Fun Facts from yesterday (I wish it was Friday so that I could call this Fun Facts Friday).

1.  Brooke spilled salad dressing all over my phone.  I can no longer hear the person I am talking to on my phone unless I put it on speaker because of the salad dressing incident.  It’s okay, it’s not like iPhones are expensive or anything.

2.  It was my niece’s birthday yesterday so we surprised her by bringing in Cosmo (all the kids love him) and donuts for everyone.  I heard at least 10 kids say that my niece is the coolest person ever and it made my heart happy.

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3.  My sister came over to use my mom’s bike yesterday and I sat on a chair next to her and ate some chocolate.  I am such a good sister.  PS I got my sister hooked on Revenge.


4.  During Brooke’s nap I looked at the monitor and found Curly’s face staring into the camera.  They think it is such a fun game to go in and wake up Brooke so that they can play with her.  

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5.  We don’t leave home without Elmo.  He is always there.  

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6.  Just switching things up by carrying the birthday girl for our picture.    

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7.  I really branched out last night.  I was so close to ordering a salad like I usually do but then I decided to order something I would normally never order.  A burrito with noodles, chicken and veggies.  Interesting but delicious.

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8.  Not going to name any names but one of us may have had 1 lb of froyo last night… the rest of us were pretty close to getting a lb too.  Just a couple of crazy Utah girls.   

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9.  I am taking a leap of faith and trusting Target on a very important matter.  They have a wall of books that they recommend and so I decided to see if Target knows what they are talking about when it comes to telling me what books to read.   It is supposed to snow for the next few days so I guess I am going to be forced to stay in pjs and read all day.  

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10.  In case you are ever wondering who my photographer is–>  she is about 3 feet tall and 5 years old.

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Would you rather have dark chocolate, milk chocolate or white chocolate?

What are you reading right now?

Any funny phone accident stories?

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I read What Alice Forgot and really liked it! Good choice!
Milk chocolate all the way!


Right now, I would rather have dark chocolate since dairy isn’t agreeing with me, but any other time, I’d definitely go for milk.

I just finished the Poison Study series. It was sooo good!!


I am in the middle of the Divergent series (on the waiting list for the last one from the library), and I can’t wait for the movie to come out! I have about four other books in which I am on the waiting list at the library.


I just got Allegiant from the library after waiting a few weeks or was it months lol!!! Such a good series so far! I hope the last book doesn’t disappoint and I can’t wait for the movie either!!!


I once dropped my phone IN my mug of tea.


That noodle burrito looks interesting!!! Hmmm….I like milk chocolate with peanut butter or dark chocolate with sea salt and almonds. I’m reading runners world right now, does that count?
No incidents this month, but I believe it was last month Izzy got mad when I woke her up from her nap to pick up his sister from school and she kicked my phone out of my hand and broke the screen. This girl need her beauty sleep or everyone will experience her wrath :)


*pick up her brother from school


Dark or white chocolate!

I’m currently reading JEANNIE OUT OF THE BOTTLE – Barbara Eden’s memoir. Really interesting so far!


You MUST read The Secret Keeper (Kate Morton) every person I’ve forced to read it, loved it.
I’m currently reading The Dovekeepers


Seconded! The Secret Keeper probably has the best ending of a book that I’ve ever read.


I’m pretty sure I polish off a pound of froyo most of the time she. I go. I swear a froyo pound doesn’t equal a real pound. A wrap with noodles inside sounds interesting… I feel like that’s something I might even consider trying and I’m the least adventurous person ever. I bet you’re the cool aunt in your house showing up at school with donuts? Jealous.


I don’t like chocolate! Crazy, I know.

I’m reading a bunch of crazy 1790s books for my grad school work but I recently read light between two oceans for fun and it was really good, I was pleasantly surprised since I picked it off a recommended list too :)


Such a sad (but good) book!


I’m definitely a milk chocolate lover. Yum.

Right now I’m reading “The Longest Race” which is a really good memoir about ultra-marathoning. I have a weak spot for all running-related memoirs and this is the best one I’ve read in awhile!


I just made Peppermint Bark with all three flavors yesterday. Soooo good!!
I am usually a magazine reader. So hard for me to get thru a whole book.
No funny phone incidents. Thank Goodness!!


Right now I’m reading “Sing You Home” by Jodi Picoult. I’ve been reading all of her books over the past couple of months, and I enjoyed all of them! Next I’m going to read the Divergent series by Veronica Roth–I’ve heard it’s really good!


Dark chocolate all the way. Though I can seriously put a dent in white chocolate melted with pb :)

Have fun being snowed in! I got 2 snow days :) it’s been nice not working out for the last 5 days because of the cold!


