10 Tangent Monday.

1.  Helmet on the treadmill at Utah Run.  This was 100% Brooke’s idea.  She went and grabbed the helmet off of a shelf before getting on the treadmill.

Not a bad idea for those times when you get going really fast on one of these things.  

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2.  I saw this in Lauren Fleshman’s article 10 Reasons the 5k is Freaking Awesome and I loved it.  World Peace will occur if everybody ran and if we never got injured. 

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3.  1 out of 8 times (I am kind of making up that statistic but it is somewhere around that number) that I get on the elliptical my feet go numb?  DOES THAT HAPPEN TO ANYONE ELSE!?  Today it happened after only 15 minutes on the thing.

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4.  More of a question than a tangent—>  Do you like your workout leggings/capris to have patterns on them or do you prefer a solid color?

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5.  I stocked up on my Gu for Saturday.  4 Salted Caramel and I will be taking them every 45 minutes along the way.  I am banking on these making my legs move somewhat fast even though I have just been pool running for the last 5 weeks.  

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6.  As I have been decreasing my sugar intake (especially during the week), I have been increasing my fats each day and these are the ones I am really reaching for because of these awesome benefits.  I have pretty much been adding avocado to every meal that I eat.  

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7.  Speaking of sugar, if there was ever a Frosted Mini Wheat Shortage, I really don’t know what I would do with myself.

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8.  I finally got to try Lindsay’s Healthy Bites.  Brooke and I are both in love with them.  Brooke has been extremely picky with what she wants to eat lately so these are going to come in handy big time.

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9.  If you are ever in Utah and you want to go to the best brunch of your entire life, please go to the one at the Sundance resort.   You can get bacon, salmon, sticky buns and the best rosemary potatoes all on one plate.  

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10.  I saw someone just roaming around the mall in a sumo suit the other day at the mall and it made me really happy.

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Tell me a tangent please!!

Also, feel free to answer my question about patterned workout capris and/or the elliptical and your feet going numb!

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I was not a fan of salted Carmel gu. I had a hard time getting it down for distance runs. If you haven’t already I would give it a test run. I use gu roctane it has more caffeine and is easier IMO to digest.


I totally want to buy a sumo suit just for myself. You know to wear around the house :)


I looove patterned workout capris! I just bought these purple ones, and I am thinking about wearing them on the flight to Florida with my girlfriends on Wednesday. I can’t decide if they are a little too much for a flight with no workout involved. Thoughts? :)

We will count that as my tangent, too.


You can pretend they’re compression and then you really just HAVE to wear them on the plane. :)


I have been eating a ton of avocado too….but that is because its one of the few things I can actually eat these days since I found out I was pregnant! I am addicted to eating the Jimmy Johns provolone cheese sandwich with avocado and BLTs with avocado. The baby might come out green.


AHH my feet go numb, too! I thought it was just me…not that I’m happy your feet go numb but at least I’m not alone!

Tangent: yesterday I ran my second half marathon wearing a tutu and there was someone in a giraffe costume. I wanted the giraffe costume.


Just wanted to thank you for the Cafe Rio recommendation. I finally got to try while in Park City this weekend, and I’m super sad they don’t have them in Oklahoma!


i hate the elliptical cause MY FEET FALL ASLEEP within 10 minutes. It is VERY uncomfortable. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.


I love the patterned workout pants! I just bought an obnoxiously bright pink pair and I’m so excited to wear them at my race this weekend. :)


I’m a HUGE fan of patterned capris and leggings… gotta keep things interesting! OK, truth be told, most of the ones I actually own are black, but I do have some totally wacky shorts that I adore.

I lent some of my salted caramel Gu to my cousin for the Heartbreak Hill Half this weekend and she hated it. Travesty. Leigh — are you reading this???


