Just a couple of things to talk about.

1.  My friends have put together the Hope 4 Philippines Virtual 5k Race to raise money for those affected by Typhoon Haiyan.  Each registrant gets 1 free Active Headband and the registration is just $15 (larger donations are welcome and appreciated)!  You can register HERE!  


2.  I went to a pump class this morning (yes, that would be my SECOND for the week) and it killed me.  It seemed as though every single move involved core work and somehow Brooke could sense this so she brought over the stick and used it on my abs when I got home.  She understands the importance of rolling out your tight/tired muscles to help speed up recovery.  

Fun fact about my pump teacher:  she had one of the Biggest Loser contestants in her spin class on Monday.  

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3.  A lot of my day was spent here.  The dentist.  I had to get some fillings fixed up and it was not fun.  I used to love laughing gas but ever since having Brooke it makes me sick.

Today was the first day in over a week that I wore something other than workout clothes/leggings.  

PS the best part about fall/winter is boots.  THESE are my current favorite.  

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4.  This is as much as I can smile right now because I currently can’t feel my face.  In other news… When Brooke saw the bag of broccoli in the fridge she went crazy over it until I steamed some up for her.  It really must be in our DNA to love this green stuff.

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5.   The best part about the dentist.  You are ‘forced’ to eat soft foods for lunch.   Such a hard life.  

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6.  These Gluteus Runmaximus Runderpants are sure fun.  

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7.  Brooke feels as though she must share everything with Maggie..  Wow, this post could not be any more random.  Blame it on the laughing gas.

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8.  Another GREAT article from Kristin Armstrong.  I love the way she writes.  

Tears and running:)

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Tell me something random about your day!!!!

Laughing gas… does it but you too?

What did you have for lunch today?

Who is watching the Biggest Loser this season?

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I love the idea of the run for the Philippines.. that’s amazing. Runners are awesome.

Random thing about my day? I recently wrote a blog post defending how awesome runners are in response to Chad Stafko’s Wall Street Journal article, and it’s now one of the first things you see if you Google “Chad Stafko”! Hah. Runners rock.

Hope the run for the Typhoon victims is a huge success!




Just read your post. Good stuff Kelly! Love it:)


I had the most amazing sandwich at a little cafe here in vegas: “housemade BACON jam, maple-glazed bacon, mixed GREENS, TOMATO, Q-CUMBER, basil aioli, LEMON vinaigrette, Ciabatta”

I haven’t been watching the Biggest Loser, but I have big plans for a Biggest Loser hulu marathon for my off day on Sunday!!

I’m excited to go spinning for the first time in months tonight!!


I need that sandwich right this second. That sounds incredible.

ENJOY your spin class… I love hearing about people going to spin:)


That I’ve cream looks delicious!!
Random: It’s the last road runner sports adventure run tonight for 2013. It’s so much fun ill miss it until next April!!
My daughter used to live broccoli but sadly not any more.. So I sneak it in her smoothies :)


That is a great idea!!! Enjoy your last road runner sports adventure run for the year!


Something random….my boss got me a new jacket today and I started jumping up and down because I was so excited. (I can wear the jacket running which makes me even more excited!) I don’t think I’ve ever had laughing gas before…I’m watching the BL this season! I’m not so sure about it though, as soon as I heard about Jillian breaking the rules, I immediately thought…way to get Ruben back in the house for ratings? I don’t know if that’s why they did it or not, but it is a little curious! I love Jillian though, so as long as she’s on the show I will probably still watch it! I love the idea of a virtual 5K! I will definitely be participating!


I would jump up and down too. That is awesome!!! Enjoy your new jacket:)


First off, is it s current or past BL contestant?

Laughy gas makes me sick to my stomach. And it takes me like 5 min to process stuff. Like, if I think ‘move my hand,’ I dont actually move it until 5min later. Or maybe it is 5sec, but feels like 5 min? That gas is a trip! I had a cavity filled a couple of weeks ago (no gas) and I tried to rinse my mouth out before I left the dentist and ended up just drooling all the water out of my mouth and all over myself since I was all numb. Man I am awesome.

