Do you eat healthier on days that you run vs days that you don’t run?

I usually do my week of running summaries on Sunday but I forgot so here is last week’s running:

Monday:  10.25 miles on the trails @ 9:23 average pace.

Tuesday:  9.25 miles @ average of 7:40.  8 x 1 minute hill sprints and a fast finish with 1.25 miles @ 6:35.

Wednesday: 7.1 miles @ 9:10 ap on the trails.  

Thursday:  7 miles @ 8:29 ap.  Some on the trails, some on the roads.

Friday:  OFF.  

Saturday:  18 miles @ 7:30 ap (with 8 of those at a 6:33 pace).  

Sunday:  OFF

TODAY:  9 miles (7 of them on trails) with two of my favorite girls.  I didn’t have my garmin with me (PS I LOVE leaving the garmin at home sometimes so that I just go off of feel and not off of time) so I don’t know the pace for my run today.   

I have been doing a lot of my miles on the trails in the mountains which is keeping my body and my mind very very happy.  


Brooke had her first (of many) Boston Marathon watching experience.  I have been looking forward to watching the marathon for weeks.  I could watch running all day long on tv even though I can only stand watching any other sport on tv for a total of 6 minutes.  

35,755 runners at Boston today!

These athletes are so incredibly inspiring and watching them makes me want to train harder.  

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First American to win the Boston Marathon since 1983… and he is almost 39 years old.  Incredible.    


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No big deals that the winner of the Boston Marathon and I are good friends (even though we only talked for 5 minutes.. we are still good friends and technically Brooke is too because she was in my tummy at the time). 


The apple pie and a diet coke were calling my name for breakfast but I had my usual instead.  Did I tell you that I have cut wayyyyy back on diet coke.  I barely ever drink it (I did have a delicious one on Saturday) lately.  It is hard but if I can just get to about 2 in the afternoon without one then it is easy after that.  I am hoping it helps me get this Giardia far far far away from me.  

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The usual shenanigans with these two:

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And then Paige and I attempted to eat bacon/avocado/turkey salads and sourdough bread at the park.  I say attempted because our kids are at the age that means we eat a bite and then run over to save them from jumping off of something.  

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I came home to find this on my bed.  My mom must have hit the after Easter candy sales… party at my house this weekend.  .

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Random subject of the day… I notice on the days that I don’t run or workout I eat more candy and junk than usual (ahem… Sundays) and on the days that I do run I tend to eat way healthier.  Anyone else?  Do you notice a difference in your eating habits on days that you workout vs days you don’t?  

-Maybe it is easier for me to eat a lot of fruits and veggies after a good workout because I am wanting to refuel with the good stuff.  Also, I am always more tired on the days that I do not run and maybe I reach for candy to give me energy?  I don’t know.  

How many times a week on average do you leave the garmin at home for your runs?  

What is your “usual” breakfast lately?

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I eat WAY healthier on running days, on rest days I want to eat junk food or eat out all the time. It makes no sense, it would be better on running days to splurge but I crave healthy foods after I run.

My usual breakfast lately has been a bagel and cream cheese but I’ll be back to oatmeal soon :)


I definitely eat better on exercise days – I feel like I don’t want to sabotage the early wake up and workout b eating junk.My breakfast every day for the last several months : coconut Chobani over a sliced banana, with coconut-chia seed granola mixed in.


Love your name ;)


I definitely do that too! I eat really healthy when I feel fab after working out and then not AS well on rest days!

My usual breakfast lately = oatmeal with berries!


I think I’m the opposite. I rationalize eating more after a hard workout. Not immediately after, but later on in the day.

I do oatmeal a lot, but sometimes if I’m running late, I end up with a banana and a protein shake.


Totally agree on the workout/healthy eating connection. (Sunday for me, too!) I guess healthy things just snowball. Unfortunately, so do the unhealthy things.


I do usually eat healthier on workout days that rest days. It’s probably a mental thing.

I always take my phone with me for safety reasons, and so I always use a running app to track my miles.

My go-to breakfast is oatmeal with cinnamon, salt and peanut butter.
I uses to hate oatmeal. I’m not sure where the change came from. :)


I eat WAY better on days tat I work out and I think less too. For some reason on my day off I feel like I am eating/snacking all day (and it is not always good for me food either).
Breakfast has been Honey Nut Cheerios lately


I definitely notice that I eat healthier on the days that I run. I think its one of those “one healthy decision leads to another” things. Since I’m feeling good from my run, I want to keep feeling good. Then again, some days I justify eating ice cream with my run…but who doesn’t? ;)

I used to run with my garmin every single day. Then I started grad school and running really became my stress release and therapy. Having the garmin there seemed to make it more stressful so now I hardly every run with it unless I am going somewhere need and need to keep track of time or distance.

