I really like running at a lower elevation.

Orem, Ut —> elevation 4,756 feet

Where I am staying, AZ —>  elevation 1,214 feet

Let’s just say that my run felt amazing yesterday morning and I blame it all on the elevation, leaving at 7 a.m. (thank goodness for some sleep..) and the 50 degree weather.  Maybe I will be a snowbird and live in Utah in the summer and migrate down to Arizona for the winter.  Sounds like a plan to me and I am sure Brooke will be on board with this idea because she loves her cousins down here. 

10.1 miles @ a 7:24 average pace.  Started with a 7:50 mile and worked my way down to a 6:35 mile to end with.  A lot of those miles were on the dirt paths which felt great on my legs.  Dirt (soft to medium surfaces) definitely decreases the chances of overuse injuries.  PS my calves/shins feel 100%… I am so glad I took that break.

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No trip to Arizona is complete without a stop to Bosa Donuts.  Clearly a great way to refuel.

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My love language = apple fritters.

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I went with some friends to Downtown Phoenix to do some wild and crazy things.

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I rode this bike across the rope.  It was scary.  I have a video of it that I will post later.  

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Some crazy things were seen here.

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And then we grabbed some amazing thin crust pizza.   

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Reason #4213 we love coming to visit my brother….   March weather.  

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Something weird is going on with my commenting system on the blog and I started getting 1000000000s of spam comments so I am having to approve comments for the next little while… still comment pretty please because I love hearing from you but it may take a few minutes for me to approve them.


What is your love language?

What is the elevation where you live?  Do you notice a big difference when you run somewhere with a different elevation?

3 things you are doing today?  

Who else is taking a rest day today?  What day do you usually take a rest day?

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My love languages are warm undercooked cookie dough brownies, frosting, and caramel :) If a donut has chocolate frosting and filling it can be added to the list… Enjoy the warm az weather!


Yes! Undercooked cookie dough brownies are the best! :)


I’m at sea level so running in Utah would probably kill me ;) I take my rest days Mondays usually but occasionally Saturday if I’m doing a really long run on Sunday! The bike thing looks scary…I can’t wait to see the video :)


My love language is coffee! And doing active things together :)
3 things today
1- about to go on a short run
2- Leaving in 1.5 hours for Savannah, GA
3- It’s Spring Break baby!!


I ran 10 miles for the first time ever yesterday so I am taking a rest day! My time was no where near as yours, so amazing. Today I plan on shopping, doing laundry and spending time with my girls


I hear living on the east coast shores whether NJ or VA beach has pretty high elevation. With the exception of upstate NY, I’ve always lived at sea level.

I’m glad you are having a great time in Az. I’m Syracuse I walked across the rope course that goes above 6 stories of the mall. It was so terrifying!

I took a rest day on Tueaday but it changes every week. I just wait weekly to see when my body needs it. I am just relaxing this weekend though, honestly nothing too exciting.


Sounds like your having a great time down here in the south :)


That bike/tightrope looks so fun…as long as there is a harness I would try it!

My love language is lemon bars and cream cheese brownies……..I only buy them at certain places…Enzo’s for the lemon bars and The Bread Basket bakery for the cream cheese brownies!

Three things i am doing today: running 10 miles (no rest for me today), buying and eating above mentioned lemon bar, and painting with penguins…it’s part of my job!

The elevation in Chattanooga, TN is only around 670 feet! I am sure if I go out west that it would take a few very slow days of running to get used to that elevation! I know when I went to school out in Rexburg at first I had trouble adjusting, but at the time i was dealing with exercise asthma which only bothers me now in really cold weather or when pollen is thick.

Sounds like you and your sweet baby had fun! I love your blog!


We live almost at sea level, and I’ve never run anywhere where there’s serious elevation, but this summer I’m doing a stage race in CO in the mountains!!! I’m a little nervous about getting elevation sickness!


Yeah, I got an email about a comment from a blog post that was pretty old – definitely spam.

Looks like you’re having a great time in AZ. I’ll live there in the winter with you if Boston winters continue to be as bad as they were this year! It was in the 50s yesterday for my run and it was amazing!

Three things: spin class, mani/pedi, grocery shopping

Have a great Sunday!


So sad….my love language is hubby doing things/chores around the house without being asked.

