My Running Goals!

Speedwork is addicting.  You push yourself to the limits and the feeling after you finish is awesome.  

Even though it may not feel good during the workout, just knowing that it is going to make me faster makes me want to keep doing it every week.

12 x .25 miles fast with .25 miles of a recovery jog.  1 mile warm-up and 1 mile cool-down.  8 miles total.

For each fast interval I set the treadmill at 10 mph (6 minute miles) and it was tough.  There were many times that I had to tell myself to just focus on pumping my arms strong and fast so that my legs would have to keep up with them.  PS on the treadmill I turn up the speed about 10 seconds before I am supposed to start the interval to allow the treadmill to get up to speed in time to start.  

Luckily, my sister was on the treadmill next to me to keep me entertained with fun stories.

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Breakfast of champions.  We kind of have this tradition where we have to get popcorn every time we go to Target.

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Just a little furniture shopping with the girls.  My sister helped me find a really awesome table (not the one below.. I forgot to take a picture of the one that I actually got and it doesn’t come until next Monday)!

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The piñata for tonight is stuffed and ready to go.  I can’t wait.

PS thank goodness my mom brought her crockpot over for me to borrow for dinner tonight because mine started sparking and steaming this morning.  That was fun.

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And Brooke just received the best present ever.  We both can’t wait.

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Earlier today Jessica asked about some of my running goals:

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Things have changed a lot over the life of my blog.  At the beginning (4 years ago) my thoughts centered around wanting get my marathon time in the 2:40s and to train as much as possible.  Things have definitely changed a bit.  

I love running.  I love getting faster and I WILL get that sub-3 marathon (I also know I am capable of a sub 1:20 1/2 marathon and that is a big goal of mine because I LOVE the 1/2 marathon) but at this point I can’t train as hard as it takes to get some of those really big running goals.  Two-a-days, tons of miles, hours of strength training and cross-training each week are just not possible for me right now.  Maybe in a few years that will change.  Living on our own = less time to run/train for me.  Next fall I will be starting a Masters Program part-time which I am really excited about (I will talk more about that a little later on) and I may have even less time to run then.  We shall see.  For now, I am just kind of focusing on raising Brooke the best I can, providing for the two of us and running/training because I love it and it is a part of who I am.  Does that make sense?  

My next two races are the St. George Marathon (just hoping to finish alive;) and the Boston Marathon (sub 3:10)… with some 1/2 marathons sprinkled in there.   Oh, and I really really really want to do an ultra… because that doesn’t take a lot of time to train for (I am being extremely sarcastic about it not taking a lot of time:)


What was your workout today?

How has your day been so far?  Anything fun/exciting to report about?

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My big running goal is to finish my first marathon – no time goal thought

Only exciting thing today was that I ate a burrito bowl while watching hunger games…..


When is your race? SO EXCITING!! Hey, that sounds pretty awesome to me.


November 2nd – running NYC – figured go big :-)


I’m running NYC, Too! And it’s my first full. I’m excited and a little freaked out :)


Yay!!! I think my mood on race day will be a mix of “YAAAAAAYY” and “Oh crap what have I done?!?”


Makes so much sense! It’s a good feeling to look at priorities and reality and set goals that are realistic. No sense pressuring ourselves to do things that will only hurt us or make us feel like we’re doing a terrible job!

My current running goal is a 3:25 marathon in nov, followed by, honestly, who knows what. My longterm goal is to just keep running healthy and get more experience coaching others!


Home from work and ice and TENS my knee. Going to the gym. I think I have a bit of runners knee. I have a half marathon on Saturday so I’m just going to do strengthening exercises and bike. Gah!


a marathon PR!


Survive my first marathon! Disney in January. I would love to PR in the philly half too!


DISNEY… I am seriously so jealous!!! Please let me know how it goes!


