Combining forces and do you bring your phone with you when you run?

Meg and I combined our two specialties together Monday morning.    

I took her for a run and then she took me for a garage workout (lunges, walkout pushups, planks and things like that).  

She prefers strength training and I prefer running but somehow she is making me like strength training more than I ever have in the past.  I think I am making her like running more too.  

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St. George is hilly (I think I’ve told you that 80 times so sorry about that) which meant I got in more hill training over this last weekend than I have in a very long time.  I think I’m going to try to come down to St. George a few times throughout my next marathon training cycle for some long runs.   This way I will be able to get my body ready for the ups, downs and temperatures of the St. George Marathon in October.  I love practicing the course before the race because I like to know exactly what to expect on race day.  It helps me to learn how to pace myself throughout the course too!

We first started on this lovely little trail.  

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And then made our way over to Corral Canyon.  A little bit of roads and a little bit of dirt.  We made it to 7.2 miles and we were done.  It was starting to get hot and we ended up farther away from home than we planned so we called her sister to come pick us up…

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She saved the day.  

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We had breakfast, cleaned my aunt’s house and then went to Harmon’s (a sweet grocery store in Utah) for salads.  

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2 lb salad right here.  The salad bar was on sale yesterday ($5 instead of $7.50 per lb) which made my chicken/bleu cheese/egg/every veggie salad taste even better.

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Brooke had her first ever Squeeze-it but I’m not sure how she felt about it.  Pretty sure I had one of those packed in most of my lunch bags from the ages of 7-12.  

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We spent the whole day at the pool before packing up and heading home.  I think Brooke had a great vacation with all of her buddies.  

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My latest post at Women’s Running is up and ready for you to read if you want:)

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Do you take your phone with you when you go running?

-Yep.  If I am just doing an easy run then I carry it in my left hand but if I am doing a speed workout I either put it in my fuel belt or leave it in the car. 

Do you try to get in some practice on the race course before the race?  Which courses have you practiced before actually running it?

When you were a kid did you bring a lunch from home or eat school lunch?

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I broke my phone 3 times before I stopped bringing it on runs.

Also, nothing beats running here in Florida on the beach but I have to admit I’m jealous of that run, the pictures are awesome!


Awwwww, love the pic of you running with little B on the scooter next to you!


I always bring my phone with me and usually put it in a zip pocket or in one of the other pockets in my lulu bottoms (huge reason I buy them!) I actually hate carrying it in my hand though.


Looks like you and Megan have a really nice thing going! Pushing each other to say healthy!

I don’t bring my phone unless it’s a long run (2+ hours). I have to put it it in Spibelt. Carrying it drives me nuts.

Those views are beautiful! I don’t normally run on the course prior to a race.

I ALWAYS bring my lunch. Growing up and today.


I have to travel for many of my races, so I don’t get a chance to run on the course, but it would be really nice to be able to!! St. George looks beautiful!

I never used to run with my phone, but after everything that happened at Boston in 2013, I do now in case something were to ever happen and need to get ahold of my family. Same for training runs, it is unlikely that I’ll need it, but when you do, it is a lifesaver!

I always had school lunches, but I loved Squeez-Its. My mom just never bought them for us! I feel like it’d be like many of the things I had as a kid…when you have them as an adult, they aren’t nearly as good.


I don’t always take my phone. It depends on how far and long I’m running. Squeeze It’s were the best! What a blast from the past.


I love knowing a race course before racing it! There is a half marathon every year that is along my normal training route and I love that race!!

Your running views are so different than mine since I live near a beach! Seeing your pics makes me want to travel more!


-I’ve started carrying my phone again…it makes me feel a little bit safer, especially since I use the RunSafe app. You should check it out, it’s like my little security guard on runs :)
-I don’t usually get the chance to practice the course beforehand, but I’ll look at the map and adjust my training accordingly. So, if there’s a lot of hills, I’ll be sure to include some hills on my long runs!
-I always packed a lunch…I became the EXPERT pb+j maker :)


I almost aways take my phone. I’m trying to be more diligent about it.
I only practice local race courses before the race. I kind of like the surprise of a new course.
I took my lunch but always want to buy it on rectangle pizza day. I was always the kid with carrots and hummus.


I only take my phone with me if I’m running far enough I bring a hydration pack, which since I’ve been super lazy lately isn’t often.

I love training on the course of possible, but most of the races around here are on Sunday, and I don’t race on Sunday’s, so Ive never been able to do it for a marathon course. Those are usually road trip excursions.


