How do I not die of boredom on the treadmill?

This is a question that I get a lot because for most people, the treadmill= torture.

Go HERE for an updated post about this!:

PicMonkey Collage

(You know you have too much free time when you make a collage of pictures of yourself with the treadmill)

PS I am pretty stoked cause I just moved in my spin bike into my apartment so I can get in some spin workouts in the early mornings (I wish my treadmill could fit too!)

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The majority of church with a 2 year old=  hanging out in the hall.  It’s the thought that counts right?!

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During nap time I turned on a Will Ferrell Christmas movie and got my wrapping game on.

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Candice caught wind that my mom was out of town so she took over on Sunday dinner duty and brought me over this amazingness.

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Tradition #14= The Christmas Classics, my bed and pajamas.  Sometimes the simplest traditions are by far my favorite.

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How do you not die of boredom on the treadmill?

Do you usually run faster or slower on the treadmill vs. outside?

What was your favorite part about your weekend?

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Ahahahahah love that photo of the hand grabbing into the skittles!!! Not ideal, but hey, if it gets you through! I am afraid I am a treadmill hater too, but I am getting better at it, no more being stupid to get my 10 miles in when it is -5 degrees outside!

I did do a 4×1.5 mile workout on the treadmill last year, definitely cried, I hated it that much though. These tips will help, now if only the treadmills I used were not facing a wall….its like they want to banish me to a corner!


The treadmill really isn’t that bad… I’m good up until 4-5 miles, then I really struggle! It’s nice when you have someone running next to you so you have something to think about other than the distance :) I can’t master reading while running! You should teach us your tricks!

I run faster on a treadmill. I’m more aware of my pace so I have to :)

Best part of the weekend = Christmas party! So much food!!


I do think the more you run on the treadmill the more you just get into a groove. I’ve never given it a fair chance, then again I’ve never had one in my house! I could see myself getting comfy on it if it was in the basement, but the idea of going to the gym to run on it makes it worse!

That said those are all great tips for making friends with the treadmill, because this time of year there really is no other option many times!


I like my treadmill runs because I can catch up on tv shows! I used to run slower on the treadmill than outside, but I’m getting back into running, and my outside runs have been sloooooooow lately! The best part of my weekend was a chocolate, strawberry, and caramel crepe (enjoyed with friends, of course!!).


I hadn’t used the treadmill much until I was injured this year. I agree with you that it is good for workimg speed and pace. I can’t press those dials on the pavement. Since I’m always are gym when I’m on one, I usually people watch. Looking for cute guys!


Intervals and Netflix! I watched all of Scandal on the treadmill.


I try to avoid the treadmill but you are right that running on a treadmill is better than not running at all! Im not coordinated enough to do much else besides run while I am on there, but I do listen to music, which I don’t do when I run outside so thats a good distraction. I think I run a little slower on the treadmill because it takes me awhile to get comfortable on there Plus my pace is right there in front of me, whereas outside I may start to run a little faster without trying/noticing!


I actually love the treadmill. I used to not be able to tolerate it, but then I got sick and for over a month it was the only option if I wanted to run. I 100% agree with #2 – treadmill running makes me mentally stronger which really helps prepare me for the mental aspect of racing. Yes, its boring sometimes, but it is so much better than taking unnecessary risks or not running at all.

Best part of the weekend was my birthday so I got to spend time with my family and friends! And we watched Love Actually, which is one of my favorite Christmas movies!


I try to avoid the treadmill, but sometimes it’s necessary. A treadmill run is way better than no run! I am constantly playing with the speed and incline. And, great music is a must.
I run faster on the treadmill…so I can get it over with!
Weekend highlight: we had a big Christmas party at our home!!!


Thanks for your advice for the treadmill,, but I am afraid my treadmill-hatred is deep.

Just set a marathon training goal, so that was the best part of my weekend definitely.

Any recommendations for favorite Christmas movies?


WAHOOO for a marathon training goal! My favorite is Elf but Brooke is really into Rudolph and Frosty the Snowmen:)


I love your idea to have a special treadmill playlist! That’s a really good one!

