Black Ice= 542 points, Janae= -329 points

Black ice is sure sneaky.   Add the sneakiness to the fact that it was way too early to be out and about running and it is a recipe for falling.  

The path seemed really clear and it was only lightly snowing and then boom.  I slid and then my feet went forward and my head backwards.  I stayed on the ground for a few minutes, made Josse take my picture and then when I stood up I felt fine.  I am counting down the minutes until spring time when I don’t have to worry about ice anymore.  

At least we know that my reflective gear works.

(Yes, I am being extra dramatic for the picture)

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7 miles with Josse and then 4 at home until Brookers woke up.  I have to go to California this weekend and I don’t know how much running I will get in so I am trying to fit in some longish runs before I leave.  

I love that there isn’t ice on my treadmill.

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Time for the usual Monday randomness.

1.  A crown, necklace, bracelet and baby doll.  Brooke was in heaven on Saturday.  You can just see in this picture how sweet Brooke is, she was giving that baby doll a very heartfelt hug.

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2.  Chocolate chip waffle topped with bananas and syrup Sunday morning.  Yep.

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3.  What it looks like when you spill a box of Rice Krispy’s at your friend’s house.  Oops.


4.  A reader sent me this picture and said that it reminded her of me and my sister.  I agree.  

Treadmill conversations

5.  A family member has the hookups with getting makeup and so she gave this to me for Christmas. I am having so much fun experimenting with it all.  I really like makeup.  My other Christmas present this year was from Brooke and they were THESE boots because I have wanted them for so so long (and they were on sale)… we are counting them as my birthday present too;)

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6.  I saw this on Facebook and I really am going to do #1 and #10.  

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7. These two food establishments are located in the same store at our mall.  Anyone want to come try a Cinnabon ice cream sundae with me?

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Who was the last person that you went running with?

Makeup… yay or nay?!

What’s on your to do list today?

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I just went running with my sister yesterday…usually I run solo bc not a lot of running friends around when I’m staying with my family but I convinced the sis to come and was SO EXCITED!


I’m coming to Utah in April and you’ll have to give me the food tour of the state while I’m there.

Those boots are gorgeous! I may need them now!

I am helpless when it comes to makeup! I don’t know how to use it at all!


Yay for make up!! Especially when you buy it duty free – feels like such a treat. I’ve not tried Stila, is it good?

I ran with my friends tonight for 2 miles & did a speedy 2 miles after that. All I could manage on a Monday!

To do list: I did splits stretches & tried a new recipe. It’s night time now, so tomorrow’s list = do some writing, some stretching & some chocolate ;)


Cinnabon AND cold stone? I’ll be on the first flight to Utah ;)


Today I took Max to his 2 year check up and then took the car for its oil change. After that I was able to go for a short 3K run before having to pick Max up from daycare.

Technically I run a few laps with my coaching friend before we work out….I run alone 95% of the time. As for make up – I wear minimal makeup but still wear some pretty much all the time.


Last person I went running with was my little brother who never runs and still runs better than me. He’s way faster and can run way longer which makes him way annoying.
Make up is a yay. All the way! Doesn’t have to be much but it still makes everything better.
Today I have to do all the food prep I didn’t get to do yesterday and run 7 miles :)
Happy Monday!


I don’t have anyone to run with :-(

Makeup I wear, oh, three times a year. I’m too lazy to put it on and take it off.

I would definitely try that Cinnabon sundae! Oh yeah. I’ll be traveling all over Utah looking for dinosaur stuff with the family in May after my Ironman, so I’ll be checking out some of those amazing places you have mentioned to eat ;-)


REVENGE!!! I watched last nights episode. I love my trashy tv :)

Brooke’s cheeks are my ultimate favorite.

Once Annabelle spilled a brand new bottle of olive oil all over herself and the floor…probably when she was Brooke’s age. That was the worst thing I have ever had to clean up. It ruined her clothes and I was sad about the $$ down the drain. lol. But I guess at least it was at my own house??

I like #4 and #6 too :) #7 is from the tv show Scrubs. Why do I know that? I need a life.

I need someone to teach me how to do makeup. But it is a yay!

