10 things from our Saturday.

1.  3 miles on the treadmill and 2 minutes of weights… I didn’t last long.  I was tired.  

The #1 reason that I love getting the long run done on Friday—>  It means my Saturday morning workout is easy and that we go for breakfast afterwards.  Brunch makes my heart sing.  

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2.  Orange juice makes Brooke’s heart sing.  

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3.  So this happened.  She somehow is potty trained at night now too and so she needs to get out:)  My biggest potty training advice—>  wait until they are actually ready.  I tried to push it a few times when she was younger and she just wasn’t interested.  It was like a light turned on all of the sudden a few weeks ago and it was a lot easier than the previous attempts.  

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4.  I accidentally bought this flavor of Gatorade (I thought it was just lime) and it is so not even remotely good (in my opinion).  I’ll stick to Frost Glacier Freeze flavor from now on.  

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5.  Yogurt snack break (mine had peaches and granola in it).  

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6.  Fingerpainting like a champ.  

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7.  Candice sent this to me…. I might have to get this shirt.  

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8.  Beef and avocado tacos with the best dang queso (appetizer) you will ever have.  Utah people—>  From Oteo.  

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9.  Brooke fed me a bite of her ice cream at grandma’s house.

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10.  And I needed some candy to eat while watching Netflix at midnight.  I had a random craving for sour candy and so I made sure to fulfill it.  

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Tell me three things from your Saturday!

Favorite gatorade flavor?

Last thing you really craved… did you fulfill the craving?

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1. I started reading Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald. Love. It.
2. Outlet mall shopping!
3. I did a half marathon time trail!


OH my. Your #1. It’s so good. SO good.


Saturday was a 16 mile run, brunch (it’s the best!) and two movies. I’d say a successful Saturday!!

I don’t generally drink Gatorade but lime cucumber sounds really terrible!

Last craving was ice cream. And yes, it was fulfilled!


That is awesome about Brooke! Congrats! Three things from yesterday -> went to the gym for quick HIIT with weights and spin bike, shopped with Mom and had dinner outside at True Foods Kitchen. It was finally cool enough in Phoenix to eat outside again!


3 things: HOT 20 miler, Labor Day race bib pickup, dinner with my dad!
Gatorade: orange or lemon lime
Craving: chocolate cake and yes!!! I had a slice the size of my face, lol!


Lime cucumber?!?! ?????


100% agree you have to wait until they’re ready with potty training! It goes so much faster and they wind up night trained so quickly too.


Brooke with her OJ, can bring a smile to everyone’s face! Gatorade Flavors: any of the G2! Saturday workout: Kettlebell Snatches and Turkish Get Ups. That was my cardio :) Last craving: Went out with friends for Thai food. Came home early to watch Gilmore Girls for the 500th time on Netflix and had the same treat!!! Watermelon Sour Patch!! I have a problem with them. It’s becoming an obsession!!!


1. I had an awful cold 2. My quad flared up 3. College football started!


So so glad potty training is going well now! Can’t wait to see pics of her at gymnastics now too ;-)

I’ve been craving Indian food lately and I’m hoping it gets fulfilled ASAP! I moved away from my favorite place in boston so I’m scouting for a new one!

Fave Gatorade flavor: the classic lemon line or the glacier one too.


1. Short and easy recovery run, 2. Hiking by an alpine lake, 3. First batch of homemade soup this fall!
I was craving old fashioned donuts the other day, so we had those instead of cake for my birthday.


Potty training: the best thing to do really is wait until they are ready. My daughter regressed three times before finally being potty trains day and night. I should have waited just a little bit longer.

Lime cucumber…ew. No one should like that flavor.


What sweatshirt are you wearing in pic 1?!?

That looks SO comfy!


saturday= hanging with the Zachmeister, groceries, watching Julie and Julia for the 1,000,000+1 time. She gives me hope in my blog!!!
I absolutely love the lime cucumber. It is my fav
I crave french fries with real mayo-I discovered them in Germany (I was in the Army) and I eat it at least two times a week.
Have a great Labor Day.


We are camping and I actually took my Mr 8 fishing I even put the worm on the hook thankfully there were kids there to remove the fish


Saturday was 13 miles, going to my in-laws for some granddog time, and celebrating my 30th birthday :)
I keep bags of those Sour Patch in my purse for emergencies. Never know when a sugar/sour craving will rock my world.


Three things- 1. Ran a 5k race with my husband (his first race!) 2. Bathroom remodeling all day 3. I am exhausted
Last craving I had was for Frosted Mini Wheats and yes I had some!


