My Favorite Jewelry Giveaway and in other news…

I have a feeling I will be looking down at my left wrist about 30 times each mile during my marathon on Saturday.  

I am a huge fan of Thought Blossoms so I am stoked to be able to do a giveaway.

I absolutely LOVE their customized active bracelets and runner ID.  The bracelet is super lightweight.  You barely feel it while you run and I love looking down at it and seeing my favorite mantra ever.   They offer a lot of different colors to choose from and you can have up to 15 characters on each line (2 lines) of whatever you want it to say!

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And yes, we got matching bracelets.  J & B.  Brooke’s bracelet has a magnet instead of a clasp so it is super easy to put it on her.  

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Okay, just one more picture of them because I love them so much.  

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Thought Blossoms has a huge assortment of incredible necklaces, bracelets and rings.  It is so fun to pick out exactly what you want each beautiful piece to say and making them personal to you.  

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PS I think that these would also make INCREDIBLE gifts!!!!  I mean it is almost Christmas:)

THREE PEOPLE will win their choice of the Long Lean Necklace,  Heart Necklace,  Gold Leather Wrap Bracelet or the Marathon Bracelet.

Giveaway will end on 10/5/14

To enter:

-Leave me a comment telling me your favorite running mantra or what you had for breakfast or your favorite month of the year!


In other news…

1.  The sky was pretty dramatic last night.

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2.  This.  It was actually what dreams are made of.  I think I may replace my gu for the marathon for little baggies of this along the way.  Glucose.  Pure glucose.

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3.  You should have seen Brooke when she first saw my horse sweatshirt yesterday.  She kind of likes horses lately.

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And now you can enter the giveaway!  Enjoy your Wednesday, make it a good one.

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Favorite running/workout mantra: You can do anything for 10 minutes. Then I just repeat it every 10 minutes until I’m done :)

I LOVE that long & lean necklace.


Favorite running quote? Well they change all the time, but fall is windy here and I HATE running in the wind, so my new mantra is “you are a wind warrior” – so hokey, but makes me run just a bit faster..


Since cross country in high school I always repeat, “For every uphill, there’s a downhill!” when I’m running hills. But my favorittte mantra is “Just keep running.” :)


October is my favorite month of the year! The weather is always nice and it is also my birthday month! I hope I win…it will be a bday present for me. :)


my mantra when i start to wonder why i making myself head out the door for a run is “because i can.”


The Best month is December. It has Christmas and my birthday!


Running Mantra: Your glutes are gonna look great

Breakfast: hot chocolate and toast

favorite month: November I lOVE the smack dab middle of fall.


My favorite month is October, so I’m pretty happy today! :D


My mantra is pretty simple but also powerful.
You can do this!


Pain is weakness leaving the body.


I eat hills for breakfast. Well, that’s my mantra anyway when I run up the last long, steep hill to my house. It focuses me and helps me tap into that inner reserve of strength to get it done.


Running matra- Believe in yourself.


oooh, the long and lean necklace. “Consistency and Persistence” is what I repeat when I’m struggling on a run which feels like all the time lately as I am just coming back to running after being pregnant.


I love the month of September! Still summer temperatures, but typically less humidity (in Atlanta anyway). Also it’s exciting to see the season slowly change as the month progresses. Love fall too!


October is my favorite month. The trails are the best right now.


I’m not a runner – I swim and (this is so cheesy) sometimes one of the ‘mantras’ I use is the “just keep swimming” one from Nemo. The one that everyone uses for… everything.
Except I really AM swimming. (0;


Had a slice of cranberry orange loaf for breakfast with the non-negotiable coffee :)


“Embrace the Suck”. Not always my mantra, but during windy fall and spring runs, it is.


My mantra is “trust your training!” It works every time.. especially in those last few miles when everything (except my heart) wants to give up! My favourite month is October :)


My Mantra fr my races is “The Body achieves what the mind believes” i repeat it to myself whenever i am struggling :).
My breakfast was kind of boring today. a piece of toast with honey !!! Honey makes everything taste better :)
Favorite month of the year definitely December. I love it !!!


I love November. Definitely fall weather and both of my sons were born in November.


October is my favorite month!


I am so stoked because we are entering my favorite month – October!! :)


I Love October!


I love all these running mantras. All my running friends are FAST. I’m more of a middle-of-the-pack kind of gal. I just always feels so dang proud of myself just getting out there. So I always remind myself that I’m faster than everyone sitting on their couches.

I haven’t eaten breakfast yet. Which is very unusual for me.

