The Wednesday 13.

1.  Laura sent over an updated version of my family portrait and it made my day/week/month/year.   This will be going up in my new apartment.  

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2.  Adding the hose and water to the tramp was almost too much happiness for Brooke to be able to handle.

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3.  This lunch.  I made sure to add at least one berry for every piece of lettuce on my plate.  Poppyseed dressing with a fruity salad is the best.

Real soda is better than diet soda right;)  Working on it. 

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4.  I think I am going to be going pro in chess any day now.  

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5.  My two favorite things that I saw on Instagram recently:


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I see absolutely nothing wrong with this meal plan MONICA!

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6.  Last day to enter my giveaway for PRO Compression Leggings HERE and don’t forget to use the promo code LEG for 30% off and free shipping!

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7.  One of the many things I will miss about living at home.  My mother’s fridge with perfectly cut up watermelon waiting for me to eat it.

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8.  SUCH a great reminder from 9 Ways Women Can Become Better Women.  

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9.  We hit up one of Brooke’s favorite places in Utah County last night… The Bean Museum.  

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10.  Brooke has a new shipment of head accessories from A Little Lady Shop.  Brooke now brings me a bow or headband when I forget to put one in her hair in the morning, I have trained her well.  

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11.  Extra butter popcorn and a movie from Redbox.  I don’t remember that last time I stayed awake during an entire movie.  Maybe staying awake for a movie will be a goal of mine in 2015.  

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12.  I am absolutely amazed that I have stuck to my running break… It has been good for me to take a break after the marathon and I know it will help me to come back stronger but man, I am ready to get back to waking up early and hitting the pavement.  

13.  Some awesome running articles to check out:

4 Key Core Exercises For Runners—>  great if you are short on time but wanting to fit in some sort of core work everyday to keep you injury free!  Remember core isn’t just abs, you have to work the back, hip flexors, abductors and adductors too.

4 Ways Training With a Group Can Make You a Better Runner—>  I COULD NOT AGREE MORE with this.  They listed accountability, inspiration, camaraderie and information (talking to other runners that have conquered the goals that you have and finding out how they did it) as ways that running with other people help us to become better runners.

Is Electrolyte Loss Really the Cause of Your Leg Cramps—>  I had some major calf cramps during my marathon so this was super interesting for me to read.  If you have experienced leg cramps while running check this one out. 

Strategies For Overcoming Racing Anxiety—>  Race day anxiety is not fun at all and I love the ideas that this article gives to help get over that!  For me- the more races I do, the less race day anxiety I experience and the more I realize that Brooke/my family/friends will love me no matter how I perform


Ever had leg cramps when running?  During a race?  What do you think caused it?  How did you get rid of them?

Do you struggle with race day anxiety?  Is it just the day of the race that you get nervous or the week leading up to it that you are nervous?

Are you good at staying awake during movies or do you fall asleep too?

What are you most looking forward to today?

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I never go to the movies anymore because I can’t stay awake! I can barely stay awake watching them at home so its not worth it to pay money to go to the theater.

I had really bad leg cramps after a 5k one time. It was super hot out and I sprinted down hill for the last .1 and my whole calf cramped up. It was awful and bothered me for like a week after.

I love your family portrait!!


I’ve never had a leg cramp! Great now I’m jinxed! I get major race day anxiety, totally inside my own head and just need to quietly wait for it to start. I wish I could relax and chat with people but I’m just never in the mood to – very intense! Then after the race I’m so relaxed and talking to anyone and everyone.

I always fall asleep watching movies, and it makes me not even want to start one, which means I never see them! Today while my kids are in camp I’m meeting up with my 3 best friends at the pool so definitely looking forward to that!


That family portrait is the bomb. Brooke is a rockstar with her headbands. And I love the “9 Ways Women Can Become Better Women” excerpt. Loving your body is about health and nourishment, not forcing it to appear a certain way! Thanks for this, Janae. Keep doin’ what your doin’ – you are an inspiration to so many women!


