My Favorite Jewelry Giveaway and in other news…

I have a feeling I will be looking down at my left wrist about 30 times each mile during my marathon on Saturday.  

I am a huge fan of Thought Blossoms so I am stoked to be able to do a giveaway.

I absolutely LOVE their customized active bracelets and runner ID.  The bracelet is super lightweight.  You barely feel it while you run and I love looking down at it and seeing my favorite mantra ever.   They offer a lot of different colors to choose from and you can have up to 15 characters on each line (2 lines) of whatever you want it to say!

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And yes, we got matching bracelets.  J & B.  Brooke’s bracelet has a magnet instead of a clasp so it is super easy to put it on her.  

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Okay, just one more picture of them because I love them so much.  

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Thought Blossoms has a huge assortment of incredible necklaces, bracelets and rings.  It is so fun to pick out exactly what you want each beautiful piece to say and making them personal to you.  

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PS I think that these would also make INCREDIBLE gifts!!!!  I mean it is almost Christmas:)

THREE PEOPLE will win their choice of the Long Lean Necklace,  Heart Necklace,  Gold Leather Wrap Bracelet or the Marathon Bracelet.

Giveaway will end on 10/5/14

To enter:

-Leave me a comment telling me your favorite running mantra or what you had for breakfast or your favorite month of the year!


In other news…

1.  The sky was pretty dramatic last night.

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2.  This.  It was actually what dreams are made of.  I think I may replace my gu for the marathon for little baggies of this along the way.  Glucose.  Pure glucose.

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3.  You should have seen Brooke when she first saw my horse sweatshirt yesterday.  She kind of likes horses lately.

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And now you can enter the giveaway!  Enjoy your Wednesday, make it a good one.

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ricotta with honey on toast! one of my favorite breakfasts.


Different is good. That’s what I’m always telling my girls.


Coffee for breakfast until my little girl settled down! :-p then greek yogurt, cantaloupe and an apple :-)


My running mantra is “I got this!” My son said it to me one day as I dropped him off at school as he was about to take a hard test. I was just starting to train for my first half marathon and was off to do my first ever double digit run. It got me through that run and now it’s what goes through my head when I need that extra help.


I had a mango berry smoothie with yogurt and protein powder :) Favorite breakfast.


A chocolate glazed donut… So bad but soooooo good!


I work with a lot of amputee’s and spinal cord injuries, so when a run or workout is super hard my mantra is “You are so blessed to be able to run”


Greek yogurt with bananas and peanut butter!!! :)


I wake up several hours before running, have a piece of fruit, like a banana, and a cup of water, get dressed, stretch, and then right before running I say my motto:

Run is good, run is swell, no go out there and run like hell :)


Salted caramel Greek yogurt is pretty much dessert for breakfast!


Coffee and half a wheat bagel.


I had oatmeal with a spoonful of almond butter mixed in topped with sliced honey-roasted almonds for breakfast today after my run!


Greek yogurt with bananas and honey for breakfast.


There are so many different ones I use depending on the situation! No one said it would be easy, and no big deal, no big deal, hours from now you will be so glad you just kept moving!


Strawberry and Pineapple smoothie for breakfast this morning!
It was delicious! :)


For breakfast: oatmeal with berries
Favorite month: July
Run mantra: just keep going


I love October…fall, pumpkins and cooler weather!


I don’t have a mantra per se, but when I need a pick-me-up, I remember how amazing and empowered I felt when I did my first double-digit run earlier this year. I’ve been running for 15 years but until this year, I didn’t think I could go more than 8 miles without hurting myself (although it turns out I was always just pushing myself too fast). This spring, I found a running buddy and by slowing down to her pace I “magically” soared into the double-digit miles with absolutely no problem! I’m actually running my first-ever half-marathon this weekend!

If that doesn’t count as a mantra, then I’ll go ahead and say that September is my favorite month for running. I’m fast from all my summer heat training, and the lower temps feel SO good after the hot summer. My second-favorite month is May because that’s when I usually start venturing out in shorts, which feels so liberating after a whole winter of running in layers!