I do bring my phone with me. On silent, no vibrate, and sometimes on airplane mode… But i keep it on me just in case!

I dont often run courses before the race. Only if the race course is where i normally run anyways hahah.

And i would bring lunch from home, though sometimes i would buy lunch if it was something tasty! In high school i had to eat what the dining hall made, because i went to boarding school, so technically it was my kitchen


I just got a flip belt so taking my phone on runs and bike rides is so much easier now!
I always took my lunch to school except on Fridays when it was pizza or hamburgers and chocolate milk!!


Yuppers – always have that phone of mine tucked in my sports bra for security reasons (and Spotify, obvi).

Frozen go-gurts in our little ones lunch seems to be her favorite!! I was a SUPER picky eater as a kid and am now studying to be a RD, so ya just never know :).


I bring my phone on runs only for races or long runs of 10 or more miles.
I always love running the course of a race in training. Especially for the nyc marathon. We run over the 59th street bridge a ton to prepare for it. It’s at mile 16 in the race and the incline and lack of crowd support makes it a killer


I love that picture of you and Brooke on the track! I have to keep my phone with me, part for safety but mostly to have some entertainment while I run.


that salad looks amazing! you must be an expert!


ALWAYS phone with me on my runs. I’ve had to use it a few times for emergencies (mini heat stroke 3 years ago and pregnancy fatigue now!)


Look like such a great weekend! I definitely like running the course before a race. When I was living in Baltimore city I would always run the courses before shorter races that were held down there. I also got to run most of the course of the Baltimore marathon…I think it helps but it also intimidated me a bit because I knew just how tough it would be!
I do bring my phone on runs, I just stick it in my flip felt and don’t even notice that’s its there!


How is your pace affected by the heat? Do you slow down much in the hot/humid temperatures or do you like it?


I always have my phone with me. I listen to music while I run and sometimes chat on the phone if I am running easy.


Having Brooke at the track with you is a great idea! I’ll have to try this with my son. I know this sounds oxymoronic (word?) but I am a lazy runner – I want to step outside my front door and run, not get in the car and go someplace to run, however some good ol’ track speed work with my boy sounds marvelous!!

Hope you’re having a great Tuesday!


I totally understand what you mean about being a lazy runner ha! Let me know how your track workout with your son works out. Hope you are having a great Tuesday too!


I always bring my phone with me for safety reasons! I carry it but I really want to get a spi belt for it.
I’ve never run the course before a race but plan on doing so for some local races next year. It’ll be nice to do races that are practically on my normal route!


I always bring my phone with me! I have an arm band which I don’t even notice anymore. I’d be afraid of dropping it if I ran with it in my hand! (I’m very clumsy though). I only practice race courses that are in Pittsburgh, and only near my apartment. There’s a big lake nearby that has a 5 mile loop that is a very popular race course, and I do races there a few times a year.


I do carry my phone. I use my Garmin and my phone GPS app to calculate my distance and then take the average as my mileage :)


I bring my phone with me Incase of an emergency. You never really know these days and it’s def better to be safe than sorry. I wish we had more hills around here! I know north jersey does but not south!


I don’t ever bring my phone when I run. If I run super early, I carry pepper spray but not a phone.

I generally don’t run a course before I race it until it’s something local. It’s probably a good idea to, though!

I sometimes bought and sometimes brought, but I definitely drank a lot of Squeeze-Its growing up–love those things!

That run of yours looks gorgeous! Wish I could run somewhere like that soon!


I always run with my phone – my source of music on easy runs, but for races I leave my phone in my car. I usually never run on the course before a race. I feel like running on unknown territory makes it go by so much quicker. Sounds like you had a great weekend! : )


I always have my phone with me. Like you, sometimes I will carry it and if not put it in my Flipbelt.

I haven’t seen a Squeeze-it in ages!


I always take my phone because it’s also my MP3 player. I use a thing called roosport to carry it. It’s a magnetic pocket that you clip on your pants and it hold keys or money and is big enough for a phone or MP3 player. I love it.

I’ve only run a few courses ahead of time, but thinking about it, it does help me do better on the race. I should do it more often.


I carry a small bar phone we pay $5 a month for. It has it’s own phone number that all my kids know. I always have a phone. As grown kids, they’ve called me a few times for emergency room visits. They know they can always reach me day and night. Someday maybe it won’t be as necessary but my own stomach needs the phone for now.

I do not run a course first. I just run and see what happens.


I always have my phone with me for emergencies and I’ve had to use it a couple of times, so I will keep that up.