My neighbor across the street is the last person I went running with. I wish it happened more often though. But we are too big of wusses to run outside at 5AM during the Winter. You are much more hard core than I.


I ran a 15K with one of my best girlfriends yesterday – chatting and running makes the miles fly by! The view of the waves at Ocean Beach wasn’t too shabby either. PS – Did you say California this weekend? That wouldn’t happen to include SF would it? I happen to know the best fro yo spot in town (they literally have a huge block of dark chocolate that they SHAVE into your yogurt for you) and would love to catch up!


Nice boots!! I wish I could wear tall boots but I’m so short I have to buy mine in the Children’s section. Brooke looks adorable in that crown hugging her baby doll.
The last person I went running with was my hubby, but it’s been months. My parents were in town and they watched the kids. I love make up! I have a closet full of makeup with drawers for each item. I even have a drawer full of mascara. Nothing much on my to do list thank goodness, because I am exhausted. Izzy didn’t sleep well last night and since we bed share that means I didn’t get any sleep.

Ps. I’ll be praying for you about your Cali trip, I hope it’s for fun and not for sad business.


Love makeup!!


I want those waffles!!


The black ice is the MAJOR reason I do not run outside when it’s like this! I have the grace of a toddler.


I am so glad that you weren’t hurt on your fall.

The last group I went running with was my whole running group yesterday (Sunday) for 15 miles.

I will not subject the world to me without makeup. Besides, I love putting it on and not necessarily looking pretty but feeling pretty :)

My friend who lost someone close to them was on my list today. He needs lots of warm thoughts.

Good luck in California!


Hey just wondering who watches Brooke while you run??


I live at my parents house and run when Brooke is asleep… I give my mom the monitor while I am gone:)


#9 is my favorite. If I had a parrot I would definitely have to do that!

The last person I went running with was me. I am always a solo runner. I don’t know if that means I don’t have any friends, or I just smell really bad during a run so any friends I do have just want to stay away…. hmmm :)


PS: How could I forget – I’m glad you are okay and didn’t hit your head or break anything! Black ice sounds scary!


Brooke looks so sweet with her doll.

Most of the time my only makeup is mascara and lip gloss.


I love Cold Stone! The best. You need a chocolate dipped waffle bowl.


I don’t wear makeup most days because I’m just at home but love experimenting with it anytime I’m going out.

I don’t even remember the last person I ran with! An old teammate I think back in October. Wow, I need to meet runners around here!


We dont have to worry about ice here in Houston… glad you arent hurt!

This post made me hungry and right now I would take a waffle with a cinnabon & ice cream on top. I may have a sweet craving. And that is why I am taking my butt to crossfit tonight. :)


I love that there is no Florida humidity on the treadmill.

Is it strange (or bad) that I’ve never had Cinnabon?

No make up, most days. And I’m heading to the gym for cardio and arms right after dinner.


Haha omg that To Do list is hilarious!! Last person I ran with was my hubby! :) Those choc chip waffles look amaaaazing. I need to make them asap. And YIKES, I’m so glad you didn’t hurt yourself!!! That seems so scary running on black ice! Be careful, girly!



Went running with my sister this afternoon. First day in a few that the roads were clear enough to safely run.
Makeup is sometimes, mascara more often than everything else.
My to do list is almost done because it’s bedtime. I’m just relaxing and making a grocery list for tomorrow because there are some really good sales to bulk up on things for big batches of homemade soup. It requires careful planning!


You know the pills bury cinnamon rolls ?
We make them on weekends for breakfast sometimes and the leftover ones we heat at night with top with a scoop of melty vanilla ice cream. So delicious!!!!!!




I think RoseRunner and SFRoadWarrior were my last running buddies. Over a year ago. *SNIFF* *sobs quietly*

That is SOME skid mark you left there, girlie! I hope you’re okay!

Today I am filling out financial aid forms to meet the Wednesday deadline. With 4 kids in private school, this is really important!


Yesterday I went running with my cousin who just got back from Jamaica! I look so much better with makeup on but I’m just too lazy to wear it (and take it off). Today I had a piano lesson and have basketball practice. So jealous of your Cinnabon and Coldstone! I don’t have either near me!