I oddly never have race day anxiety. Before my first half marathon my coach told me it was okay if I could barely sleep the night before as long as I got good sleep in the days leading up to it … but I slept like a baby the night before and woke up excited. Maybe I don’t get nervous because I know I’m not going to podium so it’s really just a race for myself :)

Love the portrait and the twinner outfits!


I fall asleep during every movie! I think it’s the longest I ever sit so my body must think it’s bedtime!
I’ve cramped a little in my first duathalon but I think it’s because I have asthma and I was struggling with my breathing, and if I’m not taking in enough oxygen then my muscles aren’t getting enough either. My husband cramped really bad during his spartan- I blamed him being dehydrated and electrolyte loss.
Today is my rest day before tomorrow’s 14 mikes. Not really resting though because I work all day.


Today is a rest day and I’m obviously looking forward to that! Ugh I’ve been having terrible leg cramps these last two months. Some is likely from my foot injury as well as the AZ heat.


In 2013 I struggled with bad leg cramps during both of my half marathons, but I’ve worked on stretching my calf muscles a few times a week and that seem to have helped quite a bit! The bows you got in the mail are adorable!


I don’t care the movies because I cannot sit still that long. I used to get a ton of cramps but then I started drinking more water and it really helped them. I love the portrait of you and Brooke. Laura always does great work.


I would LOVE to send you a little twirl skirt for Brooke from my Etsy shop. Maybe back-to-school or fall themed? If you’d like me to send you a complimentary skirt, please respond either by email or private message on Etsy. Thanks :)


Love the bows and headbands!!!


Brooke is so cute!!!
I don’t get leg cramps usually but I’m not a distance runner by any means.
I fall asleep for every movie unless I’m in the theater. I just can’t keep my eyes open past 8pm sometimes!


I don’t fall asleep during movies, but I have a hard time sitting still for that long. I am a fidgeter. Gotta move!

I miss being able to do my girls’ hair. That ended years ago. :-(


Yum. That’s my favorite root beer.


Leg cramps have never been an issue for me EXCEPT mile 23 of the NYC Marathon last year when i felt my knees buckle and realized both my quads were cramping up so bad I didn’t know if i could even walk. Thankfully it lasted just a minute or so and then I was able to push through.

My race day anxiety is a lot lower these days. I still get major anxiety the night before though. (mostly just with full marathons)

I ALWAYS fall asleep in movies.

I’m most looking forward to bedtime today. Sounds sad but today is going to be a crazy day at the office and tomorrow i have a fun day off planned. So bedtime means fun is just around the corner.


Yep! I have the worst race day anxiety ever…can you say stomach in a blender and diarrhea? A little TMI but I’m sure I’m not the only one haha. I should really get over that. Thanks for the articles!


I got a cramp in my right backside during my first and fourth half marathon. They were the same race (1 year apart) and I got the cramp on the same hill. So strange!

I get a tiny bit of race anxiety, but I think I am happier then not because that is the best part of running! I weirdly get anxiety some days during training runs because I either run at lunch during my break or after work so I think I have all day to think about the daunting task (even though I love it and always feel better afterwards) sometimes sitting around thinking about it all day doesn’t really get you too pumped up to run 10 miles after 5:30 PM :)

I stay awake during movies! I used to NEVER be able to fall asleep if TV or movies were on, but now I liked to keep the TV in the bedroom on low and fall asleep to it!

I am happy that is Wednesday :) HALF WAY THROUGH THE WEEK! Woo hoo!


I never got a cram during running but got such a bad one last night! so horrible. I hope to never get one while running.


I get nervous the day before and day off a race…but it is just part of racing…I just get butterflies in my stomach and antsy to get to the race when I am on my way there :).
I have the hardest time staying awake for anything longer than 45 minutes :)!


Love your list! And that family picture is awesome!

