Magic endorphins, cadence and run happy fun facts.

I woke up this morning ridiculously grumpy.  I don’t know what hit me when I first woke up but luckily a quick three miles on the treadmill changed things right away.  Those endorphins… I’m telling ya.  They are magic.  If you asked me to, I could probably write a list of at least 10,000 benefits from running.  Running never ceases to amaze me.

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Every month or two I dedicate one of my runs to checking in on my cadence.  

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My coach had me really work on increasing my cadence a few years ago.  Hitting the right cadence makes it so that we are landing our foot directly below our bodies rather than overstriding.  I like to check in every now and then to make sure I am staying on top of it to avoid injuries.  I try to aim for about 180 foot strikes on the ground per minute.

To figure out my cadence I just count how many times my right foot hits the ground in one minute and then times it by 2.  Working on perfecting your cadence usually results in being faster and injured less often.  

There are so many little things that we need to do in order to help our running and if we do them they will make the biggest difference!  HERE are some workouts that can help you to increase your cadence!  Increasing your cadence by about 5% —>  the magic number to avoid switching things up too much and then getting injured!!

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After our workout we had to run to the store for the three items we must always have at home (this is the only bbq sauce I will buy… it is the best).

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While we were there we just happened to run into the Megs.  Sometimes I wonder if she just follows me around or something.  Or maybe we just stalk her.  Either way it works out nicely.  

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Mike & Ikes are revolutionizing the candy world.  I think the majority of fruity candy needs to be sold by the flavor.  Then maybe the candy makers will realize that banana flavored candy just needs to stop being made.  

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We had a bday party to attend for one of my favorite runner friends.  

Poor Josse cut her finger on the food processor (that is why she is holding her finger up… not because she thinks she is better than all of us and thinks she is #1).

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The kids scored with some grilled cheese sandwiches and apples.  

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And Josse made the most amazing Peanut Noodle dish (recipe coming soon) for the adults.  This woman knows how to cook.   I sure miss our runs together… her ankles have been lame lately but we should be back together again in a few more weeks!

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For dessert Josse made homemade pb cups without any refined sugar.  She wants to perfect the recipe before I post it… get excited! 

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 National Running Day is just around the corner (Wednesday, June 3rd) and so Brooks just released the results of its third annual Brooks Run Happy Nation report!  



Three things that you have done so far today?

Fill in the blank:  WHEN I AM RUNNING I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT________________.

Last chocolatey item that you had?

What grocery store do you go to the most?

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It’s weird because I know a few people (myself included) that woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I’m glad you were ultimately able to feel better though. I forgot that June 3rd was national running day, what a great info graphic from Brooks.


What was it about today that set us up like that haha! You should come run in Utah with me for National Running Day. I’ll take you to a real fancy diner afterwards.


Haha – those run happy facts are amazing! Love it!


I cannot live without super cushy running shoes. I used to run minimalist, but I made a complete 180 a few years ago.


Can I ask which cushy shoes you run in? I am in a mild stability shoe but thinking of making the switch…


Banana candy is the WORST!

When I am running I cannot live without my Garmin. I’m addicted.

I definitely shop at Costco the most!


Ran 3 miles, did abs to Tay Swift videos, and go to work!

When I am running I can’t live without … some Svelte shakes (Cappuccino!) or chocolate milk after my run. Oo and a breakfast taco with eggs, potatoes, cheese, avocado and a ton of salsa!

I bought a red velvet chocolate bar and had a few pieces- YUM!

HEB is my jam. Sorry, it’s only in Texas!


Your breakfast taco talking made me drool. Abs to taylor swift—> Brilliant. Enjoy the rest of your day!


Banana candy – the worst! I don’t understand why it is made! I love bananas, but hate banana flavored anything.

I had chocolate animal crackers and a mini kit kat today. Yum!

Early run tomorrow morning, resting up today and having girls night! Woohoo!