Oi Vey. Cinnabon and Cold Stone in the SAME store?! I would need to make sure I never drove by. I’d gain 5lbs just by the smell alone.

Last run was with my hubby and son. (sort of, they rode their bikes, I ran).

I love make-up. I don’t wear it all the time, but I’m enamored with what it’s “supposed” to do.


The last person I went running with was my running coach last Monday. I also went running with friends on Saturday morning but we all run at different paces, so we start together, run together for 3 seconds and then we are all separated. I don’t think that really counts as running together.

I love makeup! I always feel complete when I have a face of makeup on, however I hate wearing it when I am exercising as it ends up running everywhere and then I look gross!

It is really hot in Melbourne today (109 degrees), so I made sure that I got my workout done nice and early. I’m having lunch with a friend and then I am staying inside and relaxing. I don’t want to be out in that crazy heat!


LOVE those boots. They have been on my “want” list for quite some time too. The sale might be my sign to get them ;)


My last run was with one of my Cruiser friends yesterday since he couldn’t join us on Saturday morning.

Love the boots! Yes to makeup, especially mascara.


I’m glad you’re ok! And I love that bucket list … I’m doing number one and the time machine one ;)


I absolutely LOVE make-up and could wear different “stuff” everyday, not really caring what I look like. Experimenting is what it’s all about.
I ran with a friend and her daughter on Saturday for 11 of my 16 miles.


It’s been so long since I’ve had someone to run with. I miss having a running partner :( I ran 8 miles today and then walked two. It was about 60 degrees and felt so good.


Yay for ice-free treadmills! :) That picture of Brooke is just adorable!! Also, cinnabon ice cream would be the bomb. I am in ;)


You:) this is what we should do, I have a shirt with a big tiger on it. We should get one of those big boomboxes and wear my tiger shirt and run next to people blaring eye of the tiger:) And warn people of black ice.
BTW- she did hit her head pretty bad, I thought I might have to do CPR;)


I’m not kidding. We are going to Cinnabon/coldstone together. Brooke and Tessie need to meet, and we both need treats!


Name the day!


I last went running with my running coach/best running friend! She is awesome and went to the olympic trials in 08 for the 800m! And I’m not a makeup person at all. I wore it in HS but it irritates my skin and I don’t feel like me with it on.


The last person I went running with was Walter…my ipad. (I am a solo/treadmill runner all the way).
I ALWAYS wear makeup when I leave the house – my eyebrows/eyelashes are so blonde you can’t tell I have them otherwise. (I will pay you to mail me Brooke’s eyelashes). I don’t wear any on the weekends though!
To-do list today is cross train (check), work (check), physio exercises, then dinner and bedtime! Yeah, not very exciting…


That fall on the ice looked nasty! I’m glad you’re ok! I fell twice in one run during Christmas vacation!!!!


The last person I went running with is my sweet friend R – she’s coming back to running after giving birth and I’m coming back after… not being as motivated. It was good to be out together. Most of the time I run alone though due to the hours when I run.
The only Stilla make up I own is a sparkly brown eye liner which I love! I’m actually thinking about trying their mascara. Let me know if you try theirs’ and like it! I’m having a problem with my mascara giving me raccoon eyes by the end of the day (I blame it on the surgical mask I have to wear all day!)


Ooooh that makeup set looks awesome — what a great gift!


Glad you are okay! Ice is no joke! I fell and broke my tailbone in college and it was horrrrrible! Makeup=YAY I could blow so much $$$ at Sephora! Some favorites are Bare Minerals for foundation, NARS blush, Stilla eye liner, Benefit “They’re Real!” mascara!


Sorry about your fall! :( The ice is tricky enough for walking, let alone running. Brooke is the cutest, as per usual.
I vote that you combine ideas 1 & 10 and follow runners around in your car, blasting Eye of the Tiger and eating vanilla pudding out of a mayo jar. They might even hit a new speed goal trying to run away from you…?


Love makeup! I don’t wear it as much as I should but it always makes me feel more put together when I take the time to put my makeup on!


