The absolute best medicine (except for the part that I tripped on a rock).

Brooke and I slept at my mom’s house last night so that I could get up early and run the trails.  Ummmm my body no longer remembers how to get up and workout early anymore.  Josse and I were talking this morning about how we used to meet every morning at 5 to run…  how did we do that? Maybe someday I will be in a position to workout early again but for now I will continue to just fit the run in whenever I can (and mostly on the treadmill).

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It was insanely gorgeous and trail running in my opinion is the best medicine.  

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We did about 9.5 miles total and took a million breaks for pictures and to just stand there and look at the gorgeous views.  This was a brand new to me trail and I will now be doing this one all of the time.   Now I just need to keep praying that it doesn’t snow for a few more months.

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I am pretty sure we saw every shade of orange, yellow and red while we were out this morning.

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The run was pretty much perfect until I forgot to lift my foot up high enough as I was going over a rock and I tripped and fell hard.  No blood but a very bruised ego and sore right quad.  Isn’t it crazy how the world all of the sudden goes into slow motion as you are falling?!?

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I haven’t been wearing my garmin lately (when I recover from a race I don’t care about pace and just run whatever feels comfortable) Josse has been using the Strava app and she sent over the  elevation map of our run today.  Turns out we live just a little bit above sea level.  

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My sister’s kids don’t have school today so we are going on an adventure in Salt Lake City including the aviary, trader joe’s, whole foods, j crew (okay, I haven’t told them that I am going to force them to go with me there yet) and much much more.  Don’t be fooled by my nephew… he is stoked.  

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PS hello from my sister’s baby bump.  I am seriously so stoked for this little man do join the crew.

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Anyone use the strava app to track your running?
Any running apps that you use and love?
Ever fallen while running?
-Often. I need to wear a helmet while I run.
Favorite halloween candy?

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JANAE – I can’t even get over how stunning and FALL Utah is right now! I’m insanely jealous! I don’t blame you for taking one million picture breaks! And if you find anything good at J. Crew, please share! :)

Your sis’s baby bump is too cute!


I have a wiped out on the trails a bunch of times, but it’s still my favorite running! Glad you’re ok:)


Trail running is the best. Except for snakes. I don’t like those! Enjoy the trip. Hope for a good find at Jcrew!


What a beautiful trail run! I’m so jealous. We don’t get all those beautiful colors in San Diego. Enjoy! :)


Nothing like running with the sound of leaves crunching under your shoes. Trail running during the fall just can’t be beat.


Running in the fall is the best, the colors, the leaves crunching – I just feel so alive. I work out during the week at 5:30am and I notice in the summer months when it’s light out it is so easy to get up that early but once it starts staying dark I have to drag myself out of bed.


I’ve actually fallen twice while running within the past month which is a new thing for me and not one I’d like to make a habit! Both times it was dark out and I had my headlamp on but apparently just wasn’t careful enough. Once was when I was on the sidewalk and the other time it was raining. The first left the worst marks!


I LOVE Tootsie Rolls. I never eat them outside of Halloween, and I’m not really sure why, but they are my favorite Halloween candy.

I have a knack for finding holes, uneven parts of the sidewalk, tree roots, etc. It’s terrible.

I wish we had trails like that here…beautiful way to spend a run! Enjoy the fall colors while you can!!


I have now fallen three times while running.

The first two falls were within one month of each other exactly, and both had plenty of blood. The second I broke a bone in my hand. I was so mad that I had to get a band aid and finish my run.

Just yesterday my dog tripped me. And I fell. Again.



Um, I should probably wear a helmet consistently. I fall all the time and by all the time, I seriously mean, all the time. I’m the original Awkward.


I have fallen while running, and it is funny how it is in slow motion every single time ha! I have used the Nike running app, but I hate how fast it drains my phone battery. As for Halloween candy… I love chocolate!!


Beautiful pictures and HELLO to that elevation gain! Wow!

I’ve never used Strava but I think I am going to sign up today because I keep hearing such cool things about it — like that you can track PRs on certain sections of your routes!


I only fell once but it was a pretty bad one – bloody knee & hands. I ripped my favorite running tights too and was a little fearful for my next few runs. The sidewalks in LA are all buckled badly because of the ficus tree roots, it’s dangerous!


Oh man, falls are the worst! Last summer I was running and tripped over a speed bump (running by a school). I went down in slow motion like an old lady. Of course there had to be a bunch of people there watching too. Although my knees & hands were bleeding, I was more embarrassed than hurt.


I almost fell during my run today! There were these two ladies walking side by side on the trail with HUGE double strollers. I said excuse me but I think I startled them and she literally stopped dead in her tracks and I nearly ran into her! There was seriously no space at all for me to pass them. Otherwise it was a really good run :)

I love all candy. Im especially loving all the pumpkin flavored things right now.


