We are on our way back to Utah so here are some Monday Matters for you to enjoy (I don’t know if enjoy is the right word but let’s just pretend it is).

For the rehearsal dinner on Friday night they had an awesome food truck.  The dinner was held in a beautiful yard and the food truck just pulled on up in the driveaway and we ordered whatever we wanted.  It was brilliant.  

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We tried to get a picture with DJ Purple at the karaoke party and this is the best that we were able to get.    

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Please tell me you have tried the Bertie Bott’s Beans game.  You sit in a circle and dump all of the beans out and take turns trying one.  Each bean is either really delicious or completely awful tasting.  I lucked out and picked only the good tasting ones but my friend Ellen kept getting all of the bad ones each time.

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Speaking of Ellen, she is the boss of ultra marathons.  I’m trying to talk her into her talking me into actually singing up for one;) 

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Snapping pictures from the Top of the Mark.  

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Loved this idea that Jess had at her reception for her guest book.

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Every time I go to California I end up eating way too many donuts.  They just have the best donut shops there.  

I was attempting an artistic shot with my apple fritter.  

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Speaking of donuts, I think I need this gadget asap.  From 37 Absurd Kitchen GadgetsYou Definitely Need In Your Life

Think of the possibilities. 

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Brooke makes friends wherever we go and this morning she got to know two women in town from Canada.  They gave her some Canadian money and it made her so  happy for a good 4 hours afterwards.

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One time Megan made a Jib Jab video of us and so she keeps getting emails to do more.  

She was pretty excited about this one of me:

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I’m sharing my favorite warm weather tanks and shorts over on Women’s Running today!  Check it out HERE!

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Any Canadian readers!?  Say hello!!!

-PS I have been to British Columbia one time and it was by far one of the prettiest places that I have ever been!

What food trucks have you tried?  Which one is your favorite?

Married peeps—>  where was your rehearsal dinner?  Reception?

What was/is your run today?

-Zero.  Feels kind of nice to give the legs a break!

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OMG. I tried a Lobster Roll food truck once. BEST. THING. EVER. IN. LIFE.

Um – you should be a hair model for sure :)

Our rehearsal dinner: Was at my parent’s home. It was so lovely and so fun. One of my very favorite parties (other than my wedding!).

Love Top of the Mark!

Have a great trip home :)


Our reception was in Malibu :)


Yes, you have Canadian readers! I am Danielle and I live in Toronto, Canada; I will be in Boston to cheer my friends. Hoping to see you there Janae!



I love the apple fritter :) today was an easy 6 miles with snow flying in my face which obviously was ridiculous. I have a donut pan but the donut factory is way cooler!


SNOW???????? That is just not okay.


We got married in Estes Park, CO so our reception was in a lodge in the mountains. It was beautiful!

I’ve got 9 miles after work today! I took a few days off so my legs are rested and ready to go!


Mexican food trucks are ALWAYS my favorite!!

My rehearsal dinner was at my in-laws house, and it was such a blast! Such a casual and relaxing atmosphere and a homemade fajita dinner, and it was stress-free! :)


Thanks to Jib Jab I will never forget you…as long as there are holidays….get home already!!!!! Xoxoxo


I will make sure that you never forget me. #neighbors4lyfe


Food carts are all over my hometown of Portland, Oregon. Not a food cart, but I love Waffle Window (you just walk up to a split door window and order a waffle) so delicious and fresh!

Ran in the weirdest weather-sunbreaks, heavy wind, hail, sun, hail, wind…BUT, I did get some tempo miles in to outrun the storm clouds.

Brooke is just so cute-she loves her mama!!!


I love your blogs!! I have been running for about 2 years! Best thing ever! I am resting today because yesterday I did my first long run..a 10 miler..My legs feel like im walking through mud today but I will move on tomorrow I have a 4 miles to get through (training for my first half May 2nd) but I will endure..have a super day!