I love the virtual 5k. Man our friends are awesome inside and out. I will be doing it for sure!! Eat some extra of the ice cream for me today. Yum!!



HAHAHA yes, it took me 10 minutes to even stand up afterwards.

When do I get to see you?!


Unfortunately, that Progresso soup is probably one of the worst things you could ever put in your body. It’s filled with hidden sugars, sodium, and chemicals.


I’m going to run a 5k today after coffee & shopping with my friend. TOO COOL that your instructor had a BL contestant in their class. I hate the dentist. Bleck.


Those boots are so cute- especially on someone with runners legs (I’ll get there one day!)

My Dad’s a dentist and I can’t do laughing gas since working around it so much it makes me sick!

And I’m addicted to Biggest Loser- I worship Bob!


Running really is the best therapy. Got me through some hard high school times and now just keeps me sane for the most part. :)


I hope your mouth feels better!


I LOVE the idea of the virtual race for the Philippines!!!!! I HATE the dentist…any dentist.
Something random….hmmmm…..I am a little nervous for this weekend. We are traveling to Maryland and might possibly be moving there. I do watch Biggest Loser…I hardly watch any TV, but I do like that show and I really like that it is now an hour…for me, 2 was just too long. I haven’t seen it yet this week though, but after reading some of your comments I am anxious to :)!
Lunch…peanut butter sandwich (pretty boring, but good)


PS….My mind is still pondering your mornings post :)


LOL! I had my very first novocaine experience yesterday (for my first fillings). It was pretty hilarious after the giant, painful shot part. No laughing gas. The numb face was a trip. I sounded totally like a zombie when I tried to talk. So I went to a matinee to wait it out. I sucked on Junior Mints since I couldn’t eat popcorn :)

Lunch…what a great idea!


Random fact for the day- a grant I wrote about a month and a half get voted on tonight! But I already have a meeting with the county exec in the morning so I’m sure I’ve got it. We get to hire four new health educators with this grant, so it’s very exciting!

As for the dentist, the more I can be knocked out the better!


They still use laughing gas at the dentist? What?? I’ve been to different dentists all over the country (military) – and never once have I had the option of laughing gas – I though that was phased out? Crazy! Most of the recent dentists I’ve been to have a gel that they apply and rub into your gums before they give you the numbing shot and it works great! Never had laughing gas. Ever. I’ve also never had a big cavity…but have had lots of mouth surgeries!

Random thing of the day? I raked something like 20 bags of leaves total in my front and back yard here in northern Utah. I’m all for mature trees in my yard, but DANG.

Lunch? Lots of greek yogurt. I eat about 4-5 things a day of them!


I’ve never had laughing gas…whenever I’ve had dental work, they just did novocaine.
Random fact: I had to drive the wrecker from my dad’s service station home today (long story). It was NOT easy cause the seat is so far away from the pedals that I could barely reach, so shifting gears was a whole workout in itself!


Ahhh that is the BEST flavor of Tillamook ice cream!!! Obsesseddddd. Annnd now I want broccoli too. Gotta balance out the ice cream ;) I am watching Biggest Loser and loving it! I think I cry every single episode.



When I was in Portland for a conference last year hubby and I toured the Tillamook factory and I ended up eating a huge ice cream sundae for lunch with about five different flavors . . . Amazing. Wish it was available in the Midwest. :*(


We went to a Tillamook PR event recently, and got to sample a bunch, too!!! :) So fun and SO good! They should really expand nationwide!!


I love the quote about working it out on a run – I haven’t cried (yet!) but I’ve definitely helped my mental health


I have the exact same boots in the exact same color. And love them as well.



You know, I’ve never actually tried laughing gas… which is bizarre considering that I’m terrified of the dentist. Usually they just drug me up lol. Maybe I’ll need to ask for some next time.

Something random… I’m seriously considering having chocolate mug cake for dinner. And I think I deserve it considering lunch was a healthy stir fry with plenty of veggies ;)


I’m looking for boots just like yours! They are fabulous.


