10 Things To Think About During Your Run

Even though I will be very slowly building up my mileage, just getting out for a mile or two is sure feeling awesome.  

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Ten things you could think about during your next run if you are bored and needing some ideas:

1.  Race day.  I love thinking about how the training that I am doing at that moment is going to make race day feel a lot better because I will be trained properly.  Putting in the work now will allow me to run faster/longer on race day!

2.  When your legs get tired and you want to slow down then try my favorite trick—> pump your arms harder and your legs will have to keep up with your arms:)

3.  How much good you are doing for your heart… “Bouts of strenuous exercise over time makes the heart larger, stronger and more efficient at speeding oxygen-rich blood and fuel to the muscles…. An adult heart at rest needs to pump about five liters of blood per minute and it does this in about 72 beats.  A well-trained athlete’s heart, however, can pump the same amount with far fewer beats.  When it really revs up, it can pump 40 liters of blood per minute.” (Source)

4.  Your running form.  My favorite form chart: 


5.  Think about how far you’ve come since the first day that you laced up your shoes to go for a run.  Think about how strong you are physically and mentally after sticking to running for x amount of time!

6.  Somebody in your life that is having a hard time—>  think about something you can do for them today!

7.  This if you are wanting to stop early:  


8.  My two favorite quotes from Dean Karnazes:

“Running is about finding your inner peace, and so is life well lived.”  

“Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must, just never give up.”

9.  My personal favorite thing to think about at the end of a run—>  WHAT AM I GOING TO MAKE FOR BREAKFAST!?!?!?

10.  Think about what month would be good for you to fly out to Utah so that you can join in on the ginormous group run that I want to put together.   

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While in town I got to see THE Monica.  In case you were wondering, she is just as hilarious in real life as she is on her blog/instagram.  We met through blogging years ago and have stayed tight ever since.  Anytime I am in California I make her hang out with me.  She always puts me in the best mood and makes me laugh so hard it hurts.  

She is a running machine!

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And 5 more things to tell you about:

1.  Someone making your bed everyday at a hotel = priceless.  


2.  A must if you are ever in San Clemente.  Rolled tacos smothered in guacamole.  

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3.  The hotel elliptical is about 6 inches from the mirror.  Kind of awkward to be that close to a mirror while you are working out.  

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4.  Leave it to the Cheesecake Factory to make a salad that isn’t even remotely healthy but I must admit it is incredibly delicious.

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5.  Headed to Nordstrom today with Brookers to the Anniversary Sale.  My good friend told me that I need to go get myself a divorce present for myself (when someone tells me to do something then I kind of have to do it).  

I am deciding between THESE Frye Riding Boots (I have always wanted a pair of Frye boots!), THESE Steve Madden Military Boots (in the light color),  THIS Messenger Bag (even though I really don’t need it but I want it in black) or THESE running capris and running top (in purple)… Or maybe I should just go and buy a 1 lb of froyo and realize that froyo makes me just as happy as a pair of new boots and call it good.  Anyone else hitting up the sale!?!?!


Tell me some of your thoughts during your run lately?!?!

Do you pay attention to your running form?  What do you need to work on?

What do you order at the Cheesecake Factory?

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You definitely MUST buy yourself a pair of boots, they’ll be such a steal and you deserve it!

Lately I’ve used my morning runs as time to come up with my to-do list for the day or week, it’s nice to kindove gather my thoughts and tasks for the day while doing something good for my body at the same time!

PS your “pump your arms” trick has gotten me through many hill workouts! :)


My favorite thing to get at the cheesecake factory is obviously cheesecake! There are so many different kinds how can anyone choose one without closing their eyes and picking one?!


I’ve been wanting a pair of Frye riding boots for so long… I might have to go purchase some too! Love your running thoughts. Lots of yours are things that I think of too. I always think, I may not be able to run like this forever, so I need to enjoy it and be thankful for it now. ;)


Hi janae!! Thoughts during yoga this am: AHHH what is this teacher doing… Oh shoot! Going to be late for work! I actually left before the meditation to get to work on time so it all was ok.