I’m definitely checking out that hair accessory shop for my little girl who’s due August 2nd. I’m hoping she’ll wear cute hair pieces like Brooke. :)

Yup, I fall asleep if I’m at a movie past 8ish pm… which leaves us seeing a lot of earlier movies. :)


I love the headbands! I must order some for my girls. I can’t sit still long enough to watch an entire movie….it’s a slight problem. TV shows are even a struggle! I don’t get road race anxiety, but I get really nervous about an hour before each adventure race. You could seriously die out there! My entire family is coming in town this weekend for my baby shower. I can’t wait to see them!


I always seem to get leg cramps the night after a race. I’m not sure what that is about but that just seems to be how it works for me.

Today I am most looking forward to getting out of work and grilling up lamb burgers and making tzatziki sauce, because YUM!


I trained with a group for my first marathon and it was one of the best experiences of my life! Need to check out that article on leg cramps (a constant issue for me.)


I can never stay awake for movies either! It’s not my fault we watch them so late at night. I’m most looking forward to a short run today! The weather is cooler and less humidity so perfect for a run!


I absolutely fall right to sleep if I am trying to watch a movie at home! I can stay awake in the theater but at home, especially in bed, forget it. I am out in two minutes!


That family portrait is fantastic! :)

Today I’m looking forward to our company picnic! My company goes all out with a carnival-like setup and people wear costumes. There are pony rides and bounce houses and amusment park rides! I’m a mermaid this year… Can’t wait!


I am making my weekly trip to Costco today and despite the fact that there will be crowds and I have a bizzillion other things to do, I get excited just thinking about going to Costco…weird, I know.


I bought a few hats and headbands for our little girl (arriving in August) yesterday. I really hope she’s one of those babies who doesn’t mind wearing them. They’re so adorable!!


I haven’t had leg cramps while running but I had an AWFUL calf cramp last week when I was laying on the couch. It was horrible. Now I pay much closer attention to stretching my calves!


When I was pregnant I would fall asleep during movies… I would binge eat my layered butter popcorn and then fall asleep…typically bc I was at movies that I had no interest in seeing…lol.

I’m loving forward to less humid run today. It has been BRUTAL!

Love that family portrait;) tres chic


Oh man, if I start a movie after 9pm, I am OUT. I just can’t do it.

Those bows are the cutest, I bet Brooke’s hair accessory collection is massive!


I fall asleep during movies all the time too! Especially if we are at home, and especially if my husband picked the movie! ;) haha Movies at the theater though are really good at keeping me awake – I think it’s because they are usually blasting the volume!


I used to put the sprinkler on under my trampoline, so much fun! Now I want to go buy one for my nephews… I can use it! :)


Awwww I love your family portrait, that’s so adorable!!!! And Now I want some popcorn…


Love love love that reminder for women to love their bodies. I am WAY healthier than I was for most of high school/college, but as someone who hit puberty really late, my body looks different. I know I’m eating right (most of the time) and doing what I need to do to be strong and fit, but it’s still hard sometimes. What a beautiful reminder that I am lucky to have the body I have, and I need to love it from all perspectives.

Also just loved all the joy in this post! I have a friend from college visiting today through Sunday, so I’m psyched to spend some good quality girl time with her.


Today I am looking forward to getting my new computer!!!! I ordered a refurbished macbook air and cannot waiiiiiiiiittttt! UPS says it’ll be here between 2 and 6… I have to distract myself until then! haha :)


I will usually fall asleep during movies, but can watch a whole season of a show on Netflix with no problems…I guess I’m weird haha.

I’m most looking forward to my run with my work running group at lunch time today :)


First off, I love the fam portrait!! That is adorable!

I’m also so inspired that you’re sticking with this running break- I know how hard it is to not just lace up those sneaks and go and I’m not sure I would be able to take a break as long as you have (even though I sometimes think maybe my body would thank me!) I’m debating about joining this break with you!

Side note: I fall asleep watching movies all the time! It’s a habit I need to break- I’ll watch a movie several times without ever seeing the ending…whoops?