My biggest goal is to run a marathon. I’ve done 2, about to be 3, half marathons, but I have a hard time keeping my weight up during training so I have to figure something out! Today is a rest day for me, and I have 800’s on the plan for tomorrow.


I just realized that I am 8 weeks away from the Army 10 Miler. That has been a goal race of mine ever since my husband was deployed in 2006/2007. And then the Tarheel 10 Miler which I have deferred twice because I keep getting pregnant & injured (yes…both) every time I register.

Today both of my kids were asleep at the same time for about 10 minutes. It was amazing. (They get really sad when the other one naps…so if one is asleep, the other cries the whole time.)


I hope you get to do the Tarheel 10! I ran it 3 years in a row (I missed it last year), and it’s one of my favorites! Watch out of Laurel Hill at mile 9. It’s killer!


Laurel Hill is a killer! We lived in Baity Hill for three years while my husband was in school & Laurel Hill was part of my regular long run. Are you headed back next year? It is such an awesome course for Carolina fans. I did defer to the 4 Miler in 2013 while 16 weeks pregnant with my second and it took all my self control (and my husband’s escort to the 4 Miler start) to not line up with the 10 Miler!


To qualify for Boston!


My goal is to survive my first half marathon next month! A year and a half ago I injured my foot and wasn’t allowed to walk without a walking boot (and only for very small chunks of time) for 8 months. The fact that I’m even THINKING about a half marathon is a huge deal for me :)


My biggest goal right now is to finish my half-marathon in a few weeks. I’m really aiming for a 2:00 half, hopefully sometime in 2015. When I reach that I’ll start training for a full! Eventually I want to qualify for Boston but I’m real slow right now so it’s a lofty goal that’s a few years off!


My biggest goal is to just cross the line at the Disneyland 1/2 in 10 days. It’ll be my first half. After being crazy and signing up to run the Dumbo 19.3 challenge. 10k on Saturday 1/2 on Sunday.

No running for me today. My husband lovingly gave me his cold. So I’m resting, drinking fluids, and hoping this thing passes quick.


Good for you for looking into going back to school! I can’t wait to hear more about that! It always feels so good to invest in yourself. I think it will be awesome for you.

I am not running right now, sadly. I really wanted to be one of those pregnant ladies that runs through her whole pregnancy but it hasn’t felt right to me for a little while now. So my goal is to keep up my fitness via low impact stuff (walking, yoga, light weights) as much as possible so I can get back to running as quickly and easily as possible and to be a fit mom with lots of energy to take care of my little one when she comes!


Sounds like your running goals, just like seemingly all your priorities, are right in place :)


My running goal is to do my first ever half marathon in December! I’m so excited, training officially started yesterday :) My only goal for it is to not have to walk any, I want to run the whole thing even if I’m suuuuper slow! Today I had 5km of speed so I alternated slightly slower and slightly faster than goal pace in each km if that makes sense. It went pretty good I think :)


My workout today will be a nice easy 5k with my 11 year old daughter after work this evening. She is training for her first 10k! I love that she loves running too. :)


yay.!! that was my question answered : ] Thanks for the answer. I love to hear what other runners are currently working on achieving.
and an ultra marathon.. that’s crazyyy. I’m sure you’ll find a way to achieve all of your goals, even the 2:40 marathon. and we all know you’ve already achieved raising Brooke to the best you can.!

I’m new to training for a marathon,not new to running though, so my main goal is to run two half marathons this year, and run two marathons next year. I have no idea what to expect for time wise, because it’s been forever since I’ve ran an actual race. But I can’t wait to do many more and hopefully some day run Boston.


My running goal is to get others to set running goals (or to catch the running bug). I just BQ’d earlier this year, so now I am just doing fun running stuff, and trying to help others to get addicted to running, hehe.


A few of my running goals for this fall: a 2-day/40-mile running trip in Sept., a 3-day/??-mile running trip in Oct., run my age on my birthday (31 miles on Oct. 26), and if all goes super well, maybe a 100K in Nov.! These are big goals for me because they are all things I’ve never done before, but right now I feel like I’m in really good shape and I don’t have any injuries holding me back (for the first time in 2+ years!).


