No theme. Just lots of pictures.

Brooke is more excited than I am about the new J Crew catalogue and she keeps bringing it over to me to ‘read’ to her.  I am guessing it is because there are horses on the cover.

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Best ever Sunday morning cuddling.  This girl will melt in your arms if you give her a back scratch.

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Fitnessista sent Brooke the absolute cutest boots in the whole wide world.  I never want to take them off her feet.

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We had a Ragnar team meeting last night and I am more excited than ever to do this.  Vegas, here we come.

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I am leg 8….. I am sure those last 7.8 ‘very hard’ miles are going to feel real nice. 

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Just relaxin’ on the front porch.

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The label from the Costco cake that we had last night.  I want you to look at the weight of this cake.  7 lbs.  7 lbs.  That is how much Brooke weighed at birth.

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NYC shirt from the Theodora.  She is going to rock NYCM this weekend.  

Chapstick in one hand and headphones in the other.  Just like her mom.

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Tis’ the season.  I am set for my hibernation to begin (it is supposed to snow this week).  

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Any Ragnar lovers reading?  Who has done Vegas Ragnar?

What was the last dessert that you ate?

How much did you weigh when you were born?

-9 lbs and 7 ounces.

Moms reading:  how much did your kids weigh when they were born?

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i was 6 pounds 1 oz! little baby!


Brooke is the best. I know she is your world right now <3 Thanks for sharing her with us.


I want the pumpkin spice cappuccino!!! And Brooke’s boots. She just keeps getting more fashionable as she gets older ;-) I weighed 8 pounds and some ounces when I was born. I was a big baby, too!

Last dessert -> Pumpkin Ice cream. Mmm


I love Ragnar! I’ve only done one (DC), but I’m hooked. You will have a blast!

Last dessert…a pint of Ben and Jerry’s last night and it was worth every bite!

Annabelle weighed 6 lbs 3 ounces at birth…so tiny. Now she is probably close to 20 lbs and a really good workout to carry around :).

Those boots are adorable!


I had no idea there was peanut butter cup hot chocolate! I must get some now!


Eating my birthday cake right now! I weighed a little over 5 lbs. when I was born. My mom had it easy! :)


Brooke is basically the best dressed kid I’ve ever seen. Those boots are amazing.

I have no idea how much I weighed when I was born. Maybe that’s something I should know.

I had a kitkat from the halloween candy stash at lunch, but the last real dessert I had was an amazing salted caramel and chocolate cupcake on Friday.


I love Brooke’s new boots! Those are adorable!!

Last dessert: Apple crisp! And I’ve been eating a LOT of Halloween candy!! There’s something about mini candy that just makes me keep eating.


Holy cow Janae you were a big baby haha (no offense)! Noah was 6 lbs 1 oz. The last dessert I ate was (were?) these delicious cake balls, brownie bars, and lemon squares I got from a party this weekend :-)


Girlfriend! You were a BIG babe! Holy moly. I was 8lb. 13 oz. thanks to being a couple weeks late. Guess I was a big one too. ;)

That cake… It’s so incredible. I don’t doubt one bit that it weighs 7 lbs. with all of that chocolate, flour, and butter goodness in there.


I weighed around 6.5 lbs at birth

Max was 7lbs 7oz!

Oh my that chocolate cake looks so good – but I would probably only be able to eat like a small slice before feeling full, judging by the weight of it :-D


You were GINORMOUS!!!!

I was also 7 lbs 7 oz. My oldest was 6 lbs 9 oz, the next was 7 lbs 6 oz, the next was 7 lbs 10 oz and the last was 7 something…but I remember what time they were all born!

My best friend had an 11+ lb baby who was also 24 inches. He’s now 14 and over 6 feet tall.

Good luck with your Ragnar experience! I’m envious…I <3 relays :)

I just chowed on amazing cookies. We'll call it dessert even though I'm eating my late lunch after ;-)


I weight 8.4 lbs — and am now only 100?! I guess I started out big, ha.