I can’t live without my Brooks running shoes! Running in anything else just isn’t as comfortable or as natural-feeling.
I keep Nestle dark chocolate chocolate chips in my freezer to snack on.
Great infographic from Brooks!


Oooh no… I love the fake banana flavored candy. Banana Laffy Taffy’s are my jam.


I’ll send you all of mine that I ever get for the rest of my life.


Can’t wait for the recipes! Both sound amazing.

I think I can’t run w/ out my Garmin or music but I am sure getting rid of both those things every once in awhile would do me some good.

Three things for today: snowy run (WTH?!), productive day at work and relaxing w/ husband coming up soon!

Last chocolate item was homemade chocolate shake.

I shop at King Soopers (Kroger) the most. Close 2nd is Sam’s.


Can’t run with my sports bra! Because that would be painful!

I think I had a chocolate bar yesterday…..


Ha ha! My favourite answer (after having four kids, let’s just say that this old girl REALLY NEEDS A SPORTS BRA).


Man, I really want a grilled cheese now! Glad your grumpy morning got better!


Brooke looks so happy in that first photo! Too cute!


I’d be freaked out at our chance meetings if I want impressed. Actually, I take that back. I’m not even surprised.


The last chocolate thing I had was a piece of birthday cake last night. Super fudgey and chocolaty.

Our main physical grocery store is West Side Market, but Amazon Fresh is definitely giving them a run for their money!



Oh, & banana laffy taffy > all other laffy taffy


That Brooks infographic is AWESOME!! Although I find it pretty hard to believe that only 8% of people go full commando while running – if that’s the case I’m in the minority on that one… Haha


I woke up grumpy today too! What was it about today?!


Flew to Houston at 7 am, got trained on contract modifications, ate a ginormous sandwich from Jersey Mikes.

when I am running I cannot live without my music!

I shop at Kroger and Whole Foods the most for groceries.

We have a box of See’s chocolates in the house so probably one of those :) so good.


I loooove sweet baby rays! I live in NC where we take BBQ sauce very seriously, and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love that sauce. So far today I have worked, walked my doggie and changed into my running clothes… Time to go to the gym!

My favorite grocery store is trader joes but I go to Aldi most of the time bc you can’t beat the prices anywhere.


3 things today: applied for a passport for my upcoming bahamas trip!, productive day at work, grabbed a drink after work with two coworkers.

Cannot run without music blasting.

Chocolatey item: red velvet whoopie pie from my coworker! (Does red velvet count as chocolatey?)

Grocery store: trader joes


Today so far I had a shower, folded laundry and ate breakfast at my favourite cafe, Kinfolk. Nothing earth-shattering here!

When I am running I can’t live without bobby pins.

I had a dark chocolate Lindt ball last night. Yum!!


Love the run happy facts!!

3 things I’ve done today – ran 4 chilly miles (it’s cold here all of the sudden!), opened 3(!) packages that arrived today (I’m an Internet shopaholic), and read 4 stories to my little man the moment I got home from work :)

When I am running I can’t live without a hat or headband.
I had chocolate cake for my FIL’s b-day last night. It was delicious!!


Ive just started focusing on cadence but have been tracking it with my Garmin forerunner 220. Love that is has a feature that tracks cadence… I am hopeless at counting when I run ha! mine sits around 165 so have a bit of work to get it up to 180 … Going to give those works outs a try! thanks for the link :)


I have really good cadence actually. I think it was from all of those drills we did in high school cross-country and track, bleh. way too many.
I can’t live without my headband when I’m running.!! I feel naked without it
haha Brooke looks like she is stalking Megs. lol


I didn’t have to work today woo!! So I ran on the treadmill at the Y, went to Target, and caught up on the Bachelorette :)

I can’t run without music. Ever!


Glad the miles cheered you up! I have a headache and I’m using that excuse to avoid running right now, but I need to make myself go because I KNOW I’ll feel better after. I’ve never run and felt worse after than before.