Yes, my feet also go numb on the elliptical

I usually wear black capris because they are slightly more acceptable to pretend they’re pants in the winter, but I would never be opposed to a fun pattern pair

And I love healthy bites too! Did you try the coffee ones?? They were SO good! I want to kidnap Lindsay and keep her with me at all times.


do it! i will allow you to kidnap anytime, i’ll be sure to be carrying my healthy bites when you do. <3


It happens to me too every once in a while. Going backwards usually makes it go away. Bonus: going backwards is awesome and really increases heart rate (at least for me, since I tend to go faster).


My feet used to go numb on the elliptical until I really paid attention to my form. I noticed I was trying to pick up my feet like I was running and once I focused on keeping them flat I didn’t have anymore numb problems! Good luck! I also love patterned capris as long as it doesn’t look like I peed at the end of a good workout :)


I prefer solid workout pants and a fun, bright top!

I’ve never had numb feet on the eliptical but I have when running. Usually it’s because my shoe laces are too tight or my feet are freezing (Canadian winters!)


Yes, my feet go numb on the Precor too! I switched to the Cybex Arc Trainer (which is amazing) and they no longer go numb :-)

I usually stick with boring black capris (with fun waistbands!). I like to have fun on my tops. But, I love seeing others with awesome bottoms!


I usually wear black tights/capris just because I feel like it gives me more freedom in what tops I decide to wear, but every time I see someone else with fun patterned ones I always think I should try them!

It is 75 degrees in Fort Worth TEXAS right now. I am counting down the minutes to 5pm so I can get out there and run in this crazy “cold front!”


Solid workout pants + cute top!! And I have never tried salted caramel gu – ummm sounds amazing!!


So much to comment about.

First I like party pants all the time. I love patterened leggings. I wear them to work so much.

My feet used to get numb on the ellipitcal. I actually found that from not having shoes that were supportive enough. I still cannot do the elliptical in Nike Frees.

I loved that article by Fleshman. I would love to race a 5k most weekends if it works out with my schedule. It is a great speed workout and taper for the a final 5k.

Finally when we run together, I’ll wear a helmet. It would be great because it would muffle my voice and you wouldn’t have to deal with it LOL. It also would tame my fro.


My feet always go numb on the elliptical. I think it’s because I tie my shoes so tight.

I only have solid colored running tights, but those are awesome! Who makes them? I want!


My feet go numb on the elliptical if I’m only going forward. I try to mix up forward and backwards and that usually prevents it from happening. Plus, you’re using different muscle groups. A win-win!


My feet go numb too! I’m so glad I am not alone on this!


My feet always go numb on the elliptical. I’ve narrowed it down to one or two things – either because my feet are stationary for so long or my feet are pressing up against the front of the peddle causing blood to be cut off. No idea if that’s right or not, but it sounds correct!


I’ve joined the pool running club too – I actually sorta like it! Although I currently don’t own any, I love patterned capris.

Salted caramel GUs are the bomb. (I’m surprised you aren’t taking in more fuel for a marathon, especially given your speediness.)


My feet used to go numb on the elliptical, but it hasn’t happened for a while. I changed from wearing my old old running shoes to wearing newer but still old running shoes, and that seemed to help?

I’m a fan of solid tights!


Happy marathon week!!!
Solid > tangent … on my legs, at least.


Can’t wait to hear about your race! I don’t like GUs…I prefer sport beans!

I also don’t like patterned capris, I always feel a tad insecure with patterns on my legs :-/


I was just on the elliptical today, and my feet totally went numb. The same thing happened on my first 5k last year.


I will bring Brooke all the watermelon. I think that should help with her pickiness.

My feet have been going numb on the elliptical lately. I just chalked it up to a huge belly/poor circulation and swelling feet. Sometimes if I peddle backward for a bit that helps…until I go forward again for more than 5 min. Oh well. I guess it keeps things interesting.

I think we need to have a get together before the race on Saturday. Now what to write on the posters I am going to make for you and Heather…..


I related to so many things in this post!

I love patterned capris. I need to be a little zany. I don’t like plain black – if I buy solid capris, I’ll go with a bright color.