Yep, taking out the garbage, doing dishes, and even laundry says I LOVE YOU MORE THAN THE WORLD to me. ;-)


How do you get your husband to do that?? ;-)


I think today’ll be my rest day too, although it’s gorgeous out so I may need to go run a little. I like to schedule my rest days for Monday so there’s one less thing on Monday after work. Clearly not this week though.


I live in flat-as-a-pancake Kansas, and have cousins who live in the mountains of Colorado. When I try to run with them out there, I’m pretty sure they don’t believe me that I’m fit :-)


Oooh those donuts look delicious! I could speak that love language… :)


I’m contemplating a rest day. I don’t really want one, but my legs are SUPER sore from doing squats, lunges, etc. on Friday. I ran yesterday and they felt like lead the whole time. Something tells me that running 14 miles on sore legs 2 weeks before my half marathon isn’t the smartest idea…

I was born in Arizona, and LOVE it there! Have so much fun in the warm weather! Go to Paradise Bakery… They don’t have them on the east coast and it’s my favorite!


My love language is words of affirmation!
Wednesday was my rest day. My week of running has been thrown off by traveling.
Hope you and Brookers have a fabulous Sunday!


Oh fritter. <3 A few runner friends of mine swear by it being the "PR maker", consuming one prior to their marathon.

San Antonio, Texas is 772 feet. I moved to Chicago, Illinois last year, and it's 579 feet. *le headtilt* Guess I'm not missing much.

It's Sam's Club Sunday! We're also heading to Fleet Feet, since Harry gave me a gift card from there for Christmas…oops. Finally, KUMA'S burgers with Harry's awesome aunt and uncle. FUNSIES.

I'm heading out with the guy for 4-5 recovery miles. I'm getting back into the groove of training; I'm hoping that daylight savings helps out a bit! :)


Love Language: Wine and cheese!

Elevation here is 383 ft… I definitely noticed a difference when I came back home after college. At my school its 2080 ft!

Long run, grocery shopping at Trader Joes and relaxing!

My usual rest day is Monday!

Also I saw this pinterest and I think it has your name all over it… http://blog.hostthetoast.com/apple-fritter-pull-apart-bread/


I love running at a lower elevation! I feel like a rock star!


I am running at about 2200 ft elevation in Alberta! It’s breakfast fuelling time before my long run today :) Have fun in AZ!


Wow what a really fun weekend it looks like you and Brooke are having! My love language is quality time. My husband and I took that quiz about a month ago.

I am taking a rest day today but I’ve got to go to work around 12:00. Oh well! Enjoy the rest of your trip!


Today is a rest day! I’m having brunch with my Ragnar relay team…so excited to see them again! Have a great day!


My love language is anything sugar. Or a sugary coffee drink.

Today I had planned on hiking. It is going to be almost 60! But I woke up with a cold Friday that has gotten progressively worse. I plan on resting and getting over this thing.


Not sure what the elevation is here…I’m in San Diego. But, I’m racing in St. George in writing months and I’m hoping the elevation won’t kill me too bad!

No run today, but early morning bike ride is going to happen. I just wish it would get lighter earlier! I don’t like losing an hour of sleep :-(

P.s. Brooke looks adorable on that little scooter! My daughter has one and loves it.


Great run! Sounds like a fun trip, can’t wait to see the video :) I did notice some of my other blogger friends were getting a lot of crazy comments lately…someone must be on the attack. Don’t folks have anything better to do?!


Oh short sleeves!! Looks so lovely! I wish I could visit arjzakbb(ok that was my 2 year old) Arizona. Love Brooke’s outfits and I’m so glad your legs are feeling 100%


I love running at sea level! I’m in Colorado so train at about 5200 feet.
I am so happy to hear you had such a fantastic run + fun times with your family.
3 things today: run (done), drive to Boulder to lunch/shop with my husband and end the day with a hot bath!


Shout out to a fellow mile high runner! Hey Susan. Have a great day in Boulder with your husband. It’s a BEAUTIFUL day for it.


Hey Tess! Yay for Colorado. I’m in Loveland. What town are you in? Yeah, Boulder was gorgeous today. I love this weather and I love Colorado in the spring! We saw so many people walking around in shorts and no shirts :) And it was only in the mid 50’s at that time. That temp in another state is a different story, am I right?!?


I’m taking my first rest day in two weeks! So excited to just spend the day at church and relaxing with family while I’m here in town. Sundays are always my rest day, I couldn’t imagine it being any other day!


