An important marathon decision and when I grow up….

I have been going back and forth for weeks now on what shoes to wear on marathon day.  I have been doing about 60% of my training in the Glycerin 12s and the other 40% in my Pure Flows (except when I am trail running, I always wear my Cascadia 9s).  I was leaning towards wearing my Glycerins for the marathon but I made the final decision today to wear my PureFlows (I know, so many tough life decisions).

The flows have just been through so much with me and I have a newer pair than the ones below just begging to see the St. George Marathon course with me.  I am pretty sure these shoes were just specifically made for me.

7 miles today, 5 tomorrow and 4 on Thursday… I love taking the day off before the race.  Fresh legs.

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The song of the run (what I listened to on repeat 10 times in a row) was I Lived by One Republic—>  I LOVE the lyrics.  

And a post-run bathroom selfie while Brooke washed her hands.

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Jess can’t drive because of her knee surgery and so Brooke has been loving that we get to pick her girls up from school everyday.  I love having the backseat full.

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Stop at Which Wich while we were out doing a bunch of errands… can you tell I like onions?

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I simply could not say no to this stuff when we were getting gas at Maverick.

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Randomness for your Monday.  I saw my fifth grade portfolio at my mom’s house and decided to go through it with the Brookers.  

Cool Cat indeed.

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Proof that I always wanted to be a teacher.  It wasn’t until I was in college that I decided to teach high school though.  I am sure if blogging existed way back then I would have also drawn a picture about that:)

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Brooke is officially old—>  she can now get a drink from the drinking fountain without my help.  

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And here she is blowing you a kiss.

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PS I was reminded this morning about how it isn’t just important to get x hours of sleep a night but also that you are hitting the sack at about the same time each night!
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What shoes do you like to run your races in?

What did you want to be when you were growing up and what are you doing now?

Do you usually go to bed at the same time every night?

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I always wanted to be a dolphin trainer. Then I realized I’m terrible at biology and so my fall back was digital marketing :) I did work at seaworld though, so that counts for something I guess?


I haven’t run any substantial number of miles in anything but the Asics Nimbus since 2006, I feel like if I switch I’m asking to get injured. Don’t want to take chances!

I turn 30 this year and I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. At what point are you actually considered grown up?

I try to go to bed around 10 every night. Sometimes that works better than others.

Onions are the best. Raw, caramelized, fried, you just can’t really go wrong!


I tried the Brooks Pure Flow because of reading your blog and I am hooked :) They are the BEST!


That makes me so so happy! PS I love your name:)


yes! i bought a pair of pure flow 2s last year after reading about them on your blog, too :) they are now retired, but i loved them!


The pure flows are great! I wish I could wear them, but I like a little more on my feet. However, I would absolutely run 26.2 in the Glycerins – they are like running on clouds! I also think running a marathon in Hokas would rule.
My bedtime is getting later and later each day and I’m not liking it one bit! I love my sleep.


Sam — I’m running a marathon in my new Hokas in about 5 weeks. (got them about a week and a half ago). I was skeptical about all the hype, but I must say, I’m a fan. Just did a 20-miler in them yesterday and felt great.


I try to go to bed at the same time every night, but I sometimes get sucked into one more episode on Netflix! ;)

Is that from a JawBone Up? I have one, and I think mine just popped up with that last week. :)


YES! It is!! I am loving it:)

Netflix… I wonder how many trillions of hours of sleep it has stolen from all of us.


9; pm I’m in bed every night. I’m probably the lamest 26 year old on the planet. I’ve had the same bed time since I was 5


fyi – you are still a teacher – you teach via blog every day – about running, being strong, and how craving food – mostly healthy :) is ok! xo


Thanks Allison:) I appreciate that a lot!


She is right, i think you are more than a teacher :) or you are a true teacher :) who share or teach other people by your experiences :)


Sacuony’s are my race shoe of choice. They’re light yet cozy! My issue is usually what to wear on race day. I always change my mind up until the morning of. Now I make myself pick two then decide in the morning. I have commitment issues!


Totally a creature of habit and great at a bedtime routine. However that routine involves a big bowl of cereal and I’d like to cut that habit because I am finding I need it to be part of the routine.


I am loving the Kinvara 5’s!
I wanted to be a music teacher and now I’m a housewife. It’s pretty awesome!
And, I try to go to bed by 10:00, because I keep senior citizen hours;)


Creature of habit! Saucony Kinvara’s for running and a 1015p bedti


I go to bed anytime around 10-11pm. Sometimes earlier if I’m exhausted.

