My core workout this week & I have to high-five myself real quick.

It took me about 14 years of running to finally get on the ‘you better do core work if you want to be a strong, fast and an uninjured runner’ bandwagon.  I have finally gotten to the point where I just make it part of the schedule.  I’ve learned to make it a necessary part of training. I make time for it just like how I make time for my daily (well, 5 days a week) runs.  

I also keep things pretty simple and stick to the basics.  I love planking because it allows me to scroll through instagram at the same time… Oh, and also because it engages about 30 different muscles all at one time.

For planks I love to do:

2 minutes normal planking on my elbows.  Straight line from head to toes while keeping my core engaged the entire time.  

1 minute side plank (1 minute on each side).  Same thing… straight line from head to toe, I like to plant one foot on top of the other too!  I try to not let my hips sag down!

1 minute (I just built up to 2 minutes on this one yesterday) back to a normal plank on both elbows.  


5 minutes total (6 when you add the extra minute on the end)

It burns real good.  

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Next up—>  50 classic sit-ups.  I keep my arms crossed in front of me and bring them all the way up to my knees and then take it back down.  I try my hardest for my muscles to do all of the work and to not allow momentum to lift and lower me.  

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Last but not least (actually I like them the least)—>  25 leg lifts.  I lay on my back, place my hands to my sides and lift my legs up to a 90 degree angle and then back down to a few inches above the ground.  Botta Bing Botta Boom.  These are the moves I am focusing on this week!  

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I also make sure to schedule in foam rolling.  Reading about the Easter Bunny makes foam rolling a lot more enjoyable.

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I got to see my sister’s little man yesterday. 

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Dinner was a Costco meal.  It is raining here so that meant I needed soup for dinner and it also meant that I really needed pretzel rolls to dip into my soup.

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I do have to high-five myself real quick.  I am trying REALLY hard (aka I started Monday morning) to lower my sugar intake and add in more nutrients leading up to Boston (I know, I try to do this all of the time..  some day I will master it;).  At Costco last night these beauties were calling my name.  I even put them in my cart because I had to have them.  Then I decided to stick with the whole ’try to not eat every gram of sugar on the planet’ thing and put them back.  This is a huge accomplishment for me.   Froyo is here to stay for good though…. just laying off on the candy and donuts for a bit.  

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I also made another good decision.  I saw my rollerblades and wanted to strap them on for a bit.  I then remembered I am a klutz and refuse to get injured via rollerblades when my marathon is in 48 days.  They will have to wait until April 21st.  

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Just on more week left of The Bachelor.  What am I going to do with my Monday nights after the season ends?!  Maybe something productive.  

So much drama all in one television show.  

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But we love it.

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Tell me about a good decision that you made yesterday or this morning!

How often do you do core work?  What moves are your favorites or most effective?

What things do you do to help you to lower your sugar intake when it starts getting out of control?

Favorite type of soup?

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I used to scroll through IG with my daily planks too :) Now I do daily yoga and incorporate core work into that. It makes it more enjoyable for me because I started to dread the planking and leg lifts. I agree it takes a while to see how important it is.


I decided to skip our club’s weekly time trial because I have a cold/flu… I REALLY want to go!


I haven’t watched the Women Tell All yet, but i am so excited to see it! So much crazy in one two hour episode!

I have to just stop cold turkey with all the sweets. I am an all or nothing kind of person, so if I start having a piece of chocolate here and a donut there, I will eat all.the.sugar. I go through phases where I do really well with it and times where its not so good.

I’m bad about doing core work regularly. I do it hit and miss, which doesn’t help me much!


Good decision: getting up at 4:30 to meet friends for a track workout!
Core work: Lanka nightly before bed
Sugar is my weakness!!!
Soup: vegetarian tortilla


Sugar is my biggest enemy! I now just use stevia instead of sweetened creamer in my coffee… eat a handful of chocolate roasted almonds when my sweet tooth is going nuts at 10 pm… and I pop in a couple pieces of gum when coworkers are eating sweet treats after lunch. It’s helped a lot!

