A genius idea and exhausted at the track.

Brooke laughed so hard at herself yesterday whenever she would do this with her pencil.

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Just pretend this is our 2013 Christmas Card mmmkay…   maybe for my Christmas Card to you next year I won’t be wearing sweat pants and maybe I’ll even brush my hair that day or something but most likely I won’t.

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Normal Sunday family dinner.  I figured out last night that I must be allergic to ham… the last 3 times I have eaten it I always feel sick right after?!?  Weird.  

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Not sick enough to pass up a See’s Candy though.   I take the selection process very seriously. 

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I guess I also wasn’t sick enough to skip out on making cookies.  

Brooke is saying with her eyes: ‘Step away from the cookie dough and no one will get hurt.’  

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I wanted to make THESE adorable cookies but made the genius decision to try the Dove Peppermint Bark in the middle of the cookie instead of the Hershey Kisses.  I’m telling ya… you’ve got to try this.  At least just buy a bag of this peppermint bark.

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Brooke’s Christmas present is here…  any guesses?!?

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And then I ended the night with The Grinch at a friend’s house.   I am really going to be sad when December is over.  

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And for the last picture of the morning…  Brooke was exhausted after her first lap at the indoor track on Thursday.

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I used to do the same thing at the end of my track workouts.


I wrote this post really late last night (hence why it really doesn’t make any sense) and as I was brushing my teeth I had the genius idea to ask you what brand of toothpaste you use?!?!

-Colgate.  It is by far my favorite.

Parents:   What did you get your kid(s) for Christmas this year?

See’s Candy—>  What is your favorite?


Did you send out Christmas cards this year?

-If you answer yes to the above question…. where is mine?

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The first thing I do when I get home from school (aka tomorrow) is make the Christmas cards for my family. The rest of them forget to do it so I have to take matters into my own hands and make it myself! They’re usually a bunch of random pictures of my brother and I running, playing lacrosse, etc. since we always forget to take any at family functions. I don’t think I’ve ever had a See’s candy. I should change that…


I think Brooke’s present is a Kidcraft doll house. If not then they use those boxes for a ton of toys. We ordered one for my 3 year old and that is exactly what it looks like! Ours came in the mail last week and its so heavy!


Using the Dove peppermint bark chocolates is GENIUS. I don’t think my family has ever sent out Christmas cards but once I have kids of my own I think it would be nice to do something like that :)

My favorite toothpaste is the Crest Glamorous White or something like that.


I love See’s! The caramels are the best by far :-) I used to hate mint and chocolate combinations but lately I’ve been craving Andes mints like nobody’s business and I saw that they made that Dove and was super excited! We had Christmas with my inlaws yesterday and there was peppermint fudge that was to die for. Yes we just got our Christmas cards too! Have a great Monday my beautiful friend!


She’s so stinking cute! I wanted to do a Christmas card so bad this year since my daughter is one but I just never got to it. Next year, right?
I love sees candies. So delicious. They should be available in malls year round.
That track looks pretty neat. Must be a cold climate type of thing as I haven’t seen that in South Florida.


Aw that would be the cutest Christmas card. I couldn’t even tell you were wearing sweatpants! I brush with Arm and Hammer Baking Soda toothpaste. Apparently the old wives’ tale that brushing with baking soda is good for you is, in fact, not an old wives’ tale…it’s just true.


Fun fact… My sister is a graphic designer for a national card company. She designs the cards for so many celebs and has their actual mailing addresses! Good thing we aren’t stalkers! ;). Due to her job i get my cards for free and am used annually as one of their sample cards in their paper and online catalog!


Good thing my sister doesn’t have that job cuz I would totally be a stalker. :)


We are still working on our Christmas cards. I have the picture, but I need to decide on what it will say.

I’m guessing Brooke’s gift is a play kitchen!…


I’m a Crest gal…sometimes I switch it up to Arm & Hammer, but only when I’m feeling fiesty.

I actually haven’t done Christmas Cards for years. One year I got so stressed out at holiday time I figured something had to go. When I realized I could get away without sending cards- I never sent them out again. I feel like such a grinch for saying that.

