All is right in the world again!!!

And all is right in the world again.  

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I am just really excited to have my little sidekick back.  

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Although, I think she may have given Elmo more hugs than she gave me yesterday…  she really missed him.  They have quite the bond.  

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Have you ever seen a more beautiful stack of food in your life?  I basically told my cute friend and her family a few months ago that every time they have crepes for dinner that I kind of need to be there too.  It is a great arrangement if you ask me.  

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The thing about my friend’s crepes is that the savory ones are just as good as the sweet ones (this is the only time that the dinner portion of the meal was just as good as the dessert part.. that is saying A LOT).

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Yes, it is normal reaction that you started drooling when you saw the below picture, no need to worry.  

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And we all know how my night ended.  How did we watch television before Netflix?  Did people actually watch commercials?

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Rewind to Monday morning… we had a snow storm.  At the end of April.  Real cool Utah.  

I hit up the gym and did a full 45 minutes of strength training on my own (focused on shoulders, core and glutes).  I don’t think I have ever done weights outside of a class for that many minutes on my own in my entire life.  

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A few weeks ago my mom tried a crouton from my salad (the one I always get at the grocery store down the road from me) and when I got home with my salad yesterday there was an entire carton of croutons just sitting there.  I am guessing that means she liked them.

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And last but not least, my dad is pretty happy to have his Curious George watching buddy back home again.  

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What shows are you really into right now?  Do you use Netflix?

What is your cooking specialty?  What are you known for making really good?

-Any food with large amounts of butter and sugar (cookies mainly).

Anyone have any exciting news to share?  I am sure we would all love to hear (read)!

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I’m known for all kinds of varieties of pasta but particularly my browned butter pumpkin gnocchi :)

I haven’t picked my next show to watch on Netflix yet! We were thinking maybe Breaking Bad since I’m super behind the times and missed it while it was on.


Yes, watch Breaking Bad!!!


Fully support Breaking Bad, great show.


oh my gosh I am a lover of all things pumpkin and gnocchi. That sounds amazing.


I don’t have a specialty, but I can make a pretty good omelette. :-)

I really wish I had that dessert crepe for breakfast right now.

Yay for Brooke being back!


My specialty is definitely pancakes/waffles! And that picture of Brooke and your dad is TOO precious. It totally brightened my rainy Tuesday :)


Wow Janae please tell your Dad he is looking super fit, at least 20 years younger! Well done to him, hope he is staying healthy.

Lovely you have Brooke back


I’m so glad Brooke is home!

I make some pretty killer cookies, but I don’t really have a cooking specialty unless it’s mexican food…that’s pretty fool proof.

I love netflix! I’ve been watching Leverage when I’m on the treadmill lately.


I love Netflix! And Hulu Plus. Right now I’m not binge-watching anything…but I can’t wait for ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK to come back!!!!!

I’m not known for my cooking…haha. I am good at making simple stuff…baking, sauteeing, broiling, etc., but nothing fancy.

Look at Brooke’s little footies!! So cute.


Netflix is so addicting. We watched allllllll of the House if Cards episodes in one weekend. I’m now on a Netflix detox.


I love marathoning shows on Netflix! Right now I am watching Made in Chelsea, a reality TV show from England. It’s not on Netflix though :( I love marathoning old episodes of Arrested Development when I’m bored!

Those crepes look so delicious! I never make them at home, but I love ordering them when I go out!


Made in Chelsea is on You Tube! I may or may not have watched all of them up to the most recent episode…… I never think to put croutons on my salad, I’m a big edamame fan, though.


Croutons are the best part of any salad! ;)


I love Netflix! I’m on season 3 of Mad Men right now and I recently binge-watched all of House of Cards in about 2 weeks. I love that you’re watching House! I was obsessed with that when it was on TV. Seen them all!


I’m probably known most in my family for making baked goods – cookies, breads, and apple crisps are the best things that come out of my kitchen :)


My girls and I are currently watching Once Upon a Time on Netflix. So fun to have different fairy tale characters appear!

I’m a better baker than I am a cook. I just made a Blueberry Lemon Poundcake with Lemon Poppyseed Buttercream frosting on Sunday for our usual Sunday family dinner. It was so good!


The crepes look insane! House used to be my favorite show way back in the day and totally brings back memories :) I’m not into tv lately, mainly because I read a little (like 5 minutes) and then pass out. I feel so out of the loop though since I have no clue what shows people watch!

And anything involving sausage seems to be my specialty lately :)


I love Dexter and Orange is the New Black, I bake the best brownies in the world seriously and best news ever, IM BACK TO RUNNING! No more injury!


