10 Tips–> How to make it through your long run and they are FINALLY back.

It’s like she turned 4 years old over night.  She is talking non-stop, she understands most of what we are saying and THIS is my favorite stage ever (I know, I keep saying that about every stage but seriously, this is my favorite).

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The reason that I am obsessed with Sundays.  The morning we actually have time to make a real breakfast.

My first round of my chocolate chip, banana and strawberry pancakes:

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I have the best news.  I saw my sister and her family after being without them for 17 days.  They left the day before I got back from Thailand for vacation and just got back last night and came straight over.

My heart is full again.

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It just feels so right.  Yeah, Brooke really wanted to wear this neon shirt.

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Baked potatoes, I love absolutely everything about you.  You make a fabulous dinner.

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Oh, the long run.  It can either go so so so so good or so so so so wrong.  

It is a necessary part of training for races and I have 10 things that I do to help me power through and get to the ‘post long run high that feels so good and that gives me so much confidence for my upcoming race.’

1.  I ALWAYS split the run up mentally.  I don’t look at the run as doing 20 miles but instead 5 miles 4 times.  I just like thinking about the segment that I am in (i.e. I know I can do 5 miles) rather than getting overwhelmed by thinking about the entire run all at once (um… running 20 miles straight sounds a little intimidating).

2.  As painful as it is to go to bed early on a weekend night, if you want to have a good long run the next morning you just gotta do it.  We really can’t expect to ask our bodies to perform really well and run a ridiculous amount of miles on little sleep.  I practiced some self-discipline on Friday night and was in bed at 9:30… waking up at 5 the next morning to go run a bunch of miles requires some sacrifices!

3.  GOALS GOALS GOALS GOALS GOALS.  I can’t tell you how many times I visualized my upcoming marathon during my long run on Saturday.  I think I might even write my goals all over my arms for my next long run to really help to remind me why I am doing this whenever the going gets tough.  It takes hard work to achieve these goals that we set for ourselves.  It isn’t supposed to be easy or feel like rainbows and butterflies.  

4.  Go somewhere new.  Try running somewhere other than your normal route.  Add some excitement to your long run, explore somewhere new or try if you can to run on your upcoming race course so that you can know what to expect.  Practice makes perfect.    


5.  Please fuel.  Please hydrate.  I swear this will make your long runs go 5 trillion times better (some do train without fuel/water but they are probably really advanced runners that are working closely with a coach and nutritionists etc).  Stay ahead of your glycogen levels tanking.  I start taking in fuel at about mile 6 or 7 on my long runs because once you get too low on your energy it is really hard to come back from that and catch up and you will hit the wall.  Your long runs will feel so much better if you are taking in calories and WATER WATER WATER throughout your run.  I am loving a vanilla waffle 30-45 minutes before my run (I also have a piece of toast a little before that) and these stingers throughout my run (I have no sponsorships with them, I really love their products).  I also make sure to grab water/gatorade at every opportunity possible along the way.  

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6.  Stop staring at the garmin.  It can be really mentally challenging to check it every minute and see that you are only .1 miles farther in your run.  Get your mind on something else.  Pay attention to the way that your body feels and put some masking tape over that garmin if you are checking it all of the time.  I actually like to reset by garmin to go along with tip #1… I don’t know why but it makes it so I don’t keep staring at it so much. 

7.  Save your music for when you really need it.  On Saturday I just listened to my music for the 10 tempo miles because I knew that is when I would need it the most.  If I listened to music the whole time I probably would have gotten really bored with it but having it for the time that I needed a strong beat to push me really helped.  Use your music for the hills, the fast portion or the last part of your run to help you finish strong.  

8.  I am going to put a bunch in this one because I only wanted the list to go up to 10 but I have a bunch more to say:  run with people, go at the time of day that works for you, work around the weather (who wants to run at the hottest or coldest time of day?),  sign up for a race to do your long run (i.e. if you have 18 miles to do, sign up for a half marathon and add on a warm-up and cool-down to equal 18 miles) and PRACTICE GRATITUDE (I GET TO RUN!!!).

