Different types of runs defined and Brooke’s running video.

Training season is upon us. Hallelujah.

Here are my (not everyone’s are the same:) definitions of different types of runs, my favorite resources and links to more in-depth post that I have done in the past!

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The Easy Run– Running anywhere from 20 minutes to 2.5 hours paced slower than your marathon goal pace by 1-2 minutes (from the Hansons Marathon Method)  These are the types of runs that make up the majority (50-75%) of our running.  These are needed to help your body properly recover from hard runs and to help us to rebuild and gain strength.  For more go—>  HERE (the benefits of easy running), HERE, HERE or HERE!

The Long Run– “Any run that’s longer than a weekly run, which is the foundation of marathon and half-marathon training.  These workouts help build endurance and psychological toughness that can help you get through race day.” (source)  It is all about TIME ON YOUR FEET! My tips for the long run, long run benefits and great articles HERE and HERE!

Hill Repeats-  These are incredible for your running, they make you stronger and faster and can also help you with your form (hills force you to lift your knees and drive your arms).  They are speedwork in disguise.  Find a hill (or a series of hills) that is moderate in grade (around 60 seconds of running long) and run up hard with an easy jog/walk back down and repeat.  I usually do 8-10 of these per hill workout.  More HERE and HERE!  PS if you live in a flat area don’t forget you can always do hill workouts on the treadmill and play around with the incline!

Speedwork–  Any workout done faster than your normal pace.  Examples—>  Repeats (fast for a certain distance with recovery jogs in between and repeated), Yasso 800s, and intervals. These are done at a hard effort and they are challenging but remember to save your racing legs for race day.  Don’t waste your best effort on a speedwork session… save a bit for the race.  Doing these at the track is kind of fun because it is nice to have a change of scenery and to run on the softer surface.  The track also helps with your mental toughness because sprinting around a circle a bunch can be tough to push through!  My track workout steps and 39 speed work workouts!!!

Progression Run–  These types of runs teach you to start slow and finish fast which will definitely help you in your racing!  Easy enough—>  start slow and finish fast.  They help you learn how to negative split (second half of your run faster than the first half).  I love these because it takes a few miles for my body to warm-up and I love to finish off the run feeling like I pushed it to finish faster!  Find more HERE, HERE and HERE!

Fartleks–  Swedish for Speed Play!  A great way to sneak in some speedwork without a lot of structure.  Speed up x amount of times for as long as you want.  It could be that every few minutes you go FAST until the next stop light or that you just throw in some sprints every time the chorus of the songs you are listening to comes on.  HERE, and HERE  are some more resources!

Strides (kind of like Fartleks)- Not all-out sprints but short periods of faster running (usually about 80-100 meters).  Short accelerations!  Great way to teach your body quick leg turnover and they really increase your heart rate.  After doing a few stride workouts on flat courses try them on rolling hill courses so that some strides are performed on up-hills, some on flat ground and some on down-hills.  HERE is one of my favorite workouts that includes strides at the end!

Tempo– These are my favorite because they really help me to learn how to pace myself and to stay consistent.  These are done at a ‘comfortably hard’ (not all out but definitely pushing yourself and something you can sustain) effort.   Tempo miles (anywhere from 3-10 miles) are usually sandwiched in between a few warm-up and cool-down miles.  Unlike a lot of other forms of speedwork, there is no recovery time taken during the tempo workout.  You can preform your tempo miles at race pace and that always helps me feel more confident about race day!  More about them—> HERE,  HERE and HERE!

Trail Run– Happiness. Exploring nature up in the mountains or along a peaceful dirt road.  No cars or distractions… just you and happiness hanging out together:)

Treadmill runs—>  you gotta do what you gotta do.  HERE and HERE are my treadmill posts!


indoor swimming pool for our Monday night.

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And then we went to Cafe Rio because I have been craving their guacamole like crazy lately.  

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We ended the night with some Thomas the Train in bed and a peace sign.

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She runs fast, in circles and she likes it.  