What a fun day! That burrito looks delicious.
My daughter almost dropped my phone in the toilet as she was saying bye bye. I almost died.
I need a good book when I find one I love it so much I read it ASAP then I wish it wasn’t over.
Milk chocolate all the way! So creamy and delicious.


MY phone falls off the treadmill/elliptical/armband at least once a week! I am so close to breaking it…but I still can’t bring myself to buy one of those $50 cases!


Dark chocolate! Reading 26.2 by Dean Karnazes.


I have to go with milk chocolate! I will eat any chocolate, but milk chocolate is the best.

I really would love to read more but I can’t seem to find the time to sleep; so reading probably won’t happen. ;-)


That’s such a fun birthday surprise for your niece!
I’d go with milk chocolate or dark chocolate with chillies in it.


I used to be a milk and white chocolate girl, and don’t get me wrong, I still love them both but dark chocolate is most definitely where my heart is at! :)

Your family is SO cute! Your niece is definitely the coolest kid in school for bringing in the BYU mascot!

I am not the biggest reader…do blogs count? ;) I am currently attemping to read Lord of the Rings because they are my favorite movies and I read the Hobbit when I was little, but this is quite a daunting book!!

Nothing worse then when your phone messes up..which is sort of sad that the world has come to that, but it’s true! Especially when you think you lost or broke it completely…hate that feeling!


I just bought that book for my kindle! Caitlin at healthy tipping point is having an online book club and that is this months book :)


Milk chocolate all the way! Happy belated birthday to your niece! It’s cool she and your sister are just one day apart!


Definitely dark chocolate! I’m reading And the Mountains Echoed. My husband went to put his phone on the night stand and put it in his glass of water. Oops! Good news maybe for you though he said they were basically giving the iPhone away but he hates the iPhone. Hopefully you will get a good deal on a replacement. Also I swear by the life proof case!


I have a new diet coke drink for you! Add a splash of International Delight’s Almond Joy coffee creamer to your diet coke. It’s like dessert in a glass! Yummy!!!


Oh my gosh!! I love all of Liane Moriarty’s books. If you like this one, definitely read The Husband’s Secret next, it was my favorite of all her books.


Dark chocolate all the way. I am reading the Unidentified Red Head right now. My husband washed my brand new work iphone a week after I got it, and since they didnt buy the insurance on it, I had to go back to an old school blackberry until May when my contract is up so I can get a new iphone! So when anyone asks why I am still using a BB, I love telling the story of how he washed it bc he strongly dislikes anything Apple.


Milk chocolate is my fave!

I started watching Revenge on netflix a couple days ago and I have been binge watching it ever since!


I’ve read that book! It was a pretty good one. Right now I’m reading the girl you left behind it’s pretty good too.


I just started reading that too, I’m really liking it so far. I just finished Me Before You by the same author – it’s really good.


I just finished it today and it gets even better in the ending. haha…. that’s funny, I read Me Before You first too and loved it.


Always dark chocolate. I just borrowed the Book Thief from a friend and can’t wait to dive in :)


That book is awesome. You’ll love it! Also I just started watching revenge too! Twinners!!!!!!!


Revenge is the best. Ohmygawd.


I’ll have all three kinds of chocolate, please. :) I think dark chocolate may win by a hair if I REALLY had to choose, but I love it all!

I’m reading a book by Nicholas Sparks… I don’t even remember what it’s called, but I’m only a couple chapters in and still trying to get into it, so we’ll see how it goes. I’ve been terrible with reading since Hunter has been born, so since Christmas I’ve been really trying to work on it. I try to read at least 10 minutes before bed – it’s not much, but it’s something!

Funny phone story: My FIRST phone – it was one of those brick Nokia phones – you know what I’m talkin’ about?! I had it in my back pocket (I was SO proud of it, obviously), and I went to the restroom in a Costco, pulled down my pants, and into the toilet it went! I was so devastated!


most definitely dark chocolate for me! as for reading – I’m in the middle of “Red Head Revealed” by Alice Clayton.


My 20 m/o LOVES Elmo too! I just read a great YA novel called Wonder. I’m getting ready to jump into the Allegiant series. Is that calamari next to your burrito? YUM!


I’m reading a book called “The Light Between the Oceans” for my book club. It’s sad.

What Alice Forgot is SUCH a good book! I couldn’t put it down!


I’m in the middle of The Light Between the Oceans and my friend assures me it is a happy ending, however I just can’t see it right. She did say I have a couple really sad parts coming up…boo


I’m not so sure I would call it a “happy” ending :(


I read What Alice Forgot – it’s pretty good! and um, 1lb of fro yo sounds right up my alley!


can’t I just have all the chocolate?