Because I have to run on the treadmill a lot during the summer due to the crazy heat we have here I try not to run on it too much the rest of the year. When I do run on the treadmill I love to distract myself by watching TV shoes! My favorite thing is to watch Chopped while I’m finishing up a long run. It gets me so excited about my post-run meal! haha :D


AHHHH Someone agrees with me about Bruno Mars!!! My favourite part of the weekend? not much of it – it was spent studying, but I did attend a day time christmas party and that was fun.


We should go to a Bruno concert together!


No tips from me bc I do die of boredom haha :)

Best part of weekend? Running out of gas on the freeway. At night. While it was raining…an angel man stopped and pulled us to the gas station w his truck. So cool.


I’m so with you on the fact that running outside is better than the treadmill, but the treadmill is better than not running at all! I play around with speed and incline a lot! I also read celebrity magazines on easy running days :) I definitely tend to run faster on the treadmill. I am also stubborn and don’t want to hit the button to turn it down. Plus, I want to get it over with!


I feel like I wrote this myself! I’ve said all of these things before. I’m sad for you that you treadmill doesn’t fit in your apartment! Time to hunt for a bigger place? Just kidding! I am currently on the hunt for a new treadmill becuase mine is from 2005 and i’ve already replaced the belt once, motor once and now the belt needs another replacing! Time to get a new one!! THey are soooooo pricey though! I wish i won one like you did, lucky girl!!!!


Such great ideas. I also only run on the treadmill when it is absolutely necessary. I have noticed that I run faster on the treadmill…
I also play around with the buttons and listen to music in order to not die of boredom. I love the idea of having a playlist that is JUST for the treadmill, because I do tend to get sick of songs which makes me frustrated when they come on during my treadmill runs…


I like to watch netflix on the treadmill or listen to podcasts it really helps!


I agree with you about the treadmill being a necessity sometimes! I have a two year old and, as a single mom, most of the times it is my only option!

I watch a movie on my IPad or start a TV series. If it’s a short run, I download a few new songs to keep me pumped up!

I also think the treadmill helps with speed work!

My favourite part of my weekend was taking my little guy to a hockey game!


It’s funny because I’ve gotten that question several times and it’s really not one I can answer. I just run. Yeah it’s more mentally challenging than running outside but you have to think of long term goals. Great post Janae!


I still haven’t found a way to make the treadmill enjoyable, at all.


I used the treadmill for every run except my long run while training for my first half marathon, and I agree with all of your pros! I loved that I could easily do speedwork, hills, have easy access to water, a bathroom. It was super convenient! Now I don’t have access to a treadmill, and I try not to use it when the weather is nice, but I do sometimes miss the ease that came with treadmill running!

Best part(s) of my weekend were husband graduating from Fire Academy, and me running my second marathon yesterday! The last hour of which was in the POURING rain. It was definitely an interesting one!


I rarely do more than 5K on the treadmill – but I rarely have access to a treadmill so I haven’t really thought of any boredom coping ideas. I usually watch TV or have music on.


I play treadmill games with myself to make the miles fly by! I increase the speed by 0.1 every 2 minutes, then every new song I’ll come down 0.1, and things like that. Some days I even secretly enjoy the treadmill workout =).


I used to hate the treadmill but I have learned that I can get some great runs done on there! I definitely run much faster on the treadmill because going too slow makes the time go slower too. I play around with my speed the ENTIRE time and find that I can hold the faster paces much better on a treadmill than trying to stay focused and fast outside. I really think all of my treadmill runs last winter helped me get stronger and faster.


I was at the gym the other day and on the tv they had the gym etiquette rules playing. One of them was not to use the camera on your phone and another was not to stare at fellow gym members. Not great for a blogger and someone who likes to people watch :)
Best part of my weekend was yesterday. I hiked with my boyfriend (and our dogs) and just fell a little deeper in love with him. We have only known each other since May but our bond is pretty extraordinary. I feel pretty blessed. I’m a bit of a cheese ball this morning :)


Seriously loved this post!! All the comments too! I so needed this yesterday. Needed to do 7 on treadmill only made it to 6.5 but it was hell.