YAY to being back to running…how awesome does that feel???


Pretty darn awesome Courteney, thanks!


I am into Blue Bloods, Castle and Crisis right now but they are recorded on tv not Netflix….
I make a good Taco salad and a really good oreo dessert that has whip cream and pudding in it and of course oreos!


Netflix saved me during endless trainer rides this winter and I watch it almost exclusively now instead of TV. Breaking Bad was definately my favourite. Mad Men was pretty good too!


The cutest little sidekick there ever was!! So glad she’s back with you!


I’m known for my baking :) Wherever I go, people assume the baked goods (usually cookies) will appear!


right now, I’m loving Game of Thrones and Mad Men. Two of my favourite shows! Is it bad that i’ve never seen an episode of House?


I SO want to start watching Game of Thrones!!


Glad she is back! your dad and her look adorable together!

yes i love netflix!! this year i loved watching (1) breaking bad (2) scandal (3) homeland… i like watching big bang theory, too. oh and i know this is dorky but you need to watch 2 documentaries…black fish- its about killer whales in sea world…you will be shocked and also the lance armstrong documentary…both on netfilx

hmmmm. im good at pasta… red sauce. and desserts

exciting news….i quit my job in march and now i am living with my parents and looking for a new job.looks like i am be moving to hoboken (by nyc) which i am actually pretty excited about


I’m such a failure at watching TV. I managed the new episode of Devious Maids from Lifetime last night and then was in bed and dead to the world. One hour! Just one hour of tv! I’m so disappointed in myself!

Once upon a time I made really good soups and then I started running and got a full time job and I kind of gave up on life and feeding myself.


I ONLY watch Netflix, no cable. And, I watched the exact same House episode last night!! I was ecstatic to see that House is now streaming…before it was just on the mail-in Netflix. So of course now I’m re-addicted to the show.


I love Netflix, I watched Prison Break, Lost, and Friday Night Lights on it! I was trying to get into Orange is the New Black but it’s a bit too much for me.

What are on those savory crepes they look amazing!!

My favorite food to make is the chicken chili you had on here, love it!


I think most of my family knows me for making good bread. It’s what I always bring to family dinners, and it always seems to be a big hit!

News: I think my foot injury is finally starting to heal!! I have a bone bruise on my cuboid, and from everything I’ve heard it sounds like once it starts feeling better, it improves rapidly. So I have high hopes that I’ll be running again soon!!!


Cooking specialty: Roast chicken, absolutely. It’s my favorite thing to make because everyone thinks it is so hard, but it’s actually super easy (I have a recipe on my blog). I also make a really, really yummy chili-rubbed roast. My dad said it was the best roast he had ever eaten. I don’t think my mom has ever forgiven me. ;)


i have exciting news!!!!!!!!!! i found out last night that i got into a master’s program in oral biology (pre-dental)!!! i had been losing all confidence after getting rejected from med AND dental school, but now i realize this program is exactly what i needed and now it’s happening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, so, so excited =]


wow, lots of exclamation points there :]



I’ve been on “House, M.D.” for about two weeks now! I loved the show when it was on TV, but I fell out of watching it around season five. I’m finishing that bad boy out like nobody’s business.

I’m a champ at oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. <3

I got new PRO Compression socks that are the bee's knees (socks)!


That last pic of your dad with Brooke melted my heart-SO precious!


Yay for Brooke being back!!! I’m known for my cupcakes, or really any dessert type food. Hey they are the funnest ones to make ;).


I make some mean chicken enchiladas. I usually get asked to take sugar cookies to family functions or salads.

Big news–the house next to mine is for sale. Praying for some awesome neighbors.
Tile demo starts today. I will be locked out again. Park and picnic with the kids.

I love Brooke’s top knot. So cute!


I have never commented before but Brooke’s PJs in that last picture made me do it — sooooo sweet and cuddly! Love them! Glad she’s back and things are back to normal for you.


Glad you got your side kick back. Looks like your dad is just as happy as you are.

No Netflix
Exciting/nervous – 5k race this weekend, going for a PR.


I really like New Girl and Big Bang Theory, and we never watch TV live anymore :)
I am probably the most boring cook ever, but I’m not for my alfredo sauce and chicken pot pie. And hubs makes the best ever peppermint fudge and homemade ice cream. Yummo!
I really hope that I have exciting news to share by the end of this week!! I interviewed for a job almost 3 weeks ago, and I found out that I am one of their top two choices, but they have yet to make a decision… Soon!


I am loving Hart of Dixie on Netflix. I had never seen it and am now on Season 2. LOVE the no commercials or need to fast forward through commercials.


I swam 3500m with my training bud and ran 3 miles this morning!