I’m a big fan of dark chocolate! I just bought Adriana Trigiani’s newest book, “The Supreme Macaroni Company.” Can’t wait to read it and I highly recommend her books!


My only phone story involves me dropping and shattering my nice, new Samsung phone in what I believe to have been karma. My husband (I mean ex) and I were at a tennis event, and he wouldn’t let me buy a shirt. He went to the bathroom, so I ran to the merch table, bought a shirt, and snuck it into my purse. Later, he asked to use my phone, and as I tried to get it out of my purse without revealing the shirt, it dropped and shattered.

Moral of the story: let your wife by a $20 John McEnroe shirt. It’s cheaper than a shirt AND new phone.


Dark Chocolate all the way! Specifically See’s Candy coffee dark chocolate :). I’m reading Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me, by Mindy Kaling. Freakin’ love this book right now! I dropped my last phone into the toilet (before I used it haha) and sat there for a good 5 minutes trying to decide what to do. Had I retrieved it sooner, it probably would have worked.


I like all kinds of chocolate, but in this order: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate. I am reading the second book in the Divergent series (Insurgent).
One of my phones got ruined once because I left it on my nightstand next to a glass of water. The glass sweat so much throughout the night that my phone got soaked! I also had an incident in a hotel room where I had it charging and somehow the charger melted where it connects into my phone. I still don’t really understand how that happened!


Love the Divergent series. About to start on Allegiant!


Dark chocolate is the best! I’m currently reading “$100 Startup”- it’s an awesome book about getting into entrepreneurship!


I always go for milk chocolate but my current fave is dark salted chocolate. love.

I am currently reading “what I talk about when I talk about running”. I got it for Christmas and I just started it and it is good so far.


Annnnnd it is time for you to get a lifeproof iphone case. Yes, they are a little expensive however it will save you from having to replace your phone. I have one and now can take my phone swimming and things get dropped on it and it is no big deal. Look into the lifeproof cases they are amazing!


I like milk chocolate best but I’m starting to like dark chocolate more. I’m not reading anything right now but my cousin just recommended World War Z so I think I might give that a try soon.


I’m kind of a book snob (don’t hate me!) and I read What Alice Forgot – AWESOME! Seriously loved it; I ended up reading the rest of Liane Moriarty’s books. I’d also recommend The Husband’s Secret by her.

I’m currently re-reading Little Women and Ethan Frome. I’m in Boston with all of this crazy weather and I always read those when we get the first big storm.

And, anything BUT white chocolate…


I’m reading “On Becoming Fearless” by Arianna Huffington. So far it’s alright, but it’s not keeping me up to finish it. Dark chocolate is my favorite- I can’t eat white chocolate, it reminds me of wax for some reason!!


Mmm… Dark chocolate, yum.
I’m currently reading Insurgent, which is the 2nd book in a trilogy and I highly recommend it.
About 1/2 my water bottle leaked onto my phone after having it for only about 6 mos. Thank goodness I work in an old school and was able to set my phone on our huge heaters for the entire day. It actually worked and I’m still using the same phone.


Right now I’m reading The Fault In Our Stars, and I’m -loving- it. I’ve heard it’s a real tear jerker, but I adore the way the author writes, and I’m smitten by the characters. Hopefully I manage to keep the tears to a minimum when the time comes. And when it comes to chocolate, I really don’t discriminate. There’s a time and place for all of them :D


i’m about halfway through The Paris Wife and loving it! good luck with the phone…


I really enjoyed this post. I think you are back!… not that I didn’t like the posts of the last few months but you know what I mean :)



I listened to What Alice Forgot on audio book and it was great. The British accents were the best!


I had an Elmo that I was attached at the hip to for about 2-3 years. I loved that thing! I still have it (poor worn out little Elmo) ;)


Milk chocolate, then white then dark.
I love how often you go to Cafe Rio haha!


I read What Alice Forgot and I really did enjoy it. Fair warning….it doesn’t start out happy and when my mom was getting a divorce she couldn’t read that stuff. Too raw. But it was definitely good. I hope that wasn’t too much information.


Before you spend any money to fix your phone, give it a few days! The same thing happened to my phone, and then a little less than a week later the microphone started working again.
Also, your hair looks great in the birthday picture – can you tell us what you do to get the waves/curls and volume?
Have a great day!


You are going to love that book/author. The Husband’s Secret is also really good. I couldn’t put either of them down.


What Alice Forgot was one of my faves last year! Enjoy!


For the chocolate question….can I have all three? ;-)
Right now I’m reading Let’s Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson….and it’s actually killing me a little. It’s hilarious!


