This week’s workout playlist and my favorite moment from yesterday.

A few miles done Monday morning followed by a pump class (look at me already chipping away at one of my November goals… I just had Brooke pat me on the back).

It is Curly’s birthday today (!!) so Brooke and I took her out yesterday to start the celebrations.  

We picked her up after school and then she chose our activities for the day—>  Cafe Rio for lunch, an arcade and then hot chocolate and the Boxcar Children show (yeah, the books are much better) at my house.  

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I have my nieces and nephews choose out their favorite cereal for their birthday breakfast.  Marshmallows is always the best way to start the day.  She won the mustache at the arcade and was extremely excited about it.

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Dinner for one—>  Brooke took a crazy late nap and my stomach was growling at 5:15 so I had a turkey burger salad and sweet potato all topped with thai peanut dressing from TJ’s.   I even got out a placemat because I was feeling fancy.  

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A little while later we went to a fiesta with the crew.  This reminded me of the time that I ran 13.1 miles with a piñata head.  

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Afterwards Megan made us a big patch of popcorn and Brooke fed it to everyone.  

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And my favorite moment from yesterday was when Brooke was playing in her room and then ran into the bathroom when I was getting ready and hugged my legs and looked at me and said, “Mama, I missed you.”  My heart actually exploded a little.  


This week’s tunage:

Blame by Calvin Harris

All I Do Is Win by DJ Khalad

Where’d You Go by Fort Minor

Switchback by Celldweller

Fireball by Pitbull

Dark Horse by Katy Perry

I Gotta Feeling by Black Eyed Peas

Can’t Hold Us by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

Run the World (Girls) by Beyonce

Heart Of A Champion by Nelly

Animals by Maroon 5 

Love Runs Out by One Republic

Titanium by Madilyn Bailey (cool-down)

I speed up my spin/running songs on Garage Band—>  TUTORIAL HERE.


Favorite ways to get in protein lately?

-I have been loving turkey burgers.  

What time (give me the exact minute… I think this will be interesting) did you wake up this morning?  Did you push snooze?

What type of cereal would you choose for your birthday breakfast?  

-Cinnamon toast crunch.

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I woke up at 4:50 today, no alarm, just my cat waking me up! Favorite protein lately is pork in all forms!


I’ve been loving both turkey burgers and regular burgers lately, and I actually had a bison burger after my long run last weekend which was really good! I initially woke up at 4:12 this morning (silly DST) and then fell back to sleep until my alarm went off at 5. Then I was right out of bed to get my run in! Happy birthday Curly!!


I woke up at 5:23 but laid in bed until 6!

Chicken kabobs :)


I would go with Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Lucky Charms. I have eaten a whole box of Lucky Charms in a day before. Maybe not my proudest moment.

I was up at 7:17 this morning. Which would be 6:17 at home. My body is set to wake up then!

Happy birthday Curly! Looks like you had a lot of fun celebrating already! I’m sure Brooke saying that just warms your heart. Means you’re doing it right!




…and I’m with you on the Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Best cereal ever made.

Happy birthday to Curly!! Hope you all have a fabulous day!


Oh my gosh, how sweet is Brooke! What an adorable moment!

I’m planning to run tonight so I slept in until 7:30! Normally I hit the snooze button 10 million times but not today since I got extra rest :)

Favorite way to get in protein lately is making chicken breasts from Omaha Steaks! I love how easy they are to make and so tender and juicy! The perfect thing to enjoy after a nice run in the brisk fall air!


5:46am (because 5:45am would have been too early). I am 20498390 times more productive in the AM than PM so I always get up early to crank out work. When I get home from work, I put PJs on, hit the couch, and I’m done for =).


I wake up at 5:30 pretty much every morning, no alarm needed because I’m kind of weird.

Happy Birthday Curly!


6:42 am and I think I skipped snooze and just shut the alarm off. It was set for 6am. Whoopsie!