I need to do more core work too! I like to lay on my yoga mat and just do a bunch of random stuff till I hurt, ha!

Broc ched for the soup win. Always.


I work really hard on my sugar intake during the week but allow myself to eat whatever I want on the weekend – to some extent. It has really helped me reduce the amount of sugar I eat overall.

Broccoli Cheddar and Tortilla soups are my absolute favorites!


Core work is my favorite type of strength training and I’m trying to do a bit after each run. I like planks, Russian twists, and Pilates! The Pilates series of five is so hard but so effective.
I try to cut down on sugar close to races also. I try to only eat dark chocolate and keep myself from baking. If I want something sweet, I have plain Greek yogurt with cinnamon and fruit. I need to start cutting back on sugar because my race is one week before Boston!


My boss got these amazing cinnamon lollipops (sees candies) that are 70 calories and last forever. I have been having one after lunch each day and it totally keeps me from going to cookies or other sweets. I figured it’s a compromise I can do.
Today’s good decision is that I’m finally on the way to a sports injury doc to have my knee looked at. I don’t know why I wait so long.


Core work is something I want and need to get back to. This motivates me once I actually get back to working out in a few weeks.

My sugar cravings are either there or not. I normally have a good amount of sugar on vacation and during the work week not as much.


I actually LOVE doing core work. I like what you are doing – something fast, simple, but super effective. No excuse not to do it a few times a week!


I am trying (emphasis on trying) to be better about doing core work 2-3 times per week. I’m usually closer to just once per week, but I’m hoping to be more consistent this month and eventually just make it a habit. Planks and russian twists are my go-to core exercises.


Definitely have been slacking on my core work this marathon training cycle, BUT am high-fiving myself over here for strengthening my calves which have helped take off impact on my knees. GO TEAM!

The Bach = madness. I may have cheated and looked up who wins….and who the next Bachelorette is.

I lower my sugar intake by: 1) always have healthy snacks on hand (#allthesweetpotatoes) 2) drinking hot cocoa when I want something sweet and 3) eating way more gum than any human should.

Have an awesome day, Janae!


This season of the Bachelor is CRAZY..all of the girls are so entertaining! Chris wasn’t my favorite lead, but the girls definitely made this one of my favorite seasons. I’m soooo excited for next year after hearing who they picked!

Tell me about a good decision that you made yesterday or this morning!
-I made overnight oats last night and I’m currently eating them..yay for a healthy and filling breakfast! (and actually remembering to put it together last night)

How often do you do core work? What moves are your favorites or most effective?
-3 times a week. Anything dealing with obliques (twists or side moves) always hurts the most!


I really need to do more core work. I am not the greatest when it comes to that. I’ll admit it. I had chicken noodle soup on Sunday and it was so good! I also make a really good enchilada soup that’s super easy and ready to make in a crock pot.


Woo.! Good job on the ab work. I need to get on that train again. But I have no core. Haha.

I love costcos vegetable Soups.! They are so good and all you need to do is heat them up.! I’ve been craving soup lately.
A good decision I made yesterday was to try to drink more water.!!


When I notice I’ve been eating too much sugar, I try to limit myself to one sweet treat per day so that it’ll be something that I really love, instead of a cookie after lunch… and a few bites of something in the afternoon…and a bowl of ice cream after dinner…

“Just” having ice cream isn’t deprivation at all, and it helps me get back into the habit of eating more mindfully.


Hooray, I guess I get a high-five today too. I did spend some time on core work this morning after my run! That was my good decision for the morning. Sadly though, I treated myself to a poptart as my breakfast post run. I usually don’t buy them, but since I did, someone has to eat them! But once they are gone, they’re not coming back :)


I just started logging what I eat in MyFitnessPal for accountability… because of that, I knew to skip ice cream (with chocolate chips and whipped cream!) for dessert last night. Little victories!


I love planking! Like you said, it works so many muscles all at once, and it’s one of those things you can do while also multitasking on social media and whatnot. I also like to incorporate leg raises (I’m not sure if that’s what they’re actually called) on that machine at the gym. Reverse crunches are also really helpful!