Hey Sonya! Thank you for your comment. GREAT job on your 10 miler yesterday:) Please let me know how your half goes in May. I am stoked for you!


I am not from Canada but am going for the first time this summer to Vancouver! I am excited. I hope to see beautiful scenery and people filming TV shows or movies:)


Hello from Vancouver. Film season is in full swing here right now! My personal fav (Ryan Reynolds) just starting shooting “Deadpool” and will be here for the next few months. Filming has cause me to have to re-route my daily commute, but I’ll let it slide for Ryan :)

Hope you have an amazing time here. Don’t forget to try one of Vancouver’s many Poutine-eries!


I would love any tips! I’ll be there mid-July for 4 days. Were staying in a condo in the middle of the city!


There’s always a million things to do! I moved here just over 5 years ago and live in a downtown condo too. I get a lot of event info/restaurant tips/ random things to do ideas from http://www.vancitybuzz.com. But, definitely check out Gastown, Chinatown, Granville Island and the Capilano Suspension Bridge. If you will have a car while you’re here, it’s a beautiful 1.5 hrdrive up the Sea to Sky Highway to Whistler! We just cruise up there once in w while for brunch just to take in the scenic drive. So amazing!


I need to see this job jab video asap.

No running for me.

Too many food trucks to remember them all, but not enough of them in my life. Having one cater a party? Brilliant,

Now get back here (safely) so we can hang this week, yo! I miss you. Last week’s .5seconds wasn’t enough #ImNeedy


a food truck rehearsal sounds like so much fun! also, apple fritters are my fav.


I love food trucks! California Tacos around here (you know, not in CA) has the best mexican food in the area, something we severely lack around here. The greek one is so good too. I’m really hungry right now, does it show?


A rest day is a good day! And my rehearsal dinner was in Orlando (where I lived at the time) at Ceviche, a cool downtown restaurant with a private room. Good times! Lots of tapas and sangria of course. Happy Monday, J! :)


Hello from southwest Saskatchewan, Canada!


I am also Canadian!! I grew up in Vancouver and now live in Regina (also in Saskatchewan)


Never been to a food truck – There is a food truck galore/movie night next month at the Mississippi Museum of Art and I can’t wait to go and try it out!

Not married but the professional bridesmaid that I am – I have been everywhere from the groom’s family’s backyard that did a fish fry to the fanciest of restaurants. Love how everyone makes it their own unique time with their loved ones/guests.


My mom came over to babysit and I got in 5 miles.


No run for me today. I had a race yesterday, so I’m being lazy/sore today. :)


We didn’t have a rehearsal dinner, but our reception was in a lovely hall that was only a mile from my house. Our joke was that even if there was a snowstorm (this was January 2013), we’d still be able to get married.

Dinges and Waffles food truck! Go there now. You’ll know it by the heavenly smell that is perpetually wafting from this magic place.


I’m Canadian!

The coin Brooke was given is worth $1 and is called a loonie because of the loon on the front of it.


I love your donut obsession! I could pass on donuts most days, but never can I pass on a muffin. Today’s workout was stairclimber and weight lifting. I had a rib slide out when I was lifting and it hurt like heck! Visiting the chiropractor tomorrow to have it adjusted back in place.


Our rehearsal dinner was catered Italian food, but a food truck would have been so fun! I’ve tried a lot of the food trucks in Kansas City, I always try to go to the farmer;s market on the days when they will all be there. My favorite is a Spanish food truck.


I’m having a rest day too! Just finished my first half yesterday! Now training for my first full – the marine corps marathon!!


I ran that last year-such a special race. There are great support groups on Facebook that I suggest you follow it’s the Marine Corp Marathon and 10K group. They were such a camaraderie. This marathon bought me to tears and it had nothing to do with the pain-and yes there was pain…


We have a truck called the Grilled Cheeserie…amazing!!
My husband and I eloped!
I met up with some friends for a way too early 6 miles and then ran a few solo miles after:)


Im not canadian but my bf is and I got to spend quite a lot of time there recently! I lived on salt spring island for three months and went to vancouver Island a lot too! I also got to spend a lot of time in saskatchewan which was incredible. Such a beautiful country!
Rest day for me today after my long run yesterday! But by rest day I mean yoga :)
Love the artistic donut photo haha


I’m Canadian! I’m from Alberta

My favourite food truck in my city is the gourmet grilled cheese. THE BEST!