9.  Repeat to yourself 4 trillion times, “I can do hard things” during your long run and do that until you believe it and you prove it to yourself.  

10.  Always have a reward for yourself at the end.  Make some fun plans for a massage, pedicure, a movie night or to read for 4 hours straight when you finish.  Some people don’t think it is a good idea to have a food reward blah blah blah but I always do for when I finish my long runs (or any run for that matter;).  Thinking about a ginormous diet coke and a pink sugar cookie that is 7 inches in circumfrance to eat after I am finished definitely pushes me through to the end.  


BONUS:::::  take the pressure off of yourself.  Running isn’t your job.  Your family will still love you if you don’t rock your long run.  Some days are just off and there is nothing we can do about it.  Your worth does not depend on your running performance.  


Share your long run tips!!!

What is your reward after a long run or race?

Music while running?  Yay or nay?  All of the time or some of the time?

Sweet potato or baked potato?  What toppings do you like for your potatoes?

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My long run is my time to create and plan my to do list, which is great because my to do list is miles long, hehe, miles, get it? I think about all the things i need to do and then I record it on my mp3 player and then I think of the solutions and I record those. It save me lots and lots of time sitting on my butt during the week. trying to plan and figure things out. And the benefit is, the miles fly by. Of course if you don’t have a long to do list, it wont work and I hate you. Kidding.


Perfect 10! All great tips! I always lay out what I need the day before. I break my long runs into smaller chunks too. I make my car my aid stop and run out and backs of 5 miles each so I know I can have fuel and water every 5 miles.

Reward is usually an egg sandwich and coffee from dunkin donuts on the way home.

Music is usually on about 50 percent of my runs. I have become much less dependent on it.

Sweet potato with brown sugar and butter!!! My fave!


Love the idea to put a little tape over the Garmin! When I’m feeling really good during a run, I can easily ignore it; however, during tough periods I tend to look at it every 10 seconds which is not helpful at all.

I always break my long run up into smaller segments too – it definitely makes the run seem more manageable! If I’m not feeling great sometimes I’ll do part of my run outdoors and then run home and finish up on the treadmill. The idea of getting to run in the a/c with a good TV show on is sometimes necessary mentally — especially in the middle of summer when it’s 90 degrees by 9am here!


My father in law is a potato farmer. Baked Fresh from the field, they are amazing. Other than that, sweet potato w/ salt and pepper and I’m good.

If only I had long run advice. I was just getting ready to increase distance and I got injured. Going for complete rest this week and see what happens. Fuel and hydration. Hydrate in advance as well, a couple days before make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water, probably more. I shoot for at least 100 oz. of water.


Your “I can do hard things” mantra was super helpful to me for this weekend’s long run :) I wore my necklace that by husband made me when I finished my first marathon and every time I touched it I told myself I CAN do hard things, even though I am 5 months pregnant! I fuel every 15 minutes after 45, that really helps to break up the miles, especially for a “short” little half marathon!


So I love this. honestly, switching up my long runs to different areas really helps..
I actually never thought of saving my music for when I need it most but I think I will try that out.

I like both the sweet and the regular!! Sometimes I make chips with them, too and they are just to DIE FOR!!! :)


For the baked potato, salsa and feta. Weird sounding combo but absolutely delicious.

I always listen to music when I workout, otherwise I just get so bored. But I see what you’re saying, it probably doesn’t motivate me as much since it’s all the time. (Unless it’s Eye of the Tiger, of course)


I love topping a baked potato with cheese and broccoli. It’s currently my favorite meal. After a long run I loveeeee putting on compression socks and napping. I visualize that during the entire run.


I think that it is so mental when you go on long runs. I am the same way as you, I like to break it up into segments in my mind. Let’s say I’m running 10 miles, when I get to 5 I’m like I only have 5 left and I just ran 5 so I know I can do another! This past weekend I ran my fourth half marathon and when I got to 10 miles, I was like all I have left is a 5K and I know I can do that! :)

I don’t have a specific reward after I run, but it does usually involve food or dessert in some way ;)

I have to listen to music while running/racing. I really like having it in the background and pushing me through the hard parts!

