LE TOTE brings me a lot of happiness.

Well, LE TOTE just made my life a heck of lot more exciting and convenient.  

Over the last few years (aka ever since I got divorced and started dating/getting out more/washing my hair again) I have really fallen in love with clothes.  Because of my new found love, I have been beyond excited to try out LE TOTE.  

Access to an infinite closet?  Yes please!  

LE TOTE= $49 a month = unlimited boxes of clothing and accessory rentals!!!  Also, If there are items that you absolutely love in your box, LE TOTE offers highly discounted member prices for your purchases. 

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How it works:

1.  You start by filling out your size profile.  You go through the clothing and accessories and like all of your favorite pieces which will add them to your closet!   Insiders tip-  the more pieces you add, the more personalized the service gets! My Brand Ambassador (customer loyalty team member) suggested that I add at least 50 pieces, which was easy because I loved so much stuff.  


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2.  A stylist puts together your own tote with items in your closet and items that fit your style (according to what you like and a little quiz at the beginning about what you like/don’t like/what your style is).  

3.  You receive your tote (delivered right to your door which I absolutely love) and wear it all as much as you want!  You can keep it for as long or as short as you want.  It is up to you.

4.  Send the whole tote back in the envelope (that is prepaid).  You can also choose to keep the stuff that you love and they just charge you for the things that you don’t send back if you choose to keep anything!  Members receive discounts up to 80% off of retail price when they purchase items.

5.  Get your next tote in the mail before you know it and have 5 new pieces to wear!  Each tote includes 3 garments and 2 accessories!

This is what I got in my first tote:

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LE TOTE has a bunch of upscale brands from stores like Saks Fifth Avenue, Nordstrom, Shopbob, Bloomingdales and Anthropologie.  I end up spending way more money at those stores when I go to them so this service definitely ends up saving me money.    

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I have been wanting a bag like the one below for a very long time and so I chose to keep this one.  It is perfect for carrying and taking everything we own with us like we normally do when we leave the house.  You can fit a heck of a lot of snacks in this bag which is greatly needed during marathon training.

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This cardigan was my other favorite piece and I think I wore it 4 days in a row.   

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Also, in case you are worried you won’t love or need what the stylist chooses for you that week, you can customize your own box.  Twenty four hours before your box is sent off to you, you will get an email.  Using this email  you can go switch out any of the items in your box!  

I trust the personal stylist’s opinion about clothing over mine so I have yet to switch out anything but it is a nice option.   Another huge bonus of LE TOTE is that they do all of the laundry (and everything looks brand new) for you which makes life pretty darn easy.

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My second tote was also a huge success and it felt like Christmas morning opening up a box of clothes and jewelry for me to wear.

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They give you an envelope in each box to return your items!  Shipping is free both ways and it is extremely easy to send your tote back after you have worn the items!  The customer service is awesome too (which I think is huge)!  You can call, chat, or email customer service at anytime.  

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Get 20% off your first month when you sign up HERE and use the code RUNNERGIRL at checkout!

You can check out the video of how it all works.  This video is what got me really excited to try this out!

Sponsored by LE TOTE!  Thanks for supporting me and Brooke and the products that we love (I only post about the products and services that I really do love, the stuff that I don’t love doesn’t make it on the blog;)  

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I had no idea there was such a thing, very cool! Especially since I’ve been known to wear something every day for a week and then never again. Thanks for the info :)


I am so bad about branching out and wearing new things. Or wearing color. So much of my wardrobe is black/white/gray. I’m very boring with my clothes (except running clothes!) How fun!


Sooo cute. That is such an interesting way to buy clothes. And yup look so good in all of them.!!!!


Holy cow that is bloody brilliant.


I have been wanting to subscribe to something like this for a while, but I am plus sized. Do you know if they accommodate plus sizes?


Hey Kay! I just emailed them! I will write back as soon as I hear back from them!


If not, there’s a similar service called Gwynnie Bee for plus sized.


Hey Kay! I just heard back and they do not currently offer plus sizes. I am so sorry!


No problem! I won’t be plus size for much longer if I have anything to do with it! ;) Thanks for checking!!!


I checked out the website and it looks like they go up to a size 12 dress. I looked at the Gwennie one and its kinda tempting except I never dress up. Alaskans are super causal. Xtra-Tuffs are a fashion statement!


