisturizing, has SPF 15, doesn’t smell weird and isn’t goopy. Plus there’s a nice variety of colors.

Doughnut Plant (NYC) and Duck Donuts (NJ). Doughnut Plant has amazing flavors (Valrhona chocolate, Brooklyn Blackout and Peanut Butter and Banana Cream are my faves). Duck Donuts makes them hot and fresh to order – gotta love that.


Benefits of the treadmill – you can run inside when it’s raining. Otherwise I kind of hate it. Which is unfortunate since we will be moving to Alaska in 6 weeks and I’m pretty sure it’s going to be the only way I will be able to run 6 months out of the year!


I’ve loved the treadmill lately because as soon as my injury starts hurting, I can hop off and don’t have to worry about getting home! My favorite simple meal is spaghetti! I could totally eat it every day.


Training for Boston primarily on the treadmill definitely helped build my mental strength. Especially because I have a tendancy to just stare at the time clock ….


I remember running a lot of miles on the treadmill in upstate NY. It became so natural for me because of the weather. Right now I could not even imagine that! It seems like a whole different lifetime ago. I do think there are benefits though such as hill simulation and forcing you to go the appropriate pace. That being said, I also think (as with anything) there are many disadvantages!


I think I remember us both running millions of miles on the treadmill at the same time (when you were in upstate NY). Congrats on your awesome 1/2 marathon girl… YAY FOR BEING HEALTHY TOO!!!!!


The treadmill is definitely great for building mental strength. I also like it for nailing my paces during VO2max and speed work. Bacon and eggs is one of my favorite classic combinations.


Okay, so I’m really disappointed in myself. I consider grilled cheese to be my very favorite food, and I love eggs, yet here I am, at almost 37 years old, and it has NEVER occurred to me to make a grilled cheese sandwich with egg. I have to rethink my life, but first, I need to make one of those sandwiches.


I hate running in the cold so my only option is the treadmill. I just tried Brown’s Donuts in Ocean City, NJ…think cakey, warm and drizzled with icing.


I have learned to not hate the treadmill but sometimes have to remind myself of this! It definitely has its perks such as having the spot for your water so easily accessible, a bathroom nearby, a tv in my face sometimes, really feels easier on the joints….Peter Pan bakery in Brooklyn has amazing donuts and munchkins!


Treadmill perks- I can completely zone out and not worry about traffic, uneven ground, or even my pace. Sometimes it’s nice to be the exact opposite of mindful.

I always have either candycane chapstick (I stock up ridiculously at Christmas time) or Burt’s Bees tinted lip balm on me. Sometimes both.

Favorite simple/classic meal: Scrambled eggs and toast.


The candy cane Chapstick is awesome! I stocked up at Christmas too!


Treadmill benefits: controlled climate and controlled pace and incline
Krispy Kreme
Lip gloss
Easy meal: taco salads


I have never been a big fan of the treadmill, but there was a time when I could run 10-12 miles on it and didn’t really mind. Now I don’t even have access to a treadmill (which I am sure I will regret this winter). But it is nice that you can avoid extreme weather and have water right there with you!


Your article on patience –> So, so true. I feel like it’s such a virtue that such few people have.

Also one of my favorite foods that I was reminded of this weekend: a toasted english muffin with peanut butter. So so simple but so delicious. Also great running fuel :)


I used to live in Nob Hill near Bob’s Donuts, and that was a wonderful time in my life. Just sayin’ … Megan is a good friend!


I think the treadmill helps with mental toughness, getting your run in when the weather is poor and you can adjust incline and pace easily.
Your article on patience is so true!
All of the above for me- love lip gloss, lipstick and chapstick, just not all at once ;-)
Favorite classic food- eggs and English muffin.


How have I never thought to make a grilled cheese with a egg in it! I think I know whats for breakfast!


OH yay! I hope you tried it for breakfast and loved it. It is a winner.


I love Taylor Swift and grilled cheese and that swing picture is so cute!!