What city is this in!?
I live in Edmonton and would love to try that one out! But I have a feeling this is in Calgary..


I’m in Red Deer! Close enough to go on a little road trip ;) The truck is called Chedda Heads. Look it up. Seriously so good. You can get mac and cheese bites and parmesan tater tots too.


I’m a Canadian reader! I read your blog every morning (and sometimes in the afternoon, if I remember, if not I just get double the reading in the morning!).

The food truck idea for a wedding rehearsal dinner/reception is AMAZING.

No hardcore today, strength training instead, but we do 400m sprints in between our circuits!


OMG I guess automatic mini donut factory is the next-gen easy bake oven?? Does it also take 3.5 hours to bake itty bitty sweets? Using the heat of a light bulb?

I am also taking a rest day today. We played indoor soccer last night with no female subs and I am both heavily bruised and utterly spent.


Hello from Alberta, Canada! I lived in Logan, Utah for a while after graduating from Ricks College and love Utah!


Mmm I love food trucks- taco trucks are my favorite! Have you tried the chow truck? I love their sliders.

My run was an easy 5.5 today. I did my long run yesterday, but I couldn’t pass up a run in this amazing Utah weather.


Canadian here!!! I would also try to pay Brooke for her cuteness if I ever met her :) Make sure you let her know that this Megan would give her a TOONIE ($2 and looks even cooler than the loonie! A polar bear is on the front). I live in Southwestern Ontario, it is sooo beautiful in the summer and I think you would love it Janae! Now I am off to make a grilled cheese and soup from a can because 1) I am lazy and 2) it is sunny but not exactly Spring yet…


I’m from Ottawa, Canada :-) Howdy…..

I did not have a rehearsal or a rehearsal dinner – I did have a pile of people over the night before for some dinner/drinks…I think I fit 30 people in my tiny townhouse. It was fun!


She got a loonie – so cute!!

Canadian here from Vancouver Island, BC!! Glad to hear you loved BC :)

I have always wanted to visit San Francisco!!


Hello from southern Saskatchewan, Canada!!

You have visited my favorite part of Canada, for sure!! I’m hoping to move there in the near future.

My run today will be around the man made lake we have in the middle of our city. The snow has finally melted enough so that we can run without slipping and sliding everywhere. Just waiting for my boyfriend to finish work so we can go!

I also want to tell you how much I love your blog. I look forward to reading it everyday. I was needing some running inspiration when I came across it and your blog has made me want to run everyday. That hasn’t actually happened yet but I’m getting there! Your blog also got me through a long week of night shifts (ssshh, don’t tell). I started from the very beginning and worked my way up to current posts. Thank you!!


Becky! Thank you so much for your sweet comment, it means a lot to me! And don’t worry I won’t tell;) Have a beautiful day and enjoy your run around the lake with no ice:)


In Austin (where I went to school/still visit all the time), there is a food truck called Gourdough’s – best donuts EVER! If you’re ever in Texas you have have have to try it!


Hello from Toronto Canada!!!!! Though wish I was saying hello from BC- so pretty!!!
Great sunny afternoon run in the ever so slowly warming weather here!


I went to a Greek food truck recently, and it was great! Lamb souvlaki all the way :)

We didn’t have a rehearsal dinner for our wedding – there were only ten guests, including us! Our reception was at Rays on the Bay, at the Sheraton in Kona, Hawaii. We got married in the gardens of the hotel. Best day ever :)

I did some strength training this morning! It’s been a couple of weeks since my last session, and I know I’m going to be sore!!


