Tuesday TANGENTS!!

-GOOD NEWS——>  People have been requesting my ‘I’m Hungry Because I Run, I Run Because I am Hungry” t-shirts and tank tops and so they are being sold again!  Go HERE to pick one out!!! 

I’m doing my best fashion blogger pose below but the only problem is that they probably shower and wash their hair.  

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-My coach had me test out a few faster miles today to see how my foot would handle them.   Once my foot warmed up it felt pretty good but we’ll just take one day at a time.  

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Dynamic drills to start things off!

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These are the ones that I do before every run… even before running on the treadmill.  Gotta get that body ready to move and run by helping the necessary muscles warm up.  

Runnersbe totally nailed it with this one:

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-Besides just a run today we have been extremely productive and Brooke traced me with sidewalk chalk.  

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-The pouty lip has been mastered.  

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-Today is Cow Appreciation Day!! Chick-fil-a gives away free meals all day long if you come in with a cow costume.

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We go every year because we love free food.  


-I’ve got a special evening planned with my sister tonight.  I brought out the big guns and I have her two favorite treats waiting for her—>  chocolate twizzlers and Zucchini cookies!!!

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Share some of your Tuesday Tangents with us!

If someone was preparing your favorite treats…. what would they have waiting for you?

Do you do any sort of drills or stretches before you start running?

When you bake or cook—>  do you clean/do dishes as you go or do you wait until you are all finished to clean?

-I clean as I go because I am ridiculous about my kitchen being clean.

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I definitely have to clean as I go or else I’m afraid the mess won’t go away! Love the “I’m still going for my run in the morning” that is so me, unfortunately!


Tangent: my new website launched today!!! Change is scary and little stressful…lol!
Fresh baked cookies…still warm!
I do a few drills (high knees, butt kicks, strides) before track workouts.
I clean as I go so the mess isn’t as overwhelming.


I clean as I go. It makes me insane when things are disorganized in the kitchen. Somehow things are always on the counter like old mail and to do lists. They make me crazy too. I like nothing on the counter except the gadgets.


Funny story – my SIL went to Chik-fil-A when she was 9 months pregnant, literally DAYS from her due date because she was in a rush and it was the closest place for lunch. She happened to be wearing a black and white spotted shirt that day and when she walked in the guy at the counter goes, “Congratulations, you’re the first one!” She was confused and then he said, “Yeah, the first person to come in dressed like a cow today!” Then he realized that she was pregnant and didn’t know anything about cow appreciation day…oops…

I try to clean as I go as much as possible. I don’t like a messy kitchen!

Chocolate chip cookies. I’ve been dreaming about them. I need some soon!


HAHAHAHAHA Oh that story is too much!!! I hope she was super stoked to get it for free though:)


That’s horrifyingly awesome.


I’m a clean it all up afterwards type baker/chef. If I try to clean as I go, I get too distracted from cooking or baking. The exception is a big meal like Thanksgiving – I definitely have to clean as I go then!
I do leg swings, butt kicks, high knees, arm swings, and hip circles to warm up my muscles before I run.


I try to clean as I go to avoid the giant mess or dishes. I need to get to Chick Fil A stat!


I love your cow costume! And Brooke’s pouty lip! haha


I really need to do the dynamic drills but I’m aweful at warm ups and I’m self concious about doing them wrong haha.

Made banana bread today, added some chocolate chips, just to be safe. So yummy. I clean as I go or the dishes would never get done.


I totally worry that I’m actually going to do MORE damage to myself when I do the drills/warmups!


HAHAHAHAHA! I laughed so hard at the batman thing. It reminds me of that Monty Python scene where the guy gets both of his arms and legs chopped off and he’s all, “oh it’s only a flesh wound!” Awesome. And umm… chocolate Twizzlers? You Americans really DO have everything.



Before I run (or do any sort of work out), I now stretch my lower back. My PT taught me this stretch for my hip issues –> you basically just raise and lower yourself (bent to straight arms) into a SORT OF upward dog, but it’s very important that UNLIKE upward dog, you keep your legs/hips on the floor and everything relaxed. (He even has me shimmy to “make sure my cheeks jiggle” bahahah).


I clean as I bake, and I clean as my boyfriend cooks, much to his chagrin. He doesn’t care too much about messes, he doesn’t really see it. But I see it! It sticks out like a sore thumb!


Baklava is a favorite of mine, it’s just to delicious!


Wow, you reminded me that its been way too long since I’ve had this. It is so delicious!


chocolate twizzlers waaaat?! somehow haven’t heard about these. If someone had all my treats awaiting me for my arrival they’d be: chips n salsa (already laid out for entrance munchies) a gummy snack of some sort, a chocolate dessert, and pizza. and wine.

