10 things my phone needs to tell you.

Somehow I woke up for an early pump class this morning and then I ran with Sara on the treadmills for 3 miles afterwards…  she kept me very entertained.

Here are a bunch of things that missed the blog over the last week or so but I still feel like I need to tell you about them anyway.

1.  How did she become a toddler?  I swear I was just getting that heavenly epidural and waiting to meet my little girl not that long ago and boom:

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2.  Christmas is getting closer!  My brothers are all coming in to town on Thursday and I could not be more ecstatic about it.  I can’t even remember the last time that all 5 siblings were together at one time…   A year?  Two?

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3.  My mom and I had the best date on Saturday afternoon to get a dirty diet coke.  It had been way too long since I had this cup of goodness.

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4.  I tried a macaroon for the first time EVER (that I can remember) when I was in California a few weeks ago.  Words can’t describe.


5.  For some reason I love seeing Brooke’s little boots by the door.  When we come home she kicks them off by ours so that she can hurry on over to her toys as fast as possible.

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6.  I like.


7.  I think we all need a pair of cupcake socks.

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8.  My sweet new leggings from Utah Run.  Check out their awesome 12 Days of Christmas deals HERE!!!

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9.  Did I mention to you yesterday about how much I loved my outdoor run?  I think tomorrow I get another one and I’m already looking forward to it.


10. Please tell me you have had a Harry and David pear before.  My aunt just sent us a box.  I really like food gifts.



How many siblings do you have?

What fruits are you loving lately?

What was your workout for the day?

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So great that your whole family will be together! :)

I have one brother…he lives in Florida and we don’t get to see him until the end of January :(.

I took a body pump class and did 10 minutes on the stair climber.

I’m running outside tomorrow too! It’s been way too long….


How do you run in the cold? I’m moving to Colorado next year—from California. I’m scared…will I be ok?

P.S. I hate hate hate treadmills—i refuse :)


Hey, I am from Colorado and I promise you get used to it! I refuse treadmills, too, so when it is too cold/icy I run at an indoor track. Where in Colorado are you moving to? It really is a lovely state and we get A LOT of sunshine :)


I have heard that it it beautiful–so I’m super excited!! I will either be in Denver or Colorado Springs. Moving there for Teach for America–so don’t know my exact placement yet.


you will love it! both cities are great & have so much to offer :)


I love ALL of Brooke’s clothes. I love those tights (I’ve seen a few girls wearing similar ones around here). And I LOVE H&D fruit! We received a huge box for the holidays last year and it went so fast. I am waiting for another to arrive this week.


I am also getting bombarded by the snow right now. I think that the first few treadmill runs of the season are awful, but then I sort of get re accustomed to it and try to at least think of it as some solid time to catch up on tv show I wouldn’t otherwise probably have time to watch. I can’t seem to buckle down and do any “real” training via treadmills though. Its more like a maintenance tool. Today’s workout was a few easy miles while I watched the sing off. (Nerd status, I know ;) )

I am loving pears, those little clementine oranges, and really really ripe bananas!


Oh my! That pic of Brooke looking at the Christmas lights -LOVE!

I have 4 siblings, 2 sisters and 2 brothers.

My workout for the day was biking with 2 friends in the dark this morning. Other than being freezing, it was super fun and I have to agree that there is nothing better than working out outside :)


I’m an only child! Lately I have been OBSESSED with clementines. And I just ran a PR half marathon on Sunday so my workout today is just a nice walk :) LOVE your leggings and LOVE Harry & David pears! You also really make me want a Dirty Diet Coke but I don’t know where to get one here. Guess I may have to figure out how to make it


I wonder if coconut extract would work? I really want to try one too but I’m pretty sure we don’t have them here either. I may experiment if I can even find coconut extract.

Congrats on your PR!


I found a recipe on the website Our Best Bites for the Dirty Diet Coke, check it out! They use coconut syrup but maybe the extract would work. I hope you find success! And thank you! :)


I’d bet they’re made with Torani/DaVinci espresso syrups. I buy mine at Cash and Carry or World Market if that’s helpful!


I am one of 6! We are evenly split: three girls and three boys, and I’m the second oldest. I love meeting other people with big families. Aren’t they the best? We are all together this Christmas too – it’s such a rarity with so many kids! Where do you fall in the line of 5?


I have two siblings! Great to see them over the holidays. Fruit I’m loving lately… pears, too!