Awwww…. dentist are the worst.
I love the quote. As someone who suffers from anxiety and having panic attacks, finding running was the best thing that could’ve happened to me.


I saw a couple comments talk about the WSJ article . . . all I want to say is us runners are the craziest most awesome group around. Do you think people are just jealous?


Today’s lunch was tilapia, half a sweet potato, topped with goat cheese + hummus!


I’m a fan of laughing gas. Have you ever gotten the flavored kind? One time I somehow got scheduled with the pediatric dentist and they had masks that looked like animal noses and each one was a different flavor – orange was pretty awesome.

I haven’t watched the biggest loser in a while (we don’t have cable anymore) but used to love it. Honestly, I’d consider gaining like 150 pounds if I was guaranteed a spot on the show to lose it all – cause that’s totally a healthy thing to do, haha…


I went to a leadership class today on John Maxwell’s 5 Levels of Leadership. It was awesome except that when I finished college, I quit taking medicine for ADD. I held on as long as I could, but for the final part of the class I drew Christmas scenes on a blank piece of paper. (PS- They catered lasagna for lunch)


Random: I ran into a parked vehicle today. I wasn’t hurt but the gazillion kids waiting for their school bus laughed their butts off at me….prepubescent miscreants!

Laughing Gas freaks me out and gives me an anxiety attack, probably because Im a bit of a control freak.

Lunch: Sonic and yes, I had a dirty diet coke! YUMMY!

I’ve never seen the biggest loser, they don’t have that show in the rock I live under.


How cool your friends put together that race! And I am way impressed Brooke freaks out about broccoli. Noah only freaks out about cake and candy right now! Today’s lunch was a giant salad with almonds, guacamole, cottage cheese, and ranch. Random but so good :-)


Something random about my day…I had my anatomy ultrasound! So fun!

I haven’t had laughing gas since I was a kid…I remember thinking my dentist was rapping when I had it!

I had leftover Chinese for lunch. I love leftovers.


Random thing about my day: I almost got hit by a car while I was running today. Like, literally within inches of getting hit. It was super scary and I made it quite clear to the driver how I felt!

I have watched Biggest Loser for years. Actually, I’m watching this week’s episode as I write this!

I have never had laughing gas in my life–probably because I have never had a cavity or other issues with my teeth! But I’ve heard some pretty funny stories about people on laughing gas :)


That is soooooo scary! I am so so happy you are okay and that you didn’t get hit!


Something random…I had a random urge to hang up the assorted pieces of laundry piled up near my closet. I got about halfway through and decided I had enough on that. So now I have an even bigger mess because half is in a pile, and half is sprawled across the bed. Good intentions count for something, right?


Runderpants…it’s just a fantastic word. Haha, I love it! ;)


I cannot stop laughing at those runderpants. It takes running gear to whole new level!


You got cavities because of all that candy ;)

That is amazing what your friends are doing! So registering!

Random: I don’t have school tomorrow because I’m off for hunting season – it opens tomorrow! I also bombed my French quiz today…

Laughing gas makes me cray-cray. It made me talk to a person I didn’t talk to my whole life – dang selective mutism!

Lunch was a turkey sandwich with pesto, mayo, spinach, and tomato. Plus an apple and granola bar!


I randomly sit at my computer about 5 times a day and flip through blogland and Facebook….I love when you post more than once a day. ;-) It’s the little things right?

My son had laughing gas about 2 weeks ago when he had 2 teeth pulled (he is 10!) the funniest thing he said was…”I feel like a baby….all gushy and light” I guess that is how a baby feels?! ha! Good Stuff!!