Whoo for grad school! Are you going for an MA in education? I honestly loved my grad school experience so much and made some of my best friends there. I’m so excited for you! Congrats!

My big running goal is 50-miler before I turn 30 in two years :) But first I kind of need to finish my first marathon this October, haha.


My ultimate goal is to BQ….might have to wait till I age up again, lol.

I’d also like to run more trail races.

Good tradition at Target, we have the same one, haha.


Ha ha. That’s what I keep thinking too! 3:35 is just a crazy hard goal!


My running goals are just to get back into a running routine. I’d like to run a 1/2 someday. I’ve done ONE 5k a few years ago, but I just don’t get/stay in a running routine. I love the structure – but I need to get into the game and keep going.
My goal is something along the line of run 2-3 times a week for the next few months.


I’ve had a really good day! I had a meeting with my new boss at work and he seems pretty cool and willing to let me continue to have flexible hours. Whew!
Today’s workout: Block 1, Week 2, Level 2 of the Modern Woman’s Guide to Strength Training followed by 8 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill. HIIT workouts are so deceptive. It’s like “I can run really fast! (for 30 seconds)”


I really wanted the Athens Marathon to be my first (original course etc etc) but it costs quite a bit of money to travel to Athens (who knew) so I plan on doing Chicago as my first (next year…after my injury recovery is 100% complete). I have a “marathon bucket list” that has some of the half and full marathons I want to complete but Chicago and Athens are at the top of my list :)


I want to keep running forever! Does that count as a running goal? I never want to quit. I’ve been doing it for years and it’s still hard to start some days, but I love it! LOVE it.


I’m starting to train for my second race, another 5k. I really really want to cut off at least 5 minutes off of my finishing time and not take any walking breaks. I also really want to sign up for a 10k to motivate myself to keep training and start speed workouts! Takes time to build up the mileage, that’s for sure! But I have loved falling in love with running, a sport I NEVER thought I would get into! I always hated it because I’m not in the best shape but seeing that my body can actually run four whole miles with a lot of training has amazed me, I love it!!

Best part of my day was baking Oreo cupcakes…So delicious!!


Post baby half marathon PR.
Post baby marathon
Ultra (want to train virtually together )


My running goal this year was for my first half this summer, but I’ve been sidelined with PF the last two months in addition to some other electrolyte imbalances.

I’ve made a small modification and will continue to increase distances while I can and just try to get the PF resolved before pushing too far.

Good luck with the Masters!!


I love this Janae! You are right, we have our whole life to obtain certain race goals. There isn’t any need to force a race goal and feel miserable. There is a super flat and fast 50k in VA Beach in December.


Hi and belated happy birthday to Brooke! My exciting thing…diagnosed with a stress fracture in my ankle from running. I received my first-ever set of crutches, and orders not to run for at least two weeks. Ugh. My goal is to heal the ankle so I can get back to training for a 10k in September. Fingers, toes and everything else crossed…

You mentioned an ultra. Whoa! My husband is training for one now, and you are right…the time commitment is huge. Not only the time running, but then the recovery from all those long runs too. I am in awe of his commitment, but it’s not for me. Maybe someday I can work up to a half. Good luck to you with your upcoming races,and I hope you find the right time to conquer the ultra!