Glad your calves are feeling better. Saw a piece about you and your blog in the April issue of Women’s Running. Congratulations! Enjoy the warm weather, and of course the doughnuts! (I have a daughter Brooke as well, however she is 21 and a pre-med student. Enjoy your time with your Brooke because they grow up so fast.)


You amaze me how fast you are! Yesterday I ran 7 miles at a 8:30 avg and I was psyched. I hope you fix the comment problem!! And I think you saw the apple fritter bread I sent you on Twitter? Yum!!


Hi Janae!! I’m trying a level 3 yoga class today- wish me luck!!

Haha go you on that little bike- show the rope who’s boss!


Our elevation is about 500 feet. We’ve always wanted to return to Logan to run the Top of Utah Marathon, but know we’d have to arrive a week or two before to adjust to the elevation!

Today I’m driving home from the ACC wresting tournament (my Hokies won!), doing laundry when I get home, and getting organized for my week since I’ve been of town for the week.

HaHa! Love that Brooke is pointing to the donuts!


Looks like a fun trip! And I am totally with you on the donuts/apple fritters. Love! I’m running 10 miles today. My first 10 mile run in a loooong time. :)


My language of love is chocolate fudge cake or warm chocolate chip cookies. Or both. Topped with ice cream. And whipped cream….I cannot wait for the warm weather to stick around here!


Yes I have been getting spam replies to my comments that I’ve left on the blog in my email! Please fix!!

Jealous of your weather. I need warm sunny flip flop weather ASAP!!!!


I live in Phoenix! Where did you find that pizza? It looks yum. My love language aka pitfall are white chocolate carmel nuts. Have fun this weekend!


I have been getting a lot of replies from your comments with ridiculous spam haha I figured it was just some issue, but hope it gets resolved soon! Have fun in Arizona! My rest days are 99% of the time on Sundays and I really love them!


Ah short sleeve weather! Yea for you!! We went to st George a couple weeks ago and got to play at the park and it was heavenly!!
Food is my love language, for sure! It helps that my husband has been a chef so I get cooked for regularly.
Sunday is always my rest day, too . I want to take my kids on a walk today if it’s warm enough and not windy!


Good morning Janae. The altitude in San Antonio is ~700 feet. I seem to run only in lower elevations (All over Texas, Florida, ….) so I really have nothing else to compare it to. Church, movies, and visiting with family. The boys are off for spring break so its been crazy fun. I seem to have injured my hamstring so I have taken the last week and a half off which is driving me bananas. Although, I feel just about ready to start back! Have a fun day Sunday!


Hate to say it, but I think my love language is sarcasm… except with my children – snuggling on the couch under our special blanket is how we say “love” on the weekends :)

I live on the coast in California and my parents live near Tahoe, running when we visit them always kicks my butt! And I come home and appreciate living seaside :)

Today we’re going to snuggle, run, play at the park with friends and then hope the kiddos behave themselves at dinner with the great-grandparents! Wish me luck ;)


Sea level where I live, and YES I definitely feel it when I run elsewhere. I’ve been “off” running for two weeks now, recovering from hip and knee issues. My own fault for trying to ignore the hip pain that migrated to opposite knee pain. Bad me!

Today is my hubs bday, so we’re going out to eat crabs! Yum……


Love language is touch mostly and I live in AZ!!!!!! Perfect running weather right now!! Today I am going to church and not too sure what else. Lol you should definitely be a snowbird!!


Three things I am up to today: church, Home Depot run and going to my inlaws for supper


my love language is food, chocolate in particular. I am also taking a rest/active recovery day today. I had a long run yesterday and I am feeling it today.


My love language is all about service :)
Haha, I live in a valley so anytime I get some elevation it kills me, but I go for it anyway! Our family lives in Flagstaff and I felt like I was dying when I ran there last summer.
Today I am cleaning, meeting girlfriends for lunch, and having family over for dinner.


I am just above 7,000 ft. so basically I adore sea level. And my love language? Probably diet coke. Have a fabulous time with your brother!


My love language involves anything active outside on a warm, sunny day. This kind of day makes my heart smile. The elevation where I live in Bend is roughly 3700ft and I do notice a difference when I travel to sea level. Because it is raining today (not my love language) I will be riding my trainer, going to a movie with my hubs, and out to dinner to celebrate a friend’s birthday.


My love language is jelly beans (lately) dear lord they are addicting. Eating the. As we speak!