ALL the months are my favorite. Each one brings something new and exciting.


My running mantra is “tough times don’t last, tough people do” Kind of works for life as well :)


My favourite month is Decemmber :) Christmas, my birthday, and not so far into winter that the “is it over yet?” has crept in.


My running mantra is – it gets easier after this mile. And surprisingly, it usually does!
All of that jewelry looks great!


My running mantra is you are so much stronger than you think you are! Breakfast smoothie everyday and I love October because Halloween is my favorite!!!


Fav quote: pain is temporary, pride is forever/I can and I will.

Fav month: November, because it’s marathon month!!!

Breakfast is always oatmeal with soy milk, half banana, chia seeds, and a touch of maple syrup… gotta fuel up for marathon training ;)


“I’m a RUNNER and I LOVE to run!”


my favorite month is October because my dad, brother, two cousins and I were all born during it :)


Favorite fitness quote: Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.

Favorite strength training quote: Put your mind in the muscle!


Mine would say ” you got this, mama” :)


My mantra is “the faster I run, the sooner I’m done”. I repeat this in my head a million times when racing!


My favorite mantra is “Remember when you couldn’t do this” Whenever I’m in a tough run or getting down on myself, I remind myself of when I couldn’t even run a mile and how proud I should be of myself for being able to do what I can do today!


“If it was easy, everyone would do it!”


My favorite running mantra is “one step at a time”. Coming back from a couple of running injuries this year has been slow and rough, I try to forget where I was and just focus on where I am now :)
Also my favorite month is October. Halloween, Thanksgiving (for us Canadians) and one of my daughters Birthday! Plus you know Fall=boots!




For breakfast today I ate greek yogurt with Nature’s Path Pumpkin Flax Granola Cereal on top. Delicious and filling! I love the J & B bracelets, so precious.


Mantra : “light as a feather” or “floating”

Breakfast: latte


Ahhhh! I would LOVE to win! I have been wanting a personalized piece of jewlery with all my kids initials (including soon to be born baby due in November)!!!
My favorite month is June or maybe November ;)


I had honey nut Cheerios!
Mantra – tuck in!
favorite month is by far October


I like to change them for each race and last time I just used the word “tough”. When I get tired it is hard to speak whole sentences (even in my head!) so I have found that just one word ones work for me!


Favorite month is June. I love summer!


After all I’ve been through with my family, I keep telling myself “there is no strength without suffering”

I had oatmeal this morning :)


Favorite Running Mantra: No Fading.
It’s also my favorite Life Mantra. It helps me keep going and not slack off. It helps me remember that life is about moving forward. We can do more than we think we can. When running a long distances, this mantra helps me push myself when I am questioning my endurance, strength, (or even sanity sometimes, ha). I got it from one of my church leaders (Bishop, yes I am LDS), who competes in iron mans and helped me train for my first marathon. I have this mantra on a white board in my kitchen and I read it every day. It’s so simple. i love it


Thank you for the awesome question about mantras. I’ve been waiting for something that speaks to me, and all your readers’ comments have given me some great ideas. Breakfast: a garden scramble full of fab veggies. I think I like October best as a stand alone month, however summer is by far my favorite season.


Favorite month: DECEMBER! Need I say why? (:


I agree with the quote “The faster you run, the faster you’re done!” Always gets me through the tough times.


My favorite month is OCTOBER!!! Even though fall was officially here a few days ago, I feel like it is really here when October 1st rolls around! Fall is my favorite season.


I had whole wheat English muffin and egg whites for breakfast. I hope I win!


My favorite month is August because it is my birthday on the 14th!! :)


now i repeat your mantra! i can do hard things :] it really does work!!!


My breakfast today was hot tea and a kashi bar.

Running mantra: you got this!

No favorite month but I love spring and fall.


“keep on swimming”


I tell those voices in my head saying “you can’t” that “Yes, I can!”

My favorite month is whatever month I’m in! =] But I especially love November for Thanksgiving. It’s a wonderful, no pressure, just enjoy family kind of holiday.

Breakfast was a whole wheat bagel with light jalapeno cream cheese!!


I repeat a bible passage that helps me to stay stong (Phil 4:13) And my favorite month is October because it is absolutely beautiful here in Wisconsin and it is my wedding anniversary!


My favorite month is October!! Best time of the year :)


I just love the bracelet you got. My running mantra is “Stronger” just like the song by Kelly Clarkson. I was diagnosed with Lupus 2 years ago when I was in the middle of my training for my first full marathon. I had to start my training all over again once I was back able to workout. I ran my first marathon this past January and it was that song “Stronger” that helped me thru some of those rough patches when I was feeling down (about having to start over). Sure hope I win! I will do my first Triathlon in 25 days! Good luck on your marathon this weekend!!


