A plea bargain with my body.

It has been a very long time since my last pool running session and I was reminded today during my 60 minute workout that pool running is legit.  

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My trusty water belt (provided by the rec center) and waterproof headphones got me through the workout.  You can read more about pool running here and here!  Basically you are just doing the same running movement under water that you would do on dry land.  You use the same form and cadence.  Pool running just allows you to do the same running movement without any of the impact that occurs on land.  It gets your heart rate up and it is the closest thing to actual running in terms of keeping up your running fitness.

You gotta do what you gotta do.

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I did a bunch of squats afterwards and then I was back to get Brooke out of bed and then hit up the park before it got too hot outside.  

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Brooke filled up her ‘good behavior chart’ which meant she got to go pick out a toy.  Out of all of the $20 etc toys she went straight for the $1 toy and has played with it non-stop.  I’m not mad about it:)  

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Lunch was with three girls that I stuck to like glue during high school and college.  We’ve been through it all together.  

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Salads and fries… our staple foods since we were 14.

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And then a frozen zucchini cookie once I got home.  90% of desserts taste better when frozen in my opinion.  This applies to most candy too—>  frozen Charleston Chews are what dreams are made of.  

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I actually woke up with my feet feeling good enough to run but I didn’t do it because of how they felt last night.  Like every runner that is fearful of an injury or not running for a while I have started making deals with my body.  If my body just allows me to run again I will do everything perfectly in order to ensure my body stays injury free.  

Dear Body,

I am going to make an agreement with you.  If you get my feet feeling 100% again so that I am back to running tempos and hitting my long runs I will promise to….

-NEVER COMPLAIN ABOUT HAVING TO WAKE UP EARLY TO RUN… it’s amazing when you don’t get up for your normal run because your body is being lame how much you miss that alarm clock blaring at 5 a.m. telling you that you get to go out and run!

-I’ll pay attention to foam rolling and stretching EVERYTHING and not just the big muscle groups like the quads, glutes and hips.

-I promise that I will carry a water bottle with me at all times and hydrate like it is my job.

-I’ll stick to yoga each week.  I know it helps me stay injury free but this time I promise I’ll actually stick to it.

-I will no longer eat fro-yo/ice cream/donuts 45 times a week.  I’ll lower the sugar and pick up on the nutrient dense stuff that will help with recovery.  

-I promise to choose sleep over Jimmy Fallon, instagram or cleaning my kitchen.  Desperate times call for desperate measures.  


Do you still see any of your high school or college friends often?!

Ever tried out pool running?  Thoughts?  Do you ever swim for your workouts?

Made any plea bargains with your body lately?

Favorite random foods to freeze before eating?

-Grapes, cookies, charleston chews and reese’s pb cups.  

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I have a friend who started pool running years ago during an injury and continues to do it once per week because she finds it so effective. Favorite food to freeze is any fruit in the summer!


Oh yes to freezing food especially cookies, bars and fruits! I have some cherries in there calling my name. Good for you for listening to your body. I made a deal with my body last week that I will swim more once my body is healed to give it a break throughout my training.


I’m trying pool running when I’m down in California as I can’t really run while I’m there but I have access to a pool! Should be interesting!


Let me know how it goes Rebecca and enjoy California!


I’ve never done pool running but it seems like a great alternative when you are injured!! Any sort of chocolate is eat better cold.. Also THIN MINTS!!


I don’t like much frozen but I have to agree with you that Thin Mints frozen are pretty freakin amazing!


you girls nailed it—> thin mints are incredible when they are frozen.


Not freezing Thin Mints is a crime.
or junior mints…or reeses….dark chocolate almonds….

(said while drooling and daydreaming of all the goodies I can’t keep on hand anymore)


I don’t see alot of my high school friends alot, but we do keep in touch. Not being in the same town makes a difference!

I’m the worst at pool running. I end up going in circles. Weird?

My teeth are so sensitive I don’t even drink water with ice in it. I also microwave my ice cream ;)


I nuke my ice cream too. Nothing strange about that.


I used to see college friends all the time until we moved to the PNW. Now seeing them is less frequent but just that much more exciting!
I always freeze chocolate. So much better that way!
I made a plea bargain with my stomach that if it felt better I would not eat any fries or fatty meats (which I don’t even eat that much of). My stomach is doing better so now I’ve got to keep up my end of the deal, which is harder in summer when burgers sound so good.


I see my college friends all the time, but high school not so much. I love Andes mints in the freezer!

I have never done pool running, but definitely sounds like a great option for a low impact workout.


Frozen Andes are seriously the best!


I have one or two high school friends that I see quite often and I love that I can.

I haven had a pool run in forever. Maybe I’ll be doing that soon though.


I have about two or three friends who have been with me through it all, too. They are keepers for sure. :)

I had to pool run when I had a broken hip years ago. It honestly helped me tremendously and kept me sane!

