Over the weekend I…

Did a lot of random things.  

1.  Instead of my Saturday morning run I went with a friend on a walk to go get donuts.  Totally the same thing.  Good news though… my legs are so much better and running will resume any day now.  I am thinking either Tuesday or Wednesday.  Yes, I already have all of my running clothes laid out and ready to go.  And my garmin is charged.  All is right in the world again.  I do think that it was extremely good for me mentally and physically to take a break from running for about 2 weeks.  I am recharged and ready to go.

Now to come back slowly enough that I don’t re-injure myself…  finding the perfect balance is always hard for me.


2.  I stayed as busy as possible in order to avoid missing this girl too much.


3.  I went to a museum.


4.  Had the best pulled pork sandwich ever.


Okay, just one more picture of Brooke.


5.  I dressed like a ninja on Sunday and hung outside in the rain for a while.

Screenshot 2014 03 03 00 03 53

6.  Went to an Oscar watching party and ate rigatoni.  


7.  Had a spinach/carrot/orange juice/berry smoothie.  (Some of the only vegetables I ate all weekend… oops)


8.   And most importantly I found a sour patch kid that was really two of them connected together.


9.  I played and lost about a million games.   For one of the chess games we just put all of the pieces in random spots and started from there.  I still lost.


10.  And I bought and watched Frozen because that is what a normal adult does when their child is gone for the weekend..


Best thing that you ate over the weekend?

Smoothie peeps—->  what do you put in your smoothies.  I need to start making these more and I need your ideas.  

Who watched the Oscars?

What is your running schedule going to be this week?  When are you doing speed?  Long run?

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Best thing I ate was a super yummy peanut butter milkshake! I also had game night and I lost too many games of Yahtzee so I made everyone switch to UNO and Sorry so I could win things haha.


I still haven’t seen frozen! I need to get on that. My favorite smoothie is banana strawberry scoop of peanut butter and little bit of orange and/or pomegranate juice. I could drink it all day long.


Best thing I ate this weekend was a veggie sandwich on Saturday and then some Oreo cookie pancakes on Sunday (after an 8mile tempo). Good stuff! No need to apologize for not eating tons of vegetables. I’m sure some days we all get more than enough to make up for it ;).

I love frozen bananas in smoothies. It works better than ice, gives it a really good frozen ice cream like consistency.


Have you tried sour patch kid popsicles yet? You really must, they are the best thing ever.


I love strawberry/banana smoothies. During March Break, my goal is to get using my Blender Bottle. My running schedule is to get out as much as possible. Today, I’m resting my ankle because I rolled it during my 5K on Sunday and tomorrow I play hockey. Tonight I’m going to check out the gym membership I got with a Groupon and then hoping to run Wednesday and Friday.


best thing I ate over the weekend was the dinner at the wedding we went to – some sort of roasted chicken from heaven. SO GOOD.

My go to smoothie right now is VegaOne vanilla chai with almond milk, a banana and a few ice cubes. Sometimes a scoop of almond butter for extra power!

This week I’m actually 2 a days – 4 to 5 miles in the morning followed by 2 to 3 in the evening. Speed is on wednesday! Repeat 400s. Long run this weekend should be just 10 miles.


I’ve never heard of someone having an Oscars party! I’m missing out!

This week I have Tue – speed, wed – spinning, thu – spinning + hills and sat 5k Parkrun.

I still haven’t seen frozen… Is it a xmassy film? Do I need to wait till next Xmas to watch it?


Mmmm sour patch kids! Double is even better.

I haven’t seen frozen yet–so I need to get on that one!


Frozen is out on DVD now?! I must get it for my kids.

Running three days this week, and biking three days. This ironman is coming up quick!


I got the streaming version on amazon!


DVD is March 18th


I want to see Frozen! I’ve heard it’s so good! I suppose I could pretend my one-year-old wants to watch it and go buy it myself :)

Your black “ninja” dress was really pretty!


I do blueberries, spinach, Raw Meal protein mix, 1/2 banana and almond milk.
I am still just running to run. I’m in a long cast (arm) so just a couple of miles each day. The hubs has a race coming up next month (it’s an amazing race sort of deal) so not a lot of miles but they need to be speedy, so we’re trying to get him a base going and then we’ll work on speed.


