Scraping. Ouch but so so so good.

*****WARNING!!! At the end of my post I have a picture of my bruised leg so if you don’t want to see that then go ahead and skip this post:)

Back to the early morning running after a week of sleeping in like crazy.  I won’t even tell you what time I woke up yesterday morning.

8 miles with Josse, 15 minutes on my spin bike and showered all done and ready for Brooke to wake up by 7:10 a.m.  That feels nice.  

The reason I got on my spin bike when I got home was because I was so frozen after my run (when I got into my car to go back home it said it was 11 degrees ((not nearly as cold as what some of you are experiencing right now but it still froze me)) that I needed to do something to warm up my body asap and it worked magically.  Getting a little morning reading in was a great thing too.  

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This morning consisted of playing outside with the Brooker

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and a much needed venting/therapy/diet coke session with Paige.  I felt much better afterwards.  She is a good good friend.  

Sweats 4 life.  



I asked my girl Josse to write up a little bit about scraping/graston (aka the thing that made my right leg feel better after it had been bugging me for MONTHS).  I am a true believer…. you can read her full article about this technique on her fabulous blog HERE!!!!

(I am a huge fan of scraping but Brooke was not very happy about me getting this done)


Scraping is done when a tool is used to “scrape” over a muscle or sore spot to help move toxins out, break up scar tissue or get rid of tendonitis. 

”Sha” is best defined as the red splotches or petechia that appear on the skin from rubbing the spoon or tool repeatedly over the affected area. Blood flow is decreased anytime we have a spasm or injury. Both lactic and uric acid can get trapped underneath the skin or within a bound up muscle due to the lack of drainage caused by the decreased blood flow. One theory is that this metabolic waste turns crystalline and breaking these crystals with the spoon or gua sha tool can lead to microscopic trauma to blood vessels. Signs of these metabolic waste products being released into the tissue become evident in the form of sha. This sha or bruising is a positive sign for an initial treatment as it lets you know changes are happening in the underlying muscle tissue and fascia.  Most people think this cannot be good for you and freak out.  

(A small ((you are welcome for making it a small picture)) portion of my leg the day after I ((Janae)) got scraping done.  It didn’t feel great during the scraping but it did not hurt at all afterwards and I was able to run on it just like normal the next day and the pain I had been feeling for a while was all gone and hasn’t come back since) 

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But I assure you that it is safe and helps with chronic pain, tendonitis, and many other injuries related to day- to-day life or over use activities such as running.


  • Decreased pain
  • Increased circulation
  • Breaks up scar tissue
  • Immune and anti-inflammatory effect
  • Increases surface microperfusion (surface circulation of blood)
  • Quicker injury recovery
  • Quicker recovery after a hard workout, cleans out the lactic acid that builds up in the muscles
  • Breaks up cellulite and micro-toxins

I am a true believer in Scraping and will continue to do it despite what others say:)  It keeps me healthy and running strong, as well as many of my running friends.


Who do you usually vent to?  

What running injuries have you had?  What did you do to fix them?

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Oh my, Brooke looks so big! It must be in my head but she looks so much older that cutie pie!

My ankle and foot have been hurting especially during my long runs. I am trying to ice, rest and use weights to strengthen my muscles. The hardest part is taking it easy when all you want to do is run!

I hope you feel better :)


I wonder if that would be good for some tendon niggles I’m having in my ankle…looks interesting!

I vent to my best friend from high school or my friend from my masters program. We’re known for picking up extra large cookies and throwing fake bday parties to make each other feel better :)


Brooke is looking very grown up!

I always vent to my roommate/best friend if I’m having struggles.

I had some nasty IT-band issues that required 4 months of rehabbing and no running. I guess it paid off because I’ve done four half-marathons since and am working towards a full!


I vent to my best friend over ice cream at school or my mom at home when we’re driving somewhere. It’s nice to have that person to go to :) as for gaston, I used to get it during swim/xc/track and it was so painful but it makes you feel so good after! I used to tell people I got beat up to make myself seem tough…


Venting is so important and it’s great that you have people that you can rely on to listen and give good words of advice. :) I don’t drink soda much, but that picture really makes me want a diet coke now.