Sweet potatoes are my absolute favorite and I could eat one every day for the rest of my life and be content :)


I break the run into segments, too! I also visualize myself further into the run/course- so if I am in mile 1 and things are not feeling totally awesome, I visualize myself somewhere in the 12+ miles area, killing it. Sometimes it works! I run to different kinds of music depending on what I am trying to achieve- for recovery days I have some mellow music, for long runs I listen to a huge variety- and for quick runs I get something really peppy/dance/rap going.

I always look forward to a food reward. GUILTY.


I actually flip my Garmin upside down and turn the watch face on so I can’t look at the time or distance. It will pop up when I hit a mile but I often don’t even see it. It helps so much to avoid staring at it the whole time!


Music while running is a must!


I have started listening to podcast of sermons from the church I used to go to. I miss that church and it is amazing how comforting and makes the miles tick by. I have also begun using your mantra “I can do hard things”. It really works!! It makes me feel so good to push myself further than I ever thought I could in running. Love your blog and how positive you are.


I use sooo many of these tips! I really like to split the run into chunks and I always think about the “treat” I will have later. My treat usually involves a good dinner and a huge bowl of ice cream. :)

I never listen to music when I run…is that weird?


My “long” runs (hahahaha!) are definitely shorter than yours, but what I do is break it up by songs. I either just focus on the song I’m running to, and count down–10 or 12 songs, for example (see, my run is short!). Sometimes I do artist blocks, three by one singer, then three by another, etc. So music definitely helps!

How did Brooke get so much hair?! My daughter is her age and only has wispy curls.


These tips are perfect!!! I think you covered all of them!

I reward myself with an awesome meal and/or a pedicure. :)

Yes to music while training but no to music on race day!


I love the tip about music! Something I would have never thought of but totally true! If I listen to music I find myself getting bored really quickly and constantly having to skip tracks to stay interested, if you make a power play list and save it then it can totally help power through the hard parts! Great tip! Also, totally sweet potatoes! I’m paleo so no regular potatoes here, but sweet potatoes totally rule!!


Great tips. I always safe up something I really want to listen to like a podcast for my final 5 miles!

I also do an in and out loop, so I can’t quit half way.


I always break my runs up mentally in my head too. It’s like the first 3 miles are one group, then I have a few more and then by the time I am at 6 miles its only a few more until 10 etc. When mile counting starts frustrating me, I convert 3 miles in my head as “its only 20 something minutes, its nothing.”


love all those ideas! when i would run i would reward myself some way as well and that really helped get through the suck.
now with crossfit/lifting i think of that hot epsom salt bath and glass of wine… works every time ;)


When I run my long runs and during races I only think it terms of the next water stop and that helps a lot. If I am running an out and back route, once I am half done I think, “Ok, just running back now.” That is much easier to manage then “10 more miles.” I only listen to music on long run if I am by myself. Last year I was coming off an injury so I still had a 20 miler when everyone else was in the taper. So I ran 12 with them and then music helped me get through the last 8. I always eat sweet potato fries after a long run!


Love these! My favorite long run reward is a diet cherry limeade from Sonic and a big bagel with cream cheese.

I love music when I run but also appreciate the quiet that comes with running solo without it. And a sweet potato wins vs a baked potato at all times.


Perfect guide to a long run :)
ALSO! I just moved to Provo, where can is the best place to get one of those magical sounding sugar cookies?!


I love the last bonus tip! I always tell this to my running group and it makes them feel so much better! Great tips in general! I love the tip about the music, I am going to try that this weekend. Brooke does looks so much older! Sweet potato all the way with cottage cheese! And I always reward myself with some almond cookies after my long run!


I always had food rewards!! I see nothing wrong with it, whatever works :) I guess it just depends on the person and what pushes them.


I always break my long runs up into segments too, actually five miles just like you do! I never want to think after one mile, wow I still have 19 miles yet. That is just so mentally draining to think about. But when you say you only have four miles left it doesn’t sound that bad.