I’m not a huge soup person, but when I do eat it I enjoy broccoli cheese, potato, or occasionally tomato basil.

I think your decision to keep froyo in your diet is perfect. No one should ever give up froyo. Ever.


We do abs in yoga and pilates and it’s the best and worst all at once.


I’ve been working on core strength in PT and I have been doing alot of planks, bridges, and balancing on 1 leg! A smart decision I have made this week was to skip out on the workouts I wanted to do but that could potentially be setting me back from recovering properly. I even cut my run short on the alter-g last night at PT because things didn’t feel right. It’s so hard but I know it will be worth it when I come back stronger and healthier!


I go through spurts where I go way overboard with candy. There’s a gift shop at my work and you just have to swipe your badge to buy things, so it makes buying a sweet treat in the afternoon very tempting. I try to bring a healthier sweet snack in the afternoon, like a Greek yogurt, to curb this habit.


We use our badges at the gift shop as well. So very tempting. Sometimes I feel like I spend half my paycheck there.


Core work is actually my favorite cross training. I try to do three really good (and different) core workouts a week. I’ve been focusing more on strengthening my back lately, but I haven’t noticed a difference from that yet.

Those donuts look good- good job putting them back! Think of all of the great treats you’ll have after Boston! When I ran Boston we went to my favorite Italian bakery afterwards, and I got THREE cannolis! I’m never hungry after a race, though, so I didn’t eat them until I woke up hungry around 1am…I try really hard only to have desserts twice a week, but I have something with dark chocolate every day. Lately I’ve been eating cacao nibs covered with dark chocolate. I don’t really crave treats as much as chocolate.


I try to do core work at least 3x a week. I usually will just use my ball for a while in front of the tv. It works!


I do a little bit of core work 6 days a week after my workouts, but do a more focused core workout 3x a week (CXWORX…it’s a Les Mills class). I used to teach it but now I pretty much just do it at home. Planks, hovers, weights, resistance bands, etc.

Good decision…sleeping in :) I feel lazy when I sleep in, but post-marathon, my body needs it!

If I’m trying to lower sugar, I pretty much will throw out any “temptations” I have in the house. My options are to the rest of it and just not buy more, or 2. throw it out!! Throwing it out generally wins. If I want something, I’ll buy it separately, like a pack of peanut m&m’s instead of a big bag. Seems to work :)


Decided to sit in the FRONT ROW during the high school choir concert last night. (usually I am a closer to the top the better kind of gal) Not only could we see some acne on the kiddos but we could hear individual voices more ….. some prettier than other in both acne and voices. ha!

(jokes aside….they were great!)


I love getting some organic soup from costco! So easy & delicious!


love this simple do anywhere core workout!


Just like you said, I need to do core work more often. I did some ab work on Sunday, but it hurt my back, so I need to find back-friendly core exercises to do. I’m high-fiving myself for being without soda this morning. I was craving it so intensely, but I am reducing my soda intake and drinking more water.

High-five to all of us!

Peace, love, and running.


Planks are the best! I read blogs (like yours) when I’m doing them to pass the time. My PT just started having me do leg raises and holly cow they’re hard especially when you’ve got an old injury to contend with. Favorite soup is chicken lentil. Just made a batch last weekend with banana muffins.


My good decision was actually running yesterday, I wanted to bail so bad but I still got my butt to the gym and got in 6 very easy, and slow miles. My calf has been bothering me and I’m making an effort to take it easy this week and foam roll/stick it a bunch.

I do core work once to twice a week. I do Pilates every Wednesday, but I’ve been trying to squeeze in at least one other workout a week. I should probably be better about it :-)

The only time I made a solid effort to reduce my sugar intake I was drinking like 5 cups of coffee a day to try and satisfy my sweet tooth. Not exactly the healthiest approach…Now i’m trying tea and it’s working…kind of.

I’m on a HUGE beef and vegetable kick when it comes to my soup. The Campbell’s Chunky version is SO delicious after a long run in the cold. Just one can and I feel like my sodium is entirely replenished and I’m all warmed up!