August is by far my favorite month of year!


Love your matching bracelets. I had an apple, yogurt, and some crackers for breakfast today. Boring sorry! Thanks for the chance!!


Your sweater is SO cute! Love it :)

My mantra when I work out is “you can do anything for __ minutes” and just fill in the # and repeat it to myself over and over :)


My favorite mantra is an Army cadence that I learned from my Dad- 1, 2, 3, 4 Run a little Run some more. Now a days my mantra is my sister’s name as she is on a long road to recovery after suffering a massive stroke. I run for my sister now.


My favorite month is April. The weather starts to become so beautiful.. :)


“You CAN do it, just prove it to yourself”
Love Thought Blossoms! It would be great to win something from there!


When I’m struggling I say to myself,be strong stay
Strong nearly there.
Want to wish you a good run on can do it!!!


“Just get through this mile”
I love the month of March.


Favorite Running Mantra – “I am strong”
Favorite Month – October
Breakfast today: Steel cut oats with chia seeds, coconut, sunflower butter, pumpkin puree . Topped with milk and tons of cinnamon:-)


I love the month of December! I love running in cold weather, Christmas, and my birthday is in December! Good luck Saturday!


My running mantra is “Celebrate Every Mile”

I love those bracelets, I want to get one to replace the rubber bracelet that I wear to honor a friend of ours that passed away last February from Leukemia.

Good luck on Saturday! Hopefully the weather stays a little cooler for you.


Favorite running mantra: “Stop” and then I do, and go lift weights instead ;)
Favorite month: July!!
Breakfast this morning: 2 over easy eggs with bacon/apple/plantain hash. Delish :)


My favorite month would have to be September. I love that it gets cooler and the foliage is just beautiful. Plus, as a wannabe-chef, I can appropriately cook apple and pumpkin foods!

My mantra is “For the Love of Run.” I’m not sure when it started or where I got it, but it stuck. It reminds me that I love running, even if I’m having a difficult time. It reminds me that I’m a runner, that I’m strong, that I’ve worked hard to get to where I am – and above all else, to KEEP loving the run. (And to do anything to keep that love alive, even if it means taking a break or switching things up.)

And my breakfast today was greek yogurt, frozen strawberries and apple butter in a mason jar! It was an on-the-go kind of breakfast that I chose to eat once I got to work.


October is my favorite month…I love fall! And candy corn! ;)

Peanut butter toast and pumpkin greek yogurt for breakfast. Delish!


My favorite month is October!!!! I love everything fall!

I started running again after having my second baby about six months ago. I will be running in the Nike Women’s Half Marathon in San Francisco. (What better motivation than to run in beautiful San Fran!) My running mantra is just keep moving!


“thankful to run” It reminds me its a blessing to be able to push my body to complete a marathon and all that I am capable of!! This is such a great giveaway! GOOD LUCK with your marathon!!!!!!


Cute jewelry! Love that you and Brooke have matching bracelets.

My running mantra is Whatever doesn’t kill you…

For breakfast I had my usual protein shake with cherries and banana.

My favorite month is November. My daughter’s birthday is Nov. 18, we have a lazy Thanksgiving and watch the Cowboys play, and we get to decorate for Christmas. The best family days!


October is my favorite month because I love the fall. The colors, the trees, being outside…fall and fall running is amazing.
Since high school cross country I have always written words on the side of my shoes, very small. The right foot says “Fly” and the left says “Believe”. I like to repeat the words in my head with each stride when the going gets tough.
Breakfast– almond pancakes (made with almond meal) with fresh strawberries sprinkled on top. I make them on the weekend and freeze them so I can heat them up at work during the week.
Have a wonderful race this weekend!


Favorite running mantra: Everything you need is already inside.


Oh my goodness I love these bracelets!!! I love the phrase “aspire to inspire” and “be bold in the face of adversity”. For breakfast I had a delicious bowl of egg white banana oats inspired by Julie at And my favorite month… that’s tough. November is a good one… especially because Thanksgiving is in there. Nom nom


My favorite month is OCTOBER because I love all pumpkin things and wearing sweatpants and cuddling my cats under a blanket while I watch football :)


My favorite running motto is “learn to love a challenge.” My Dad was a great runner and always said that. Thanks for doing the give away!


Love the long lean necklace. My favorite month is July. No school, long days, warm sun—what’s not to love?