I am flabbergasted but really proud. I also did a yoga class. Yes, I am home alone and having the day off!

Have a great day, everyone! I LOVE this blog.


I am really good at hitting the button on the microwave or the speeddial on the phone for Chinese food. Lol. Cooking is not my thing.

My big exciting news is that I set a new PR on Sunday. Completed the nj marathon in 4:38:31 which was almost 10 minutes faster than my previous PR.

And I just signed up to run the San Francisco marathon in July. :)


I’m working my way through House and Parks and Recreation is always hilarious.
I make a mean enchilada :) and tacos…really anything Mexican, I love it so much and therefore make it so often that I’ve become a real pro.
Also, where can I get those incredible looking croutons?!
My most exciting news of the week so far is discovering BYU creamery mint brownie ice cream and registering for the American Fork Canyon 5k :)


Does Brooke watch Caillou? It used to always come on after Curious George and I just loved watching both with my son lol….Oh how I love Caillou. I still watch it if I am flipping through the channels and catch it!


Caillou’s non-stop whining didn’t annoy you? That’s one kiddie show I just couldn’t deal with!! Love Curious George though :))


Too funny! LOVE CG. My 7 year old still watches it!

I couldn’t stand Caillou’s whining either! I was also afraid it would ‘teach’ my child to whine. Silly new mother I was. Kiddos figure that whining thing out all on their own! :O


I just finished watching How I Met Your Mother on Netflix. I just need to watch the very last season now. I’ve done a pretty great job of not hearing how it all ends so nobody tell me!


YAY BROOKE! She is such a cutie, I’m glad she’s back too! And I don’t have a TV so I use Netflix, Hulu+, and Amazon Prime to watch most of my TV!


I don’t care for crepes as much but you have really inspired me to try making them. They look great.

I have no exciting news…I am happy to just stay boring for a while


Netflix is the best! We have some different content up here in Canada though, so some things I watch here and some things I watch with my fiancé who lives in Washington state. He says we have better movie content but the American site has better TV show content. I’m happy with House these days; on to Season 2!


Yes I do use Netflix – but Netflix Canada which isn’t as good as the American version. But I did get into Mad Men and Breaking Bad through Netflix.

I make really good yorkshire puddings!


Hey girl!!! It’s been forever and a day since I commented but I still read your blog everyday and have been keeping up with everything. I just wanted to say that you are amazing and I hope you never forget that. I’m so happy for you that you have Brooke and your family/friends to bring so much joy into your life because you honestly deserve nothing less then the best. Love you!!

Anyways, no crazy exciting news to share over here…but pretty psyched that I’m back into running shape after dealing with an injury for a few months…had a PR at my half last weekend and couldn’t be happier with my progress. I want to sign up for the Big Sur marathon next year, you should think about doing it too!! :)


I’m good at making pizza & breakfast foods.. my fiancé is amazing at everything he cooks!


The Blacklist!! It is so good. I was really into Parenthood, but the season just ended. :( I’m from the dark ages and still watch it on normal ol’ tv. No netflix here!


Hmm I don’t know if I have a speciality. I make a great carrot cake with real cream cheese frosting. I also am pretty good at making different Thai and Indian dishes. I just try out different recipes all the time. If everyone likes them, I keep them in rotation. Lol

Right now I love Mad Men, Walking Dead and Parenthood. Also The Mindy Project and The New Girl.

Nothing exciting to report. Oh in about 7 weeks my oldest graduates from high school (what?!?) and then we’re going to disneyland!!


Aww- that picture of your dad with brooke is so cute! Glad she has returned to you :)


I don’t have a show I’m watching right now, but I will probably be into the Bachelorette in May because that show seems to always suck me in.


I’m with you on that one. Excited to see how she deals with the man drama!


YAY for Brookers being back!
I definitely don’t miss April/May/June snowstorms… I hope the sunshine and warmer weather is back out for you soon!
My husband and I are all about shows on Netflix. We currently are going through How I Met Your Mother. I love it!


I just finished watching breaking bad and started watching The West Wing. Netflix really is such a convenient way to watch TV!


Yay for Brooke being home!! I am really into Blacklist right now. That show is so good and so addicting! Big news for me is that my husband and I are in the process of buying our first house!


I’m really into the Bravo Housewives. The OC ones and NYC are my favorites. I’m really good at making healthy low calorie treats like granola bars, muffins and breads. I think I may need to rename my blog to gear more toward it. Not sure yet!


I don’t know what I did before…oh wait, I never watched Tv. hah. It is awesome to have shows now that have less commercials or none at all!

So glad Brooke is back!