Hey, but you made it 6.5! Way to go Cheryl:)


I definitely run faster on the treadmill! It shows myself that I know I have the potential for faster times at races :)


Best part of the weekend was the crazy warm weather we had and getting to run outside!! Worst part is it’s ice and snowing out today :( I hopped on the treadmill this morning and struggled! Some days it’s easier than others. I like to mess with the settings frequently and have some good music and something on TV. I’m thankful for my home treadmill, so when the miles get tough and boring I just think at least I CAN run right now :)


Candice is so sweet! Are those pumpkin bars??

I think sometimes I do actually run faster on the treadmill– maybe because I really want to get the workout over with ;) You’re so right, though, that it’s all about the mindset you have. A treadmill run is definitely better to me than no run at all, so if it’s really icy outside, I tell myself how awesome the treadmill is :)


I think the treadmill is great for speed work! You don’t have to think at all about what you’re doing or worry about tripping and falling. I also sometimes call people I love to talk to while running on the treadmill.

I think I run faster on the treadmill, especially at the gym. Because, you know, the person next to me can’t run faster than me.

Best part of the weekend was the hubs surprising me with the girlfriend’s picking me up Sunday and taking me shopping.


Oh the treadmill…I have a love hate relationship with it, but I will say I am a wimp when it comes to running in weather under 40. Like you I LOVE doing speedwork on the treadmill. I’m not great at holding a pace, and knowing what pace I am running, so the treadmill makes a HUGE difference for me when it comes to speed work outs. Typically I listen to my iPod but also watch HGTV (Property Brothers) while running. I use the gym at my work, and some days I just.need.a.break. so that makes it easy to run up stairs and run a few miles :-)

Best part of my weekend….my son saying “ok” when I ask him to do something, singing ABC’s, and saying Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas. He’s definitely in the Christmas spirit..I love it!


Okay, that is the best… I love it when Brooke says ‘ok’ too! Nothing better than Christmas with kiddos. OHHHHH I forgot about Property Brothers, I need to start watching that again! Have a great day!


I still can’t do the treadmill… I’d rather run outside in the freezing cold than run on the treadmill. I wish I liked it though!


I love the treadmill for tempo runs because it keeps me from being lazy and slowing the pace during an interval. It makes my knees feel kinda creaky and tired though if I use it too often.
You have some serious mental toughness to use it often and still enjoy it!


I always have a show going, music going, and usually people watching. But it’s my favorite time because it’s all for me :)
I usually run slower on the treadmill. I think it’s just because my pace doesn’t adjust to how I feel. I like setting it up and just going, not thinking about anything.
My favorite part of the weekend was taking my dog to the groomers. He actually did good for once and he looked so much better :)


One word: Netflix.
The only thing was that I was always afraid that with my earbuds plugged into my ipad I might accidentally flail around and somehow pull my ipad off the little treadmill ledge. I use my ipad all.the.time. so that would be terrible!

But then my gym membership ran out and I decided to pay off my student loans instead of renewing it (weird priorities haha), so now I can only run streets. I need to find a local running buddy so I can start doing trail runs!


I like to crank up my iPod extremely loud when I’m on the TM. When I wear it road running, I always have it quiet enough so that I can hear traffic. So a TM run ends up being a little treat when I can really enjoy some good tunes and not worry about getting smeared. Probably not so good for my ears though; good thing I don’t do it much.


I DO THAT TOO!!!!! I feel like I am in high school again listening to music that is way too loud:)


I do most of my runs on the treadmill in the winter because of my work schedule. I always watch movies to make the time pass by quicker. I’ve never been able to read on the treadmill, no matter how slowly I’m going. It gives me a headache!


I’m able to run way faster outside than on the treadmill. When I’m on it, I don’t run naturally or something. Basically I almost fall off even when my pace is 2 minutes per mile slower than outside. I’m working on it, though!