For breakfast today: egg burrito


Love having oatmeal made with milk and peanut butter mixed in, with coffee on the side :) It’s the perfect meal before a run (at least for my stomach).


Kashi go lean berry blossoms with almond milk


My favorite running mantra: I run for those who can’t. I think of all the people who are missing limbs, in wheelchairs, experiencing debilitating health issues who would give anything to be able to run. Well I can. So I run for them.

My favorite month is November. Definitely. I mean hello? THANKSGIVING!!!


I had a pumpkin muffin, the perfect way to celebrate the 1st of October :)


I had a piece of a frittata along with some pumpkin yogurt and granola!


Chocolate chip pancakes for a rainy morning here!


I had oatmeal which I then mixed frozen strawberries and blueberries in – I love how they cool the oatmeal and get all mushy :)


I had blueberry eggos for breakfast!


September is the very best of all 12
My fitness mantra: I accomplish more before breakfast than most people accomplish all week


Best Day Ever


My favorite month is definitely October! SO happy it is finally here!


I had yogurt and granola- yum!


I had eggs and toast for breakfast!


I had Special K vanilla almond cereal and an iced coffee! :)


Favorite mantra: “just run”. Best breakfast: eggs scrambled with peppers and spinach Favorite month: November


I had cinnamon sugar waffles! They are pretty much the bomb.


My favorite month of the year is October b/c it’s my birthday month! :)


Homemade “cliff” bar and chobani maple banana oatmeal yogurt!


July!! Summers and birthdays!!


I had scrambled eggs with veggies, bacon, and plantains….And a banana right after I finished running because I was too hungry to wait until breakfast was cooked:) My favorite month is November because the weather is usually perfect for running and it’s my wedding anniversary and Thanksgiving!


Just keep running…just keep running…<—said in a Dori voice ;)


Be yourself. Everybody else is taken! :)


Oatmeal w banana, jam, and peanut better!


‘Always try your best’ and ‘Never give up’… I guess those are just life quotes. Haha! Those bracelets are adorable, and I love how you can make them your own!


if people on the biggest loser can run, then so can i!!! :)


Baked oatmeal with banana, blueberry, apple, and raspberries


Favorite running mantra: It doesn’t matter how slow you go, as long as you don’t stop
Breakfast today: Oatmeal squares and half a pumpkin spice english muffin
Favorite month of the year: Tie between June and November


Before each one of their races, I high-five each one of the Cross Country runners on my team, look her in the eyes, and say, “RUN FAST! RUN SMART!” Then I dash off to the first of many places I’ll pop up during their race to cheer them on :)
That phrase is now the last thing on my mind before the gun goes off at my own races as well!


CAT!!!!!! YOU WON!!! Email me your necklace/bracelet choice (from above) and your address!! WAHOOO!


YAY!! This is such a lovely surprise in the midst of a crazy week :) I just emailed you back as well – thanks SO MUCH!!


My mantra, actually a Bible verse, for when things get really hard (running a race or otherwise) is “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”


Oatmeal for breakfast!


I had toast with pb and banana slices on the first day of my favorite month, October!


For races: Showtime!

For breakfast today: TJ pumpkin waffle with almond butter.


I love many different months for different reasons, but the beauty that is the changing leaves in October is why it is one of my faves.


My running mantra is don’t look back, you’re not going that way!


I love August!


Favorite running mantra is…Run Your Own Race! Mango, banana and 3 fuel smoothis for breakfast :)
Good luck this weekend!!! Xoxo


I always quote scripture when it gets hard…or even when it’s great:-) I had oatmeal for breakfast.


No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness to those who are trained by it. Therefore, do not let your arms hang and strengthen your weak knees; make level paths for you feet. –Hebrews 12:11-13. Rather lengthy, but I like thinking through it when the going gets rough during a run (or life in general!)

October is easily my favorite month.


Pumpkin chocolate chip pancake for breakfast!!