Grilled cheese and egg?! Interesting! I love grilled cheese. I also love burgers!

The benefit of the treadmill for me is being close to the bathroom (lol) and air conditioning! That is about it. I definitely prefer the road!


The treadmill is good for me when it’s too dark (and cold/wet) to run outside which sadly I can feel the days getting shorter already! It’s also a good stepping stone for when my running motivation is low, I know I can jump on with music/water/tv for a very distracting run if I need to.


Living on the east coast, the dready tready allows me to run regardless of the weather- I won’t run outside in the snow/sleet/hail/freezing rain/ice because I’m afraid I will either 1. get hit by a car that loses control b/c of dangerous road conditions, or 2. slip and break my ankle. I also don’t hate watching a movie or a funny TV show while I’m running- it makes the time go a little faster!


This training season has really got me working on that whole patience thing. It’s a work in progress :)


I’m totally a chapstick girl. I keep buying lip gloss, but I never end up putting it on and my daughter is the same way with my lip gloss – when I can’t find it she has usually taken it and put it her play purses to use in secrete … What is it with little girls and their lip gloss ;)


You should probably tell her no when she takes the lip gloss.


Brilliant;) The problem is she is pretty sneaky about it and I don’t see that she has it until she comes out to show me what a beautiful job she did applying it all over her face. Hope you are having a great day Maryanne!


Lipgloss for sure. We have a local donut shop that makes the best blueberry donuts!!


In Texas we stay over 95 degrees frequently enough that I often have to use my treadmill for training. Long runs aren’t safe (IMO) in extreme heat.
In fact I have done two 18 mile training runs on my treadmill.
Once because of the heat and once because of an ice storm.
I also like treadmills for coming back from injury as you have more control over your run. If you need to stop you can just push a button and be done. Whereas if you’ve decided mid run outside that something doesn’t feel right, you’re walking home :)


OVER 95 a lot… hmmmm yeah. I would only be on the treadmill. I don’t think I could run outside in temps above 80! Way to go on your 18 milers on the treadmill. You are so right about how helpful the treadmill is when coming back from injury!


Wait that sandwich looks amazing. I totally need to make it now!


I am in love with treadmill running. Maybe because I’m lazy and it keeps my pace for me, or because I get to watch t.v., listen to music, and people watch all at the same time while my little buddy keeps my pace up. I also love to play games with the pace and incline. It makes my run go by faster. It also helps with plantar fasciitis as it doesn’t pound my feet so much. Oh! AND you have your water in a convenient place at all times. I hate carrying anything with me on a run and I don’t like to stop. It’s really fun to see everyone’s perspective on it.


I definitely agree with you about how nice it is to have the treadmill keep us on pace:) That makes me so happy that the treadmill helps with your plantar. I hope you are having a fabulous day and you had a great treadmill run this morning!


I remember reading back in the day when you trained for a half marathon on a treadmill…I don’t know how you did it!! Crazy!! :) At least that run is DONE. Also…I’m a lipgloss girl forever and always, but I have a nice neutral MAC lipstick that I recently purchased that I love (and I put gloss over it!)


I live in Chicago, therefore, I spend a lot of time with the treadmill in the winter :) I also travel a lot for work and often end up in cities that aren’t as conducive to outdoor running.

Favorite simple/classic food … Toss up between peanut butter & jelly or mac & cheese!


The most I have ever ran was 4 miles on the treadmill and that felt like forever! I can’t even imagine running for an hour! Good for you though.


I’m doing mile repeats on the treadmill in about 20 minutes – I’m dreading the treadmill and kinda the workout too – i know its gonna be tough and hard, but I’ll get it done. I just really enjoy my early morning runs! At least with the TM I know I will hit my pace :D And it will be my only TM run this week and non next week so there’s something to look forward to with knocking this one out!

Burt’s Bees all the way.


YOU’VE GOT THIS…. you are going to rock those mile repeats. You are so right about the treadmill helping to hit the paces. YAY for no treadmill runs next week:)


I like being able to watch tv on the treadmill, and it comes in handy when the weather is out of control.