I’m really into the Mindy Project and the Voice right now. And Total Divas haha.

I can make a really good chili in the crockpot!! This food talk is making me hungry :)


I love shows! I feel like they are getting better than movies these days! We just finished watching True Detective on HBO and it was awesome!

My favorite recipe is brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes in the oven! I also love making anything with Mexican flair…I love love love enchiladas and I have a really yummy black bean and butternut squash enchilada that I usually fact, I think I’ll make it tonight :)

Nothing too exciting going on in my life at the moment, I am home sick from work but honestly I needed a day to relax because I am going to Chicago for a bachelorette party this weekend and I most definitely need the rest!


Those savory crepes looks so good! I haven’t had crepes in so long!

My favorite show at the moment is the Big Bang Theory! It’s hilarious!


I think my cooking specialty is finding random food in the pantry and making a meal out of that. My husband says those meals are always the best.

I am binge watching Mad Men on Netflix. If you aren’t opposed to sex, drugs and some language; I would recommend it.


I almost licked my phone now…yumm! Ahh your mom is SO thoughtful! Didn’t u say in a blog post something like making a meal out of those croutons? Don’t know why I remember that.
People say they love my lasagna…those and enchiladas are my specialty.


My friends would say my food specialty is making reservations :) but, i do make a pretty darn good chicken stew and a delicious beef bourgignon in the winter months.
As for Netflix, I save those shows for the treadmill and house of cards got me through all my long winter treadmill runs. It’s highly addictive.
Probably the most exciting thing I’ve done recently was volunteer at the boston marathon mile 16 water stop. Such a wonderful day that was! Now it’s just back to work and life as usual.


So happy that Brooke is home! You must be over the moon! Those crepes look AMAZING by the way! I love a good dessert crepe any day of the week! We use Netflix but our internet is terrible so we can’t stream it. We just keep a steady supply of discs coming into the house and are really good about returning them. We can make it through a season of a show in a few weeks which is always nice! Gotta love no commercials!


I’m trying to learn to cook Chinese food while I’m here. I’m mastering the art of a good dumpling

Your baby is so cute. I can’t get over it.


I dont even know what life would be like without netflix. I’ve been alternating between bones and 30 rock depending on my mood.


I love Netflix and thank goodness they have profiles so I can watch my terrible girly shows without taking up our entire queue. :) Dexter was really good, but now I need a new show!! Tried Weeds-which is funny and the shows are only 30 minutes, but I haven’t binge watched it like Dexter.

I’m good at cooking spicy foods! Definitely not baking. I can’t follow a recipe to save my life!


People usually like my desserts. I also make a mean meatballs and spaghetti, quiche, chicken soup, and random other things. I’m not great at making spicy food since my tolerance is so low.

I am waiting for the next season of House of Cards to come out, but meanwhile Agents of Shield is pretty entertaining. Also love The Mindy Project, 2 Broke Girls, Modern Family, and SVU.


Yay, Brooks back, missed seeing all the adorable pictures of her! Those pancakes look so delicious!


It’s awesome that you have your sidekick back! I love the picture of Brooke with your dad!

I’m known for my deviled eggs and asked to bring them to parties. I usually add them to a huge antipasto platter. Yum!

When we watch Netflix or Apple TV, we watch House of Cards, The Office, Big Bang Theory, and a few other shows. During the summer we don’t watch much other than the Nationals, and during the fall it’s college football.


Those little pictures of Brooke. So happy.

Random Mexican food….throwing it together. So delicious. And I want some right no. I always do.


Brooke looks so much like her cousins in the Elmo picture.


While my husband and teen are totally engrossed in playing catch-up with Game of Thrones, I’ve been reading the books like an addict :-/

I make great waffles, chocolate chip cookies, roasted chicken and vegetables, and chicken soup.

Big news? My girl is getting her braces on AT THIS MOMENT. And I walked withOUT my cane or walker yesterday :) Yeah, baby…all by myself :) lol


I’m really into Revenge right now. OMGoodness. Its so good. I’m about to start watching House, I noticed that it was on Netflix and you mentioned it here, and that was all the push I needed to watch! I’m turning into a Netflix junkie. Also, I’ve heard Scandal is an excellent show, that will be next as well.

Being from the south.. I learned how to make bacon green beans. They are the worst food for you, but man the onions being sautéed in bacon grease really pulls it together.

My exciting news is… I only have TWO CLASSES left until I can pin on my RN and graduate from nursing school. SO PUMPED.


Your dad is looking awesome! Looks like he is really keeping up his diet/excercise routing – go Dad!

I watched the first 4 seasons of Parenthood on Netflix and am currently getting up to speed with Season 5 On Demand. I love technology.