Breakfast is either a mango, kale, almond smoothie (the almonds make it creamy!) or eggs with kale and sweet potatoes. Just depends on how much time I have.


Great week of running. I was mad the finish line camera didn’t work for me but I didn’t follow live updates. Definitely inspiring. The fiancé is in weight watchers so we eat healthy all the time. I never leave my Garmin at home are you crazy lol. breakfast these days us oatmeal, apple, peanut butter and jelly.


I read that MEB was actually the first american man to win since 1983! Lisa Larsen won the women’s race in 1985!

I had a very unproductive day at work but very productive day of running inspiration! :)


I keep feeling bad for her, Lisa (Larsen) Rainsberger is still the last American woman to win Boston in 1985.

Not that I want to take anything away from Meb! Love that man! And this year of all years to win!


I definitely eat more on the days I don’t run. Not good because the equation is totally backwards! more Energy out=a bit more fuel -vs – less energy out=less fuel. So why am I doing it backwards? I think it has something to do with psychology and being more bored on non training days. Boredom leads me to the dang pantry.


Um yeah! Party at your house! Just say when and I’m there ;)
I definitely eat better on days when I work out. I had Easter candy for breakfast. .. Haven’t exercised yet.. Yup direct correlation!


Yes, I definitely tend to eat healthier on days that I’m running because I want to feel good on my run and recover quickly afterwards. On days that I don’t run, I tend to be absolutely powerless to resist junk food, which means that being injured for a number of weeks is not going to be good for my figure…… :/


Yay! I ran Boston! What an awesome experience but very challenging.


I find that it just all depends with me. Lately my rest days aren’t hungry days and even a hard run day hasn’t been a hungry day. Then randomly I get hit with those ravenous days and chocolate cravings and I haven’t rhyme or reason behind them…Breakfast lately has been back to oatmeal with berries and peanut butter. Makes me the happiest.


I do the same thing. I usually eat better breakfasts because I don’t want to feel gross on my run, and I always crave something fresh afterward – fruit, salad, a sandwich with crispy water-filled veggies. It’s weird because when I started running a lot, I thought it would be a license to have more brownies, but I ended up wanting them less. Weird.


I rarely leave the garmin home. Semi slave to it. :(
I have been eating these microwaveable egg wraps lately. Got them at target. I think I am going to start making my own thouhh. Easy really. No need to be lazy in the breakfast making department.

On days I run long I find that it takes a lot to fill me up so I will get a big salad and eat lots of protein and I crave avocado for some reason too.

Junk tends to happen when I am at work which usually is not a long run day.


I eat way worse on days that I run than on days when I don’t. My appetite goes out of control after running and I usually satisfy it with pizza :)


I love Brooke’s outfit. She is the cutest! I don’t know about eating healthier on days that I run vs. days that I don’t, but when I’m in the middle of a training cycle where I’m training hard for something, I find myself eating healthier than when I’m just kind of running with no specific goal. I’ve been enjoying my Garmin-less runs lately since I’m just getting back into the swing of things, but it’s about time to start charging up the ‘ol watch for at least a few runs a week!


It’s macht nichts. I love sugar on any day.


I eat the worst on my long run days! Probably also cause they are on the weekend and weekends are the only time I eat out. I cook all week so definitely during the week I’m eating healthy.

My breakfasts are usually either PB toast, or some eggs and toast. Pretty boring.

I’ve never run without my garmin, sad, I know.


Your mom is so nice! I wish I had that candy dropped off on my bed ;)

Hmm I think I worse on the days I run distance since I’m SO hungry!

My ‘go-to’ breakfast lately has been a greek yogurt, granola, scoop of peanut butter and fresh fruit! :)


I can never leave the garmin at home….that is the most exciting part of runningf for me! (I am a math/stats geek…even majored in it in college…I know, I know). I don’t obsess over the numbers, I just like to know them.

My breakfast is always vanilla greek yogurt and a banana. Except on Sunday…hello cinnamon rolls :-)


I made a bunch of frozen breakfasts (quinoa/egg cups and breakfast burritos) that were awesome but I just ran out and didn’t have any time to make any this weekend so it will be back to smoothies and/or toast this week. I usually eat in the car on my way to work because I am Not a morning person at all!