3 things I’m doing today…basking in the excitement of last night and that we raised a whole bunch of money for charity, going for a 7 miler, and eating more jelly beans:)

I would love to go to Arizona someday, have fun d enjoy! We are back down from45 to 25 today,.such a tease!


I’m running 6 miles indoors.. treadmill/cross ramp, then going cross country skiing probably 6 miles and sledding with the kids.. finishing the day with Sunday night family dinner. My husband cooks so I can have fun all day long.


I think Natalie has me beat. I was going to say in Denver we’re at 5280 Baby but I’m in Aurora so we’re actually at 5471…kickin’ a little elevation butt there. Sadly, Natalie one upped me. LOL. Nice job Natalie!

I’m not sure what my love language is. I don’t have the patience to make it all the way through the quiz. It seems so subjective. I could answer multiple answers and get multiple results. So frustrating. :(

So on that note I’ll say cupcakes because they always make me happy. Gluten free of course.


I am going to AZ for Spring Break next week!!! We went last year to the Scottsdale area and we loved it sooo much that we’re going back for a short 3-day stay. I love everything about AZ in spring–the weather, the hiking, the food, the people (I feel like everyone is nicer there), the shopping…I can’t wait for next week!


Love language is DMD, frosting, or a great nap.

Help me out with my spring wardrobe, where is your shirt from. I love and might need to purchase.


our high is 39 today..I can’t wait for March weather to actually arrive. Last I heard we are to get snow again on Wednesday.

Have fun with your brother, take lots of pictures of Brooke and her cousin!


I’m super happy you are feeling 100%. My husband has been asking me ‘how is hungry runner girl doing now?’ True story!

I just finished an 18 miler and am wishing those donuts were closer!!! I

My rest day is on Friday. I used to feel anxious that I wasn’t running on that day, but now I enjoy the day of recuperation for my legs. :)


My love language is vegan Whole foods cupcakes and wine.

Today I’m doing laundry, prepping my weekly meals, and going out for an 8 mile run!


My love languages are coffee, wine, or ice cream! Haha
Today I am taking a rest day too, I’m about half way through training for my first marathon. So I plan to make it a lazy day….just a little cleaning, shopping, and tv watching.


My love language is Costco – especially their mango slices and the line of active wear they recently came out with and sold out of. I got the jacket in green (we’re twins, along with millions of others), pink, and purple. Oh, and pickles. I love pickles.

The elevation where I live (SF Bay Area) is 44. I just started running, so I haven’t really done this addictive sport anywhere else – yet!

My 3 top agenda items today are: rest, relax, repeat. My usuals during a rest day are: stay in pajamas, eat yummy food, watch TV, only leave my house once, and not get too many steps on my fitbit because it’s a REST day and I don’t want to break it or me.


:) I actually had no idea what my elevation was so I had to google it. Here in MD I am at 764 ft.
I am taking a rest day today too. I usually take Sun as a rest day unless my schedule is weird. I am glad to take it today too after my first time doing speed in months yesterday :)


Mmmm that pizza looks so, so good!

I will be running today :) My rest day is on Friday because I do my long run on Saturdays. Sundays are just an easy, short run though.


Three things I’m doing today: Cooking, cleaning, and watching Walking Dead tonight. I’m getting over an injury, so pretty much every day has been a rest day for me lately. Boo…


Okay so the next time you hit up Bosa, you MUST get the strawberry cake ones! Oh. Man. That might be my love language, haha! Seriously though, I think it is words of affirmation. :)

Looks like so much fun at the Science Museum! Can’t wait to see the video! Next time I’m inviting myself!!! :)


I live in Provo, so I totally notice a difference it lower elevations. Isn’t it amazing?! I am excited to see the video of you going on the bike! It looks like fun. Today is my sister’s birthday so my hubby, daughter, and I are going over to her house for a little party :) It should be fun. Oh and my sis is also coming over to watch our baby girl so that my hubby and I can go to church for the first time since she was born! Wahoo! Happy Sunday :)


My official love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service. But my family is totally convinced that it is chocolate chip cookies.

Yes! Rest day today.

Three things that’ll happen today or have happened: go to church, eat this amazing soup for lunch http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/2012/01/tuscan-bean-soup-with-shrimp/ (thank you PW), and play some card/board games with the family. I’m not sure if we’ll do SkipBo or Ticket to Ride. Maybe both!? We like to live on the wild side.