I had avocado at lunch today! I am trying desperately to get over this injury and feel like I need to increase the fat/protein aspect of the diet. I’m thinking inline with you!

Yes, my feet sometimes go numb but only after a LOOONG time. I’ve been on the thing for 90 minutes trying to simulate a long run and I’d say about 60 minutes in is when the numbness sets in.

That 5K article was the best. I read it shortly after running the Boston Marathon and totally related to the injury part – I was not injured at all in training but that particular run of 26.2 miles did me in – still icing my achilles after how many weeks now?? Same thing happened 2 marathons ago (couldn’t run for 2 months after). I doubt that would happen after a 5K :)


Does the numbness ever occur when you’re running?? I just went through a huge ordeal with this. May want to get it checked out. I didn’t think mine was a big deal but when I went to the sports med doctor she suggested a compartment syndrome pressure yet which involved giant needs put into y legs to measure pressure. Long sort short I got sent to an orthopeadic surgeon. He doesn’t wan to operate bc I don’t have classic symptoms of compartment syndrome but my pressures were super high causing the numbness. I wasn’t getting it on all runs an noticed that it tended I happen more as I built my training mileage for races. Thy basically told me to stop exercise when it goes numb and it shouldn’t cause permanent damage. Mine usually starts with a burning sensation in my Achilles followed by tingly feet about a mile and a half into a run. So basically I don’t have a solution but definitely have experienced that before. Ps: pressure testing is absolutely NO fun. Avoid if you can.


I’ve heard others talk about feet going numb on the elliptical. They say it has something to do with the sciatic nerve..?


I like the most colorful workout pants I can find! I either do pattened pants plain shirt or vice versa. Those energy balls look amazing!! But that article about the 5K I have to disagree with. I run 5k’s for cross country and they are so much worse than a half marathon. It’s like 3.1 miles of pure sprinting!


Oh my gracious my feet *always* go numb on the elliptical!! I thought it was just me! You have changed my life. PS Solid capris only.


I have the week off (“summer break” week from the year-round school I teach at), and I got bored by 9:00am. :O I’ve watched “Hunger Games”, “Spirit of the Marathon”, and I’m now watching “The Twilight Zone”. I feel like it’s going to be a long week of Netflix’ing!



My feet go numb sometimes too. I used to love the elliptical for cross training but now I’d much rather bike as cross training instead.


That totally happens to me in the elliptical too! Glad I’m not alone. :)


My feet would go numb during EVERY elliptical workout. I couldn’t stand it so I stopped using it.

I love patterned tights, cute!


I prefer my workout capris to be solid. I don’t think I’m brave enough to wear any prints or patterns! My tops are always bright. I love bright workout tops!


That sumo suit at the mall is awesome!


My feet go numb too!!! What on earth makes that happen?!?!


My feet always go numb on the elliptical. The sometimes go numb when I run, too, but only for a short amount of time. I had convinced myself that I had some kind of peripheral vascular disease and was going to lose my feet, so thanks for reassuring me that I’m not the only one!

I am definitely a fan of patterned leggings, or patterned anything when it pertains to workout gear. Pair it with a bright tank and I am a happy girl.


I need to see if I can find GU in the UK as I keep reading about it lately and getting jealous!!

My feet alwayssss go numb on the elliptical! And yes, running too sometimes. But I tend to weirdly enjoy eat? Whilst wearing my patterned leggings :D no missing me!


You can buy on Amazon. :-)


Someone explained to me once that our feet go numb because it’s the same motion as running, but our feet don’t hit the ground, so they go numb… I don’t know how true this is because then wouldn’t it happen when you pool run too? I don’t know, but my feet go numb all the time.

I love the patterned capris. I haven’t bought any and I won’t until winter, especially since our high is 109 today! Ah, I ran at 5am this morning and it was already 80 degrees :( Boo!


For those of you whose feet go numb while running, usually I find that it’s a shoelace issue and they need to be loosened.