I want to raise my kids early on watching running- I’m hoping that they’ll catch the bug :) I haven’t noticed too much of a connection between days I work out vs. not- I tend to eat relatively the same throughout the week (but less structured meals on the weekend). I may have stocked up on some of the dark chocolate mini cadbury eggs- yummm!


Right now I am loving ~ make a really good guac smashed with a bit of garlic, sea salt and a squeeze of lime (mix that together real good) smear that on a piece of sour dough bread toast and an egg on top of that….mmmm mmmm mmm good :)


I love that Brooke was wearing the Boston colors!! You will be there next year! :)

I tend to eat healthier on days I work out–but I still eat my fun foods every day if I want to-regardless if I worked out or not.

I need to get some after Easter candy!


My usual breakfast is cereal, yogurt, and fruit.

My brother and I still get Easter candy from our parents even though we’re grown up.


You were the first person I thought of when I heard Meb won!!


Hey janae! Try switching to lemon-lime seltzer instead if diet coke. It’s allowed me to completely kick my diet soda habit!! Xox Erica


Yes totally! I think after working out you want to feel good all day. And honestly on days I work out I sorta feel kinda blah anyway and find myself not eating as healthfully. Haha the garmin is attached to my running wrist. Literally I wish I could run sometimes without it, but I never do.


Um it should have been and he is only 39!!! I am 37, we are still full of life and ready for anything.

I love it that a 39 year old won, can not wait for him to win next year at age 40.


I think in general when I am training and running a lot I eat better than when I am taking a break or running without a real goal in mind. I think it makes me feel good to eat good food when I’m training and then when I’m not as focused about running I don’t focus as much on my nutrition either.
I loved watching Meb win today!! It was so inspiring!


Totally inspirational! What could be more American than having an American kick ASS and bring home the win the year after some knuckle heads tried to crumble us! Together we run! U-S-A!


I definitely agree with you. I do seem to eat healthier on days I run or workout, especially right after. The days I don’t work out I tend to just go with what sounds good to me. Probably shouldn’t be that way, but it is! haha


I absolutely eat better on days I run…mostly because I have a sensitive stomach. Lately I have been super lazy with breakfast and have been having Cheerios and coffee. One of my goals this week is to actually get in some fruit with my morning meal.


I always eat better on days that I workout! Which means that I should workout seven days a week! :)
We have to discuss Brooke’s outfit in the picture with the little boy. Um where do I get that in my size!! :) She looks so cute and so grown up in the capris…adorable!


I rarely eat breakfast. I like to get up and run or workout on an empty stomach and then I usually eat lunch around 11:00 (and some days I don’t eat until late afternoon – not good but…).
So sweet of your mom to help you stock up on candy!


I’m the opposite – I think I eat less healthy on the days I run or workout hard. I’m so excited Meb won!!


My breakfast has been the same for years now: Frosted Mini Wheats! :)


I eat worse on days I do run…I guess in my head I justify that cookie or whatever it may be with saying, “Well…I did run today…” On days I don’t run I feel like I need to feel healthier so I tend to reach for the apple instead of the cookie on those days. ;)

I don’t have a garmin! I use a watch and I usually pre-map out my runs on mapmyfitness.

My usual breakfast is cereal (cheerios!) or fruit.

I was happy to see Meb win too! My sister and I were watching it, and I’ve seen a lot of him before and really like him, so I was really happy when he crossed the finish line first. Wilson Chebet was making me nervous for a little while there but they both did really well, and of course, it’s pretty cool that an American won. BTW- Your mom seems like an amazing person to buy you that bag of goodness. :)


I think I eat unhealthier on run days. I feel like I am entitled to eat whatever I want, haha! My usual breakfast is overnight oats because I don’t have time for anything else. On weekends I love my pancakes!


I definitely eat healthier on run days. And healthy dinners if I plan to attempt a longer/harder run the next morning. I also hit the candy sales today! They’re the best! I’m thinking about purchasing a Garmin – any suggestions?


Go to breakfast has been either an oatmeal or egg white delight mcmuffin with a large OJ from McDonalds. I bought the stuff to make my own, but convenience always taste better!


I eat healthier on days that I run because I don’t want to eat anything gross and ruin my good progress!


Yay for meb!


I definitely eat better on days that I run, I hate to follow up a workout with junk, feels like a waste!