Curly & the monitor- hilarious!!
Milk chocolate all the way! I have tried dark chocolate but it just taste so weird to me.

I am waiting for my friend to finish Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? so I can read it.. it is by Mindy Kaling & I just love her.


Dark chocolate all the way!
I am reading “Lets pretend this never happened” a memoir by Jenny Lawson
On 12/22 I was meeting my friends early in the morning in manhattan for our annual Christmas windows and rock center tree run. I parked the car, forgot that my phone was on my lap, and when I got out of the car it fell face down into a mud puddle.
I know the port where you plug the phone in is the most sensitive to water damage so I sucked out the water with my mouth. I was so grossed out. But my phone survived the swim so I am a hero.

:) love your facts


I’m a chapter into The Rosie Project, and so far I’m liking it. It’s about a socially inept professor’s clinical search for a wife. Funny.


I loved What Alice Forgot! I am currently reading the Cuckoos Calling and enjoying it!


I have that same book sitting on my nightstand to read next. Currently I am reading “The Secret Keeper.” It’s really good.


I’ve been reading a book on soap making. Riveting!

My best friend dropped his phone in mashed potatoes when we were in college. The guy at the Cingular store identified the cause of problems as “debris” in the speaker lol.


I have made this comment before but I am saying it again- everyone in Utah has such long, pretty hair. This Kentucky girl really needs a “how to get hair like Utah girls” post!


Milk choc all the way although I do like dark and I know it’s kinda healthy…


I love milk chocolate! Dark chocolate is ok if it has something like caramel inside, and I really dislike white chocolate.

Right now I am reading The Good Soldiers (a true account of an army battalion in Iraq) and Life Support: Three Nurses on the Front Lines. They sound so educational but I am enjoying both of them. My next book club book is Tell The Wolves I’m Home and I can’t wait to start it!

And a few days ago my husband spilled pinol (a Honduras drink powder made of sugar, cinnamon, and ground dry corn) all over my laptop. And I mean it was piled on top. I was sure it wouldn’t work anymore but we got most of it out and it seems to be fine. Probably until the humidity returns and any remaining powder turns to glue.


I used to love bringing in donuts for my birthday! Unfortunately they don’t let us send in desserts anymore to school to celebrate birthdays. It’s so not fair!…I love milk chocolate and dark chocolate so I really can’t choose one but I can say I am not much of a fan of white chocolate. It’s fine but it doesn’t do it for me.


I’m reading Dark Places by Gillian Flynn right now!
I love milk chocolate and leaving my phone in snow banks and driving away. Phone still works though!!


I’ve heard good things about her books. I want to read Gone Girl. I believe that’s by her


Gone Girl is by her and I’m reading it right now, or should I say devouring it – it’s so good! As soon as I’m finished, I’m going to read her other two – Sharp Objects and Dark Places.


Looks like a really fun day! I love dark chocolate all the way! Right now I am reading The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks (!!!) I dropped my phone down the toilet when I was 16 and it got stuck in the pipes ( I flushed because it fell out of my back pocket) and my dad had to get it out (which included breaking the toilet twice) and magically he dried it out and it worked perfectly!


I loved your sarcasm on the cost of the iPhone :) Thankfully I haven’t done anything bad to it… yet.

I am reading March by Geraldine Brooks. It’s the story about the father from Little Women (Louisa May Alcott). It’s really good so far! Please let us know how you like What Alice Forgot – heard it was good.

I like white chocolate even though it’s kind of “fake” chocolate :)


I have so many funny phone stories…I’ll bulletpoint them for you for your reading pleasure:
-The 1st time I ran Boston Marathon as a part of the Boston CHildren’s Hospital team: The gun was T-5 minutes to going off…so i ducked into a porta potty real quick…and managed to drop my phone in a porta potty. YUP.

-I have cracked every touch screen phone i’ve ever had. THree droids, one IPhone. Still haven’t replaced the Iphone….i repel technology.

– I washed my ipod last month. There was no saving it :(

Reading Divergent….OBSESSED….That book you’re reading is on my list already, it looks great!!


That book is so good!


I love milk and white chocolate! I just finish reading Purge by Sofia O…. (insert crazy last name). I enjoyed it. Now I’m about to start reading Allegiant and another book for my book club! I hope the book you’re reading is a good one!


Simple answer… ALL OF THE CHOCOLATES :) I don’t discriminate.


Dark chocolate all the way! My wife and I were eating at a Mexican restaurant and had a big bowl of queso with chips as an appetizer. She was handing me her phone to show me a picture and it slipped and fell into the queso bowl! It got totally submerged in queso. The look on her face was priceless. That thing is like a third arm to her. Watching her scramble to the bathroom in an attempt to save it was quite amusing.