Brooke is getting so big! Nothing big over here with me. I have been working all weekend so no time for anything but sleep! :)


Saturday was a 5 miler (Killed it!!).
My favorite Gatorade flavor is Fruit Punch or Orange (a close second…)
My recent random craving was for a McDonalds Cheeseburger and I did NOT satisfy it. I MUST RESIST!!! ?


I definitely NEED that shirt too!! I’m finally trying to cut back on the diet coke, but school just started again and it’s super stressful, so it probably isn’t a good time to cut down ;) I love those watermelon sour patch kids, they don’t have them here in England (or I haven’t found them yet!) so every time I visit my dad in the States, I buy a bunch to bring back home!


1. It’s really hot and humid here in Ohio and I never get up and out the door early enough to avoid the heat. So my long run was all about getting in some miles, because speed was slow!! Lol!
2. We took my daughter to a little church fair with tons of bouncy houses and slides. She loved it! But again, it was so hot and muggy!!
3. I found Age of Adaline for sale at our grocery store (early – release date says 8th?) so I bought and watched it (again) last night.

I used to love Gatorade – lemon lime, orange, fruit punch – but I haven’t bought it in forever. I can stand that there is so munch junk in it. I actually am gonna try making my own this week. So many recipes out there.

I’m always craving something. I usually give in!


1. I rocked 12 miles. 2. Bento boxes make dinner so much cuter. 3. Chafing sucks!


3 things yesterday- long run, shopping, dinner/dessert in the city :)…..I wouldn’t like that Gatorade flavor either!!


On Saturday I took a rest day from running because I had a race today! I set a PR so I’m really happy about it. I went to the mall instead and ended up at the Humane Society to walk some dogs! It was a great day overall, except that Penn State lost their first game (I saw BYU won with a hail mary pass…exciting game!)


1. Lime Cucumber sounds awful.
2. My kids are long grown but I was super unpopular by waiting until they were 3 years old to potty train them. Then it took a weekend. One weekend. Not six months. No accidents. Just two days. Wait until they are ready and then magically they are ready. Worked three times.
3. My achilles hate me. I am icing and praying. And possibly considering deferring. sigh.


No Gatorade for this runner if I can help it. It makes me sick. If you haven’t tried Tailwind you need to try it. It tastes much lighter then Gatorade and if your stomach is at all sensitive (like mine) Tailwind in easy on the belly.
I am craving a burger & fries today so we’ll grill some burgers tonight with oven fries :)


I tried Tailwind for the first time this summer & I love it! The flavor isn’t strong (which I like) and no GI upset! I’ve used it in a race & during really hard workouts too.


If only races would carry it at their aid stations! :)
Maybe one day….


3 things from Saturday: I helped move my sisters into their new condo, I had my last night of work at the vets before going back to school Tuesday, and I ate some pretty awesome ice cream cake :)
Favorite gatorade flavor: fruit punch or cool blue!
Last thing I craved: I have been dying for a chicken kabob salad from the Greek restaurant down the street. I will fulfill it tonight!


Three things from my Saturday:
1. Started off with a long run. Instantly regretted not starting an hour earlier.
2. Went to a farmer’s market and got fresh egg rolls and my first pumpkin spice iced coffee of the season.
3. Sat outside and enjoyed the 90 degree sunshine!


3 things from Saturday:
16 miles
13 of it was downhill
My legs are shot!

Currently craving coconut shrimp from Oahu’s North Shore. We’re going in 2 weeks so I can get that craving satisfied! And Red Velvet Pancakes from Cinnamon’s at the Ilikai!


I have quick question on fueling. Do you use gu or other fuel during your training runs during the week? If so, what distances do you normally need to use fuel?


I’m afraid to say it out loud: I had the best week running since my hip injury. I did really well on hills, added extra time in during the week and had another good long run. (crossing my fingers that this continues). whew

We took the cat to the vet and he thinks she’s allergic to her holistic cat treats, but she does fine with the junky ones.

We had an amazing organic vegan dinner and my husband is a devout carnivore. I think pineapple coconut curry (with sweet potatoes and chick peas) is my new favorite dinner.

I love cucumber/lime combo in water, but I think in Gatorade and with artificial sweetener it would be gross. In general I don’t drink Gatorade but in a pinch I’ll water down the lemon variety and drink it.

I craved a hot fresh doughnut and I had one. (Not a big doughnut eater, I have them every 4 months or so. But Duck Donuts and Doughnut Plant are my exceptions).


I started building a fence.
I read some of The Stranger.
I had a pretty good run even at a slow pace!

The last thing I craved was coffee, and then I rolled out of bed and got some. If I didn’t I would be dead right now.


I need the link for that shirt!!!!