I experienced scraping once before…I had a bad calf muscle tear and my doc went to town on my leg. It was so bruised afterwards, but it really does do the trick. :)


Venting… oh boy. I learned after a miserable 6 months and lots of fighting with my friends and family that pure venting to other people doesn’t work that well for me. So, I’ve taken to journalling. Honestly, journalling, meditation and yoga is the trifecta keeping me sane in a world where I have no idea if I will be employed/ have a life I like/ have friends nearby in 4 months :) I also have a lot of mantras.

Also, this year, I’ve started thinking about the concept that “i am the center of a wheel” and that I am only able to view my actions and the actions of others through this place of reflection and quiet discussion. Otherwise I go insane complaining about everything!


Wow! Scraping??? Sounds like it hurts!!! :/


Josse introduced me Gua Sha and I am a firm believer! I bought the tools and scrap my various niggles often. It reduces down time by a ton!

Hooray for a good drink :)


Toby, what kind of tools did you buy? I’ve seen the Graston tools, but I think that’s a little different from what Josse does, and anyways they are CRAZY expensive!!! How do you know what to do with the tools? Do you know of any tutorials I can watch?



Google GuaSha Tools. I bought the soft tissue tool #2. It was $30. I’ve had Josse work on me a few times, so I familiar was the process. I also watched several You-Tube videos. I use lotion to help the tool glide better on the skin. Just wing it!!!

The first time I had Josse work on my feet, I could only handle it for a few minutes. It was VERY painful. She went over it and over it and over it. Not only did she work on my feet, but my calves and my shins. So do the surrounding areas as well. The actual injury may be somewhere else and is manifesting itself in your “hurting spot”. I bruised a ton. It looked like I had been beaten with a bat. It lasted for 7-10 days.

But I continued to do it and my tendinitis eventually went away. Josse was very adamant about strengthening my issue areas. She has a lot of good strengthening videos on her website. Lots of ice…ice baths…soaking in the river.

Hope this is helpful.


Yes, that helps a lot! Thank you so much! I’m definitely going to get at least one tool. I’ve had plantar fasciitis for a year and a half, and I think the problem stems from my tight calves, so I’m going to work on them and my feet.


Most of my running pain is in my feet. I go to the chiropractor and get them adjusted. Sometimes it is painful during, like PT. But so worth it. I think I would freak out being “scraped.”


I usually vent to friends on runs, or my sister. I have had to deal with plantar fasciitis, but once I got inserts it got better quickly.


I’ve never heard of scraping- but will definitely look into it!! I usually vent to my mom, whether she likes it or not…but she has been a great listener over the years!

Today at lunch I had a diet coke and I was so proud of myself for turning down the next TEN offers I got for a refill. They seriously wanted me to have more but I resisted!


Thankfully I haven’t been injured very much (knock on wood). I did break my tibia from having severe shin splints in high school… but on a positive note, I never got them again!


Does this work for calves also? My calves hurt so bad when I run that I have to stop to stretch every few miles. Especially my left one. I hurt it before a marathon 4 years ago and the spot still hurts.


I have issue sometimes with the tops of my feet and last spring I hurt my shoulder so so so so bad without a clue how but somehow from running. Thankfully overall I am OK (knock on wood)….I am thankful for my close group of friends to be able to vent on a regular basis. We lean on each other and laugh throughout the drama and problems that arise which I believe is key to surviving this little thing called life.


I have been super fortunate not to experience running injuries in my 15 years of running! In college they did scraping, stim, whirlpools, etc to keep the injuries on the low side!


I always vent to my mother, she is the only person that’s never betrayed my trust along with my hubby but I can’t vent about him to him lol.
That scraping looks interesting, I’ll need to look and see if it’s available here.


I am learning to control my vent… my boyfriend and I have gone through your standard growing pains over the years and I used to vent EVERYTHING so my friends have a view of him that is not always the best. I am trying to vent appropriately now though. For an ex though, FAIR GAME.


Ouch! You are hard-core. I just watched this amazing talk from BYU’s Education Week that said it’s actually completely necessarily to have someone to vent to. They call them a “trusted listener.” So good for you! I vent to my roomie from Lib Square Rachel. We’re still good friends. :)

I used to have knee issues, but I changed both the way I run and my shoes and no problems yet!