WAIT!!! Don’t buy the boots yet!!! Piper lime is having a promotion for new customers with a 40% coupon! I bought frye’s from them and the coupon didn’t work so I called and asked nicely and they honored it!! So don’t do it yet!!!!!!!

I love shopping, the original nordstrom is in Seattle where I grew up! But I prefer the rack :)

Have a great Wednesday!


That is an awesome coupon discount from Piper Lime!!


I bought divorce candy after mine was finalized in June….but I have yet to buy myself a gift…hmmmm, what should I get? ;) My thoughts during my run lately are water, water and water. It is hot here in southern Mb!


There is only one thing to get at the cheesecake factory and that is DESSERT!

Get some Frye boots, I have 4 pairs and one of them is the first pair I ever bought years ago, they are still in great shape and look awesome. Trust me on this one.


Just the post I needed today. I have the day off and I’m trying to get out there for a run. This gives me motivation! Enjoy your day!


I think about what I’m going to eat for breakfast too while I run! Breakfast is the best.

I tend to slouch when I’m running, so I need to work on keeping my shoulders back. More upper body strengthening!


We don’t have a Cheesecake Factory up here so I always order cheesecake for dessert because it’s amazing. I probably need to focus on my posture but my focus right now is unclenching my fists while running.


I wish you had not linked to those frye boots! They just HAPPEN to have my size still in stock and I feel like I look at that same pair every year. But I am on a strict no-cheat shopping diet!

I actually wrote a “funny” (I thought it was funny) post about what to think on a run with no music/headphones, that started with a letter to P. Diddy. I like to let my mind wander to unknown territory on runs!

Cheesecake factory is so, so, awesome with their salads but not remotely healthy and sure to give me a stomach ache! There was a bbq chicken one I used to get and a cobb. So good, so bad :)


Get the Frye boots! I was actually staring at them on the website all day yesterday… deciding whether or not to bite the bullet – i LOVE them! :) Have a great day Janae!


I was just at Cheesecake Factory.
Had some yummy appetizers. Crab artichoke dip was really good.
Potstickers were good too. And I had baked Apple caramel cheesecake.


I would say it’s a tough decision b/n the 2 pairs of shoes….but definitely should be one of them!


Thanks for the form chart, I am starting my training for my third half marathon, every little bit of advice helps!!



I always think about finances and what I would do if I won the lottery… ha, weird, I know.

Cheesecake Factory is delish!! I absolutely love their carrot cake (not a cheesecake person).


My favorite one: When feeling so bored with your run, stop for a sec, gather yourself, then run like Phoebe on Friends. Boom-not a boring run any longer! ;)


Looks like you had a beautiful run by the beach.

That bag is super cute. I’d have a hard time resisting it!


I always think about what to make for breakfast while I run! I also plan a thousand other meals (especially if it’s a medium-long run and I’m getting hungry…by the time I hit actual long miles, like 17 or 18, though, the thought of food disgusts me).


First of all, Brooke jumping on the bed = ADORABLE. Also, that too about pumping your arms when your legs get tired is the TRUTH. These are great tips, Janae!


I think about my form for sure! My elbows always kinda poke out haha and I try to fix that!

Since I am a girl I often think about conversations I have recently had–the whole replay thing haha and what you should have said! Totally girl.

Fun pics! Have fun!!


I’ve been reading your blog for a little while and I just had to comment after my run by the water this morning. I was looking around for my favorite boat which has been missing for months, when I spotted a new one. The new boat is called Janae! So, you might not have a diet coke label, but there’s a boat out here in Massachusetts w/ your name on it!


I try not to think when I run. It’s the only time I don’t have patients it kids talking to me and that I don’t have to be talking to someone and fixing a problem, etc. it’s my me time. Usually I think about any upcoming race and picture the route and me finishing it.


I think my form is worse when I run slower, actually! So when I got our for an easy run I try to make sure I keep good form. It seems to come more naturally when I run faster.
I have no idea what I think about when I run…usually totally random stuff but alot of times I think about what i have to do that day (and try to figure out how I am gonna get it all done!)