My last running buddy was my BF… but he is too speedy for me! :) My sis-in-law works at Ulta (makeup store like Sephora, not sure if they have them in Utah) and is always giving me free makeup. LOVEEEE it.


I’m glad you are okay!
Brooke is a great gift giver. Love those boots.:)


Ran with my husband a few weeks back.
Cinnabon with ice cream sounds wonderful.
Ice is not my friend either.
My friend put tapioca pudding in a mayo jar and ate it at a sporting event. It was hilarious!


Glad you’re ok! Ice scares me when running! Can I be first in line for the Cinnabon ice cream sundae?? It sounds divine.


I last ran with my dad. But that’s been 2 months probably.

I like makeup ok. I wish I really liked it. I rarely wear it anymore.

I had 6 miles today. And get ready for our trip- that didn’t get done….


I am glad you are okay! At the speed you run you had to ht with some force :( You have style though even down – i love the Brooks jacket. Take care


I always run solo. Had a running partner years ago and loved it but have never found anyone that wants to get up EARLY like me and run. Make up = yes when I am out and about. At home not quite as much. To do list: 5 mile run (done), work (done), cook yummy pork roast for dinner (done) and relax (doing).

I hope you are OK from your fall! Way to get right back up and crank out 11 miles today. This is why I think you are so awesome!


I was in Sundance after Christmas and when we drove down to your area I saw that Cinnabon/Cold Stone and was so sad that it was too early to be open. On a completely random note, you have the best Costco I’ve ever been to!


I ran with my sister-in-law over Christmas break. I wish she didn’t live 2,000 miles away. :(

I finally have figured out makeup. My mom sells Mary Kay so I have a steady supply of the newest stuff.

Today I had to take little man’s glasses in for repair and eat Chipotle. I accomplished both. :)


Awww they don’t have Cinnabons around here anymore but when I was a kid we would get them when we went to the mall. :)


I do group runs on tuesday and wednesday every week, and I am super down for that cinnamon roll sundae.


I’m glad you’re okay from your fall! I fell last year as I splashed through a ‘puddle’ on my run. The ice was disguised as a puddle, and it was dark. :S I laid there for a minute to do a quick check and basically say, ‘did that just happen?’ Then I ran home and avoid puddles at all cost now! ;)

I love the To Do list! #10 cracks me up along with #s 4 & 6! LOL


I like to look like I’m good at makeup but I have never been able to master mascara. So when I became a flight nurse and had to get going quickly in the middle do the night I had my eyeliner tattooed on and started getting lash extensions. Boo yah!


Last run was with my fiancé yesterday. He sped off after 4 miles but looped back to check on me. Luckily we don’t have black ice or I’d be a goner.


My neighbor is my running buddy. We went out for a 5.5 mile run today after work. Temps were a perfect 49 degrees! Have to take advantage of the nice weather when the chance arises. I’m a big baby who only runs when it is not cold and snowy!

Makeup-I love it, but I’m not very good at it. I still like to try! I’m pretty sure I am addicted to mascara. :)

To Do List-so many things that are not getting done. I ended up logging back on to work tonight so cleaning and finishing laundry will have to wait until tomorrow.


Ok, Brooke gets MAJOR points for being the best present buyer ever!! Love the boots. I’m glad you are ok, that is scary to fall on ice. YIKES! The idea of eating pudding out of a mayo jar is hilarious…I would die if I saw someone doing that!


Ha! Love that list. Given unlimited funds, I would have the PIs follow each other. :)


I actually can’t remember the last time I ran with anyone, most of my friends are not runners.

I very rarely wear makeup, partly because I’m not terribly good at it, and partly because I just don’t feel like it. I do like mascara though and one day I’ll find one that doesn’t give me raccoon eyes halfway through the day.


Stila makes the BEST liquid liner. It’s my staple!


I have been experimenting with makeup more and more the past couple of years, but I know basically nothing about how to do it! I am learning little by little!