What is your favorite type of run lately?  Why?  Least favorite type of run?

Any runs/definitions/examples to add to the list? The more the merrier!

What have you been craving lately?  

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I have to say my favorite kind is the easy kind lately! I’m not signed up for a goal race and have no training plan, and, motivation for any sort of speed work has been lacking! In general, progression runs, tempos and hills are the ways I incorporate challenges into my training, I’m not so much a track person although I do this occasionally.


She could not be any cuter.

Now I’m craving guac for breakfast!

I love long easy runs. At a pace so comfortable I can think, have fun, and just zone out (my therapy time!)


Haha I remember in track learning for the first time what a fartlek was. I couldn’t believe they were brazen enough to use the word ‘fart’ as if it were proper haha. I still get funny looks when I mention doing one to a non runner:)

I’m craving simple, super clean food. Christmas was not good to my body! So I agree–here’s to veggies and fruit!

Have a great day Janae!!


Would it be a cop out to say that my favorite run is the easy run? haha I also like fartleks and throwing in strides during easy runs to keep things interesting! I think both of those types were really responsible for my PRs last year in the 5K. The long, easy run will always be my favorite though! :)


I’ve been craving pasta lately. Even after I have it, I just want it for the next meal. It’s weird.

I really like progression runs. I usually need a few miles to warm up as well and progression runs always make me feel good when I finish. Long runs, even if they don’t go that well, are always extra satisfying when you’re done.


I love love love this post. It’s so great to have a reference point post like this, especially for beginners. I didn’t do enough speed work snd hill runs when training for my half marathon. I’ve decided I’m going to have a more comprehensive training plan next time around.


The-Analyze-Life-Run: When something is going on in your life and you reserve all your thoughts on the subject for your run, usually ending in resolving the problem. :)


I love the Track and i’m big on the 400s and the 800s…something about going “all out” for just a minute or two makes you feel SO accomplished when you are finally done! I also do a weekly tempo…this REALLY helps me get faster and work on my speeds! One thing i have been trying to do this marathon cycle is to do a midweek long run, every few weeks, at my goal marathon pace-Something in between 13-15 miles midweek! These runs give me confidence!!


Thank you for the list – that is awesome!
Been loving the ‘zone out and run’ type of run lately ;).

Have an awesome day!


I think tempo runs are my favorite. Challenging, but not painfully difficult.


The runs I always feel the best and most confident are tempo runs. I almost feel like nothing is holding me back. Thanks for sharing these, I know a lot of runners don’t know the exact meaning of some of the words and it’s a great list.


Great post – thanks so much for breaking the different types of runs down in a way that is so easy to understand!!


Hi Janae! I just wanted to let you know what an encouragement you are to me! I have been a reader for years now, though I often don’t leave comments or posts. I read some of your older posts again yesterday and they helped me so much. It is amazing to see how far you have come with your running and that is so inspiring to me. I am currently dealing with my second injury in the past 4 months and both injuries have kept me from running for 4-5 weeks at a time. Seeing how well you have dealt with injuries, as difficult as it may be, helps me keep a more positive mindset and focus on doing all of the things that I can control and take care of, and then being at peace with that. Thank you for sharing your journey! Good luck with this block of training–I am excited to see where it takes you!

Also, tempo runs are by far my favorite! They are such a confidence boost for me and I love the exhaustion and satisfaction that comes from them when I can get in a good one!


I love progression runs. I’ve been doing them religiously now (usually on the treadmill because it keeps me from getting bored) and I’ve noticed what a huge difference they make!

I’ve been totally craving tacos lately (I pretty much always am). My stomach is growling just thinking about them now and it’s only 8:30 my time :-/


I’ve been loving speed play. But then again I have a three month old at home, so it’s all amout efficiency lately!


I love that you posted this–I just learned some new things today and I wasn’t aware that 50-75% of your running are easy runs. A lot of these runs overlap one another. :)


I am training for a half right now and love Tempo and Fartleks!