I’m going to think about some of those things as I race TOMORROW!


You had me at smothered in guacamole! I think about all kind of random stuff while I run. Sometimes my mind is just blank though and I get into my music. I need to work on leaning into my runs more! I struggle badly with that part. Do all toddlers love hotel rooms?? My son goes bonkers the second he gets in one!


Hi Janae! Recently, I started running and I plan to run a half marathon in September. I’m really hard on my knees and I was wondering if I could train on the elliptical so it’s less harsh to my body? Any suggestions? Thanks!


I pay super close attention to my running form during speedwork. It gives me something to concentrate on other than the pain, and I think it has really helped to make me faster. I think focusing on your turnover really helps you pick up the pace with less wasted energy. Whenever I stop thinking about my turnover on speed days I tend to elongate my stride, bleh!

I love that top and only $22! I am going to order it :D Thanks, Janae!


I have ordered THE EXACT SAME salad at The Cheesecake Factory since 1998 and will never switch my order. BBQ ranch chicken salad (just no chicken, extra everything else). The best meal ever…When I run, my mind wanders all over the place and I usually forget I am even running. Sometimes it would be nice not to think about anything but I have yet to accomplish that.


I vote Frye Boots! I bought myself a pair two years ago and they’re amazing, they’re all I wear in the winter. They last forever if you take good care of them. A gf of mine inherited her mother’s Frye Boots from 20 some years ago.


Well today my first pain free run in a few weeks…all I could think was…um is this real life and I hope I didn’t anger the beast more…

HAHA. I love these lists you have been doing.


Go for the boots! You won’t regret it come Fall when sweaters and boots abound!
I have a tendency to look down when I run, and get all hunched up. It’s something I’ve been working on for a few months now. Lately I’ve been thinking about how awesome I will run in my Fall race after having trained through the heat of summer! It has been tough, for sure. My running group is starting hills tonight!


That’s so funny because I made a post about the ten things I think about!



I’ve been dying for a pair of military boots for forever… I might steal your idea with those Steve Maddens, but in the darker color. REALLY CUTE!!!


Oh, and P.S. going through a divorce must have been absolutely miserable. Splurge on the most expensive option ;)


Frye boots! Those are like the perfect boots.


I pray a lot during my runs. Especially during the week when I run before work. It’s early & quiet & peaceful.


When I was training for my first half marathon I wrote my Matron of Honor Speech…I had a lot of time to think! LOL. Enjoy the rest of your stay in sunny Cali. It’s getting hot and super humid lately. I’ll take hot over humid any day. Please humidity go away…it makes it hard to sleep at night!


I bought those Frye boots, and I love them! Can’t wait for fall. Nordstrom also has nike tempo shorts for 20 during the sale! (But, I had to buy mine online.)


I always think about ways I want to improve my life; how to be a better wife, mother, person , etc. I also love to try and think what I’m grateful for and see if I can think of different things for my whole run.
Chicken Madeira at cheesecake factory is the best, as is the lemon raspberry cheesecake….yummy!


My thoughts during a run: “I hate this. I hate this. Why am I doing this to myself? This sucks. Wow, It’s over. That was so much fun!”

Yeah, pretty much.


Love #5, & #8!! My thoughts during my runs lately have been “No excuses, you are perfectly capable of pushing yourself” and “No change means I won’t get anywhere new. “


I think a lot about my foot placement and heel strike since my foot injury. I always had good form but my injury made me aware that I’m a heel striker.


I also try to not think about the pain so much. My leg is very weak and when my focus is on the pain I perform awful. I try to think of something that makes me happy like baking muffins to distract me.


I LOVE all these running tips. Instead of waiting for the weather to get cooler, I just need to get out there and work on my form!

I ALWAYS get the thai lettuce wraps at cheesecake factory. Yes, they are an appetizer, but just the perfect size meal, because as you know everything on the menu is in gigantic portions. You must get them next time!