Hello from Beautiful British Columbia! I have to agree this is a pretty spectacular place….the views are especially entertaining on long runs and trail running possibilities are endless! :) My husband travels to Utah a bunch for work, and that sounds pretty great too. I am itching to tag along with him on one of his trips!


Greetings from Vancouver, BC!

You should really come visit again! :)


Food truck rehearsal dinner sounds so fun! We had our rehearsal at our favorite brewery/restaurant and our reception at a local museum. I loved having more personal venues!

My run today was 8 miles with 4 x 1 mile repeats! Despite some wind I hit my fastest times in a mile repeat workout which was exciting!


Hello from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan! We live in a beautiful prairie province and have hit double digit temps (in Celsius that makes it super warm for march after far too much of the -40 and -50 winter days). Can’t wait for my run tomorow in these temps.


Hello from Sudbury, Ontario! It is slowly creeping above the freezing mark up here (during the day). Can’t wait for it to warm up a bit more so that outdoor running is a bit more appealing!


Hello from Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada!


And from Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada!


Canadian also! Living in Ontario now but moving to Vancouver in a few weeks – so excited for some warmer weather :)


Both my rehearsal dinner and wedding reception were along the Baltimore harbor…rehearsal was at a seafood restaurant and reception was at the Marriott. I loved where we were able to have our cocktail hour because it had huge windows with a gorgeous view of the harbor!
I’m still recovering from an injury but I ran 1 mile outside today in perfect weather! It felt so good although it made me feel SO out of shape!


Hi Janae!
I am an avid runner, fitness lover, pastry chef and reader of your blog from the snowy province of New Brunswick, Canada! Your Brooke is so sweet; she is clearly delighted with her loonie ( the $1 coin)!


Taco trucks are the best!

Our rehearsal was super fun, our friends did it as a gift to us. They had some catering connections so th food was amazing and they decorated it so well I started to think they could just do the whole wedding. We had it at a park chalet and then went sledding afterwards. It started to snow and we had some moose come visit. It was magical!


Captain Cookie in DC is awesome if you’re ever there! … Wish they’d drive themselves over to Chicago and into my new stomping ground! – http://www.captaincookiedc.com/

Took the last 4 days off (in hopes of healing my mysterious foot pain) and ran 5 miles today. It was awful. Pretty sure I have a stress fracture and heading to the doc on Thursday :(


i’m from toronto :) i’ve been following your blog since 2009 and have loved reading your journey especially since we are both mothers now. Love that the loonie made Brooke so happy! Xo


– I have honestly never tried a food truck. I’ve seen some with organic foods though! Very interesting!!
– I’m only 17, no wedding bells in the near future :)
– Today was a nice 4 mile recovery run after my long run yesterday!
Happy Monday :)


I ran 10 trail miles today. I was only going to do 7-8 but I got lost! Whoops.

That food truck idea is absolutely brilliant.


Hi from the Cabot Trail in Nova Scotia! We had no rehearsal dinner, but our wedding dinner was lasagna with Caesar salad and garlic bread with ginger bread cake for dessert and I can still taste it!
Day off today and chipped some of the more than 6″ thick ice out of the driveway. Have about 15 feet of pavement now. Bunch more snow coming tomorrow though.


Hello from Kingston Ontario!


I’m from Kingston, too! How funny!


From Prince Edward Island, Canada! We’re so small we’re hardly on the map and our island is basically one giant snowbank after receiving 17 FEET of snow since JANUARY!!! If you want to experience some real winter running- come visit next winter!;) It’s finally beginning to melt!

Yoga today, but no running as today was a rest day after running 21 miles yesterday! 6 weeks until my 2nd marathon!


OMG! I think I need that donut machine! Do you think it would be a horrible horrible mistake to eat nothing but donuts if I got it?!

And…there is no way I’m playing that jelly bean game. I would only get the gross ones! I just know it!

Great post!