I love Kashi autumn wheat cereal

I had egg salad for lunch yesterday. So delish. I was getting sick of eggs but think I have found my love again. Great protein source :)


I wake up multiple times during the night :-(
But my “full” wake-up 5:10 and I just relaxed and did a mental reliving of my run last night waiting for the alarm to go off at 5:30. Then played with my cat for another 10 minutes before getting up. It’s getting harder and harder to leave those warm blankets!

Protein – chocolate milk (hot!)

Cereal – that’s a hard one. I’d have to walk the isle before making that very important decision!

Brooke is adorable. Good job! :-)


I’ve been loving eggs in every form. I even add them to my morning oatmeal.


Awww my heart exploded a little bit too at Brooke saying that! Being a mom is the best!
I woke up at 5:50 to a crying baby. I truly hoped she’d fall back asleep but no.
Happy Birthday, Curly!!


vanilla chex with blueberries…the best!!

Do you use compression socks to prevent calf injuries? I recently strained my calf and am hoping to be running again soon. When I start, I was wondering if I should wear compression socks while running to help my muscle. Advice?


5:24, pushed snooze.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch as well.


Favorite ways to get in protein lately?

-Drumsticks! My boyfriend and I bought a couple chicken drumsticks last time we were at the grocery store and it has been a nice change from chicken breasts, which can bore me after a while. We just stick them in the oven for 12-20 minutes and then feast!

What time (give me the exact minute… I think this will be interesting) did you wake up this morning? Did you push snooze?

-I rolled over at 5:13 when Chris’s alarm went off but didn’t get out of bed until 5:48. I still can’t believe my wake up time starts with a 5….

What type of cereal would you choose for your birthday breakfast?

-Are you ready? Here they are: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cinnamon Life, Captain Crunch….I see a theme with the letter ‘C’ here. I would have a bowl of each and then one bowl of them all mixed together……….BECAUSE IT’S MY BIRTHDAY


Turkey burgers are amaaaazing, I actually had a giant turkey burger salad at this build-your-own burger/salad place last night and it was spectacular. The alarm went off at 7.30 this morning but I sort of accidentally fell asleep again :/ The consequences of going to a late movie that also turns out to be a super long movie!

All-Bran Golden Crunch. Sounds ridiculous but it is heaven in a bowl. Omg.


omg stop – mama I missed you??? I would just die right there of happiness and love. She is such an amazing little blessing! And she feeds you popcorn – what more could you ask for?!?


4:47, and that was after clicking snooze. Daylight savings is a beast!

If it was my birthday bowl of cereal, I’d have to go crazy with some Cocoa Puffs! Love to start my mornings out with chocolate. #healthy

Do you buy the frozen already prepared turkey burgers or do you make your own with ground turkey? I’ve seen the frozen kind but haven’t tried any yet!


Oh my gosh Brookes face on the merry go round….she is a heart breaker for sure!
Cereal…chocolate frosted flakes. I don’t even really like or eat much cereral but these? Oh my…. :)


4:50am this morning…no alarm, just my body being a jerk. I honestly would not care if I didn’t have an exam from 7pm-9pm tonight that I would kind of like to be awake for! ;) I have been feeling pretty sleeved out by meat lately so I have been ALL about the eggs and greek yogurt!


Good choice of songs! Run the world is one of my favourite beyonce songs of all time.


I get to go in late to work today, so I work up at 6:29 but snoozed until 7. I am dragging though and my run was awful- I think I got too much sleep. Loving the light though!

I have been enjoying chicken thighs lately as I am trying to avoid gluten:)


I always get hungry for first dinner around 5 too LOL.
You have to add beg by Iggy to your playlist. It’s my new addiction.


I woke up at 3 am wide awake. Couldn’t go back to sleep or so I thought because eventually the next thing I knew it was 5:08 and I got up for the day lol….I used to love Cocoa Pebbles when I was a kid and that’s the first cereal that came to mind even though I could ramble on with other choices (Waffle Crisp, Life, Cookie Crisp…)


Happy Birthday, Curly! Today is my birthday, and I had frosted mini-wheats :)




2:46, first woke up hit snooze 1 time. Out of bed at 2:55 am! <–yes this is daily!
I love me some Quaker Oatmeal Squares or Frosted Mini-Wheats


TWO FORTY SIX!?!?!?!?!?!