1 pineapple, 2 green apples, handful of mint
spinach, frozen mango, coconut milk, honey
cherries, frozen peaches, coconut milk +/- agave nectar
frozen cherries, almonds, vanilla extract, agave nectar, water

Just lots of pool running for me this week!


Best thing I ate over the weekend were definitely Whole Food tortilla chips — is that bad?


I’m really glad you are going to be running again. I got so excited for you reading that. Anyways I think it was most definitely the right move for you. There is no point to create a 2 month injury versus 2 weeks.

I want to get my nails done like yours. They are always absolutely gorgeous. I’m not a smoothie person at all but that could possibly be because it’s so darn cold right now.


Best thing I ate this weekend: french toast!

This week I am tapering and taking it easy because I’m running the LA Marathon on Sunday.


J- I hope you know how beautiful you are…inside and out!

Speed work tomorrow….hoping I don’t die :)


Best thing that I ate and i feel like i already said this but it was birthday cake oreos. (second best was turkish food yesterday)

my running schedule is supposed to include
6 mile tempo tues
5 mile easy thurs
10 long run saturday
5 recovery sunday
But….my left hamstring is in bad shape so tuesday’s run is out. If i’m feeling better i’ll keep thursday and saturday’s run but i might be missing sunday’s run because i’m staying out late in Atlantic City on Saturday night for my friend’s birthday AND we lose an hour for daylight savings. But i’ve got a big mileage week next week culminating in an 18 miler the day of the NYC half marathon (prob doing 5 after) so i’m ok with easing up this week. Hammy needs to heal!
Love the black dress/umbrella pic.


I missed the Oscars last night, but I’ve got it on my PVR to watch tonight! :)


My sister was visiting from Boston and she cooked for me. We had chicken pot pie, meatballs and sauce, and APPLE PIE my favorite. She also brought me cannolis and biscotti from Mike’s Bakery. She is the best sister ever.


Your ninja dress is really pretty!

Have you ever looked into run/walk intervals when you are coming back from time off? Maybe it would help you cover more ground without putting as much stress on your body.


I watched bought and watched Frozen too!

My go-to smoothie consists of a frozen banana, berries, almond milk, greek yogurt and sometimes a spoonful of almond butter. And a handful of spinach if I’m trying to be super healthy. :)


Your weekend sounds laid back and pretty fantastic :)

Pretty much I ate the whole weekend. Isn’t that what every one does on a girls trip?? So much delicousness, I am not sure I could choose. Bear Paw breakfast, Thai food at Benja’s, donuts from Fractured Prune (they didn’t have apple fritters or I would have totally brought you back one) and my falafel take the top notches though.

My mom bought Frozen streaming too and I think I need to watch it ASAP.

I think my running week will look like: Monday – run what I feel like. Wednesday – run what I feel like. Friday – run what I feel like. Pretty much what my last 12 weeks have looked like. Gotta love pregnant running ;) I am glad you have enjoyed your break and hopefully all goes well with you and running this week.

I didn’t watch the Oscars. I usually do, but I got home right when they started and spent the next couple hours soaking up my family I had missed.

Give Brookers a hug for me when you finally get her back today! Love you!


I haven’t decided what my running schedule will be because we got more snow today and I have a feeling there will be some ice for a few days:( I dont want to do my harder workouts on the treadmill so Im not sure how I will get all my runs in.
My typical smoothie includes frozen fruit (berries and bananas), frozen veggies (kale, spinach, sometimes beets), vanilla greek yogurt, peanutt butter, and either milk or OJ. Sometimes I add oats too.


Best thing from the weekend? Hmm. Cold Stone Sundae in the chocolate dipped waffle bowl. I love it…I am probably one of the few people who never makes smoothies. I will drink it if someone offers it but I never really crave one or think to have one. I prefer to chew.


My daughter says she is Darth Vader when she wears all black. I like ninja too.

We watched the oscars because my girls wanted to hear the”Frozen song.”

I’m hoping to up my mileage this week(10 mile easy) and try a hard effort 6 miler.

