Somewhat Silent Saturday.

Friday was a rest day from running so instead of hitting the pavement in the early morning I did some yoga (part of the P90x one) at home.   

We hit up Park City for some Utah holiday (Pioneer Day) fun.  

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Chairlift up the mountain and the Alpine Slide down.  She is becoming pro at this thing.

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She ate the sprinkles off of some marshmallows from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.

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And then we did some outlet shopping and Brooke told me she wants a red hat for her birthday.  

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You know you are living quite the classy life when you decide to grab sushi at Costco and eat it in their food court for dinner.

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Lawn chair backpack = it is going to be an exciting night.

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Now it is time for 16 miles.  I’ve been craving a good long run for a few weeks now.  

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What are your Saturday plans?

Who has a long run today?  How far?

When did you take your last rest day?

Who has been to Park City before? 

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Park City looks beautiful, I’ve never even been to Utah.

I’m headed out to run, I don’t know how far, I’m just going to have fun! :)


Been to Park City many times and this time of year it’s gorgeous! Brooke sure has the pouty face going on in that hat pic! How can you resist that?


I had to work at 6am this morning, so my 15 miler had to get pushed to tomorrow. I don’t feel like doing it when it gets to 100+ this afternoon!

Yesterday was my last rest day! Fridays I am usually really unmotivated to do too much after I get off of work, so if I don’t make it in the morning, it doesn’t usually happen.

Have a great long run!!


Park City looks like a blast, I need to plan a trip I think!
My doctor just cleared me to start running again after almost an entire month off, it is more exciting than Christmas ;-)
Enjoy your day! :-)


Rest day is today, long run tomorrow. Good luck with the 16!


Today I am just doing a 5k. Tomorrow is 9 miles.
I love alpine slides. Never been to Utah but I plan to someday. I would like to plan a trip to Colorado, Utah and Oregon. :)


Yeah park city!!!!
Going fly fishing this morning.


Ah! I’ve been to Park City a couple of times and had a blast each time! I love your outfit and your daughter’s as well… too cute! And that sushi looks AMAZING!


Today I had my run (4.5 miles) and now we are headed to the mountains on the Harley! I took an unplanned rest day yesterday. Just really needed it and I am glad I took it.


I have to work today! I had 10 on the schedule this morning, and got 7 in before having to stop to leg pain. I think I’m developing a tendonitis. That or someone is chiseling away at my leg in my sleep. Gonna rest/ice up and then get in 3-4 more tonight to make sure I get in the miles!


We are celebrating my mom’s birthday today! I’m taking a rest day from running and getting my long run in tomorrow.


What’s a rest day? Ha ha! Brooke is so cute in that red hat pic. SO cute. I did my long run last night, and now I’m heading out for a recovery run before we head down to Whidbey Island to go camping!


Your post today made me smile. My 4 year discovered the team called the Reds all on his own. He informed me that they “have a sharp c on their logo” and “they’re the best because they’re red and I LOVE red!” My husband is a Cardinals fan and I should be a Cubs fan if I really followed baseball. But it’s just too cute. We got him a hat for the end of his first preschool year. We ordered a child’s cap from lids since that team was hard to find in Omaha.


I visited Park City a few years ago in college when I went to a research conference in Ogden. So pretty!
This week is a cutback so I just have a ten mile run today.
My last rest day was Sunday. I’m ready for it now!
Have a wonderful weekend!


Oh I love a chocolate covered marshmallow! My long run was this morning – 15 miles. Time to relax and enjoy the weekend!


Those views! I haven’t been to Park City but would love to go.
Rest day for me today. Last rest day was last Saturday.
We are headed to a water park today with my step son!
Have a great run!


I saw that picture of Brooke on Insta and I love it. too cute! Also love your lawn chair backpack!


Relaxing with my two boys today. My last rest day was yesterday. I did 7 miles this am easy and have a 16 mile long run tomorrow before I taper. Never been to Utah but it looks amazing!!


I’m off to the Badlands in South Dakota!!!

Enjoy your long run!


Good luck on your long-run Janae! 16 miles is what I was supposed to be doing this morning too…but I’ve some sort of injury – pain/tenderness around my tibia. I’m praying it’s not a stress fracture. Took yesterday off, will maybe spin today and see how it feels tomorrow. It’s so frustrating when otherwise you feel fit and ready to go isn’t it? :(

How are the Pure Cadence?? I think a big part of my problem is running on worn-out shoes. I’ve ordered a couple of pairs – including the Cadence – but I’m nervous because I’ve never wore Brooks before so they may not be a good fit for me. We shall see I guess. I pronate but I need more cushioning I think to support the longer miles!


Family reunion and the iron cowboy 5k. It was going to be more but my husband hurt his foot and we don’t want to over do it.


Hope you had a great run! I wish I had your scenery – Indiana isn’t near as scenic :( I just finished up my post 12 mile stretching. The humidity was awful the last couple miles – gotta love the midwest in the summer…………!


My kiddo and I are doing an interval run today!!!! I’m a little too excited about running with her except- wait a minute, forgot who I was talking to- having my 9 year old start running with me is amazing!


I got my long run yesterday and this weekend my hubby and I are trying out mountain biking!


15 miles this morning and date night tonight!!!
I rarely take rest days.
I used to go to the sundance film fest every year…love park city!!!