I would definitely go with the Frye boots – the military boots look similar to the ones you had last year :) Also, always follow up shopping with froyo – shopping is a lot of work and you should be rewarded!!!

As for Cheesecake Factory, every time I PR at a race, I treat myself to the BBQ chicken salad – it makes me run faster :)


I must admit I am right there with you if I run before breakfast, the last mile is planning out what I will make.
I also will admit, arriving home, putting that bfast together, and enjoying is one of my favorite morning rituals.


when it says strike midfoot what does that mean. I never know lol Help? I have been thinking about how much i love running. I had two weeks of not running due to injury, so iv been in heaven all week.


Divorce present is a great idea!! You definitely deserve it!!

I usually think about random stuff during runs. I do math (like if I run these next 2 miles in 8 minutes, I will be done with the run 1 minute faster…things like that), think about my to do list, think about work, anything really. :)


I think about a lot when I run. I pray. I organize my day. I am thankful that I get to run.

You may not want to hear this, but I actually don’t love the Cheesecake Factory. They have way to much to choose from and I get a little panicky. It reminds me of when I was little and my mom gave me a timer to choose my candy :(


Oh how I miss Southern California Mexican food! Probably the thing I miss the most after my husband’s family and my running friends!


Those Frye boots are definitely calling your name. So cute! I get asked all the time what I think about during running. With all of that distraction free time to yourself, it’s a legit question. Mostly, I tend to dream about life while running and the things I want to do. My imagination goes wild while running. It also gives me time to work through any stress I may be experiencing. As for running form, I need to work on keeping my arms down.


I always think about what I’m going to eat after my run!


Get the Frye Boots! I have two pair of the Paige riding boots in light brown and black and I LOVE THEM!


I always think about how far I’ve come. How I never used to be able to run longer than 30 seconds when I first started and now I can run 2-2/12 hours.

I also think about race day and how the hard work I’m putting in now will pay off then!

I think you should get all of those items and then go for Fro Yo :)


Oh how I miss the Cheesecake Factory!! Everything is yummy, but the best appetizer is the sweet corn tamale cakes, and the best dessert is the strawberry shortcake. And ALL of their salads are yummy – though really none are healthy ;)

It looks like you and Brooke are having a blast down south!! Enjoy!!


Frye boots are my favorite! I have had my first pair for 3 seasons now and every year they get more comfortable.

Also, just wanted to say that your can-do attitude is inspirational to me when I go through my own tough times. Time to treat yo’ self!


FRYE BOOTS … Treat Yo’ Self!


THAT messenger bag!! Gorgeous!


Treat yourself to something at the sale!! The Frye boots are an investment piece you’ll have for years. I went a little overboard at the sale, but I’ve been saving in anticipation :) I snagged the Frye boots, running shoes, Sperry Top Siders boat shoes and running capris.


It was certainly not a divorce, but my first pair of Doc Martin sandals, were because I broke up with a guy. Worth every penny! You might be too young to remember when Dr. Martin shoes were cool. My suggestion is the Frye boots.


I literally think about the most RANDOM stuff when I run. If I am on the treadmill at my work gym during lunch it faces the outdoors so I kind of just watch the business people walking around (one time I saw a guy wipe out on his bike!! It was bad!) and I also think about how I am bored so I try to just do speed work to make it go by faster :)

Outside I think about everything! Whether there is a crack in the road, what I am going to eat when I am done, races, squirrels, trash on the ground, you name it, it’s so weird inside my head! Haha I sound strange when I say it out loud like that!

I haven’t been to the Cheesecake Factory in forever! Last time I was there the waitress told me I ordered the most fattening thing on the menu so that wasn’t very nice :)

You go girl, get something nice for yourself!!!!!


Get the boots!!


I’m voting for the Frye boots! I would love a pair and can’t quite take the plunge on that price point!

I have the Nike Breeze tank in plum and teal and LOVE it. Cool, comfortable and flattering. Also Dick’s has it in a TON of colors if you’re interested

(No affiliate link there, just an illustration of the available colors) :)


I LOVE #6, think about what you can do for someone going through a hard time!

