A full running outfit (top, bottom, shoes) giveaway for your RUNNING INSPIRATION!!!

But first a few things from last night:

1.  A much needed night with this girl.  

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2.  Brooke insists that we read ’Twas rhe Night Before Christmas every single night before bed.  We both have it memorized.  

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3.  Chicken pot pies with my sister and her husband. Comfort food. Gotta love it.  

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4.  Starting Brooke with her air hockey training at a very young age.  She’ll thank me later. 

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I think you all know about how I think my sister is the coolest human on the planet.  She is pretty incredible.  My sis is the one that first got me into running.  I would go with her starting at the age of 12 and she helped me to really fall in love with running.  I have a million amazing memories out on the trail with this girl and she inspires me to push myself, to set new goals and to enjoy running and to not take it too seriously:)  She gives me the best ever race pep talks and she helps me to remember to train smart and recover properly.  

She manages to stay so very positive even when the going gets tough and I am so grateful for her example to me of doing something active every single day.  She’s that person that will run next to me for 5.5+ miles in flip-flops and with a big smile on her face to keep me positive at the end of the marathon.  She’s a really good one. 

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(PS my sister is wearing the PureCadence 3, Infinity Capri III and the PureProject SL)

Now is your chance to win a running top, bottoms and shoes for the person that inspires you!   Giveaway ends on 7/20/14!

To enter giveaway:

1.  Leave a comment telling me who inspires you to Run Happy?  Why?!?!  Share the story:) 

2.  For an additional entry you can tweet and/or facebook about giveaway and leave a separate comment telling me that you did!

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It should be easy to come up with someone who inspires me. I put a lot of thought into this and I would say that my Mom is the one who taught me the importance of exercise. She never misses a day. She gets up at 4 am to get her exercise in before her 12 hour shift at the hospital. If she can do that then I can follow her example.


My sister inspires me. Even after having four kids and a super busy schedule she tells me how many miles she ran. Makes me realize I have no excuse!


My 2 1/2 year old inspires me to run happy! He reminds me that running is fun!
He also tells his daycare teachers that “momma runs fast!” – a big motivation :)


I don’t know if this ok for me to say, but I run for me. I was in a really bad place for a really long time, and I wanted to do something to make myself happy and healthy and I started running, and fell in love with how it makes me feel.


My best running friend, Tracy! She has a positive attitude and always makes time for running even with her two little kiddos. She keeps me going on days that I just want to walk or stay in bed, and she is allllways up for running to breakfast with me :)


Well…I started running to relieve stress from work. My husband was always my rock and cheered me on! He later started running with me inspiring me and at times pushing me to do my best!


Honestly, you, and other bloggers I read, really inspire me the most. I have a lot of people in my life who support my running, but really reading your blog and a few others has inspired me to really put myself out there, put in the work day in and day out and see what I can accomplish and to feel good about myself and my running no matter how many miles I run or how fast I run them. So thank you :)


I started running for myself years ago – it made me happy. I was able to run away from my problems and think. I did A LOT of running and A LOT of thinking over a span of 6 years. Through all of the running and thinking, I now have a daughter who is 21 months old – I struggled with infertility and a failed adoption. But I made it through because of running. I now run for myself AND for my daughter. I want her to know how important exercise is and eating healthy. Running is part of my daily routine :).


I was initially inspired to run because of my sister. She is an incredibly athletic dancer and I knew that although I am not nearly as talented in that area, I could try a different sport and make it my own. I continue to be inspired by the fact that I am so motivated to challenge myself and see what my body can really do!


Gosh, What inspires me? The feeling I have when I’m finished and have pushed myself further, faster or for longer than I had before.
Right now I’m pretty down because an IT band is going to keep me out of two 1/2s and a full I had coming up but I’m hoping I can run again down the road.


My husband inspires me. He’s paced me at several of my marathons, and went out on long runs with me, just to keep me going!


You inspire me! You’re positive attitude, ability to try new things (when running doesn’t always go as planned/work out), and inspirational messages keep me going through SO many of my runs. Cheesy? Yes. But I look forward to your blog every day. Thank you so much!


My boys inspire me to run, workout and eat healthy. Being a good example for them is the most important thing!! I love empowering myself to be strong!


this seems silly, but there is the cutest little old man who i see out when i am running occasionally….he has got to be at least 85 and still jogs with a huge smile on his face. whenever i see him, it’s a reminder to reground myself…it doesn’t always have to be about winning a race.