15 miles done! Cloudy for majority of the run which was absolutely perfect.

Agenda for today will consist of catching up on The Bachelorette and baking cookies for a dinner party I’m heading to this evening!

Question for you … I’m 99% sure I’ll be running the Lake Tahoe Marathon this year but live in Chicago where there is pretty much zero elevation. Any suggestions on training tips? Or is running this marathon a terrible idea?


That picture of Brooke in the red hat is so funny! Today I am cleaning up/doing laundry/doing all the things I am too lazy to do after work during the week. Yesterday was a rest day so today I am going to do some yoga/pilates.


Ha! I love Brooke in that red hat!!


I did 14 miles today. My longest run to date in preparation for my first marathon in October!! Felt good- getting excited now :)


Mandy that is so so awesome!!! Yahoo for your longest run to date! Which marathon are you doing in October?


Hi Janae! I’m doing the York Marathon, in UK.
I’m based here in England…
Love your blog by the way – you are such an inspiration…


I love Pioneer Day!! Looks like you guys had fun! Good luck on your run :)


Cleaning! And maybe a hike. The highs today are in the 90s, so I may wait till 4 or 5, when it’s in the high 80s bleh haha.

My last rest day was yesterday! I was so tired from only getting 3-4 hours of sleep wed and thurs night that i was just done. I was going to bike to dinner with a friend, and I drove instead because I just couldn’t get out of bed in time hahah. That nap was GLORIOUS and then I slept for over 8 hours last night!!


Work out and finish packing for our vacation!!
Love Park City! Have only been there in winter. Looks beautiful this time of year :)
Have a wonderful weekend!


No long for me this week. I am running two 10 milers though.. so that’s helping get the mileage in, without the long run.
last rest day was on Wednesday. I like my rest days just as much as I like my running days.

no plans for today.. just working and going home to enjoy my family


I love your comfy walking around shoes!

Today’s plan was to hang out with my hubby’s brother/family. They are visiting here from the states, and Inwas in charge Mon-Thu till my hubby got back from a work trip. He had them yesterday while I ran and took care of our toddler, and we combined forces today.

My long run was yesterday: 15 miles. I did 14.34 on the road (a mountain road; 7.17 up and then 7.17 down), then the remainder .64 on my treadmill after I picked up my son from his half day at school.

Today was my rest day! Though it was technically cross training and we did a hike today so I guess my last test day was Thursday. And my next one is tomorrow! I am on Hal Higdon’s Marathon 3 program, which features running 3 days per week.

I did the Park City Marathon in 2009, during my year of 13 marathons. It was my worst by far, as my flight was late, the rental car place was closed, I had to take a cab from SLC and got to my hotel at about 3:00 a.m. It was difficult to find someone to check me in and I had to get up at 5:00 a.m. to get my race packet. The weather was in the 90s that day I think and I was sort of dead to the world before, during, and after. I blamed it on altitude sickness at the time, but after reading this summer realize I was probably just exhausted.


Brooke looks gangstah in that pic. And Park City…ohhhh, hope to stop there when I’m utah for BC.


I have about 7 hours left in our 13 hour drive to Portland today :) I got up crazy early so that I could get a run in before we left this morning, especially since I knew we’d be in the car for so long. I honestly can’t remember my last rest day, I guess it’s time for one.

I love Brooke’s face and the red hat!


We have huge Saturday plans-adopt a puppy from a local shelter!
My long run was much shorter than yours – six miles. I’m in week three of half marathon training. My rest day was Friday too. I’ve never been to Park City. Looks nice…we’ve ventured to Colorado but not any of Utah- maybe someday.


Got up early for my long run of 13 miles! We may venture out to Utah Lake today. We bought a cool 4 person raft, we took it out yesterday and had fun but then came back and found that my purse had been stolen. Bummer! :S So hopefully it’ll be better luck today! :)


My run was not long but it was tough. Part of the reason was the heat. But it was mainly because I didn’t get going until around 3pm and I spent the whole morning walking around a festival. My legs felt like lead! Hoping to get out earlier tomorrow and have fresh legs. Have a great 16 miler tomorrow!


Saturday is almost over here in Canada, well where I am from and to be honest I didn’t do a whole lot! I worked this morning and now studying a bit of my nutrition course! I did go for a run today but 5km is my max, no long runs for me haha. My last rest day was Wednesday when I went shopping and I loved it!


Good luck with the 16 miles… I ran 13 during the week and I’m still sore.. That sushi looks amazing, what is the dressing on top?


The fireworks look so pretty!

I didn’t have much planned for today other than stopping by the farmer’s market, buying some plants, and baking zucchini bread.


So Chattanooga had an Alpine Slide years ago. It was on Raccoon Mountain. In high school I went with a friend’s family to ride it but it had closed up almost overnight. I think it probably had to do with safety and stuff. Well last year my husband (fiance at the time) and I set out to find it and just behind the playground in a new subdivision we found the ski lift with broken chairs and (underneath lots of overgrown kudzu vines) we found the end of the slide! I had to convince him not to go looking for more of it…..hello snakes and poison ivy……but it was a cool find!


Now is that her pouty face or her gangster face?! Either way, I love it! :)


Costco has sushi?! I don’t know if mine does because I have never noticed it before – I am def checking this out next trip!


Brooke in that hat, too cute!


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