All great tips!! I tend to like doing my long run on a route I know because for some reason it helps me to know what to expect and to be able to recognize markers (i.e. when I run past the college I am halfway there, or when I get to the top of this hill it is an easy four miles more, etc.). However, for me, unfamiliar routes always feel harder and longer – not sure why.

I don’t usually have a reward, what gets me to finish is having sometime shortly after. For my last marathon I would do my training runs on Saturday and I had Anatomy lab at 9:30am and knew I had to finish the run, take an ice bath, shower, and leave my house by 9am. If I started to get tired or falter, that is what kept me moving! And then I had to stand for the next three hours!

And I don’t ever listen to music unless I am running on the treadmill. If I’m running with someone I prefer to talk to them and if I’m running alone it makes me nervous to not be able to hear what’s going on around me. And I like to count my breathes/feet hitting the pavement to pace myself and regulate my breathing and that’s hard to do with music playing.


This came right when I needed it. Thanks!


Music sometimes. I really like podcasts. I’m also trying to get into books on tape.
Lately I love sweet potatoes!


Love the long run tips! Running a marathon one week from today…already formulating my plan for how I’m going to split it up. Probably in segments- how long until I see my family, my friends, etc who are along the course!



Awesome tips! I used a lot of these during my longer runs throughout my half marathon training. Your mantra, “I can do hard things” actually helped me a lot through the tough runs! :) Mentally splitting up the mileage was a huge help for me too. Running is SO mental after all!


I used your mantra while running this week on my long run and it helped! I actually like running on a familiar route but I should run on a new one every now and then.

Most of my tips you already covered:) Love the honey stingers!

I like music when running…I only listen to it thru one earbud so sometimes I completely forget the music is on.

Yuck on sweet potatoes…baked potatoes okay, lol!


Great tips!!! I had a tough long run this weekend too. AND it was the longest run I have ever done in my life (13.5 miles). Things that I found helpful:
– listening to an audiobook for my long, easy run. It definitely kept me entertained and I didn’t look at my garmin much at all (until the end when I was not at my finest)
– along with your advice to think about goals I had to remind myself lots that running my first marathon in June was going to be tough so I HAD To get through this tough run just like I will get through the full marathon!


sweet potato, all the way. I like it with butter and salt. SO healthy, I know.

After a long run or race I MUST have a Chipotle burrito bowl. I get serious cravings for them after.

Love your long run tips – very practical :)


I don’t have any long run tips, but I sure got some of yours that I’m excited to try! My reward after a race is definitely some kind of food. After the Cooper River Bridge run we definitely ate breakfast foods. Music while running is a MUST. I couldn’t complete anything without it, and definitely all the time. OMGoodness both potatoes. But mostly sweet, and I only do butter. The real stuff, because everything is better with butter!!!


I like all potatoes – all ways. YUM

I’m not the biggest fan of long runs – I know going in groups usually makes for a better time, but I very rarely have anyone run with me. I also have a set couple of routes that I take that are usually out and back or a big circle. I do not like doing laps of a 4-5K route as I find that I just want to quit ;-) Music – it depends. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. It really depends on what time of day I’m going out (never at dusk) and what route I’m taking.


After a race I get a subway footlong and a drink from Starbucks- yummm! After a long run I usually have chips and salsa and/or guacamole, and I love that too! on long runs I listen to podcasts to keep my mind occupied. Plus I end up learning something in the process!


I have to ask. What is that contraption in the bottom right of the third picture? I hope your Monday is going great.


For long runs, I almost never listen to music, instead I get audiobooks and podcasts. They keep you entertained and help you forget you’re running. Plus, you get to “read” a book.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I cannot thank you enough for this post! This was perfect for me. I am running my first half in 2 weeks and I have struggled with many of the tips above and this just made me feel that much better. Seriously this was awesome. Thank you.


I agree with all those tips. Especially breaking up the run into smaller runs mentally and saving your music. I personally like to listen to podcasts for the majority of the run and then put on music for the last 15-20 minutes.