My new favorite mantra is, “I’m stronger than I’ve ever felt”. My old stand by is, “drowned out self doubt with the sound of your own heartbeat”.


October! Perfect weather for boots, cuddling by the fire and pumpkin spice lattes!


“Just keep going; the next mile will be easier!”


I had yogurt for breakfast.


I’ve been looking for a piece of jewelry like this. I want to make a gift for my step-mom in memory of on of my dad’s favorite quotes. I’ll be searching their site for inspiration. Thank you!


My running mantra is simply, “I’d Rather Be Running.” It reminds me that running is something I LOVE!


Thanks for the giveaway! This morning I ate a flat out sandwich wrap with a fried egg, some guacamole + goat cheese and spinach! Delicious…but then a small bowl of homemade granola with blueberries too. ;)


Dream BIG!
Olympic gold medalist in cross country skiing, Chandra Crawford, signed this on a card for me when I was a kid. She retired this year and continues to be my role model.


My favorite breakfast is an omelet with spinach, creme de kasa cheese, and avocado. Yum for days! I don’t have a running mantra but LOVE yours because it applies to all things in life!


Oatmeal with banana and honey – everyday breakfast for over a year!


Favorite running mantra: “Run when you can; walk if you must; but never stop and never give up”

Thanks for the giveaway!


I had yogurt and a honey crisp apple!


Breakfast was steel cut oats with a banana, walnuts, cinnamon and Greek yogurt!


Favorite running mantra: “I am strong. I have trained hard for this!” And my favorite month just happened to start TODAY! Happy October :-)


I’m obsessed with oatmeal mixed with crunchy peanut butter and honey mixed in it for breakfast! And i would loooove to win that jewelry, its so cool!


Overnight oats and October…so basically today was a good day. :)


October is my favorite month of the year! Pumpkins! Cool air! Boots! Hot Chocolate! Halloween! College Football! I could go on…


My favorite mantra is “Relentless forward progress” I say it over and over in a rhythm with my footsteps. It calms me. Also, I had oatmeal for breakfast (just like every day). And I think my favorite month is July.


My latest manta is can I give more….hope it gets me through my next 26.2


Favorite month of the year… ah, that’s a hard one! Can I pick early fall in southern Virginia? I’m sure Utah is absolutely beautiful, but if you remember your CA days, fall just doesn’t have the same meaning here!


I love the heart necklace! What a great site for personalized gifts! I will remember this for the holidays.

My favorite month is September- my birthday, fall, and great running weather!


Man man lia. It’s Chinese and pretty much means slowly, slowly it will happen. My husband made me shirt with the Chinese characters on it when I first started running and would get discouraged. This last June I had him write the Chinese characters on my arm for my half marathon so I could look down and see it the whole time. :-)


I love September! The weather is perfect and it feels like a new beginning as the school year resumes. Especially this September, as I ran my first marathon, which is something I never thought I could do!!


October!! Officially fall, colors, leaves, cider mills, apples, donuts, pumpkin picking, football, halloween, birthday sweaters/scarves/boots. Nothing beats it


My favorite month is October in Vermont. Perfect running & snuggling weather!


“Choose greatness” has always been my number one running mantra… actually, its my EVERYTHING manta.)

I think that when the going gets tough, or the mile gets hard, regardless of what I have to.. whether its slow down or speed up, at the end of it all no matter what I do I want to be great. And greatness, is always always always a choice. It doesn’t matter if I win or lose, if I choose in that moment to be great, then greatness is what I am. Its always a choice to be great or to give up- I remind myself during the tough runs or the tough life situations to keep going, and well, to choose greatness. :)


My favorite running mantra is “exceed your expectations.” I find that when I am struggling during a run that I can re-group by repeating this mantra and change my attitude for the remainder of the run.


My fav mantra: She believed she could, so she did! :-)


Favorite running mantra: “start strong, finish stronger”…works every time :)


My all-time favorite mantra is: “There will be a day when you can no longer do this – today is not that day” (or the short version simply “today is is not that day”). Recently though I love Hebrews 12: 1-3 , which begins “let us run with perseverence, the race that is before us.”