You need to loosen your running shoe laces on the elliptical, starting all the way at the beginning of the laces. I have learned this from experience :)


I just don’t like to draw so much attention to my butt and thigh area.

Tangent: I just procrastinated from 4-5:30. Now reading blogs to continue the procrastination. oops.


Tangent (or discussion): To wear make-up on race day or not?

I’m too vain not too. Not too much, just a hint to not scare other racers ;)


Running and makeup just don’t mix!


I always like the idea and look of patterned capris until i really stop & think…. haha. I do own a few pair but, the older I get the more I believe they’re just a little crazy. lol & I’m only 21. So I would have to say…. SOLID! :)


OMG I totally thought I was the only one who’s feet went numb on the elliptical! Mine go numb on the Stairmaster too. Random thought…why do old men at the gym always wear their sock up to their knees? Are they cold or something???


The sumo suit would’ve made my day :)

5k all the way! My favorite distance, really enjoyed that article

I like patterned bottoms, but more for compression shorts than long pants, I usually go with solid in that case


My feet go numb when I’m on the bike! No matter what kind of stationary bike it is, I lose feeling. But never on the elliptical!


I’m trying to get myself good race karma. A half marathon ran in front of our house yesterday and we were after mile three and before mile nine on an out and back course. I found out the race coordinator had quit the week before and they didn’t have much water on the course (and it was HOT and going to be 100) so I stood out with our hose on shower for people to run through and my husband set up a water table. So many people were thanking us because when the last person went by at 10am it was already 80.


That was awesome of you Patty


Love this!!!


Haha love the sumo person! I actually have never bought patterned leggings or even tried them on ha. Now I am interested! I am so excited for you to run your marathon on Saturday. I am just going to live vicariously through you okay? GOOD LUCK! You are going to rock it girl!


I like patterned capris!

My feet go numb on the eliptical. I think it’s the stationary thing and constant weight on them.


Yep, the elliptical almost always makes my feet go numb. I thought it was because I have had Morton’s neuromas surgically removed from both feet, but after seeing all these responses, it sounds like it is a pretty common thing!

I loved Lauren Fleshman’s 5K article…I’ve been battling injuries ever since my Oct. marathon and will be missing a half marathon on Saturday due to a pes anserine bursitis flare-up :( I want to try for one more marathon this fall to celebrate turning 40, but then I seriously think I’m done with long distance running for a while. I love a good 5K and have never gotten injured racing one, so that’s a huge bonus :)


My feet definitely go numb on the elliptical. Not cool.

I love patterned capris!!!


My feet used to go numb all the time on the elliptical! They don’t anymore…I have no idea why that happened or why it stopped, but you’re definitely not the only one to have that happen!


The sumo suit is hilarious omigosh :) And salted caramel GU actually sounds amazing!


I prefer some solid leggings and a fun top! easier to mix and match!


Hey girl! ugh, yes my feet go numb EVERY single time I do the elliptical. It usually hits right at 25 minutes, I think my shoes are too tight or just right for running but nothing else :)


I love patterned capris, though I tend to stay with solid leggings.


My feet always go numb on the elliptical (specifically my toes)! Glad to know I’m not alone;) #miserylovescompany


i only have solid workout leggings but i really did the patterned ones! my puppy thinks anything with a lululemon tag is an extra special chew toy (we are working on that…) so i can’t add to my collection until they stop being so yummy!!


I have the elliptical-feet-numbing thing happen to me for about a quarter of my workouts in the elliptical. Love patterned leggings!


My feet always “Fall asleep” on the elliptical. I know we aren’t the only ones because it happens to a friend of mine too. I think it must mean I shouldn’t use it. LOL! Actually, I hate mine anyway. The dumb thing squeaks so bad and we haven’t been able to fix it. I like the salted caramel Gu, but the Vanilla Bean impressed me more. I’m still on the look out for the salted watermelon. I have to try a single first or I would just get it online.
The sumo guy is hysterical!
No particular tangent today. You caught me in a great mood. But I did just have pasta with my own awesome sauce and kalamata olive artisan bread.