I’ve promised my body a lot of things lately if it promises never to have plantar fasciitis again!

I LOVE frozen grapes! I don’t ever freeze cookies, but I do like them fresh from the refrigerator. Some things really do taste so delicious when chilled a bit!!


I make deals with my body all the time. “I’ll set alarms to stretch!” … “I won’t run more than I plan the day before!” … “I’ll carbo load on WHOLESOME carbs!”

Also treat to freeze –> Extra Dessert Delights Mint Chocolate Chip gum. Freeze before chewing, it’s like an ever-lasting Thin Mint!


I am going to try the frozen gum! The Extra Dessert gum in any and all flavors are amazing. I have a serious gum addiction. :)


I make those plea bargains all the time. Just last week I made one that I would stop complaining about the rain while I run if my shin started to feel better! I hope you heel up fast!


I so agree with you on the frozen pb cups. I could eat them by the bag – but one or two at a time so they don’t thaw too much.


This is the first year I have done pool running. I put my daughter in her floaties and then put on my adult sized floatie and we’re good to go. St. George summer afternoons call for a lot of pool time. I make bargains with my body all the time, I promise my body to be better about stretching. Love these fun freeze treat ideas!


We used to do pool running in high school cross-country, it was super fun and a good way to change things up, especially during the heat.!!

Frozen blueberries are the best.!! My mom never fails to have those in the freezer :)


I haven’t gone pool running before but it looks like a solid workout! Personally, I like most desserts frozen :)


Janae, I saw this blog post http://www.juliemorris.net/the-one-supplement-i-take/ and thought of you. It’s worth a try maybe.
My quad was hurting during squats on Monday. I definitely plea bargained with it and I drank so. much. water. yesterday and today and rested it – hopefully it’ll be good to go when I hit the gym after work today.


I love that she gets a toy when she earns her good rewards points! I hope your foot stays feeling better!


If you freeze Somoa Girl Scout Cookies your life will forever be changed.

All my best friends are my high school and UVA friends…but now I’m moving across the country to Seattle and neeed all new friends – ANYONE!!? BUEHLER?!


Some of my high school friends (class of 82!) still live in my hometown so I see them when I’m home. Crazy to think that some of them are grandparents!

I have an AquaJogger that I use. I have a workout tape that sounds like an 80s aerobics class, so I basically laugh the entire 30 minutes adding to my calorie burn.

Frozen Charleston Chews for the win! Now I need one, but I made a bargain with my body to eat less sugar ;)


So glad to know my post-long run meal of salad and fries is not weird!

When I was pregnant, all I could manage to keep down the first few months were watermelon and frozen peppermint patties. I always keep some on hand now for sporadic nausea.

Hope the foot is all better soon :)


I am always making plea bargains with my body when something is bothering me! I hope you are able to get back to running soon…pool running is a great workout but I know how boring it can get!


I swim once a week to give my body a break from all of the pounding from running. I’ve never tried pool running though.

My teeth are super sensitive so I’m not into frozen stuff…except for ice cream of course :)

My friends from high school and college live all across the U.S. and no where near me so I don’t see them often at all. BOO!!!


Janae–I would so love for you to hit that sub 3 marathon and am totally rooting for you this cycle but doesn’t the fact that it’s like week 3 or 4 and you’re already pool running indicate that you’re overtraining? I guess I would think there’s more benefit in running “only” (and I say that a bit sarcastically because 4x a week of running would kill my body) 4x a week than there is pool running 7 days a week. You are super talented and I would love to see you succeed but it seems like the repeated overtraining injuries are happening early on this training cycle. Curious what your thoughts or plan is? Wishing you the best and of course, a sub 3!


Thank you so much for your comment! Ya know… I’m not sure what is happening with my feet right now. It could be due to wearing the wrong footwear during the day (heels and flip flops), not stretching my calves enough, muscle imbalance and the list goes on and on. Training for a sub 3 takes a lot and it is obviously a lot riskier as far as the type of workouts I will be doing to prepare myself for that time goal. I don’t feel overtrained (you are right, that has happened a lot in the past so I know how that feels) but I do feel like I went somewhere wrong and I’m trying to figure that out. When I decided to work with a coach I decided to follow his plan. We are talking daily to figure out the best route and what to do and so I’ll continue following his guidance. Thank you so much for taking the time to write me and have an awesome day!


Thanks for the response. Like I said, rooting for you and excited to see what you’re capable of doing at your next marathon. I am currently 5 months pregnant and not running because I find it super uncomfortable. My “comeback” race is in June so am counting down until I can run again and am living vicariously through running blogs :)


Oh Laura that is sooooo exciting!!! Your comeback race will be the best ever because you’ll have that little one waiting for you at the finish line!