I am addicted to the numbers, I haven’t left my garmin at home in a very long time. I know that I should.

My usual breakfast lately is coffee, and a bowl of FMW with frozen blueberries.


My usual breakfast is oatmeal, but now that it’s mango season, I’ve been having lots of oatmeal-banana-mango smoothies!

I’m jealous of your Easter candy. I’m abroad and I don’t have any. Sadness.


my work has short order cooks who will makes pretty much what you want..I am trying to wean myself, it is hard when I can get one egg, hashbrowns and a piece of bacon for $2.30


I definitely notice that it’s harder not to eat junk food on the days I don’t work out–which is why I try to work out 5-6 days a week:) I feel so good after a great workout that I think I just naturally want to eat foods with high-quality nutrients that I know will help refuel my body better so I’m ready for my next endorphin fix.

I’m embarrassed to admit that my usual breakfast lately has been a bar (Larabar ALT bar or Rise protein bar) eaten in the car on the way to work…


My usual breakfast is egg whites with spinach and shaved Brussels sprouts. I’ve never left my Garmin at home but it has stopped on me occasionally because satellite connection was lost. Maybe I should think about not wearing it until I’m fully recovered from my foot injury and back to my normal pace.


My usual breakfast is coffee and oatmeal with PB2 and apricot jelly. I most definitely eat better on my running days vs. non-running days.

Nice your mom got you all the candy….enjoy!


I don’t really know whether or not I eat healthier on the days that I don’t run… I do have to say that I tend to be hungrier on days that I don’t run as much… Not quite sure why, since you would think that it would be the opposite!

The GPS on my Garmin doesn’t work! But I do use MapMyRun on my phone and I am incredibly guilty of being obsessive about hitting an EXACT mileage (if I’m running 4 miles and I get back to my house and it says 3.98… not allowed to stop), I am working on trying to de-tech some of my runs and just enjoy the time alone with myself! Wish I had those mountains and trails that you do! They seem like such amazing places to run and meditate!

My usual breakfast depends on where I am! If I am at school, I eat a Luna protein bar and a cup of coffee or a bowl of instant oatmeal (bleh) and coffee. If I am at my grandparents’ house (the weekends), I eat 2 scrambled egg whites with spinach and some fresh fruit on the side. YUM! Oh… and coffee… Always coffee…


When I run I notice I eat better too I think because I’m focused on recovering better and get ready for the next day.

Wasn’t that so awesome about Meb!? Loved being there to witness it!!


I eat better too on my running days, don’t want to feel bad during my next run!


I eat better on running days. I run after work so I have to make sure what I eat will fuel me and sustain me. However on days when I don’t run I eat more junk food but lighter meals.


I’ve seen Meb a couple times in the past San Jose RNR half marathons… never able to say hello because he was warming up (with a body guard close by, I think). I’m SO happy for him, and super cool that you and Brooke ;) got to talk to him!


I leave the garmin at home about a third of the time – easy to do when it’s dead!

I tend to eat healthier on days I don’t run or work out. Nutrition is a huge aspect of fitness and if I can’t get the gym in I might as well get the nutrition thing right for day.


I tend to eat healthier when I work out – I’m an all or nothing person, so if I’m working out I don’t want to ruin it by eating something unhealthy.

My usual breakfast is a smoothie these days. I’m on day 21 of a 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge!


Have you ever run the Boston marathon??— I always think I’m crazy when I think about the bloggers I follow like I actually know them. I thought about you and wondered if you were there running it. (I haven’t been keeping up with my reading or I would’ve known you weren’t)

When I’m training I eat really really well, when I have a race I eat horrible (afterwards of course), one or twice a month I eat so poorly all day that I feel like I’ve undone all the good I’ve done.

Oatmeal is my breakfast of choice. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day and I normally end up eating 3 different breakfasts before noon and then one dinner.


I usually make a green smoothie!


I love how often I’m thinking about something, and there you go discussing the same thing on your blog a few days later. I’ve been giving this craziness a lot of thought lately as well, as I too eat great on workout days, and then let candy and sweets undo it all on rest days. But, I think I figured out why it is for me, and I’ve been testing it out, and so far think I’ve come up with something :)
On days I work out, I go through a ton of water. By 9am, I will have drank 4 big water bottles. But on days I rest I don’t start drinking water that way. I think it’s hydration. I think I reach for candy as a pick-me up, and then start a bad cycle for me that can only be continued with more sweets. So, I’ve been trying to drink crazy amounts of water on my rest days, and it’s working. I’m not tired, and not reaching for sweets or junk.