I’ve never really practiced on a course before racing it, but I’m not really hard core either :)

I’m pretty sure I brought lunch 95% 0f the time, which is about what my kids do now too.


I usually run with my phone in my hand. Unless I’m running with my dog, a leash and a phone are a little too much to carry for me so I either leave it at home or use an arm pouch to carry it. I want to get a fuel belt though because I feel like that would be a little more comfortable.


If I had the views you have on your runs, it would be hard for me to love any other type of fitness. I wish one of my friends were a circuit/strength trainer because I need a plan to do any kind of workout. Otherwise, I end up just doing about 10 reps and getting bored.


The landscape background in the top photo is absolutely amazing!


St. George is beautiful! Where did you get your darling coverup?


Hey Natalie! Thank you! It is from this store:


Awesome! Thank you


That’s so nice that your preferred activities complement each others, and that you each like to partake in the other’s sport. Running with someone that doesn’t like running is not fun. ;)

Now that I have a 6 Plus, I do not like carrying it with me. I had to get a new running belt to accommodate its size, and I’m having a hard time getting used to it. I will carry it if I’m out by myself for safety, but I really prefer not to.

I try to run on race courses beforehand, but that is not always an option.

And, my mom used to pack my lunches for me. I miss those days! :)


That trail is beautiful! I take my phone on solo runs, and on SOME group or buddy runs, but usually not. I always hate having to carry extra, but I do miss it when I encounter a really perfect sunrise or something else Instagram worthy ;)


I do take my phone, mostly for safety but also for music. I use the flipbelt and it works pretty well in there. I do enjoy during the winter when I’m wearing coats I can just stick it in my pockets.
I have found that running the course has helped me a lot. I’m usually just too lazy to actually do it. Isn’t it amazing how lazy runners really are? :)
I usually brought lunch from home, but every once in a while we got “hot lunch” and that was always an exciting day!


I love that picture of you and Brooke running/scooting together!!


Wow Janae I am totally seeing definition in your arms, keep up up the good work!! Yes 100% to phone all the time.


Thank you Allison:) Megan is making me work hard haha! I hope you are having a great day!


Always bring the phone. I can’t believe for many years I actually never brought one with me. I had a scary thing happen once when a man was following me. After that I bought one of those zippy packs and always have it one me.


I always bring my phone with me on my runs. With 6 kids from ages 1-14, there’s always some sort of emergency. I like to try and run the race course beforehand, yes. Especially if it’s known for its hills. And my mom packed my lunches for school with the same apple and apple juice box every single day. I finally just threw up apple juice one day at school and that was the end of that; I packed my own lunch from then on!


I bring my phone; I put it in my SpyBelt. I have done part of courses before. I’ve mainly gone into Vancouver to run Stanley Park in preparation for the BMO Vancouver Half, but I think I need to prep a bit more for the Rock n Roll Vancouver this Fall. I’ve run a few halfs now with Stanley Park as the last third of the run, and that is always where I crash and burn. I think I need to do some practice runs on the hills there, and with tired legs!


I carry mine in case a mountain lion tries to eat me or if there’s an Instagram emergency ;) I always carry it in my spi belt.
I ran the course for a 12 mile trail run last Friday. I feel a lot better about it knowing the super steep parts and which parts I can open up and run fast!


I always bring my phone with me for emergency phone calls, music and sweaty selfies;-)
If it’s an easy run I carry it, if it’s a long or hot enough run that I’m carrying water I use my phone armband.


I used to HATE to take my phone with me and when I got a new phone, it was way bigger than my prior iPhone 4s so I generally left it at home. Recently I was headed out for a 6 mile run and asked my husband if I could take his and I am really lucky I did. I got about a mile away from home and started having a hard time breathing with chest/back tightness so I called my husband to come get me. Long story short, I ended up at the ER in sustained V tach with a heart rate of 250+bpm. No history, either. I really urge everyone to take a phone and Road ID. Please!! I would also encourage everyone to learn CPR as studies have shown that it is generally another runner on the trail that comes to your aid if you need help.


I always take my phone, even if I don’t want it for music. You never know when you might injure yourself and better safe than sorry.
(In fairness, I almost always run in central London, so I expect someone could help me if I didn’t have my phone….but still it makes me feel nervous!).


I always have my phone. I used to not bring it, and after one time of ending up hurt and hobbling like 5 miles home, I learned my lesson!!