I mainly just see college and beyond friends. Every one in awhile I run into a HS friend. I do swim for my workouts. About 1/week in the summer and 2/week in the winter. Love it! I am always trying to find that balance between pushing myself a bit and then listening to the feedback my body gives. I love frozen candy bars, girl scout cookies, twinkies. YUM!


I love freezing gummy bears/worms!!

I tried out pool running once but felt like such an idiot. I don’t think my form was all there and it was quite a struggle fest. If I ever try it again I’ll make sure I’m up in Utah next to HRG, aka the pro ;)

I’ll never forget you trained for a marathon nearly all in the pool. THAT is a dedicated runner.


Frozen peppermint patties. But that’s probably pretty normal.
Hope you are feeling good tomorrow and smart for sure to pool run it.
I still have high school friends I see on occasion. And Facebook has allowed me to communicate with many of my college pals.


Sometime soon I need to check out pool running! When I am back in San Diego with my pool, I might give it a shot. I love your agreement with your body. It’s so important to stay in touch with how you are feeling and make sure no overtraining will occur. You rock Janae, and you continue to be my inspiration! Sending lots of love your way. <3

As for your questions, I am still in college so I see my friends often. Favorite frozen foods: bananas. :)




Yes, yes, and yes! I am battling inflammation in my knee for three weeks now. Everytime it seems to be getting better, suddenly, it feels like there has been no progress. The elliptical and I’s relationship is growing strained,
I think that just means I need to bake some cookies and freeze them becuase frozen homemade cookies are the best!


I run into high school and college friends from time to time.
I’ve never tried pool running but I’m sure I’ll be injured and give it a try someday.
I always keep frozen bananas in the freezer. They’re so good alone or for “nice cream!”


This post is insanely funny! I can totally relate. I bargain with my body anytime I feel a lil niggle.
Glad to hear you are doing the active rest you need now so you can recover and kill it at the marathon.

My husband freezes candy bars all the time.
My vice is frozen grapes. The best!


I really hope you’re able to get over your constant battle with injuries soon. I’ve been there, and can totally empathize. Are you sure you’re eating enough calories? I know this is unsolicited advice, but my injury rate dropped significantly when I started upping my caloric intake. I thought I was eating enough, then I ate even more, and haven’t been injured in three years (knock on wood). That, and I 100% do not run if I’m even the least bit ouchy. Sore is fine, ouch means couch ;) Take care of yourself, my dear!

I see one high school friend every other month or so. I had a rough high school experience and honestly didn’t have many friends :( Poor me. I made up for it in college, though. I went to college in NH and live in NY, so I don’t see my college friends nearly as often as I’d like.

I’m not a fan of water so no pool running for me. I went through a phase of trying to teach myself to swim a few years ago, and decided I hated it.

My body has been holding its own lately. I try not to take it for granted, and know that it will perform.

I love freezing M&Ms and cake. A slice of frozen cake is seriously delicious.


I used to love frozen Charleston chews! I always had a frozen chocolate stash :)


I hope you feel better soon. The pool is a great place to be :) I stayed in the pool during my stress fracture recovery and I didn’t find much success just running, but I did do an hour of various kicking moves several times a week and it kept me strong :)


Random favorite frozen food: hostess cupcakes! A million times better frozen.

Hope your foot feels better soon!


Well now I have to try that…. that sounds amazing Mary Ann! THANK YOU!


My bestest friends are from growing up times.

I actually bought a pool belt last week and I am being slow to get started on pool running… but my sad calves and feet will appreciate it. It just seems like it will be so boring!


Brooke looks so DARLING with her hair like that. So so cute. I have found (with a one year old, so I hope it stays!) that the cheap toys are always the most loved!


I have a great group of friends from high school. We don’t see each other often, but when we do see each other we just pick up where we left off. It’s so amazing.
I need to promise to hydrate like I’m getting paid for it. It was 100% the cause for a bad run today.


This may sound REALLY weird, but I like to let my real fruit popsicles melt a little bit before I dig into them. Totally random!


I don’t really see anyone who I went to high school or university with anymore. I’m sure it would be different if Facebook were around back then. I do still hang out with some friends that I had 15 years ago, I just never went to school with them. At 14 I never thought of my friends and I having careers, significant others, or families.


I see one of my high school friends frequently as she is one of my BFF’s. I never would have thought so in high school though :)
I did quite a bit of pool running during my marathon training because my running partner’s foot was injured. I met my goal for my marathon so it went well.
I absolutely love frozen bananas and frozen Junior Mints.


I only ever see old school friends on Facebook, but I don’t talk to them much. I guess it’s just nice knowing they are there.

And, yeah…I tried running in the pool once. I don’t think I did it right, as weird as that sounds. It just felt weird!


I recently hurt my shoulder and I have plea bargained with my body that if I rest and do my exercises, I promise to listen to it before I overdo it!