I started running in HS and had the most amazing XC coach ever. To this day all his students/athletes are the only kids he has. He taught the most amazing lessons about form and teamwork that I still remember. First if you can do a hill workout with a Pringle in between your fingers you are nice and relaxed. He also taught us that the team was like a bike tire. Each team member is a spoke on the wheel. If a spoke is broken the wheel won’t work. We learned during races when a teammate was having a rough day to step it up or rely on your team to help you. We made it all the way to states and won for several years. My inspiration since 1996 in Coach Bernie Gardner!


So, I read this post and started thinking about who inspires me. This may sound corny, but it is the absolute truth: Every single woman out there running inspires me. Every mom who runs miles and miles pushing a stroller full of kiddos just to get her daily jog in. The super talented women who break records and barriers every day as professional runners. The overweight women who are really struggling to take every step on their run, but they do it anyway because they want to improve their health and their lives. They all humble me and make me so grateful to be a part of this sport. There are a lot of men who run and inspire me as well, but it’s just not quite the same feeling I get from watching a woman chase down her goals. We just have a lot more going on throughout life. Between periods, babies, weight gain, emotional issues, and trying to look cute the whole time, women have their plates full. So to all of those out there who make an effort to run every day, or once a week, or whenever you can: I salute you!


I tweeted @runningisalife


The person who helped me fall in love with running is an amazing person named Shayna. When I was very overweight she encouraged me to start small walking and eventually jogging on a mountain trail near our homes. She would make me get out there, even when I hated it. After the first month or so, I was hooked. It’s been about 7 years and now I jog/run daily and have completed 9 half marathons (1 under 2 hours!!!!), a few 5Ks and some mud runs. I never thought I would reach this point, it’s truly amazing. Now I am planning on running a Ragnar and a Tough Mudder.


My sweet running buddies Renel and Michelle. Even though we can’t run together anymore (I was dumb and moved away) I always think of them when I’m out on a long run and smile as I remember the funny experiences we have had on so many long runs and races. It was always about the ‘fun’ in running and things never got too competitive:) They both truly, Run Happy!


My kids inspires me to Run Happy. I want to be able to live a healthy life so I can take care of them!


My friend Miranda inspires me. I had a bad case of burnout a few years ago and talking with her and running with her made me realize that while it’s fun to win and push yourself, if you’re not having fun there’s no point. She really helped me to fall in love with running again after that.


My dad is definitely my biggest inspiration! He is the hardest working man that I know and never gives up. Plus he is a beast of a runner at the age of 58!


My family definitely inspires me. Not only does my 72 year old mother walk 3 miles daily, And takes Zumba 3 days a week; my father hits the bike at the gym every morning (and he is almost 75) I also want to provide a strong female role model for my two boys


Mine would have to be my boyfriend and daughter – We keep a positive, healthy and active lifestyle together. We try and lead a good example for our daughter to follow – we always let each other know to never give up – if he is slowing down I motivate him to finish if I am slowing dowm he pushes me to push harder- If my daughter isnt doing good in her game we tell her to try her best! We wouldnt be able to do what were doing without each other!


My family for sure! They always support my crazy running habit and attend most races. They make all the difference!


My littlest one is my biggest inspiration to Run Happy, because that’s what she does!


My parents inspire me to Run Happy– one of my favorite things is knowing they’re waiting for me at the finish line of a race! They are my biggest cheerleaders!


My sister!!! She is the bestest person in the whole world. She didnt get me into running (she thinks she did). Kit is younger than me by 3 years and she wanted to do 1 marathon to cross it off her bucket list and we did it together at MCM 2013. Now she is training for a BQ :) She is super cool and is always running and putting everything she has into her goals.


I live in Boston, and I decided to do my first marathon in 2013. Luckily, I picked Chicago (because I’m a baby about the hills), but I run for my neighbors that were seriously injured at Boston 2013. They’re my inspiration to cherish the gift I have been given – just to run.


I’m inspired my sister in law Maren. She is an amazing runner, ran for BYU, and is awesome! She loves to talk running with everyone and is excited when they reach their running goals, no matter how slow or small that goal may be to her. She always will run a mile with me (before taking off for her workout), but I never feel like I’m holding her back, she makes me feel like that is exactly the pace she wants for that mile. She is someone who loves to run and definitely Runs Happy and helps me Run Happy and proud!


Gave you a shout-out on Twitter. :) https://twitter.com/Danielle_DeJong/status/489132537282068481


A HUGE inspiration of mine is my aunt Katy. Everything she does, she does it HAPPY! I can’t even count how many times I’ve texted her wanting a new healthy recipe or exercise plan! It is kind of a family joke that I’m still the little 10 year old following her around and wanting to copy her every move! She is beautiful inside and out and she helps me to not only Run Happy in my exercise, but to Run Happy in life! :)


I just shared your post on Facebook :)


Just to let you know I shared my entry on Facebook :))


my husband is my inspiration, my cheerleader, my supporter, my everything!