I like to use music in the later parts of my tough runs and the last few miles of my races. Like you said, I try to save it for when I really need the boost.
Love your first tip! I always get in my own head and psyche out instead of psyche up when looking at a big number on the training plan. Breaking it down into smaller pieces helps so much!


Definitely yes to the music! I remember racing as a kid without music and think how much faster I would have been if I had music back then. I agree with you on the no looking at the garmin. When I stare at mine, I always go slower.


I love your tips – they are so true! I always split the run up mentally for sure. Fueling and hydrating are extremely important too. It’s also really miserable to stare at your Garmin. I just “settle in” and run. I usually know the distances where I’m running, so there is no need to look to see how far I’ve gone.


That is a realllly good list! I’m going to have to reread it before my next long run! I like listening to conference, Book of Mormon, Bible or a book during a long run. I get bored of music VERY quickly. lol That would be a fun stage…Brooke talking a lot and experiencing everything in life and getting to watch her reactions. She’s your little buddy!!! I can’t wait until I have a child and can go through those stages!


These are great tips and I would echo all of them. #9 is the one I believe in most. A positive attitude and envisioning success helps the run go smoother. Most long runs are mental for me. If my head thinks I can do it, my body follows. Our bodies are stronger than our mind tells us sometimes.

I’d also add that rolling out before a run helps me. It just loosens muscles that may otherwise be tight from the previous run, stress, whatever.

And whatever those stingers are (chews I think?), I must try them…especially the vanilla waffle :)


I really needed this! Thank you! I always tell myself that any day I can run is a good day, but my long run really was NOT good yesterday. I definitely didn’t support good running performance with some of my food choices earlier in the day, etc. (definitely recommend saving the Dairy Queen blizzard for AFTER the run). All that stuff adds up. Your list is great, and I can see myself re-reading it again and again as a reminder.


I break up my runs in my head too and plan for goals for each section. It helps to pass the time and take your mind off of running.

I prefer to listen to music unless I am running with someone.

I tried the vanilla waffle at the race expo and they are delicious! I use gu for races, but the vanilla waffle would make a good snack/dessert! :)


This is so great. Thanks for posting this Janae! I’m going to bookmark this and read it before every long run of my marathon training (it’ll be my first!).


I always liked doing my long runs on trails with no music but preferably with someone. It also used to help me if someone (like my family!) would meet me at a couple of points with water and snacks and love :)


Great tips! I had a horrible race yesterday. I was really disappointed in myself because I did great on my last long run. I guess it just wasn’t my day. I dwelled on it for a bit, then just let it go.


I’ve been running for only a little more than six months, so my longest (without walking break) run is about 8 1/2 miles (which I did today!). :) My amateur tips for not-so-long long runs would be 1) Eat and drink something about an hour before. Also take with you/place on your route water and (if needed) shot bloks or some kind of fuel. 2) Audiobooks. They take your mind off the mental challenge of running. Action/adventure books make it even better. 3) Take your time. The long run isn’t the time to test your limits, you’re already pushing yourself with the distance, and you’ll burn out if you go too fast.

My favorite thing to do after a long run is sit in bed and watch some videos and/or read my favorite blogs (what I’m doing now!).

No music, but audiobooks for sure. Last week I tried to run without anything, and it felt like the run went on, and on, and on.

Baked potato! With bacon, green onion, sour cream, and cheese. :)


I usually want a burger after a long run. I listen to music on all my long runs. On races I usually wait until I need it.


I ran a metric marathon yesterday (the longest distance I’ve ever run!) and it was awesome! I love your “I can do hard things” mantra and I thought it many times yesterday. I really enjoy your blog and I find it so motivating! Also, my husband brought donuts with him when he came to watch me finish the race yesterday (He knows what’s up!)–that was my post-run treat yesterday (that and Moe’s!!).


I love this advice! I love your attitude towards running and life. Isn’t it just the most amazing thing that we get to be alive and move our bodies and abide pain and taste delicious things? I love running because it encompasses pain and joy and emotion and reminds me how incredible it is to feel those things. Thanks for your blog!