Brooke’s present is….a kiddie treadmill?


I actually gave it up a few years ago, too! At first I felt horrible but now I am actually glad I let it go. Now I can focus on the things I love (baking, shopping for gifts and wrapping gifts) and not feel stressed!


I guess your card is among the 100+ in a stack that I still have to address and that I’m kind of freaking out about. Of course, it’s much more fun to read and comment on friends’ blogs than it is to address envelopes! :-)


Sensodyne- not glamorous at all. But if I want to eat all of the ice cream and drink all of the coffee- it is the only choice.

No cards yet…. I might order them today. It counts if they get there before Christmas, right???


1. Crest- regular paste

2. Little People Christmas train and 2 books. (We keep Christmas to 3 or fewer presents, as her birthday is 20 days before. 3= gifts from the Wise Men connection. It helps us to balance everything and not go present crazy all month!)

4. No. We’re sending out e-cards to be more environmentally friendly.


That’s tragic!! Ham is my favorite deli meat. I’ve actually had it the last 5 days for dinner. I hope it’s not ham!


Colgate, my kids use Toms mint flavor primarily because my oldest is not into the bubble gum kid flavors of toothpaste!

Our big gifts for my two girls- for my oldest the Lego Riding Camp (thank you coupons and gift cards), and my youngest a small keyboard and lego duplos blocks. I did get her the only thing she asked for from Santa- hello kitty pjs! Normally we only do 1 or 2 items, I think I did more this year. I may have to save some for another time! Of course stockings don’t count, maybe I need to get them bigger stockings, ha ha!!!


Those cookies look delicious! That picture of Brooke guarding the cookie dough is hilarious :)


Brook’s present: 1. A child size and child friendly treadmill 2. A giant ice cream maker (but really a present for both of you)

p.s. colgate is the only way.


I’m a Crest girl. I haven’t had See’s in quite a while but I remember liking something with marshmallow and honey(?) I want to send you a Christmas card!


I’m still waiting for our Christmas card to come in the mail. They might be late going out this year…

Did you get Brooke a toy kitchen??


Our son is graduating to a bike with pedals for Christmas this year, and our girl asked for (surprise!) another baby doll :-)

Scotchmallow is my favorite See’s Candies piece too, though I’m also a big fan of their peanut butter patties and molasses chips… I ordered myself a 2 lb custom box for my stocking… (and a box for my husband’s stocking, though he only gets 1 lb because it will take him 9 months to eat it…)

I’m still awaiting delivery of our Christmas cards… they’ll likely get out sometime this month, hopefully postmarked before Christmas.


I skipped Christmas cards again this year – I feel like they’re mostly used for family pictures now, and since I don’t have kids, we just start looking like creepy old people.


I got my older one a camera and Play-doh and I also got him some underwear for his stocking since we’re starting potty training over the Christmas break. The younger one got a little car, some boats and some blocks. However, they got a gigantic playhouse from their aunts and uncles and a train table from Grandmom and Grandad so we kind of lose the best gift contest.


Those cookies look so good! I make peanut butter cookies with a peanut butter cup on top every Christmas… mmmm.

I have no idea what we are getting our son for Christmas. He’s only 3 months old so won’t have a clue what’s going on but we want to get him something special.


I use Colgate! And is her present a little kitchen??

This morning I had a really difficult (for me) run on the treadmill. I always struggle on the treadmill, to the point that I dread it the whole day before I have it planned. I know most of it’s mental, but do you have any tips on that? If I dread a run does that mean I’m pushing myself too hard or does that mean I just need to build up mental strength?

P.S.-Thanks for your daily inspiration! I really look forward to your posts. (:


Don’t do anything you dread! Exercise that’s worthwhile is supposed to be something you enjoy- what’s the point of forcing you to do something you hate?

There’s a million other ways to be happy in this short life- why spend a single second dreading the treadmill when you truly don’t have to?