Hello janae! I’m new to your blog and I love reading your INSPIRING and wonderful posts! We live in north east Utah, but I am from Phoenix Arizona! Great place!

Anyway…. My FAVORITE running/marathon mantra is….. “Pain is temporary, success is forever.”
Because once you cross the finish line of a marathon, you will never be the same. Good luck in st. George!
Becky Luke :)


Breakfast was oats with peanut butter, chocolate chips, trail mix and a dash of coconut oil. Decadent and amazing fuel!!

My running mantra reminds me of yours a bit, I always tell myself “It could always be harder, you’ve done worse than this, just get there” (wherever ‘there’ is at the time).

And September in east coast Canada is truly the best :)


I love healthy muffins or pancakes for breakfast- anything carny and sweet for me in the morning :)


I had the new Dannon pumpkin pie yogurt for breakfast! So good!!


April is my fave month! My running mantra is “Go HAM!” (Hard as a motherf*****, I know not appropriate but it helps me finish my run or go faster!)


My running mantas are “believe”, “just breathe”, and “energy management”.

Breakfast was frosted cheerios with milk :)


Favorite mantra – don’t give up.
Favorite month – august. It’s my birthday month and the summer is in full bloom and I usually get to take a long vacation during that month.


Favorite mantra – same as yours: “I can do hard things.”
This morning’s breakfast – oatmeal! The first time I’ve ever liked it, in fact, because I added heaping spoonfuls of peanut butter and strawberry jelly.
Favorite month – October. Life is wonderful right now. :)


I had a bagel topped with pb and a banana. Great combo!


I had a cherry Greek yogurt with Go Lean cereal on top. Yum!


My favorite running mantra is most definitely “Can’t stop, Won’t stop” I have it engraved on my iPod shuffle I use when I run and I kinda want to sharpie it on my wrist/face/t-shirts at all times :) (Also for breakfast I had oatmeal and PB. And October is my favorite month of the year. Just figured I’d cover all the bases. Hooray!)


I had pumpkin swirl toast with brown sugar cinnamon cream cheese. Pumpkin everything!


Breakfast–Natures valley breakfast biscuits and a bananna
Running mantras–This is what I’ve trained for, time to stay strong! Run because you can!
Favorite month–April. weather starts to warm a bit, and obviously The Boston Marathon takes place! :-)




I write “Stop being tired and start being awesome” on my forearm for every race


Breakfast-scrambled eggs with salsa and avocado
Mantra-My boyfriend told me “run fast beautiful” so that has been a mantra I tell myself during races!


I neeeeed that popcorn! And I’m so glad it’s October, my favorite month of the year!


Favorite month of the year…October for sure!!! So happy it’s October 1st today :)


My favorite month is hands down December! I love everything about the holidays…especially the baking!


Kashi bar and go-gurt…out of “adult” yogurt and marathon training takes priority over grocery shopping!! :)


Eggs with spinach, chicken maple sausage and almond butter toast! I love breakfast:)


Favorite month: November- It’s my birthday, Thanksgiving and ALMOST Christmas season.


“You’re strong than you think!” My favorite breakfast has been a tropical protein smoothie: almond milk, spinach, a banana, frozen mango, and vega tropical nutrition shake powder blended up in my magic bullet.


Awesome jewelry! Here is my mantra: I am right here, right now. Otherwise, I start focusing on how far I have left to go and I need to just stay in the mile I’m in. I love your blog!


For every hill, ever: “Hills are hard, try harder!” I put this on repeat in my brain and power through every climb!


My favorite mantra is “the faster you run, the faster you’re done.”


LOVE the jewelry!!! I had egg whites, spinach and mushrooms!! I love reading your blog every night!!! Keep up the great work!!!