Hello, I was wondering if you could do a post about the runderwear, I’ve heard other bloggers mention them but I don’t know much about them. Thanks for the consideration :)


Something random about my day is I had my first successful run after coming back from an injury: 5 miles with an avg pace of 8:13. I haven’t run that fast since I had my daughter 2 months ago. I have never had laughing gas, they normally do local anesthesia when fixing my cavities (that said my husband has had laughing gas before and LOVES it!). For lunch I had a massive salad with chickpeas, tofu, peppers, onions, tomatoes, & lettuce/spinach mix, with a big glass of almond milk :-) My most favorite lunch ever! I have never watched the biggest loser ( probably one of the few people in America that hasn’t)..I’m not that big into T.V. my three kiddo’s keep me quite bus.. though I wish I had more time to watch tv…


I’ve never had laughing gas at the dentist! Sounds like it would be quite the experience! ;)


I am from the Philippines but grew up in Dallas, TX. Thankfully my relatives are safe as they are in Manila and not in the hard-hit areas. But there is still so much to be done for those who were heavily affected by this typhoon. Thank you for doing the 5k virtual run. It means a lot to me that others are supporting my fellow countrymen.


I just went to register for the Virtual 5K because I think it’s a fantastic idea, particularly with the reports I am hearing that the Philippines has been struggling to receive adequate aid. However, I noticed that the proceeds go directly to the LDS Missionaries serving in the Philippines. I HATE HATE HATE to sound negative, as I know it’s an incredibly terrible situation for everyone involved and I can’t imagine how scary it must be, but I can’t help but think that LDS Missionaries may already have more access to resources here in the States than the local population. Do you know if the proceeds they are collecting will be going towards their communities as well?


My day? Long. But at least I didn’t have to go to the dentist! :(

I have the Les Mils Body Pump DVD set-it’s pretty intense!


Kinda watching BL. im not really In to it this season. I love jillian. Shes my workout buddy 3x a week so im biased.

Never had laughing gas.

Lasagna for lunch.

Something random- I love the music from teen beach movie and the star of the show ross lynch’s music makes me run happy. Um and im 36 and my 4 little ones love that movie so thats how I know about it. :)

Ive always wondered if there was runners underwear out there but never googled it. Are they really comfy? I may buy some if u can guide me please.

And I love Brooke. She is the sweetest thang and seems to always know what u need. She is very in tune with u and vice versa.


Reading about running and crying just made me tear up a little. I’m a big softie but it made me think of running during the week we had my grandmother’s memorial service and my aunt died unexpectedly the following day. I literally HAD to run and I cried the entire time. It truly is therapy.
I had sweet potato fries and grilled veggies for lunch.
I cried a few weeks ago when a student broke my stapler that I bought (it was a rough day) and that same student brought me a new stapler today! It totally made my day and you have to understand that I work in a really rough neighborhood and my students have never given me anything, so this really meant a lot to me.


Just a quick note . . . Your boots look like mine and they’re a favorite too!


I’m really not looking forward to my next trip to the dentist, it’s been…well, a while seems like an understatement.

While I wasn’t at the dentist I did spend two hours at the dmv, which isn’t much better.

Lunch today was a faked fried rice with broccoli, snap peas and an unhealthy amount of sriracha. Yum.


Remember how you couldn’t even stomach broccoli when you were preggo? So awesome!


I had eggs and toast for lunch – I know it’s a little backwards.

I love the biggest loser – I need to watch it more!! :)


Signing up for the Hope4Philippines 5k right now! Random thing about my day: my puppy lost a tooth!

Also, where do I buy a pair of those running undies??! So awesome!


Oh man, I love Brooke’s headband! What a cutie :)

Today I made a quick vegetable soup for lunch — it was delish!


Hello!! New follower here! I love, love, love your blog! I go to it multiple times a day. Weird? Probably.
I have a blog I started not too long ago. Just starting to get the hang of it. Anywho, just wanted to say hi and I’m looking forward to reading all of your posts!


The neighbor kids decided to tie a rope to the powerwheel jeep and pull kids on a wiggle (plasma) car behind it. They were loving it. Then their Dad came out and said it was too dangerous. I looked at my daughter and she said, “Don’t look at me, I’m not the responsible adult here.” Guess it’s time to become more responsible.