I have the same idea about my food habits. Last two weeks I didn’t train anche I ate a lot of junk food. But when I run or workout I really crave salads.


Great week of running! I never leave the Garmin at home. Lately I don’t mind if I don’t hook up to satellite though. I need the Garmin with me so I at least know how long I am out for. I typically have somewhere to be after running.

I definitely eat healthier on days I work out. I have been habitually injured lately and my eating has tanked. I started the Whole 30 program yesterday and already today I am feel a bit better!

And breakfast lately has been a big egg bake I make once a week with eggs and veggies. YUM.


I definitely eat better on workout days. The big one for me is wine. I always have a glass or six on my off days.


Oh my gosh, Brooke look like a teenager in that first pic!!! Can’t get over how big she is getting, but seriously cuter every day. :)


I’ve been eating overnight oats for breakfast lately. Your breakfast looks really good though – makes me want to change up my oat routine a bit!


I eat way healthier…or at least with more moderation during the week. On the weekends it’s harder to say no to sweets. I don’t actually have a garmin watch…yet!

I’m still using my Nike+ app for all my runs…it’s not the best but it gets the job done alright. Hopefully a garmin will be my birthday present to myself in June!

Breakfast lately: toasted english muffin with an egg. YUM! Especially when the yolk runs out.


I think eating healthier on run days is easier, because you don’t want to upset your stomach for your run and then afterwards you feel so great that you don’t need candy or junk food as much.

My breakfast lately has been honey nut cheerios. So tasty!


It’s because I’m compulsive… NEVER… I never run without a garmin… I know its nutty but I can’t help it….

What is your “usual” breakfast lately?
I know this is not technically considered a full on breakfast…. but a medium coconut caramel ice coffee lite and sweet from dunkin donuts


I do that too! I think it’s because after long runs or just a work out in general our body craves sugar? Totally my own opinion, but I can tell a complete difference on days I don’t run or even right when I get home from a run, I go straight for the candy!

My usual breakfast is something really quick because I am usually running out the door the work, but I tend to stick with oatmeal or a breakfast bar or something!


My usual is oatmeal lately – with honey and milk mmmm. I also have a fried egg and toast a lot of the time. On mornings before a long run or a race I have toast with butter and honey. Really those three things are the only breakfasts I eat normally, ha.

I always eat healthier on days I run! It’s weird – when I don’t work out I crave unhealthy food. Why is that??


Hmm, I don’t think that my healthier vs unhealthier treats are related to workout days vs rest days.
Breakfast lately: “Reese’s Oatmeal”, which is oatmeal with a spoonful of peanut butter and half a scoop of chocolate protein powder mixed in:-)


I pretty much eat an absurd amount if candy everyday. Yesterday was 3 large Cadbury eggs, cowboy bark, and lots of small stuff, and that is pretty ordinary regardless of running :/. I need to work on it, it’s not healthy! 200 candy calories a day would be one thing, but this is 500 or 600 daily, and not as single veggie.


there’s just something about Easter candy that for some reason tastes better than all the other seasonally themed candies. Also, fruit is unreliable in terms of flavor but I have yet to have a Reese’s peanut butter cup I didn’t love.


Go Meb!!!
I don’t usually leave my garmin at home unless I know I’m going to be somewhere where the satellites cannot find me.
I’ve been eating cottage cheese with a green smoothie for breakfast lately :)


I definitely eat healthier when I workout! I feel like on rest days I want to eat everyyyyything, doesn’t matter what! hha


Yes yes yes!!! I definitely eat healthier on the days I run. Beforehand because I want my stomach to feel good when running and after because I crave more healthy things and get full faster. It’s very interesting.


I think I do eat healthier on running days. Maybe I don’t want to throw away allthat hard work? Breakfast for me depends on the day. If I am teleworking, it is one scrambled egg and an english muffin. If I am on the office, it is oatmeal. And coffee either way.


I definitely eat that way. It’s like when I workout, I’m more motivated to keep the healthy train going.


I definitely eat worse when I don’t exercise. Or on weekends. Or if I’ve had a bad day. time to get it under wraps!