You get used to it….but it kills trying to work out in the morning!


4:20 am out of bed this morning and out for a power walk. It felt great being outdoors again! Favorite protein is eggs and fish!


Those are the best Mama moments!

I’ve been eating a ton of roasted chicken on spinach, good stuff.

My alarm is set for 3:41. I know. Craziness.

I would choose Honey Nut Cheerios with bananas.


4:35. Got in an awesome 6 miler before I had to get my oldest 2 ready for school. I’m in taper week for a marathon this Sunday:)
Protein- Pulled pork from the crockpot!
And (shocking!!!), I don’t eat cereal- so it would have to be oatmeal if it were grainy, but I would really love a big, fat omelet:)


I woke up at 5:27. I hit snooze 3 times and my snooze is 9 minutes. I went to bed at 8 last night but somehow I am still so tired…it will be a miracle if I make it out the door by 6:30 to run.


i woke up at 6:36 this morning. I never need an alarm bc I have 2 year old who will never sleep past 7:30 :) she is the best alarm clock I have ever had!

Lucky charms all the way! I never eat cereal but calories and sugar don’t count on your birthday anyway ;)

Have a great day!


1- there is a Boxcar Children show??!?
2- I love your dishes. Where did you get them?


HAHAH Yes but it was lame! The dishes are from Target! I hope you are having a great day!


Happy Birthday to Curly!!!

I woke up at 6:10 this morning thinking that it was my first alarm but it was actually my second. Hate when that happens! haha


I have been loving eggs for my protein lately, mainly scrambled with lots of cheese!! My alarm went off at 5:45 and after a few snoozes I finally got up at 6:12 when a little person was pulling on my arm telling me to get up!


I’ve been experimenting with ground chicken. Very cheap and versatile! However, my all time favorite protein will always be the one and only egg.
5:57. I hit snooze at 5:45, but couldn’t get back to sleep.
I’d choose Cinnamon Toast Crunch mixed with Peanut Butter Captn Crunch. I can’t have one without the other :)


Favorite protein?….shrimp

Alarm time?…. 3:55 am! Had to be at my friends house and running by 4:15 am because we had to get in 9 miles before I had to get in the shower and ready for work, kids to school, etc.

Cereal choice?…..Basic 4. Love that stuff!


I think even my heart exploded a little after reading what Brooke said :)

‘Fireball’ was stuck in my head the entire day on Sunday. I love the song but it was torture!


6:02 AM – Yes I pushed snooze. But my dog made me get up to let her outside this morning. :)

I think I’d go with Fruity Pebbles or Coco Pebbles. But I also really like Captn Crunch Berries…but the square pieces hurt my gums!


Happy birthday to curly! I love how much personality she has!

I am seriously getting old because I only recognize a few songs on that playlist. I never thought in high school I would be that person who doesn’t know trends or songs, but a decade later here I am. I’m 80 inside, and I’m totally content with that. It’s bizarre.


up at 4am and off to a FIT class! I love early mornings.

birthday cereal choice would be cinnamon toast crunch too!! That’s my favorite “sweeter” cereal :)


I woke up at a few random times this morning. The first time I woke up was 4:52, but fell back asleep and woke up again at 6:18. Then I slept again until 6:30 when I got up! So strange. I’ve not been sleeping the best after my race this weekend, and I think it’s because I’m stiff and sore.


Happy Birthday Curly!

I really need to work on getting enough protein, generally it’s eggs, or whatever meat we have at dinner. A lot of chicken/fish lately.

I woke up at 8:10 this morning. I’m between jobs right now, so no alarm!

I think I would have to agree with Curly – Lucky Charms!


Protein: nut butters
Alarm: 4:30 for track workout
Cereal: lucky charms!