Aww I’m excited for you for your sibling reunion! I have 2 siblings, we’ll all be together on Christmas (well actually Boxing Day) for the first time in a year!

I cannot get enough of Gala Apples right now. I could eat them with every meal. I would be obsessed with clementines but one too many cankers and now I stay away with that delicious but evil fruit.

I did a HIIT workout on the treadmill and then Tracy Anderson arms workout from youtube. Just something quick after I work up from working nights.


I have one brother and two sisters. Never see them enough. We live in the same state. Seriously.

Workout was 30 Day Shred with a friend and 3 easy miles. I’m starting MAF training. Whew.


I have an older sister and younger brother. I love them both and my sister is my earth. Siblings are the best. These relationships that last forever…well hopefully.
I went on an early run today. So awesome to get that run done first thing.
Favorite fruit has to be bananas. But the little ones. They are the best!


I only have one younger sibling but 4 in-laws (all older) which I LOVE. I always wanted older sibs :)

Totally weird but I’m allergic to most fruit. I can only eat bananas, avocados, and citrus so I’m loving all of the above right now!

Brooke’s little feet and legs just kill me.


I love seeing those little boots – reminds me of my son’s little shoes that were once at the door. Now his shoes are almost as big as mine…favorite fruit right now is probably pink lady apples.


You have made me want to try a Dirty Diet Coke, and after doing some google research (yep I am that desperate to try one), I found out Sonic Drive Thru can make them…my day has been made!

I have one older sister who I see all the time and those pears are amazing! A family friend sent us some last night….yum!


3 siblings and they’re all coming home this weekend!!!! We haven’t all been together in about two years!
Are those new Brooks shoes?? They look like they are super cushiony! Or maybe it’s just the camera angle?


I was supposed to do “double yoga” this afternoon. My kiddo and I do family yoga together then I sign her into the kids gym program and I run back up the stairs to power vinyasa yoga. Unfortunately the snow started dumping down like crazy so we’re skipping it:-(


I cannot get over how grown up Brooke is!!
A vendor sent us a box of those pears! Delish. & those tights look awesome!

I have 1 sister & 2 brothers. I will be with the sister & 1 brother for Christmas, I love when we are all together.

About to head to Crossfit!!


I NEED those tights!!!!


I have one little brother. I love Brooke’s socks!


I am also one of 5 kids–3 girls and 2 boys. We are all within 2.5 hours drive of each other. So fun when everyone gets together!

My workout today was speedwork on the treadmill….little over 8 miles. Glad that’s done!

I am loving the sour oranges from my moms tree….love citrus fruits.


I love Brooke’s outfit! She is so cute.
I have two sister, have never had a Harry and David’s pear.
My workout today was a 3 mile run, followed by 20 mins of ab work.


I have one brother and one sister.

I love Florida Oranges, the honeybells come out in like 3 weeks and I wait all year long for them and then I eat like 30 a day! Nothing in this world is as good as a honeybell orange, seriously!

My favorite workout of any day is my run but my butt is dead (dead butt syndrome) and I have o start cross training, not looking forward to it….any ideas of strength training that is also fun???


I have one sibling and I hope I get to see him at Christmas!! I also have a brother-in-law who is pretty awesome too! No sisters though! But that’s OK!


I’m the oldest of 6. 4 girls, 2 boys.
Fruit I’m loving clementines. I have had bad luck with almost everything else lately.
My workout was a 5 mile run this morning.


When are you going to review those Transcends? I want to know how they work for you!


Ugh, I’m starting a second round of tapering. Boo hole. So, workouts are kind of blah right now.
One older brother, and I haven’t seen him in forever.
Pomegranates and mangoes and ALL THE GRAPES! Only the tight-skinned grapes, though. Squishy grapes.. yuck.


I’m the youngest of 3, and we won’t all be together on Christmas :( I just ran an hour on the treadmill because it’s blizzarding in Boston!! I’m loving DATES lately! Especially dipped in PB! You gotta try it!!


I only have one sibling (one sister) but when we are actually able to get my parents and us together it still feels great because it doesn’t happen a lot.

My fiance is one of 3, and for once all 3 of them live near each other so its great for them. They get so excited to always do things together because for like 10 years they lived states away from each other.


Brooke is so cute! I think it and could say that on every post!

