Resisting the ultimate temptation and GREEN ME!

Thank you for sharing your amazing comments in the last post, I am so happy that running has done so much good for so many people!


Workout—>  Pretty similar to Monday’s workout= a bunch of switching around with the treadmill, spin bike and rowing machine.  I am stoked for tomorrow morning because I have a birthday party to attend at 6 a.m.  All my friend wanted for her birthday was to have her friends all go to a spin class together, I will help fulfill her birthday wish.  Let’s see if I remember how to wake up in the 5 o’clock hour again.  

I was just minding my own business at my sister-in-law’s house this morning when she approached me with her best temptress face and a box of donuts.  As you know, donuts are on my ‘top 6 favorite things in the world’ list and they looked so good this morning.  BUT I stuck with my 21 days without treats/desserts thing and turned down the ultimate temptation.  I am determined to stick with this.  1.5 days down… 19.5 to go.  

I am just thankful there wasn’t an apple fritter in that box. I don’t know what I would have done.  

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After hanging with the cousins Brooke and I went to the Green Me Truck.  I have been following them on Instagram and I have been dying to try their smoothies.   

1/2 lb of greens in my smoothie.  Yes, please.  

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This satisfied my sweet tooth (because of all of the fruit and it tasted so good) and also my caffeine need (no caffeine in it but I felt an instant boost of energy from the smoothie… hmmm, weird how real foods make us feel so much better and give us energy;)  I talked to the owner for a while and he is so passionate about health and helping people to feel better and take care of their bodies.  Such a cool idea… I am used to pizza/waffle/donut/burrito trucks and so I love this healthy option.

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Brooke was a fan of her all fruit smoothie too.   Utah people, find this truck asap (their schedule/loacation is on their instagram account).  

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And I took this one home for later.  

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PS Julie… I think you may have some new Peanut Butter Fingers competition but don’t worry too much because Brooke is more of an almond butter person.

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Okay, one more random thing but the Science Behind Baking the Most Delicious Cookie Ever is out and I feel like you need to check it out if you are a lover of baking cookies. 

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Do you ever go to food trucks?  Which ones have been your favorite?

Are you a green smoothie person?  How often do you have one?

How do you prefer your chocolate chip cookies?

Who has tried the rowing machine?  Thoughts!!!

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That cookie information looks very helpful! I don’t know how you posted that during a time when you aren’t eating sugar:)
I love green smoothies but I try to make them myself most of the time. Ive had Jamba Juice a few times and its so expensive! Now that I have a Vitamix I really don’t have any reason to buy them every again (unless Im traveling or something).


I am ready to drive to Utah from Illinois to get some of that juice! I am a huge fan of green smoothies, although I’ve been slacking on making them lately. Now, after seeing your photos, I want a juicer. :) Maybe for my birthday (as if I don’t already have enough kitchen appliances…) There aren’t really many food trucks in my area which really bums me out. I guess that just makes me appreciate them more when I get the chance to find one!


Funny you mention the perfect cookie, someone just shared this with me:

They guy made thousands of cookies to find the perfect techniques and ratios of ingredients.
Well on on resisting the donut!


Gah, that was supposed to be “Well done.” Can you tell I’ve been staring at a computer all day at work?


I LOVE smoothies– I haven’t actually tried a green smoothie but I’m open to it, haha!

Those donuts look AMAZING! Good for you sticking to your 21 day challenge!

Chocolate chip cookies are best when they’re still warm :)


I’ve NEVER tried a rowing machine. My old tiny gym didn’t have one and I dont have a gym membership now. I’m positive it would kill my weakling upper body.

I love a good taco truck, and it’s so cool they have a healthy option! I want to try the combo of fruit and greens in your pineapple one that you ordered! Was it more of a juice or more smoothie like? I need to try to whip up my own since I’m not in Utah :)


Special Courses food truck! You have to try it.


Where and what type of food?


They have grilled steak tacos, chicken bacon avocado croissant sandwiches, special burgers, fries and grilled corn. With strawberry lemonade that is delicious too. They go to most of the food truck round ups in Utah County like the Thursday one in Provo and ones in Orem on Wednesday and Friday. They post it on their Facebook under special courses and their Instagram which is @specialcourses.


Thank you! That sounds amazing! I have to go!


Thanks for the cookie tips! I LOVE baking. I’m working On developing a PB&J cupcake right now. :) It’s a good thing I’m a runner!