I feel you on the core work! I made the good decision to go to a Pure Barre class this morning and holy crap! So much core. Definitely lots of shaking. Happy Tuesday!


Janae, do you do your core workout before or after you run? I’m starting to get the message that I need to incorporate core work into my running routine but I’m not sure when would be the best time to do it. Thanks!


Hey Becky!! I do it right after my run. I run, do core (and sometimes a little more strength training or plyometrics) and then stretch out really good! Have an awesome day!


I try to do core work at least 2x a week. I do overall strength training 3x a week.

I love pretty much all the cream based soups: mushroom, broccoli, cauliflower. Potato and leek – all are yummy


Ooooo, I have to try your core workout — I all but neglect (ok, I fully neglect) my core and am baffled when I get injured.

Mmmm, fro yo…


I do core work every other day. I also love planks and plank variations.
Great job resisting the donuts! I also need to decrease my (processed/refined) sugar intake before Boston, too.


This morning I decided AGAINST getting a drink from Starbucks that would have added sugar. Instead I chose to have one of my NUUN all day tabs in some water. I was thinking that the electrolytes and water would give me the extra boost instead of the caffeiene and sugar. I am super proud of myself and I hope I made a good decision, lol


What is this ‘reduce sugar’ concept you speak of? Ya. I need to get on that bandwagon. Maybe we should have a support group.

I do core cork 2x a week. I should probably do more. I will definitely be trying your routine. If I can’t move the next day, it will be all your fault.

Remember yesterday when you told me I was the most awkward human? I remember that. And that picture only validates your statement.


Let’s do Sugar Craver’s Anonymous. We should have a meeting.


I have started integrating more core work into my running routine. My coach actually has me do burpees, planks, push-ups, and sit-ups before, during, and after my run. It’s a great way to break up each mile and challenge my body in a different way. Burpees destroy me, but in a good way.

When my sugar intake gets out of control – which is does at times – I just keep it out of the house or have my husband hide it from me (if it is in the house). I also try to drink tea or something that will fill me up.

I agree with you about Monday nights. Thank goodness there is The Voice!


I worked out yesterday morning which makes me happy all day, but then I couldn’t sleep because I usually workout before bed…
I do core work everyday… I do 8 minute abs 2-3 times plus some stretching and some work with weights.
I have been eating lots of popcorn instead of sugar. A lot of kettlecorn too–which probably is just as sugary. I cannot help it; I am a sugarbear!!!
I don’t have it any more, but French Onion at Panera used to be my favorite. I have to be GF and I am a vegetarian (probably explains why I eat so much sugar).. so I don’t have it.

WHY IS THAT SUAVE AD TAKING OVER YOUR SITE?! AHHH, scares the crap out of me every time that I come here.


I give up all treats for Lent every year! It’s tough, but it’s always a really good lead-in into the spring :)
2 weeks down!


OMG… I was super addicted to sugar… Before my job started the biggest loser competition. It was easier than I thought to kick the extra crud; all or nothing for me


I absolutely love planking. I typically start my day off with it, even if its only a few minutes it makes me happy to start the day off with a couple minutes of it!


I pretty much have to cut sugar out completely. Just eating less doesn’t really work for me. Sugar is the worst for me, because the more I have, the more I want! Its an awful slide.

I do no core work, I really need to!


well done on putting those donuts back! i just finished the ‘whole30’ (today is my first day off of it) and i’m also trying really start to stay away from that ‘eat every gram of sugar on the planet’ too! goooo team!

i know i love sugar so my tastebuds currently are trained to find the sugar in fruits amazing (pineapple is like candy) so i’m focusing on that!


The Littlest Bunny in Utah. <3 Too cute!


Oh my goodness those donuts tempted me so had at Costco too!!! But miraculously I resisted. :)
Abs question for you… I am realizing (now that baby #2 is 1!!) that my abs have separated after the pregnancy and despite plank/core work, Pilate’s, crunches, etc they haven’t fully gone back together. Any advice regarding how to fix those poor things? :)


I am trying so hard to make core work a habit, but I hate it as well. I actually managed to do some planks, leg raises, and the metronome today. I can’t, for the life of me, do sit-ups properly without holding my head up. I always end up straining my neck, and every single personal trainer I’ve begged for help have all but admitted that I am a lost cause.