I’ve been making the treadmill my friend by getting way too involved in listening to Serial and only letting myself listen to it at the gym. I also use the Zombies Run! app to keep myself occupied.
We had a magical family trip to Santa’s Village but it’s a slight possibility that snuggling on the couch watching TV holiday movies with my Girlie was the best part of my weekend.


Treadmills are the worst – but you’re right, it’s better than skipping a run!!


I run faster on the treadmill. I think when I crank it up I’m forced to run faster- outside I relax s little more and enjoy myself!


Thank you for the treadmill tips! It’s my only option because I usually work out after work and I hate being out in the dark.


I usually listen to music but sometimes I’ll listen to audio books or a podcast. My favorite podcast EVER is SERIAL! Check it out!! It is fairly new. It’s by this american life. It really is excellent and I am hooked. You need to start at the first episode of you check it out because it is a continual story.

I think it is so weird but I run faster outside. I could not keep my outside pace on the treadmill. Is it just me? So weird!

I had a great Sunday! I took my 5 yr old daughter to Disney on Ice. She loved it and I loved how much she loved it! We went with the girls in my hubby’s family and we went to dinner after. Mexican…yum! Who can resist chips and salsa?!


People have been telling me all about that podcast. You have convinced me that I need to start! THANK YOU:) That is so fun that you went to Disney on Ice with your little girl… and Mexican after? The best!


I definitely run faster on the treadmill. I love it for speed/pace work, and icy days. If I had more people to run with I would use it less, but on my own, I’m happier with my Netflix.

My favorite part of the weekend was running with my running club, as usual. Running with people is the best!


So glad you wrote this up. A friend is always reminding me to get outside for a ‘real run’ which irks me slightly. I have schedule limitations with a little one and Hubs’ schedule, so I do most of my weekday morning runs on the treadmill and only get outside maybe once a week. Truthfully though, I almost prefer the treadmill, it keeps my pace far better than I can. Naturally my body just does not want to push itself at a constant pace. Playing with the buttons gets the variety up for training. I force at least two days to be just pure hill work with the incline at about 80% of its max and I push myself for that practice.

I call my treadmill runs just as ‘real’ as outdoor (since my hips can’t do trail…only street/pavement) .

Boredom? Nope. My daily quick 3-5 miles are jammed out with music, but longer runs are when Netflix is enjoyed. Ha! I can multi-task when I’m on the treadmill.


‘Real run’ that irks me… a lot of people only have time/situations where they get to run on the treadmill:) You are doing awesome!!!


I actually love my treadmill! During the winter, it’s all I use!


Hi there! I used to be able to spend an hour on the treadmill, and I would use that time to go over choreography for group fitness classes I teach. But once I got out of that practice, I can’t force myself back on there for more than 30 minutes at a time now. Good tips though!


I’m all about the treadmill. I love mine, and couldn’t live without it! I’ve got my tv with DVR/Netflix and it keeps me entertained for hours. I won’t go out in the dark to run, and that’s when’s training gets done in the early hours. My husband uses it at night. We’ve almost hit 12,000 miles on it!


12k miles on it… DANG!!! WAY TO GO GUYS!


My Fav part of this weekend was watching The Grinch :) I love Christmas movies! It’s hard to get in the spirit when you live in South Florida and there is no snow, but the Christmas movies help :)


Like you, I love to change the settings on the treadmill. My favorite workout is starting at base pace and then upping the speed one button push per minute until I am in high intensity zone, then I start over. It makes the minutes fly by!

I find it easier to run faster on the treadmill because of the steady, controlled environment. Unless I am running downhill outside, of course.

Favorite past of the weekend was shopping and wrapping Christmas presents for my nieces and wrapping them next to the fire.


I have pretty much all of those reasons for why I don’t get bored on the treadmill but also I recruit a friend to meet me at the gym if it is super icy out so that we can run side by side and chat!


Great post- it’s especially seasonally appropriate!