I will be your taste tester in 19.5 days:)


If you follow me on Instagram (pancake_fairy) you can see the results. Sadly, I don’t think they’d survive being shipped to you from Oregon. ;)


I have been too nervous to try a green smoothie! I just imagine it tasting like grass! Your description of it tasting sweet is making me want to try one now :)

Running in this heat has been making me feel dehydrated so I decided to see how long I could go without coffee… I made it three days lol. I google’d it and found out that coffee doesn’t really dehydrate you so I immediately went out to get an iced coffee. I hope that your no-sugar ban goes better than my coffee ban! haha


I am a food truck skeptic. I want to love them, but I just can’t get around the fact that they have stagnant water and food in an automobile all day. Maybe one day I can get past it!


I have a confession…I already lost the 21 day challenge…yesterday. There was this ginormous jar of chocolate raisins from Costco…I am ashamed of myself. I WILL not give up though…starting today for sure!

Love me some green smoothies. Especially the day after a junk food binge.


I have only ever eaten from an awesome food truck in Vernal that sells burritos, but I am so excited to try all of these awesome food trucks in Provo when I get back! I have also never tried a row machine before….sheesh I need to get out more ;)





She sure is!!!!!


I love cookies that are crispy on the outside and soft and chewy on the inside! I’ve never had a green smoothie but I have been meaning to make one, I love smoothies! I used to use the rowing machine at school, I like it, gives me a good arm workout!


I need a sugar detox too. I didn’t eat till noon, but all I’ve eaten is edible cookie dough bars. I think I’ll do my own sugar challenge too. IRS so hard!


Youre a skinny ninny though Lily :)


I have been on a rowing team for 6 years (first high school and now college) and I have to say – the rowing machine rocks. It’s an amazing cross training option for any athlete! Rowing is low-impact and has gone along great with my long-distance running. It not only strengthens your legs in new ways, but adds so much to your shoulders, back and CORE – which is really important for us runners :) Kudos to you for toughing it out on the rowing machine – it is not easy!


I live in a small town in the middle of nowhere, so I have never actually eaten out of one.

I am SUCH a green smoothie person. I have one about every other day!

Hannah prefers her cookies to be double chocolate (If triple is not currently an option). She likes to eat them in first person, though.



I love that birthday party idea!! I might have to demand a group run for my next birthday :) I have tried the rowing machine, and it is the worst. In a good way, I suppose. Like, I am DEAD TIRED after 10 minutes on that thing.


I had an acai bowl recently from a food truck at the beach. It was good! I love chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven, soft and gooey and mushy and chewy. No patience for a thin and crispy cookie.


My uncle actually owns a food truck in California called A Rockin Ice…but I have never been…sounds good though :)
I have never been to a foos truck…unless you count an ice cream truck.
I just had my 1st green smoothie last week! I am kinda weirded out by the green but I went for it and it was AWESOME!!!! It was a Kale smoothie and tasted nothing like greenness :). I got it at Marianos…I was a little put of by the $4 price tag…but it was good. It is now my mission to figure out how to make it at home!


I so want to make chocolate chip cookies or oatmeal scotchies now :) Going sugarless is hard, my husband and I are changing our eating habits to more real food and no process foods. It is amazing all the different places sugar is hidden in our foods. I thought that your sister-in-law lives in Arizona? Did they move up to Utah, if so yeah for all of you to be together!


My boyfriend and I love going to Food Trucks. We have some tasty ones, too! BBQ, Chicken & Waffles, cupcakes, and more! I have to be gluten free now, so many of my favorite trucks are a thing of the past. :(


The blueberry pomegranate green juice sounds so good right now. I love food trucks. And my favorite way to eat chocolate chip cookies is GOOEY! The gooier, the better. If my cookie has crispy parts, I don’t even eat that part. To each her own!


Ummm best birthday gift ever, I love it!!!

Kudos to you for resisting those donuts, that a strong woman right there :)

I am a chocolate chip connoisseur with a true passion for finding the perfect one! So far, the Levian Bakery recipe is hands DOWN the winner!
Handle the Heat has an extensive series on creating the ideal cookie and it is a pseudo-bible!


Lately I have definitely been more of a green smoothie person. I feel like they give me a boost of energy, which I need at the crack of dawn!