I try not to keep chocolate or candy in the house when I am trying to lower my sugar intake. The problem is my husband is a bit of a chocolate fiend, so there’s almost always chocolate lying around…


my good decision was to take a rest day, realized it had been 9 days since my last one and was feeling pretty bleh. Better today. :)
I keep hearing how amazing Costco pretzel rolls are, on my list.
I have to completely cold turkey the sugar, I am a all or nothing kinda gal. My trigger is candy corn, if I start in October with candy corn then it’s pretty much over until after Easter. So I always feel ahead of the game if I can completely avoid the candy corn LOL.


I just know that I crave it more when what I am really craving is energy. Sugar is to me what caffeine is to others. It is not a fix, but a realization that that is why I am craving it has helped me to do other things for an energy boost than grab the donut/ cereal box.
Yes!!! Phone date soon.


I love planks because I feel like I see progress very quickly, but it’s been awhile since I’ve incorporated them into my regular workouts! WHOOPS. Need to get back on it!


I am so proud of you for putting back the donuts! Baby steps! And I always think planks never make me feel the burn. I have NO idea what I am doing wrong. I feel it more in my shoulders than anything else :( :( :(

Best Soup => Carrot Butternut Squash Ginger Soup. UGH.


I recently started doing a daily plank challenge and am up to holding it for 2 mins (2.5 on a good day)! Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll definitely be adding in side planks!


Be careful with that plank challenge. I did it as well and my lower back has never been the same. If your back starts hurting blow off the challenge time and just do what you can. Anything is better than what you were doing before you began the challenge, probably anyway. All I am saying is be careful and listen to your body.


That’s a very good point, thanks. At one point I did feel a pain in my lower back and decided to stop, especially because I have scoliosis so my back is sensitive enough as is!


My good decision was signing up for a 1/2 marathon! I’m finally coming back (slowly) from 3 years of Achilles problems and found a downhill race that seems Achilles friendly. Second good decision – I’m penciling in core work, strength training, stretching/foam roller and lots of cross training to my training schedule so I can fingers-crossed stay injury free!


WAHOOO for signing up for your 1/2 marathon! I am so glad that your achilles issues are clearing up!


When I feel like my sugar intake gets out of control I make myself more vegetable juice and drink it first thing in the morning. Cleaning the juicer is the worst for me but I do enjoy the juice. I am going to incorporate your core workout into my life. Do you think it matters exactly when I do the core workout during the day?


I don’t think it matters when you do it at all!!! Just do it whenever you can! I need a juicer right this second!


I strength train 3-4x per week, so I’m generally pretty good about adding in core work to those workouts – but I would love to add these ones onto running days as well! I can always tell if I am neglecting core work because my back starts to hurt during my runs.


Did you say 48 days?! Just realized just how close it is!

Trying to do more core, trying to cut sweets. Last night I ate 3 cookies while watching the Bachelor. sigh. Today is a new day!


Every year at Lent I always give up sugar and sweets! It’s the ONLY time I can ever do it! The rest of the year I always tell myself at the beginning of some months to cut that out for 30 days but can never make it a day! So once I get through these 40 days I’m going to go as long as I can. Though someone in a previous comment did mention cannolis from Mike’s Bakery in Boston. My sugar challenge might end there!

I have a minor obsession with TJ’s minestrone soup thanks to you. I might have to check out those pretzel rolls too!


I do my core work out three times a week and it’s really similar to what you do! I also do reverse sit ups though. The only down side to them is that they look soooo awkward!


You should go on the next season of the Bachelor


Don’t worry!! I’m sure Bachelor in Paradise will start soon so that we can all mindlessly enjoy that ;)


Those donuts look soo good. I’m super proud of you! I’m also a little jealous of your rollerblades.. but I would die. Coordination and balance are my nemeses.