I often think about people I know who can’t run, but what I can do for some TODAY that could use a boost is a wonderful idea!

Think about breakfast is a fabulous one as well :) I like to think abut new recipe ideas, or cute outfits to wear out to something in I have coming up!


YOU ARE IN MY HOOD!!! BEST EVER! enjoy the sunshine and all the running spots!


If I were you, I’d buy the workout clothes and one of the pairs of boots!!! Such good deals!


I often pray on my runs and think about what I am going to eat for breakfast (most likely something sweet).
I pay attention to my form most when I am on a treadmill.
LOVE the messenger bag!!!!! AHHHHH!


I always love to think about the race I am training for and how it will feel to meet the goals I’ve set for myself. Always great motivation!


The avocado egg rolls at the Cheesecake Factory are to die for! It comes with a dipping sauce that is out of this world.
I’ve been working on my arms and running posture while I’ve been running lately. When my arms are pumping well it really helps me move faster!


I am a huge day dreamer and when I run my dreaming kicks into high gear. I tend to imagine that I am amazingly fast and win races, not little races either but like the olympics. I kid you not when I run I can literally win races, solve world hunger, negotiate with terrorists and make world peace happen.

My running form. I haven’t ever suffered a major injury so I believe my form is ok. Then I look at pictures from races and I look like a heel stricker. I don’t know if there is a fix or if I should care seeing that I haven’t had any injuries and I didn’t start running yesterday. It has been a decade and a half.


since I run in the morning before breakfast, I ALWAYS think about the yummy breakfast that will await me after! especially if I’m planning on having a smoothie, I imagine how cool + creamy it’ll taste after a hot run…
I definitely need to work more on my feet while running- I tend to have flat feet and then overcompensate by running completely on my toes!


I finally bought myself of Frye boots last fall. They take a little breaking in but they will last you so much longer than other boots. I love mine and you totally deserve them!


i completely support the idea of a ‘divorce gift’!! BUT! if you are set on frye boots, check ebay! i got a pair of brand fricken new short boots for about 80% off… seriously, it was amazing. have fun shopping! :)


I love the MJ messenger bag, so cute!


Love the Marc Jacobs bag.. But you also WON’T regret a pair of Frye boots!


We were doing pace runs (kinda like Fartleks) @ Shred415 last night, and I kept repeating “I can do hard things.” Thanks for the mantra!


Ahhhh! You were in my neck of the woods. San Clemente is beautiful and you can’t beat the carne asada burrito at Pedros. One of these days when you’re back in South OC I hope you do a group run or field trip to Cafe Rio. Would love to meet up.


Definitely get a purse or boots, they’ll last longer than running clothes and will make you happier to have given yourself a nice “present”


Boots! I love boots!

But the Zella capris from Nordstrom’s are MY FAVORITE! Seriously. So comfy, cute, flattering. I say get both :)


Frye Boots all the way! I got mine at last year’s Nordstrom Sale. LOVE them.


I really need to work on my running form, especially my footstrike and cadence! When I’m running, I really like to use the time to pray (often for my brother, who’s deployed in Afghanistan right now) or plan out meals for the week and my grocery list haha. :P

Oh, and definitely go with the boots AND froyo!


LOVE this quote: “Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must, just never give up.” It’s just perfect. Also, you should DEFINITELY get yo’self a divorce present. Your friend is very wise. I vote for the Frye boots- those things are GORGEOUS!!



I for sure could have used some of these on my run this morning! I am just getting back into running regularly after taking a break post half-marathon and…YIKES. It’s hard! The breakfast one is my favourite. :)


I hope you are enjoying sunny Cali! We just got back from eight days in Florida. It was glorious!

I’ve always wanted Frye boots, too. Gorgeous!

At the Cheesecake Factory, I always order the Chicken Picatta, minus the chicken. Love that buttery, lemony pasta dish! And cheesecake. Have to have a piece of cheesecake with chocolate.