When I was younger I used to pat my head and if I did not have a bow in I would cry endlessly. If only bows were still appropriate to wear on the reg at 25 :)


I love that design Laura made of you and Brooke – super cute!


i struggle with day-to-day anxiety so when i was running race day was always horrible. that’s part of why i stopped running; i’d put in amazing training and then nothing clicked on race day cause i’d go bonkers and crazy!
i stay awake for movies about… 10% of the time. if i’m curled up with the man i’m out like a light.


I get anxiety before every race. The night before my first triathlon, I spent the entire night dreaming about swimming, biking, and running. It was really weird. For me, the anxiety is actually a good thing because it helps “clear things” the morning of and gets the adrenaline pumping. Nerves remind me that racing is important and meaningful, and that I want give my best effort.

Today I am looking forward to a morning run followed by time at the pool. It is supposed a hot one!


I get bad calf cramps as well, thanks for the article!

I always get nervous about two days prior to a race, I generally watch a movie or do something with family to try to calm down.

I ALWAYS fall asleep during movies!

Today I’m looking forward to a long easy run after work. You have inspired my treadmill runs lately and I have been using your trick to beat boredom (changing the pace) it works!


During the school year I cannot stay awake for movies to save my life, however in the summer I am usually able to (emphasis on usually). What I’m most looking forward to today: my dog has a play date with my friend’s dog:-)


This topic of race day anxiety couldn’t have come at a better time for me…I am running my first race post partum which also happens to be my first trail race with lots of steep hills (I know, what was I thinking?) and I am scared!!! I keep having negative thoughts and keeping coming up with reasons to back out…but I must do this race for so many reasons!!
I have not made it through a movie in over a year…my poor husband always has to recap each movie at the end when he wakes me up to go to bed and I know it annoys him. I try so hard I just cannot keep my eyes open!
I am most looking forward to getting my hair highlighted and trimmed after work today!!!!


Love the illustration of you and Brookers! Laura does great work.

And YES to that IG Janetha posted – love it. Great reminder!

I’m terrrrrible at falling asleep during movies. Just ask my husband. He calls it every time, and sure enough, I fall asleep almost every time. Ha!


I hate to throw this into the universe bc I know it’ll come back and bite me but no, no leg cramps. Only during my 2 pregnancies.

I get severe race anxiety leading up to the race. Since I’m training for my first full it’s at an all time high.

Love movies but unless I watch them at 3pm I fall asleep instantly.

Today…sunshine and relaxing with my daughters :)


That popcorn looks amazing! Im totally craving some now!


Love your chess enthusiasm! I knew how to play, once upon a time but now I probably couldn’t.

Do you struggle with race day anxiety? Is it just the day of the race that you get nervous or the week leading up to it that you are nervous? – I DO struggle. I’m an introvert anyway so races are WAY out of my comfort zone. I usually don’t sleep the night before, and will have a stomach ache at the start line. But I feel great when I’m running and when it’s over I feel accomplished. :)

Are you good at staying awake during movies or do you fall asleep too? I fall asleep. My (now husband) used to think it was hilarious, when we were dating we’d rent movies and I would nod off almost every single time. I will say, I’ve always been a napper. I fall asleep on car rides, too.

What are you most looking forward to today? Hubs is home with me and our son today! Quality time with him, yard work, a big salad for lunch, renting a movie (zzzz lol) and running outside instead of tmill will be nice. Have a great day!


I get really bad cramps only in my right quad the last 6 miles of the marathon! I’ve got my hydration and nutrition down and i still cramped at my last race! I’ve done more research and am now trying to strengthen my hip extensors because apparently I’m making my quads do all the work, while my other muscles take a back seat! i did break 4 hours for the first time at my last race, and I’m hoping to get to 3:45 (or even a BQ) in the next year if i can get this cramp situation handled! :)


That salad has me craving vegetables at 7:30 in the morning. What is this madness??