Sprints tomorrow. Tabata and 1/4 mile repeats.


What? Frozen is on dvd now? Where have I been? My kids have been begging to by it when it comes out. .I only saw a little of the oscars. Honestly I dont ever watch them any more. I could really care less what celebrities are doing with their lives. I did see enough of the oscars to see indina menzel butcher let it go. Not her best moment im sure.

I just find out I will be In utah in April! My sis is going to the temple for her first time ever. She is in her 50’s. So excited to be there with her.

Is Brooke home yet?


I still need to see Frozen! I have heard only good things.

The best thing I ate this weekend was pistachio almond ice cream – yum! Is it wrong that all of my “best thing” foods are sweets?

I have 5 runs on my training plan for the week. I’m doing a tempo run on Wednesday and my long run on Sunday. Less than 3 weeks until my half!


Oh you make me so happy!! How are you so stinkin’ skinny?!? I think I gained 10lbs just looking at all your pics. ;) I am so sorry you have been injured. I finally got the dr’s okay to start running again, so lets ease back into it together. (I ran/walked for 6 miles today on the treadmill….woohoo :))


I haven’t been doing any speed workouts for a long time. I have a hard time building distance and working on speed at the same time without getting injured, and right now I’m building up to a 50K. I do 3-4 easy runs between 5-10 miles during the week and a 20+ mile run on Saturday.

Best thing I ate? I learned how to make mug muffins, and I think I am addicted! So fast and easy!


Yum that sandwich looks good! I still want to go to cafe fresh after you wrote about it.
I saw this quote today: you know you’re a parent when the only oscar nominated movie you’ve seen is Frozen!


Best think I ate was Saturday morning at work… a free french toast bagel from Panera because the doc that was on for the day brought 3 bags full of bagels for the nurses working. :)

I love spinach, banana, OJ, gala apples, blackberries, carrots, milk and ice in my smoothies.

I’m hoping to do 9 or 10 on Thursday, so long for me… and perhaps a tempo run Saturday or Sunday.

Yay for getting to run soon!! Breaks are always good though… makes you THAT much more psyched to run!! also… Yay for getting to see your Brooke soon!!! :)


Also… jealous that you own Frozen. After I saw it with the hubs he purchased the soundtrack. Too fun!!


What a lovely (and curious) weekend! I don’t have any kiddos, so I often wonder what I would do if I did, and they were off for the weekend… *le headtilt*

We made…are you ready for this… PIZZA NACHOS. NOM!

I watched some of the Oscars. Ellen made me giggle.

Hmmm running tomorrow morning, Wednesday is speedwork, Friday is an easy run, and Saturday morning is long run.

Good luck getting back out there! <3


I’m laying in bed instead of going my long run. First bad cold of the season! I can’t work if I have anything ear or sinus so I’m just laying in bed drinking lots of water and OJ hoping it will be cleared up by Thursday!


peanut butter banana smoothies are the bomb. just frozen bananas, milk, and peanut butter. Spinach can be added too for extra healthiness


The smoothie I make the most has 1 frozen banana, 1 TBSP peanut butter, 3/4 cup almond milk, a Greek yogurt (coconut or vanilla taste best to me in this!), and probably 1-2 cups spinach (I usually just stuff as much in there as will fit!). This is super filling and I make it a lot for breakfast, or even a quick lunch.

I have 7 and 9 year old girls, and I hear Let it Go about 100 times a day…they love Frozen :)


Never heard of that way to play chess. It is now on my list.


WHAT?!?!? Where have I been??? Frozen is out in stores and ready to be purchased…..I didn’t know that…..unless UTAH received their copies before MN? ;-)


You can buy it and stream it on Netflix!!!


I haven’t seen frozen yet but everyone has raved about it so I think I need to give it a try!

I am ramping back up into running after being out for injury. Today was 2.5 mile slow progressive miles and then I did some pool running. One bit at a time :)


Our smoothies always consist of spinach, almost rotten bananas and whatever else we have for fruit on-hand. :)


I bought a Naked juice with Mango, it was all orange and I was in a hurry I thought…carrots, right? Nope. I drank it thinking…this stuff is deLICIOUS. It was SO sweet and yummy. I am not a fan of juice in general so wow. Then I read the ingredients. Yep. All fruit sugars. 30…that’s right…30 grams of sugar PER SERVING. There’s two in a bottle. Good Lord I think I have diabetes now. Zero fiber. Zero. Wow.