-I tend to eat way healthier on days I work out. My stomach is sensitive anyway, so there’s no way I’ll eat something heavy or unhealthy and feel miserable working out, or worse… have to miss a run/workout.
I usually run in the mornings, but when I have CF in the evenings, it keeps my diet accountable all day! So not worth feeling bad and trying to work out. I just feel like my diet helps give me good workouts and my workouts make me want to not mess up my diet and lose progress!
My weekends I give myself way more freedom! I eat a big meal on Saturday after my long run and Sunday I allow myself to indulge on my rest day.
-During the week I make myself a protein shake for breakfast and on the weekend I usually have eggs along with whatever else I feel like;)


I usually eat worse on days that I don’t exercise. I guess I feel that I worked so hard that day why give it up on that piece of candy or beer.

My go to breakfast is scrambled eggs, mixed with turkey sausage, avocado, cheese, and cholula :)


I eat healthier during the week when I’m at work, so running days during the week I eat healthier, but long run days on the weekend I TRY to still eat healthy, but it’s harder at home because there are the healthy snacks, but the less healthy snacks too. And I always make my boys pancakes every Saturday, too. Oh, and I often bake something on Sundays because I love to bake. So, it’s kind of a losing battle for me to eat really well on the weekends.


One of my good friends ran it yesterday, so proud of her!


I haven’t seen a pattern with my eating on running days v. non runnings days but if I think about it I probably eat healthier on running days. I have a hard time eating anything after my long runs…especially after 18 or 20 miles…no appetite all day!! Crazy, I know! I have to make myself eat a little because I know my body needs to repair itself. Now the day after a long run…I eat like a man!!!


I think I’m the opposite of you and I eat healthier on days I don’t run…when I do run (especially a long run!) I think…I totally DESERVE that ice cream!! :)


Watching Boston was amazing today! I am so proud of all of our friends and all the runners that ran! And how did you meet Meb!? So cool!! I am the exact same same way when it comes to eating and training verses days off and I’m so glad someone else, (and not just anyone else! You!) posted about this and feel the same way! I feel a little more control when I’m training and running etc, and can manage my food better mentally when I have ran that day. When I have an off day of training, I seem to “let it go!” :) I don’t go totally crazy, but I definitely eat less healthy.


I definitely eat better on days I run (or workout in general).

I’m a cereal eater for breakfast. I love freshly made carbs like pancakes, waffles, etc for breakfast but don’t always have the time and energy for such things.

Watching Boston on TV was sooo much fun!


I’m the opposite, I eat healthier on days I don’t run. I don’t know if my thinking is that I am fueling properly for the next days run or that I didn’t run today to burn calories so I need to make wiser choices. And for days I run I always justify a giant cookie or bourbon cocktail by saying “well I did run such and such miles today”


I watched the marathon for the first time every yesterday, too!
I decided yesterday that I may be putting ‘Run the Boston Marathon’ on my bucket list. One year ago I thought I couldn’t run more than 3-4 miles at a time and that I was more of a sprinter than a runner. In March, I ran my first half marathon! But I still doubted that I would ever run a marathon. I am still not sure, but I am leaning more and more towards…HEY! Why not? I am going to run some more half marathons first. It’s funny how one year ago I thought sprinting and lifting was ‘my thing’ and now my legs and my mind long for the distance (see what I did there?). Adding miles to my legs makes me feel stronger and happier. Thank you for being such an inspiration!


I definitely eat much healthier on running days!!


In the past rest days usually meant more junk food but nowadays I try to keep in clean most of the time. I started this while recovering from tendonitis and the habbit stuck. Very cool picture of you and Meb where is that?


On days when I run, I’m OCD about my nutrition. I do most of my runs in the evening, so I have to eat really well during the day in order not to feel sick during my workouts. And even afterwards, I usually “behave.” I have to admit though, I go a little crazy after my morning long runs. Hey, after 16/20 miles, everbody needs a reward meal!


I also never leave my Garmin at home. I even get super frustrated when it loses reception or when I foret to hit start again after a traffic light. It almost feels like “if Garmin didn’t see I was running, it doesn’t count”. Lol.

Breakfast: i alternate carby oatmeal breakfast with eggs and avocado breakfast. I always measure the amount of oats I take to control the amounts I eat :) today is eggs day and smoked salmon for breakfast but only after a bikram yoga session. Yay :)


I usually eat a lot healthier on workout days compared to days when I have nothing to do which is actually worse because no workout + not-so-healthy-meals (a.k.a. occasional junk food) = double the trouble. But I try my best to stick to my diet plan even on rest days.

I think a lot of people relate to this. It’s really difficult to stay on track while slacking off from the comforts of your own couch/bed/chair on a nice rest day.

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