I wear Mizuno Wave Inspires for longer races and Wave Riders for shorter distances (5-10K). I love my mizunos!


I LOVE my Saucony Ride 6’s, but have tried to transition to the Kinvara5 for racing and shorter runs. While I love the Kinvara 5….I don’t think they support me enough for distances farther than 10k. I have used them for a few 1/2’s but I am noticing sore knees after longer runs in them. I REALLY want to stay injury free so for anything longer than a 10k I am sticking with the Ride 6’s…
Do you think it would help you to go with the more supportive shoes as far as injuries go?


My body actually feels best in the pure flows… I think they help me with my form! I think everyone is so different though… sounds like the Ride 6’s work great for you!


I have run every race in the Pure Flow 2s. However, I am transitioning back to the zero drop / minimus shoes. I have been dealing with shin splints for the past several months and now that I have started running in Altras, they are gone. Like instantaneously. I ran my first full marathon this past weekend in them and they were perfect – absolutely no shin pain, which is a huge deal being that I couldn’t even run a few miles before without getting them.

I wanted to travel internationally and write about my adventures in other countries when I was a child (Africa was my dream). I’d still love to travel but I am in graduate school to be a sustainability scientist. I’d like to help third world countries develop economically through sustainable means.

I do go to bed the same time every night – dreadfully early (by 10)


I AM SO glad that you found a way to get rid of your shin splints and congrats on your first marathon! WAHOO!
And wow.. you are incredible! Good luck with the rest of grad school!


Crap I’m deciding whether to wear my pure flows or my ghosts! I love the pure flows too but the ghosts have just a tad bit more support which I may be needing. Ugh…first world problems!


Seriously though, it really is a stressful decision… 26.2 miles is a long ways to be with a pair of shoes.


Just catching up first congrats to your sissy! So precious a boy!
I like my pure cadence but I want to try others. My theory if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
I need to go to bed earlier. When reading a good book I stay up waaaay to late.

Ran 16 today first time ever. Feeling strong.


HUGE CONGRATS ON YOUR 16 TODAY! I love your theory:)


brooke is getting so big-drinking fountains on her own now?! also…you can have ALL my onions always!

from when i was 15 and up until about a year ago i always thought/worked as a social worker. i really love social justice and making the world better and last year my husband and i decided to go into business together. thankfully i started a blog that allows me to connect social work world and being an entrepreneur but it’s quite different than what i thought i’d be doing!

love your drawing of you being a teacher!


If I am home at my usual bed time, I am absolutely in bed at the same time every night. I get tired early because I get up early but I am out, I forget about my usual bed time, don’t get as tired and just stay out having a good time : )….I keep wanting to try the Glycerin 12’s just to see but I love my Energy Boosts and don’t want to switch or confuse myself.


I’ve been wearing Brook’s Adrenaline’s since I started running again in 2006. However, for whatever reason the 13’s have been giving me all sorts of problems. I decided to try the Hoka One One’s. I’ve put about 30 miles on them so far and they’re fabulous. So those will be what I’ll be running in for my marathon in 5 weeks.

Sleep. Wish I could say I was better at it. I usually get 6-8 hours. But my timing is all over the place.

I wanted to be everything as a kid: animal trainer, illustrator at Disney, pharmacist, hair stylist, helicopter pilot, translator, etc. But when I was in high school, I decided what I really wanted to do was be in advertising (I was that weird kid who loved the commercials). So I did.




I always run in my Pure Flows, since the very first time I put them on.

I always wanted to be the boss of people. And that’s what I am today, except I’m the only employee so I kind of overlooked the people part I guess…

I go to bed around the same time every nite and wake up at the same time too. My internal clock has been set for years, no alarm needed.


The One Republic song reminds me of my aunt who passed away last October. It’s the happiest/saddest song and I get teary-eyed every time I listen to it. I love listening to it in the car at night….then I can sing at the top of my lungs without judgement from fellow drivers :)


I wear mizuno wave riders. I wanted to be a high school teacher growing up. I did that!! I taught high school chemistry and after a year, I felt like it wasn’t what I was meant to do. So I went to nursing school, worked in emergency medicine and on the ambulance and then decided to become a nurse practitioner. I do not go to bed at the same time every night because I rotate day/night shift….but I wish I could!!! So much healthier!


I was running in Ravennas, but you got me hooked on the PureFlows! I have the 2s and they are so incredible!

My bedtime schedule is all over the place because we have really erratic schedules. I WISH I could be in bed by 10, but it’s usually much later than that!