Oh I know that basement room all too well ;) If you want to freak people out you should post my picture after I had it done the first time. I think I bruised so bad though because I had had the injury so long without it getting better. I had friends and family worried about me and told me that running wasn’t worth that pain. I beg to differ. I know that this scraping has helped me run again and I am so grateful I met Josse that day at lunch. And I will continue to see her so I can keep running :)

I usually call my sisters to vent. Lucky them ;) I am glad you got a good vent out with Paige. She seems awesome. I need to meet her one day. And you can always vent to me ;)


I’ve never experienced scraping, but I am a PT student and have learned about it! Glad you are having good results! Venting with a BFF is the best medicine…glad you have someone you can turn to! PS: seeing your diet coke is making me crave one sooo bad


Brooke is so cute in her hat!! I don’t have many running injuries since my races are usually only 5k’s. I have a history of blisters since I run on my foe foot. I don’t usually vent out about deep problems to anyone. I usually try to deal with them myself! I hope your leg feels better!!! ;)


My in town BFF Becky, and we even start our venting conversations with “I just need to vent about something……”

My cyber BFF you, when you get a random e-mail from me. :)

Becky is the one who got me addicted to DMD, there must be something to diet soda and venting.


I vent to the internet and then whine out twitter…bahaha.

When I got the scraping done a while back, I absolutely loved it. That stuff is seriously miracle working.


A physical therapist used the scraping technique on my leg and it really sped up the healing process. It was the first time I was exposed to it. I’m glad your leg is feeling better!

Is Brooke wearing running tights in that picture of her playing outside? Like Mommy, like daughter! :-)


I’m currently dealing with foot pain which is either tendonitis or metatarsalgia. RICE all the way!


I usually vent to my mom or my boyfriend.

My worst running injury was a stress fracture in my shin (I’ve got nothing on you when it comes to stress fractures). I ran the last 3 miles of a half marathon in very determined pain. That race was also my PR so I was ok with that. I took a break from running for a few weeks after that and started back up super slow after it started feeling better.


Thanks for the little warning! Scraping is something somewhat new to me, so I loved all your facts and information about it!

Brooke is so grown up! She’s absolutely gorgeous too!


That looks super scary but Im glad it worked!


scraping kind of sounds like a way more intense version of foam rolling. definitely sounds interesting, I will have to try it out one day


Love seeing the Brooke pictures again! I’ve never heard of scraping and am currently (knock on wood) uninjured, but I’ll keep it in mind for the future :)


I think that is similar to cupping, which my chiropractor does for me every once in a while. He uses a little suction cup thing and slides it over my muscles. It hurts a bit while he does it, but feels awesome afterward. As understand, it’s supposed to help break up the fascia. Is that what the scraping does? :)


My venting is either with very close friend(s) or I go for a long run to clear my head and think rationally not emotionally – very hard to do sometimes.

Touch wood, I’ve had very little running injuries. Went to see a podiatrist before I increased my distances and got an analysis and some orthotics made up. Occasionally I get a tight left calf, but I get out my roller or a tennis ball.


I’ve been dealing with plantar fasciitis for a year and a half. It’s definitely the worst running injury I’ve ever had, and I’ve had a lot (shin splints, IT band, lots of tendinitis, ect.). On a positive note, for the most part my PF hasn’t been severe enough to limit my running, so I’m thankful for that!


I always vent to my mom for pretty much anything. She listens wonderfully and offers advice that is truly helpful :) I don’t know what I would do without her! I had some loose cartilage in my knee this past year, and I had to take 6 weeks off of running :( It was horrible, but thankfully I made a fully recovery!


Is Josse a PT? I would love to get her contact info. I think that would help with my chronic left IT band issue. I live in Utah County too. Thanks?


I am a HUGE believer in Graston/scraping. It (and other techniques used by my amazing chiropractor) got me back running after a horrible flare-up of runner’s knee. It hurts a ton, but it’s completely worth the pain!
I vent to my bestie, and she to me….don’t know what I would do without that lady!


Oh my gosh, Brooke’s cheeks in the last photo of her are too cute!


I usually vent to my Mom! She gives great advice, but mostly is great at just listening to me. I’m a strong believer in venting, you just gotta get that stuff out and move forward! Diet coke helps too. :)


I had the worst achilles tendonitis and I got a PRP Injection that included some anti inflammatory cytokines and it was the best thing ever. I haven’t had any issues since.


I usually vent to my bestie Samantha, to whom I love, and who I can share the most deepest, darkest, or most embarrassing secrets to.
Everyone needs that one person.


Brooke looks so cute in the new hat you bought her while she was gone. I am glad you have a good friend you can talk to and vent when needed. I have 2 in particular that I can do that with, and I am very grateful for that.