18mile run with headwinds
Batch cooking two dinners plus one for a youth group
Hot coffee and snuggles after long run

Gatorade-although I don’t drink it anymore, I’d pick the frost one that’s purple

Last craving-peanut butter on chocolate dipped rice cakes. fulfilled last night.


I saw that Gatorade in Walgreens a few weeks back and immediately thought that it sounded awful, ha. Recent craving… chips and queso. I’m so Texan. ;)


I got that flavor of Gatorade on purpose once because I like to try weird things. It was not good. My fave is Glacier Cherry.


Ran at the hottest part of the day without water. Envied the water buckets the cows err drinking out of (I live out of town).
Took a nap. But
Put in a few hours at work.

Gatorade tastes nasty. I don’t drink it.

Craving : homemade rice and beans. I pan on making it for supper tomorrow.


I love the pictures above Brooke’s bed. So cute!
My Saturday was the beginning of my vacation! I went on a HOT run, then met up with friends for an evening of appetizers and wine (but I didn’t drink), and then the hubs and I went to a fantastic fancy pizza place for dinner.
I prefer blue gatorade. Yellow is nasty.
I craved a brownie the other day, so I made a whole pan. I’ve been satisfying that craving every night since :)


Gatorade: orange or fierce strawberry!! I can’t believe they thought lime cucumber was a good idea.


My Saturday: 13 mile run along the Cape Cod Canal, beautiful day at the beach, ended with a great dinner with family.
I love the lime cucumber Gatorade! I must be the only one. Yeah, more for me!
I’m always craving cupcakes, so not a “recent” craving, it’s an all the time craving!


Where can I get THAT shirt ???? I have to have it !!!!??
I LOVE your blog !!
We EAT and LOVE the SAME things !!


Disney planning for next week, shopping looking for a shoe to balance my legs thanks to this stupid air cast I have to wear, and eating delicious food with my family for my moms birthday!

The white ice Gatorade!

Authentic Mexican tacos and no not yet! :(

I ABSOLUTELY agree with your potty advice!!!! My daughter turns 3 next week and she literally learned overnight a few weeks ago. I was shocked! Some smart mommy told me to let her go pick out her own undies at target to get her excited and boy was she right! Haven’t looked back once! Our kids know when they’re ready. They don’t need forced into things but gently and lovingly guided. And no matter what works for one family doesn’t necessarily work for another and that’s ok. :) she’s lucky to have you as a mom since you seem to be so patient and understanding!


I once picked up a Perrier without looking at the label. It was peachy coloured so I figured it was Peach flavoured. No. Grapefruit. I was greatly disappointed.

I’ve been craving Carrot Cake. Not that boxed stuff either. The real deal. Thankfully it was my birthday last week so I was able to get my Mama to make me one. So. GOOD.


The purple glacier Gatorade, so good!


That Gatorade…. ew. Sorry you got that one by accident! You definitely need that Diet Coke shirt!


Good job Brooke! And good job Mama! I’m potty training my 2.5 year old, she’s doing great while she’s awake but we haven’t tried during sleep yet! How did you know she was ready? Also, if she goes in the middle of the night, do you get up with her? My girl is still in a crib and I’m so not ready for a big girl bed yet :'(


Where did she see/get that shirt?? My friend has a birthday coming up and I would love to get her that!


Saturday – I went to watch an international Cricket match (but didn’t understand all that much), I carb loaded and hydrated like a boss, and I went to bed at 10pm on a Sat night because of my long run on Sunday! Actually really looking forward to taper time!


1. Long run with a neighbor – love not having to run alone ;)
2. Cleaned my house for a Sunday BBQ
3. Decorated my home for fall :)

I recently got cucumber melon sparkling water – and I’ve learned I don’t like cucumber flavored drinks … Have a great Labor Day.


3 things from my Saturday-
1. I raced a 10k
2.i had a really yummy chicken burrito for lunch
3. I bagged grocerceries as fundraiser for my soccer team.
My favourite Sports drink is the GU raspberry and the Lois Graneau lime – I highly recccomend them


You’re too cute. Brooke is, too! ❤️
1) my husband and I went to a big outdoor jazz festival in our town, along the river, and swing danced; I played at the park with my friends and their kids, and I lost my keys at the campground where we stayed Friday night and we spent a couple hours looking for them ( they’re found!)
2) all the frost flavors. So good.
3) I haven’t yet- I’ve been craving mac and cheese with a fried egg on top. Yum!


Love the jacket in first pic! Where is it from?


Mmm love omelets!!


Actually, the lime cucumber is my favorite! Sometimes it’s hard to find. My daughter loves it, too. When we find it we usually buy some for her high school soccer team as well.

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