3 siblings – 2 brothers, 1 sister. We won’t be together this year :(

Loving fresh Hawaiian pineapple, I usually cut up a banana to go with it. Our neighbors in California gave us Harry and David pears for many years – love those! Food gifts are the best.

Workout today – Ran 4.5 miles easy followed by Pilates. Walked 3 miles at lunch.


I definitely wouldn’t say no to a pair of cupcake socks… and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to the Christmas ones I get in my stocking every year :D

No siblings for me :( I used to love it when I was younger because it meant I didn’t have to share any of my toys, but the older I get, the more I wish I had a brother or sister. Ahh well, that’s what friends are for.


I have two little sisters! And your leggings are awesome.


Love the leggings!! So cute.

And her boots are adorable.

I have 9 siblings. Yep, and we’re all close! 9 of us will be together for the holidays, the other 1 is on a mission in Switzerland :)


I have one brother! A smaller family, for sure. And I just got home from the gym where I did a lower body workout.

And for the record, I absolutely agree that we all could use some cupcake socks ;-)


Brookes clothes are just the cutest! I have never tried a macaroon but they always look so pretty!
I have 2 siblings both girls… lots of clothes and make-up sharing!
I love the leggings!
I have been loving oranges, so juicy!
Workout today was 8 miles on the tmill, after your post yesterday I need to get outside!


What is the deal with these pears?? I love pears, favorite fruit for sure, but I saw a groupon for them and couldn’t figure out what made them so special?


My parents sent us the Harry and David pears this year. I was really hoping the gold covered one would be chocolate!


I had 5 Harry and David Pears last night. I’m glad someone else understands.

I also want those leggings.


Every time I see awesome leggings like that, I think of Hollie and party pants. Creepy, yes, but I never fail to say it to myself.


Sending Harry and David pears to people is like my go-to gift :) I’ve never had one but everyone always tell me how they are the most amazing thing ever.

I am an only child and I disagree with all the rude things people say about only children, haha


I love that pic of Brooke looking up at the tree! So sweet!


Workout today was 30 min on treadmill, 30 min on elliptical, and 30 on cycling bike.
It really is crazy how quickly kids grow up!


Very exciting all of your siblings will be there!! I have four brothers. I will see two of them on Christmas Eve and then another one on Christmas Day.

I love Harry & David’s pears! When we lived in OR, we lived in the same valley. We would go to their store often for all sorts of goodies!


I love all of Brooke’s clothes! My workout today was a spin class and lots of core work.


I have two older brothers- we’ll all be together again for Christmas, too, and I can’t wait! Those pears sounds so good- I have seen them but never gotten to try one!


What is the deal with those pears???

I need cupcake socks! Those leggings are really nice!


I have an older brother….and an older sister and younger brother if pets count! ;) I’ve never tried those pears before! Now I have to find some!! I LOVE fruit! I always eat a banana at lunch! Never missed a day without fruit! Today was my rest day because I had a lot of studying to do! Last week before winter break is harsh!


I NEED that sweater for my daughter that Brooke is wearing! Where did u get it?!




addicted to Asian pears lately


I have that pair of boots from #5! (The adult boots, not Brooke’s, haha.)


I have 4 siblings, too!

I will always love persimmons and wish they grew in our backyard year round. I am lucky enough to have 2 trees in the backyard for when they do grow in (they’re so expensive at the store!) because they are the perfect healthy sweetener to add to a green smoothie!


I think I might top everyone in the sibling category….I am one of TEN! 5 girls, 5 boys….we are all always together on Christmas Day at my parents house. Between spouses and nieces, nephews….I think we are at a total of 35 now and still counting. As much as I hated being in a large family growing up, I wouldn’t change it for anything now!

Have an amazing Christmas with your family and beautiful Brooke!!


i love brooke’s cupcake socks! yes, i think we all need adult-sized pairs :)

i have one younger brother (he’s 21, i’m 27). i’m obsessed with apples and blueberries at the moment!


Love that pic of Brooke looking at the tree. Bliss.

One sibling, a brother 4 years younger than I am. We are so different and I love it.

I’m eating a lot of bananas lately … I’m potassium deficient (self-diagnosed)

Workout today: 4 mile run outside. It’s beautiful out! Enjoy your run outside tomorrow Hungry! :)


We just got a box of Harry and David pears too. They are really the best. Even our corgi loves them. No run outside today….6 more inches of snow here in NH, so it was on the TM for me. Can’t wait to hear your review of the Transcend. So curious about them.


