HAPPY NATIONAL RUNNING DAY. 25 things running has given me.

I thought I would write a little love/thank you note to running for the things that it has given me since it is National Running Day!  PS Check out Brooks’ blog and share your #thankyourunning moments—>  make sure to tag @BrooksRunning.

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Thank you running for giving me…

1.  A reason to eat bagels at 5 a.m. (my favorite fuel before a long run or race).  

2.  Gratitude for the people and blessings in life.

3.  A sport that doesn’t take a lot of coordination because I do not have any… aka why I was cut from most sports teams in high school.  

4.  A way to exercise and stay healthy that I actually really enjoy doing.  

5. Thanx for giving me some much needed healing during my divorce.  There’s nothing like crying while sweating it out as you are running to help you to feel better.  It cleanses you.  

6.  A reason to buy loads of workout gear and shoes.  

7.   Energy.  It will never make sense to me why I have loads more energy on the days that I run vs the days that I do not.  

8.  A strong body that has learned to endure, to move my legs as fast as they can go and to build mental strength over the many many miles.  

9.  A constant in life when everything else in life seems to be always changing:)  

10.  A job that I absolutely love to do —>  writing a blog about running (and food and randomness and my strange life).  

11.  Fun memories with Brooke—>  pushing her in the jogging stroller when she was just a little thing and now spending time together at the track.  

12.  The memorization of 1,000s of songs.  I am sure that all of these lyrics take up a lot of my brain space but I listen to so much music while I run and the lyrics are engrained in me forever now.  

13.  Some of my very best friends.  There is just something crazy bonding about running and accomplishing hard workouts together.  

14.  Confidence.  

15.  A clear mind and a better perspective about things.

16.  Some pretty sweet sock tan lines and garmin tan lines.  

17.  Thanks for giving me some life lessons that help me during the really rough times… like to remember to put one foot in front of the other, to keep moving forward and that I can do hard things.  

18.  Thanks running for giving me the chance to get out in nature and the mountains to explore.  

19.  Goals and teaching me that it takes a lot of time, work and dedication to reach these goals.  

20.  The opportunity for weekend race getaways to see a new city or area.  

21.  Patience.  For some reason once I get my run in I am able to have so much more patience with everything else in life.  

22.  ‘Me’ time.  We all need a little time for ourselves in order to take care of the others.  

23.  Social hour in the early morning hours.  A way that we can sweat, share and learn from each other before most people are out of bed (especially on Saturday mornings).  

24.  The opportunity to carb load and carb load often (aka the entire 16 weeks of marathon training).  Pizza 4 lyfe.  

25.  Thanks running for giving me that ‘I’m so ridiculously hardcore’ feeling after finishing a track workout, getting to the top of a steep hill or finishing a run in the rain/snow/cold/heat.  

PS National Donut Day is on Friday… and as Alanis Morissette would say, “Isn’t it ironic… don’t you think?”


On the rare occasion that I do wash my hair, Brooke plants herself next to the bathroom while I blow-dry my hair.  She brushes, styles and adds bows to all of her dogs.  

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I had a date last night with my mom and dad for some chicken green chile salads.  My sister introduced these to us back when I was in high school and we have loved them ever since.  

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The best part has to be the warm tortilla folded up in the tinfoil that comes with the salad.  

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We walked next door to Rocky Chocolate Mountain Factory for a rocky road apple to share.  Apples are good for you and so are nuts so this had to have been a super healthy dessert.   

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I think this baby needs a close-up.  


Brooke had a wardrobe change and then played in the splash pad.  You know it is a good day when you get to wear a swimsuit twice in one day.

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I think it is quite fitting that my PureGrit 4s arrived in the mail just in time for National Running Day.  What better way to celebrate than a beautiful pair of shoes?!?  I can’t wait to test these babies out on the trails!  I will give you a full review after I get some good use in them!

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What has running given you?

How are you going to celebrate National Running Day?

Favorite caramel apple toppings?!

Parents reading—>  what are some of your favorite activities to do with your kiddos during the summer?

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16 is my absolute favorite. Love those awkward tan lines. Running has given me body confidence. I never had it until I ran.

Today I am going for a long run. No pacing, no distance goal, just run until I’m tired.