Vancouver, BC baybeeeee! WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


I lived in the Vancouver area for 14 years. I’ve travelled to over 30 countries and Vancouver is still hands down the most beautiful city in the world in my opinion. Miss it like crazy!


Representin Canada! I grew up in Calgary Alberta :) It’s a pretty awesome place, and there is a HUGE food truck movement happening right now apparently. So you might want to make a road trip!


Our rehearsal dinner was at the hotel where we stayed. It was beautiful – it looked like a garden party. We had our ceremony and reception at a barn out in Burlington. Also beautiful. I still can’t believe I’m married. It’s the bomb.


Yup, Canadian here! I am from BC too, about 45min west of Vancouver. I’m glad you liked it when you were here! I’m a bit partial to it myself. We get a lot of rain, but I’ve come to realize that I love rainy runs (it calms and focuses me) so that’s ok.
My rehearsal dinner was on my parents’ patio with take-out Chinese food! I can hardly remember it though, because I had so much on my mind. My reception was in the garden of a heritage house in one of our local parks!


Yup…you have lots of Canadian readers! Hi from Calgary, Alberta, Canada…so close to the mountains and they are beautiful. You definitely need to see more of Canada! Thanks for the great blog and writing…you are one of my very favourite ones to read and although I don’t comment, I love to hear all about you and Brooke!


My one and only run-in with a food truck was in Washington D.C. and it had the best hot dogs, ever! Now I’m drooling.


CANADIAN! I grew up in BC but I have lived in Alberta for the last 3 years. Canada is definitely a gorgeous country – you should visit again! :)


Favorite food truck?…. For me, it was a cupcake truck!!! Cupcakes do count for food, right?!?! LOL :)

6 slow and easy miles for me today, just getting back after a respiratory infection….

Boston is close… bet you are excited!!!!!!


You look gorgeous in the bridesmaid dress – especially in the doughnut shop, haha!


I live in Toronto, Canada!! I love reading your blog so much, it’s very inspiring and motivational and I have a love for doughnuts just like you! I could eat them everyday :)

I’m running my first full marathon this May and love following you on your running journey!


hello from Montreal Canada! Currently traveling in South East Asia but still following your blog every chance I get :)


I love Bertie Botts! Your dress and bouquet are beautiful!


Hello from Ottawa, Ontario!!


I wish we had more food trucks where I live!!! I’m getting married in September.. We are having the best North Carolina bbq for our rehearsal and our ceremony/reception are going to be in a huge historic ballroom in downtown Winston Salem,NC.

You looked gorgeous in that bridesmaids dress!!


Looks like it was a lovely wedding / reception. :)
And ultra marathons. Ouchh. That sounds horrible. lol
I did just a 5 miler today.


Another Canadian reader, and I’m fortunate to live in British Columbia. Where did you visit in BC?


Hello from Victoria BC!!! Come back and say hi… bring apple fritters :)


Hiya! Vancouver Island British Colombia Chick over here:) love ur blog!


Bonjour from Montréal :)


Hello from Calgary, Alberta. I grew up in the east though in Montreal, Quebec. I consider Calgary my home now.

Long run yesterday so recovered with some spinning this afternoon and serious play time with my son at the park X 2.


Canadian girl from Manitoba. Spent a night in Provo last weekend on the way south. Would have LOVED to join you on a run but thought it was too creepyish to ask.


Hello from Calgary, Alberta!!


My rehearsal dinner was at Cheeseburger in Paradise in Maui! We got married on Kaanapali beach in Maui…I highly recommend;)
Will be 11 years this summer.


Reading from Toronto, Ontario, Canada!
Love your blog :)


Toronto, Ontario, Canada! I’m sure you have lots of Canadian readers!