And my last dessert was raspberry crumble. YUM.


I’m SO excited for you to do Ragnar! Vegas is a fun one! I weighed 4 lbs 10 oz when I was born.. I was a preemie, by 5 weeks. I basically never got out of the 10th percentile.


I need that hot chocolate – either the pumpkin spice or PB cup will do. You can just bring it if we ever have our ‘Friends’ a thon. Much thanks in advance :)

My mom doesn’t remember my birth weight…or so she tells me. She also doesn’t remember much about her pregnancy, giving birth and all that. Which only fuels my siblings theories that I am adopted.

Anna was 7.11 and Evan was 8.11 so Ross jokes that our next child will be 9.11. And that is just not even funny to joke about.

I had peanut m&ms after lunch today. I went on the most glorious run last Friday. These runs I have been on these last 2 weeks are short, but I am so grateful for them. And the beautiful weather on Friday only made it better. I wish it would just stay that way forever instead of this yucky weather that is currently happening outside my window. Bleh. I think hibernation sounds brilliant.


We have that Costco cake for every one of my family’s birthday … aka 6 times a year!


-I did Vegas Ragnar 2 years ago but the course was different and it was in October – HOT! I hear the course is much better but be prepared for any conditions, last year I heard it snowed! Good luck to you!
-Just ate some divine carrot cake that I made for my coworker’s birthday… Delish!
-Weighed in at 5.6 pounds at birth and that was the last time I was ever considered tiny… Now I run to indulge in the sweets! My son was 8.2 lbs, hopefully he has his dad’s metabolism! Ha!


Ahh, WHERE did you get that pumpkin spice hot chocolate? I need to find this asap!


This is my third Vegas Ragnar. I’m runner 8 too! Maybe I’ll see you fly by. If you do, you are welcome to count out loud. My running style is slow and steady! You should love it!

My kids were all 8lb3oz or bigger! Yikes!


Yay! I’m also Runner 8!!


Here are some great recipes:Best Lemonade EverYields: 20 senivrgs Lemonade is a very refreshing drink, this is the best one ever! 1 3/4 cups white sugar8 cups water1 1/2 cups lemon juiceIn a small saucepan, combine sugar 1 cup water. Bring to boil stir to dissolve sugar. Allow to cool to room temperature, then cover refrigerate until chilled. Remove seeds from lemon juice, but leave pulp. In pitcher, stir together chilled syrup, lemon juice remaining 7 cups water.==================Cucumber LemonadeYields: 8 senivrgsCucumber adds its cool flavor to this sparkling lemonade drink. A refreshing drink for any warm summer day.1 cucumber, thinly sliced1 (12 ounces) can frozen lemonade concentrate1 (2 liter) bottle lemon-lime flavored carbonated beveragePlace the cucumber slices into a large pitcher. Pour the lemonade concentrate over the cucumber let stand for 10 minutes. Pour in the lemon-lime soda pour into glasses to serve.==============GingeradeYields: 6 senivrgsGinger ale lemonade punch is an easy drink to make and is great at any party! You can use a cake pan to make an ice sculpture for your drink. When the water freezes, put the cake pan in a bowl of hot water for a few seconds, then put the ice in the punch bowl.2 (12 fluid ounces) cans or bottles ginger ale1 cup granulated sugar1 1/2 cups prepared lemonade2 cups iceIn a large punch bowl, combine the ginger ale, sugar, lemonade ice. Stir to blend well serve.==================Perfect LemonadeYields: 6 senivrgs1 cup sugar (can reduce to 3/4 cup)1 cup water (for the simple syrup)1 cup lemon juice3 to 4 cups cold water (to dilute)Make simple syrup by heating the sugar water in a small saucepan until the sugar is dissolved completely. While the sugar is dissolving, use a juicer to extract the juice from 4 to 6 lemons, enough for one cup of juice. Add the juice the sugar water to a pitcher. Add 3 to 4 cups of cold water, more or less to the desired strength. Refrigerate 30 to 40 minutes. If the lemonade is a little sweet for your taste, add a little more straight lemon juice to it.Serve with ice, sliced lemons.