Same here! I never really appreciated/liked/LOVED my body until I saw what it could do with running :)


I agree running has made me feel grateful for everything in my life. It’s during long runs that I really think about things and everything falls into place, and I get perspective. It’s also taught me about a lot of my no so great patterns in life and what I need to work on. Today I celebrated with a 7 mile negative split workout :) Happy National Running day!


I celebrated by running 5 miles and also I’m pretty sure National Rocky Road Ice Cream day was this week as well, I could be wrong but I don’t think I am.


I absolutely agree with numbers 6 and 24!!

Running has given me a cheap (free? – hmmm, see point 6) and accessible way to exercise, that really helps me to keep my weight in check. Thank you running!!


Running has been the best anti-anxiety therapy I’ve ever had.


Running has helped me gain a healthy relationship with food and my body. Running makes me a better person, all around.

Best day ever! Have a great one!


Running gives me a strong body and strong mind. Time to free myself from the responsibilities of my day and relax and work through questions, disagreements, etc. Running gives me something that I can constantly be improving with no end to the possibilities. I’ll be celebrating with a fun run after work! :)


Running has given me peace of mind and led me to meet some pretty incredible friends. And I love my Garmin tan lines. :)

I ran this morning solo and got in some speed work to celebrate this day.

I don’t have caramel apples often. I love honey crisp apples with some peanut butter, though!


I’ll celebrate today by working at the running store then running a few miles before class! I meant to run this morning…but my bed won.


Running has given me ‘me’ time!

During the summer, we visit a lot of splash pads, but I also spend time looking up different parks for morning trips. We also go to the library and take out new books each week. Afternoons are usually spent in the backyard with our water table. Of course there are the day trips to museums, amusement parks and such but those get expensive!


Yay national running day.!! I’m gonna celebrate by smiling during my whole run :)

My daughter also enjoys being in the water, now that it’s summer we go to the creek a lot, or our version of “splash pad”

Great things listed about running.!


Running has given me 1) a amazing way to stay in shape and 2) an escape! When I get really stressed, a good run always does the trick :)


Running has given me the ability and the time to learn about myself. Nothing like being in your own head for 3+ hours! I celebrated national running day by running!! It was a gorgeous morning and I was so happy to be out there doing what I love. Great list and a great post! Happy Wednesday!!


Running has given me an outlet to be (good naturedly) competitive in :) I also love 19. from your list! I wish I got tan lines from running but sadly London doesn’t provide enough sun for that! :(

I’m not sure if I’m allowed to celebrate national running day in the UK (?!) but if so, I celebrated by going 6.5 miles this morning before work!


I love those shoes!! So pretty!!

We love to torture our kids with all sorts of awful things like hiking, bike trips, camping and swimming at the lake. Summer at our house is the worst!! (My favorite season by far!!)


Running has given me confidence and determination. It also helps me clear my mind and prepare myself for whatever the rest of the day may bring. I can’t imagine my life without running!


Running has given me courage.
Courage to not fear my body, to love, to have a baby, to live life to its fullest!


Can we just take a minute to appreciate that view above? How beautiful are those mountains! They are INSANE!! Now I kinda want to move out west!

Running has given me so much in life- running friends, determination, belief in myself, ugly feet, tons of (finishers) medals, and some pretty awesome legs!

I recently joined a running club at my local running store and today we’re doing 5 miles and a foam rolling party! Hope you enjoy your day :)


Injuries! Lol. Ok it’s also given me my sanity back. I run so my daily life doesn’t run me. I’m hitting up the local national running day event at my park for a fun run and freebies.


Running has made me extremely grateful for everything I have in life. I love that I can go out for a run, and when I return, everything is in perspective. I feel less selfish after a run (even though running is my “me” time) and I want other people to feel the way I do. Lots of running sappiness going around the blog world today. I don’t hate it ;)


Running has taught me to never give up but always let go. Or as they teach in yoga: abhyasa and vairagya — persistent practice and non-attachment. Meaning I strive each day to do my best and give my all but ultimately I must respect my body and what it is willing to do on any given day. Sometimes I don’t like what it tells me but I have learned that listening to what it says really is best.

I celebrated today w/ a speedy 4.5 miles. And I saw 2 baby deer just 2 doors down from our house! Wow–don’t see that everyday.