We don’t have any food trucks where I live. Bummer! I loooove a green smoothie! I have them frequently and shove as much spinach in as possible. I like my chocolate chip cookies extra chocolatey and gooey!


I have been hearing about this food truck, I think it’s a great idea! I only have a week left in Utah, I think I need to find it soon (and hopefully art city donuts is parked next to it because I haven’t tried that one either! You know, moderation in all things hahaha)!


I used to go to this amazing Thai food truck in Portland, OR. The older couple who ran it were super sweet and the food was amazing!

I love green smoothies, but I don’t have them very often. I have actually never made my own.

I prefer my chocolate chip cookies to be a little chewy. Or raw…which you’re not supposed to do. :)


I’m on Day 1 of my 21 days of no ice cream/brownies/etc. I actually had fruit for dessert, who am I??

I did the rowing machine for 2000m today and it was TOUGH!


I spent way too much time on the rowing machine when I was in my 20’s. It took a long time, but I finally came to enjoy it and perform well on it. It isn’t my “go to” workout of choice, though!

Thanks for the cookie tips. And quitting sugar is hard stuff. Maybe I’ll join you…I’ll decide tonight. It’s definitely one of those things I need to mentally gear up for! And I really appreciated your earlier post. I am so glad you had running when things were so tough.


Good for you for passing up the donuts!!!! I had a few week moments today but held strong thanks to you! I can’t believe I went a whole day without any junk food/sugar. I won’t give up yogurt and fruit but really am trying to think about what the food offers my body before I eat it instead of just eating empty calories all day long. I am still lacking in the veggie department but one step at a time………


I bought a vitamix last year and we have
green smoothies everyday sometimes 2x a day
It’s so easy to clean, you must get one

Choc chip cookies – crispy around the edges
and chewy & gooey in the middle

I ❤️ Rowing! It’s my new obsession and I have the
most amazing instructor. I’ve started a photo
album on my phone and take a photo each week
so I can see my stats and how much better I’m getting


Now that’s just unfair! Within the same post you sart me thinking hmm, maybe I should try this no-sugar-thing too and see how it goes… and then BOOM! Major Cookie craving :D

Solution – make the dough, free up some space in the deep-freeze of smoothie stuff by making smoothies, use the extra space to sore the cookie dough balls until no sugar time is over…

But really – so unfair!


For the scientist that I am, I love this science behind cookies!


I need to do that dessert challenge. im bad with desserts like you- this weekend…rice pudding, ice cream x 2, chocolate cake, cupcake = too much. omg. haha

yes i love food trucks! I like this one in hoboken that is a coal fire pizza truck! so cool

yes love green smoothies…probably once to twice a week. just had one after my run yesterday

i like gooey cookies but crisp on outside and gooey in center.

love the erg. used to be on the crew team in college- it wasnt a fun machine then- it was a turtore machine haha but now i like it because it really is a good workout.


We own a food truck! We serve BBQ from ours and the sides to go with it (my husband and dad own the business). So I guess I would have to say that is my favorite one to eat from :) although we do have some pretty awesome ones around the area.

I’ve never had a green smoothie, and I’ve only used a rowing machine once. It wasn’t awful, and I would use one more often if I had access to one.

I’m a sucker for chocolate chop cookies….especially the ooey-gooey ones!

Have an awesome day!


I want to come try yours!!!!! Sounds amazing!


Look us up if you come out to NC! Ugly Pig BBQ


Tamarindo food truck in Orange County serves up the best Mexican food. I like kale and spinach smoothies. Love the urg.


I’m scared of the rowing machine for some reason! I’ve always wanted to try it but find it intimidating and I put it off.


I can’t believe you turned down donuts! IMPRESSIVE! It can only get easier after that, right?! :)


I was a Division I rower in college, so the rowing machine and I have a complicated relationship. I feel so much pressure to go fast when I’m on the rowing machine. Then again, I love running now and I hated it back then.


I think I like all the types of chocolate chip cookies! Crispy, chewy, cakey, gooey… they’re all wonderful! Unless they have nuts in them. Especially walnuts which need to GET OUT OF MY COOKIES.
Yes, I am a smidge passionate about desserts.


I love checkin out new food truck whenever I can, they’re so fun!


Thanks for the cookie tips! I got a new mixer last night and attempted to make snicker doodles, but they turned out really flat. Now I’m realizing I didn’t cool them for long enough, especially since it was super hot yesterday!

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