Who was the last person that you went running with?
The last person that I went running with was my sister, but I usually run alone because it is hard for me to find times to runs with someone. I like playing around and experimenting with makeup, but there are some days where I just don’t feel like putting any on haha. I actually got quite a few things done today: dentist, work, getting baby stuff ready, gym, and I even went to Chick-fil-A….yes that was on my to do list ;)


I do some makeup, but I’m too lazy to do a good job. I’ve realized that I look mighty unprofessional at work these days!


My last run I went with my best friend… After 4 miles we saw my parents running the opposite way! So I ran 1 more mile with my friend and then 2 by myself to catch my mom and dad and then ran 2 more with them! It was also my dad’s birthday so that made me happy! :)
I hope you aren’t too sore from falling! I’ve had a lot of close calls… But luckily haven’t fallen in a while (knock on wood! :)


I ran with my hubby last. I do makeup every day I leave the house. I feel it’s my public service:)


I don’t have anyone to run with :( How have you (or anyone reading!) made runner friends? A few days ago i was running a loop around a small lake and kept passing a woman going in the opposite direction. We smiled and waved each time we passed each other, and i was so tempted to go up to her and ask her if she wanted to be my new running friend, but figured that would be to weird. Any suggestions?


The last person I went running with wasn’t actually a person but my little Dachshund, Hank. He’s really fast and he pushes me to work on my speed. He’s my canine coach.

I love Stila lip gloss, it’s the best, and they have awesome eyeliner too.

My day is almost over but on my to do list is to hug my son, my husband and both my dogs before I go to sleep. It’s a daily to do. 


Does running with my son in his jogging stroller count? I need to find a group to run with :)


Oh my gosh! That to do list had me laughing out loud… too funny! My to do list for this evening involves a lot of Australian Open tennis watching and a large bowl of ice cream! :)


1. that to do list is hilarious!! I laughed so much! #1, #6, and #10 are super legit! ;)
2. I never wear makeup… It cuts my getting ready time down to basically 30 minutes… most of which is my hair… naturally curly gurl here ;)


Who was the last person that you went running with? My training buddy Chris! We did 10 miles on one of my favorite routes on Saturday.

Makeup… yay or nay?! YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY! :)

What’s on your to do list today? Put away laundry.


#10 on that Facebook list cracked me up. A few weeks ago, while running along the Ohio River in northern Kentucky, a car started following me really slowly, blasting Rhianna… I turned around and gave the driver sort of a “you’re a creeper” look, and the car kept following me. When I was almost a mile down the road, the car sped up, the guy rolled down his window, and said, “Honey, you’re running 8 miles per hour!” and sped off, cracking up. Who knows. Sunday entertainment?


wow..CA already??!?!? Well you are classy lady, just remember that!


Yesterday I ran with the other coach at the box before we got to our WOD. My to do list today includes lot and lots of boring stuff at work before heading to coach tonight! I also need a nap!


I sprained my ankle running in the winter because of hidden things like that. Now I refuse to do it, so my treadmill and I are winter buddies.


Does Bungee count as a person? I run with her all of the time. If not, I ran with Mike a few weeks ago, I think.

Ice is a killer. I’m basically terrified of running when there is the threat of ice on the road. I did run in yaktrax the other day, though, and they were amazing! No slipping.


I didn’t go running with a person, but I ran with my dog Hawkeye. He’s an okay running partner…

I heart makeup. I don’t leave the house w/out having at least my eyes done.


Ummmm can I just tell you how jealous I am of your Stila hook up?!


Love the waffles and FB list. Such fun. I would be happy to get a little snow here in the Carolina’s. Then, bring on Summer!


soo glad you didnt crack your head or hurt yourself on that fall! You should get some Yaktrax.

I ran by myself on Sunday. I havent run more than 4 miles in the past 2 months, and I did 6 on Sunday. Felt great doing them, but,oh, I was so sore until yesterday (still a bit sore today). Lesson learned, build slowly! Or, just be more consistent with my running! The weather here in Boston has just been crazy and I just cannot do more than say 2 miles on the treadmill. I try, but just get soo bored/unmotivated.


I bought those boots this fall, (not on sale :() and I LOVE them! They are so much more comfortable than my Fryes. The major thing on my to do list today is make a hair appointment. Fraggle Rock is not a good look on a 31 year old woman!