I’m like you – changing up the incline and speeds on the treadmill really keeps me from getting bored on the treadmill. It also makes it a better workout!

I usually run faster outside than on the treadmill, except when doing speed work intervals. The treadmill keeps me from slowing down or hitting uneven splits on interval repeats.


I have to do a lot of my running on the treadmill. With three kids its hard to find daylight and safe places to run outside. I use music and my iPad alot. I catch up on shows. I mix up the incline and speed a lot. Honestly, when I do get outside I think I run a lot faster and push myself even harder!

My favorite part of the weekend was making Christmas cookies with my kids. They loved rolling out the dough and doing the cutouts. They had so much fun decorating. It was a blast!


I used to love running on my treadmill but then my husband turned it into a windmill…that’s a true story.

Favorite part of my weekend: Seeing Santa on a jet ski, it was awesome.


Love this list, I like to listen to books on the treadmill, its too hard for me to read!


I STILL love that photo of you laying on the treadmill. :) I run way faster outside, but I love being entertained on the ‘mill with a good show!


I did so many fun things this weekend, but I think my favorite thing was the white elephant Christmas party I went to last night. I ended up meeting some fun new people, trying a fun new drink and getting a Frozen USB drive!!!


I haven’t been on a treadmill forever, but I’ve been wishing for one with the cold and snow in New England…I always end up running intervals on the treadmill. That’s the only thing that keeps me from going crazy.

Picking out a Christmas tree and seeing family that I hadn’t seen for almost 2 years was the best part of my weekend! Happy Monday!


I have a hard time running on the treadmill without quitting. I really need to up my mental game. watching tv while running helps haha.
I’m so impressed you can read while running. Do you make the font bigger?
Great idea about the treadmill specific playlist, I should try that.


YES!! I do make the font bigger and that helps so so much! I hope you are having a great day Lilly!


I love the treadmill. My longest run to this date is done on it, and I have chosen to do treadmill over outside.

I think the reason is more my personality of not wanting to be bothered by details sometimes. Hydration, fuel, b-room stop, if the clothes I chose is right for the temp etc. I just get on, go, and make adjustments if needed.

Also, I like some tv shows but can never just sit and watch them without feeling a little like I should be multi-tasking/being productive. If I run while watching the show, it centers me and I just get the simple enjoyment of the show without the wondering mind.


I started out running on a treadmill many years ago and would pass the time reading books (going through 2 – 3 a week). I never felt bored because I didn’t realize how awesome running outside was. Now that I run outside all the time, the few times that I’ve had to run on the treadmill have been so boring. I have to play all sorts of head games with myself. Funny how 4 miles on a treadmill feel like running 20 miles outside, mentally.

My favorite part of this weekend was doing all the Christmas things with my kids: decorated a gingerbread house (I bet Brooke would love doing that, my 2 year old did!), watched movies, made cookies, visited Santa, ran a Christmas themed 5K. It was really awesome!


I started listening to podcasts, especially funny podcasts, while running on the treadmill. I probably look a little crazy though laughing while running on the treadmill with no tv/ipad/etc on. :)


I messed up my knee recently so I forced myself to rediscover the treadmill because of the slightly lower impact and the fact that there’s more control over watching my pace and whatnot. I also like that while I recover I can stop as soon as something feels not right where if I were running outside I wouldn’t stop until I got home even if my knee started feeling weird a mile away.


That’s true, you can’t go slower unless you press the buttons. That’s one of the things I like about the trwsdmill, but I aLso know that running on pavement, you will find you are slower because the ground isn’t moving beneath you.


I always wondered how you can run so long on the treadmill :) The most I have ever been able to take is 1 mile. Then again, I live in NC so weather is usually not an issue.


Thank you SO MUCH for this article about treadmill running! I needed this so much. While I prefer to run outside, treadmill running is better than nothing, amen!


Great tips! I also like to play with the settings. Mentally if I break the workout into 5 minute segments at different inclines, it flys by so much faster!


My favorite part of my weekend was definitely running my first ultra!