I think I weight 6 pounds something.

I love the J crew preppy look myself.

I’ve never done a Ragner Relay. Considering I hate driving and sitting around while driving, I think it’s in my best interest to stay away from those. I think it would be fun sans being stuck in a vehicle though.


PS. After 8 Ragnars we can’t really figure out how they rate the runs easy/hard. The only thing we can think of is how long, what time of day…but I’ve ran runs that feel very hard that were “easy”..etc. who knows?


Ice cream…it will almost always be ice cream :)!
My girls weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and 7lbs 3 oz and that was plenty big for me!!!!:)


Where in the heck do you find flavored hot cocoa? That is awesome!


I haven’t started drinking the Ragnar punch, but friends who have love it!

I just finished eating some ‘bones’ (pretzels with marshmallows on the ends covered in white chocolate).

My boy was 8 lbs 14 oz and my ‘smaller’ girl 8 lbs 2oz.


Bear Claw pastry, about 10 minutes ago. It was delicious!


That is hysterical that the cake weighs just as much as Brooke weighed! So funny. I just ate some cookie dough waiting for them to bake, and had a cinnamon roll for breakfast. Mmm


I have only done one Ragnar Northwest Passage, but can’t wait for the next one. I ran on an Ultra Team, Six Pack with Racks. There is something about running on a team that is inspiring, watching your teammates kill their legs and wanting to do the same.
Last dessert was my favorite chocolate cupcake with party frosting.


I was 9lbs. 13.oz. Big girl! Last dessert I ate was peanut butter fluff. Heavenly.


i had a nice post-marathon dessert last night: massive slice of apple cake + pumpkin ice cream. seasonally appropriate heaven in a bowl


I was in love with horses when I was teeny tiny as well. Although I think I was way more obsessed with dogs, mostly because I was allergic and couldn’t have one. And I was a pretty big baby… Actually, I think I weighed somewhere around what you did — my poor mom!


I had M&M’s for dessert after lunch today.


“Very Hard” is the description for your leg of the Ragnar Relay? Ohhhh man that would scare me.

My daughter was 8 lbs. 12 oz. when she was born.

Hope you and Brooke are enjoying your Monday!


I would love to do a relay but they arent common in the UK. I really want to do the Adidas TR24 with a team!

Last dessert was a natural yoghurt with honey :)

I weighed 6lbs, 4oz :) Wee bit early.

I’ve got to say Janae, your daughter is just so, so beautiful. Such a happy wee girl.


I was 6 pounds 12 ounces when I was born. Why does Brooke just have THE cutest outfits ever?! I can’t get over how adorable she is. WHERE DID YOU GET THAT COFFEE?! I need some peanut butter cup coffee in my life!


Hot chocolate sounds heavenly! I was born early. I weighed 5 lbs 15.5 oz. My kiddos came early too. My son was the same weight as me, but the nurses let us round up to 6 lbs even. My daughter was my big baby weighing in at a whopping 6 lbs 7 oz. They start out so small and now they are so big! Both of my kids are super tall, like 85-90 percentile for their age. A far cry from the days when I was excited we graduated out of the 20th percentile.


I swear, Brooke gets cuter everyday :)


I love that chocolate cake from Costco!

I was 6 lbs some odd ounces, I’m not sure. I just know myself and my siblings were all in the 6 lb range. My kids were: 7lbs/9oz, 7 lbs/5oz and 7lbs/8oz. Pretty consistent!

I have never done a Ragnar, but I would love to. Just wish I had some running friends I could talk into doing it!


Have a great time on Ragnar…I’ve heard it’s a blast and would love to do it someday!

Last dessert I had was some crazy caramel coated cookie from Epcot’s Germany…they have a whole store devoted to caramel and caramel coated things there and the smell inside is beyond heavenly.