Great tips! And I love Brooke’s pigtails, too cute!


I just had a successful 18 miler, and i did a lot from your list…using music only when needed, not staring at the garmin, but the one that made me most happy was being grateful that i CAN run 18 miles.


Breaking long runs up into segments is super helpful. And I don’t often run with music (I seem to be in the minority on this one!). On rare occasions that I want to listen to something I play an audiobook from audible… nothing like some steamy bedroom scenes from a new romance novel to distract yourself from a bad long run!

And as always, Brooke is so adorable!


i love putting avocado slices on my baked sweet potato. SO delicious! :)


Sweet potato. Usually eaten plain but if I do add anything I will add a little butter brown sugar and cinnamon. Tastes like candy!!


Im a sweet potato person and I listen to podcasts because getting lost in someone elses conversation for an hour is incredibly distracting in a good way. I also like to treat myself with a donut and/ or a burrito.


I need music when I’m running alone, but I rarely do that anymore so I typically leave it at home.

I’m a sweet potato fry person, but a baked potato girl. Just can’t beat those fixins :)

My reward after a long run is a big toasted cinnamon raisin bagel with strawberry cream cheese! That was my Saturday morning post-run tradition during marathon training.


For me, long training runs must include a companion…either a running friend, or my sweet husband along side me on a bike (I call him my sherpa). I did a half marathon yesterday and saved my music for the last half – I listened to that song from Mulan “let’s get down to business” three times in the last mile and a half. It was the perfect song for that segment of my run.

There’s usually a nap in my future after a long run. And a hamburger with sweet potato fries.

Love baked potatoes. Toppings of choice: butter, sour cream, mushrooms, olives (yes, sorry), bacon bits.


Great tips!!
I’m a sweet potato person, but I’ve never turned down any sort of spud!

On my very first 20 miler, we ran 4, then 9 to get to 13. For the last segment, my running partner said to me “just think of these last miles as your recovery run – you’ve done plenty of those without any issues”. That put me in the right mindset to complete the run.


Love these tips! I always listen to music whole time but then just tune out. I am so gonna use your tip to save it when I need it!!
Baked potatoe with chili cheese sour cream yes please.


Great 10 tips! I could have really used them the other day.. I did my longest run yet and was absolutely terrified that I wouldn’t be able to finish the distance. I always have to have music though!


squeal. brooke is just soooo so so cute. i can’t believe she’s getting so old! weren’t you just pregnant??



Great tips! #4 is my favorite, I always try to plan a long run to explore somewhere–seems to make the time pass faster!

I always enjoy your blog, but I just have to say that the past week or so, your posts have been really great. I liked the interview, and all the tips! Plus, it is great to hear that you’re getting through your divorce and moving forward. Great work on all fronts!


I loved these tips!! I definitely need to stop checking how far I have gone all of the time! I love sweet potatoes and baked potatoes, but I generally eat baked potatoes. I love music when I am running, or a movie is a good mix up some of the time. I give myself different rewards after running, but generally the high that I feel after a good run is reward enough for me!!! :)


Great tip on saving the music! I am usually all or nothing with music and not sure why I never thought to just save it for when I need it,duh. I always try to have some kind of treat planned for after a long run, but never schedule a big day that I’ll be worrying about during the run.

My favorite breakfast / meal after a long run is a big egg scramble with chicken sausage, kale and some plantains on the side.

My only other long run tip personally is that I always rest the day before, since I am much fresher physically and mentally this way. Even a 3 miler the day before doesn’t do it, I need complete rest!

And sweet potatoes, all the way :)


Brook is just adorable and seeing her pictures never gets old. :-)



Thank you for this post. I like the music tip, or lack there of. I did a couple of xterra runs this year and they prohibit music. I thought it would be hard and boring. But just the opposite. My mind wandered and I finished the race not missing any tunes.


That bonus was exactly what i needed to hear. wow.

Thank you Janae. :) :)

BONUS::::: take the pressure off of yourself. Running isn’t your job. Your family will still love you if you don’t rock your long run. Some days are just off and there is nothing we can do about it. Your worth does not depend on your running performance.