I hope I liked it cause I’ll never buy the darn thing again. Crazy good though.


The best thing I ate over the weekend was a philly cheesesteak at a great restaurant with chips and queso and a shark bite margarita. Not the healthiest in the world but life was good. My smoothies always consist of orange juice, bananas, strawberries, yogurt, and muscle milk protein. Yummo!


Best thing I ate was a raspberry fritter disguised as an apple fritter. It’s been too long!

Berries, spinach, vanilla almond milk and vanilla protein powder. Yum!

Long run Friday. Less than 3 weeks until my first half!!


I have a long run (around 12 or 13 miles with 7 tempo miles in the middle) in a couple of days. Perhaps it will be around the same time that you also get to start running again :)
Excited for you to get back out there!


Looks like the perfect weekend for distracting you!!


My running schedule this week is going to be some speed and some recovery miles. I need a rest before I keep up the training in the next few weeks!
So glad you found some awesome sounding things to do this weekend!
I went and bought Frozen as well, so normal to do!


You make a really pretty ninja! :)

I love adding oats to my smoothies. A little extra protein!

I didn’t watch the Oscars…the first year since like middle school that I just didn’t care to watch. Hmph. I think I’m a little over celebrities? I prefer keeping up with bloggers these days… :)

I told myself to take a bit of time off from running after this past weekend’s 5k …. but I just found out I don’t need to be into work till 9 tomorrow (usually 6:30) so I think a treadmill run may be on the books tomorrow morn! I don’t ever do speed work, I don’t know where to start! But I know it’d prob be good for me.

Way to hang in there and not run when you shouldn’t be! And ENJOY running tomorrow!


Over the weekend I went to Mardi Gras parades! And ate some killer red beans and rice at a friend’s Bacchus party. I didn’t even realize the Oscars were on…I was watching masked men throw beads off floats. Ha!


Best thing I ate all weekend is WAY too many hershey kisses and scoops of peanut butter…really needed comfort foods this weekend.
My running goals this week is to keep running and continue with my motivation.

Love the movie Frozen and yes, it is normal to do. I do it and my little one is too young to even watch movies.


Smoothie recipe: Almond milk, kale, spinach, pineapple, banana and mango

Best thing I ate: My husband made homemade salted caramel for ice cream


Smoothie idea: Just posted about this (http://liveruncoffee.com/2014/02/21/sweet-green-recharge-smoothie/) but it’s my green recharge smoothie go-to! arugula, banana, peanut butter, pumpkin seeds, spirulina, chia seeds and ice. UGH. P.s. your smoothie you made looks great!

Oscars were fantastic overall! I hadn’t seen many of the winners’ performances but it’s on my to-do list now. Ellen did amazing with catering food to the audience, being awesome and taking historic selfies. Obviously. Frozen is still too underrated, in my opinion. Love.

4-mile run planned for tomorrow (I’m almost to the peak of training for a mid-April half marathon) and hot yoga on Wednesday. Super pumped.


My go to smoothie is usually a handful of spinach, a frozen banana, frozen strawberries, and almond milk.


I just bookmarked this comment page to get ideas for smoothies! I just bought an intense food processor over the weekend and I’ve been purposely using it for every meal since. I’m sure I’ll get back to a solid diet soon but it’s been too fun trying to figure out how to use it. Clearly my most advanced kitchen appliance before this was a microwave. That spinach & berry one looks great.


Best food all weekend was obviously pizza from a new pizza place – zeros. Soooo good! Running….taking it easy/slow because my left knee is being stupid.


Hey Nae Nae! I’m wondering if you’ve tried Art City Donuts yet? So freaking amazing. Look them up on fb, then go try them. Please!!!