You’re absolutely right, there’s no sense in pushing myself past where I’m comfortable if I’m miserable. I’ll tone it down a notch so I’ll be able to look forward to my runs again. Thanks for the advice! :)


I’m a Colgate girl too.

I had the bright idea this year to make own Christmas cards doing stamping and fancy paper, etc. It took up SO much of my time and was way more expensive than store bought cards but they do look pretty cute.


Love the Christmas photo! And brushing hair is over-rated.

We had to move unexpectedly (this weekend) so we spent all our savings on new deposits and moving expenses so have not money for Christmas presents. Luckily we had already bought Evan a piggy bank and a Melissa and Doug wooden farm train – so he at least gets two small gifts. He is only one so he won’t notice too much…and we are going to Grandma’s for Christmas and I’m sure she bought him some presents too.

I sent out Christmas cards, it’s one of my favorite things to do. If you send me your address I’ll send you one. They are our best cards yet!

I use Crest toothpaste – always have and always will. Except sometimes I use prevident, the prescription toothpaste, because at one time I was getting a lot of cavities.


I use Colgate. :) And I usually send out Christmas cards, but this year I got lazy. :/


I sent my Christmas cards a couple weeks ago. Last year they were late though.


Mmmm those cookies look delicious!

I don’t know if that box is going to fit in Brooke’s doggy stocking ; )


Is the surprise present a tiny treadmill?


Unless there’s a personal message I don’t care all that much about christmas cards. I’m going to skip sending them I think.


I use pronamel! I’ve never sent out Christmas cards… maybe one year I’ll get fancy and do it!


Aww my 2 year wore that same dress to church yesterday! And they both look adorable in it :)
Is Brooke’s present a kitchen? If so, my kids LOVE theirs. They “cook” all day long!
This is the first year I haven’t done Christmas cards but only because I’m doing birth announcement cards right after Christmas. Too much effort to do both!


I think it is a toy box with her name on it! My sister sent one for my daughter and it’s in the exact same box, but I saw an earlier commenter say that it could be a doll house so I’m probably wrong!


The look on Brooke’s face as she guards the cookie dough is PRICELESS! One of the best photos of her, ever! :^)

I detest all toothpastes except AIM. And I am in big trouble, because the stuff is getting harder to find.

Is Brooke’s gift a dollhouse?


I love all se


You are the second blog post I’ve read today to mention sees candies. I never heard of them before today, guess I need to try some ASAP! I did send out Christmas cards. Looks like I need your address! ;-)


I switch toothpaste all the time, not loyal to any particular brand. This year we got Izzy a little house, kitchen and all the little appliances to go with it. Troy got a new tv and some games for his xbox.

I think you either got Brooke a trike or a kitchen in that box :)


Oops guess the iPhone wanted to send that before I could finish writing that I love all sees candy ha


I kind of can’t believe that there are only 9 days left until Christmas. Like… what? I remember Christmas taking -forever- to get here when I was little, but now it seems to come and go at the speed of light. Also, Brooke’s face is pretty much how I look when someone tries to interfere with my baking. Don’t mess.


Barbie dream house, Disney Cars die cast cars and Mack trailer, clothes and IPod touch? We are still discussing the IPod. My hubs got boots and bindings for his

I love mint chocolates and chocolate caramels in general.


We sent out Christmas cards this year, I love sending them because it just seem so Christmas like! I use Colgate as well and could never switch!


I sent out a card but it didn’t have a picture – haha it would be weird to send a picture of just myself! And you didn’t get it? Hmmm must have gotten lost…

And I LOVE the Grinch! My favorite Christmas movies are Elf, Home Alone, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and The Santa Clause!


I use all kinds of toothpaste I don’t stick with one brand


That picture of Brooke with the cookie dough is hilarious. It really does look like she’s thinking that! I use Toms toothpaste and like it!


Another cookie I will have to try! I made the hot chocolate ones, after seeing them on your blog, for the run club Christmas party and they were a huge hit. None left over! I loved them, and I’m not a cookie person really!