I wanted to be an entomologist when I was little… now I am a teacher? Go figure. I still LOVE teaching about bugs.

Bed time is carved in stone. NO LATER than 9:30. Of course, my kids are 23 and 20, so I head off to bed before they do often. Up at 4:50. They are NOT.

Worried about Candice’s blog???? Never hear from her anymore. Is all ok?


Ummm Jess’ daughter in the middle is an exact replica of her. She is beautiful. All the girls in that car. Truth.

That is so awesome that you grew up and did exactly what you wanted. Mine switched often as a kid (vet, dr, lawyer) and I became non of them. My major even changed in college like 3x #commitmentissues

I rrrrreally liked my Nike LunarGlide 2’s, but I got the 4’s and I hate them. They sit in my closet, now that I am running again, with like 100 miles on them as I am wearing my Mizuno Inspires that have waaaay too many miles to run until I buy new shoes. I should do it soon since it isn’t probably the best to be wearing these ones, but I don’t know what to buy! Again…commitment issues.

If any time between 10:30 and midnight is consistent, then yes ;)


I normally go to bed between 10:30 and 11:30.
I wanted to be a veterinarian. Then I realized animals die sometimes and you can’t save them. So I went into graphic design. Lol.
I wear brooks ghost or asics cumulus for my races.


I try to go to bed at the same time each night but netflix often stops that from happening…
When I was little I wanted to be an artist, now I’m a university student hoping to become a journalist!


I usually go to bed around 10pm? It’s a little too late for the time that I wake up, so I’m trying to go earlier and earlier.


I currently love wearing the brooks pure cadence 2’s. I have 3 pairs, all bought at about $38 when the pure cadence 3’s came out.


Haha – your which wich bag looks like mine, load those sandwiches up! I always go to bed between 9 and 10, and I’m up between 4:30 and 5:30! Love lots and lots of sleep.


So funny that you are loving that song by One Republic right now. The music video for the song features a boy with cystic fibrosis. I work with children sith CF at a pediatric hospital so it was great to see the disease get some spotlight. Please check out the video! The best way to find it is through the cystic fibrosis foundation website ( I googled “one republic cf video”. It’s very inspiring!!


I love that song- it’s SO motivating! Perfect for running :) And I totally go to bed way too late every night. Ha! Need to get better at that!



PureFlows have my heart, always and forever. When I look down when I’m running a race, I swear they smile back. It happens.

I wanted to be happy, other than that, I’ve surrendered the rest of the gaps for God to fill in for me =).


I wanted to be a teacher when I was little, but I ended up becoming a CPA. I have taught accounting classes at our community college though, and I’ve coached for Girls on the Run (3rd – 5th grade girls are way more fun than accounting students… go figure)


I love my pureflow 2s because they magically healed my shin splints and they still havent come back. I need new ones but Im kind of afraid to try the 3s…


I am terrible at going to bed at the same time! I need to get better about that… one day :)


I was having a debate over shoes myself! It was between PureFlow 2s and PureCadence 2. I think I’m going to go with PureCadence – I have been using them for most of my long runs and I usually need more support for the long distance!

I said I wanted to be a teacher in grade school but then got to college and decided on nonprofit management, which I did until I had my son 8 months ago!

I usually go to be between 10 and 11 every night.


I’m totally into the Hokas right now. I have three pairs the I rotate through and am really wanting to try their latest release because it’s supposed to be so much more lightweight.

I’m totally about going to bed at the same time every night. I’m usually out by 10am and up by 4, unless I get a rare sleep in day. I wish I could get up at 7am every day, though. That would be ideal!


If you have room for one more song on your marathon play list, I strongly suggest Fire by Gavin DeGraw. It had it on my marathon play list from this past weekend and it was a lifesaver!!


When I was growing up I wanted to be a country singer, then a vet, and then a pediatrician. Now I am a stay at home mom :) I wanted to be that too, so I am content :) My bed time definitely varies, but I can’t help it because once baby girl goes to sleep I HAVE to have that me time!


I LOVE One Republics song ‘I Lived’–love it!!
It is just one of those songs that the lyrics hit me for so many different reasons.

I ran a half marathon yesterday and it started playing at a point where I was mentally falling apart–mile 11–after having tackled a particularly soul crushing hill.
The tears started streaming and before I knew it I was sobbing-out of the blue!!!
I had to pull to the side and let it all out—then I dried by tears and finished strong.
It was quite a moment for me.

Mizuno Wave Riders (always), ballerina–electrical design engineer–pretty much 9:30 every night of the week.

