10 Reasons Why I Love Trail Running.

1.  Exploration. I think it is natural for us to want to explore the world and see new things and what better way to do that than trail running?

2.  Being out in nature is proven to make you happier.  It’s science. 

3.  Running on soft surfaces like dirt is so good for your joints.  Less stress on your body!

4.  Running on trails helps you to build stabilizer muscles (especially on really uneven/technical trails) that you don’t really get from running on the roads/treadmill.

5.  Switches things up—>  bored with your routine lately?  Hit the trails (just make sure to go with someone and/or a dog:)!

6.  It slows you down which is GOOD for us…  Every day should not be fast and so I especially love to run trails after a speedwork day so that I am forced to go slower and let my body recover.  

7.  You get to escape.  No cars, no street lights or buildings.  It is like a mini vacation.

8.  To go along with #7, you don’t have to ever stop for cars/lights etc.  

9.  You feel hardcore after a good trail run.

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10. My last (love/hate) reason —>  trails force you to run more hills which hurts but makes us so much stronger!

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Nothing in the world better to come back to after a run.  Brooke was extra cuddly yesterday because I think she knew she wasn’t going to see me for a few days.  

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It makes my heart happy that Brooke loves green smoothies so much.  My smoothie from Green Me yesterday was a mango one with chia seeds and extra kale.  

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Brooke and I went and did some of her favorite things and when she left, I went to yoga followed by Cafe Rio with a side of Mad Men. 

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And this quote that Angelica shared yesterday nailed what I feel completely.  I plead insanity!

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From a good friend:

Our close friend and co-worker was hit and killed in March while biking to work.  He left behind a wife and four kids.  We are putting on a cycling event in his honor and to raise funds for his family.  The event is this Saturday and is called The Live BIG Challenge.  It will be a 40 mile bike ride around the Alpine Loop (starting and ending in Orem).  There is also a shorter (20 mile), flat route for those who don’t feel ready for that ride.  Finally, all are welcome for a memorial ride at 10am (whether you’re riding a beach cruiser, tricycle, or event walking).  There will be a huge party after!
Use the registration code “SAVE25” to save $25!



Trail runners—>  why do you love the trails?

What show(s) are you hooked on lately?

When you get bored with your workout routine, how do you switch things up?

What did you do last night?

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I LOVE TRAILS! luckily, Colorado is bountiful in that aspect ;) My only problem is every 5 seconds I want to stop and take a picture of how beautiful it is!!


Hey fun fit girl! I am in Colorado too! I wonder if were in the same city. :) Training right now with TNT for the Full Denver Rock and Roll Marathon.


I’m doing the half!! I’m in Denver….you?


I just did my first trail race this past weekend so I’m by no means a trail runner, but after the experience I can really see why people love it. It’s just an entirely different activity, or so it felt like that for me with all the hiking I wound up doing! I loved that you didn’t know what was coming next terrain wise so I had to actively engage my brain the whole time, rather than just spacing out on the road.

Signing up for that race for me was a nice little switch-up and good way to use different muscles.


My knees love trails, haha! And I can’t get enough of the fresh air :) . Love it!


I’ll tell you why I hate trails….ROCKS! Ouch, that’s all I can say about that.

I love the Mindy Project and that’s what I did last night, I watched it.



When I get bored, I rotate between working out indoors and outdoors, the length and intensity of it!


I HAVE TO GO TO UTAH. There is nothing even sort of close to your kind of trail running here!

That quote was so beautiful, and totally appropriate! Sending lots of love your way these next few days!


I WISH we had trails where I live! One state park about 30 mins from where I live has a trail but it’s only one mile long!

I haven’t watched Mad Men in FOREVER. I stopped a couple of seasons ago. I really should catch up. Just a few more weeks until The Mindy Project is back!!!! Yay! :)


I fell in love with trail running while training for my 50k. However, after running the 50k and falling 3 times (lots of bruises and cuts) I was more than ready to head back to the road for a while.

I really wish I had some Cafe Rio in my life.


One reason I like trails (besides outrunning turkeys obviously) is that you can start running and not stop…there are no stop lights or crossing roads! I don’t care for the focus it takes to avoid roots though! I’m glad your enjoying running again Janae!


I recently started running on trails to get ready for my first ultra and OMG I was not prepared for how much it would kill my legs!