When I am running I cannot live without: comfy clothes. I FREAK OUT if something is running weird or just not comfortable.


Love the cadence advice! That’s actually what my doctor said I needed to change the most about my running form to help my plantar fasciitis.

When I am running, I can’t live without my thoughts. Seriously. I think all I do when I run is think (not about running).

I actually don’t like chocolate, so I don’t eat anything chocolatey.

I probably go to Tom Thumb more than any other grocery store. I hit up Kroger a lot, too. I love going to Target, but it’s a dangerous store for me. I always leave with WAY more than I intended…


Yes to shorter strides and cadences! This is something I feel there is not enough focus on in the running world. Today I worked out, worked the saw the doctor for my plantar fasciitis.


Yep, Yep, yep,

Running truly does have a power. Yesterday after work, I was so overwhelmed with everything on my plate, I literally broke down in my car on the way to run club. I had run 7 miles that morning, and the thought of doing anything but eating froyo on my couch sounded insurmountable.
I had put m brother up to attending run club to begin with and felt bad ditching him to fend for himself as he is new to town. I only ran 2.5 miles, but I went from feeling like I was drowning in responsibility to laughing and happy.
Man, I love running :)


Running truly does have a power. Yesterday after work, I was so overwhelmed with everything on my plate, I literally broke down in my car on the way to run club. I had run 7 miles that morning, and the thought of doing anything but eating froyo on my couch sounded insurmountable.
I had put m brother up to attending run club to begin with and felt bad ditching him to fend for himself as he is new to town. I only ran 2.5 miles, but I went from feeling like I was drowning in responsibility to laughing and happy.
Man, I love running :)


This is a great post! Thanks for the cadence tips and I love the Brooks Run Happy meme :)
I have done many many things today, the three most notable being bootcamp class, made lunch for my very sweet pregnant friend, and knocked out a bunch of writing for my blog-not too bad for my day off from work in the clinic!
When I am running I cannot live without my brooks pure connects!
Have a great day!


hmmmm, Sweet potato (my favorite) and bar-b-que sauce? I haven’t tried that combination….. interesting….. may have to try in the near future!!! :)

National running day on June 3rd? That is the day I go back to podiatrist to see if I can get back to running….. how great would that be for me to get back out there on National running day?!

Have a great day! Love you posts


We shop at Hannaford every week, but we get most of our food at Trader Joe’s every couple of months when we stock up.

I’ve had no chocolate today! But it’s so cold I will have hot cocoa very shortly.

1. Successful tempo run
2. Got paperwork for summer job
3. Tried on a bridesmaid dress that just came from UPS


1. Worked.
2. Shopped.
3. Reached 15,000 steps while walking.


I had Peppridge farm milano cookies this afternoon.

I go to Stop n Shop mostly and Trader Joes sometimes.


– field trip to the local fire station, 3 mile run, actually made dinner. :)
-I can’r run w/o my compression socks. true love.
-chocolate ice cream last night…I think it’s in my future tonight too :)



Straight up milk chocolate bar from Trader Joe’s!

Trying to figure out the best grocery store in New Jersey now that we live here instead of good ol’ SLC!


endorphins really are magic. i’ve started sneaking out of work for an afternoon run — who knew you could feel so alive at 3:30pm?


I love love love your site and your tips but I must disagree with you on one thing…I LOVEEEEEEEEE banana flavored candy


Have you tried the bags of Starbursts that are ONLY the good colors? It’s totally amazing!


1. Trail run with friends. 2. Got my nails done. 3. Celebrated our 7th Anniversary!
I cannot live without proper running shoes! Namely my saucony Kinvaras.
They know my name at Whole Foods!


I woke up grumpy too, but that’s because a certain toddler kept waking up all night long last night. Favorite grocery store- Meijer, last chocolate thing was a piece of white chocolate the husband brought home from Germany.