I have never had laughing gas! They always just give me a shot to numb my face. I’m not a big fan of the dentist.


English is not my mother language so I have to ask: What is laughing gas?


I hate getting fillings fixed! I went on Tuesday to get my bonding fixed and i was numb from 10am to 10pm. Weirdest thing ever is when you are drooling down your face and..umm..that moment when you realize someone is looking at you funny bc you don’t even realize that you ARE drooling? #fail.

SOmething random…Hmmmm….I am so excited for TODAYS lunch because its Buffalo Chicken..I love the BC so much it’s not even normal….
have a wonderful FRIDAY!!!


Couldn’t love that quote more.


Great idea for the Run! Can I sign up from Canada??
Haha I know what you mean about the fillings, even being a hygienist I really don’t enjoy getting a fillings done if I need any. Dentist’s are necessary though :) You have such a nice smile and you definitely want to keep your teeth!!!

Brooke is such a sweetheart and so cute, but I don’t think I liked broccoli when I was that age…your lucky!!


A virtual 5K to raise money is an awesome way to help, thanks to your friends for doing that and thank you for sharing! Just signed up!

I may or may not have had salted caramel double hot chocolate for lunch…whoops!


What a great idea with the virtual charity run!

Mmm, that s’mores ice cream looks delicious!!


Thank you for sharing the Kristin Armstrong post. Love it. :)


Hi! I tried to sign up for the 5k, but after I filled out the initial form (which did not have payment on it) I cannot seem to figure out how to pay for it through paypal…..help lol


Email: hope4philippines5k@gmail and they can answer all of your questions! Thank you!


Random…tonight one of my best friend’s hubby’s is throwing her a surprise bday dinner!

I’ve never had laughing gas, just the lovely shots they stick in your gums. I think I might like the laughing gas though!

I had chicken, broccoli, and quinoa. I’m a broccoli girl too!!


I have been watching TBL this season, as I have for most of the seasons. But I have to say I am a little disappointed. I don’t think an hour is long enough. I feel like we aren’t getting to know the contestants as much as normal and we are seeing much less of their journeys’ and the process. Those are the things that are motivating and inspiring when you can find someone you relate to. But of course I still watch, just wish they weren’t rushing things so much.


The virtual run is a great idea. My boyfriend and I are planning on signing up for it! Thanks for letting us know about it. :)


I have JUST been wondering about what kind of undies to wear when running. I usually wear shorts with the built-ins, but am starting to wear pants because of the cooler weather.


Gah that picture of Brooke eating the broccoli is so cute!!! And ps you are super lucky that you won’t have to “force” Brooke to eat her veggies haha Hope you guys have a good weekend :)


I just had a similar dentist visit last week! I could not move the left side of my face and my family kept asking me to smile because it was so funny. I tried to put on chapstick and it went everywhere! I was also “forced” to eat soft foods :)


Hi, I’ve been reading your blog for the longest time. It is only now that I get to comment. I am from the Philippines. I am so thankful for the people who organized that race. I may not be a runner myself, but hats off to you guys. This is a very tumultuous time for my country. We don’t know how we will recover but surely with the generous hearts of the people all around the world and by the love of our Lord, little by little the pearl of the orient will gain its luster again. From the bottom of my heart,thank you for advertising these kind of activities for the Philippines.


Praying for you and your community!


Love the Biggest Loser! I like it so much more now that they cut out some of the drama and “suspense” and it doesn’t drag out as much. I’m happy Ruben gets a chance to come back!


I LOVE the Biggest Loser! So inspirational :)


Super excited about participating in the 5K. I’m in. I am loving Biggest Loser; I cry every episode and don’t ever want anybody to be cut :(


Can I sign up for the virtual run without having a facebook account? I know, I know.. Who doesnt have FB??? Well, this girl doesnt! haha

I’d like to do this if I can.. its a good cause and who doesnt want to free headband?! ;-)


I’ve actually never had laughing gas. When I was a kid and needed a filling the dentist would give me novacaine shots:/ I would imagine the gas would make me sick too.


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