My biggest inspiration would have to be my Mother. She was the one who originally got me into running and inspires me every single day to keep at it! She has been living with Rheumatoid Arthritis since she was 25, had a stroke 5 years ago, and she ran 2 half marathons just a year & a half after her stroke! Freaking amazing if you ask me!! She ran my first two half marathons with me and now we are signed up for another one in October! You will never hear her complain about anything and she has always been my biggest fan throughout my entire life. I’m so very blessed to have such an awesome, lifelong running partner!!


One of my closest friends — Chelsea — always inspires me to run! She is such a consistent, strong runner and was the one who initially got me hooked on running after college :)


My hubby inspires me… He got me running in the first place. Convinced me to run my first half, coached me to actually run a 5k and keeps encouraging and pushing me at the same time. :) Love it!


Facebooked the giveaway. :)


My husband and baby — I want to be healthy for them!


YOU inspire me to run happy. I’m not just sucking up ;P- I never even though for a second about going from 0 miles to a half marathon until I came across and started reading your blog a few years back.


I started running for me. I wanted to get active and get healthy. I still run for me, but now I’m married and we’re thinking about starting a family, so I guess I’m running for the future!


My kids inspire me to run happy! I want to be the fit role model that I never had growing up and have them be excited to find a sport they love :)


My dear friend Kim. She is an amazing runner and LOVES every step of every journey! She just completed Western States 100 mile run and rocked it. That is just one of her amazing journeys! She is so inspirational and she has endless energy. Just to be around someone who absolutely loves running like she does is infectious! Three of us (we were nicknamed the Three Amigas a few years ago) journey together whenever we can – though I can’t keep up with her! We just came back from Sonoma County and completed our first Half Ironman (yes, 2 weeks after WS100) – she was so happy when it came time to run! (too funny, I was thinking…”I have to now RUN a half marathon????” and she was super excited at that point!) So I do my best to be inspired by her! We have shared countless hours on trails and roads together. She has children older than mine and I cannot tell you how many times I would be so stressed/worried about some parental issue and unload to her on a run and Kimmie would just be SO comforting! Funny to look back and remember how “end of the world” important some parenting issue is, and it really just isn’t! It is a stepping stone – and having a friend like Kim to help me keep things in perspective is a life saver! :-)


My 14 year old son…I want to be healthy for him and set the example!




my mom! she passed away last year from cancer but she loved coming to my races and cheering me on, so now I run in memory of her!


You inspire me along RER and Stuftmama. I read you blogs every morning. I am not a long distance runner but you ladies help me continue striving for my goals. I am fifty-three and may never run a marathon but you make me proud when I am able to experience a race through your eyes. You are a strong woman. Please continue this blog.


here’s my tweet! https://twitter.com/coastalmama01/status/489143481961443328


My sister is also the one who inspires me to Run Happy! She continues to stay positive no matter what is going on in her life, and is always one of my biggest supports. She’s my little sister (even though we’re only 19 months apart) and it should be the other way around but I totally want to be more like her. She truly does not care what anyone else thinks (something I need to learn to do more) and I just love her a whole bunch!


you inspire me to run happy!!!! :)
i am not an avid runner yet…but one day i hope to fall in love just like you!
for the past couple of summers i have gotten to the point where running was fun and i didn’t feel like i was going to die after every run, but the winters up here in canada are brutal (-40 sometimes!), and i just have no desire to run once it hits the negative numbers (i also have to run pushing my 2 kiddos in the stroller, and i don’t feel good about taking them out for long periods once it’s that cold)
i started following your blog when i was pregnant with my 2nd kiddo and needed some inspiration to do a half marathon while i was pregnant!
i hope someday my kiddos and i can all run together!


My sister too! Gotta love having a sister :)


I run for me. The way running makes me feel inspires me to get out there and run. After several injuries I am just so happy to be able to run again!


My sister helps me run happy too! We always chat on the phone about how our training is going (we live across the country from each other :( ). When we do get together we run with each other every time, I was able to help pace her in one of her last half marathons which was so fun. We are able to confide in each other and help each other become better runners, it really is the best having such a great sister.