I hadn’t ever heard of this, but it sounds pretty neat! I LOVE that bag and have been looking EVERYWHERE for one, but most are too expensive. Super cute cardigan, as well!


I love the statement necklace!!

This service would be perfect for someone who didn’t have a lot of time to shop!!


Speaking of totes, I need a tote! I have too many boxes of lunch and plus my wallet and all that to carry.


This looks awesome! I loved that sweater you wore in a post the other day, and I’m surprised it’s from a clothing service. I’ve tried Stitchfix and their stuff isn’t really my style, so I might have to try this next time! I love the concept of keeping everything as long as you want. Thanks for the review and coupon!


That’s such a great deal!! I LOVE that cardigan!! What’s the brand?


Wow this is really cool! I love the idea of using the clothes and then sending them back! Please tell Le Tote that they need to extend their business to Australia/NZ :)


I had never heard of this but I think it’s a great idea! Love love love the purse!!


I love that striped cardigan! Do you know where it is from?


The label says it is RD Style!


It is SOOO cute…I would definitely keep that!!!


This is like Stitchfix but BETTER!


I’ve heard of other services like this but not Le Tote. I’d love to try then! I love clothes but hate shopping for them.


What an interesting idea! Would you consider posting prices for the stuff you keep? WOuld be good to get an idea of how much everything cost. Overpriced items it what turned me off from Stitchfix


I agree! Love the idea, but I think I’d only do it if I knew I was going to get my money’s worth (aka buy at least one thing from the box). I’m interested in knowing how discounted each item is!


I haven’t been charged for anything yet but I just emailed them for the prices so I will let you know as soon as I hear back!


Okay girls! The prices range and you can check the member prices on the site, they always show Retail VS Member Price on the products and everything is 20-50% off MSRP. The average price for tops is 49$ and jewelry is between $18-30. Dresses average at about $79, sweaters $62!


Thank you!!


Love this idea! Definitely checking it out!


I know you shared it before but can you reply with the link to your black casual heels? I think you got them a few months ago and they were from Nordstrom’s but I cannot find the post. I love them! Hope they still have them.


I love the rental idea. I have been considering trying StitchFix but the price of the items seemed a little high to me. I think it’s awesome that you can wear these outfits as many times as you want and then return them – and it’s reasonable priced. It is a great way to expand your wardrobe!

If you don’t mind my asking – what was the average retail price of the items in your tote? With the discount, it seems like they would be very reasonable.


Cool idea. I especially like the part of them doing the laundry ;) I could use a service like this because I’m style-clueless!


Janae! Is your headband in the first pic from Lulu? I’ve been eyeing it for a while but haven’t decided if it would fit on my abnormally large head. What are your thoughts? Do you like it? And if I’m wrong (and just creepy) where is it from!?


Hey! Yes, it is from Lulu and I adore it. I wear it all of the time. I have A HUGE HEAD (and I am not just saying that, my whole family has big heads) and it stays put for my entire workout (and for the rest of the day too ha)!


What cute clothes! I want all those necklaces!


That’s pretty cool, especially for people who like having ‘new’ clothes all the time but wear things for a few weeks and then never again!


That’s really cool! I’ve never heard of Le Tote before, but it seems like much less of a commitment like Stitch Fix.

I’ll have to check it out!


this is awesome! sadly when you wear an army uniform everyday it defeats the purpose. but if i ever become a normal civilian i will have to check this out :)


Do you know if they have maternity wear as well? This would be perfect for me, so I wouldn’t have to go out and buy a bunch of clothing that I would only wear for a few months! I’m super excited about this and will have to check it out.


Let me ask Kristen!!!!


Hey Kristen! I just heard back and they do not offer maternity wear currently! I’m sorry!


Thank you for asking. I guess I could still hope for flowy clothing in my order and dress my bump up with accessories. :)


I love the sweater with the elbow patches! This service is great!


oh my goodness, LOVE LOVE LOVE that cardigan!


what brand is that bag? I’ve been looking for one like that!


I met the Le Tote people at BlogHer. Very nice (and well dressed) gals. I tried it for a few months and I really did like most of the clothes — I ended up buying a cute little top. But I’m just not at a point in my life that it makes sense (work from home, no one to impress…aka married…lol) — so I decided to put it on hold.

It really is a great service (amazing customer service, awesome clothes) and if I end up working in a job where I need to get dressed every day, I will be all over it again.