I did speed today too and it nearly killed me…but I am so happy I finished it! I literally bargained with myself the whole way! It was 6 mile repeats and I started by telling myself just do 4, then I told myself I don’t have to do them as fast as I can, then just do 5 and finally just one left..just finish :). It worked…6 mile repeats and my last was my fastest.
I love to have goals and challenge myself, but when I stress over my goals and my running I loose my focus on the really important things in life and I tend to actually do worse in my running. It works best for me to have flexible goals, do what I can and not go crazy.
I would love to go sub 3:20 (current PR 3:30) in the marathon this fall at Richmond and break 1:30 in the half (current PR 1:32). The marathon is tricky for me…a lot of my training times would show that not being that hard for me but the last 6.2 really kill me and I have not found the best way to fuel for me yet.
I really feel like running can still be such a great part of your life and you can still love it just as much even if you are not doing it as much or PR’ing all the time….sometimes other things just have to take priority. :)


My aim is to get a sub 2h 1/2 in 5 weeks


Isn’t it neat how becoming a mother changes us in a good way–and makes us more balanced in the things we desire? you’re such a good example of being a great mom while maintaining an incredible level of fitness & going after goals. Well said!! :)

Have funnnnnn tonight!


Oooh, I’m excited to hear more about your school plans!


The treadmill often stresses me out. I feel like I HAVE to improve, otherwise I’m not worthy or something. It’s a really bad habit I have, so sometimes I have to cover the treadmill screen so I never know and I never feel the pressure. I do love the feeling after you push past your limits, though!


It’s all about seasons in life. I’ve had my major running season but right now I’m in the season of motherhood and I’m so happy with that. Running is still a love of mine but I had 3 kids in 2 years and they are my focus now.
I saw a woman out running the other day and a little pang of jealousy set in. Then I realized her kids are probably in school. I immediately felt grateful that mine are still little and home with me all day. I’ll have my season to run millions of miles again but for now I’m content with getting out there when I can and doing races for fun here and there.
I’m super excited to hear about you going back to school, too!!!


i despise speed work! haha. but it helps so much with my PT test that i have to do every year.

and if you didn’t know, there is a recall on trader joe’s almond butter due to a salmonella scare. i know you and brooke eat that stuff up and wanted to share!!!


My running goal is always the same–to stay healthy and not injured! I have figured out I have to completely balance my training with cycling and swimming and weights so I am just happy with a few miles a few times per week. Today was 1.5 miles of swimming + weights.

I love that pinata! HOW AWESOME.
Have a super fun time!!


First of all, KICKASS speedwork! I can’t wait until I’m healthy enough to do that again. I actually love speedwork and hills. I know, I’m sick. Right now my running goals are to finish my first ultra in December, if I can get my body to stop being a jerk.

I just finished my Masters program in May, going part-time while working. I didn’t have a kid to raise but I did train for a marathon during that time. Yeah…it was intense. Sounds like you’ve already got some awesome perspective on it!


Hey Janae, I’m a new follower of your blog – I’ve got two kids ages 2 1/2 and 8 months. Running is my “me time” since my son was born this year. My running goal is to finish the SoJo half marathon in October (I live close to you – in Herriman!) and today I finished a major goal with my first 9 mile run!


That is so awesome you’re starting your Master’s! Will it be in teaching or another subject? Exciting either way!

My workout today is 5 miles at the gym…. As soon as I stop procrastinating and finish studying for finals. Summer quarter is the worst!


I’m so glad you shared all your running goals! And more importantly, I’m happy to see your focus is in the correct aspects of your life – Brooke, your health and happiness, and your future goals. In the end it’s your own expectations for life that matter (if that makes any sense :) ).

Oh and my running goal is to successfully finish my first ever marathon (Hartford Marathon) this fall!


Thanks for talking about your goals! My goal is to run faster in my half marathon in Sept. than I did in November. Shouldn’t be too hard…

My workout today was tough to get motivated for but I’m SO glad I did it! Just 5 miles before work…nothing too special.

My day has been okay… I’m eating a delicious dinner and trying to get motivated to do some studying (I’m taking the GRE next month — can’t wait to hear about your Masters’ Program!!!)