My friend Angie is the one who inspires me. We are training for big cottonwood marathon together. She is making time to train with me while her life is so hectic. She is going through a divorce which is a hard situation anyway but her situation may be even tougher than most. She is a full time nursing student. She works and has 4 kids. She is amazing and always has a smile on her face. She is always positive and friendly to everyone we see when we are out running and to everyone she encounters in life. She is always everyone else’s cheerleader. We have our running “therapy sessions” with the 2 of us and our other friends where we help each other in life and running! She is amazing!!!


My neighbor Ashley encouraged me to push pass my limits and run my first half last year. We ran 2 in one year and she was right there to help me with all of my training runs and to pace me during my races. She is running her first full marathon this fall and I plan on running the last mile with her.


My best friend inspires me. We started running together in 6th grade and we were so slow compared to everyone else on our track team so we started training on our own. Running quickly became our thing as we fell in love with the sport and we improved so much. Running has gotten us through some of the toughest periods of our lives as it provides us with an outlet to rant, talk, or just embrace the escape. Even though we go to college in different states we keep tabs on each other’s running to make sure it’s going well so that when we are reunited we can do our favorite runs together back home. She is currently training for her first marathon (it’s less than 2 weeks away!!!) and has worked so hard in preparation I can’t wait to watch her run and see all her hard work pay off. She truly is an inspiration :)


I grew up playing soccer and played soccer throughout college. Distance running was always discouraged from our training regimen. When I completed my senior soccer season I found myself lost and not knowing what to do with myself. My roommate and teammate, Lauren, suggested that we all train for our first half marathon. It would give us something to train for again – and a reason to reunite after we had all graduated and moved to different areas of the country. We have annually been meeting up in Phoenix to run the R&R marathon down there for several years. She is who I owe my love for long distance running to!


Believe it or not it was my grandfather that thaught me to run when i was younger, i was always a hyper kid so my grand dad thaught, well okay lets put all that hyperisim into running, as first i hated it but because my grandfather used to run marathons and i would go and support i tried it out and loved it, i ran my first marathon with my granddaddy before he died :( and now i run in legacy of him, god bless his soul.

Your sister is gorgeous wow, looks like a model, your mum created two gorgeous looking girls that is for sure.


My daughters inspire me to keep going. I started running when my then 8 year old daughter joined her school’s run club. After a few months of watching her work really hard at something that she was growing more and more to love, I couldn’t help but get out there myself and see what it was all about. My girls are now 8 and nearly 12 and are both very active in competitive sports including soccer, softball and running. I now have to keep running just to keep up!


The person that inspires me to run is actually you and a few other bloggers I follow. It sounds lame, but I don’t have any friends that are really into running and while at first it wasn’t something that I enjoy, I now love it (though I’m still slow as mud). :) I really appreciate getting all the great information, gear reviews, positive comments, and learning from your injuries/obstacles. You’ve been my channel to keep my running trend going and now I’m 6 months pregnant and still (slowly) running at least once a week. So whether you pick me or not for the contest – thank you!!


One of my older brothers got me into running! He is 3 years older than me and ran XC and track in high school. Because he loved it so much (and was crazy good!) I felt inspired to join both teams when I was a freshman, which was one of the best decisions I ever made. He got 3 stress fractures in his feet, but never gave up and even went on to run at a D1 college!

We overlapped in high school for one year and would cheer for each other SO much and talk all about running in the car rides home from practice. Then when I was still in high school and he was in college, he came to as many of my races as he could, wrote me long texts the night before big meets, and helped me through all of my injuries.

Now that he’s graduated college and I’m still in it, he’ll often ask me to go on runs when we’re both home for holidays. I cherish that time on the trails with him.

We formed an incredible bond and that was all because of our shared passion for running. I’m so grateful for him not only because he got me into running, but because he is an amazing older brother :)


Friends and bloggers in this running community are the ones who inspire me! I am new to running and have found that everyone is so nice and supportive and informative! :)


I am inspired by my younger siblings. As the oldest of 5, I want to set a good example for them!


My marathon training running girls from work! They inspire me to get up and get at it every Saturday morning for our long runs.


I also tweeted (@fuelingalife) about this awesome giveaway :)


I have several co-workers/friends who inspired me to start running and just in general get healthy!


my best friend from college! we bonded through long runs after track practice every day, and right after school she had a baby. she’s a single mom and STILL finds time to run often!


My sister is my inspiration. She is my biggest fan and pretends I am a professional athlete, instead of your average gal who likes to run. She comes to every race of mine that she can, even if it means driving 16 hours in 2 days. She stands on the side lines and tells me to go faster when I look like I am going to give up, because she knows I have it in me. She is amazing.


I tweeted it!