Janae – I have a new favorite running song and had to share it with you. I Lived by Onerepublic….you will love!

Maybe I am the only crazy runner who gets teary while listening to a song like this. You will have to let me know what you think. Happy running! :)


Brook’s little boots are soooo cute!!

I am an only child, so I don’t have any siblings, which sucks. When I was little I would always ask for a brother or sister, but I never got one. But I am fine with it now as I am really close to my mum, which is awesome.

It is summer where I am, so we have the best fruit at the moment. Right now I am eating an orange and a mango. For breakfast I had strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. I think I shall also go to the shops and get some watermelon too. I love summer fruits!

And today I went for a lazy 6km run just before the heat set in for the day :)


Three siblings, satsumas, 5 easy miles :)


I have 3 older brothers (we are all within 5 years of age!)!

I had a honey crisp apple today, but grapes sound amazing at the moment…

Pushups and walking around costco lol.

Hope your week has been going great so far! :)


1 little sister, 1 sister in law (we are bff’s) :)
8 boring treadmill miles:(


Those leggings are adorable! I MUST HAVE A PAIR!


Brooke is too cute! Makes me look forward to next Christmas when my son is old enough to be running around and understand a little of what’s going on :)


Bootcamp! I can’t wait to run outside again, it has been too cold here:(


I have 2 siblings – a younger brother and younger sister, both in college. I can’t wait to see them this weekend for Christmas!


Those tights are so awesome, I want a pair! I have three sisters and a brother – I love having so many siblings!


I have NINE siblings, and the last time we were together was…maybe my wedding?!


I have one brother. And I love his wife so I consider her a sister :)
I am obsessed with mangos lately. Pears are yummy though.
My exercise for the day was pretty lame. 5 minutes on the trampoline this morning.
Then a 30 min walk with the dog around the snow covered neighborhood.
Does scraping ice and snow off my cars windshield count at all?? Thursday and Saturday I have runs planned.


I’ve only got the one older brother but that’s more than enough! If you’re wanting to add another sibling, he’s available! :-)


Cute pics!


That is a macaron, not a macaroon. Not the same thing but both yummy!!


What is a dirty diet coke?! And I am one of 8, four boys, four girls. It’s so much fun around Christmas!


It’s CLEMENTINE season and I’m too poor and too lazy to eat pomegranates even though I actually do really like them.


I’m SO excited that all of your siblings will be together!!!!!!! Best present, I think. Family time is what it’s all about :)


Please tell me you can buy those leggings online. I want!

I have a younger brother and an older sister. Both will be home for Christmas, too!


PS: Calling Utah Run to order those tights today. I’m in L-O-V-E!


Those socks! Adorable! I can’t stop eating Cuties (clementines).


I think Brooke dresses better than I do! She totally pulls off that sweater! And I’m totally digging those tights!


Oh my gah! I love Brook’s outfit by the tree!
I can not get enough apple’s and cuties! Total bliss!! I have 2 sisters who I can’t wait to see later today :)
Yesterday I did interval runs on the treadmill (blah) and weights!


How do I order those pants if I’m in NY??? :)


Hello there mother of Brooke, I love that sweater she is wearing…I have four fab sisters and two awesome brothers, I love coming from a BIG family….and get this we still all really like each other and have a wonderful time when we all get together!!

Merry Christmas to you and your entire family.

ps – I’m sure my sisters are just as wonderful as yours!!!


Ok I am totally curious, what shoes are you wearing in that last photo? I’m dying to see Brooks new shoe to come out in May :D


Those tights are freaking adorable!!!! I want them, but it doesn’t look like they have a website so this Minnesota girl can’t get to them. Darn.


I’m with ya!! It doesn’t look like they say what brand they are. Does anyone know??


My office just received a Harry & David’s box. it has baby pears, large pear and an assortment of chocolates!


She has gotten SO big!! Adorable, but so big! And I am LOVING bananas lately…lovin’ them!


One our outside sales reps sent us a box of Harry and David pears actually…and another one sent us Mrs. Field’s cookies. They know we really like food apparently.


I LOVE those leggings! I really want a pair – can you tell me what brand they are so I can try to find them online?? :)


2 siblings and I can’t wait to see them for Christmas!!


Yes macarons are my one of my favorite treats, love them!!

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