It started in March a few years ago. I dropped my iPhone in the toilet. Apparently your back pocket is not a good place to keep it when using the potty. Got it fixed.
A week later I dropped it and got a tiny crack in it.

At the end of April I had a fall while running. Worst fall ever (at that point) and shattered the face of the iPhone.

Thank goodness I waited to fix it because…

Exactly one month after worst fall ever, I fell again. The new worst fall ever. Broke a bone in my hand. Huge bruise on my chin. And my phone did not come out unscathed.

I finally went to fix it 5 months later. My daughter was saying goodby to the receptionist.

“Goodbye. Have a nice day. See you in a month.”

Ha. Ha.


I love pretty much all chocolate, but if I had to choose I think I’d go with dark :)

I’m currently looking for a new book to read, so I’m curious to hear what you think of “What Alice Forgot” — perhaps it will be my next read!


You can save your phone!! My mother in law got hair dye gunk all in hers and we turned it off and did several treatments of Isopropyl Alcohol on it and a day or two later it was good as new… you just have to make sure it dries all the way out before you turn it back on, but the alcohol will break down the gunk stuck in there! good luck!!!! His words “I let a drop soak on the speaker for a minute and then scrubbed it a little with a fine bristle brush then used a hair dryer on low heat to dry it out”


I almost always wake up hungry in the morning….and lets just say, I was not hungry this morning ;) No regrets.

Dark chocolate. Hands down.

Book club is in a few weeks and I don’t even know what book I am supposed to be reading. I should probably find that out :/ One of my all time favorite books is ‘These Is My Words.’ I have recommended it to several friends and it has become one of their favorites too. Always. You should read it.

Last night was the best. Loved everything about it.


Love “These is my words”!


Great book choice! Sad, but a good read :)


dark chocolate all the way!


Revenge is my favorite show, so I think you are a great sister for introducing the show to your sister! I got my husband and several friends watching it too. :-)


Bringing donuts for the class…..who wouldn’t think she is totally awesome!!!!!
Milk chocolate for sure and preferably with peanut butter inside :)!!!!
I want to read that book now….looks good :)


I love dark chocolate! I go for it every time.

No phone incidents yet – although I’m surprised that my phone screen hasn’t cracked yet after the number of times I’ve dropped it. I even stepped on it once.

That burrito looks delish!


I got some water in my phone one time and the same thing happened to it. I took it to the iPhone store and the replaced it! I dunno if it will work for you, but you can always give it a shot!


Dark chocolate all the way! And now I really need to go get froyo tonight.

I’m halfway through the last Game of Thrones book and really struggling to finish – I need a more light hearted read after this I think.


As a mom to two boys and a rowdy 2 year old girl I got the Otterbox cover for my iPhone and don’t regret it. The big thing even fits in my spibelt for running.
Your niece looks so much like u!
Dark chocolate all the way with a small glass of red Pinot or cab☺️


3 Things…
1. Did you know that they now make Sour Patch Kids gum? It’s a true story, I saw it at Target. I don’t even know you and I thought of you when I saw it.
2. Speaking of Target, they aren’t lying when it comes to that book…it is really good. So good that I read Liane Moriarty’s new book, ‘The Husband’s Secret’, which is also quite good. Currently I am reading ‘Help for the Haunted’, also pretty good!
3. I am going to trust you when you say that burrito was delicious. In my opinion you can’t go wrong when you stuff carbs inside of carbs :)
(p.s. I know what you mean about wishing it were Friday for the sole purpose of being able to use alliteration…which got me thinking to what options one has for a post like this on Thursday…maybe “These Things are True Thursday” haha)
Have a great day!


The same thing happened with my iphone over Christmas! Except chocolate melted on it. Makes having a phone call outside my house a bit difficult since it has to be on speaker. :/


I love white chocolate the best but I mostly eat dark chocolate cuz it’s supposed to be good for you and all chocolate is good.


Dark chocolate with salted caramel = heaven. I want it everyday of my life.

I do love white chocolate too though……cookies and cream bars are awesome.


That book ROCKS!! You will love it


I just went to see Gretchen Rubin speak and got a copy of her new book, “Happier at Home” which I am excited to start!


Lots of people have been recommending that book to me, so I’m interested to hear your take on it.

If Cosmo came to my birthday party I’d flip too! I want all my friends to think I’m the coolest!


I love milk AND dark chocolate, but I try to go for dark when I have the choice because it’s better for you. And, I actually read and article the other day that said that white chocoalte is one of six of the worst things you can eat! Of all the unhealthy things out there I wasn’t expecting that to be in the forefront!
So long as I don’t have to give up dark chocolate, I’m good;)


Thanks for asking what people are reading right now. I’m not a book reader. I think the last time I read a book was about 4 years ago (twilight series). I have listened to plenty on cd though. I made a list of few of the suggestions people gave in the comments & maybe I’ll just have to make a new New Years resolution to read more! And I’m a dark chocolate fan!