Good Luck and have fun this weekend HRG :)


Oh my gosh, thank you for sharing that song!
I am the least cheesy person on earth, but am LOVING it! It’s kind of like a modern version of Dance by Leanne Womak.


I’m usually in bed by 9:30 or 10. I usually wake up early (I’m definitely a morning person) despite what time I get to bed. I also have to be at work at 5 am for one of my jobs, so I have to go to bed early!


I never had an answer for what I wanted to be when I grew up; it changed every time someone asked me. Now I’m 23 and the answer still changes every time someone asks me!

I’m usually in bed by 8, watch a couple episodes of something on Netflix, and fall asleep by 9:30 or 10. Yep and I’m 23. I’m cool, I know.


I used to wear a lighter shoe to race but felt it contributed to injury, so now I wear my supportive asics kayanos for racing and training and haven’t had the old problems. Then again if I were to do a 5k I’d probably want a lighter shoe since the chance is low of causing an injury with 3 miles and I love the light feeling.


I will be running my marathon this weekend in the Glycerin 12s. Can’t wait!! When I was little I wanted to be an anesthesiologist. It wasn’t until I was in my second year in college that I changed my major from pre-med to psychology. The mind and social element of people absolutely fascinated me – which led me to where I am today in social/sports psychology!


I have run my last several races in PureFlows, but I think my new Mizuno Wave Sayonara’s may be running my next half with me. I really like both, so I’m pretty torn!

I wanted to be a writer (of novels) when I was growing up. I still have tons of notebooks full of short, and not-so-short, stories that I wrote. I work as a toddler teacher right now.

I try to go to bed around the same time every night, but I am the queen of procrastination when it comes to bed time, so it doesn’t always work out well.


I run in my Mizunos but I always debate wetter to run in my Wave Riders or Wave Sayonaras. Decisions decisions!!

I wanted to be a Sports Medicine doctor but ended up being a Respiratory Care Practitioner. I still ended up in the medical field.

Bedtime for me is 9:30, 10 at the latest. Man still remember the times I would go to bed super late…oh to be young again!


I was in the same dilemma. Portland Marathon this weekend and I had to decide between the Glycerine 12s and my Flows. I think I’ve decided to go with the Glycerine. I’ve noticed a few fewer aches and pains after my long runs in the Glycerine and keeping long miles off my Flows will make them last longer…or so the theory goes.

I want to be a Grandma when I grow up. Right now I’m in finance, blah.

I go to bed at 9pm every night. I don’t even have to look at the clock. My body gives me a stern talking to at 9:01.


How ironic…me myself and I are having the same argument as we speak: Pureflows or Ghosts??? Leaning towards the FLOWS though!!

So excited to see how you do Saturday!!


O Which Which….so good! And onions…I eat them with everything! Purple, white, or yellow, they are all so good!


OOOHHHH marathon shoes are everythingggg. I usually go for as light/responsive as possible. You love your Pure Flows so I’m sure it’ll be good going into it in something you’re so comfortable with!


I try to go to bed by 8pm but that doesn’t always happen (which is obvious since it’s almost 9pm right now). Growing up I changed my mind often…but for a long time I wanted to be a teacher. I’m a nurse now, with my masters in Nursing education so I still get to teach ;)


I wish I could go to bed the same time each night! I work until midnight, and then on my days off I typically go to bed around 10. But waking up before 10 is still a struggle for me!


I’m obsessed what that OneRepublic song too!!! I always have it on my playlist for runs!


I remember being obsessed with space when I was little – I wanted to go to Space Camp so badly – so I guess it’s fitting that I randomly ended up working in a space science research lab! It’s honestly not what I want to do forever, though. I have a master’s of education in higher education administration, and I would like to do curriculum design and online instructional design work at a university.


I am so excited to hear how your marathon goes this weekend!


I started in Saucony Virratas and I still love them but I’m in love with the Pueflow 3s. It’s my runners ambition to be a run happy ambassador someday. LOL! I love lightweight kicks, but I am amazed at how quickly I wear through the soles. My pair has maybe 220 miles and there’s a flat spot in the middle of both shoes!


Greetings! I know this is kind of off topic but I was wondering if you knew where I
could find a captcha plugin for my comment form? I’m using the same blog platform
as yours and I’m having problems finding one? Thanks a lot!


“I Lived” by One Republic is also my favorite track when I’m doing my daily marathon. I love everything about the song and it keeps me going. Goodluck to your Marathon!


I always wear saucony guides or rides- so comfortable! My bedtime is not nearly as consistent as I’d like. My goal for the next few weeks of harder training is to get to bed earlier. I always wanted to be a scientist, and I’m in graduate school now trying to make that happen!


