The perfect stocking stuffers for RUNNERS giveaway!

The plus and minus of not getting up when my alarm clock goes off in the morning:

Minus—>  I absolutely love getting my workout done first thing in the morning and finished before I even really realize what I am doing.  With each minute of the day that goes by I get lazier and lazier and less likely to work out.  

Plus—–>  I got to run side by side on treadmills at the gym with my sister and talk the entire 8 miles.  I wish you guys got to know her in real life because you would then understand why I go on and on and on about how awesome she is.

The reason it looks like I haven’t seen the light of day for months is because I don’t think I have actually been outside in the daylight longer than running from my car to the gym in months.

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Stretching and talking to my brother on the phone at the same time… multi-tasking at its finest.  She really loves it when I take pictures of her without her even knowing.

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I love adding spinach to my soup as it is cooking to get some move veggies in.  I also really love dipping my Wheat Thins into my soup to get some more carbs and deliciousness in.  

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I have a giveaway that may help you during these cold weather months!

Who else does this:


Brooks (not to be confused with Brooke… No, I did not name her after Brooks Running (I have loved the name Brooke since I was a little girl) but it is kind of fun)) is giving away a pair of the Seamless Arm Warmers, the Utopia 3-In-1 Mitten IIs and the Infiniti Headband to one lucky reader!

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The winner will be picked on Friday (12/13/13)!!! 

To enter just leave a comment telling me anything you want!

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One picture of Brook per post is just not enought!!!


I may not live in Utah, but I could use that running gear. It’s snowing right now in NJ!


Ooh I need some cold weather gear for this crazy brutal cold Minnesota winter we’re having! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!


It’s officially winter in Boston today — it’s snowing!


Just started running sixteen weeks ago and love it!


I need some more motivation to get out and run in this cold weather…maybe some new running gear would do the trick :)


I’m not a runner, but the headband and gloves would be great for cold walks!


Brooke with those mittens is just too adorable!


This is my first winter of running :) I had no idea how ill prepared I was…


I love Brooks stuff and I love love love winter running gear. There is something amazing about bundling up and having an awesome run in the cold. Plus, I love running stuff and in the winter you get to wear MORE running stuff. It’s a win win.


Well, I am way down the list, but I thought I might give it a try anyway. Commenting on anything I want. It does get cold here in Texas too, but in all honesty, these wouldn’t be for me, they would be for my wife who just took up running last night!! she is doing the 5K at the Houston marathon. She was complaining…no she was stating that it was too cold. These would help her.


I really want some WARM running rights for these subzero temps we are having in MN right now! Or, I really want for it to warm up into the teens and 20’s, then I wouldn’t need the tights….;-)


I want those plz!!


I need some relatively cute warm clothing to run in especially because it just SNOWED here!


I change the “Alarm” text on my iPhone in the morning to something like “YOU GO GIRL” or “You’re happier when you run” and it is the extra boost I need to get up and run. I’d love some running gear!!


Random thing – I LOVE the name “Brooke” too – after becoming obsessed with One Tree Hill as a teenager:)


Ooooh I am always on the lookout for some cold weather running gear! I ran 7 miles in 5* weather this morning!


I’m drinking a diet coke right now. It’s soooo delicious!


I have been on the search for the right pair of arm warmers FOREVER!! Love these!


Janae, I’ve read a lot of blogs over the last couple years and my life has recently changed (new job, less free time) forcing me to limit my time on the internet. Your blog is the ONLY one I follow now. Why? Because you’re kind, real, and funny. Thanks for this giveaway!


I would love to have any of those Brooks things. By the way Brooke is just a little bit cute, in case you haven’t heard that before, and oh so stylish as well!


Where’s your red hoodie from? I love the color!

I was eyeing those gloves at the running store on Sunday…


I also would love to know where the red hoodie is from! I love the neck/collar.


Snow day in DC! I have no cold weather running gear! Gah! So unprepared.


I wish I had your boston treadmill!!


i just started running and you are such an inspiration to me. Please remember that when you are having a down day :)


Great giveaway! I would love to win these!!!!


Just getting into running. I am NOT a fan of running in freezing temps!
Pretty sure the treadmill and I will have to become friends soon. :)


I love brooks! I want that headband!


Cold weather gear like this is on my Christmas list!! Although Nebraska isn’t as cold as a lot of other places, it’s still tough to handle!