I’m a dark chocolate fan!


1. Dark chocolate
2. A Walk in the Woods
3. Both of my daughters have drop phones in the toilet. Why do you have it in the bathroom?


Your burrito looked interesting, but the froyo looked great. Definitely the way to go!

I like all chocolate. Milk chocolate is probably my favorite, but dark chocolate is good with wine and white chocolate is good with cookies and cream. :)

My iphone incident was while running. I tripped and fell hard and landed on the phone. Luckily I only cracked the screen!


Somehow I dropped my phone in a pot of water (not yet hot) but it came out unscathed!


Seriously I read all the time and any time I am at a loss, I go for the Target wall. They are rarely wrong. If you need other recommendations, check out buzzfeed’s “16 books to read before they hit theaters.” Lots of good recs there :)

Also, my last iphone I dropped into a puddle and nobody could hear me unless I yelled into the phone. I probably looked like a crazy person until I replaced it…


I am reading “Doctor Sleep” by Stephen King. I can’t read it at night otherwise I can’t fall asleep. He’s my favorite author! :)


I haven’t commented in forever, but I’m still an avid reader!

That picture on the baby monitor is just a tad bit scary!

I dropped my Samsung galaxy into a toilet about a month ago and had the same problem. Then I dropped it at a Pitt football game it completely stopped working. It was awesome.

By the way, I’m still super impressed by your running, and by Brooke. She is so beautiful, and I think you are doing a wonderful job despite the surrounding circumstances. Stay strong Hungry Runner Girl.


Girl, you really took it to the EDGE with that noddley burrito!

Dark chocolate, The Green Mile and once I slammed my iPhone in the tailgate of my car…right up the middle lengthwise. No damage though cuz I have it in an OtterBox. Not sexy but SAFE ;-)


Dark chocolate hands down! I can’t stand white chocolate- it’s like chocolate but without the actual chocolate. It should be called something else so it doesn’t steal the show from real chocolate!

Right now I am about to start the book “The Boys in the Boat”. It’s about the men’s crew team from Washington State going to the Olympics in Germany during WWII. I’ve heard it’s great!

Thankfully no phone incidents yet…. knock on wood!


Oh no about the phone!
Wow. That burrito looks bizarre. And yet I feel compelled to make one for myself.
I like chocolate. Period. Right now I’m reading Eat and Run and Happiness at Home.


What Alice Forgot is a great book! I read it last year and had a hard time putting it down. I am now reading the Lone Soldier (it’s going to be a movie soon) and I love it but it is a very different read for me.

No phone issues yet but I think my current iphone is issuing as the screen keep freezing.

Dark chocolate and milk are 50/50 in my books. I don’t really classify white chocolate as chocolate haha. Now I want chocolate….


Okay, your niece is definitely the coolest ever! So cute :) I’m reading “Waking Up in Heaven” which my husband got me for Christmas as a complete surprise and it is SO good! It’s helping me deal with losing my mom. :) I highly recommend it!!! Next up: Mockingjay, since I just saw Catching Fire and never actually read the 3rd book, I’m back into my Hunger Games obsession! Oh, and dark chocolate, always.



Another blogger I read reviewed that book just yesterday on her blog…

She really liked it! Enjoy!


My phone story:
My husband and I rode our bikes down to the beach and decided to ride out to the end of the pier and see if anyone was catching any fish. He never lets me take his picture so when we got close to the end of the pier, he rode ahead and I tried to balance my bike on the railing and take a quick picture of him. Unfortunately I have the grace of a newborn calf and I dropped my phone and watched it bounce right off the pier and over the railing, where I’m sure some dolphin or manatee is enjoying my 4G network way more than I ever did!


I read What Alice Forgot and thought it was good! It was one of those books that you can’t guess the ending – which I like.

Right now I am reading the final book of the Divergent trilogy. So far they have been good, but I have heard (against my will!) mixed things about the ending.


Are you kidding doesn’t every body LIKE every kind of chocolate period.? I do!

And who is Cosmo?

Phone story…daughter dropped her iPhone on a cement step at the Target Center last weekend (while watching a basketball game) nothing happened….I told her how lucky she was that it didn’t break/shatter. About 10 minutes later a guy down our row got up and needed/wanted to get out….we stood up to let him pass by easily….same daughter forgot her phone was in her lap….luck does not happen twice!! iPhone shattered on the cement step this time….$130 to have it fixed. ;-( Pretty sure its not how she wanted to spend her extra Christmas money.