Running gives me the chance to manage my anxiety disorder without taking medication. I’m not against meds but if I don’t need to take them then that’s a bonus!


Running has given me strength, courage and empowerment.


Running has given me so much peace with my body and life. It is amazing how it changes you!


The picture with you and Brooke and the mountains, GORGEOUS! I am loving those mountains! I am celebrating with a lunchtime run!


I nodded to every single one on your list especially getting through a divorce (crying while running) and hoe it teaches you do to hard things that can be taken into other areas (putting one foot in front of the other.)

Thank you for sharing!!!

I also run because it makes me happy and to be a good role model for, my son, London.

In the summer we love to go to outdoor pools and splash pads, the zoo and have picnics!


Great post Janae. I actually wrote something similar today. It’s funny you don’t realize how much running has given you until you sit back and reflect upon it all.


I love sharing my birthday with National Donut Day :) And I absolutely love the chocolate covered apples in Disney World – especially the ones coated with reeses pieces.


Running has taught me the beauty of the outdoors and the value of quiet time in each day. It has also taught me I am capable of much more than I think I am.
Celebrating with 5 easy miles this morning!
Happy National Running Day!


that apple sounds SO good! I just saw a rocky mountain chocolate factory in the mall the other day but had never seen one before! I guess I know what I’ll have to get if I ever stop in there… :)


Great post, Janae. Amen to all 25 points!


Couldn’t agree more with you about the confidence thing. Running has made me feel so strong both mentally and physically.

To celebrate today, I got in a very early 6 miles with my dog!

PS – Saw this article – http://www.thrillist.com/eat/nation/free-donuts-for-national-donut-day


Running has allowed me to push myself in ways I didn’t think I could. Just over a year ago, if you had told me that I was going to run the Boston Marathon, I would have laughed hysterically and looked at you like you had 12 heads. But, here I am, one year later, with the medal hanging up in my office. I am so thankful to running for making me both mentally and physically stronger.


Running has given me happiness and stability: http://lacesandlattes.com/2015/06/03/national-run-day-2015/

I’m celebrating National Run Day by going on a run that isn’t tracked, just for the pure love of running!


Happy National Running Day! I love that she puts bows on all her bears!


a clear mind and perspective is definitely one of the great benefits of running!


I just finished four glorious miles! I am so happy to be running again and that I got to run today! I loved your list. I can relate to all of them! Have a great day!


Running has given me the opportunity to wear crazy color spandex any day of the week!!

I plan to make my group exercise class run a little bit this afternoon!! (We usually don’t run at all so this outta be interesting!)


Running has allowed me to see my strength and ability to grow in more ways that I ever imagined without it. I celebrated with a sweaty speed workout on the treadmill this morning. Awesome :-)

We love having picnics with my step-son at the park and playing afterwards.


We have an ECHL team in Allen and there’s a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory stand… healthy dessert I tell ya! My favorite is the caramel pecan, but I’ve had many other flavors.


What beautiful views you have of the mountains! I could get used to that. My family will be running together for National Running Day, which will be a fun 5K.
In the summer the kids love to go camping on the weekends, and play in the parks during the week.


Running had made me a better person, are the world through a better more positive light and be inspired to do better and be better.


Running was my introduction to fitness.
Today is a strength training day for me but since it’s National Running Day I may have to squeeze in a quick mile somehow.
Favorite summer activities with the kiddo- going to the beach, hanging at the pool, going out for ice cream, eating dinner outside, taking the dog for a walk, and going to the movies on those days when it’s just too hot to deal.


Running has given me health. While I’m still not where I want to be, I know every time I put on foot in front of the other I’m improving my quality of life.
I will celebrate national running day by, well, running!


Running has given me more confidence. It has become one of my favorite hobbies. Recently, after the death of my brother, it has become an outlet for me. I can release stress, anger, frustration and tears while on my run. I always feel better after a good long run.


Running has taught me that no matter how many bad health relapses I have, I can always make a comeback. Running is always there waiting for me when I feel up to it.


Running has given me the freedom to explore a world I would otherwise not see, an appreciation and love for my body, the joy of being with others, and the time to reflect and be present in my thoughts. You learn a lot about yourself when there are no distractions.