Is it bad that we have yet to buy our daughter a Christmas gift? We figure at 2 1/2 she has no recollection of who got her what, and she gets an obscene amount of gifts already from Grandparents (my Dad is really good at making sure he gets things we would like her to have/have room for/are appropriate for her current interest) that it leaves us not really needing to get her anything. We do put a lot of effort into the experiences of the Holiday Season and try to make it special that way. We feel like the first 2 to 3 years she isn’t even going to notice the To:, From: stickers on the gifts so we have opted out until she is a bit older.


I watched the grinch last night too. I love that one!


I feel as though I’ve done nothing festive and it makes me incredibly sad. This includes getting Christmas cards for anyone. I kinda miss the academic calendar and that month off right around now…


I haven’t even bought one christmas present yet. It was Max’s second birthday this weekend, and therefore I feel like he doesn’t really need any more toys. I might get him a new truck or train – that is about it. He isn’t going to know the difference – and the grandparents are still getting him gifts anyways.

I like Crest toothpaste! I don’t know how you do things while brushing your teeth – I make a mess out of myself just brushing!


Crest or Colgate, whichever is on sale.

I bought my son several electronic thingys he wanted which were ridiculously expensive but it’s okay because we have 2 celebrations that day, Christmas and his birthday!

I cannot be forced to choose one see’s candy, I choose all of them.

I have been bad and not sent my cards yet this year, but I’ll be doing so today.


I absolutely love Brooke’s face with the cookie dough, she is definitely guarding that stuff.
I use Sensodyne, my teeth are very sensitive that I have to use warm/hot water or the cold water makes them hurt. I’ve tried everytime I go in to get my dentist to fix it, and everytime he tells me he can’t.
Ah!! I need to watch the Grinch!!
Love all the coffee chocolates :)


I’m a Colgate fan too, but now we just buy the Kirkland Signature brand at Costco since it’s cheaper!
We didn’t get much of anything for Hunter to be honest! Grandparents are getting him a ton of stuff, and since he’s only 8 months old, he won’t know what’s going on anyways. ;)
Favorite See’s candy: their fudge!
I loooove Christmas cards! I get so excited to check the mail each day to see if we got any!


I was going to send Christmas cards but never got around to it. We are going to take a Christmas picture, guess I’ll just have to make sure I get home for Christmas to tell everyone Merry Christmas from us! :)

Can’t wait to see what you got Brooke for Christmas!


I’m going to guess a kid kitchen from Costco. If so, she will love it! My daughter received a pink one from Santa when she was two and loved it. Then my son, who is three years younger, loved it even more! We got great use out of ours and it was still in great condition that we sold it. Great brand! Just FYI, IKEA sells great play pots and pans.


Ummm… A play house? Ooh or I like the idea of a play kitchen.

Eh, I haven’t sent out cards in years. Maybe when I hopefully move to Oregon. :)


I use Sensodyne. I’m addicted to it!

It’s my last Xmas before I start buying kid presents! My big Xmas present is for the baby though!

We’re doing NY cards instead of Xmas cards. I was worried they wouldn’t come in fast enough for Xmas, but then they came in about two days after I ordered them!


I would love to send you and Brooke a holiday card! Email me your address! [email protected]


Ive watched Grinch so many times this season and still can’t get enough! Still need to watch Elf though…


You had me at ‘peppermint bark’. Seriously, must go find TODAY!
(I make peppermint fudge or brownies every year but I’m thinking this is a required baking purchase if I can find it!)

You are one step ahead of me too, I haven’t even gotten a decent picture of me with the kids this year at all, so your quick picture is 100% better Christmas Card than me :)

Rembrandt-whitening version!


I’m a total sucker for packaging so we use whatever looks fun at the store at that moment…right now it’s some foaming thing I think! Haha.


Crest Pro Health.

I built my daughter a giant doll house as her main gift.

My son (who is turning 7 two days after Christmas) is getting a kayak. He LOVES to kayak and is very good at it (not rapids, rivers and lakes)


Hmmm… If you don’t get sick when you eat pork in general, I wonder if you are allergic to a preservative. Maybe try an “all natural” or organic ham… so not to give up the ham!