My alarm went off at 5:20. I was SUPPOSED to get up and go for my run this morning….buuuut that didn’t happen. So I reset the alarm and woke up at 7:05 instead. One of these days, I will get up and get my workout done early – but it’s so dark out!!

Honeycombs are my cereal of choice, if I’m going for the unhealthy kind :) I haven’t had cereal in a while though…think I might have to pick some up for the weekend!


whoa whoa whoa. There is a boxcar children SHOW?!


7:21, but I was supposed to get up at 7. I still made it to vote before work though!

And definitely Honey Bunches of Oats, especially the almond kind!


Awww, what a little sweetheart that Brooke is!

Favorite way to get protein in lately: Greek yogurt or chicken prepped various ways. I’m also loving Les Mills new Good Protein powder in my oatmeal and smoothies. Awesome stuff.

Exact minute I woke up this morning would be 6:30 AM (when my alarm went off). But, I didn’t actually get out of bed until like 6:45 AM.

I knew I loved you. I’m right there with you on the Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

I loved your questions today so I had to answer them all. ;) Have a good day!


Ah that is the sweetest thing ever! Aren’t kids the best :) Let’s see my birthday cereal would be Reeses Puffs! So good, yet so bad for you ;)! Normally my protein comes from chicken, however, I have been trying to mix it up lately and add some eggs (key word “trying”). I woke up this morning at 5:15, no need for an alarm clock when my baby girl wakes me up ;)


5:55 – No snooze here, just ten minutes laying in bed thinking about all of the things I am grateful for followed by my daily protein shake. I don’t eat cereal but lately I have really wanted some Reeses Puffs.


Panko chicken from Costco! Nom!!

DLS has messed me up. I’m a big snoozer, but today it was 6:25 on the dot, 20min earlier than my alarm…Oh well, I guess it’s for the better :)

If I had birthday breakfast cereal, it would be peanut butter Puffins. So good.


5:40am, the first time… and realized that my molar-teething toddler had slept through the night for the first time in almost 2 weeks! Then I went back to sleep and woke up at 6:38am.

I’d choose Count Chocula for my birthday cereal, but they don’t sell it year-round anymore, and I missed out on buying it during Halloween this year. To say I’m disappointed is a drop in the bucket…


Monica – Work at General Mills and I can hook you up.
Email me at [email protected]. :)


Oh my goodness! Really? That would be the coolest!!!


Almonds or walnuts. Sorry, I’m a nut lover.

5:14. Fed the baby, went back to bed.

Puffed wheat! Breakfast is the only meal of the day I don’t crave sugar and/or chocolate. Puffed wheat is also one of my favorite snacks.

You’ve inspired me. I’m going to have a sweet potato for lunch today.


Aww what a sweet moment!

And I really want to try Cafe Rio! It sounds fabulous!


I have those blue plates! Target all the way, baby.


Happy Birthday to Curly!! Wohoo!!

My favorite protein packed snack lately is Sunbutter (darn nut allergy!). My birthday cereal would definitely have to be Van’s Gluten Free Cinnamon Heaven, a.k.a. the gluten free version of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, thank heaven it exists!

Also, Brooke and Curly are too cute for words, their relationship is just the sweetest.


I had my alarm on for 6:45 and didn’t wake up till about 7:40!! One of my biggest pet peeves is waking up late and being rushed in the morning, it was a rough start to the day!! That is literally the cutest thing with Brooke saying that to you, my heart just melted a little :)


Had my alarm set for 4:23 but woke up at 4:03 and was wide awake so I got up, ran 12 miles, and had a very productive morning! Sometimes even when I get up early I still lolligag but not this morning.
Favorite cereal is Quaker Oatmeal Squares mmm!


How is Brooke adjusting to the time change? I’ve been eating a lot of smoked salmon tossed in pasta and olive oil. So delish!!! This morning I woke up at 6:15 with my cat curled up with me on one side and husband on the other. Great for these cooler mornings.