Amen to carb loading and donuts!

I am going to go on a run with my husband when he gets off work!


I’ve been wanting to check out the pure grit since my pure flow 2s are beat. Im not in love with the newer pure flows.

Running has given me so much I’m grateful each day that I started running.

I will be running on my lunch break like I do every Wednesday (hill day).

I never had any super fancy caramel apples like that but now I need to figure out where in Philadelphia I can find one.

I love setting up baby pools and water tables in the back yard. We also like to jump in puddles on warm rainy day! We are in need of a beach trip really soon.


Running has given me best friends!!!
I celebrated with a run on the beach at sunrise.
I like my caramel apples plain. :)


My favorite things to do with my girls during the summer… Run through sprinklers, go swimming, story time outside at the Provo library, picnics, parks, bubbles and side walk chalk. Anything else that’s outside and free!

Spending the day today running, of course, and swimming.


No donuts for me. Like you I love apple fritters but my stomach gets very angry if I eat them so its been a long time since I enjoyed one. I do still love the smell. I can’t wait to read your review on the shoes!


Running has given me more confidence. It’s such a great feeling to set a goal and accomplish it!


Fantastic list!! I do believe that probably every runner out there can relate to many of these…and then still add more. I love hearing what running does for others because I know what it has done/given me.

I will probably not be able to run today. My little one has a baseball game…I need to sweat, though. Woke up cranky…again (stupid female cycle that messes with our hormones for no apparent reason). ;)

Have a great day!! – Aimee


Running has given me sanity. It’s gotten me through tough times like break ups and moving halfway across the country alone.

I’m spending national running day by going to my first Athletes to End Alzheimer’s meeting and then hopefully time for a short evening run. Also to celebrate I posted my running story on my blog: https://candidcerebrations.wordpress.com/2015/06/03/happy-national-running-day/


Rocky mountain chocolate reallyjust can’t be beat! :)

I love what you said about running being a constant. Sometimes life gets crazy, but the escape and the clarity that running brings will always be there, no matter what my pace may be! :)


Geez, what hasn’t running given me? Ha, it’s given me a whole new life. I’m more confident – not only in my body, but also in my mind. I struggle with anxiety daily, and it quiets all of those ugly places because I’m not thinking about anything other than running. And really, I could go on and on about what it’s given me..but I’ll spare you :)

I ran three miles with my running buddy this morning! We completed her first marathon about a month ago, and she’s just now getting back into the swing of things, so it was a little slower – but still great. She’s great!

I think I’d definitely go with chocolate on my apple. Maybe some nuts. I don’t really know, I don’t eat them that often haha.

Have a good day!


I don’t run just to run much anymore, but I do remember having my best “epiphanies” while thinking and running. It’s a beautiful thing! :)


Running gives me peace and joy.
Running truly makes me happy.
I have met my very best friends in the world through running.
I have run in some incredible places.
Running is the BEST.
Have a happy day!!
PS: The Pure Grit 4s look awesome!


Beautiful post. Running gives us so much more than we could possibly imagine. Running is so much more than just running. Thanks for sharing what it has given you. Now, onto donuts :) xo


Running gives me confidence and bliss. And sweet tan lines (KT Tape I’m lookin at you)


Running has given me a sense of life. I find that you can tap into every emotion you have with a single run, or a training season. And that to me is an amazing gift, to feel the pain, suffering, struggle, joy, passion, and strength all at one time. There is nothing else like it.


I love your list of things running has given you………most of those are true for me as well! I love the sense of accomplishment I get after a long run!

I will celebrate today and run 5 or 6 miles!

I don’t do caramel apples………I try not to do extreme chewy stuff…..but I love the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory cereal! I got it at Target and it is wonderful!!


Fun! Going running..tomorrow! :) And we love summer fun in our home. We have an 8, 6, and 3-year old. We like to have a day to decorate our summer writing journals, read loads of books, do the summer movie express ($1!) showings, free bowling, pool time and bake fun things. And take road trips or travel. They love crafts like rock painting and water painting. And riding bikes and getting ice cream.


Running is my salvation. I run to be fit, to deal with stress and anxiety, to be a better mother and wife, to be me!