Mantra: 1) You can do anything for a mile (and then I repeat that the next mile, and the next, etc) OR 2) This will give you a nice booty ;)

Breakfast: Grapes and coffee. Should have been more after running 7 miles but didn’t plan well.

Favorite Month: December…Christmas of course!


May is my favorite month. I love when all the flowers start blooming and nature wakes up!


Trader Joe’s Pumpkin greek yogurt, pumpkin flax granola and a few big spoonfulls of Justin’s Maple Almond Butter!


October is the absolute best :)


Why no try?!?

I love October!

Oatmeal with peanut butter, honey and banana!


My mantra is, “Today, I will BE ME!”


“Someday you will no longer be able to do this…today is not that day”

OCTOBER is my favorite month (I heart fall)

Breakfast this morning was Monkey Soup! (Bananas, coconut flakes and raw cashews!)

Pick me pick me pick me!!!!


I love October- the leaves begin to change and it starts the kick off to the holidays!


I had toast and coffee for breakfast. My favorite month is November – my birthday plus Thanksgiving. I love green bean casserole and its a Thanksgiving staple!


october is my favorite month :) yay!


a green smoothie with oatmeal, greek yogurt, kale, frozen bananas, frozen pineapple!


Breakfast was a banana and a bagel!!!


My favorite running mantra is ‘just breathe’. Love the matching bracelets for you and Brooke!!


I have a stress fracture and haven’t run since June so no mantra for me right now..

I had a chicken sandwich for breakfast (weird breakfast craving).


My favorite running mantra is “Run by faith.” It captures my running journey really well! I run by faith and not by sight because we can rarely see the finish line when we run, we just have to have faith that we’ll make it. Plus my faith plays a strong role in the person and runner I am today. I’m running the NYCM for the National MS Society (I’m the one who won the finish line contest) and I will definitely run by faith during that race! After the NYCM I hope to get a “run by faith” tattoo on my foot to publicly and proudly show my story on my body!


My favorite mantra is “It doesn’t get any better than this”


I had my favorite cereal for breakfast- it’s just oats, nuts, seeds, fresh berries and milk! So yummy and homemade :)


Favorite Running Mantra: I run because I can. (I am getting over a surgery – all is ok! – and knee/meniscus probs, so I appreciate running EVEN more now!)


I’m a june lover. If I didn’t live in utah where there is snow I would probably pick december because I love christmas. I know I know, most people can’t imagine christmas without snow. I grew up in southern california tho where christmas usually had an 70-80 degree temperature and I loved it!


I had homemade banana protein pancakes for breakfast… Yum! Love that long necklace – I want to get it for my preggo bestie with her son’s initials!! :)


I ate pancakes and I love September


“Long and lean” reminds me to not slouch when I run, and gives me a good aspirational image to think about! I also remind myself how lucky I am to be able to run!!


All 3:

Running mantra: I will feel AWESOME when I’m finished!
Breakfast: Cinnamon Raison Swirl Toast
Fav Month: October


I had eggs for breakfast :)


Cottage cheese and green grapes for breakfast!
“Every Mile Counts”
November is my favorite month!


I think I want to steal YOUR mantra (I love it!).
I had apples and almond butter.
My favorite month is a tie between May (birthday!) and December (Christmas, duh).

Love the jewelry! *fingers crossed*


Mantra: “I can do ANYTHING!”
Month: September… it’s like January (for fresh starts) with great weather.
Breakfast: Fried potato/bacon/green & red pepper/onion/tomato scramble… best after a long run!


I had a breakfast date with my husband and ate a delicious cinnamon roll from my favorite little diner down the street.


i had oatmeal for breakfast!


I’m in love with all their jewelry because the pieces are all simple! I’ve been searching for something for my room mate who lost her dad almost a year ago to give her on the anniversary of his death and I know she would love these!!

My favorite month is may because its my birthday, mother’s day and schools out!


I am a fan of the cooler months here in Georgia! Breakfast was a Balance bar and a homemade pancake (at my son’s request) and my running mantra is, “remember where you started.”


My running mantra is pretty simple “You got this”. I just repeat that over, and over, and over haha.

I’m a huge fan of yogurt and granola. I make my own granola so it’s always what I actually like :)


Favorite mantra is: Find a Way!


I absolutely LOVE October, it is finally cool enough to run/train outside in Las Vegas!


It’s corny but I love Bruce Springsteen, so “Baby we were born to run” is my mantra!