Hello from Windsor, Ontario! You should sign up and run the Detroit Free Press Marathon! It starts in Detroit, runs over the Ambassador Bridge into Windsor, through Windsor, then through the Detroit/Windsor tunnel back into Detroit. It’s North America’s only underwater mile and a very cool race. I’ve done the half a few times. You could totally stay with me (I’m not a stalker, promise) and I would show you around both Windsor and Michigan. :-)


Originally from Canada (born in New Brunswick, raised near Toronto then Niagara Region), but now I live in New Hampshire (went to college in Boston, stayed for a boy, it worked out :-))


Wow, you have a lot of Canadian readers! I’ve lived all over the country (used to be in the military) and it is truly beautiful. Currently live in Eastern Ontario – some great trail runs in the area :)
PS – Brooke is the cutest. Reminds me of my girls when they were little :)


Janae! Come visit me, plllllease in beautiful Nelson, British Columbia! I have dreams about us going for ice cream, long hikes, a run, and playing in the park with our little ones (I have a 2.5 year old;). Is that creepy? Kinda! You rock and I am so thrilled you have had such an excellent training cycle this time around. I cannot WAIT for Boston because of YOU! XO


Hello from Brantford, Ontario, Canada! Found your site a couple of months ago and am loving it.


Haha that DJ looks like Prince. Looks like you had an awesome time! I’ve never been to Canada but I know there is a lot of beautiful nature there…maybe one day!


Hello from Hamilton, Ontario :) That is just too cute that they gaveBrooke got some Canadian dollars! She is rocking with that loonie ha!


Saying hello from Yellowknife, Canada! I am a huge fan of yours :) I am also a runner and am lucky enough to have two girls, 3 and 5. Keep writing your fantastic posts and I am rooting for your Boston race!


We didn’t have a rehearsal. Our wedding was catered by a taco man and we held it at a air museum hangar. It turned out amazing for a $6,000 event we planned in 3 months.


Yes you have Canuck readers. I am Jen from Halifax, Nova Scotia, where it is still snowing! Love your blog, read it daily. Good luck in ‘Bawston’!


I’m in Alberta, and you must come see Banff sometime! It is gorgeous! Just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your blog, it’s awesome!


I’m from Nelson, BC. I love the mountains! I’ve been on a ski trip to Salt Lake and I loved it too!


I am Canadian, but currently living in Orlando. I actually was just back home last week to visit fam and although I missed them very much, I did NOT miss the cold. I want to transport them down in the heat so they can escape the winter!


Hello from Edmonton, Alberta Canada!!

Love your blog and Brooke is the cutest :)


I live in Vancouver, British Columbia and yup, it is beautiful here :). Long run was yesterday – 26kmish.


Hello from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada! Love reading about your running! Thanks for the putting out a fun blog!


Another Canadian! from Guelph, Ontario. Hi Brooke!


I’m from Canada! :) So jealous of your weather right now…we still have lots of snow and cold temps!!

Tuesdays are my tempo days…3 mile warm-up, 5 miles at 7:13 :)


Hello!!! Another Canadian reader here – from Vancouver, BC. Fantastic place to run, you should come back for one of our many fantastic races!

Fave food trucks are always taco trucks!

Didn’t exactly have a formal rehearsal dinner – but rather my parents had a big BBQ in their back garden a few days before the wedding with a live Cuban band – it was perfect!

Went for a sunny 10k trail run yesterday, gotta love spring in BC. – strength day today.


Hi Janae!
I’m also a Canadian reader. I live in Ontario, Canada in a very small town of 5,500. Super love it here, but super hate the winter. I love hearing about your sunny running days while I am drowning in snow!
Love your blog!


Our rehearsal dinner was at a pizza place and our reception was at the aquarium! We both work there so it was cool!


Greetings from Quebec City, french speaking capital of Quebec, Canada

Bonne chance pour Boston!


Central Saskatchewan, Canada. Just got back from our cabin up north to finish off the ice fishing season. Still have snow on the ground here when we got back. I thought I was a runner till I started following you :) All my runs are easy 5kms. according to what you do. Maybe I’ll get better this year. I’m fairly new at it and 47 years young. You inspire me. All the best in Boston.

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