Oh how exciting for you! My good friend just finished her masters program and I’m just so proud of her. Your running and life plans seem perfect. You are still so young and can chip away those time goals when it’s convenient for you. I did speed work on the treadmill too. My fast is level 8.5 I do for 2 minutes with 6.7 recovery. Not sure if I’m doing speed work right but I feel like a champ after. I only did 4 miles I plan on a long run fri of 10 miles.
Today we met my boys teachers! They seem awesome their new and energetic I’m so excited! I have a first and fourth grader tomorrow and I want to cry!


I loved this post :) you and Brooke are both so lucky to have one another!

My day is going really well. I work at an animal hospital and today has been the day of puppies! Brooke would lose it if she saw some of the little ones that come through here ;)

Have fun tonight!!


I love your posts! They always leave me feeling inspired and wishing I was as fast as you! :)


Your goal=Wow! Those are some BIG goals. You go for it!

My running goals are simple: just enjoy running, keep it up, don’t get injured. I’m doing some half marathons–that’s enough for me.


Great goals! Marathon training definitely takes alot of time. I would eventually love to qualify for Boston, and I think my next half marathon goal will be a sub 1:40.


I agree 100% with Danielle, my running goal is to still be running when I am 75!

Wohoo, congrats on your Masters decision, best of luck, I can’t wait to hear about what you are going to pursue!


You’re a very impressive lady! Your goals are attainable given your regard for this little thing called “real life”. I respect your ability to step back, read the situation and adjust your goals to fit the circumstances. You put your child and long term wellness (going back to school) in front of more short lived glories such as race times. I was reading some of your much older posts today (from before Brooke) and your personal growth is so astounding. Keep doing what you’re doing!


Hi Janae! I am excited to report that due to my new love for rolling after a run, before I go and once in the day if I am passing my foam roller and have a few minutes…my IT bands and gluteus medius muscles are no longer sore after runs or sprints! Its amazing what a few minutes here and there creates! Love the roller :) What did you make in the crock pot? Heidi


I’m running XC for the first time ever, and my goal is to break 23 in the 5k this season :) It might seem slow to you, but it is definitely my dream :)
You have amazing running goals! Especially Boston and the Ultra :-)


Racing my first marathon in Nov. I am hoping for 3:35-3:40ish time. Having never raced that distance before I am not exactly sure what I am capable of. Training in the florida heat and humidity with most of my runs between 10:30-1:00 has been tough. Hopefully as it cools down and I get some more runs in early in the morning I can get some longer speed work in.


My running goal right now is to get my 5K time back down to where it was in college! I’m getting closer and am so excited to break it some time in the next year! :D


Love your goals and that you acknowledge how your goals have changed over the years! I’m in the same boat with goals changing – I had some really big ones (for me) like running a sub-3:15 marathon and eventually running a 100-mile trail race in MN… but that was a few years ago.

Now I have a toddler running around the house and we are hoping to get pregnant with baby #2, so my goals have changed – not forever, but for now.

I’m still hoping for that sub-3:15 marathon, and who knows… maybe even a sub-3 :) Big goals are so motivating! Though, my big goals may have to wait until we are in a different season of life. Marathon training and baby-growing just don’t work for me (I’m not patient enough to run a marathon while pregnant and would have to pee every 5 minutes)!


My goals for this upcoming year is to finish a half Ironman sub 6 hours (I’m close!) and to PR my half marathon time – Both goals will take a lot of time and dedication!!


Sounds like a killer workout! I’ve been intentionally slacking on my speedwork but I think I want to start doing it again. Sounds like you have some fantastic goals, and I love being able to see a running mom with ambitious goals since it gives me hope that I can keep up my running after becoming a mom (if I become a mom :)). My big goal: to BQ someday. I’m still way too slow, but I’m hoping a few years of solid training will get me in good enough shape.


I’m hoping to break 2 hours at my next half – it means shaving 7 minutes off of my last race.