Moving back to Boston in 2 days in the dead of winter, I know the treadmill is in my future. I am not super happy about it but I’ll make do.


I have found lately that I use my treadmill more for just general healthy walking- or avoiding the fridge- and I run almost exclusively outside. But I also have no kids and if I didn’t run in the dark I would almost never run outside (Alaska). I think I will use it more for running in the next few years but I am afraid it is too loud in my small house, is there something underneath your treadmill in that photo? When we have babies I may have to splurge on a quiet one.

By the way netflix is what gets me through, its a lifesaver!


I am not a treadmill runner at all. I get so bored. But when I do have to do it I usually listen to a podcast. When I’m on the treadmill I like to run about the pace I run outside but always like to start dropping the pace faster over the last few miles. I like it because it stimulates speeding up at the end of a race. I usually visualize race laps/distances while on the treadmill.


My best motivation on treadmill is watching any great athletes perform :) So downhill skiing, cross country etc. right now, also documentaries about great runners!

Best part of this weekend were xmas markets in Vienna :)


I’m a huge treadmill runner – I play with my speed and incline all the time. Steady state runs aren’t my favorite on the treadmill because then I do get bored – I usually still end up moving the speed up and down a bit just to pass time. And, I catch up on all my DVRed shows!!!


Call me crazy, but I actually enjoy the treadmill! Don’t get me wrong, I love running outside during the warmer months, but I would much rather run on the treadmill than in the cold any day. I watch my shows on my iPad during my runs, and they fly by :)


The only thing that has been getting me through lots of treadmill runs lately is Scandal on Netflix!


#9 is the truth! After a couple injuries, my pace had slowed to between 11:00 and 11:20. I was disappointed because no matter how much I was running, I couldn’t get back to where I was. Four weeks ago I started speed training on the treadmill and it has made ALL the difference. I’m already back down to comfortably running at a 9:50 pace and every week I’m making improvements (mostly because I’m stubborn and refuse to push the down button!)


I totally agree w you about it teaching you how to pace yourself. I ran on a treadmill predominantly before I started running more outside and by staying at the same pace I was able to recognize how it should feel when I was running freely.

My old gym had a cardio cinema that was dark and you could watch movies on a giant theater screen so that made it so much better. Now I am going to have to find something else to occupy me. I definitely like to watch something, so maybe I will start bringing my ipad to the gym.


I absolutely love your decor idea on the window seat. I have been thinking of ways to decorate our window seat in the dining room. I am so glad I stumbled upon it. I will probably use a spin off for ours with a picture and seasonal pillows. Thanks for the great idea!


Thanks Laura! You will have to send me a pic of how yours turns out!


I wish i could run on a treadmill somedays.!! But unfortunately I live on the top floor of my apartment. . I’m pretty sure I would get th e cops called on me. Lol.

My favorite part of my weekend was watching the Grinch with my little family.! :)

Good tips on treadmill running. I know I have a love hate relationship with it. Lol


Thanks for your tips! I wish could read while on the treadmill…that would help so much! I use the treadmill as little as possible because it bores me to tears. I run faster on the treadmill and it has definitely increased my speed. Favorite part of the weekend: half-marathon PR!!




The Christmas Classics are my favorite Christmas movies to watch :)

Listening to my iPod or watching something on TV make the treadmill enjoyable for me. When I’m in training mode, I usually run faster on the treadmill unless it’s one of those hill workouts… those kill me, but they are the best! Running hills is such a great workout, even if the race I’m training for is flat.

When we visit my parents’ church, they don’t have a nursery so I spend most of my time playing in the halls, too! Our toddler really wants to run up and down the pews, but I thought that may be distracting for everyone else listening to the sermon… just a little distracting :)


Does your church not do nursery or sunday school? I ask because my favorite part of the weekend was teaching our preschool sunday school! Haha it’s basically a slightly more interactive version of the nursery but we have a lesson plan each day. All the kids are SO cute!


It does but not during the first 70 minutes… that means we are roaming the halls. Brooke LOVES the nursery though! So so fun that you taught the preschool Sunday school! I bet those kids adore you!