I ran 7.5 hilly and drizzly miles today- outside! I’ve been trying to work in my outdoor running and today’s run felt great!

Not a caramel apple fan, too sticky. I prefer PB on my apple!

My daughter and I spend our summer weekdays at the pool, making forts and reading, having dance parties, and just being together. On the weekends when my husband is home we go on family runs and hikes, go to the playground and the pool, watch Sunday night movies, and hang out.


Running helps me forget about all the small things that build up in your head, and instead allows me to focus on the sun in the sky, the birds chirping, and the nice breeze in the air. I love it! I am hoping to go run some trails to celebrate National Running Day. :)


Running has given me confidence! There’s nothing like setting a running goal and achieving or surpassing it. Running gives me better days, more energy and more self-confidence. Running is the best!


I love those mountains in the distance! So awesome.

Running has given me so much. It has been my enemy and my best friend and I think we are on pretty good terms now. It has taken a bit of a backseat after my race, but I’m sure I’ll be back for more.


I love this post and the reminder to be thankful for running. I ran 6 miles of hills this morning, which I thoroughly enjoyed, because I recently had to take a break from harder effort runs to build hip/glute strength.

I love the confidence running has given me. I typically do 5am runs before work and I feel so much more content with life. Running is my time to think. To process the ups and downs of the day or month, and it’s also my time to zone out to some music. I love how running has made me more structured in getting to bed on time, and has also defined muscles in my legs that I thought would never “show”. :)


I ran for the first time in almost two weeks today – only 2K, but it was fun!!

Candy Apples *me drooling*


Running has given me meditation, me time, time to get through a hard break up, taken me to some amazing places I would not have thought of going, seen some beautiful views…. and given me quality time with my 3 legged pup Sheldon… :)


I agree with so many of your points, running has given me so much more than ever thought. What started as a way to lose weight became a lifestyle that now my husband and I spend our time with new friends training for triathlons. It also gives me confidence and goal setting which leads to the amazing feeling of achieving something difficult. I love it :)

However I am celebrating National Running Day but listening to my body and taking my third day off in a row before knocking out some of the last tough workouts before I begin to taper for my Oly Tri and Birthday 1/2 marathon.


It is really hard to run and cry. I now from experience. lol


I’m not running for National Running Day! It seems kind of lame, but at the same time it’s awesome. We had a baby boy at the end of May and I’m 11 days postpartum :) This time around I’m MAKING myself wait 4 weeks before I start running again!

And, yes, it’s very ironic that National Donut Day is on Friday! Yum!


In just a few short months, running has pulled me out of a weird depression coming from an unidentified source. It has given me clarity and given me no other choice, but to feel positive directly after a run.

For National Running Day, I’ll be running my first ever 6 mile run!


Running has given me “me time” after having my daughter I didn’t have that one thing that was mine. I took up running. And I love it! Plus it shows my daughter healthy living and staying active which I wish someone would have done for me when I was little. When I get home from running (which is usually at dawn so I don’t miss out on family time) she is always there to greet me and ask how my run was and how long it was. :) wonderful way to come home!!
National running day I ran 4.39 miles on the RT at sunrise! Happiness!
Summer time = zoo trips, park trips, sprinklers, and RT time with our bikes! :) and ice cream of course!


I love the sense of freedom that running gives me. The ability to run wherever I want to go is liberating from all of the rules and routines of the day :)


Thank you running for giving me a reason to put on tights and run on the streets of NYC and through Central Park. Otherwise, my conservative self might be wearing jeans or something.


ahhh running has given me so much. the ability to believe in myself and set goals i once thought were unachievable, and then beat them and set even loftier goals; a sense of balance and control over something in my life, even when i’m feeling like other things are spinning away from me; a love for early mornings and a sense of peace in the midst of a crazy city; some great friends!; a connection with my dad, who instilled the passion for running in me; a strong body of which i’m proud!


I love your list!!


Excellent list, thank you for sharing!
Especially grooving #5, #7, #14, and #17.
Running has helped me through an incredibly difficult life transitino too, it’s amazing.
So glad to see you to healthy and happy!!


Love this and YOU! And glad we met through writing about running on the internets.


This is awesome! I love all of your reasons for running and it makes me want to rehab so much quicker so I can get back into it!


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