Last running related injury was a few years ago, pretty severe IT Band problems. My Chiropractor specializes in sports related injuries and he did scraping/graston on my ITB. It was ridiculously painful but definitely helped and was pretty much healed 100% within 8 weeks of starting therapy.


I’ve had Graston work done — and written about it on my blog — and I’m a believer as well. It hurts, but it has definitely helped my with calf problems over the years!


Never heard of scraping..
I vent to my mom, and usually she tells me that she doesn’t want to hear it…

DOUBLE-SNOWDAY for Chicago–teacher’s dream days!!!


I’ve had Graston a few times. Hurts like no other but really does help. I’m a believer!


Scraping reminds me of a way more intense version of the stick, so I totally buy into it!

That being said, in my experience, for serious injuries, the only thing that has TRULY and completely worked is…time off…boooo


I vent to my assistant and to my track coach friend. I think sometimes they get a little tired of my venting ;-)

No big running injuries yet! *Crosses fingers it stays that way*


Yes! I went to see a PT earlier this year and she would use the Graston technique on me almost weekly. It was a pain that hurt so good. It totally worked for me too!


I vent to my best friend (we call each other “soulfriend” rather than best friend though, because I think we really are soulmates in friend form), but other than that I TRY to do most of my venting to a journal. Good luck with your healing!


Sounds intense! I would be willing to give it a try!

I always vent to my husband or my mom. Whichever one is available when I need it OR I just vent to both. Sometimes it just helps to get it out!


When I tore my hamstring, I endured several sessions of Graston to break up the scar tissue. I remembering gripping the table in a cold sweat and having to tap out a couple of times when the pain was unbearable. As much as I hated it, it did work. The incessant nerve pain is gone and I can run again. I hope it continues to work for you too.


I have seen scraping and they do it all the time at the university I coach with. I however have never had it done before. I am currently getting treatment for a weird injury and my doctor does Active Release. It is painful, but i always feel better afterwords. I actually had it done today!


I have been dealing a lot over the past few years with piriformis pain and low back issues. I had dry needling done over the summer and it totally got rid of all the tightness I had been feeling! That along with ART and adjustments by my chiropractor have kept me running strong.


I always vent to my significant other or best friend…. if neither of them are around I sometimes write up a blog post venting to share with online friends. I never post it right away though in case I change my mind on wanting to share with the world (which I usually do), but just writing it out makes me so much better! :)


Luckily I’ve never had a running injury.. let’s hope it stays that way!! Scraping sounds really interesting, I’d like to try it sometime!


I usually vent to my mom or my husband. And I have no fancy way to remove aches or pains. Just good ol’ rest, ice, and stretching :)


when my insurance covered a chiropractor, she kept me injury free..I highly recommend


Lol I was expecting a shocking pic bc of your warning.


I’ve done cupping quite a few times on my IT band and calves and am a firm believer in it (if you find someone that does it right!)


This post came at the perfect time. I’m experiencing the worst Achilles tendon pain and I don’t know what to do! I know I should really stop running but it is so hard for me to rest…Thanks for the info on scraping!!


Fantastic news that your little Brookers is back :-). This is unusual, I’m sure, but I usually vent to my mother-in-law (we’re super close – also unusual)! I’ve had knee injuries and sacroiliac injuries (I do preventative exercise and have rest days to prevent them reoccurring). That scraping looks intense. I think the name ‘scraping’ is what turns me off. It sounds….yuck. But if I was injured I’d give it a go.


Im two weeks away from marathon training and I have a mild case of tendinitis in my ankle. I tweaked it last sept and now it’s acting up again. I’m hoping it clears up ASAP bc I have been working my butt off to get in amazing shape for training next week.


ohh! so that’s what this method is called! my parents have been doing this to their backs for years because it is a traditional Chinese method to make you feel better when you are sick. My parents add peppermint oil on their skin before they scrape though, it helps to cool and soothe the abrasion between the spoon and skin


Good girlfriends are the BEST. Also, I love your glitter manicure :)



I always forget to stretch and find myself so much more prone to injuries! If I stretch, I feel much, much better!


This sounds like a painful, but really effective way to get all the gunk out of your legs that can accumulate after miles and miles of running!


My Achilles’ tendon was acting up when I first took up running. I’ve only been running 2 years now. Switching from Nikes to Brooks helped me. I have a small narrow foot…venting to my sis. And I have a core of friends I know I can always vent to….it’s good to get it out so it doesn’t stir and pent up. If that makes sense. Over sushi, wine or a good dessert always helps.