I am getting better at running on the treadmill. I have to listen to music and in order to make time go faster I’ll do sprint/hill intervals. Props to people who are able to read while running on the treadmill. I certainly don’t have the coordination to do that.


I spend a lot of time on the treadmill, because I run alone and usually before dawn, so it’s just safest. I like using the treadmill for speed sessions so I can control the pace. And we have tvs on the treadmills at my gym, so if I find a cooking show to watch, an hour passes without me even realising!


I hate the treadmill with a fiery passion. We have one in our living room but I only use it for short (5 miles or under) runs. I’ll run outside in almost any condition before I’ll turn to the treadmill with one exception – black ice. I’m almost positive that our treadmill is not aligned right when it comes to speed. I’ve ran enough to know how an 8 minute pace feels versus a 9 or 10 minute pace. However…10 minute miles on the treadmill feel more like a 7 minute mile sprint. I thought it was just me but others have noticed too. Therefore…I’m not really sure if I am going faster or slower.

We got most of our Christmas shopping done this past weekend so that is a huge relief. Also, I have my first meeting with a potential run coach this week. Need some extra help in the process of training for a 50 miler.


I actually got started running on the treadmill. My parents always walked on it so when I was younger and bored one summer, I asked my mom if i could hop on it and I did all my running on a treadmill for a good couple of years before joining a track team. I still don’t mind it, but then again, I ran the 10k in college for track, so I just don’t think boredom and running go together in my brain:). I’m really impressed with your ability to read and run on the treadmill! I’m super clumsy so I would probably fall doing that and I know for sure with the ice I would!


I HATE HATE HATE (did I say hate?) the treadmill. For some reason, it makes me slower, feels like open heart surgery, and makes time stand still. I will do insane things to avoid running on the treadmill…run on ice, in pouring rain, in the dark, you name it.

People who use the treadmill amaze me. I can’t do it.


I actually prefer the treadmill! It makes me feel like im running faster! If im running outside I feel so slow and just want to quit. :/


Could you share your treadmill playlist? :)


Because of a particularly snowy winter, I ran most of my long runs leading up to 2011 Boston on a treadmill. I did three things to keep from going bonkers: 1) I went to the gym before it opened (yes, I have a key, I didn’t break in) and turned the TV on really loudly to watch mindless TV 2) Begged friends to join me for several miles on the treadmill next to me 3) Made a new playlist to listen to.

Last week I got a new treadmill for my home gym, but I will still choose running outside (even in the dark), to running on it!


I feel like I use a lot more effort on treadmills than I would outside. But I enjoy treadmill running, its what I’m asking for from Santa ;)


I watch movies. There’s a cardio cinema near me or if the movie they are playing bites, I put something fun on my kindle. I still have moments when I get bored and try to talk myself out of it – but it’s better than running with nothing :)


I think you will love this. Check out “man dancing on treadmill” on you tube. Now this guy has the right idea of how to make his treadmill workout fun. For me I listen to podcast and run repeats. They go faster than one speed workouts.


Thank you so much for posting about treadmill workouts – it’s super helpful! :) Also, I absolutely adore those Christmas classics!


Lol I wish I was as mentally strong as you! I hate treadmill running (because it’s so hard). Oh and I think it’s physically impossible for me to go faster than 10 min./mile pace on a treadmill.


I don’t mind it, I need too though especially with children. When I want to stop the boredom I put my Virtual Active DVD and it’s almost like I’m running somewhere else, pretty cool


I’m just learning to run on a treadmill. If I couldn’t run outside I just didn’t run but I live in Mississippi so it’s usually not a problem. I am going to take your advice on some of the things you do. I haven’t ran longer than 30 mins so I’ve got a ways to go.


Gratefully, I never have to run on the treadmill anymore. But, I remember living in a cold climate and the treadmill sure beat the blustery cold winter days. I think I remember always going slower on the treadmill, but seemed like the effort was the same. Keep up the great posts!!!!

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