You and this blog inspire me to run happy! I have learned so much about running, form, running shoes (now a Brooks girl forever:), etc. from this wonderful blog after years of reading. I also get a lot of running motivation and “Run Happy” spirit from myself. I started running because I needed a life change – something to help me gain control and stop me from sleepwalking through life. Running continues to do that for me every day.


My person is my best friend – she re-defines Run Happy! She is amazing in every way, and this year is the first in 3 years we are not running a half marathon side-by-side. She will be doing it alone and I could not be more proud! We went from casual joggers to full-on half-marathoners in 9 months, and we have consistently beaten our own PRs! Five half marathons later, and we are hooked!


Is is strange if my inspiration is my sister too? She is the best person around. I started working at the same school as her about 6 years ago. Each person I talked to said that they were her best friend. She was so great. She is very friendly and accepts everyone as they are. She is the one who got me into running. She is the best running partner someone could ask for. My sister was willing to run my speed and walk when needed even though she could run faster and never walk. She talked me into my first marathon and stayed with me the whole way even when I walked pretty much the last two miles due to an injury. She is a fantastic mom. Her daughter just graduated from HS with honors in academic and sports. My sister supported her in everything. She would travel hundreds of miles to watch her play. My sister missed only a handful of games my nieces whole career. My sister is involved in many community activities. She is the best role model I could ever have!


The early death of my brother inspires me to run to stay fit and take better care of myself.


I shared this giveaway on Facebook.



Funny enough, my yellow lab Thunder is my inspiration. He is right by my side every morning, pushing his wet, sloppy and cold nose against my face, itching to go for a run. On those mornings when all I want to do is stay wrapped up in my warm blankets, I rise and shine, lace my sneakers up and hit the trails because I know that once I get out there, Thunder leading the charge, I know I will feel 100% better.


My 8 year old niece! When I first started running, it was not happy — it was an obsession, but seeing my 8 year old niece run around for fun and truly enjoy it allowed me to Run Happy again!


You were the first one to inspire me to run ;-) absolutely love your blog!


My Momma Bear inspires me to #RunHappy! Not because she is super fast or has been running her whole life, because she used running to help turn around her life. I’ve basically explained why when I nominated her for “Fit Momma” over at finefitday.com – http://finefitday.com/2014/05/fit-mama-friday-meet-marina-g.html! I would love to win an outfit for her, as she still hasn’t taken a day off and would so appreciate and LOVE a new outfit to log miles in :)


My husband and my dad who passed away last year.


My sister inspires me in everything INCLUDING running. She is a high school national champion in many events and even held some records. But thats not my favorite thing about her! The whole natural talent for running must have skipped me but luckily I had her to keep me going, encourage me, and give me all the advice I could ever need. She inspires me to this day to work hard and have fun. Most importantly she taught me that hard work can beat talent any day.


My mom is my biggest running inspiration and my favorite running buddy. She has been a runner my entire life, and always inspires others around her to be active. I look forward to our weekly runs, and have learned so many things from her and her years of experience. She continues to encourage me to set goals, and supports me during training runs, or at races by biking along the course if not running herself. I feel very lucky to get to spend hours running with her and spending time together :)


My inspiration is my sister too! She is younger then me by about 6 years (she’s 23 I’m 29), but she is such an old soul. I learn so much from her, and she’s so great about leading by example. Age has nothing to do with it, she is one of the smartest, caring, people I know and will always be my go-to person.


The person who first inspired me to run was my high school cross country coach. I went to a high school in a small country town that had its first year of a cross country (girls only) team my freshman year. The boys team was added the following year. The first coach was good, but the coach who picked up the team my sophomore year was amazing. He was also the JV basketball coach and a member of the National Guard………….he could beat all of us in the 5K distance! Even though I was the slowest one he always let me race and never was discouraging. I loved being part of a team and running was as hard or as easy as I made it. After the season was over my senior year we had team awards night. My teammate Blythe and I received an award for being the first ever 4-year runners to graduate from our high school! He gave us the trophies and said something about missing “his girls”. I was almost in tears! Toward the end of my senior year he was sent to Fort Campbell, KY, and although he was never deployed overseas, it was a scary time thinking he was close to leaving his family and high school teams. I was so proud to go back and visit and tell him when I had completed my first half marathon! While I run more for me (is that selfish?!) I will always be grateful for Coach Millsaps support and encouragement at such a vulnerable time (high school) in a kid’s life.


My inspiration for running comes from my little baby girl. She makes running so fun by exploring while I pusher her in the jogger! Plus she helps me not take myself or my running so seriously, I have started to enjoy running for exercise and health not just time or distance.


My family inspires me. They always support me and cheer me on, whether for a 5k or the Ironman. I love that they celebrate with me.