It’s totally not random, but the first thing I think of freezing are Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies. Dang those scouts’


Frozen Girl Scout thin mint cookies are absolutely delicious!


I want to know more about good behavior chart for Brooke. I have a 2 1/2 year old and wondering about doing some kind of incentive chart with him.


When a coach, sports doctor and physiotherapist are standing in a room and looking at you saying that your injury has stumped them all, plea bargains become a second language. Right now I am cycling and pool running like it’s my job.


I totally do the whole bargaining thing too. This week is a cutback week in my marathon training and I’m enjoying the shorter runs, and how much fresher my legs are starting to feel. I substituted an easy run for a long-ish (90 min) bike ride and my legs felt great the next day. I haven’t tried pool running but I’m certainly open to it – gotta get myself a pair of waterproof earbuds! :) Hang in there, your body and feet will feel better soon.


I haven’t had to try pool running before but I can see how it would be a great workout! I hope your foot feels better soon and I think you’re doing the right thing in taking a break from running it as hard as it is. Hang in there lady!
I love freezing Thin Mints and these salted butterscotch and caramel chocolate truffles from TJ- SO good!!


Hey Janae! So sorry you’ve hit a speed bump here. Sounds like you’re doing your best to heal up though.

Just thought I’d mention this…. I know you LOVE your shoes, but it may be worth trying something different to see if it would help. Try a tad more cushioning or something less tight on your foot. I know you’re a Brooks wearer, but I’m wearing the Saucony Triumph 12 and they have been the best shoes! (for me). I know if I’m not in the right shoe, I’ll get runner’s knee. Shoes are so important. I just couldn’t help but think that maybe your feet are needing a little more support to knock out all those impressive long and fast runs. Good luck to you, I have no doubt you’ll get this figured out and hit all your goals! :)


I couldn’t agree more! I ran in the Brooke’s for year and in the end was in the PureFlows and something just changed. I love the brand but they were no longer right for my body. I have never been injured, but was all of a sudden getting knee and foot pain. They are just too narrow (along with a few other things). I am not Saucony all the way, I have a few different ones I routate. Fed something to think about :)


*for years


You girls nailed it… I just tried a new pair and they felt so much better! I’ll be writing about this in my next post! THANKS!!!


You are no legit with your pool running that I know this will have you come out stronger!!

I have an incredibly tight bond with my highschool girls. We graduated in 1997 and just 2 weeks ago, three of us all flew to NYC (one lives in the UK and she came!) and it was like we still see each other everyday!!


Plea bargaining right now! I tried running yesterday, 11 days post-injury onset, but it was a no-go. I had high hopes and I’m SO sad. I should be wrapping up my 3rd week of marathon training. I sm just not sure what will happen. This is my first debilitating injury since I began running 13 years ago. How do you deal with it? I have mostly been on the bike and rower since it happened. I did some pool running a few months ago when my IT band was acting up, but I couldn’t seem to get my HR up high enough. I must be doing something wrong. Any tips?


Salad and fries is totally my gig too! Glad I’m not the only one!!


I really like making frozen cookie dough truffles… basically you make cookie dough minus the egg (substitute a little milk instead) and freeze them in balls (and dip in chocolate if you’re feeling fancy) and eat just like plain cookie dough. SO GOOD. I’ve never tried freezing a cooked cookie, though! Will have to try that…


Salad and fries are totally my gig also!! Love that I’m not the only one!!


Glad the pool running is working out for you again! I love frozen Twix bars!


I swam competitively growing up so chlorinated water still gives me some PTSD. I’ll water jog at the beach though : )


I have never tried pool running. If I ever need to take a break from running, I’ll ride the bike at the gym because I love sweating. Sweat is my currency for sanity.


I still see my high school and college friends on occasion and I love it! I hope you make a full recovery quickly. I am having some knee issues right now and it really is the worst :(


When you say you did a bunch of squats, do you count them or do you go until your legs are burnt out?


Freezing grapes is amazing! I like to try to keep up with friends from high school and college, we usually manage to go out for drinks at least once a month. I moved around a lot growing up so maintaining relationship has always been a struggle.

I used to work at a pool and I’d see people come in and do pool running all the time. I’ve tried it before but I don’t feel like I’m going anywhere!


My three best friends from high school are still 3 of my best friends! Unfortunately, we are spread out all over Texas (and Texas is big, y’all!). While we don’t see each other often, we talk every week!

I love gummy bears in ice cream! Not exactly freezing them, but they get super hard and make the treat last longer!


Hah! Totally beg my body every morning to always be strong and healthy and that I promise to give it more fruits/veggies/protein in return.

I love frozen gummy candy!


-I am still god friends with 2 friends from high school. We are now married and have babies, time flies!
-I’ve never tried pool running, I try not to swim when I don’t have to. haha


Froyo 44 times a week seems like a perfectly acceptable plea bargain :)

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