Hi! I’m a new reader!

My feet always fall asleep on the elliptical! I have no idea why, but it sure is a pain. And I love patterned tights, within reason…nothing too crazy…neon tie dye is over the line.


I thought I was the only one! I haven’t ellipticalled in years though. Anything outside >Gym


Re: Patterns. Can’t do it personally but really appreciate anyone who does.As out of the box from my standard black i get is…grey. Which in my world is totally a colour.

Re: Elliptical numbness. Used to happen all the time: [CEP] compression socks have saved me. Started wearing them in my mid-thirties for a variety of activities…they are like spanks for your lower limbs…and what a difference.

Now, CEP makes blue, black, and hot pink socks. I proudly sport pinks and blues with my boring black/grey capris.

Lauren Fleshman rules and she’s got it figured out! Love your reference to her World Peace *running solution*.

Never thought of putting bananas on my miniwheats. Fabulous idea.


Yum I have wanted to try Lindsey’s healthy bites for a long time! I have never heard one bad thing about them :)


I like the look of patterned capris, but all of mine are solid colors so far…

And my feet totally go numb on the elliptical – I hate the elliptical, though not as much as the stairmill.


Crazy pattern capris or wild colors make me extremely happy! My feet totally go numb on the elliptical, you are not alone! Tangent: I just watched my almost 2 yr old open the fridge, take out a FULL gallon of milk and sprint out of the kitchen laughing/holding the milk jug. Now I must end this to see where he went!


People who register for ‘FUN’ runs with thousands of people and then get frustrated that they can’t run fast. Look up ‘FUN’ in the dictionary people! Sorry…my tangent!


I had to stop using the elliptical because not only did my feet get numb, but it put so much pressure on my metatarsals that I ended up in pain and then injured so I had to scale back on running. The push/pull of the machine is really rough on my feet.


sumo suit in the mall, awesome.


I have not been brave enough to wear patterned leggings/capris. Let’s be honest, my booty does not need anything to make it look larger! Black…it does a booty good :)

My feet always go numb on the elliptical. It drives me nuts!!!

Have you tried the new Chips Ahoy cookies with birthday cake frosting in the middle?? So yummy!!


Omg I hate the elliptical due to numb feet. Its horrid. I only have mostly solid colored capris…but I would def try to rock those pattern ones!!


My feet go numb on the elliptical and stair climbers – the only thing that sort of helps is if I lift my toes a little and put all of my weight into my heels for a bit.
I like the patterned leggings but they don’t do much for my hips:)


My tangent is that I went to Utah Run today also! I went to pick up the packet for my first triathlon – the Rock Cliff Tri at Jordanelle. So excited! It w my first time in the store and I love their selection of cute running clothes.. I’ll definitely be going back!


Numb feet yes! But that stopped after the elliptical became my primary training tool.


YES! so I am not alone…the elliptical makes my feet go numb too and I don’t know why. Here’s to hoping you won’t have to use the elliptical much in the coming weeks and that there is more running in your future :) also I love the thought process that links 5k and world peace!


I love patterned capris. I’m long and thin enough that they don’t make me look huge so I kind of embrace the whole thing :)


I’m more of a solid caprie kind of girl. One of my Nike’s has a couple blue stripes in the back. My feet go numb too on the elliptical. I don’t know why????


My feet always go numb on the elliptical! EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. And I can only do solid color capris; this baby’s got back and I don’t need to be calling any attention to myself. But you didn’t answer, do you like solid colors or patterns?


My tangent…I am having the hardest time figuring out how to fuel properly in really hot weather…over 105 degrees. Any advice from when you run in AZ?