I typically stretch and do core work following a run or workout.


LOL, my husband and I just got into a little tiff 15 minutes ago because he was trying to serve dinner and I was still doing the dishes. I hate a dirty kitchen. It must be spotless ALL the time.


I need some of those zucchini cookies. Mmmmm. I hope your night with sissy is fun (why wouldn’t it be?) Those nights are the best.

Chick fil a doesn’t do salads as part of their free meals anymore. I looked it up last night in prep for today. The amount of sadness I experienced is a little embarrassing.

I am glad your foot is doing well. That run makes me tired jusy reading it. So fast.

Clean as I go. Obviously. I am kind of crazy nazi about it too.


I do dishes after all cooking is done.
Tuesday tangent: I have no desire to run right now. Not good. Hopefully my mojo will return soon.


Chocolate chip cookies. Always and forever.

I always clean up as I go! I can’t stand having to clean up everything at the end.


Someone would need to have sugar cookies waiting for me. LOTS of them :)

Today my boss took us to Top Golf–so fun!!

Also, I need to be better about dynamic drills. Thanks for offering some!!


Thanks for posting this video again! I started doing some of these drills before my runs but couldn’t remember them all. I’ll take notes this time!


Just ordered my tank, so excited to get it! My running coach has me do the same drills before my run!! My favorite treats would be chocolate chip cookies, York peppermint patties or anything chocolate lol! I clean as I go too, I can’t stand having a big mess to clean up!


I clean as I go because when I used to bake with my Nana that is what she would always tell me to do, and it has always stuck! I do some dynamic stretching before running – “Zombie Walks” (straight leg kicks, but my name is more fun!), leg swings for IT band, butt kicks, and some others!


My mom would have a blackberry pie waiting in the kitchen. The superhero meme had me laughing out loud because it’s so true! I don’t usually do a lot of stretching pre-run but I did some today and had a better run. I can’t wait to add some of these drills in.


I clean as I go, too. I don’t like using dirty surfaces to make things, so I end up moving my bowl around the entire kitchen. So now, I just wipe it down.


I am very into baking and each week I have to bake banana bread–not only do I clean as I go but besides my mixer, the baking pan and a spatula I only use 1 measuring cup and no measuring spoons. I can pretty much eyeball everything except the flour (but I will try to master that next).


Chocolate Twizzlers?! OMG I WANT THOSE.


I like to clean as I go as much as possible…but when I do my big weekend meal prep I usually let the dishes pile up for awhile, and then about halfway through I start loading the dishwasher.
This morning I did the strength exercises that you shared last Thursday and my butt is already sore! I think thats a good sign!!


I have just 1 burning question here: What are these CHOCOLATE Twizzlers and where have they been all my life?!? I love original Twizzlers and never had any idea chocolate ones existed!! Please tell me it’s not just a Utah thing?!


I’m now definitely consider purchasing one of your shirts ! But I don’t need more clothing… AGH. Also, even though those cookies have zucchini in them, I still want them. Your baking does things, Janae.

I always clean as I go! Otherwise I get anxious.


Your sister has excellent taste in treats!


Oh my gosh, zucchini cookies. Those sound delicious. I definitely clean as I go because I would get too distracted eating and be in a food coma and not want to do anything post eats! :)

I definitely have made stretching and recovery more of a priority in my running


HAHHA dying at that last meme! Sad but true.


Tuesday Tangent:
I’m in Park City, Utah for a work conference and can not begin to describe how beautiful it is here

I LOVE that superman cartoon! I’m so guilty of that (as is almost every runner I know)

I try to clean as I go because a pile of dirty dishes is so daunting :(


I am a sucker for stuff like that, I may have to buy one!


I’m laughing so hard at that batman picture! TOO FUNNY! Also, I so wish I had been near a chick fil a to enjoy that free goodness :( I’m glad you could enjoy it for me though ;)


My favorite treat would DEFINITELY be rice krispy treats. They are my comfort food! My coach just introduced me to some pre- and pos-t running drills that I’m trying to incorporate. Pre-running drills are squats, stationary strides, butt kicks, and single leg squats. They definitely get the right muscles warmed up and remind me to use good form when I start my run!


best quote :) i don’t do pre-running drills but i do make sure to take my time warming up before anything too ‘serious’ happens, and i always stretch, roll, and do strength exercises after to keep those hips/glutes peppy :D


CHOCOLATE twizzlers?! How have I never heard of those before!!!


Haha that last quote is awesome!


I totally forgot about cow appreciation day! :(

I usually walk a quarter of a mile before I start running, and I also stretch too. Both usually help me loosen up. But in the winter I have some other drills to get my muscles moving before I even walk out the door.

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