Favorite running quote? “You are lapping everyone on the couch.” for days that I just don’t want to do it!


Mantra: “You are stronger than you feel. Breathe; don’t surrender.”
Breakfast: Eggs, Avocado + Green Juice
Favorite month: October!

Have a great day!
ps. where did you get your cute sweatshirt?!


My running mantra is “believe, believe, believe”. It goes back to when I ran cross country in high school. It was something my coach would always say. I still use that phrase on all of my goal cards!


Right now, asthe crazy heat and humidity are about to return to Southern California, Fall PRs are made in the hot and humid summer. I just have to keep pushing and my time goals will come!


July! Because it’s my birthday month!


First, I love the look on Brooke’s face when you told her she couldn’t play on the equipment. She’s like, “Come again, say what, mom?” hahaha! My favorite mantra is “Tough times don’t last; but tough people do.” Gets me through those last miles every time. Enjoy the marathon this weekend. Can’t wait to hear about it.


I can do ANYTHING through Christ who strengthens me! Love June. My birthday + summer = my favorite time of year. And a Cliff bar and banana for breakfast. :)


My favorite month is July because my 2 kids and I all have birthdays that month! Also, I am commenter 722 and my son’s birthday is 7/22!!!!!


My running mantra is the same as your’s, and my life mantra is “choose joy”.


That popcorn looks to die for!! My breakfast was a strawberry/banana smoothie.


November is my favorite month of the year here in Virginia! The leaves are changing into beautiful autumn colors and make my runs absolutely breathtaking! And thanksgiving is my ABSOLUTE favorite holiday ever and the whole month builds up to it :)


I have the same sweatshirt!!!


Breakfast was oatmeal with walnuts, honey, and cinnamon. Delicious. Running mantra: I feel good (I actually sing the song out loud). Life mantra: “Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.”


I had a banana egg scramble with peanut butter. So good.


Favorite running mantra: “It’s the hard that makes it so great” (a quote from the movie A League of Their Own)


“Run for your life!” Is my fav. It makes me laugh but at the same time reminds me of all of the health problems in my family that I’m running from. Breakfast was Tofu in veggies with rice lol


My running mantra is “relax” but I once recited the locker room speech from Miracle for an hour when i lost my iShuffle at Mile 3 of the Staten Island 1/2 Marathon!


Favorite month is definitely October!! So glad it’s finally here! Now to get my stupid broken toe healed so I can actually enjoy fall running weather… haha


My favorite Month is October! I love fall and so much goes on during this month! Plus I feel like it is the beginning to all the holidays!


My running mantra is also ‘I can do hard things!’
My favorite month is October because I LOVE running in cooler weather, and eating all things pumpkin flavored.
This morning for breakfast, I had oatmeal with raspberries and cinnamon.


running mantra “I am strong” easy to forget sometimes but it reminds me that I am strong enough to do anything I put my mind to. also because Boston Strong is what got me running marathons.

breakfast – whole wheat bagel favorite month – december (christmas!)


January-it’s my birthday month! :)


One day, while doing reps on track, I though of this mantra : Your body will go as fast as your mind will allow it. It’s my favorite and always helps me keep going for more!

Love the jewelry!!!
But if I don’t win, can I take a bag of that halloween popcorn?

The best of luck in your marathon! Go get them!


Definitely any month in fall!

Running mantra: “light feet, fast legs” or when I’m really tired “quite being a whiney b.”


October is my favorite month-it’s when my son was born. I have a protein English muffin with peanut butter every morning on my way to work.


Someone once told me during a race “your body can do anything your mind tells it to” and I say that to myself all of the time. Just saying it to myself now makes me feel so strong:) Good luck Saturday!


Fun jewelry!

My favorite run mantra is…..your body will achieve what the mind believes.

We can definitely do hard things!!


Man it would be hard to pick, all that jewelry is so cute!

My running mantra: Relentless.
My breakfast: Half a bagel with almond butter pre-run and a giant smoothie post-run
Favorite month: April (spring weather + my birthday = awesomeness)


My favorite running mantras are “your legs are not giving out, your head is giving up” and “It is the hard that makes it great”. I had my standard English muffin with peanut butter for breakfast :)


I love those matching bracelets! I love that mantra and I say it a lot when running as well : ) I had pumpkin oatmeal this morning and it was delicious!!!


Breakfast: black cherry chobani with chai seeds and a cup of coffee
Favorite month: December, I love the holidays and having fires!


I had ultimate oatmeal for breakfast – baby rolled oats, milk, raspberries, flax, peanut butter & brown sugar. :)

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