Today I went for a run, ate some sushi and watched real housewives of nyc (my guilty pleasure). When I am running I can’t live without my headphones (for podcasts & music) and my brooks ravennas. Please try ben & jerrys half baked if you haven’t already. It is THE BEST!


Ooh the peanut noodle dish looks yummy. And Brooke looks so adorable standing back there with that sweet smile on her face. <3


Workout, volunteered in my daughters classroom and mopped all the floors in my house upstairs and downstairs – whew!

Can. Not. Run without gum.

I had raw cocoa powder sprinkled on frozen banana slices – does that count for chocolate?

I mostly shop at Trader Joe’s and Costco.


When I am running I cannot live without music. They don’t let you run with music at trail races around here which is bad because then I have to listen to myself huff and puff. :(


Most recent chocolate – a whole bar of Cadbury’s Fruit & Nut, eaten all to myself in a fit of greed last week. So bad. My appetite is like the naughty family dog, always trying to get into the kitchen to steal food when no one is looking. It behaves for ages, and then the second your back is turned, it’s pinched the steaks off the counter.

Fortunately this week has been better!


I can’t wait for the recipes!! I love running into people I know while I am out and about.


Those plates the kids are eating from are my childhood meals in a picture! I love that your friend still has them!

I made myself a chocolate mug cake for dessert last night. It was perfect. Except small.


I have a day off work and went to a very sweaty steps class. I had a piece of extra dark chocolate afterwards. Talked on the Phone with my sister. And sewed a bit on a sweater I am making. It´s taking me a long time, so back on it right now. I shop at Albert Heijn in the Netherlands. My running app on my Phone measures cadence, on average it´s about 174 per minute, which I think is pretty good.


Three things that you have done so far today?
-I made lunches
-I showered
-I got to work by 7am and am so exhausted by this week..

Fill in the blank: WHEN I AM RUNNING I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT________________.
I can’t live without my music.

Last chocolatey item that you had?
I had a chocolate frosty last night as a treat.

What grocery store do you go to the most?
I go to Wegmans; if you’re in upstate NY it’s a good go-to place. :]


1.) 4 mile speed workout 2.) A few butt strengthening exercises 3.) drank 2 huge cups of coffee :)

The last chocolate item I ate was the free brownie I got at dinner last night! They messed up my order (twice) and apologized with dessert. Best way to say “I’m sorry.”

Have a good Thursday!


homemade pb cups?! too good to be true!


Last chocolatey item I had were chocolate chip cookie crisps. They are super addictive and I think the salted PB ones are even better! Now if only they weren’t at the store right next door to me…


Mmm, that peanut noodle dish looks delicious!


I want to try both those recipes OMG!! I wish I could try that peanut noodle dish right this second. Looks great!!


I have been reading for a loooong long time, but this is the first time I post. This needed to be said: BANANA FLAVORED CANDY IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!


Nowadays, when I am running I cannot live without a water bottle :-) We are frequent visitors of Trader Joe’s. The little mini-me carts and stickers at checkout making this a winning choice for everyone.


I hate those extra grumpy mornings! So glad running helped to melt that away fast. You and Brooke both have the sweetest smiles!

I am all about banana-flavored candy going away forever! Heck, I’d be happy with banana everything going away forever! It’s the only food I hate with a passion. Blech blech blech.

But hand over that peanut noodle dish! It looks amazing!


OMG I cannot wait for the PB cup recipe!! And those run facts were awesome!!


I want the PB cup recipe! My last chocolatey thing was an Emma’s macaroon: dairy, gluten and refined sugar free. And they are so darn good!

3 things I have done: took the dog out, worked and showered. (some days it happens earlier than others).

When I’m running I cannot live without: a good sports bra and water. I’m one of the thirstiest people you will ever meet.


I prefer Publix and Target over all other grocery stores.

I had brownies the other night……….and a snickers!

And I cannot live without comfy running clothes and music on my runs!

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