Chapstick. My friend was in town last week, and she made me count how many things of chapstick I can reach from my spot on the couch – 12. And that’s not counting the ones in my purse…

I love macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, and fried egg sandwiches. I could go on, but now I’m hungry.


I don’t mind the treadmill. It has been so hot out here in Georgia that I usually plan my short runs on the treadmill (3-4 miles) just so I’m not dying of heat exhaustion when I finish :) Also – with the crazy humidity, I like not having to wring sweat out of my shirt!

I love Maybelline’s Baby Lips. I can’t be without a tube (or 7).


Anything on the treadmill is just plain torture, but yes we can do anything we set our mind to no matter how long it is for!

Favorite classic meal has to be chicken noodle soup. I make it in the crockpot though. It’s so much better.


I hate the treadmill but I do like how I can set it to a speed and stick to it. For someone who is naturally lazy it helps with my speed work (the two times of year I use it). Also it’s nice when the weather just isn’t cooperating.

I will always love the classic Dunkin Donut Boston Kreme but I recently discovered Federal Donuts in Philly (I think it’s also in DC) and they have an amazing grapefruit brulee glazed donut which I could totally go for right now.

Never lip gloss only chapstick.


I’VE BEEN TO FEDERAL DONUTS…. seriously so so amazing. Go eat one for me this week:)


Chapstick all the way! But I am trying to branch out with lipsticks/lip gloss. You know complete the look ;) I prefer to run outside but works perfect if you don’t have a babysitter or can’t get to the gym. I’ve squeezed in workouts between work meetings (I work from home) it’s nice to just have one there.


Benefits of the treadmill – ability to watch game shows/trashy daytime TV while running and it’s easier to control your exact pace. And I’m all about chapstick + red lipstick on top. Gloss has always felt a bit too sticky for me.


I still can’t believe you ran a marathon on a treadmill!!!! That is just crazy!! Looks like a fun weekend- I’m so jealous you went to T Swift!



My favorite thing about a treadmill is being able to read while working out.

Johhny O’s in Logan has the BEST spudnuts ever. I need one right now.

Lip gloss for the win!

I love salad. Salad, salad, salad. However, I am weird and think salad dressing is gross. I hope I’m still allowed to read your blog after that confession.


BLT’s and homemade mac & cheese, yum.

Treadmill was great for coming back from achilles injury; I could set it to a slight decline to be able to do more miles.

And Brooke is hilarious! I babysat my little nephew recently and he did a similar thing with the sunscreen. He must have had 1/2 cup of the stuff all over his face. He was so proud that he was getting himself ready for the pool. Brooke will love that pic when she’s a tween.


I love both gloss and chapstick. I stole my daughters lipsmackers a couple of years ago and got hooked!
I’m not a huge donut person but, apple fritters make my heart sing. We have a place here called the Donut Stop and they’re delish! I’d love to try out Vodoo Donut though.
I’m totally ok with the treadmill. Outside is more freeing though. With the treadmill though, you can control your incline/decline, have H2O readily available, and watch endless shows on HGTV. I was at a hotel in OKC a couple of weeks ago and the treadmill had videos of “epic” running spots. I loved it! Made for a quick 6 miles!
My go to is grilled cheese and tomato basil soup. YUMMY!!!!!!!!!! Bring on fall!!!!!!!!


Chapstick when. When I’m at home, and lip gloss when I’m out and about.


Marathon on a treadmill????? I had to go back and read that post to double check. You really are crazy, that takes some serious willpower!!
I always struggle to run on the treadmill but one of the great things about it is that when you are coming back from an injury it’s nice to know that you can stop whenever if anything starts hurting. Whenever I run outside if something starts hurting I’ll still have to finish the run to get home, possibly aggravating the injury.

My favourite lunch lately is scrambled eggs, courgettes and tomatoes. So simple and so good.