My love language is coffee. And caramel. But not together.

I’m pretty much at sea level, which makes me nervous to run other places…

3 Things I already did: run 10 miles, laundry and dishes. Now my Sunday is almost over!

Mondays are usually my rest day because my long run falls on Sunday with my current training plan. It also makes sense to run more on the weekends because I never know what time I’m going to get off work during the week.


I was getting some of that SPAM! I kept getting emails with spam replies to comments from months ago on the blog – weird!
WE talked about love languages in our premarital counseling and did that quiz…and I don’t remember mine OR my husband’s. So much for that! But the way to my heart is through the coffee pot, so there’s that.


Doughnuts and pizza for the win! Glad you’re feeling better! Stay blessed!


I live at 0 elevation…I’m sure it would feel terrible for me trying to run at high elevation! I took a rest day today. I usually take a rest day on Sunday but over the past few weeks I have been switching it up because of the weather.


My love language is good quality chocolate, English breakfast tea and a post run leg massage from hubby..happy to have all at the same time.
Its Monday here so 3 things I’m doing is cleaning – done, a run- done and studying – which is what I should be doing right now.
I live around about sea level :-). I love looking at the beautiful mountains of Utah in your photos. But I do love the sea.


You are so fast!!! That sounds like a great run and I am so impressed/inspired by your running.

I would say my love language is frozen yogurt. However, today I had a milkshake and it was delicious!!!


That’s a cool shadow running picture! I LOVE running on parked dirt.


I live in AZ and I’ve never been to Bosa Donuts. I’m on spring break this week and trying Bosa is on my list of things to do. I’ve heard it’s way better than Dunkin. True??


My love language is definitely chocolate :) Chocolate and maybe cake.


That pizza looks amazing!

My love language is gifts, and for years I struggled at how shallow it made me sound. I finally came to terms and realized that my favorite gifts aren’t the expensive ones, but the ones that thought was put into. And I actually care a lot more about the packaging then what is actually inside most of the time.


That apple fritter looks amazing. That is all :)


My love language is Coffee, for sure :) also, thanks to you i’ve been craving donuts!! I’m going to celebrate my half marathon next weekend and have a couple!


is that Pizzeria Bianco? if so..it is delish I miss it! living overseas right now and its on my list for when I return!


I’ve got a rest day today (monday) after running my boyfriend’s first half marathon with him yesterday. The weather was gorgeous, such a fun day! Those donuts look incredible!


Elevation makes such a huge difference! I’m at a low elevation, but when we were in Colorado I was huffing and puffing like crazy. It’s definitely a plus to train where you live!


The elevation here is like 223 feet above sea level :). We are right on the shoreline in CT. It does make running pretty easy, until you go literally anywhere else.

I can’t wait to see that video. Where is that place? The circus?


So glad your shins are better so you can get back to running! Are the spammers from Slovenia? My blog seems to be suddenly VERY popular with Slovenia spam, so just wondering…


That pizza looks amazing. Glad you good run in and are feeling 100% again. That has to feel amazing!

*http://expertbrand.com- Quality Performance Apparel*


Almost 5000 feet elevation? I would die! Where I live is only 220 feet of elevation, you would be super speedy here!! My love language is a nice warm cup of coffee first thing in the morning.


Looks like you are having a wonderful time!!


My love language is Red Velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing


I’ve been considering the two places of residence thing… but instead of just leaving here when it’s winter and coming back during the summer I’ll just leave here when it’s Christmas and spring break and during parts of summer, and come back during the down seasons. Gotta love living in a tourist community! I swear there are twice as many Texans currently in town that there are actual people who live here! And the grocery store has been PACKED!


You look exactly like your sister in the 4th picture down – took me a minute to realize it was you! That AZ sunlight looks like heaven. :)


Looks like fun! Glad y’all are having a great time on your trip. Those donuts look amazing!!! I’m trying to be really good right now and not having any sweets, since I failed my 1 hour glucose tolerance test last week, and have to do the 3 hr one this week…….AND IT’S KILLING ME!


I live in Gilbert, and BoSa donuts is my second home. That is all.

Glad you are enjoying your time in our beautiful desert :)


We are moving from South Dakota to Arizona…Chandler/Gilbert area…I must find Bosa Donuts! Also where is the fantastic looking pizza from!?! :)


The Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Exhibit ends on my birthday :) (May 4th!)

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