My only exciting news is that I have a couple great weekends coming up… My husband, BIL, SIL and I are going to a Jason Aldean concert this weekend, and I am leading my running group for a 5 mile run on my very first Mother’s Day (I will be 33 weeks pregnant at that time) next week! I can’t wait for both!!


Mmm, that crepe party looks delicious! And welcome back Brooke!


I need to figure out how to make those crepes….yummy!!!

I watch Orange is the New Black when I’m on stationary bike. Friends have been raving about Breaking Bad so I might need to watch that one soon as well.

Big News? I’m running only my 2nd 10km this weekend and hoping for a PR. I am speaking at the reception after so it would be nice to have that to cheer about!


That picture of Brooke hugging Elmo could hang in a museum, it’s so cute.
I’m a netflix watcher. Can’t deal with waiting week to week to watch, especially suspenseful series. I also like to go back to watch old tv series and see how things have changed. last year, I watched felicity. Don’t judge me! It was funny that nobody had cell phones so they stood in lines to use the pay phones or actually made arrangements in advance.


I’m glad you have Brooker back with you. Ps I know shadows make you look taller but she looks like an 8 year old in her shadow and it made me sad lol.

Okay so I have some VERY exciting news. My boyfriend proposed on Sunday afternoon in Tokyo!!!! He has been here for 2 months for work and I had to stay back in Canada so the 2 months was tough for both of us to be apart, but the good thing was that his company sent me here for 1 week at the end of his work term, so I’m in Japan right now and he proposed here. I haven’t been able to sleep much since bc i’m too excited lol


I love the Amazing Race. It is cool to see all the different cultures.

I am an excellent baker. My coffee cake is legendary. I also make a mean mac & cheese.


We have cable AND Netflix right now, but I told my hubby that it’s time to cancel cable. We pretty much only have it so he can watch the golf channel (ok, ok, you caught me, I love watching Ellen), so it’s pretty pricey just for that. I’m in Netflix limbo; we need a new show to watch! We just finished watching the movie ‘Paranoia’ on it last night and it was alright!!


It’s my husband’s birthday today! That’s about as exciting as it gets around here :)


We got rid of cable a while ago so I use Netflix ALL the time! It is a life savor and has saved us SO much money!

Glad to see that Brooke is back :)


My favorite show is The Amazing Race. I’ve got my 5 year old and 3 year old twins addicted to it too!

I make a mean quesadilla. I’m pretty good at cookies too, but have laid off them significantly during my pregnancy.

Good news for the day…8 (hopefully short!) weeks until our baby girl arrives. I feel like a beached whale!;) I am dying to get back in pre pregnancy shape!! I’m running vicariously through you- which is pretty fun because you’re speedy!


HAHAHA, I’ve been going through old seasons of House, M.D. on Netflix, too! It really is bizarre when I watch TV in real time… so many commercials!



dang it! I missed the snow only by a few days!


We only use Netflix, currently watching House!!! But my Best friend let us borrow all seasons of Friends!!!! Watch out! It is addicting!
I love to cook and bake. . . its bad! Good thing I am a runner! I did just bake an amazing Blueberry Buckle!!!! Oh WOW!
I am not sure where this is going to go BUT I just signed up to be an Ambassador for a running company!!!
And I have a question for YOU. . . do you real all these?!!!!!?


Seriously, Netflix is the best. I never have time to keep up with TV shows regularly but netflix lets me watch them! My cooking specialty is probably cupcakes or the chicken pot pie casserole that I make that everybody loves. Funny thing is, I really don’t like it that much!


Everyone seems to like the hummus I make! Also, I’ve made these pecan bars that have been a big hit at a few Thanksgiving dinners!
I’m glad that Brooke is back:)


I am so happy Brooke is back. I make pretty good dessert crepes, not savory ones. I also make some mean cupcakes.


I am so glad you and Brooke are reunited! She is such a doll :)

My husband and I recently got hooked on “Revolution” on my parent’s Netflix! I’m not much for watching TV, but this show just sucks me in… it’s horrible, but so good at the same time!


I am loving New Girl. I recently finished every episode on Netflix and laughed out loud during every. single. one. So funny.


I have never had crepes before… crazy, right?!


I have exciting news to share! So, backstory, my husband has to bid on a new position for work every few years, and he saw a posting for his dream job that would allow him to use his Arabic skills. He bid on it, even though it was a long shot, and we just found out that he got it!!! We’re still waiting on the paperwork to get it finalized, so I haven’t told people yet, and I am dying! So, in a few months, we’re moving to the Middle East. We are so stoked!

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