I’m awful at working on my core. Yesterday I did CXWORX for the first time because BodyPump ended and all of a sudden I was just IN this class, so I stayed and it was actually kind of fun. I might keep it up.

My favorite soup is Italian Wedding Soup. Iowa Girl Eats has the best recipe for it and it is super super easy (otherwise I wouldn’t make it).


Core work – planks and Russian twists are my go-to core strengtheners- I do them after a run or bike workout at least 3-4 times per week.

Sugar – I definitely have a sweet tooth. I only try to get it under control when I start to notice the number on the scale creeping up, or when I’m feeling like it’s out of control. I do limit myself to sweets only after lunch, though!

Soup – love.all.soup. Butternut squash or lentil would have to be my favorites, though… but my husband’s Panamanian grandma makes an amazing soup with chicken, yucca, potatoes, carrots and celery… that stuff is amazing!

Good decision – relaxing on the couch last night with a good book instead of trying to do housework or worse yet, actual work!


Good decision – yesterday I went to the grocery store on the way home from work and bought a bunch of healthy foods for dinner so that I would stop going out to eat every night (see: last week) and stop using my bf being out of town as an excuse (he usually cooks) – I made stuffed bell peppers and they were suuuuuper good! I have been needing some veggie goodness. ANOTHER good decision – starting Pretty Little Liars on Netflix #noshame

My trainer makes me do a bunch of core work! However, I only do it once a week with him (ha), but I’ve already noticed the improvement in my running and core strength :)

I don’t have issues with sugar – salty foods my weakness! My best friend and I always argue about which one is worse…

Favorite soup – tomato basil from La Madeleine!


Hi J! It’s pretty awesome you still own some rollerblades! And nice job on the core work. Good luck with the sugar consumption decrease, it’s hard, but will be worth it! :)


I just recently started adding core work to my days because my lower back had been hurting and my physio told me it’s because of having so many babies that my core is really weak. I do planks and those leg raises. YOWCH.


I really need to pencil in time for foam rolling. It is literally sitting right next to my desk now and I still don’t do it. I also have to step over it whenever I want to turn the heat on, so theres another fail on my part.

Whenever I need to calm down my sugar intake I make sure to stock up on lots of veggies. I also used to have chocolate on a shelf right in front of the sink where I would see it everytime I did the dishes or washed my hands. Decided to move that haha!


I did not add miles to my run this morning. My legs are still sore from the Hot Chocolate Race on Sunday.

Favorite soup Progresso Tomato Rotini


Something I’m doing right now to help me eat healthier is not eating in front of the TV, computer, with my phone, or with a book. I am trying to eat at the table with no distractions. So hard!


My favorite core move is I guess what I would call a modified version of the “pilates V”. Modified because I keep my upper body and legs just inches off the ground instead of the exaggerated V. I sometimes flutter kick my legs or criss cross them as well to engage different aspects of my core. I hold it for a minute, rest for a minute for 3 sets. It burns so good. This tried and true has always gotten my core strength up quicker than any other move!

Soup- broccoli cheddar from Panera. In a bread bowl. Oh so good!!!


Nice workout! Good for you for keeping up the foam rolling. Boston is just around the corner!


Okay, good decision, eat breakfast before cycling class. Didn’t do core but will do that as soon as I walk away from the computer since you made me feel so guilty. I do core two or three times a week. I do love the plank but not plank walk ups. lol
If you want honesty there is nothing favorite to me about core work. I have a trainer twice a week and she chooses my core workout. Most of the time I do not like her either. Just kidding, she has made a huge difference in my life.
I have yet to master the sugar control.
I love my own white chicken chili. The best if I say so myself.
I need to google foam rolling.


You are totally rocking those planks. 5 minutes?!?!?! That’s awesome.

Two good decisions I made today:
1. Made Mickey-Mouse shaped pancakes for my son’s 2nd birthday :)
2. Ran 3 miles!

Keep up your awesome Boston training!