I agree that hill repeats are so good for you! I have some coming up later this week! I use the treadmill since we just got a lot of snow and it is -20ish here right now (I don’t want to slip lol!)

That video is adorable!


I would like to be able to do ANY type of run right now. Time off for an injury is the worst.


I think I have been craving a slice of Linda’s Fudge cake from Cheesecake factory – I can’t remember the last time I had it which means it has been too many weeks!


I am getting ready to start training again, so I am adding in some shorter speed and tempo sessions. Today I wrote a post about building base and moving from a recovery period back into training using fartleks and short tempo runs. I was supposed to do a fartlek run today but the snowy and slippery sidewalks did not allow that!


I love hills, sounds odd but I do! I love the burn, the sweat, the ache in my legs the next day and the results I see from doing these workouts!! They payoff is such a huge way!
I have been craving chili, I might have to make some soon! I keep looking at new recipes to try and can’t decide what one to use!!!!


My favorite type of run is one where I can completely “zone out” at a relaxed pace. Before I know it, the run is over, and I’m still smiling!
I have been craving lean meat. I can’t get enough turkey!!


Brooke is getting sooo big!

Lately I’ve been enjoying my speed work (intervals) and not enjoying the long run. I really think it had to do with this arctic cold weather in Cali. We are just not used to the cold!

I have been craving Pad Thai from our local Thai place.


Haha, that video is hilarious. She looks SO grown up with that long hair!

I’m really really really loving the hill runs lately. They are so hard when I’m doing them, but I just feel SO strong afterwards. Can’t beat that feeling!

I’ve been craving BACON. Like crazy. Kinda sorta wish I could crave something a little healthier.


I’ve been craving these amazing toffee blondies all week! If I wasn’t heading back to school today, I’d definitely make some.

I think my favorite kind of run is a tempo run and least favorite is probably a track workout.


I’ve been craving pad thai! I made a big batch of paleo pad thai hoping it would scratch the itch… it didn’t:-( I’ll give it another week or two.

My favorite type of run lately have been treadmill fartleks. They keep me from getting bored. I’ve been wishing for trail runs but 6* is just too flippin’ cold!


I think long trail runs are my favorite. So many beautiful places to run here in Colorado!


She is so precious! and yummmmm guacamole.. its been too long since I’ve had guac!


I love tempo runs. I think I actually do too many of my easy and long runs at tempo. This time around I am really going to do the slower long runs. Sometimes it’s harder to slow the pace because it feels awkward. Especially when that would mean I should be running at a 12:30 pace. I can walk briskly at 14. Probably just means I am capable of speedier tempos. Lol.

This is a great post. I’m going to bookmark.
Cravings lately are oatmeal with walnuts and brown sugar and Greek salad. Not together thouhh. Ha!


My favorite run by far is the long run. I’m really bad at any kind of speed and I hate hills. I like being able to zone 0ut and get lost in the run :) However, I’m learning the benefits of other types of training runs and learning to appreciate what they teach me.
I have honestly been craving “whole foods” lately. I’m not a super healthy person who normally craves that type of stuff, but I think the overindulgence of the holidays combined with the physical demands of training has made me want veggies, fruits, and meat. It’s kind of refreshing!
PS-Brooke has the most beautiful hair! Takes after her mama :)


I love long runs!! Tempos are always the toughest for me.
Craving: guacamole all the way! I just posted about it on yesterday’s blog:)


I love Tempo runs. Hands down my favorite.

Craving? All the chocolate chip cookies, warmed in the microwave for just a few seconds and topped with vanilla ice cream.


I have a hate/love relationship with hills and sprints. They have done wonders to my training but they still suck. Lol I am more of a tempo girl and recently I have been doing more negative splits.


I’ve always done a combination of these it my favorite is definitely the long slower runs. There’s no stress or competition. Just pure joy! Do you think Brooke will be a runner?


I have only just made this discovery today: Thomas the Train?!?!?! I read it on some other blog earlier today and now here – is it Thomas the Train there?! I grew up with Thomas the Tank Engine! Must be a US/Europe thing.