I packed my lunch everyday from kindergarten to senior year. And it was like the same thing too. I’m weird!! Seriously I need to come boot camp with you, your arms look incredible!!! :)


Now that I’m a parent I do bring my phone on every run- just in case! I can’t believe squeeze its are still around! I used to get them on rare occasions as a treat when I was young!


I rarely carry my phone with me – Sometimes I do carry it for the big races. but usually I don’t have it with me.

I know almost all the Ottawa race routes well – the big races use the same areas and I think I know every single turn off by heart!


Great post!

I typically have my phone with me on long runs or runs when I am running from home. I will wear it in my SPI belt or my new Nathan Hydration Pack. If Im running on my lunch break from work I dont bring it.

I dont usually run the race course before race day I dont want to get Physed out haha.

When I was young I mostly ate school lunches our school had this awesome double decker peanut butter and jelly sandwich! I pack each day for my children though.


Your arms look great in your salad pic!

I ALWAYS have my phone! It’s my music and use it to track my run. I also run myself so I like to have it on me, just in case.


That picture of you running with Brooke by your side makes me excited about one day being able to exercise with my son (I am currently pregnant). You set such a great example for her. :)

I love knowing the race course before race day. I always try to at least drive the course if I am coming in from out of town. There is something mentally comforting about knowing what to expect and being prepared.


Always bring my phone because I have a bad back and would hate to throw it out 5 miles away from home and have to crawl back ;)

I HATED school lunches so I always brought mine. I used to think my mom was unfair by never letting me buy Twinkies, fruit roll-ups, and other highly processed foods, and now I love her for it. I’ll totally do the same thing to my kids and be the mean mom- take one for the team ;)


Wow, St. George looks beautiful!! You’re making me want to do some trail runs! :)



I want my phone with me for safety reasons and I use it as my iPod so I don’t have to carry both.

I had Squeeze-Its at the house but not in my lunch. I don’t know how I drank that stuff. I look at all the sugary junk I use to eat/drink and it makes me cringe!


I love Harmons! I miss it! City Creek Harmons is the best.

I always take my phone for two reasons: safety and music/podcasts!

I have never practiced on the race course before since it’s usually far away.

Brought lunch almost every day, so buying lunch was a treat. BUT bringing Lunchables, Squeeze its, Dunkaroos, or Gushers was always a treat.


I usually carry my phone to log on miles for charity miles. For every mile you run, a sponsor donates $0.25 to the charity of your choice. and it has been very useful in a handful of situations.

Seriously Squeeze-its exist still? I had no idea! That just brings back so many memories!

I hope you, friends and the kiddos are feeling refreshed after such a fun weekend.


I always brought a lunch from home. The cafeteria food was always so gross.


Yes! I carry my phone (in my right hand) with my Nike+ app on!


what an incredibly beautiful place to run! can’t wait to see what the marathon course looks like.


I always bring my phone. I hate having anything in my hands, so it is either zipped away in my pocket or in my bra top. Lulu makes bras and running tops with pockets over the boobs. Game changer since the pockets in the shorts are too small for my iPhone! Amazingly, it stays in place and doesn’t bounce around at all! Although, I’m fairly flat chested…


My giant iPhone 6 is almost always crammed into my running belt, because I am behind the times and don’t have a GPS watch and I need my Nike+ app to track my pace and mileage.

I’ve never really practiced a course before racing it, however I know my marathon training group is running a large chunk of the Portland Marathon course before race day, which will be nice.

I almost always brought my lunch, with the exception of high school Cheesy Bread Fridays, where I would sneak out of class early to ensure that I got what was essentially a giant piece of garlic cheese bread with marinara sauce.


I love running the Chicago Marathon course…the first half at least. I would not go run on the south side by myself usually.


I always take it with me because my husband gets REALLY nervous when I don’t!!! His first question when I leave is always “You have your phone right”? :) He is a nervous nelly!


On road runs…rarely. on trail runs, always! #ihatesnakes


I always bring my phone on a run. Lulu shorts have the perfect pocket in the back!
My last marathon I drove and then ran first 20 miles of the course. I loved it and felt so prepared for the race.
I did a pretty good combo of hot lunch at school and packed lunch.
The mountains during your run are stunning!!


I always have my phone with me. Between my fear that my daughter’s school will call or I fall and get hurt (so far “only” a twisted ankle and skinned knees and hands), I can’t run without it!

I try and run or at least drive the course if it is longer than a 10k, like the Hot Chocolate 15k and the DC Rock and Roll Half. It calms my nerves a little bit to be familiar with the course.