One of my new favorites is 1 cup milk, 1 cup water (or juice…Simply Orange is my fave), 1 cup yogurt, 2 cups any fruit (Peaches and blueberries/strawberries), and however much spinach/kale your little heart can handle. Sometimes I add some ice to make is milkshaky. Love it.


Yes and they are amazing! Can we go together next time you are up here?


My go-to smoothie is almond milk, banana, kale or spinach, frozen blueberries, and chia seeds :)


I was supposed to do 6 miles today but felt weak so quit after 3…. Need to do that tomorrow! Glad you kept yourself busy :)


Where is the sandwich from? I can count on the sandwich being good! You have never led me a stray.


OMG Frozen is out!?? I need it!


The best thing I ate over the weekend was when we took my son out for his birthday. We went to a BBQ place and I had a pulled pork sandwich (just like you!)–it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

My running schedule this week is, well, I don’t even know anymore. I have been trying to nurse my IT Band, but my half marathon is less than two weeks away now. I am so behind on training from all the health/injury issues I have had this training season, and I’m kinda freaking out. It also doesn’t help that we just had another snow/ice storm yesterday, so now all the roads are icy (I refuse to run on treadmills). I think at this point I’m just going to have to do the best I can on that day and get over it already!


I had a smoothie this morning that was banana, strawberries, yogurt, and orange juice. It was pretty delicious.

My running schedule is pretty much “run 5 miles everyday” until this baby comes.


Speed workout is tomorrow night at track… long run is either Saturday or Sunday. Have to wait for my running friends to “tell me” when I’m running :)

Glad to hear you’ll be back soon!


I watched Frozen last night – it was a really good decision ;-)


I’ll be doing speed at the track tomorow, 7 miles recovery Thursday and maybe 12 Saturday. All thanks to being rescued by this blog from running on the brink of injury last weekend. Now off to do some more clams and donkey kicks!


I want to see frozen so badly!


I never really watch award shows.. I find that I can get the gist from blog recaps and twitter the night of/day after.

Your nails are so beautiful. How I wish I could paint my nails… le sigh.


That pulled pork sandwich is legit!!!!


I have been having a smoothie for breakfast every morning for the last few weeks and they are delicious. My typical smoothie is 1/2 cup coconut milk, 1/2 cup juice (this always varies depending what was on sale but it’s always 100% juice and usually a veggie/fruit blend), a handful of frozen mixed fruit (I buy the giant bag from SAM’s (like your Costco) that has strawberries, peaches, mango, and pineapple), a banana, then I shove as much spinach in that will fit and top it all off with a small scoop of vanilla protein powder. I think I get all of my daily fruits and veggies with one smoothie and no added sugars!!


I was supposed to do 13 miles last weekend but the rain and wind hampered me. I haven’t been doing well in running lately. My mojo and drive just ain’t there really. I’ve been doing a lot of strength training though and my quads.hamstrings are cursing me.

Which museum did you check out? Anything interesting?

Hmmm… I have to check out this streaming thing with Amazon :) I want to order the DVD….


running for me this week will just be 2 miles of speed each night and then a Nearly Naked Mile on Saturday

Loved Ellen, Jared Letto and Lupita’s dress from the Oscars!

best thing I ate this weekend: mom’s fresh strawberry pie or the broccoli salad or the caramelized onion cedar plank salmon

for smoothies I like spinach, almond butter, banana Chobani and almond milk or my absolute favorite- frozen mango, spinach and coconut water


I love blueberry smoothies!! They make me happy! And absolute fave is chocolate powder, pb, frozen bananas, and milk. My stepdaughter begs for it and I love giving it to her bc it’s so good for you and delightful!!!


I think we need to go get donuts and watch frozen together for our next GNO! Love you! Sounds like it was a good weekend regardless of lack of running and Brooke :) you are amazing! Protein smoothies with berries are my fav, loved watching idena Menzel on the oscars, and ran 16 Saturday! My longest run in a while.


I went and pre-ordered Frozen last week. But I have no child and not even any nieces or nephews close by that I could possibly say I may have bought it for. I’m just going to own it. Ha. :)


I love the Oscars. It’s my Super Bowl! I have all of the nominees in my Netflix queue! In regards to running, i have 8 miles on the schedule this weekend!

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