Love using Strava for my runs!!! I use Pandora for music to keep my brain occupied while running.


you look so much like your sister in those pictures! and yay, jcrew! (and whole foods and tjs) – sounds like an amazing day ;)


I went on my first trail run of the season last Saturday and I can’t believe I’ve been missing out so much. It’s SO beautiful! I was starting to get bored of running but this just renewed myself and my love for running!

I remember running in SLC while I visited there this summer and how different the breathing was! You rock for being so fast in such high elevation!


I’m so sorry about your fall! I LOVE Rachel’s hair (the brown and then the streak)! I desperately need to change up my look.


One time I feel really badly, like blood and dirt and the whole sha-bang but was with a group of people I didn’t know that well (hi hello I’m the awkward new member who just fell down a hill) so I was like “ohhhh that?!? no, no that didn’t hurt AT ALLL”.

The running struggle is real. Sleeping at Mom’s house for early morning runs is really a glorious thing, I’m with ya there.


Ahh I was in SLC at TJs today too!

I tripped about a year ago right on the corner of Bangerter Highway. So yeah, only like 50,000 cars probably saw! Plus it was the kind where I ended up taking huge, falling forward steps before rolling on the ground. I’m getting embarrassed just thinking back about it hahaha!


I’m sooo jealous of your beautiful run!!! It was 70 degrees for my morning run which is a HUGE deal where I live…we were so excited for “chilly” temps!


I use both strava and run keeper. Mainly to log all my miles. Run keeper is nice because you can track all other workouts too like yoga, walking, bootcamp, etc. strava is fun because you get virtual trophies and can see rankings on different segments.


Knock on wood, I haven’t fallen hard in a couple years. I’ve fallen hard twice that entailed having to run back to the car several miles on busy roads with a chipped tooth and blood running down my lips, hands and knees.

I live in Reno, NV. The elevation and mountains are very similar to where you are in UT. The colors here are amazing as well. We are so lucky!


Every time I come to Utah the elevation kills me when I run! I live at about 60 feet above sea level.

Those fall colors are gorgeous! I love them!


I’ve never even heard of that app but it sounds really awesome – I’ll have to use it sometime when we go hiking!


Hmm, favorite Halloween Candy —- used to be Three Muskateers and now I think it’s Take5 bars because they are harder to come by!


I don’t really take my phone running most of the time. I hate carrying things with me.

I have fallen a few times while running, I have tripped countless times. I really need to pick my feet up!

Candy corn is my favorite halloween candy. Especially the pumpkin shaped ones.


Beautiful colors!

I use Strava, but upload my runs from my Suunto watch to it. I love seeing my elevation – over 1,000′ in 8 miles on Tuesday’s trail run. They also have a new feature called “Find a Race” and the Honolulu Marathon is one of them. I’m currently training for it and can see the long runs of others. Pretty cool!

I’ve had a couple of falls – luckily nothing too serious.

If it has chocolate, it’s my favorite candy :)


Wow those pictures are gorgeous! The world definitely goes into slow motion when you are falling–very strange feeling. And my favorite candy is Take 5, but those are not super popular, so my favorite common Halloween Candy is the infamous Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. The one shaped like a pumpkin is my favorite (higher peanut butter to chocolate ratio, ha).


That trail looks so gorgeous! You would laugh if you saw my elevation. 0 feet and usually stays within 50 feet of that And that is why I die on hills at races. I don’t think I would be prepared to run a race in Utah anytime soon either:)


The scenery along those trails looks amazing! Glad you didn’t seriously hurt yourself on that fall :)


I fall ALOT. Not always from running-but life in general too. Clumsy is my middle name!!
Your sis’s bump is adorb. She is so cute and teensy!


Yes I fall a lot! I sometimes trip over my own feet right in front of people and traffic haha!

Jealous of your beautiful chilly run! It’s 88 here in Dallas-we haven’t gotten the fall memo yet. i guess the good thing is we don’t get snow so we run outside year round.


What trail was it? I’m looking for one in Utah county/SL county to do tomorrow!


Hey Brandi! It is by bridal veil falls! Park in the base parking lot and as you are going up on the paved trail towards the waterfall there is a trailhead on your right about .25 miles before you get to the waterfall!


Gosh those pictures are gorgeous!! I LOVE this time of year!
I fell once running, on concrete, there was blood involved, but my ego was much more damaged (tons of people around).
I use Run Keeper usually, but have also used MapMyRun.
Candy corn is the BEST. I have to limit how much I buy!


Oh my gosh…I trip all the time on the trails but usually can recover fast enough to not fall or fast enough to know “how to fall” so I don’t injure myself bad….until a week ago that is. Happened all so fast….no slow motion….no recovery moment, just slammed into ground onto a nicely placed rock. Cracked a rib. waaaaaaaaa, now I’m out for 2-6 weeks doc says.