It is so cold here in Kansas right now! I could really use that gear :). I hate when my hands get cold.


I love that headband! This is my first winter attempting to run in the cold and I could definitely use some cold weather gear :)


I love Brooks!!!!!


I love brooks and could use some winter gear. It’s getting cold out here!


Those gloves would be fantastic! I have poor circulation so my hands/arms are always the first thing to freeze on a run!


Wow! What an awesome give-away, and very much needed!


Vacationing in what was expected to be a warm destination. Not the case all! Sure wise I has brought some warm running gear with!


I’m training (only in the 2nd week!) for my first half marathon. I live in Florida, but when it gets “cold” here, this Florida girl is freezing and could use some gear to keep in the heat!


I went for a run in -15 degrees the other day….I could really use some more gear to keep me warm in this cold wisconsin weather!


Love running in the cold as long as I have the right gear on! Gloves are a necessity!


Tell you anything? I think you are an amazing mom and I love how positive you are. That’s what keeps me coming back. I can always count on you for a positive outlook on life.


I have yet to find decent head band/wrap that doesn’t move around, get itchy etc and still covers some of my ears! Maybe this is the one??


It’s feeling a lot like winter in Michigan… could definitely use some new cold weather running gear to help keep me motivated! :)


I would love to win this package. It is starting to get cold here on the Eastern Shore of MD and my ears and fingers are the first to feel the chill. Thanks for sharing!


It is getting colder and I’d love some gloves for running!


Honestly, I just want some time of work to be with my kiddos over the holidays.


I’m 8 months pregnant, and would love some new gear for my daily joddles (jog/waddles)!


Brooks just happens to be my favorite running brand… ever. I could use some warm comfy clothes/ gear to get through this winter!


You and your daughter are in inspiration to me. You- As a mother, as a sister, as a daughter, as a fellow dedicated runner, as a blogger- I look up to you and find inspiration and strength from you. And I don’t even really know you! That’s how awesome you are. Keep on moving forward; a day at a time; and please never stop writing, I love your blogs! And seriously, Brook is the cutest little peanut.

Peace and Happiness for you and your family.


Me too! My first thought about the weather forecast is how it will effect my runs every day while I’m training for my first marathon. I am 56 and this is so hard for me. I am determined not to miss a single run so I will know I did everything in my power to make it happen. You are an inspiration to me every day!


It’s pretty cold here in Missouri!


Brooks are the ONLY sneakers that I can run in that don’t kill my chronically terrible knees. And my birthday is on Friday the 13th, what a great gift this giveaway would be!! :)


That was exactly my thought this morning as I looked at the weather for the rest of the week.
P.S. this is the first time I’ve commented and I’ve been reading your blog for 2 years.


It was 33 degrees this morning when I woke up, I could use some cold weather gear.


I love the 25 days of Christmas idea! I think that’s a fabulous tradition that you and your daughter can share together. She will always remember the fun things you do with her. :)


I need a case for my iPad!


So true about the weather forecasts, it has been cold and raining which means I have to run indoors. I can’t handle both the rain and the cold.


Oh my goodness, Brooke is too cute with the the gloves!


Oh my! I NEED that cold weather running gear for running here in Wisconsin!


Now that I am actually running in the winter, I need some winter gear!


Pick me pleeeeeeease…. I’m out of a full-time job, am nursing a knee and IT band injury, and I’m trying to figure what which way is up!! I could use a little holiday cheer and gear…. :(


I would love anything to help me get through the winter, and I would love to try some of Brooks shoes! (not to be confused with Brooke’s shoes, they wouldn’t fit). I’m also interested in the arm warmers- never used anything like that before!

Love your blog and Christmas traditions- stay warm!


I want to have all my Christmas shopping done by the end of the week!


I love your blog!


I would love some warm clothes for running to help get me out the door :)


I love your blog posts. They really help keep me wanting to run in the frigid temperatures outside. Have a fantastic day!


This gear is almost as adorable and awesome and Brooke’s wardrobe!


*as* Brooke’s wardrobe!


“You know you’re a runner if…” That’s the truth! It was sad to look at my forecast and see 24 degrees this week (TN) So ready for the spring! I know… already:)

Would love some new running gear!