I am running in Saucony guide 6 but thinking of trying Brooks Ravenna!
During the week, same bedtime each night. The weekend is another story.
I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up and now am a program manager at HP.


Yep, I am going through the same questions about shoes to wear. Especially with all the horror stories you hear of. Although mine are two Sauconys….and the same shoe hahah, just one is a newer version. I keep going back and forth on it. Scary as marathons get closer, but we have to trust that the work is done, and your body will be ready on the day….take what it gives you :)


I’m all about the Ravennas!

I wanted to be a marine biologist …basically swim around with whales and dolphins all day. Made perfect sense when I was younger :) I love looking through old school things! My handwriting, what I wrote in my sentences, the stickers lol. Love your school pic!!


I run marathons in my Pure Flows. Love them.

My mother often reminds me (although I remember it myself) that I used to say I wanted to “solve math problems all day”. Kind of what I’m doing now. I’m a dork :)


I have been wearing my PureFlows 2 for my races. I am running my first marathon in 3 weeks and ordered the Pureflow 3’s and they hurt my feet!!! I am so bummed, its right where they bend at your toe- digs into my foot. I went to the store and tried on another pair and they did the same thing :(I was hoping it was a defect in the pair I got). I am so sad I LOVED my Pureflow 2’s. I am trying the Pure Cadance now- I hope they work.. My Pureflows have way too many miles on them to continue to wear through my marathon!


Jess’s girls are so adorable! And I love that One Republic song! I will probably get emotional while listening to it during my race though ;0)

Right now I’m in Asics and that’s what I’ll race in.

I’ve pretty much wanted to be a teacher since 3rd grade, although I too decided high school while I was in college (sooo glad I went with high school!)

I am pretty much in bed by 9pm on all week nights, sometimes earlier.


I run in Brook’s Pure Cadence—absolutely love them!! Since buying them, I have not had shin splints or plantar fasciitis, which I usually get. But I’ve had a couple pairs of the 1st ones, and now I have the 3’s, and am disappointed in the changes, so I’m scouring the internet for the 1’s.

I wanted to be a Pediatric doctor growing up, had a full ride scholarship to college, took some wrong turns freshmen year in college; so decided to take a couple years off. Now I’m a Registered Nurse on a busy Surgical floor and am loving it!

I’ve been wanting to go to bed at 8:30pm every night since school started, but my husband doesn’t get home until 8, so he usually convinces me to stay up until 10pm, by then I’m falling asleep on the couch.


Hooray for making a shoe decision! I feel your pain…my (first!) marathon is on Oct. 11th and I’m deciding between the Brooks PureFlows and Saucony Cortanas. As of this weekend I’m 80% leaning towards the Pureflows…they just feel so good on my feet!


I’ve been working on getting to bed at 10ish every night. Most of the time I make it work before 11.
Work in progress…


I was JUST having this conversation with my coach about taking the day off before the marathon! I was shocked when he told me that the science says not to do that. We seriously talked for like 30 minutes about this because I was really surprised that research shows it’s more beneficial to take the 2 days before off from running but then do a short run (only up to 30 minutes) the day before. To each their own, but I trust him so I’m going to follow his advice.
Anyway, just wanted to share my new knowledge :)


Good luck this weekend on your race! I didn’t see you on the list of entrants for Boston? Are you running this coming year?


I’ve been really loving my Brooks Ghost 7’s lately and have been running races in them. However, before recently I always used my Mizuno Wave Sayonaras.

I never really settled on one thing as a kid. I kind of wanted to do everything.

I try to go to bed before 10, except before a long run I go to bed at 9.


Hahahahahaha were you in Mrs Burton’s class? I totally recognize those assignments!! I am now wanting to go find mine.


Janae, I am SO excited for your marathon. Reading your blog every day (and for the last several years) is so inspiring. I also just read your latest post on Women’s Running and I think it’s awesome that you share your story and help to educate other female athletes about the dangers of losing too much weight and overtraining. You’re such an amazing mama and I cannot wait to see you kick butt in a few days!! :) XX


I also wanted to be a teacher. I am one. I did want to be an astronaut too. Going into space would just be wild.

I try to go to sleep by ten pm. Most nights it happens, esp on work days.


Aw I love that your old school work shows exactly what you became later on!


Brooke is so cute. Love the pic she is drinking water and blowing kiss also xx


OMG, she s blowing the kiss :P “i m waiting for your growing” :”) she will be a beautiful woman in future

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