Thanks for sharing that core strength link! My physical therapist was telling me that I really need to work on core strength, esp. my adductors, to help with my knee and ankle issues…giving those exercises a shot right now! :)


I love going to the movies, I’ve never fallen asleep at the cinema but if I start a movie late at night at home then I usually fall asleep! That portrait is the cutest thing ever! Putting water on the trampoline is the funniest thing to do :) Most looking forward to going to bed since I was up at 4am to travel, so tired!!


That portrait of you and Brooke is awesome! It should be your logo!

I don’t really get cramps, but I do get nervous right before a run! Then I remember that I am just there to run my race and I usually calm down in the first mile.


I had THE WORST leg cramps during my first marathon. It felt like both of my legs in their entirety had just locked up. I think it was from undertraining (I had gotten injured a couple months before and that severely affected my ability to get in all my long runs before the race). I tried stopping and stretching, walking, drinking more fluids/gels, and ultimately nothing really helped for more than a few seconds, so I decided to just power through and finish the race. I was already in pain, so why stop?? At the finish, I had to have two of my friends support me to walk back to the car, and then some guy behind me yelled at me because we were taking up all the space on the sidewalk… :/ Here’s to hoping my next marathon is better!! :)


The family portrait is awesome :) I love the cupcakes and the band in Brooke’s hair <3


I’m great at staying awake at movies… my husband? Not so much.
I need some cut up watermelon in my fridge now~


Funny you should ask because I fell asleep at the movie I was watching last night. I was supposed to be reviewing it but it was really so boring. Or maybe I was too tired from running in the morning and dealing with all that hot, HUMID weather yesterday. I have to try the movie again today :-)
I have been trying to get more electrolytes. I sweat A LOT when I run and sometimes when I don’t refuel properly, I feel like my blood pressure gets low (pre-existing condition). Bananas, coconut water and sport drinks work for me.


The portrait = beyond cuteness!

I had to get some target popcorn yesterday. Ymmmm buttery popcorn.


I fall asleep during almost EVERY movie. It’s really annoying because I always miss the ending and want to know what happened!


<3 lol this explains my sudden increase in followers on IG i was confused haha

i have got to get my BFF's new baby girl some stuff from that shop! thanks for the link!


such a cute portrait!


I love your family portrait! And those bows are adorable!!


I usually get anxious the morning I wake up for my race. I am not sure why I am anxious. I am not going to win the race but the anxiety is not good. My heart rate will be 110 before I even start running. I have no strategies on how to fix this.


I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a leg cramp while running, thank goodness!

There are times when I do fall asleep while watching a movie at home. Some movies just don’t capture my interest!


Here’s an easier way to have a running break. Move from the moderately cool Midwest to Florida in the summer. Longest break I’ve had in years from outdoor running and it’s actually been really good for me. Forced me to get back into weightlifting so my neighbors didn’t witness me hunched over from the stifling humidity on the side of the road. You’re doing great!


My boyfriend always gets so mad at me because even when I get to pick the movie we watch, I fall asleep in like 30 minutes so he’s stuck watching something awful hahaha.


loooove that drawing of the two of you-so sweet AND complete with cupcakes :)

i struggle with anxiety in daily life so race day anxiety is just added to the list.

i live in portland, oregon so we get rain A LOT but the summers here are out of this world (and trick you into believing you can tough out the rain) so i’m most looking forward to seeing those blue skies alllllllll day!

good job on your running break-knocking things outta the park!


My hubby got calf cramps during a marathon once and stopped to stretch for a couple of minutes. He missed qualifying for Boston that day by eight seconds! Yikes!


I love all of this but #8 especially! Such a great reminder :) I also NEVER stay awake for movies…maybe it’s a girl thing?


That family portrait is uber cute!! That’s really all the response I have for today….I know you wrote other stuff, and asked some questions, but I can’t get over that drawing of you and Brooke! That will be super adorable in your new apartment.


What movie did you not watch? :-) The Bean Museum looks cool.
I don’t get leg cramps but I do get stitches – ouch
I’m looking forward to seeing Jersey Boys for the second time tonight with my husband and eldest and going for a run today
I don’t really get race anxiety very badly.