I have been sick so I didn’t do a workout today. Tomorrow I’m back to running :)

My day was long. I worked 10+ hours with a class full of toddlers. My assistant will be back tomorrow, so that means I’m back to more reasonable hours tomorrow! :)


My day was AWESOME! My bf and I went to the lake after work and then grabbed dinner and went to TARGET– and I managed to escape without any impulse purchases. winning!! :)


I am running an ultra in January and I’m all kinds of crazy scared about it but I also can’t wait…


Awesome goals, Janae! Good to have dreams but also be realistic :). I’ll see you in Boston in April!! (I go to BC, so I’ll be cheering for you at mile 21!)

Today was my 2nd (easy) run after being out for 2 weeks because of bursitis in my hip. I was nervous about seeing the doctor last week for fear I may have another stress reaction (pre-stress fracture), but he said it was ‘just’ an extremely inflamed bursa. 1 cortisone shot (and lots of rest) later, and I’m feeling great! Praying it stays like this, but I learned (for the millionth time;) that I need to take it a bit easier. I guess my body just can’t handle everything my mind can.

My current running goal is to be 100% injury free and to just enjoy running as I study abroad (and hopefully see some of Europe by foot) this semester! I leave for Florence on Sunday (AHHH!!!).


My goal is to complete my first marathon this year.

Are you doing another RAGNAR?


My running goal is to be ABLE to run again after this hip surgery! And it might not happen. That’s ok, too. It’s just a goal, not the end of the world.
Good for you to be going back to school! I eventually want a master’s in public health or business (to allow me to be considered for various promotions), but returning to school is rather daunting. I think you’re making the right choice, though. No one ever wishes they had LESS education!


My one goal is to be able to do another half marathon. Since the doctor told me last week I have compartment syndrome, I can’t help bit wonder if I will ever do another again. Honestly my last one was in January and I didn’t know it would be my last. I wasn’t ready for it to be my last.


Right now my running goals are simply to keep running. Working part time with a 6 month old and having a husband that is working and going to school full time, doesn’t leave me a whole lot of time. So instead of getting discouraged, I am just going to do my best! Thanks for being such an awesome example Janae!


My running goals are seriously more like walking goals since moving up to these mountains! Just taking my kids on a walk in the double stroller up some of these hills in my neighborhood leave me huffin and puffin! :) I also really want to be more of a hiker! I did a hike yesterday that took 3 hours and was pretty rough in quite a few spots and I seriously LOVED it! It was challenging and beautiful and I think I’m addicted!

Soooo exciting about you going for your Masters!! Seriously, you are wonder woman! Can’t wait to hear more about it!!


I know I am a few days late, but I wanted to wish your sweet Brook a happy birthday!

Thank you for everything Janae. Thank you for showing me that a woman can come out of dark times and be strong. You are a huge inspiration to me as I am on my journey toward a better life. Thank you.


My running goal is to finish my first Marathon. I have no time goals at this point as long as I finish I will be happy!

The most exciting part of today was having a couple of hours free in the middle of the day to just lounge and watch Grey’s!

My workout today didn’t go so well :( I’ve been nursing what I’m thinking is a strained calf muscle and it really flared up today so I was only able to get in about 1.5 miles. Hoping that giving it another couple of days off will help it recover!


Pinatas and bouncy castles.. Lucky girl!

My goal is to run a sub-2:00 half… I’ve been injured for soooo long and this is my comeback race!!

Most exciting thing today was my man cooking dinner… Hahaha, it’s the little things in life :)


I recently bought the Olay exfoliating brush to try & make my skin look beautiful for my upcoming wedding. My skin stays relatively clear most of time except for during that special time of month, but even then it’s minimal. However, it hasn’t always been that way. I swear by Vitex or also known as the Chaste Treeberry. I often will increase my dosage around that time of month because I find it helps fight the deep hormonal acne that comes with it. You can Vitex in most grocery stores next to the vitamins & supplements. In whole foods it’s often in the “women’s” supplement section. If you haven’t tried it, I’d recommend using it to see if it helps with your skin.


I am still working toward a BQ (3:45) with my next attempt this coming Sunday at Santa Rosa!