Long time reader, but first time commenting… My feet go numb ALL THE TIME on the elliptical. They also go numb when I stand up paddle board and on occasion when cycling! It is super annoying and I have never figured out why. Since I’m finally commenting I have to say I love reading your blog. Brooke is adorable and your daily positive spirit is a breath of fresh air. :)


Thank you so much Andi!!!!!!!!


I love the Salted Carmel Gu – it’s what I’ll be using for the Utah Valley half marathon. I also got my boyfriend hooked on it. You might see him on Saturday – he’s doing the full and is aiming for 3 hours.


Yes! I’ve had the bottom of my feet go numb too. Don’t know what it is.

Have you tried the chocolate peanut butter GU yet?


I think patterns are super cute on others. Me, I stick to black. But I just ventured out to a super cute lululemon pattern for shorts.
Tangent: it’s a crazy 110 degrees in the Central Valley, Ca. Went to the gym tonight to get a short run in. I don’t like running on the treadmill. I’m like you, prefer running outside with best friends. Good luck on your race !!


Yes on the capris (I love patterns) and yes on the elliptical thing (maybe why I never ellipticize?).

Tangent: today I put cream cheese frosting on a Nature Valley bar at work, and it was delicious.


Yes my feet always burn then go numb on the elliptical. So
Weird, but I’m glad I’m not the only one…

I wear plain capris with coloured tanks, because I can’t afford a million different pairs, so it’s easier to mix the tank tops…


This post cracks me up as I was just thinking the same thing as I was running this evening in my new patterned capris. I thought I wonder if I look like someone from cirque de solei in my brightly colored patterned capris running in my hood. They looked cute on the rack. Other morning after my run I was stretching in my new black and white patterned capris and my husband made fun of me saying he thought he saw a zebra. I figure maybe they’re good for deterring cars.

Love that article too! Read that and SO true about 5ks. To me those take so much out of me running so fast pushing ones limit. Yet done so fast too. Great article!


No numbness. The capris all depend on my mood. Love ya!


My big toes always go numb about 15 minutes into my elipticalizing! It freaked me out the first few times but now it’s just my norm.
My workout bottoms always need to be a solid dark colour.. otherwise it looks like I’ve peed my pants during a long run!


I like my shorts patterned, but NO WAY on the capris or leggings. :) I am currently in a love affair with my barre leggings. I wear them every day whether I go to barre or not!

My feet have also gone numb on the eliptical from time to time. I always wondered why.


My feet do the same thing on the elliptical! It drives me crazy so I had to get rid of my elliptical.
I like plain black workout pants. I find patterns are too much for my lower half. They are cute on most other people though.
Ok that brunch looked so delicious.
The picture and story of the sumo suit made me laugh out loud. Thanks for sharing that. Sooo funny!


My feet totally go numb!! The only way I can survive on the elliptical is alternate 5 min regular/5 min backward. If I do this my feet can last about 30 min…


I’ve never been on an elliptical. Feet numbness is normal? LOL My tangent today is I enjoyed a HUGE piece of cake after yoga tonight. I’m thinking I earned it after all that stretching. :)


My feet go numb sometimes on the treadmill too, I thought it was just me!


Feet going numb on the elliptical is a known phenomenon that occurs to some people because of the angle of the foot pads. On more expensive elliptical machines you can alter the angel (slightly up is better than slightly down for numbness) to a spot where it shouldn’t make you go numb. Hope that helps =) PS I enjoy reading your blog. Good luck on the marathon!


Thank you! Okay that makes total sense!


YES my feet go numb too! Like 8 out of 8 times! So I never use it now. I genuinely thought I was the only one!


I can’t handle Gu’s though I’m a fan of margarita shot bloks. Deliciousness. In China I can’t find either but they sell spicy cold tofu everywhere and that actually makes a surprisingly good snack… though I’m not sure I would try it mid marathon


Salted caramel gu is delish! Good choice. I love the idea of printed tights….but always end up buying plain black/dark grey tights. Maybe one day I will branch out and actually try them out.