Great tips!


I have to listen to music if I don’t have someone to talk to!

I actually LOVE sweet potatotes plain! But probably because I can’t have dairy, so no butter for me. :(


These are awesome tips!

I made the stupid mistake for several of my long runs for my first marathon (years ago–when I had no idea what I was doing) to not run with water. Stupid!


Any potato but I love a good baked sweet potato!!!!
As for music, I like to always have it but not play it all the time. I reward myself with a song when I hit certain points in my workout, then I turn it off until the next goal is met.
Honey waffles are my absolute go to for fuel!!!!!!


This is bookmarked :)


I needed that last sentiment today. I’ve been trying to come back after an injury and it’s been a rough winter. My run on Saturday sucked but you’re absolutely right. We are our own worst critics and in the grand scheme, a few bad runs will not ruin your life :) Thank you!


I definitely mentally break up my long runs. Plus I usually am running a distance I have run before so there’s that feeling that I have done it before so I can do it again. If it’s a new distance I just think, well, it’s only one (or a couple) more than I have done before. It’s such a mental game.

My reward after a long run is usually a sweet treat. After a race I will sometimes let myself buy new shoes or some new running clothes. Because you can obviously never have too many running clothes.

I used to always listen to music when I ran, but lately I haven’t been as much. Strange, now that I think about it.

All potatoes are delicious. I am a big fan of sour cream and green onions on baked potatoes. I wouldn’t turn down bacon either.


This: “take the pressure off of yourself. Running isn’t your job. Your family will still love you if you don’t rock your long run. Some days are just off and there is nothing we can do about it. Your worth does not depend on your running performance.”

I need to put this on my computer so I see it every day, all day long.


I ran a marathon this morning on my treadmill and sadly had no treat at the end – better work on that. And, I drink lots of water during long runs but I don’t fuel at all – it has never worked for me.


I’ve only ever run one half (last Sept.)- which was also my longest run ever! While training for it I did break up my runs, in my head, by 5Ks. I know I can do that. I love your mantra “I CAN Do Hard Things”. I am going to use that in my running and cross fit! Actually I used it tonight when one rep maxing by back squat and PRing by 7#! Thanks for loaning that to us. I need to get better at fueling and hydrating before and during the run.

What are some of your favorite songs on your playlists to run to?


Great perspective at the end, sometimes it is so hard to remember to keep what your run actually means in check.


Sweet potatoes! Adding a little coconut milk and pumpkin pie spice makes them taste amazing!

And I don’t run super long distances, but I always listen to music, unless I’m with people. I like the idea of saving it for the tough parts though!


I ran my first half this Sunday- two loops of Central Park and little more… HILLS. Every time I approached and went up a hill I said, “hills make us stronger.” That mantra got me through every hill!


These are all great tips! I like to save my music for really long runs or races. I love both sweet potatoes and baked potatoes- but I’m not into toppings!


Where is the trail you’re running on in segment 4? Is it Murdock? I live in Ut County and it looks like a trail I’d like to run on.


Super :))


ukash kart satın almak için, hizmet veren firmalardan birini seçmeniz yeterli olacaktır.



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Yeme ve içme işleriyle siz uğraşmayın kişi satısını bize bildirmeniz yeteli gerisini profesyonel ekibimiz hazırlar. Teknede kutlama fikri aklınıza geldiği için kendinize ve sonrada ekibimize teşekkür edeceksiniz . Bu zamana kadar ağırlamış olduğumuz misafirlerimiz den memnun kalmış olmaları bizim bu tür organizasyonlar yapmaya devam etmemizi sağlayan faktörlerden birisidir.


Hoppidi hoppidi poşetci olasım var


Köpek Maması fiyatlarını onlarca mağazada karşılaştır, en ucuzu bul! – En popüler Köpek Maması marka ve çeşitlerinin özelliklerini incele, yorumları oku.


toptan fiyatına ugun yavru köpek maması satışı ile kaliteli temiz ve tavsiye edilen marka olarak bu sektörde en iyi marka

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