When I’m training I do core work at least 3 X a week. I love the plank. I’m only at 90 seconds but now that I’m done with my Ultra and training for my first marathon I’m hoping to increase the time.
Soup is good. All of it. Unless it’s too “fake” and processed.


Good decision I made today? To bring fruit with me to work (still haven’t eaten it yet).

I am currently taking one barre class a week and they focus on core work for half the class. Their plank is at the very end and lasts for 80 seconds. I literally hate doing planks, but whatever I hate is usually really good for me/effective.

Dating adventures….Are you no longer with “the boy?”


I’m working on my planking abilities, but I haven’t quite built up to 2 minutes yet! I LOVE the bachelor too, I’m going to be so sad when it’s over. Haha, good job resisting the donuts, I’ve been trying really hard not to eat the waffles lurking in my freezer. :)


My good decision was to call in sick…..I haven’t taken a sick day in over 2 years, and I would have been miserable at work……….sneezing, and coughing sucks. I probably brought this on by running in 16 degree weather and wind, but staying home eating soup and watching The Middle is a nice break.


I have a love/hate relationship with core work. I love it when I’m in a group fitness setting and someone is making me hold my planks/side planks/etc, but I hate it when I do it on my own. I will plank for a few seconds, do like two crunches and then just stop! It’s weird, I want super awesome abs, but I hate doing any type of ab workout ;) I can stay self-motivated for hips and glutes though.

In my opinion, this season of the Bachelor was more about the flippin crazies they casted, not so much about Chris and “love”. It sure was entertaining though! I can’t wait to see more of onion girl on Bachelor in Paradise!


I have actually never core worked before, but think it might help me. I am trying to get into running and have been having a really difficult time. And my favorite soup is a tie between split green pea and lentil :)


I have been totally slacking on my core work lately, and you can totally tell! Thanks for the reminder and motivation!!


My favorite soup is either chicken noodle soup or chicken and rice soup. YUM!

I honestly can’t believe the Bachelor last night! It was absolutely ridiculous! I’m assuming that the Bachelorette will start up almost right after the Bachelor ends so we won’t have too many Mondays without something to watch!


I bought a bag of sour patch watermelons – I feel like it was a good decision.

I really don’t like core work. I just don’t. I know I should do it more though, I’ll work on it ;)

I try to drink more water and eat more fruit when my sugar intake gets too crazy.

I’m weird, and I’m not a huge soup fan. Chili is good, and anything that isn’t mostly broth.


I read somewhere that just holding planks doesn’t do a whole lot to improve fitness; and since I can’t back this up with any professional knowledge, as the saying goes …different strokes, right!?

But here is a link from HuffPo article about this: ” ‘Being able to hold a traditional plank for 10 minutes isn’t very functional for anything except just that,’ says Tier 4 trainer Josh Stolz”

What I like about the article is how they gave some variations on the plank. I find straight-up planks kind of boring so I like the idea of adding in some moves.

I’m with ya on working on my core! This Monday I did plank with “hip taps” ( with my full-body workout, and I am seriously still feeling the soreness in my abs when I stretch today. I did two sets of 20 (10 each side) mixed into full-body circuit and holy cow! do I feel the burn.


I did a 7 minute plank on Sunday that I’m still recovering from…it kicked my butt…sore muscules everywhere!

The only way I can lower my sugar intake is to go cold turkey. It’s all or nothing for me.


I wasn’t going to go to my gym class this morning, but changed my mind and went anyway.
I have a core body class (Les Mills CXWorx) Tues. & Thurs. It’s 30 minutes of crunches, planks, obliques, and posterior chain work. It has helped tremendously with all my other exercises, like running and weight work.

I chew a lot of gum and drink tons of water when my sugar cravings get out of control. I try to eat fruit instead of binging on cookies if I have to cheat.

My favorite soup is homemade chicken and rice. I add green chili to it because I love spicy food.


I just started doing a program called the 21 Day Fix to help me get my eating back under control.

My good decision this morning was to do abs! haha.

Favorite soup… broccoli cheddar!


Mmm, I love all kinds of soup! Soup and pretzel rolls sound delicious!

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