Good luck with your goals, both short-term and long-term! Sounds like wonderful things are ahead for you!


Why visitors still make use of to read news papers when in this technological
globe everything is existing on web?


I have my first ultra in 2 wks! I’m excited, but not too nervous yet.
You can do the ultra.. and on less workouts/ mileage than 5 years ago ;)
It’s all about hitting the trails and taking chances. I know my race won’t go perfectly.. but it will be an adventure!


Happy belated birthday to Brooke! Would you mind doing a post on how to find a running coach? Thanks


Well done on your speedy workout! I wish I had someone telling me stories whilst I run :)

My running goals at the moment are:

sub 2 hour 1/2 marathon
complete a full marathon

and generally just get faster.

My first 10k was 1 hour 9 mins xx secs and my most recent one was 58 mins 24 secs so I’m getting there but I would like to be able to run sub 9 minute miles over a substantial distance (1/2 or full marathon) at some point. Not the speediest of top speeds but good enough for me


I am at a training camp so forts run of the day was fartlek in the hills, was leaving at 6:45 am, running between cows and horses in the beautiful nature is so energizing! Even though the up hills at altitude are so tough :)

Running goals: sub 3 marathon – hopefully this autumn at Chicago :)


My running goals are to break two hours in the half marathon and run my first full marathon! I haven’t been able to focus on any goals because I’ve been traveling the last six months, but as soon as I get home, it begins!


I am in a similar situation right now with my running. I love it and am continuing to run but my goals for PR’s and speed for the marathon are being put aside for awhile. I’m thinking when my little one is school age that may be an option.

So glad that you are enjoying your new place and can’t wait for the tour : )


I’ve been visiting DC this week, so I’ve had some awesome vacation running. It’s such an inspirational city!


Running definitely has its “seasons” as one of the comments stated above. I was a 3:20 marathoner in my 20s, had two children and ran well while they were little and I had some (limited time). Then when my youngest son was 6, I returned to full time teaching. Ugh. I love my job, but have to run at 5 a.m. I am currently training for Chicago, but have hamstring issues AGAIN. Turning 50 in April. Legs just feel it SO much more than when I was young. Right now it is important to focus on Brooke and your life…. trust this old lady! It goes by SO QUICKLY. My “boys” are now men. 20 and 23. I am so grateful for the way they turned out and it was because I spent so much time with them. Keep up the hard work… on and off the roads! :)


Next goal is to complete the Texas Bridge Series. 2-10k’s and a half marathon over some pretty large bridges near my hometown. Seeing as there are no hills anywhere near where I live now… This goal might prove a challenge. First race is in 4 weeks!

PS. Your running goals/list of priorities makes me so happy. Just that you are putting yourself and Brooke’s life together as number one and not worrying so much about running goals. There’s often a lot of pressure to go hard and fast and push in running (and other aspects of life), and that’s just not going to fit into every season of life. So excited for you and your future!


Hi Janae! I love your perspective on everything and how you know what is important in life.

My next race is the Queens 1/2 marathon, September 14. This will be my first 1/2 marathon and I am excited/nervous. I did 11 miles last Saturday and I felt strong the entire time. My goal is to finish under 2hr 10min, I know that is slow – I never said I was fast! But my main goal is to have fun!

I enjoy reading you blog!


Congratulations on your Master’s Program! That is very exciting! I completed mine a few years ago and it was tough, but very rewarding!

I want to break 3:30 in the marathon. My best is 3:32:59 and those 3 minutes just seem so close and so far away all at the same time!

Looks like Brooke’s birthday was a blast!


I would really like to do a Disney half marathon someday with my sister.