Mexican food is the BEST!


I vote for the Frye boots! Have wanted a pair forever.


love the ideas to think about for running! this morning (as i was running through the rain that decided to come back to portland early) i thought about how running can equate to my new business. how i have to do things that don’t always come easier, if i push myself a little farther i feel better and i am more capable than i often believe at first.


Definitely the Steve Madden boots.


Just say YES to Fryes. :) I may need to break down and buy another pair this year. I have the brown harness boots, which are very country and so comfy.


You MUST go for the FRYE’s. You’ll be throwing those Steve’s in the trash in 2 years, but those FRYEs will last you forever.


I say you walk in and get all of those things for yourself :) You absolutely deserve it!!! My running form is something I am constantly working on! I hate when I get tired though, and start losing form. It is one of my goals to work on getting better form :)


My runs lately have consisted of my brother and sister in law who are going through a lot right now in their marriage. Every piece of me wants to be in Connecticut. Thinking of them on every run, makes me run stronger and longer!
Seriously, could you go wrong with any of those items from Nordstroms?!?! I just ordered these to wear with my scrubs for work. . . http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/nike-free-tr-connect-2-training-shoe-women/3821615?origin=keywordsearch-personalizedsort&contextualcategoryid=0&fashionColor=Dark+Magnet%2F+Hyper+Pink&resultback=0&cm_sp=personalizedsort-_-searchresults-_-1_1_C

What gets better than pink and leopard print!!!!


My lovely run this morning had me thinking I was flying ~ knees felt good, body felt good, the sweat was great ~ then I looked at my Garmin 10:18 per minute agh, bummer…thought it was faster. ha!!

Buy either of the boots….too cute!! (And b/c I am kind of cheap I would go with the less expensive ones ;-)


Go with the riding boots!


Riding boots are a must… always :) And so perfect for fall!

As far as cheesecake factory, any chocolate lover will lust over the Hershey’s Chocolate Bar Cheesecake – chocolate cake, chocolate cheesecake, chocolate frosting, and chocolate chips to top it off… need I say more?!

My runs are currently motivated by my first half marathon coming up next month – Park City Half.


Love the Nordstrom sale! I just got a new cross body by Coach and love it! http://www.coach.com/online/handbags/Product-madison_foldover_crossbody_in_leather-10551-10051-51896-en?cs=qbd1r&catId=5000000000000015030&navCatId=7100000000000000595


That second Dean Karnazes quote is so good! Never give up!

I like to work through whatever issues I’m struggling with in life on my runs. That’s why it’s so hard when I’m resting, I don’t have any time to figure my stuff out! I really like the one about doing something to help someone else. What a positive use of time!

I definitely pay attention to my running form now, I know that my right leg kicks out a little when I’m tired so I am trying to strengthen those lateral muscles and eradicate the leg swing all together.


Love these! Some of my less deep thoughts during my runs lately have been about whatever fun summer plans I have coming up, the dessert I’m going to eat that night, the outfit I’m going to wear to work, and what I’m going to post next on my blog!

I haven’t been to the Cheesecake Factory in ages but I love the bbq ranch chicken salad. And I always get a ginormous slice of cheesecake (Oreo, red velvet, and banana cream are my faves!)


6 and 7….looooooove. I will be running TSFM this weekend. I already have 3 people who I’m running for because they can’t. I’m hoping that pushes me through! Stay blessed J!


I would love to come out to Utah to join you for a run / you’ll leave at the same time, be showered and have eaten by the time I finish :)

That’s my favorite thing to order at Cheesecake Factory! So many different flavors and so delicious!


That’s a nice list. Usually when I’m running, if I’m enjoying myself I think about how awesome it is and if I’m not enjoying myself, I just try not to think about anything because I can’t really think clearly at that point!