FB for the giveaway;)


My running buddy Amanda inspires me. She came to me just off of having her son, and told me she needed a boost to get back to her fitness- we called it “Project fit into work pants.” I had no idea how it would change my life. I watched her as she struggled post c-section to run a half mile down our road, drenched in sweat. Then a mile. Then three, and then there was that magical day she hit her first post baby 5 miler. I had always been casually fit, never a runner , no interest in running. But because of her always dragging me out for runs, and to races, and being an awesome competitor, I have even done a marathon! Never would have thought!


Running moms inspire me! One woman in particular is married with two little boys of her own and she is still is an amazing full and half marathoner.

In a world filled with excuses NOT to run, people who get out there and get it done are a true inspiration!

Tweeted about the giveaway :)


Oops, here’s my separate comment! Tweeted about the giveaway :)


And I shared it on FB >> https://www.facebook.com/livinglifetruth


My sister is also my running inspiration! Many of my favorite memories involve us pounding the pavement for one goal or another. Now we live far apart, and I miss running with her so much. She was–and is–usually the reason I get out to the door to run at all. Last year we trained for our first marathon, but I got sick at the last minute and wasn’t able to run. She walked the course with me, when she could have been putting all that training into finishing her goal. Luckily, she was able to enter another race two weeks later and rocked that one instead!


My mom started doing triathlons after her divorce as a way to find herself and get fit. For a couple of years I went out and supported every single triathlon and race that she did following her around and cheering as loud as I could. Then when I decided to start my fitness journey I turned to her. She helped me on my way to my first triathlon and my first half marathon. Now we do almost all our races together, pushing and encouraging each other despite living two hours away from each other.


My good friend Monica inspires me so much. She has taught me the importance of exercising and running for me, not so much for the faster times or to be the fittest person. She is able to balance staying active and fit with being a wife and mom to 4 busy boys.


My best friend inspires to me not only run happy, but become a better runner! She’s a faster than I am, and I want to run her pace so we can start going on runs together!


This will sound so cliche, but it is truly God who inspires me to run. He gave me the ability to run, and I thank Him everyday for that! It is also wonderful to spend time with Him in His creation while I’m going on my runs, and it is truly what gets me through the long runs! I strive to do my best and give my all because He gave me His all.


The one consistent person who has inspired me to “Run Happy” is my sister. During her adolescence, my sister struggled with her weight and turned to healthy eating and exercising to feel healthier. Over the course of six months, she was able to lose 35 pounds and has maintained this weight loss for 10+ years. About 3 years ago, I started running and my sister has emotionally supported and encouraged me every mile. My sister’s dedication and drive have helped me to turn to running and find something which truly makes me feel happy inside and outside.


My teammates inspire me! I’m entering my sophomore year of university and we’ve got an amazing group of girls for cross country this year. We’re determined to be on the podium at NCAAs this year and everyone is running and cross training their butts off! Anytime I don’t feel like getting in the pool or toughing out a hot long run I just think about my girls putting in the work for me and know that I have to put in the work for them too!


Tweet tweet! I tweeted about this giveaway!



My husband. He hates running but supports, encourages, and cheers for me at every race!


My sister also motivates me to run! My sister helps me push myself and our competitive spirit helps both of us for sure!


My family inspires me to run!


My 3 kids inspire me everyday. That’s why I wake up at 5am to beat them to the start of the day with a run.


Probably my two little girls! They inspire me to be happy and healthy for them! I get very stressed in my work and need the stress relief of running to calm me down so I can be a better Mum.


My boyfriend, he always pushes me just a little harder than I push myself. He always has a smile on his face and is super friendly during the run!


My sister inspires me to “run happy” she always sees the joy in running, even when it hurts, it hurts so good :) I have learned to have a happier sense of self since running more and have her to thank for this!!


Believe it or not, my ex-boyfriend! He’s the reason I started running and is always my biggest cheerleader!


My mom is my running inspiration!


My rock star boyfriend, Chris, is my running inspiration. Before meeting him, I had never ever run outside and I live in beautiful Southern California. He taught me that it is okay to start and try things that you are not particularly good at and likely will fail initially. Now I have run two half marathons, a Ragnar relay (with only a team of 9 amazing women) and I have just started a year of races (one race for each month of the year). Running is still really tough for me, but finishing a race is like no other feeling in the world :)


My best friend Britney inspires me. No matter how bad a run is going, she is always positive. We had a long run on the schedule for this past Saturday that needed to get done that day. We woke up to pouring rain, but we still got ready to run. She was positive the entire time, which really helped me get through the run. I was so thankful I had her next to me for that run and the fact that we pushed each other to finish it. We have been running buddies sinc high school and are currently training together for her first marathon!