I have no idea what I weighed at birth, but both my girls were within an once of each other…6 lbs. 7 oz. and 6. 6. oz. I guess that is about my body’s maximum capacity for babies :)


Loved Vegas Ragnar a couple years ago even though it was a bazillion degrees and it ended in the ghetto. Luckily they’ve fixed those problems by moving it later a couple weeks and having it end at lake Las Vegas. My girls have vowed to do it gain as 2 ultra teams instead of one normal. And we will make the two teams fairly even so we always have a running partner (until the last leg of course, then it’ll be every woman for herself and the win ;)


My boyfriend is doing Ragnar Vegas! It sounds like it will be awesome.


Will you have any down time in Vegas this weekend? Would love to meet you! And Brooke!


Ragnar sounds so cool!!
Last dessert: salted caramel cupcake, red velvet cupcake, key lime pie, and pumpkin cupcake (a bit of each :)) followed by froyo at the Houston airport last night.
I weighed 5lbs 15oz, and my kiddos weighed 7lbs 7oz, 7lbs 8oz, and 8lbs 14oz, and the almost 9 pounder was born at home with zero medication.


I do not know how much I was weighing when I was Born. But I do no I was premature. I was Born 6 weeks premature. So I was very tiny.


Those hot cocoas look so yummy!! I weighted 7 lbs 11 oz when I was born. The last dessert I ate was a lemon/white chocolate chip cookie that I made and it was delicious!



I can’t wait until you do Ragnar so I can live vicariously through you :) I have no idea how much I weighed, but my son weighed 7.6 # My last dessert was just now-a Kind bar. yummy!! I know I’ve never said this before (rolls eyes) but I love looking at pictures of Brooke!


I used to love getting the J Crew catalog! My son weighed 7 lbs 13 oz and I was 8 lbs 1 oz…was your 7 lb cake chocolate – I hope so! I had my favorite Cheesecake Factory chocolate cakes over the weekend- Linda’s Fudge cake is a hunk of chocolate heaven…


I would love to do a ragnar but I never have! It is on my “to do” list during my lifetime :)

I just had frozen yogurt after a long trip in the car and it made every second in that care worth it – SO delicious!


Rangar trail series is coming to CO next summer and I’d love to give it a shot! And I was a tiny baby– 4 lb 2 oz :)


Whoa girl you were heavy!! I was 7 lbs exactly. A ragnar sounds like so much fun. I’m excited to hear all about it!


I’m eating pumpkin pie ice cream right now :) yummm. I think I was around 7lbs, my son was 7lbs 6oz :)


Theme-less posts are my favorite!

That is my kind of cake. my last birthday cake was 10 pounds!
It maaaayyyy or may not have taken three of us 1 week to finish it:)


My son Daniel was 7lbs and 6.5 ounces when he was born in 2009!
Lime cheesecake was the last dessert I ate (on Saturday)


Wah that is one big cake, but not bigger than me as a baby – I was 8 lbs, a nice turkey baby haha


The last dessert I had… salted caramel cupcake, or two.
My daughter weighed 8 lbs 11 oz when she was born.


I have a need to run a ragnar. 2014 is my year. Gotta find my people.

I had a pumpkin cookie at lunch. Hubby will most definitely make us a latte soon for our after dinner dessert.

I weighed 6lb 6oz. My kids weighed 6lb 5oz, 7lb 15oz and 7lb 8oz.


1st 8lbs 7oz.
2nd 7lbs 14oz.
3rd 9 lbs. 2 oz.


I was 8 lbs. my oldest son was 7 lbs 13 oz. My youngest was 6 lbs 14 oz. I had average size babies thank goodness! I love Brooke’s boots! Do they make them in adults? Lol


I want to run a Ragnar soon. Sounds like a good time. My daughter was 8lbs 11 oz when she was born. :)


I am eating chocolate cookies right now. They were super easy to make…a box of chocolate cake, a cup of plain greek yogurt, and chocolate chips (I think I used about a cup). Bake on 375 for 8-10 mins.
However I am sure they don’t even compare to that 7lb cake!