I like Map My Run. It talks at every mile letting you know how you are doing. When I’m listening to music it fades out and I hear her lovely voice of my stats. It really is nice.

TWIX for sure!!!


i love strava! it’s fun to connect with friends and give each other ‘kudos’. it can get a little competitive, but overall i think it’s a great app. you can also sync your garmin to strava and dont have to use your phone.


I don’t have a fancy Garmin watch yet so I use Runkeeper App on my phone and I like it the voice tells me every 5 min or so my pace and time and distance. I tend to run by feel but it’s good to know distance etc…falling does feel slow motion so scary! And your nephew reminds me of my 9 year old who doesn’t always like to smile lol ah your sis makes me want another baby! So fun!!


I have tripped and fallen hard THREE TIMES in the past year. Apparently I don’t pick up my feet very well :)

Best Halloween candy is anything chocolate!


Jealous you still have fall in Utah. We are phasing out for winter already up here. :(

Favorite Halloween candy is Snickers. Boring, but important.


What a beautiful fall in Utah this year! Do you ever run in Millcreek? Its usually so pretty this time of year.

Once I fell running down a hill in the avenues and rolled an entire block…I sprained four fingers on my left hand- not fun. Now I run so slowly down steep hills.

I love all Halloween candy. For some reason all of the mini candy bars taste better!


Trail running//just being in the woods is so beautiful! It always makes me happy!


I fell on my first ever trail run and broke my arm 6 years ago. I have fallen many times since then. I just get back up and keep running. Trails are the best!


That trail looks awesome!


Being a cross country runner for 8 years made me pretty good and not falling down on the trails. But I did realize for whatever reason I am not nearly as good at that now and I was before. I think its the old age….30 did me in!


Oh man! I took a spill last week with about 2 miles left in a 12 miler! I just tripped over some uneven …errr sidewalk and almost ate concrete! Instead, I just ripped up the palm of my right hand. Thankfully, some friendly cops were passing by, who I flagged down to help me with some first aid. As it turns out, it’s impossible to keep a bandaid on the palm of your hand!

I use the Nike+ app when I don’t have my watch!


I love those pictures- it is SO fall out there! We still have a few green trees… hopefully it’ll all be yellow/orange/red soon!


I have never fallen while running (surprisingly enough), but I actually did some pretty impressive gymnastics during my run this morning. Those dang sprinklers :)


Yes, I have fallen when running … oh my goodness too many times. One morning I got up early before work to run and I just bit it on an un-even sidewalk and I fall down. I totally surprised myself. I popped up and just kept going like nothing happened. You know … trying to look normal. The other time I was running and tripped on some dirt after crossing the road and stepping up on a curb. Again bit it and totally got all scratched up. Each time my pride I think was hurt more than my legs.


Candy corn! I make this amazing Halloween Snack Mix every year: candy corn, M&M’s, Peanut M&M’s, and Chex Mix.


OMGORGEOUS fall trails!!


That trail is gorgeous – what a view!


So pretty! But I just have to say…we are NOT at sea level. The elevation map starts at around 4,900 feet elevation and then you gained the 982 feet of elevation in your run, going up to 5,800 feet.

As a fellow Utahn who HATES hills, that’s some pretty serious climb! Great job (minus the fall!)!


I think she was being sarcastic, lol.


That went right over my head! Maybe I shouldn’t read until after I get my caffeine for the day. :P


Funny story about falling while running…Last December, I was on an easy 5 mile run building my base back up after cross country season. It was a little rainy, but nothing serious. I went to run behind a car stopped at a stop sign when I completely slipped coming around the corner, and fell on my face (literally). I ended up with the worst black eye (from running…who would have thought?) and told people it was from going hard Black Friday shopping. People totally believed me, and it was a funny way to make a joke out of my accident that put me out of running for a week!


Candy pumpkins are by far my favorite Halloween candy! They are so much better than candy corn!


So many things in this post that I love. Fall, trails, cute kids, baby bumps.

I have fallen so hard on a trail run that I had to get stitches in my knee. I had to run about 5 miles with blood pouring down my leg. It was rather attractive. I’d like to say that was the only time that I’ve ever fallen while running, but that would be a lie.

Favorite Halloween candy would be Baby Ruth’s or Snickers. Anything with a combination of caramel, chocolate, and nuts.


I upload my garmin to Strava. Strava is the. BEST. I love commenting and keeping in touch with my training buddies on it, and all the stats x


The trail you ran on looks gorgeous!! I use the RunKeeper app. I like the tracking of running and other activities but really love that you can connect w friends for encouragement. You can also add pix to your runs/walks which is fun since Some of my friends and family are in different parts of the country and it helps us stay connected and share the different places we run.


Loooove me some apples ahd almond butter! I eat it every day after I teach (1st graders can be exhausting!)! Have you tried bananas in almond butter? It’s wuxiky becoming a new favorite for me–maybe I’m just addicted to almond butter!!



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