Ha! I thought I was the only one who literally CAN NOT stay awake through a movie! We don’t even go to the theater anymore because it becomes a $15 nap.

Good for you for taking a break! I always take a week or two off after a marathon, I find that it not only helps my body recover but it also helps my mind get excited to run again after logging so many miles leading up to the race (even when I don’t want to!). Getting excited to run again is a wonderful side effect of a self-imposed rest!


Luckily I don’t suffer from any cramps while running.. knock on wood!! I’ve taken the past 4 days off because I’ve had basketball everyday, and that is a good enough workout in itself! And that updated family photo- SO CUTE. I need one for myself with 3 cats :)


I remember water on the trampoline making it extra slippery, be careful.


I love her headbands. And I’m getting really into the fruity salads. They are super yummy! and before my healthy living era, I would have never thought to put fruit in my salad, but now I know its the best thing ever.


i just love you! get my room ready, i’ll come visit and help move ;-)


Looking forward to my date with Sophia…she loves mommy dates. We are getting a book, a Redbox and froyo. :)

I totally get race anxiety. Makes me sick to my stomach, not so much before, but during…or at least I think that’s what it is. Plus, yeah, I totally stress the week before.

Love the little drawings of you and Brooke…she nailed it! :)

xo, Jess


My race day anxiety comes as soon as the taper starts. That’s when I start to worry about everything that could go wrong and keep me out of the race, or at least away from my goal.

My yoga instructor said something really interesting about goals. She told us not to have them. Why? Because when you make a goal, you lose it. YOU are the goal, and you should always focus on being better than you are at this moment. Food for thought…

Today, I’m most looking forward to date night with my fiance. It will be spent watching 24 on the couch, because we are wild like that. :)


#9, that’s cool!


I rarely stay awake for movies at home. If I do, it must be a reallyyyy good movie!


How perfect is that cartoon of you and Brooke?! LoVE!

I am the leg cramp Queen…well, during marathons anyway. I usually get them if I haven’t hydrated properly or if it’s a super hot run. I have to admit though that since I’ve been wearing compression socks during the marathon, I can’t remember getting any! :0 And Yes, I do get major race anxiety…especially if it’s super important to me.


I fall asleep EVERY time I try to watch a movie at home. Certain friends of mine will make fun of me for it, but it’s the attempt that counts. :)


Um I sure as heck stay awake while watching Divergent! I just saw movie good grief Four is sinful to look at! On book 3 now…
My friends and I were talking about body image etc since we are all almost 40. We came to the realization life is too short to not love who you are inside and out. I will be rockin the bathing suit at the beach tomorrow. Showing my daughter I am secure and proud of who I am like she should be.
Love your family portrait!! So perf!


Great post!! Nice work training Brooke with the headbands! That is one stylish little lady!

No leg cramps, but my last race I felt like my feet were on fire! They just felt super hot! I hadn’t experienced that before.

I do get race anxiety. I’ve had problems with my knee in the past and no matter how well training goes I have a fear that my knee with act up and I won’t be able to finish the race. I’m working on getting over it, so thanks for posting the article!

I’m most looking forward to these cookies I’m about to eat! Nom nom nom!


I definitely get race day anxiety, usually just the night before and then up until I cross the start line. Once I’m moving I have other things to think about!

I am SO good at falling asleep during movies!

My day is just about over, so I’m looking forward to curling up with a book before bed.


Love the berry to lettuce ratio in your salad! Looks amazing! Mad props for sticking to your break from running. I seriously doubt I could do that!!!


I always fall asleep when watching movies. I either have to take a break, or watch them in sections. I have been watching Despicable Me for about 2 months, now. I only have about 30 minutes left. Maybe I will finish by the end of July :)


I am seriously so excited to see how you decorate your apartment!! And I LOVE all of Brookes cute headbands and bows!


On my 2nd date (with my now hubby) I feel asleep at the movies. Glad he kept me around :)


I love the family picture, too cute!


I need one of these family pictures..does she take orders??

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