Dark chocolate first and white chocolate second.
Current read…… new Runners World mag that came yesterday. ;)))


I read What Alice Forgot and really enjoyed it! I also just read The Book Thief, which I would recommend!


yeah, just got a few new ideas for novels to read by skimming posts to see what others are reading. :)


I’m loving dark chocolate caramels with sea salt on top – amazing!


I decided my work needed a chocolate dessert contest and in the description I wrote a diatribe against white chocolate. Because it is not chocolate. And everyone instantly knew who wrote it! But I have developed a strong inclination towards only very good chocolate (i.e. very expensive…). So if you go to Europe, never eat their chocolate or the US stuff just won’t cut it anymore! It’s a sad day when you have to plan for a chocolate craving a week in advance so the mail has time to bring it to you :(

I’m reading classics that I’ve somehow missed, which means I’m now on Gulliver’s Travels. I had been wondering what the different lands’ chocolates would have tasted like, even before this post!

I dumped a milkshake on my Macbook last week. Now it makes an odd noise when I open it and the L and K keys are nothing like they used to be. No worries – no one uses those keys, right? It’s not like I ruined the Z and X keys. Because that would have been a travesty…


I like that book! enjoy!

I love dark chocolate :) mmmmm


I’m actually reading the next book from Liane Moriarty (“The Husband’s Secret”) because I enjoyed “What Alice Forgot” so much this summer. Enjoy.


Love that book. You might read it in 1 day!


I just started reading “Dark Places” by Gillian Flynn. I really liked her “Gone Girl” and am hoping this one is just as good.

Chocolate. White chocolate is not chocolate. It is gross. Now if I’m eating chocolate by itself, I prefer milk chocolate. But dark chocolate is good, too. And I won’t be offended if you offered me some. Aren’t you glad you asked? ;)


When my daughters were toddlers (they are 12 now) they used to like to play with my awesome Nokia 5160 (I think that’s the model number… not that it matters… it’s the old nokia everyone had with the changeable faceplates and the ever-addicting Snake game). Well… one time they were playing with a tube of toothpaste and my phone at the same time.

I’m not really sure how the toothpaste wrecked my phone but it was toast.

I dropped my current phone in the snow a couple weeks ago and now won’t ding when I have a text, I cant hear sound when watching youtube or playing games… but it will ring when someone calls and the alarm works.

So… If someone needs me rightthissecond they have to call me… and I have to answer.

ugh… hate talking on the phone.


There’s a place near where I live that makes those noodle burritos too! I went once when I had a Groupon but chickened out and just got the noodle bowl… haha.

Dark chocolate is my favorite… preferably over 70% cocoa!


I’m a white chocolate addict!


LOVE that book! It is very good! Enjoy :).


I’m reading game of thrones!


Dark chocolate all the way, especially when used to cover bacon :)

Just started “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” by Amy Chua. Interesting parenting perspective.

I haven’t dropped or damaged my current phone but I’m constantly losing it. I have a bad habit of putting it on my bed, or on top of my laundry basket. It took me 20 minutes to find it last week because the dog had moved the blanket on my bed and buried my phone, on silent of course.


I read What Alice Forgot and I thought it was a very charming, thought-provoking and funny book. I hope you enjoy it!

I’m currently reading The Circle Maker and I highly recommend it! It is encouraging and challenging. My sister is going through a divorce and my other sister got our entire family the Circle Maker book to read together to help us in praying with my sister during this difficult time and it has really been a neat experience to read it as a family. :)


I’m reading Daring Greatly by Brene Brown (Its very good!!) which discusses how to be vulnerable in order to be your best self. She has a TED talk you can check out.

I also love milk chocolate.


Noodles in a wrap? That’s genius! Bring on the carbs :D Where did you find such a thing? I’d rather have dark chocolate any day – the more bitter, the better!


I am reading the book thief and shamefully, I am just starting the last hunger games book. I am so behind on reading those. The funny part is they are my favorite so far. I am so dumb.

I love all 3 chocolates. But I think white is my favorite. IDK. I love all 3 it’s hard to choose. You know what I do love? Cookie butter. Waffle love started that addiction for me! :)

My phone is in mint condition and it’s almost 2 years old, thanks to the otter box I purchased with it. Looks brand new, really.


I spilt dressing on my phone once…from then all my pics were blurry….good times. Milk chocolate hands down! I’m reading Mere Christianity (again), still need to finish East of Eden, Little House in the Big Woods to Sophia and the Bible KJV version (6 month plan). I love all of them.


Most of the time I am a dark chocolate girl — because it limits how much I can eat! ha


I loved that book! Let us know what you think.