Ummm just so you know, you have really inspired me (aka made me feel like I’m just whining so get up and run) by getting up early and making your runs happen when it’s ridiculously cold outside! I just moved to San Luis Obispo, CA from PA last week, and the 30 degree morning weather had me wincing…pff doesn’t even compare to UTAH!!! :) thanks!!


Brooke looks like she is loving those gloves. I would (almost) feel bad winning and taking them away!!!


It’s snowing like crazy here in DC! Those mittens look great!


I want that headband. I’ve been looking for a new headband for running!


Spinach in the soup is great idea, I need to try that! And Brooke is so adorable as usual!


I learned the hard way on Saturday when I took off for a run that ended 1.5 hrs after I had intended it to with falling temps that gloves are a really good thing!! I’ve been using my ski liners, which just aren’t cutting it anymore!! plus, they go back to the mountain soon :(


I’m running a half on the 21st and that headband would be awesome to keep my ears warm!


I agree- if my workout doesn’t happen early in the day, the chances that it’ll happen at all diminish as the day wears on! :)


I could really use some mittens these days! And I love your blog, you inspire me to run more!


I’m a baby when it comes to cold weather, so these would be perfect!


I am the same way, looking at the forecast and wondering if I’ll be able to run haha Actually heading to Vegas this week and I might be mostly excited to run outside again in 50 degree weather out there as opposed to the single digits we’re rocking in Nebraska.


I need a good pair of winter running pants.


I love you and your blog and Brooks. I also think it is funny that you had to explain that you did not name your daughter after a brand of athletic equipment.


It is so awfully cold here in WI, love Brooks winter gear!


Awesome giveaway! I just got my first pair of Brooks (Ghost – I call them my Caspers!) and I am in love now with the entire company, plus I love that their slogan is Run Happy. I’ve loved the name Brooke for a long time too, but if I have a daughter I want to name her Samantha Madeline (Sam for my dad who died when I was 11, Madeline after my mom) because I think it would be pretty cool. I hope you have a great day!


that headband looks nice!!!


I WISH I could be a morning runner! Try as I might, I just have always been an after-work kinda girl. It’d be nice to get it out of the way and start my day with a run, but that draw is not enough to get me out of bed an hour earlier. Maybe some day!


I really want that infiniti headband to match the Brooks jacket I am hoping to get for Christmas


Today I had to run on a treadmill becuase 5 degrees was just to cold this morning…I played treadmill pace games and it went by quickly!

And yes, My first thought when i check the weather is when will I run!


I looooove the mittens!!


I need everything that is cold weather gear for running. In PA we are getting so much snow so far this season!


Love your blog. You are inspiring me to run more indoors, which I really don’t like to do. Thanks!


Please enter me! The mittens won’t look as cute on me as Brooke but I’ll try to do them justice! :)


Wisconsin winters are awful – I need more clothes because I wore everything in my closet on this morning’s 9 degree run and was frozen. Plus, your sister needs to start that blog!


I’ve been seeing a lot more of my treadmill (AKA “dreadmill”) this winter here in Pennsylvania. Now that I’m pregnant, I don’t want to risk running in the dark on ice! I am super proud of myself for finishing 3 half marathons while pregnant, but it’s getting tougher for me in the cold especially as I get bigger and more clumsy. Maybe with some of that awesome Brooks cold-weather gear though, I might be more motivated to get outside. ;)


I actually like running in the winter cold better than running in the summer. Am I crazy? :)


Cold day in South Central KY!!! Kids are out of school today, you would die laughing if I showed you how LITTLE amount of snow we got and the kids are out!! Especially compared to the amount of snow you have measure in feet; today our’s is measured in dusting!!


I need mittens and I’m too lazy to buy them!


Its snowing in DC today. Perfect snowball weather :)


What I need is motivation to run in the cold. Most my running has been confined to the treadmill lately. These items would definetly help me out!


I just had my wisdom teeth removed so I am jealous of your crunchy wheat thins and your treadmill time. :P


Hi – I have a marathon in January and some new Brooks would be fantastic! Stay strong through the holidays and remember your fans love you!


I am a new runner so I don’t have any of this awesome gear (yet!).


It really makes me happy to see another runner get the same joy from eating ice cream and other goodies as I do!


Treadmill running. I’m so sick of treadmill running. Why does it have to be so stinkin’ cold!!! Maybe I should fly to one of my sisters and run on a treadmill next to them, it would make it much more bearable.


Love your blog every day!!