Those sounds like awesome and attainable goals! Our friend coaches X-country at the high school I teach at, which means he’s training 2x’s a day. He can seriously just drop in and do an ultra. It’s crazy.
My running goals right now are a 10K + 1/2 at the end of this month. A 1/2 in October to finish off a 3 part series and a 1/2 on my bday weekend in December in San Fran :) Right now I’m not doing a ton of speed because I am getting the hubs to run with me and he is slower. Right now him running > me going faster.
Workout today was 5 miles before work, with a little bit of speed in there.
I can’t wait to hear what you’re getting your masters in! I am just now finishing mine up. All I have left is my thesis or project (I haven’t decided which to do as of yet).


My short term marathon goal is sub 3:30. Nothing close to yours!
Longer term (3 years maybe) is 3:15. I really think I can get there, just need a little more experience under my belt.

I totally get the love for speedwork. Even though the marathon is my favorite race, heading up to the track for an early morning session that leaves my legs shaking feels amazing.


Doing my first half this weekend along with my son (age 11)!! We are both stoked but not gonna lie, nerves are starting to roll in!


I love your race goals and I’m so glad you outlined them!!! I have been wondering about doubles, myself and if I should be doing them to get faster!!!!


I have marathon number 5 coming in November and I would like to get under 3:35… then a 50k in December because… I’ll already be trained so may as well go big :) Then my first Boston in April!!! I think I may not have any goals for that race and just soak in every single second of that experience. Today’s run 7 miles of bridge repeats.


At the top of my list… qualifying for Boston. I am running Portland Marathon on October 5 and am hoping that this will be THE race to get me there!


I think you will surprise yourself with what you can accomplish with less time to train.
Building strength and cardio thru cross training that you can do in your own pad with Brooke will do wonders.
Running momma’s are fierce!
Goals: 1/2 Trail Marathon in 2014 – Trail Marathon in 2015 – Trail 50K 2016
Workout: PiYO Buns and Core
Surprising: “lets get rolling soon momma” said my 3 year old.


My next goal, running my first Marathon!!! Very scared


Raising kids, especially as a single mom, totally affects the ability to get out there and run and train as much as you want. The priorities are totally on the kids and since having them be little and needing us so much is so short-lived, it’s totally worth the time spent with them. There’s always time after that as they get older to get in those marathon goal times.


Haha the pinata is too cute!


I have taken a step back in “running goals” since having a kid. The time when they are little-you can’t get back. I try to run races still- 5ks- pushing her in te stroller. A few halfs throughout the year. I want to still have something for me- but also not take the time away from her. I have friends that are doing tri’s- 70.3’s – would I love to try it? Sure- but there will be plenty of time later in life when my kids won’t need me! :)

Right now-running goal- to try to run as long as possible with this pregnancy- (24 weeks right now). Then try to get back into running shape a little faster than after the 3 yo! :) I want to sign up for a local half in June! (Due in December).


Ugh, lately my workouts have been WORK! I’m a nurse, and we’ve had crazy long busy days recently that don’t allow me time to run between work and picking up the kiddos. Hopefully this weekend I can get in a nice run.

I think your plan to balance training/goals/raising Brooke sound pretty dang solid!! Raising kids really is the hardest job there is, and you have to keep your sanity at the same time :) Good luck!!


Qualifying for BOSTON!


I have a half marathon on September 14 that I have the goal to basically just finish, I’m hoping in less than 2 hours. I didn’t find out about it until about 6 weeks before, and I wasn’t able to run the last week really because we went on a camping trip. But I figure hiking 10 miles basically all up hill with a 40ish pound pack compensates.

I want to get under a 1:40 half, do a full, and I really want to do an ironman some day!


My running goal is to finish my first full marathon this November. I just want to cross the finish line and wear that hard earned medal around my neck! :)


I do the same thing with the speeds on my treadmill speedwork sessions. Except I hate slowing it down to my walking speed since it equally doesn’t slow down as fast as I need it to before dying. I think just jumping to the sides is going to be happening soon.


How old are you Janae? Just curious as you say in a couple of years, you’ll be keen to go after some competitive goals and I was wondering if you were still a young’un :)

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