As a kid, I almost always brought lunch from home.

I wish I had some good trails to try. I dragged my family across Key Bridge and along the Potomac River for a run this past Sunday. I had a blast!


How did I miss that you’re running St George in October!? ME TOO! I’m raising $$ for GOTR. Does this mean I FINALLY get to meet you IRL?!


AHHHHHH YES!!!!!! BEST NEWS EVER!! Can’t wait to meet you Kate. You are going to love this marathon so so so so much!


Such gorgeous pics! I know I’ve told you that St. George is the number 1 race on my bucket list. I love to stay at Red Mountain Resort near there, which is where I fell in love with Snow Canyon, etc. I’ve also been doing more strength training … trying to nail 2-3 days per week. It makes such a difference. xoxo


I loved your last post on Women’s Running. One of the main reasons I run is for my daughter. I love being a positive influence on her for it :)
I always run with my phone. Mostly because I always run alone..gotta be safe just in case.


They still make those Squeeze-It things? Wow. I remember Little Hugs (those barrel-shaped drinks) and Ecto Cooler being popular when I was a wee tyke. I usually brought my lunch to school.
I usually carry my phone with me, but I still have a flip phone, so it’s really easy to fit in my Spibelt.
Occasionally, I’ll try out part of a course prior to a race, but I usually just like to be surprised.


Yes, I pretty much always have my phone on me s0 I can’t take pics for social media lol!

I have never practiced on the actual course…usually because it’s in the city and there are cars on the actual course! lol

My mom always packed me a lunch!


I always, ALWAYS brought a lunch. Even though my mom forgot to pack a protein. Even though her peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were more jelly bread sandwiches than anything…I brought a lunch.


I always bring my phone with me. Especially if I’m on the trails–I want to be able to call for help if I need it! I’ve always been a bring my lunch gal. Through school and now into my work!


Do you take your phone with you when you go running?
**Yes, at the gym I have it in case the daycare needs me and outside, of course.

Do you try to get in some practice on the race course before the race? Which courses have you practiced before actually running it?
**Not really. Longest races I have done were halfs and I just figured if I could run 6 I could run 13. Probably not the smartest approach but I did fine. Mentally it helps me actually to NOT know how much further I have, so not knowing the course is good for me.

When you were a kid did you bring a lunch from home or eat school lunch?
**About half and half. My school was so small, they would send slips of paper to each classroom and if you were eating lunch in the cafeteria that day you would check off what you wanted. Then the lunch lady, my friend’s mom, would have it all ready when the kids came. PB sandwiches and whatnot. I loved getting those pickles in a pouch. :)


-I sometimes bring my home, but not always.
-I don’t usually practice on the courses
-I always brought a lunch and it always has a little debbie’s oatmeal pie in it :)


Squeezits! I didn’t know those were still in stores!

I was all about Dunkaroos. And I still think about them sometimes … Sad those went extinct. Loved the plain vanilla cookies with the chocolate frosting. Delish.

The carrying the phone thing is tough … The one time I decided to carry my phone with me was during a Turkey Trot. I dropped it even before the race started and the screen cracked real nicely. Was not very thankful for that!


I usually take my phone with me. It’s nice to be disconnected, but I don’t really feel safe without it.


I’m so envious of your running locations! I live by the beach so I have that amazing view but it’s the same all the time. I wish I had mountains and deserts and forests and everything in between, haha!


Haha Squeez-its! I never got them at home but always had them at friends’ houses, haha!


The phone stays home when I run………..occasionally I carry it with me in my glove during the winter, but I just have my ipod for music.


I love that picture of everyone smiling except for Brooke – she is busy eating. Priorities! :D


I bring my phone on runs so I can track my mileage and I need headphones to drown out NYC noise. I carry it in my hand if I’m only going like 6 miles, longer than that I put it in my running belt. Unfortunately, this past weekend I shattered it on an 11 mile trail run (along with bruising my tail bone). But hey, at least I didn’t break an ankle (definitely a possibility – the trail was ragged).


I ALWAYS bring my phone with me on every run. I invested in an arm band, and I don’t even realise I’m wearing it now. I use it for my GPS with Runkeeper, I take all my photos with it and I use it with bluetooth headphones for my music. Runkeeper is pretty cool as it lets the music play, and then turns it down when it updates you on your distance/ mileage etc… (you can set how often you want updates). I might invest in a camera, Garmin watch and mp3 player at some stage, but at the minute my phone does all these. Oh, and it also lets you make telephone calls….

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