When my twins were 3 and just diagnosed with autism one of them threw my iphone in the toilet. Dramatically, I took it as a metaphor for my life and had a complete meltdown. How did I get a free iphone replacement? I went into the Apple store with my mum, told the assistant my autistic 3 year old threw it in the toilet and started sobbing uncontrollably-they gave me a new one and bundled me out of the store in about 60 seconds flat…I can laugh about it now…:-)


I am now convinced I am the worst person of all of your readers, but I scanned the comments, and so far nobody but me has looked at Brooke’s picture with the popup book and thought the missing part in the book itself looked a little….phallic. Pardon me as I drag some dirty onto your blog. :-)

That book is supposed to be good! Darn, I guess that means Target really does know it’s stuff. Must be all that targeted advertising they do.


I did think that, too Laura. Kudos for being brave enough to say anything!


I’m reading White Fire by Preston and Child, and I just finished Birdman by Hayder and they are both so good! PS they’re serial killer murder mysteries, I’m really into that genre right now, haha.


-always dark chocolate for me!
-right now I’m reading “Orphan Train” by Christina Baker Kline and it’s really good.
I think you would really love the book “I thought it was just me (but it isn’t)” by Brene Brown!


I don’t have any good phone stories, but I have managed to wash multiple iPods. All of which were left in pockets of running clothes.

I’m in the middle of The Art of Racing in the Rain, it’s mostly sad so far, but I keep reading it for some reason.

Also on an unrelated note: on my run today I had my first (that I can remember) running wipeout. A chunk of sidewalk jumped up into my path and after a graceful skip/hop/stumble, I was on the ground. My first thought was of you and that I wanted to share this milestone with you. :)


Hey Janae – I just got one of the GapFit turtle neck/hoodie tops you featured a while ago on your blog and I love it! So comfortable! Thanks for the recommendation!


I absolutely LOVE dark chocolate!!
I’m reading “Night” by Elie Wiesel. It’s for my English class!
As for phone incidents…I don’t have any to share! :)

I want a burrito now!! :P


a. that picture of Brooke’s monitor is the funniest thing I’ve seen in awhile. I literally laughed out loud!
b. i love love love dark chocolate and milk chocolate… white chocolate not so much.
c. sadly, i’m not reading anything (other than blogs… does that count?)
d. i actually broke my iPhone screen last week and had to pay $140 to get it fixed. so I guess that’s kind of painfully funny? -_-


I’ve heard that supposed to be a good book. Please let us know! I’m reading “The Ha Ha” right now. So far, so good.

Dark chocolate is my favorite. Can’t stand white chocolate.

So many phone incident stories, so little time. Not a broken story, but last night while I was talking to my older daughter, I realized it was time to take my youngest daughter to an appointment. As I continued to talk to her, I grabbed my keys, my purse and was frantically searching my house for…yes, you guessed it….the phone in my hand.


I’m reading Game of Thrones right now – but it makes me so happy to see you reading that book. Liane Moriarty is a good friend of mine, and her books are fab. Hope you enjoy it! Look out for The Hypnotist’s Love Story, which came out between What Alice Forgot and The Husband’s Secret.


The same thing happened to my iphone except that it was a over-excited goldendoodle and water. There are some conversations you do not want to have on speakerphone!
When I called Verizon and talked prices, it seems the cheapest option is to buy a new iphone off ebay but call with the ID number first to make sure it wasn’t stolen. Then when you get the phone, call Verizon back and they will make it work. I’m still reflecting on all the work this entails and haven’t done anything yet.


I looooove Revenge. That is one of my favorite shows that is not reality based.
I’m reading Necessary Lies, and I love it. I’m only like 50 or so pages in, but I look forward to reading because I can’t wait to get farther in.
I love milk chocolate, followed up with white, and then dark.


That book is awesome!! Couldn’t put it down!


Milk chocolate is sooo creamy!
I’m glad you got your sister hooked on Revenge – so good!


I am a white chocolate kind of girl. I don’t have any good phone stories, but my husband has been through a LOT lately. My Brooke wants her own iPhone and argues she should get it because she is more responsible with her phone than her father. He got burned by a 10 year old.

I have been really into reading over the holidays too. It’s one of the things I love about a break from school. I read What Alice Forgot over the summer and loved it. Over Christmas I read Reconstructing Amelia, Ballerina, and Still Alice. I also have to recommend that you check out Mindspeak and Mindsiege. I think you will love them as much as I do, and the author is a really cool girl I was introduced to by a friend.


I just read What Alice Forgot yesterday–all in one day! It’s a great book. I couldn’t put it down! However, not sure it is something that will be great for you to read at this point?

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