Frye Boots! That is my vote. :)


Sometimes I get anxious about everything I have to get done in the day and tend to cut my runs short when I’m really stressed out. The other day, I had a complete change in how I thought about it. I told myself, “Self, you have to be in your office for the rest of the day and are going to wish you were outside. The weather is perfect. It’s a beautiful morning. Make it last as long as you can.” Deciding to be more in the moment felt soooooooo good and my run was such a happy one. I need to practice doing this on a regular basis.


I think a lot about form. A lot! (The result of having form issues and thus- injuries). You know those wacky waving arm machines outside car dealerships? That’s actually probably me running by. Ha.
I’m vegan so my order at CCF is usually pasta with veggies on it.


Get the Running clothes. It can be symbolic. Your running towards the good things in life and leaving the bad things in the dust behind you. You never know this maybe your favorite running outfit yet and a reminder that running towards good things in the future is always better than being shackled by your past!!!


Just wanted to chime in and say that I have the Steve Madden boots and I wear them ALL.THE.TIME!

They’re super versatile, take no breaking in and I always get compliments!


Reminding myself that my legs hurt now but I will regret not running farther as soon as my butt is off the treadmill! (I live in South Texas and I have to run in the afternoons and that means outside it is roughly 95 to 105….which means even though treadmills suck I am using them to train myself to run faster more consistantly.)

I do pay attention to my form. I had a CrossFit couch tell me a few months ago to change my stride since I am a heel striker and in doing so I started to give myself a stress fracture and spent three weeks in a large black boot! Yuck! I have since gone back to my normal stride however I am trying to focus on my posture and lean and find a way to just run faster. (I typically average 10 min miles)

Cheesecake Factory…mmmmmmmm….there isn’t one where I live. It is actually 2 hours away and at a mall so I couldn’t tell you the last time I went there.


That salad was what I got my first time ever at the Cheesecake Factory! I learned that CF isn’t really a health food restaurant;)


Frye boots are really well made and will last you a long time!


I have been struggling the last few weeks with getting over 6-8 miles. I ran a half on June 29th and took the first week at an easy pace, nothing to strenuous. I did take on a challenge to run everyday in July, I’ve only missed on but I ended up running twice the next day. So I am still getting my mileage. More than enough really! LOL But I am worried that I am hurting my training by not having a long run day. Granted my challenge will be over after next week. I am hoping to get in 8-10 tomorrow or Friday. I have another half scheduled for September so I do not want to lose what I’ve gained!! This is what I’ve been thinking about while running. Would be interested in your opinion! Thank you!!


Running Thoughts? Should I really try to increase my mileage and try for my first 1/2? Man…I need to start putting more time in the pool to get ready for my next Tri. I need to order that swim belt ASAP!

I think you should organize a group run in October…that would be pretty!

We don’t have a cheesecake factory in Nova Scotia…I kind of feel left out of all that awesomeness!


I’ve never been to the Cheesecake Factory. I’m too scared from seeing their name on so many most unhealthy lists.
I also like to think of upcoming races.


I thought trail runners might enjoy this article


not to brag, but I run number 7 a couple times a week, if you ever get a chance to visit Bar Harbor, ME it’s a runners heaven!


Thoughts during my runs: My training goal (distance) and pace goal; and any upcoming events.
I have really bad form (heel striking and weak core are the main issues) which is what led to a recent injury. I try to follow the tips for good posture when I start but notice that as I start to get tired it gets worse. Working on it though!


Totally off topic, but I saw this recipe for Swig Sugar Cookies and thought of you!



I say boots and froyo


During my runs, I think lot about the group fitness schedule at my gym, and who I’m going to get to sub what. It’s my nature to worry – so I do a lot of that. But in a good way though!


I would love some Frye boots! And def froyo.

While I’m running I either zone out, think about how healthy I’m getting, or work through any frustration situations from the day


Frye boots! So I can live vicariously through you.
I knew a girl who bought frye boots as her wedding shoes. She said if she was going to spend tons of money on a single pair of shoes, it should be the shoes she’d love. I tend to agree :-)


I really like that running top!!


Just posted about my running thoughts today! I was thinking up interesting, alternate blog titles to pass the time. Ha!