I tried to sign up but can’t! I need a Canadian equivalent to Le Tote!!!!!


I love those sweaters and that super cute blue necklace! I have been struggling to dress for work lately, maybe something like this would help me mix it up!



I love the idea of these type of services but I am already binge buying things so I am trying to step back and throw some money into my savings account every now and again:). I love bags that can fit all my snacks and water bottles in them, along with everything else.


I love this! I’ve been using Stitch Fix, which is similar but it isn’t a rental service, you just select what you want to buy and then send everything else back. It’s a little too expensive and I end up spending around $40-50 a month on one item, so this might be a better option! Thanks for sharing :)


I love LE TOTE and have worn a ton of cute pieces (including that cardigan) from the service as well! :) Another wonderful Bay Area company, of course!


Sweet! I was walking home the other day and saw that they are putting a store location of Rent The Runway just up the street. Definitely not for your everyday clothes, but I want to go and try on designer dresses to rent. Now if only I had an actual reason to rent one…


woah, i’ve never heard of le tote! this service is brilliant.


Ok, I am IN. I suck at wearing the same things constantly. And I kinda want some trendy pieces just for Paris trip next month :-P


JANAE! I love this! It’s like they designed this service for ME because I hate shopping but I love getting new stuff! thanks for sharing!! I’m going to try it ASAP!


This doesn’t have anything to do with this post, but I came across a video that instantly made me think of your blog and training. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWu9o5zrj3g for those times you need a bit a fun on your treadmill. Hope it makes you smile!


I just came across that yesterday and it made me laugh!


You are so adorable. I love seeing your happy, smiling, beautiful face every day and reading about your love for Brooke and running and life! So thanks for being exactly who you are :)


i’ve always been interested in how these work so thanks for the sneak peek!

i’m getting ready for head shots tomorrow and i have literally zero clue what the heck i’m supposed to be wearing! this is when i need one of those stylists!


Thanks for loving this! This will be a perfect affordable solution for my upcoming travel. I am a big fan of Stitch Fix as well but it ends up being too pricey for my wallet when I buy all the things. I will be trying them out!


Wow, what a cool idea! Might be even better that Stitch Fix!!


I so need a new bag to carry all my snacks and everything in my house too :)
That bag is so cute!!
This site looks awesome… thanks!!! :)


I wonder will they deliver to Belfast? Hope so! Might get me out of my dirty baggy running pants that I wear when I hope nobody sees me. Shame the cute window cleaner guy always turns up when I’m in my worse rags!! I so want the cardigan with the elbow patches – it would make me feel like a student again.


I just signed up! I figure with the discount its worth trying at least one month to see how it goes! Can’t wait for my first shipment!


What a cool idea, and I love everything you got!


Thanks to you, my first le tote will be on its way in a couple days !!! And the stuff that’s coming looks SO cute!


I just signed up, too. Thanks for the discount code! Hopefully the stuff fits!


Oh I love the sweater with the elbow patches! So cute! Please tell me you kept it ;)


and that cardigan looked phenomenal on you! Such a babe!!


Those pieces are gorgeous! I love the colors and the jewelry looks beautiful!


I just learned about Stitch Fix recently. Sounds like pretty much the same thing!


This sounds fab!


Super cute stuff!


This is seriously an incredible idea!! I love it. Do you know how much the bag costs? I think it would be perfect for so many occasions.


So is there a monthly or annual subscription fee or something like that? Or do they make their money on what you purchase? Thanks.


yes monthly of $49




Hi! Thanks so much for the recommendation. I signed up and my tote is on its way. So excited!!! Thanks for your positivity, Janae!


This service looks amazing! I can’t wait to give it a try! Thanks for sharing!


The more I think about this, I don’t think it’s such a great deal (at least for me). I do $49 a month for a year. At the end of that, I’ve spent $600, and don’t have (to me) anything tangible to show for it. Even if end up buying, say 10 things, during the year, and, with the discount, I spend an average of $40 for each. Now I’ve spent $1,000 total for 10 pieces of clothing or jewelry. I know you get things for a discount, but how much do you really save if you’ve spent $49 to try it on?

I think it would be fun, but over all not such a great deal financially.


Agreed! It looks so tempting but at the end, will I really have anything?
Then again, do I constantly shop and then consign within a year? Yes! So I can’t tell if this feels any different than that without all the hassle of going to consign my clothes!

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