Trails are the best! I always feel better about myself when I run on trails, because it makes me feel like i’m going faster. Why? Because there aren’t any cars or bikes to compare myself to! I also feel refreshed and accomplished after a trail run, not “rushed” like I do sometimes after having run on the road.
Searching for a good Netflix show right now, because I just finished Orange is the New Black. I love New Girl but I’m going to try and wait until school starts to keep that as a “20 minute before bed time treat”.


Trail running is the best! I haven’t ran on the roads in over a year now. I love that trail running allows me not to think of the distance. It requires all my concentration to watch the trail in front of me and my foot placement. My mind is cleared of everything else. I love the quiet of my surroundings. It’s very calming. And the dog I adopted last September has become the best running partner!


I ran some great trails in Bavaria recently, and I got hooked! I can’t wait to explore trails in California when I get home. I just finished watching The Killing on Netflix, it’s intense but soo good.


Love trail runs! You really get to connect with nature and feel free! :)


I never run trails but maybe I should. I know there are a few out here by me I am lazy and just run my usual route. To switch things up though, I do run by the beach in the summer and this morning, even tackled the treadmill which I hadn’t done in months. Wasn’t so bad!


My top 3 reasons to run on trails: beauty, adventure and solitude!


I really like trail running…There is always something beautiful to look at to distract you too! It is a total body workout! I am always nervous about getting lost though!

TV? I am ready for football season to start…Lately, I will watch reruns of the “Big Bang Theory”.

Stay strong!


I am have been watching Mistresses this summer.
When I need to mix it up, I run new routes, even if that means driving, parking, and running a new loop not from the house.
Last night friends had us over for dinner. Friends and good food, doesn’t get better than that.


I find trail running a lot harder, but really awesome! It’s so much more interesting//exciting!


I’ve never been trail running. :(
My favorite show at the moment is Agents of Shield. I am watching it non stop to be ready for season 2.
Last night I went shoe shopping for my new job and went out for Mexican with my boyfriend.


Aw, LOVE that quote so much thanks for sharing!! This week I’ve been having to do all of my running on the treadmill and so to keep from boredom I’ve been watching FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS on my ipad because I remember you saying that show was so good and I had never seen it. I’m just on the first season so far but I’m really getting into it. I’m kinda behind the times so I always find old shows to watch — last summer I watched all of VERONICA MARS and loved it!!


That trail looks gorgeous!


I so vividly remember that monologue from mrs doubt fire. So very fitting.
Last night after sitting in traffic and getting home at 7pm I took advantage of the break in the rain and walked the dogs (I have one and I am dog sitting another).
Then I watched that extreme weightloss with Chris Powell. It caught my attention because the woman was tasked with running a half marathon and decided she wanted to do the full. All or nothing seemed to work in her favor as she lost over 55 percent of her body weight.
I tend to run trails in the cooler months. I hate bugs and sweat combining to leave a coating on my legs. Lol.
I love that show mystery diagnosis.


I have briefly ran on trails and really enjoyed it! Can anyone suggest the type of shoe to wear if I don’t have trail shoes right now? Should I go with more of a minimal shoe, (Pure Connect/Pure Flows), or something with a bit more stability such as my Brooks Ravenna’s, etc.? I never am sure what the best ones would be.

Thanks for all of your inspiration, Janae! :)


Mad Men is definitely one of my favorites. I also like Halt and Catch Fire, The Good Wife, and Silicon Valley.

What kind of yoga do you do?


Trail running: where you have to keep going because you’re worried no one will find your body.


agreed on #3 — my joints felt sooo much better doing my long run on trails this past weekend.


Running outdoors, for me it is a slow run, but I loved nothing more. The sunshine always made it better :). Love love love the new show called “Married At First Sight” I find it so interesting!


I love trail running! I don’t get to do it very often because I can’t run with the BOB on trails so the only time I can go is if my husband is home to stay with my son. And I usually go running when he’s at work (he works weekend mornings), so it’s not usually an option. I guess when I run in DC I run around the mall and I stick as much as possible to the grass or the gravel mall sidewalk/trail, so it’s kind of like trail running….

My favorite thing about running trails is that there is so many other things to concentrate on (scenery, tree roots, rocks streams, uneven terrain, etc.) that I barely get a chance to focus on how tired I am or how many miles I’ve run. It’s a nice escape.

And when I get bored of my running routine I try to switch it up with a few hill repeats, tempo runs, etc. because concentrating on specific aspects of my running make it more exciting.