I spy Revenge!! Addicted to that show and have one more episode before I’m all caught up–so good. And Aiden..swoon. <3

Black ice is horrible. I found a few patches the past few days too.

I would pick the TM too over the ice–especially with that killer setup. Nice new TM, revenge & a fan.


Oooh makeup!! I always love getting new makeup too, I hope you like them all so far!

Omg that black ice… I’m terrified of just walking to my car if there’s ice, much less running!


Yikes – black ice is the worst! So deceiving. I’m glad you were okay although I loved the super dramatic photo! I wiped out on today’s run too but for some reason I’m always so embarrassed when I fall that I try to get up as quickly as possible before someone looks out their window (doubtful in early a.m.!) and sees me.
Last person I ran with was a group of runners on New Year’s Day before doing a polar bear dip. And makeup definite yay :) Love just spending time in Sephora!


Make up=always a yay! I love make up, don’t like the price. I’m glad you’re okay from the black ice, that stuff is tricky!





Cinnabon AND Coldstone together….?????

That has to be illegal


That is a GREAT idea for dessert!! P.s. we need to get together again soon–esp as the weather warms up so neither of us have to drive on black ice. heh.

That makeup looks fun!!!


Last person I went running with was my blend (blog + friend) during the Hot Chocolate 15k!


The last person I went running with was whoever was at the gym when I was on the treadmill.
Makeup….rarely. Special occasions and then it’s a bit of eye shadow, mascara and powder. That’s it.
To do list for today: work. 6 websites to start and finish this month…oy vey!

** Performance apparel for Women. Use the code Expert10 to save at checkout!


Be careful lady! Consider a pair of Yak Trax or maybe you already have some??

FYI — during Cascade Lakes Relay last year, we maybe played Eye of the Tiger when our runner was passing another team. We played it really loud and drove really slow, well if you think 5:45 minute pace is slow. Our teammate is CRAZY!

Last person I ran with was my dog-child Modoc.
Make-up, love it…when I wake up early enough.
To do list: get ready to teach a smoking cessation class tonight. And eat lunch.


I’m doing the Cascades Lakes Relay this year! Would love to hear about it!


Hi Kristen!

YAY! I just checked out your blog (which I love and am insanely jealous that you live in the my favorite Oregon town) and I am so excited you are on a team. CLR is my favorite event I have ever participated in. I have a post about here:

BUUUUT, I’d love to chat it about it more with you and hear what your team name is. Email me if you want :)


Nice picture from a reader! ;) haha.

I would LOVE to come and inhale a sundae…right this minute. Alas, not very practical. Maybe when I get a job as a real nurse in October and save some pennies! I’ve wanted to return to western USA for road trip and horse riding with cowboys since I last went! Ahhh.


Yikes! That is why I hate running outside in winter – ice!

I don’t have anyone to run with so just me, myself and I. And no make-up for this girl.


Cinnabon Ice Cream Sundae? I’m pretty sure if you copyright that you’ll be a millionaire.

My last run was my first ever 5K on Sunday with a group of friends! Finished in 25:07 :)


Makeup YES! I think you should do a tutorial of your makeup routine on the blog, always looks so good!


The last person I ran with was my sister and while we were running I fell an broke my finger. (But I can’t blame my fall on black ice, I was just not paying attention and tripped over the sidewalk)


Brooke is too cute for words. I love the rice Krispy’s just chillin in front of her.
The last person I went running with was my hubby – a gorgeous trail run.
I wear mascara and eyeliner.
On today’s to-do list was a lot of grading!


I want to do #6 from the list! Those are all super funny!


I sometimes wear makeup, sometimes not. Depends on the situation. For example, I never wear makeup to a race, I’m not there to look good, I’m there to kick butt! ;) and I wish there were a Cinnabon and cold stone together where I live. They are two of my favorite!!


OMG. I could never choose between Cold Stone and Cinnabon! I’d just have to go to both!!

I slipped on black ice once….on a completely dry sidewalk except for that one spot that I thought was water, BUT it wasn’t!!! Yup, it was ice. Luckily, I just skated across it and managed to stay on my feet, which is not something I typically do.

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