Where did you end up running when you were in San Diego? I live in SD and I am always on the hunt for new trails and places to run!


That running top is CUTE. I like that it’s not too fitted.

Thanks for the ideas on what to think about on a run. Lately, I’ve been trying to dedicate my runs to someone. Especially if it’s a friend or family member that is going through a hard time. I’ll focus on them and the time goes by quicker.


Always I would live to be top runner. you did great and its really happy to see your all photo and feeling your enjoy…


I’ve had a pair of Fryes for…. going on eight years now? Resoled twice. Fabulous books, although they don’t fit as well after having a baby. But try eBay! I got mine 70% off!


When I run I try to remind myself about form every 30 minutes or so because that’s usually when I start getting lazy, love that form chart! When I run I often think about the sights and sounds on the trail, the birds, the sounds of running water etc.


The Frye boots get my vote. And just actually drooled over that salad.


When I run I just think about the trail I’m on and sing along with my music. I love the form chart! And can you believe I have never eaten at the Cheese Cake Factory!?


Riding boots, i love them.
I have my first half marathon coming up which i am stressing about so i have been thinking of surviving!
We don’t have a cheese factory here.


I need to step it up with working on my form! I pay really good attention during my first mile or two and then it just goes out the window… and naturally if I’m left alone I have a forefoot strike and I also tend to land on the outside half of my foot which is reeeally bad so I need to pay more attention!

I would LOVE to go to Cheesecake Factory someday, wow… mainly because cheesecake is my favourite food :P Any kind and every kind. Yum yum… I’d probably skip dinner and just have two (or three) desserts!


I think about a million things as I run, but I do love thinking about health. The thought that I’m doing good things for my body is so incredibly motivating.
I would love to be in a running group in Utah!!! I hope to get out there someday, and would be super excited to join you for a run!!


Boooooots! I can’t wait for fall. I’m moving south next week, so fall is a long, long way off for me, but my current motivation for working out is to be able to fit my calves back into my knee boots this fall when the weather finally cools off! Boots + tights + a cut dress or skirt is my favorite outfit! Get the boots!


I try and think about how good I’m gonna feel once I get past the (sometimes) intense pain.
I really need to start paying more attention to my running form but it’s so easy to get caught up in the miles you do and the pace you run at *sigh*


Those Frye boots are amazeballs. If only it weren’t sold out!


I love that salad at Cheesecake Factory! So yummy!

When I run I also think a lot about race day and imagine myself running through the streets of Chicago! I also think about all the good I’m doing for my body, the example I’m setting for my daughter, and what kind of ice cream I will eat that night :)

I’m a running coach, so I pay attention to form and try to “check in” every mile or so, especially nearing the end of my run when I’m getting tired.


I got that tank in purple and black at the sale and am obsessed! It’s so light, it feels like you’re not wearing anything (but obviously you are)


Wish I would have seen this before my run this morning! All I could think about was how tired and “bleh” I felt while I was running this morning! However, I haven’t had anything but great runs in FOREVER… So I shouldn’t be surprised that today’s wasn’t great. It takes the bad runs to make you appreciate the good ones!

MY STRIKING! For whatever reason, I run on my toes (I have always walked on my toes though… people thought there was something wrong with me when I was little)… And this leads to my legs tiring out faster (my downfall during track) and tight calves which leads to injury!

I also could probably work on my lean.

Never been to Cheesecake Factory!


I always get the chicken Madeira at Cheesecake Factory. So good! And I always have a meal for the next day because the portions are so huge!


I love NOT thinking about work. Running clears my head and I’m able to get away from the laptop for an hour or so. Sometimes it’s what you don’t think about that helps the most!


Running is such a simple form of exercise and so easy to do anywhere. I travel a lot and really enjoy going for a run when I first arrive in a new city. Great way to get your bearings and see what’s around the local area.


I just started my regime and it was fun at first and then I tire out and just stayed with my treadmill instead. But I miss the outdoors and I so love #9, what will I have for breakfast? Maybe this will be my motivation on my next run.

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