My mantra is “I can do hard things”


My regular mantra is “I am someone’s inspiration.”. I came up with this when my daughter posted on FB that I inspired her with my running.
For my first half marathon a friend of mine posted on my wall “I’m not running half of anything! I’m crushing the whole 13.1!”. I used this during my race.

I had Fage geek yogurt with blueberries for breakfast.


For breakfast, I had oatmeal with spoonful of PB, topped with almonds.


My favorite breakfast is cottage cheese and grapes. I tried it because of you, and I owe you big time!!


Mind over matter:) I LOVE to run so I need to be appreciating every second I am out there. On those days I am just not feeling it, mind. over. matter.


I don’t have a verbal mantra, but I try an picture myself finishing. I daydream weird scenarios!!

Oh, and I eat apple cinnamon refrigerator oatmeal for lunch.


Those are gorgeous!
My favorite running mantra is “just keep moving forward” which I got from the swimbikemom website. It helps the last few miles of a marathon!

I’m embarrassed to say I had Skinny Pop popcorn for breakfast. I’m a little hormonal right now and wanted something salty and saw that in the closet!

Favorite month – a tie between June and October!


My mantra is similar to yours “you are stronger than you think”. I love it and it always pushes me!


My favorite mantra is ‘you are only as good as you want to be!’ okay so that wouldn’t fit on a bracelet so i would def go with ‘relentless forward motion’ its a concept my high school coach always spoke of, something that we as runners are!


I would have to quote a favorite at the moment “I lived.” Just can’t get enough of that beautiful song, and those perfect words.


favorite running mantra is “there is no finish line.” it reminds me that at the end of the race, running doesn’t end and i hopefully can do this until my legs won’t let me anymore


Breakfast today was a breakfast cookie (raw oats, almond butter, protein powder, almond milk, cinnamon, smashed banana), using the recipe from The Fitnessista.


Pumpkin oatmeal with extra pumpkin pie spice on top :)


Greek yogurt with honey and raspberries for breakfast!


Favorite running mantra: Just keep running, running, running
Breakfast: Annie’s Graham Cracker bunnies
Favorite month: September, it starts with my birthday and football, and ends with my favorite season!!!


Love your mantra.


Favorite running mantra: I run because I can!


The faster you run, the faster you’re done!!


October is my fave month, so glad it’s fall!


I had sugar free maple brown sugar oatmeal for breakfast! Sooo exciting haha


Fav mantra- “yes you can”


Definitely July! BBQs, 4th of July, Birthdays, warm temps…


That jewelry is awesome, I love it! I like what yours says, I can do hard things. I can’t think of my favorite running mantra right now, so i’ll go with what I had for breakfast. :) yogurt and pumpkin granola.


Greek yogurt and cereal! So good. And, October is my favorite month because it’s birthday month!


My favorite mantra is actually a Winston Churchill quote:
“Never, never, never give up.”


Breakfast today was coffee lots of coffee & leftover eggs and toast my little one didn’t eat we had a crazy morning. My favorite month is October I look forward to the fall weather, all things pumpkin and for me it starts all the holiday fun and family.


I love October and am so happy that it’s finally here!


I live in the hills are hard. My mantra when running hills is simple –


I chant this the entire way up the hill. It really makes the bad go away.


I guess you really get a sense for how many readers you really have when you offer a Giveaway ;)
I love personalized jewelery! My running mantra is “You are stronger than you think you are.”


I started off my favorite month with a delicious homemade egg sandwich for breakfast :)


My mantra is “run your own race”. That one always gets me through every time! Good luck!


I’m training for my first marathon, but I eventually want to run Boston (my hometown) so I always tell myself during runs, “Imagine what this will feel like in Boston.”


I had frittata and a banana for breakfast!


I love November as fall starts to transition into winter! So many great things about fall and winter


I like to say to myself ‘let it come to you’ when I’m running fast intervals – I guess what I’m telling myself is relax and do what you know how to do instead of fighting to do it. Sounds weird, but it works!


My favorite month of the year is October. I just love this time of the year. It is my birthday month and I love the leaves changing colors, cooler weather and pumpkin pie.

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