When I was injured I used the elliptical a lot and my feet went numb too! I freaked! I was like great now I have nerve damage??? It must just happen haha! Thanks for the advice on Salted Caramel GU- love it! It’s like a fun treat while running for a long time ;)


Salted Caramel GU is fantastic! I will be thinking of you on Saturday Janae! I think your mental strength and physical endurance will power you through to a stellar run no matter how long you’ve been pool running. All the best girl!


YES…my feet get numb too!

I don’t wear capris. But if I did I would definitely choose the patterned ones!


rando tangent…. as you are giving up sugar I am taking in more.. I just had starbursts for breakfast… smh

I like patterned stuff but not all patterns are created equal and by that I mean they don’t look great on everyone…lol… I try to know my limits


my feet go numb!!! I thought that was just me. And I love patterned tights..they make me happy


My feet always go numb!
I’m all about the patterned tights:)


Oh my gosh I thought I was the only one that my feet went numb of the elliptical!! It is the weirdest thing, and I absolutely cannot stand it!!


My feet go numb…the way I combat it is by switching between forward and reverse in 10 minute intervals. This doesn’t make it any less dreadful to be on an elliptical, however…I cannot find a solution to that problem.

Love the patterned tights/capris!


My feet go numb too! I do the same as Toni, I try to go forward and reverse every once and awhile. No matter what, though, running is still way better than the elliptical (numbness or not!).


I get the foot numbness, too! And I really want to try the salted caramel gu :)


Yes to avocado every day! It’s one of the best foods EVER. Also, my feet absolutely go numb on the elliptical! I really can’t stand the e – I think my feet go numb because I’m in an unnatural position. But I have no evidence to back that up…


my feet go numb all the time on any cardio machine. i remember back in the day that i actually ran i had numb feet throughout all my runs–even the 20milers. i think it’s due to poor circulation and cold feet.

i want to get to utah someday so badly-looks beautiful!


Salted caramel gu is amazeballs. I am excited to try the peanut butter and chocolate, but can’t find it.

My feet go numb on the elliptical, too. Used to even happen on the treadmill, but not any longer – but, in any case, I don’t like the feeling very much at all!


When I used to do the elliptical, my feet would go numb every time. I thought it was that I tied my shoelaces too tight, but even when I loosened them they still went numb. So weird…

Good luck this weekend!


What brand are the leggings that you have pictured? I love them!




i can’t remember a time my feet DIDN’T go numb on the elliptical. I thought it just happened to everyone.

I like solid capris and patterned tops. Patterns show less sweat than solids. Although I have worn solid shirts to each of my full marathons and have lovely finisher’s photos with my hands in the air and HUGE SALTY pit stains. LMAO!


Well I’ve been a reader of your blog for a while now but haven’t taken the plunge and stopped by to comment. But I just couldn’t resist when I read that your feet go numb on the elliptical! This would always happen to me too and I had no idea why!! I’m so relieved to know it wasn’t just me having a freaky foot reaction to the elliptical! Haha. ;-)


My feet go numb on the elliptical as well as when I run


YES MY FEET GET NUMB! Happened to me today actually!!


my feet go numb too every once in a while!! i am an occupational therapist and i asked some of my PT friends about it.. it is when you are pushing off with your big toe/balls of your feet… more so than say running… the advice i was given was to try to keep your feet planted the entire time (i tend to go up on my toes to get my calves involved ;)

also, tangent: fruit flies: WHY do they seem to procreate at a faster than light speed. we were gone for a week and came home to 60+ (i know because i built a trap and caught the little devils….)


I’ve been eating avocados too – mainly because I buy a bag of them and they all ripen at the same time, which means I have to eat them frequently haha.


My feet go numb every time! I feel like black leggings are a little more flattering on me . Iv been trying to eat better too , so far I am not doing that great. Does anyone have tips on upset stomach back pain after a long run?


My feet go numb within about 5 minutes of being on the elliptical. Which is why I despise it! Haha, I’ll stick to intervals on the treadmill or bike thank you very much.

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