My big brother Larry inspires me to run happy. He was diagnosed with a deadly form of cancer 9 years. After some brutal abdominal surgery and long months of healing, not only has he kicked cancer’s butt, but run consistently since. With a smile on his face. I did my first marathon in Chicago with him and two other of my brothers in 2012. Today we all just registered for Big Sur. I will keep running happy with Larry as my hero.


I’m the mom of three crazy little boys and have an amazing husband, but… I inspire me to run happy. It’s my medicine. Without running I’m quicker to lose my temper, yell, curse and just plain be nasty. Running keeps me patient (mostly), and kind and caring. I truly feel a miserable mood lowering on me when I skip a few days. Without running, I have trouble seeing the joy and beauty in my life. It’s my life, may as well enjoy it.


I’m a first grade teacher and I love teaching but after a full day at work nothing feels better than a run through the woods behind my house soaking in the fresh air and quiet. I love the challenge of pushing myself to be better, faster, stronger, plus I think the stress relief really helps me be a better teacher everyday.


The “person” who motivates me the most is my dog-hter. She has learned to recognize my running outfits so if I set them out the night before then try to skip out on our morning runs I get the most heartbreaking look imaginable. And I can’t live with the guilt of knowing I ruined her day.


My sister! Because she is ALWAYS happy and inspires me in everything I do.


Honestly my own health inspired to to run & excercise , I realized the importance of daily excercise and I try to empower myself to get up and go for a run at least every morning .


My husband inspires me. He manages to fit running into his busy schedule, and he encourages me to do the same. He has been my biggest cheerleader at important races.


My husband inspires me to Run Happy. He’s a distance swimmer who swam the English Channel last fall, and I learned so much about endurance events watching him train. But also, he ran four miles (not in flip flops! But he’s not a runner) from mile 17-21 during my last marathon when I wanted to quit due to stomach problems. Lucky for me, my stomach got better and I finished strong. But it was my husband cheering me on that got me to continue when I otherwise would’ve thrown in the towel.


my dad


my boyfriend inspires me to run happy!


My family inspires me! I love them all so much and they keep me going!


I tweeted!


My momma inspires me :) She is so strong and selfless. She brings a smile to my face every time I think of her. She always encourages and motivates me to run. When I am stuck in a rut, she talks me through it and I end up finding the strength to push myself. My grandpa (her dad) recently passed away and it amazes me how strong she is even though her heart is breaking. She deserves everything in this world.


I stopped running in 2010 and always had an excuse. My father in law inspired me to run again. After an accident at work, he is learning to walk again using pool therapy. Run for those who can’t! I have NO excuse.


My running group inspires me! They are committed, strong, FUN people!


My co worker inspires me to run happy. He encouraged me to run my first 5k and coached me through my first full marathon. He is very encouraging and has been so helpful.


I inspire myself. When I trained for my first half marathon (disney princess) my family was supportive but no one thought I would finish or finish with a good time. I proved them wrong. Same thing happened with my first marathon (Disney again). Although I love my family and know they support me in my adventures, it is me who inspires to prove others wrong and work hard for everything I do. :)


My Mom inspires me. She has a muscle disease that prevents her from running. She has always been an athletic, active person, so she does what she can, walking, biking, swimming. I know it is not easy for her, so when I get tired while running I always think do it for Mom. She doesn’t give up, so neither can I!!! Works every time!


My Therapists that I have had help me recover from an eating disorder and embrace life. They invested in my health and I know I am loved and can run today because of these wonderful women <3


My husband inspires me to run. He and I have been together for 10 years and he has seen me through it all. I was overweight when we met and when I decided to get healthy he was there to help me. I lost 120 lbs and started running half marathons and he was always my biggest supporter at the finish lines!


I actually thought about this all day. Haha. My dad taught me that I love running by having me run around the block whenever I felt anxious. In elementary school it was to beat the boys in the PE mile. In high school it was to be competitive/run with my teammates/make my coaches and parents proud. Then after HS when I started coaching it was my athletes that inspired me to run. These days it’s my boy friend (also a runner) but mostly my future patients that inspire me. I want to set a good example and live a healthy/happy life while I learn to guide people down a similar path. There are also the “regulars” on my running path and at the gym that keep me motivated. Then- there are staples like Ted Corbitt, still my father who overcame alcoholism, clogged arteries and the like to run half and full marathons with a clean bill of health, my old coach who taught me that its ok to be tenacious- still wakes up at 5 every morning to run. There are bloggers like you that set a good example and prove its consistency day after day. There are so many people who motivate me that it’s hard for me to not run HAPPY :D/workout/be healthy/accountable.