Love the freedom you feel out on the trail. I am totally HOOKED on Extreme Weight Loss lately!


I want to go trail running so bad! The one bad thing about living in a city and not having a car is I can’t really trail run… next time I go visit my parents I am DEFINITELY finding a trail somewhere! It makes me sad that I live in Ireland where it’s so gorgeous and yet I’m running round city streets instead of in the countryside, I’m way overdue some trails!


I really need to figure out a way to try out some trail running. Once I move out of the city hopefully it will be easier for me to get to trails, and I’ll have to drag my husband along with me. When I want to switch things up I might try some workout classes or different kinds of cross training (like swimming!) or run a different route! I ran on the beach today and Monday and I feel like running in the sand really works different muscles!


That quote nails it :)

I like trails because they keep things interesting.

When I get bored with my workout routine, I add in some classes from the gym.

Last night was spent getting ready for my first day at my new job!!


I wish we had trails to run where I live! Its roads, treadmill or nothing here! :(

I just finished binge watching the first season of Chicago PD and its pretty awesome!

Usually if I get bored with it, it means I just need to take a break for a few days before diving back in. But sometimes I’ll bike or use more machines (elliptical, etc) and just take a break from running. If trails were an option, I’d do that!


I love trail running because they’re an awesome way to disconnect and put things into perspective. It’s so easy to get wrapped up into what’s going on in the world or social media and running through the woods or mountains really helps to ground you and make you realize what’s important.


I run a lot of paved trails for similar reasons–don’t have to stop at many stoplights and the views are great. I do need to switch to doing some runs on dirt and gravel trails, though. Last night I went out for dinner after work with a coworker which was a lot of fun. I hope you have a good (as it can be) Thursday!


I don’t have trails to run by me right now, but I would love to have them! I do have a cross country track that I run on sometimes, and even running on grass is helpful to take some of the pounding force out when my feet hit the ground.


For me, trail running helps with the mental aspect of running. I have to attend more to my surroundings, what I am doing, where I am stepping, and how my body feels. It also challenges my mind when I look ahead and see a hill or have to bounce my way over rocky terrain. When I am on pavement, I just go. When I am on trail, I focus and stay in the moment.

That is so sad about the cyclist who was hit and killed. It seems like that has been happening a lot lately around the country. Awareness for both drivers and cyclists is so important. Just like runners, cyclists are vulnerable to cars and their surroundings. That is really neat that your friend is putting on an event and fundraiser to help the family out and bring awareness.


How awful that your friend’s friend was killed while riding. Such a beautiful family. I would SO participate in that benefit ride if I lived anywhere close…


I would love to hit the trails if I had a running buddy & baby sitter.

Whenever I get bored with my workout routine I just make up a very random workout in the moment, usually with an interval timer. Instead of dreading the next however many 30 second 10 second rests of squat jumps, I have no idea what my next 30 second interval is.
Basically I pick an exercise and do it for the first interval. For the next intervals during the rest (if I pick a setting that has rests), I pick a different workout each time. So instead of thinking “Aw man. I have 6 more intervals left of the same thing….” you have no idea what you’re doing next until the last second! The major randomness keeps me from getting bored.
(I hope that makes sense^^)

And last night I did just that! ^^


I love trail running! I’ve been trying to do more trails this summer. I live in the Provo/Orem area, and I’ve done a couple of good trails, but do you have any suggestions? I’m looking for new routes.

Also, I think I’m going to sign up for this 15K trail race in October. It looks really cool. http://srcevents.com/cascadia/registration.php


I’m running my first ever trail 5k this Saturday and I’m so excited!!! They are having it right before the high school cross country meet so the course should be nice. We don’t have many trails to practice on around here so it should be interesting. I like to do different cardio/weight circuits once I start getting a little bored. Throwing in variety keeps it fun. Last night, I spent my night trying to keep my son entertained so he would stop asking to go outside. We had bad thunderstorms and he just couldn’t understand why we couldn’t go out and play!


Hey Janae!
Familiar torture trail!!
Ya know, I love running hills–I think because when I was young I knew I would have to run the 1/2 mile steep hill to get home. Seems like my muscles took to it pretty well.
Trail running is my favorite!! It’s nice to get to the views, and not be watched my cars. Awesome job, you’re amazing!!


I love the idea of trail running, but have yet to fall in love with actually doing it.