I normally vent to one of my good friends, or at times my mom.
I do scraping, and another Chinese medicine technique called Cupping…..and they are the best! I also one time, while living in Shanghai, went to someone called a bone setter…he adjusted my knees to fix my lower back pain. It hurt like crazy but afterwords – I was perfect!


I’ve injured both of my knees at separate times. What helped me most was just icing, foam rolling, and (sadly) taking time off from running.


I do ART to help prevent and stave off injuries! Sometimes he scrapes around me knee. It hurts. The worst was when I had plantar fasciitis. He scraped the bottom of my foot. That’s the worst pain I ever experienced in my life! But it worked.


I have 3 sisters that are my therapists. or my mom. For some reason when ever something goes wrong I still want my mom, she always knows how to fix it.


I vent to my BF. And if I need to vent about him, I talk to one of my bffs :)


I vent to my mom or one of me best friends.

My chronic injury is my ITB and usually I fix that with rest, massage, and the chiropractor.


Last year I fractured my foot twice……I don’t think scraping will help that very much:-)

Recently I’ve been feeling really good. I took my time coming back into it and I think it’s going to pay off when I go for my half marathon on Feb. 23.


i’ve never heard of scraping — sounds interesting. glad it worked so well for you. i’ve had crazy IT band issues in the past — lots of sports massages, foam rolling, and forcing myself to do shorter distances for a while helped that. thankfully that’s gone, and everything else has just been short-lived muscle injuries while training for my marathon this fall!


Yep got graston done when i was having really bad IT band pain. Literally was running back to the normal the next day! 100% works and if it ever flares up again (knock on wood) I would definitely get it again!!

My mom is always the person I vent too!! She makes everything all better :)


I just had the BEST vent session with my boss today (weird, I know…but she is one of the women whom I am beginning to get close to in my new city). Felt so much better when we added hot chocolate and a spoonful of peanut butter to the mix!


i should look into this for all the scar tissue in my knee from my injury/stitches last summer. it’s bothering me especially with these frigid temperatures. stay warm :)


I have been seeing a chiro that does graston and ART therapy for about three years. They just added sports acupuncture to the line up. I am a serious believer in it – haven’t heard the negatives – curious to know what downsides you have heard from people?


Thank you for explaining Scraping! I honestly thought it was an internal procedure by the name, like you have to go in your body and scrape something out…. glad I know now!!


I vent to a friend who has only met the ex once. Once I told her that I didn’t want her to think the whole thing was his fault, but it’s not like I could tell his side because I don’t really get his perspective. And she said, “Sweetie, you could tell me the divorce is because you don’t like his eye color, and I would still be on your side.” Good friend!


I usually vent to my sister and BF and also there are a couple good friends I talk to. it always feels better to get some venting out.

I have had issues with my IT band when I was running and most recently I had a partial tear in my quad (not from running but from lifting). I see a chiropractor for all of it and she does ART on it and it helped with both!


My acupuncturist did Gua Sha on me, which is the same idea. It was to help with muscle tension as well as build up my immunity because I was starting to get a cold. I totally fought off the cold and felt good afterword. It’s good for circulation and breaking up sore spots. Have you ever tried acupuncture? I just started going about 4 months ago and I’m hooked!! I was skeptical at first, but really believe in it.


I’ve had Graston done on my knees/leg multiple times from my chiropractor and it helped me so much! I truly believe it is what made my knee better to run :)


Is scraping similar to ART? I have been having that done while training for Goofy. Hurts like heck but SO worth it.


I go to a chiropractor that uses this technique. It is the best thing ever!!


My boyfriend is a certified athletic trainer and is trained in using the graston tools. We were trying everything last year before the marathon on my IT band. Try explaining that one to people when they asked what happened. Oh my boyfriend used a giant torture device to try and rehab my leg. You can see lovely photos here:

It does make a big difference though!


I vent to my best friend…over ice cream for sure!

Ugh…that scrapping looks super painful, but I’ve heard good things about it too.

* for Women’s Apparel


I had Grastons treatments at my chiropractor a couple years ago when I had IT Band Syndrome. The first time caused major bruising from my hip down to my knee. It looked horrible but ultimately proved to be the most effective treatment.

I’m curious about how to do Grastons treatments with a spoon. Is there an article about it somewhere?

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