I woke up at 6 am…pushed snooze, then got out bed at 6:11, did a little ab work, then left for work at 640… pushed the envelope this morning ;)


I switched protein shake to Chocolate Vega Sport and Blech is that ever gross tasting. Once I’m done with that bin I’ll look up what you use. Beef jerky is my grab to go protein and my usual chicken from costsco for dinner.
Happy birthday to your adorable neice!!!! Her personality radiates through the screen she is so blessed to have you and Brooke to have her to look up to.


I’ve been loving rotisserie chicken for protein lately! I would definitely pick golden grahams for my birthday breakfast!! :)


I woke up at 6:18 but hit snooze like a million times before I got up at 7:00!

I would either choose cinnamon toast crunch or lucky charms for my birthday cereal!


Slept in until 6:32 this morning and it was glorious!!!


3:58 always up by 4:00 ( don’t ask what time I go to sleep at night, LOL)
Favorite cereal, hot grapenuts with cinnamon sugar.
Protein, I have been loving Quest bars!


I am sure that you and I fall asleep around the same time. I am usually up at 4 am too (if not earlier….).


I woke up at 3:20 am. Stayed in bed until 3:50 am then got up to start my day!
BTW, this is without an alarm. When I have had enough sleep my body is just awake and ready to go….


Great playlist! I see some Les Mills group fitness songs in there, which is primarily what I work out to when teaching. Good work on attending BODYPUMP! I rarely eat cereal, but I recall being a big Lucky Charms gal back in the day. But I’d probably go with something with more crunch now. Happy Tuesday!


I woke up at 7:02am this morning. My pup really wanted out, so I had to get up with him.

You’re never going to believe this, but I don’t like cereal!


“All I Do is Win” is the best song ever. EVER.

My hubs alarm went off at 7:11 but since mine didn’t go off til 7:13, I used that as an excuse to wait to get up until 7:21… ;)


That meal looks SO good. I need to try it! My favorite protein is always chicken.

This morning I woke up at 5am to feed my son, then he woke up again at 7 but I was still tired (recovering from flu/fever symptoms) so I brought him in bed with
me and we both woke up at 9:08!

Tough choice on the cereal. I might choose Kix. They are so good but expensive so I never buy them.


I woke up at 4 to feed my five month old, then woke up for good at 6:33. I love protein in all its glorious forms but lately I’m into chicken!


I woke up at 6:55 to run! My favorite protein is Stonyfield’s Super Fruit Greek Yogurt. It’s acai, pomegranate, and raspberry- it’s like mixed berry on steroids!


*I mean my favorite way to get protein recently :)


I’m hooked on edamame right now! Jumped out of bed at 5 am to head to Pure Barre – no snooze button here. I would choose Kashi Go Lean vanilla graham clusters.


Protein: I’ve been loving protein powder in a big fruit smoothie.
Wake up time: 6:05 – no snooze! woohoo!
Birthday Cereal: call me boring but I love rice crispies!


I would definitely choose Reese’s Peanut Butter Puffs for my bday breakfast :)


Favorite protein: Hard-boiled eggs!
Wake-up time: 6:05. It was supposed to be 6, but I snoozed :)
Birthday Cereal: Reeses’ Puffs! I haven’t had those in forever.


That little face. Oh my gosh. And Happy birthday to Curly for sure!

I woke up at like…5:44

Have a beautiful birthday adventure with Curly!


Love tofu. Fried in a little sesame oil after being marinated over night in a spicy sauce. Then baked for the perfect texture and served over rice and/or peanut noodles. Nom.

Woke up around 7 AM. Hit snooze several times (nonstop from about 615). Not a morning person.

OK….so my breakfast cereal would be cocopuffs in chocolate milk. YUMMY!


My favourite way to get in protein is through chicken and eggs. I woke up at 9:15 today and just about made it to class!


I woke up at 4:52. Eggs are my go-to protein source, and don’t be mad – I don’t eat cereal.


I’ve been eating a lot of lack beans for protein lately, mostly on salads. I woke up at 6:00 am, and was iny clinic for work at 6:58!
I don’t eat most cereal due to celiac disease, thus birthday breakfast would be more like gluten free pastries!
Make your day great!