-TM benefits, available when the weather is bad & when it’s dark out.
-Chapstick = burts bee’s :)
-Chicken Cesar salad


Benefits of a treadmill: DEFINITELY the water. Also wifi:)
I am pretty obsessed with Chapstick. I loveBurt’s Bees and Eos the best. But before runs, I lather on the Cocoa Butter Vaseline or else I try up in seconds!!
My favourite simple meal is definitely pb&j. Simple, delicious and so comforting. Reminds me of home:)


i run on a treadmill when i travel to places i dont feel safe running outside. i also love the treadmill for rainy days where i dont want to go and get all soggy but still need to get my run in. i used the treadmill a lot more back in the day to combat the heat but now i would much rather have some sore of breeze than stagnant air. oh the love/hate relationship with a treadmill :)


I saw the link about the Marathon on a treadmill and just had to read it. Excellent way to do a long challenging run, while avoiding nasty weather.

You should be proud of choosing to do something like this even before much of the world is even up.

Great discipline and shows that some folks just love running for it’s own rewards Would be nice to explore your mental state during the run. Guess music takes the edge off your pain


Benefits of the treadmill – bathrooms nearby, water on hand, watch a good show (or if you are at the gym – excellent people watching…only to be outdone by walmart and Disneyland) and if I am at home, I can do it on mine with no babysitter/while the kids nap or watch a show. Oh how I want to run again.

I loved the concert. Loved the music, the dancing and all the messages/positive vibe she put out there.

Megan is back ( so nice of her to bring you a donut). Does that mean more ‘posting’? Cause it has been a few days and I need a good laugh.


A traveling apple fritter, love it!


For real? A marathon on a treadmill? That’s amazing! I did 9 miles once and thought it was for eternity! You should get a huge metal for that, haha


Treadmill advantage: when stressed, I find it relaxing to walk with my eyes shut. I’ve never really tried running for any length of time on one.
Donut place: I’m spoiled. There’s an Amish bakery on a farm down the road. Their donuts are amazing. They still deep fry them; most places (thankfully) don’t any more.
I can’t stand anything on my lips, so just let them chap and crack.
Simple meal : lately, oatmeal with Greek yogurt and fruit.


The treadmill is convenient. I don’t prefer running on it, but it is nice to know it’s there any time of day or night.

I love PB & J sandwiches………………..a classic food that goes great with milk!


Running on the treadmill helps me stay on pace, especially if I’m doing speedwork! Having water nearby and being in air conditioning is definitely nice in this crazy hot weather we’ve been having, too! That being said, I very much dislike running on the treadmill. :P

I was always a chapstick girl, but recently starting using more lipgloss and I think I’ve converted! My favorite brand is called Sweet on You…I got it as a gift one time and fell in love.


I remember one winter when I did almost all of my marathon training runs on the treadmill because I had 2 babies at the time. I even did a 5 hour long run once, I don’t think I could even finish 1 hour on it now! It definitely makes you mentally strong!


Treadmill running bonuses.
I can watch Rob Dyrdek’s “Ridiculous” because the TM has cable

I can also watch Drumline…which is the only movie I watched (and stayed on the TM) for 2 hours.

I can people watch.

I can race people… yeah, i’ve peeked over to see the speed and may have upped mine by 1.0

But…here’s some bad (mostly TMI stuff)
I can’t spit
I’m a sweater… and I don’t like that I’m filling up a pool around me. I’m pretty sure all my TM neighbors don’t like it either


I’ve never had a grilled cheese and egg sandwich, but it sound surprisingly good. :) I love the picture of Brooke using your lip gloss. My little girl is the same way, and runs for it every time she gets into my room.


I really despise the treadmill, but I guess we all need to be honest that there are definite perks to that thing. My main one, is its use in the winter. Sometimes it just is not okay to run in negative degree weather. Like you said, better than not running at all.
I’m a chapstick person. Also true to the brand chapstick. Nivea has a good one too.


There’s a place called Donut Haus in Estes Park, CO. It has, by far the best donut i’ve ever tasted!

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