Why does Brooke do the funniest faces?! Hahaha, love the cookie dough picture! ;) I hateeee mint/peppermint so I use strawberry toothpaste! #weirdo


hahah that little babe already working out hard!


I think you either got her a dollhouse or a kitchen! I hope it is a kitchen because my 1 year old certainly loves hers!

For my daughter we got her an easel with all of the supplies. Her birthday is a month after so we just stick to one big gift for christmas and then see what her relatives give her and for her birthday we give her whatever is missed.

My parents are getting her a tunnel that I am SO excited about though!


I have never heard of See’s Candy before? We sent out Christmas cards… my first year not doing homemade and honestly, it felt good! It was quick and easy. :)


I love the scotchmallows and the scotch kisses also….so yummy. Did Brooke get a kitchen? If so, my kids love theirs and at least one of them has played with it daily for the past 2 years. It is nice to have my kids make broccoli and lemonade soup for me once in a while :) They tend to make up some pretty odd dishes :) Oh, and I use colgate.


I ordered Christmas cards and they still haven’t arrived yet. I have decided that some people might just get theirs a little late. Better late than never, right?


I send Christmas cards every year!! It has become a tradition where we get family pics taken and share them with everyone through the card. It’s fun!!

I’m guessing Brooke is getting a great big doll house for Christmas!! Am I right?


That picture of brooke is priceless with the cookie dough! Love it!!!


I love Scotchmallows!!! They are also my fav :)


I haven’t sent my Christmas cards yet!!! Ugh, still waiting for them to get here! I was kind of late this year oops. A lot on my mind. And YES to Scotchmallow! By far the best See’s, ever.



Ok you had pictures of 2 of my favorite things in this post. Dove Peppermint Bark. I think I have purchased 10 bags. I also love See’s candy. We went on Saturday to pick our own box for Christmas. It is surprising that I have not ate a piece yet. Love any caramels and the toffee.

We are taking a New Years pic when we are all together. My daughter is in Boston for school and will be home in 6 days!


So my husband gets a 2 LB box of See’s every year from one of his suppliers. They ALWAYS send out ‘nuts&chews’ but my husband has an aversion to nuts. He does the whole ‘take a bite and put it back’ thing until he finds one he likes. It’s an excellent example to set for the kids. I love Brooke’s dress. I keep almost buying it for my youngest every trip to Target. And I’m only sending out one card this year…it should be there before the 25th ;-)


haha I am feeling the same way about running around the track. This cold weather kills my running!
I did not send out Christmas cards this year. I am usually all over it but didn’t feel the urge to do it this year.


I LOVE peppermint bark SO SO much. I have no toothpaste preference.

Weird about the ham, I feel sick EVERY time I eat lox, so I don’t eat lox anymore. Maybe it’s the preservatives?


I think I use Crest PRO Health, not 100% sure though. Or I’ll buy whatever is on sale LOL!


The Grinch and Elf are two of my favorite Christmas movies – this holiday is easily my favorite of the year! :)


I use the 3D white toothpaste because I want 3D white teeth I think. My landlord just dropped off a big box of See’s Candies so when I finish gobbling them all up I’ll let you know which is my favorite.


I love it when kids get hysterical laughing! Have you seen this video of the baby completely beside himself laughing at ripping up paper? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqkdw8-D0wY Love it!! And your posts on cookies etc have inspired me to start baking in 2014! My family and friends might not thank you for that though! lol


I love Crest with Scope… I’m a tooth brushing fanatic. 10+ times a day. My parents took me to a psychologist when I was 3 because they thought I had OCD I brushed my teeth so often.


i have started my cmas cards…and there they sit…in a neat pile on my dining room table-anxiously awaiting to be mailed out….and there is NO time to send them, its terrible!! where does the time go???


I’m allergic to pork! It’s such a bizarre allergy, and doesn’t really affect me much. I randomly found out when I had an allergy blood test when I was having a lot of stomach problems.