I absolutely love your blog! As a new runner who completed my first half in October I need some cold weather gear! :)


I have been struggling to get motivated in this cold weather. I think some new accessories might do the trick :) if I win them, I HAVE to use them. Thanks for the giveaway


Winter running gear, yea!


I would LOVE the mittens!!! OMG my hands are always SO cold when I am running outside! :)


I swear, I never used to check the weather obsessively, until I started running!


I’d love to win! I love that you are so close to your family & that you & your sis workout together:-)


Brooke with the Brooks mittens is too cute! Yay for snow everywhere! It’s currently snowing here in Mass.


I love Brooke’s face in the photo. Adorable!


Um, I want that jacket you’re wearing on the treadmill….. So cute!!


So jealous of all the snow you’re getting! I say that now, but I bet if I had that much snow, I’d start to hate it.


I wish my sister lived closer so we could hang out like you guys do!


I want it all! How cute!


Brooke looks super thug in that photo! You made me so jealous taking about sibling working out- my little bro and I do that, bc we’re better at different things! I motivate us during longer runs and he takes care of psyching me up during weights workouts!


I need all of this, but especially I need the arm warmers! I am freezing in LA right now!!! Brrrrr!!!


I love cheetos! That is one reason why I need to run during the winter :-D


I need some cold weather gear! The Dallas marathon was supposed to be my first, and it was canceled due to bad weather :( Texas has no idea how to deal with ice!


Arm warmers! Thanks for the great giveaway.


those mittens look awesome for winter snowy runs!


The quote about the weather is so true! I told myself anything under 20 degrees and I won’t run outside. This week it hovered at 20 degrees, so out I went! Love the quietness of cold mornings! :)


Running on the treadmill today. Too much snow on the ground to run outside!


Love hearing about the great relationship between you and your sis! Thats awesome you two have each other.


We got snow in Washington state today (and a lot of hills that people cant navigate) – warm running gear would be amazing!


I’d love all 3 items!


I need winter gear so BAD!!!!!!!!!!


I could never run in that cold! My ears begin to hurt when I run outside if it is below 50 degrees. I’m such a wimp!


I could use some new winter gear! Central Illinois is freezing and windy right now!!! I think that saying sums up my thoughts exactly, for each season!! I love it!


I want workout gear to motivate me to get outside and run! Being a new mom, I’m having a hard time leaving my little one at home, plus this CRAZY ice storm in Texas has made it impossible to run outside the past few days!


I’m just North of you in North Ogden, so I’d love some cold weather gear!!


I need that running gear. Its snowing and freezing here!


Your blog is the best. That’s all.


Oh I like them all! However, I think I’d have to go with those mittens!


this is such an awesome giveaway! thanks for hosting it. :) crossing my fingers!


i love christmas.


What a fun giveaway, thanks for hosting it!! Fingers crossed!


Oooh! Sounds awesome. I am almost finished with PT and would love to be able to treat myself to some fabulous running gear! Of course, finally being able to run after 5 and a half years of injury is treat enough:)


I’m always on the lookout for a comfy headband to accomodate my large head! :)


I got frostbite on my nose during a Reindeer Run 5k last Saturday. I have decided to re-name the race the Rudolph Run since my nose is swollen, bulbous and red. When I wear the novelty antlers I received, I look like I should be leading Santa’s sleigh. I hope it goes back to normal and I will never run in sub-zero temps again.


I have never been a runner. But I’m slowly becoming one. I need gear!


Posting to win! Normally I just read without comment.


All I want for Christmas is warmer weather. -12 here in Chicago today. Brrr! Though, that awesome package would certainly help! :)


Reading about your winters makes me feel like I should stop complaining about mine! I’m finding it hard to get up for my early runs once it gets below 40. Lame, I know.


oooooh that looks AWESOME! ever since you started sporting your super-wide headbands, i’ve been on the hunt!


I would love to win! I’m on a running break due to pregnancy complications but I know I will be right back at it in 8 months!


Super nice stuff, I’d LOVE to win! Thanks for chance. Thanks also for keeping me motivated to get out and run :)


I am loving the look of those armwarmers! So functional!


I totally think the same thing when I see the weather forecast-which is why I got a treadmill this year-life changing!


thank you for being such an awesome role model for me janae :) your optimism makes me realize i can get through anything! have a wonderful day! :)

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