I watched Mrs. Doubtfire with my son yesterday because he had no idea who Robin Williams is. I have failed. Today we will be watching Dead Poet Society, my personal fave.

When I get bored with a workout, I usually just take a day off–that’s usually all I need.


Taking my without outdoors is definitely a way I switch things up. I’ve also found backup fitness activities that I enjoy doing like swimming, spinning and weight training. That way if I do get bored I can rotate through those activities and do more or less of then.


I’ve never really given any thought to “trail running” because in college we ALWAYS ran on trails during cross country season. Running on trails is so the norm that since I graduated it’s been weird to mostly run on the roads! I agree with all of your reasons for loving the trails! The dirt is so much nicer on your legs/body than the cement or asphalt and it is so much more beautiful than running on busy roads with all the cars around!


I cannot believe how long Brooke’s hair is!


Trail runners—> why do you love the trails? I love the fresh air and the calmness.

When you get bored with your workout routine, how do you switch things up?
Speed work and hills. Bringing a friend to bike next to me or run with me. Playing mind games. Running in new places. So many ways!

What did you do last night? Chilled with a new friend and watched Star Trek. Nerdiness is my life.


We have a great trail system in Kansas City. They are mostly paved, but it is nice to get away from the roads and cars and enjoy the wooded areas.

I have been watching Master Chef and love it! This is one of my favorite seasons!! I’ve also been watching Hemlock Grove on Netflix. It is really weird and hard to follow, but addicting!!


I totally biffed it on my last trail run and went flying into a bush! I may be too clumsy for really steep rocky trails, but it’s seriously the best workout!


I don’t trail run, but I do like to hike on trails to just enjoy being outside. :)
We’ve been watching Sherlock, but episodes are a little long, sometimes it takes me a couple nights to watch an episode.
Last night I made homemade larabars (YUM!), had breakfast for dinner, and read a Camilla Lackberg book while it rained (finally!).


Yes to all of these! Although I think I need a dog- certain trails make me nervous to be out on alone.


I really love trail running :) There is a super hilly mile loop around a lake near my house that I really love running because it is gorgeous!


Running Trails allows me to focus on my run and not on the surrounding cars and distractions around me. It’s my time to tune out. talk with God and clear my mind. I personally find its much gentler on the body. So blessed to live in Colorado with not only a great climate, but tons of open space trails runs.


I started watching Married At First Sight, it’s such a unique show and quite crazy, 3 couples get married who have never met but have been paired by psychologists!! Last night I watched Friends and ate some puppy chow, yum! I’ve never tried trail running, but I’m definitely going to start! Hope you have a great week, even though Brooke isn’t there, go on some early morning runs :)


I love the trails for all the reasons you listed. And more. When I run the trails, it is food for my soul, it is my happy place – last weekend a group of us had to boulder, scramble rocks, and we earned our views – and oh what views. Also, I live in British Columbia, and our mountains, well they are really something else.


Aw, I loved Mrs Doubtfire.

Trails are great because you feel so awesome when you are done and you see all the mountains/hills you just climbed! You also feel like a badass when your legs are all covered in dirt! Lol

Shows I love right now: OITNB, Mad Men, Parenthood, The Mindy Project, The Walking Dead, Big Bang Theory. Yes, I love TV!!


Funny shows: The Mindy Project – just caught up and truly addicted!

Serious shows: I just finished season 2 of Homeland. Never been a big fan of Claire Danes but she’s a awesome crazy person actress!

Reality shows: Dance Moms, Bachelor in Paradise (craziness right there), and Married at First Sight (MAJOR craziness).


I LOVE trail running! It’s my favorite and I wish I could do it more often! I have been absolutely HOOKED on Revenge lately- have you seen it? We’re watching the first season on Netflix and OMG I can’t stop watching. SO GOOD.



I actually watched Mrs. Doubtfire last night. I totally get it. I’ve had to imagine it and it made me beyond sad. Wishing you a glorious day! And walking in nature can have a similarly wonderful effect…for when you want to give your body a bit of a break but need that nature hit.


Cafe Rio definitely can take the sting out of missing someone for a bit. Good choice! ;)

I too plead insanity! I love my little girl so much!