I think you got Brooke a play kitchen!
We use Colgate here (kiddos use Colgate or Crest)
Have never tried See’s candy (yes, you can feel sorry for me and send me some free samples).
Kids presents…. 13 yr old girl: guitar/guitar lessons, Breyer horse….11 yr old girl: video making computer software (she’s BIG into photography and movie making), planner, memo board, address book, pretty pen (she’d be in a heaven in an office supply store) =)……10yr old girl: ukulele, heart shaped locket, critter cage (this girl has been HEAVILY into bugs for the last 3 years)….8 yr old girl: a ‘real’ looking baby and a glockenspiel…..5yr old boy: a TON of Thomas the tank engine and Daniel Tiger stuff =) We still have 9 days so I’m sure a few more things will get added to each persons list =)



No kids but we got a ton of stuff for nieces and nephews including spirograph (loved that as a kid!), CSI fingerprint kit, chemistry kit and more.

We sent out homemade cards this year. There was a deer who popped up in the bushes and it looked so funny, we took its photo with a cheesy saying of “Merry Christmas from Our Neck of the Woods”. LOL.

Bordeaux is my favorite Sees candy. Hade one of those yesterday while shopping. They also have awesome dark chocolate hearts around Valentines day. Mmmmm.

I made your s’mores chocolate chip, graham cracker, marshmallow bars the other day. They were awesome except they kind of stuck to the pan. Anyone have a remedy?


I still do what brook does at the end of my workouts! No shame.

& my new mission for the day is to find that peppermint bark! That looks so festive & delicious.

We ordered Christmas cards to mail out for the first time ever…but they still haven’t arrived & when they do I’ll have to find time to address them with a 10 week old around…so our friends & family may not get them until February. NBD


Only one I love is Crest Sensitive!! It’s magical I swear.

I haven’t sent out a card in 3 years….I feel every one knows what every one is up to these days through Facebook…and the Christmas letters are becoming waaay to ” Let me Brag about my kids and our family vacations” so that you can feel really bad about how dumb your kids are and the fact that you haven’t traveled out of state with them means you must be cheap. hahahaha! kidding….. really…maybe….not. ;-)


Our girls are very into Winnie the Pooh, so we got a Tigger and Eyeore backpack and took them to see “Frozen” with the GIANT tub of popcorn– they always want it, but never even make a dent in the popcorn before they are absorbed in the show!


My family doesn’t send Christmas cards out! Your cookies look yummy! I use advance whitening with baking soda by Arm and Hammer! :)


The brand of toothpaste I use is whatever sample my dentist gives me:) I don’t really like ham at all so I’d be okay if I was allergic to it! I’m getting ready to send Christmas cards out right now.I would totally send you one but I need your address! :)


I actually can’t use Colgate because it makes my mouth feel all scratched up inside…I think I’m allergic…but I LOVE Arm & Hammer, so that’s my go-to. I have written out most of my Christmas cards and plan to get them in the mail by the end of the week!! :D


I think you got Brooke a play kitchen…

Crazy thought, but does the ham have the glaze on it? Or cloves? I am allergic to cloves..maybe try it in a sandwich sometime


That dude’s shorts are REALLY short (in the background in the pic taken of the track)!! haha. I buy whatever toothpaste is on sale.


For real text me your address and ill send you our card. It’s pretty good this year if I do say so myself.


We’re doing a digital card this year…save time and $! Favorite See’s candy is Milk Chocolate Buttercream. Mmmmmm!


I like Aquafresh or Colgate!

Also, your potentially being allergic to ham reminded me of my dad’s allergy to turkey (so for Thanksgiving we usually do something else like prime rib) – the weird thing is although he’s allergic to turkey, turkey lunch meat is not that bad (maybe all the processing and chemicals?).


Umm YES Scotchmallows!! I had the Christmas tree version the other day and it was AMAZING.


1. I love that picture of brooke guarding the cookie dough, super cute!

2. I was awesome last year, sent a TON of Christmas cards with our pictures and everything..this year. Not one card.

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