My Mom! She took up running in her 20s and has a sub-3 hour marathon and a 80 min half marathon PR. She’s had her fair share of injuries but is always finding ways to incorporate running and exercise into her life. She even took up skiing in her late 40s and went back to the mountain even after breaking her leg on her skis. She is also ready to talk running with me all the time even though I’m nowhere near as fast as she was.


My younger sister is my running inspiration. She began running years before me and has a mental toughness that inspires me to push to a new level when I need to and also to rest when I need to. :) She is currently living in Uganda, working with a non-profit teaching orphans. She is coming home to visit in three weeks (!!!!!!!!!!) and I cannot wait to run with her. I haven’t seen her since last October and I would love nothing more than to gift her a complete running outfit! :)


My mom inspires me to Run Happy. Everytime I get too caught up in hitting certain paces or distances I talk to my mom and am reminded why I do all this…because running is fun! My mom runs because she loves it :)


my siblings inspire me! they both started running during high school and have always encouraged each other and occasionally tried to get me to join in as well. it took a while and a lot of encouragement but i decided to give it a try and am glad i have 2 buddies who are always willing to run with me! they have a ton more experience and are always willing to give me tips or just give me talks to help me get better and faster!


My cousin inspires me to run happy! She always runs with a smile on her face, and she is so enthusiastic about running. She reminds me not to take it too seriously and to just enjoy it!


My 2 1/2 year old makes me run happy!! He always tells people “my mommy runs faster and faster!!”. His unending excitement and energy keep me going 24/7!


I run happy first to celebrate that I can! Our bodies are amazing. The other reason I run happy is to be a positive role model for my daughters in cherishing wellness.


My little sister inspires me to run happy! She grew up with severe asthma and even a fast paced walk would cause an attack. I started running in high school, and my sister always wanted to run with me. Eventually we went from running a block together to running a mile without her even needing her inhaler. Her drive gives me the motivation to get my runs in each week, and to do so with a smile on my face.


I tweeted about the giveaway!


My hubby! He has always been big into fitness and challenged me to run my firs 5k with him four years ago. I’ve been running ever since! :)


My coworkers motivate me. We run twice a week on our lunge breaks and without them I would never push my hard to do as well as I do.


My Uncle inspires me to “Run Happy.” We have been running together since the beginning, and I know that I wouldn’t still be doing it without his encouragement and all the fun that we have together.


My best friend inspires me to run happy. Not only is she a great friend, she is also the person that I do 75% of my runs with. When you do all of your long runs together when training for multiple marathons, you really get to know a person well. Her positive attitude has gotten me through many hard days. We both qualified for and ran the Boston Marathon in 2013. Although I had a faster qualifying time, we had decided we wanted to run the race together, every step of the way, so I started a few corrals back to be with her. The first half of the race I was doing well, and she was struggling, so I got to encourage her. The second half of the race she was doing well, and I was hurting. The hills were hard! I wanted to stop and walk up one and she told me that I would regret doing that for the rest of my life. Although it might seem like a harsh thing to say, it was true. It was motivation for me to run up that hill and we finished the race sprinting at a sub-7 minute mile pace to to the finish line. Luckily, we finished far enough before the bombs went off to not be near them at the finish line. I couldn’t think of a more deserving person for a new outfit.


I don’t think I have an external motivator to be completely honest. Running makes me feel good and what gets me to put my shoes on and out on the road is that it is SO freeing and makes me feel great. It’s my conscience that motivates me! :)


I run for my future children! (If that makes any sense? Lol) I want to be a healthy active mom one day and teach my kids to be the same way….


My PT clients inspire me to run happy! :)


My Mom inspires me. We love to go out jogging together even if the walk to run ratio is way off. She just encourages me to get out there and that’s what matters.


When I first started with my running club, there was this middle-aged bald guy who would run with his wife. They were so sweet, and pretty awesome, knocking out races side by side. He was one of the best runners in the group for consistency, and was helping his newbie wife along. I didn’t realize until his hair starting growing back in that he had trained for, and completed, a marathon WHILE UNDERGOING CHEMO AND A STEM CELL TRANSPLANT. And ever day with a smile on his face! He told me he loved running, so why allow his sickness to force it out of his life? Such a great guy and inspiration.


My boyfriend inspires me! He’s running couch-to-5k with me now even though he doesn’t need the slow pace. He does it just to encourage me.

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