Also I love tempo runs because of the huuuuge confidence booster (did one this morning!) and long runs. Hills are the bane of my life. Ugh.


I love tempo runs and easy runs. Don’t like the treadmill or the track but I do speed work at the track when my plan calls for it. Treadmill is a necessary evil during the winter! I definitely need to work on doing my easy runs slower.


The kind of run with mittens…

I’m reading “Once a Runner” in prep for the season. I’m weird. I like it coming at me from all directions.

I also had streamers on my bike to make my son laugh, so there’s that.


I LOVED this post, Janae!! It’s nice seeing it compressed into one place with a bunch of resources!! I did some tempo work this morning!! I also need to get better and doing strides more often, and hill work is definitely non-existent outside where I live, but treadmill is an awesome second option! Thanks :)


I really like progression runs, they’re sort of how I naturally run most of the time anyway. My running group likes to make fun of me because I’m so much slower for the first half of our runs.

I have been craving a really good cheeseburger lately – like, bad.


I really like fartleks. I haven’t done any speedwork since my marathon at the end of November, and I think fartleks are a good way to get back to it.

I’ve been craving sushi!


Awesome post!! I have learned, just recently, to love the easy run, to value its importance! I had an awesome tempo run this morning so they’re my fav right now – LOL! I have a love-hate relationship with speedwork. When I’m on the track doing the workout I think it is just pure evil…but on race day, when you’re ready and fast, I love speedwork!! :))

I think I always crave guacamole. And chocolate. Milk chocolate.


My major craving today is a salad! We were traveling all weekend and I did not do a very good job in the eating healthy department. It’s time to make up for that.

I love your list of runs. I’m starting half marathon training this week and will definitely be referencing these as I put together my training plan.


I’ve been craving guac also! Avocados have been expensive and not the best quality at our grocery stores lately, so it’s been forever since I’ve had some. I asked my husband last night if we can go out for Mexican this weekend just to have some guac.

Tempo runs, fartleks, and progression runs are my favorites! I also likely snowy runs where the pace is easy and the snow makes even a normal route oh-so-pretty.


I love running outside on the trail, but since I moved to Chicago that’s not really an option for me as much anymore. I used to run forever on a treadmill, but that was when my gym had a cardio cinema and I could just watch a movie on a giant screen.

I got used to running with a partner and now being on the treadmill is not my favorite thing to do. I need to find a way to make it enjoyable again, so I think I am going to play around with some intervals or bring something with me to watch.


Brooke’s going to be a track star if she keeps that up!


I love progression runs! Definitely helps for race situations and also helps get into the negative split groove. I used to be a serial positive split runner and now I’m almost always negative splitting a race. I run 3-4x a week, and run a steady, long, tempo and progressive run. I did not do any speed work during my marathon training. Too soon speed work = stress fracture during half training and therefore I was not allowed to try speed work again until it was almost marathon time. I will start doing speed work again for my 5/10K training this spring


I have been craving SODA!! And I gave up drinking it for the New Year! :(


I LOVE this post! Thank you! It was so helpful and informative. One of my running goals for 2015 is going to require that I really buckle down and vary the types of runs that I do. This was seriously so great.


Awesome and really helpful post!! I remember doing lots of different runs like fartleks & tempos in high school but these days I’ve fallen into a slump of progression runs, occasional speed, and long runs.
Favorite –> speed (but not during). It just feels amazing to push to the max and not wonder if it’s too much/too little etc. I also love the long run!

I sure think your little Brookie is taking after you with all that running!! Love it!

Have a good day!


My favorite run is the trail run. (also, sometimes referred as a hike, as I don’t always run all the hills). :)

I’m craving everything right now. But right now — guacamole — due to reading this post.

Have a great day!


Trail running is definitely my favorite right now. Track workouts are… my least favorite, but I know how beneficial it is, so I try to get it in when I have enough motivation to make it to the track.