Chicken! I could and do eat it almost every day.
6:17 is when my alarm went off and I didn’t push snooze!
hands down, Golden Grahams.


Lately, I’ve been eating Quest bars like it’s my job and also having blueberry protein shakes (protein powder, blueberries, chia seeds, and vanilla soy milk).

I woke up at 5:00 a.m., but I snoozed for 5 minutes and got my booty to the gym by 5:45.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch!! I have been known to eat a whole box in an evening. Dangerously good!


I woke up at 5:30 – got to boot camp at 6:10! Yeah me – patting myself on the back too!

I love cereal – Golden grahams with Honey Nut Cherrios takes me back, mini chocolate shredded wheat, coco puffs!

My daily protein has been coming from Quest bars, the pre-cooked grilled chicken from trader joe’s and ground beef!


Happy birthday to the little one!
I have really been into cottage cheese lately for extra protein.
I slept in and got up at 7:30 am. It was awesome!
My birthday breakfast cereal would be cinnamon toast crunch too!!!
Nice playlist!


Happy birthday Curly! Brooke is just too adorable for words :)

Protein = eggs!
Time I woke up = 4:46am .. I know, crazy.
Favourite cereal = Does a homemade porridge count? Quinoa flakes, rolled oats, goji berries, linseed, chia seeds, mixed spice, and maybe because it is my birthday, dried banana. YUM!


Favorite protein is peanut butter! Always has been, probably always will be. :)
I got up at 6:34 this morning, after turning my alarm off went it rang at 6:00!
I don’t actually like cereal all that much. (I know, I’m crazy) I’d much rather have a bagel or pancakes, or a donut for my birthday breakfast.


Protein – Salmon!
I woke up at 4:20 wide awake but waited until 4:45 to get up and run.


I woke up at 5:03 even though my alarm was set to 6:20. I had thought that maybe I’d take a morning off of working out but I guess my body wanted to run :)


i never eat whole sweet potatoes, but i really should.


Curly is too cute! Happy Birthday!! Cinnamon Toast Crunch is the best, ever!! I definitely enjoy it more than just on special days ;)


I love the whole sweet potato.. and adore popcorn!

That sounds like a really sweet moment with Brooke.

I wake up at 4:37 am everyday.. to go teach high school (surely you remember how great that was!–epic, in fact).


I wake up at 5 every weekday, but today I woke up at 4:23 because our dogs are not used to the time change!!!! So annoying! Brooke looks so old and really looks like she could be Curly’s sister! You’re such a great aunt– I live 1.5 hours from my nieces and nephews and feel like I am a bad aunt :( hopefully someday I can live closer to them!


I can’t wait until my next Costco run to buy those turkey burgers, you’re making me crave them!

Also cinnamon toast crunch is a solid choice but I’d be pretty torn between that and Golden Grahams. I love those things.

I’ve been loving the quaker oatmeal squares with brown sugar lately, I add some frozen blueberries and almond milk and it’s such a delicious breakfast bowl of cereal.


Brooke is a cutie <3 Last month my 17 year old daughter text me in the middle of the day that I was an awesome mom. My heart TOTALLY exploded! I also took a screen shot to save it :)

Protein – I'm vegan so lentils and beans!
Wake time – 6:39 or so. My alarm is 6:30 and my snooze is 9 minutes
Cereal – I love Panda Puffs – they are peanut butter flavored!


Got up at 6:00, snoozed for 10 minutes, then up for good at 6:10 and off to the gym by 6:30.

Fave junk cereal is Cocoa Krispies!


Favorite way to get in protein is greek yogurt mixed with the chunky applesauce from Costco, cinnamon, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I woke up this morning at 7am, hit the snooze, and climbed out of bed at 7:05. Breakfast cereal would be Cracklin’ Oat Bran.


Happy birthday to Curly!


I’ve been getting up at 5 am lately but last night I couldn’t stay asleep so at 4:15 I woke up and just lay there watching the lights on the clock change. Some nights are just like that

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