My husband & I are re-watching ‘The O.C.’ right now — oh the drama! :)


You are so lucky to have those gorgeous trails close enough to run on! I love trails for all of the reasons you mentioned, plus fresh air. Running on roads and sidewalks around the city is interesting and lively, but I feel like I am constantly getting a whiff of car exhaust, random trash, construction dust, or whatever else is floating through the intown air. Trails just seem so pure and clean, and I feel like I’m escaping all of the things demanding my attention back in the city. Also, definitely great for length strength!

I am seriously missing all of the good Fall TV, all we have been watching lately is HGTV, Shark Tank, and American Ninja Warrior (which I don’t actually hate, those people are bad ass!).

Love that quote from Mrs. Doubtfire!


Just wanted to share an interesting read!


I go trail running ALL the time alone. I go on popular trails and there is usually plenty of people around. I love the moderately steep trails where I can really work my glutes while hiking up. What trail are you on there? It looks fabulous and I need a Utah county trail to hit after I work in Payson.
I’ve been watching Boardwalk Empire on HBO. Then I started watching the documentary Autopsy. It’s pretty dark but so interesting.
Last night I went to work and was able to come home at 1am. We had too many nurses and not enough patients. It was AWESOME!


ok, you’ve convinced me… trail running looks awesome :)

aww, the pic of brooke being cuddly is so sweet. i hope the next few days fly by for you!


I just read something on Twitter about trail running being much better than pavement too!


I ran up and down that hill lots this summer when I was training for the Ragnar hill! Those trails up there are my favorite. I miss them so much when I leave to come back to NY!


I love the trails because they make me feel strong! There’s always somewhere new to explore, and I love reaching the top of a hard hill. After I run on the trails, I feel like I can fly on the road!
Last night I went to an art show in town, and to dinner with my Mom. Then I relaxed and watch Pretty Little Liars!


I love being with nature and the beauty that trail running provides, and I love the extra workout I get on a technical course!


Just a though….but doesn’t it seem a little tacky to offer a discount code to register for an event that is raising money for a family after a tragic death? What kind of person thinks “oh, I would go to this memorial bike ride, but only if the registration fee were less. I don’t want to help them THAT much.” Meh.


I love the refreshed feeling I get after trail running that I don’t get after a road or treadmill run. There’s just something about being in nature.


Prayers to that family <3 <3 I can't imagine having that happen.
I can't believe I didn't run on any trails in Utah! Definitely will have to do that next time I'm there. Last night I was at the cabins with my dad + his family and we had a chicken parmesan dinner followed by cookes and Cards Against Humanity. So much fun!


Wow, that quote actually almost made me tear up…beautiful, though <3


I LOVE trails, but I don’t love that I can’t run them alone. I work right next to a bunch of amazing trails but I don’t know anyone on my side of town when I get off work and I refuse to put myself in danger. SO many women in my area have been attacked recently and I keep reminding myself (and EVERYONE!) to be smart. It’s just not fair that running, this amazing sport, has to be done with fear.


I love trails. That’s what I train on most of the time. I’m a Dancing with the Stars gal but Downton Abbey is my favorite show and can’t wait for it to start up again. When I’m not running I’m attending a yoga class. Last night I ran 4 miles on my trail. Hang in there and I hope the rest of this week flies for you so you will be back with Brooke again. :)


I keep thinking I will trip and sprain my ankle on a trail run-LOL


Random fact: I got slimed (Nickelodeon) when I was a kid!


Whoops I replied to thewrong post! That’s what I get for commenting from blog lovin on my phone!


You need to read this. http://www.runnersworld.com/fun/no-running-isnt-therapy?cid=socMOT_20140813_29660686


So jealous of your Utah trails! We don’t have anything like those here on Long Island.


I am trying to get back into Once Upon a Time, but most the time I end up watching My Little Pony with my baby girl ha. Last night I watched Divergent for the first time and really liked it. I don’t know if you have seen it, but you should. Also, right now my husband is in school and working, and is basically gone all of the time. I was wondering how you recommend working out in a situation like this? I am trying to make it work, but it is definitely really hard. I know you and Brooke are in your own place now, and would love some advice :) Thanks Janae!


That Ms. Doubtfire quote made my heart both ache and smile at the same time :).


I haven’t tried trails……………yet!

I am hooked on lots of shows……….I rotate thru them………Full House, Home Improvement, Psych, NCIS, Friends, The Middle, and Modern Family!

If I get bored I run stuff in reverse, or pick a new route.


I hardly ever do trails but I love them when I do- I usually lack someone to run with so that’s my excuse :)

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