My favorite runs are progression runs and my least favorite are hills for sure! Oh and the treadmill…love hate relationship. :)


yeah, I agree with the consensus. This is a good post. So much information.

Also, holy freaking cow when did her hair get SO LONG. That child.


Thanks for this. I didn’t know all these definitions, so good knowledge here! :)


Wow, that indoor pool looks incredible!!


Mmm, that guac looks delicious!


I really wish California had Cafe Rio! Nothing beats that place.


I loooooooove hill repeats. Anything that makes me feel it while I am doing it so I KNOW I am gonna get some results.


Love that girl!! She needs to come run with Gabriella <3


First of all… your calf definition in the first pic. Beautiful.

Most of my runs lately have been long runs, it’s all I have time for! I’ll usually do 7-10 miles every Saturday morning. I actually like track workouts and hate tempo and progression. I don’t like running fast for very long but I know I need to do it to get faster:)


This was a super helpful post! Thank you for the clear breakdown! I def need to start adding in some hills, Fartleks and tempos!


I love long runs :) something about being out on th e roads for that long is nice.

And yumm avocado. I’ve been craving a big sandwhich.! I love sandwiches


I am bookmarking this post. Great information thank you! I have often times looked up some of these terms and was brought to an overly technical site that left me more confused than when I started. Especially regarding fartleks!


I have been loving my long runs! There is something so cleansing and rewarding from running really far and feeling the benefits from it.


Oh my goodness Brooke is the cutest!!! She is getting so big :) Lately I have just been doing easy runs, with a little bit of speed work. I am no where near your speed, but I love seeing improvements in my overall pace :)


I always love long runs.

I have to say I like doing hill repeats! It a fun rush, I feel fast and strong and it mixes things up a bit. :)

Tempos are good for me, but for some reason I get nervous when its time to do them – so I guess that would be my least favorite.

Brooke is adorable!!


My favorite type of run us any run that I get super-motivated about life. I had one last night and it was awesome! I think music helps a lot too!


Loved this post and it’s now in my faviorates, thank you Janae.Wow Brookers is a little version of you Janae, your a gorgeous pair.


i was channeling you on the my treadmill run yesterday… i don’t know how you do it, girl. I’m trying!! lol


My favorite runs are long ones done outside! It’s been soooo cold that it’s been me and the treadmill:( missing running outside:(

I’ve bebe craving fried rice lately! I’m not a huge pasta person do that must be the carb my body is craving!


I love Fartleks. I feel like, mentally, their easy to handle since it’s only running hard for x amount of time, then a break! I also feel like they make my run FLY by. It’s over so quickly! I’ve been doing a lot of hills this training cycle. They’re just so dang good for you.


These are truly some great definitions. I am a big fan of the long run. I always like to use it as a time for reflection and deep thinking. Lately, hills have been something terrible. The hills in my neighborhood are brutal so I always feel wiped out afterwards.


I’ve been craving gaucamole since yesterday, so seeing it in your post just made me want it even more!!!


I’ve been craving some froyo lately but I’m trying to stay away since it seems to be a slippery slope for me! :)


this is an EXCELLENT post. You did a good job making them all sound fun, although I know better ;). Lately I’ve been craving Mike n Ike’s.


OK i really need to know how there is not a fridge at your aunt’s house?! I keep thinking about it for some reason LOL. How does now survive without a fridge?


Yesterday I was crazing oranges like crazy. I ended up at the grocery store to get them and had two when I got home.


I haven’t had Cafe Rio since June and I have been craving it ever since. Must come back to Arizona!


Great post today! Easy to follow descriptions, and resources galore! Looks like I’ve got some reading to do. :)


Brooke is too cute!

I LOVE trail runs! They’re just fun! My least favorite are treadmill runs but I am doin a lot of them lately. I’m in Ohio and it is beyond cold out! I miss the trails…

I’m craving treats of all kinds right now! I’m eating clean right now because I know I need it after the past couple months.


I’m craving anything warm! I work outside and the windchill is -30…. bring on the soup!

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