My son weighed 6 lb 15 oz and my daughter weighed 7 lb 1 oz. I weighed 6 lb 14 oz.

Last night I took one for the team and I made the pumpkin blondie bars from Trader Joe’s mix. They were super good!


My friends just got done with Ragnar Tennessee this weekend. I didn’t get to do it because of work. I hope you have so much fun! I weighed 6 lbs 5 oz when I was born. My girls were 4-1 and 4-6 (twins, born early) :)


You and I had the same birth weight! I had two boys, my oldest weighed in at 10 lbs 12 oz. My second, three years later was 8 lbs 6 oz. He looked like a preemie to me! Now they’re both grown up and my youngest is so much bigger than his older brother. Go figure.


I LOVE RAGNAR! Have a blast in Vegas!


I never tire of cute Brooke photos. I just want to squeeze her and cuddle! How do you ever do anything else besides that?


So why do I not know how much I weighed at birth?! Hm. I remember that we (all the kids) varied a lot – from under 6 lbs to over 10. We’re also all different heights, tall to short!


My last dessert was a cookie! And it was a good one :)


Brooke is so freaking cute!


I’m with Brooke, I love reading the J.Crew magazine. Now if I could just find a way to be a part of it!

I was born 8lbs 10oz, thankfully my little one was only 7lbs 10 oz – petite and perfect!


I love her boots! I was 7 lbs. 6 oz.


brooke is so adorable in every single picture! :) i’m so excited for your ragnar race!

i think i weighed 8 lbs 4 oz :)


That cake from Costco is my favorite cake in the whole world! Someone brought it into work today. It was the best day!


The last dessert I had was a slice of Coconut Cream Pie from an amazing pie shop in California. It was phenomenal.


I have no idea what I weighed when I was born…I think I was around 8 or 9 lbs. And I just finished eating a slice of Dairy Queen ice cream cake ;-)


I discovered last night that my family may have a cookie addiction. I found not one, not two, but three packs of Chips Ahoy. So, needless to say our last dessert was cookies.


We had 3 out of 4 preemies, so the biggest one was 7 lbs. :/


I have always wanted to do a Ragnar relay!!!! Don’t have any runner friends o do one with though :( haha


I weighed 10 pounds 1 ounce (I was the third kid. And my mom had quite the appetite with me, haha).


I was just under 7lb born and my boy was 7lb 13oz :)
Last dessert was pavlova (a NZ dessert) with cream and fresh fruit and some birthday cake… YUM!


I love me some Ragnar! I love Epic Cache/Teton better. You should check it out. Way cool!
I weighed 8 lbs at birth but the heaviest of my four kids weighed only 6 lbs 12 oz. I build them small–if only they stayed that way …
Love your blog! Very inspiring!


I was 5 lbs. Just a little girl. My brother was 6 lbs and my sister was 3 lbs.


I weighed 6 lb 6 oz and both of my baby boys (2 and 9 mos) weighed 6 lb 8 oz. Logic would say I should take a break from having babies for a little while, but I want a sweet baby girl like Brooke that I can dress up! She is the cutest.


I’ve run a number of Ragnars, but I have only worked the Vegas race. You won’t have nearly as many volunteers helping with exchanges as with other Ragnar races, but you won’t notice since you haven’t done any others. It’s a fun race though with one of the most energetic finish lines of any of the races.

Last dessert: Tillamook old fashioned vanilla ice cream (best ice cream ever) with reese’s pieces atop.


I ran Ragnar in Phoenix and looooooved it! Make sure to bring a foam roller or stick it will help with the soreness of running hard, jumping in a van, and running hard again a few hours later. Oh, and bring warm clothes for night and peanut butter filled pretzels. The best Ragnar food ever :)


V was 6 pounds 11 ounces

I really want to run Rangar…but I am slower than a tortoise


Love that chocolate cake from Costco. I eat it once a year, on my birthday, any more than that and I would be obese. I can’t be trusted when that cake is around.

I weighed 8 lbs 1 oz. my firstborn (girl) weighed exactly the same.

apple crisp. made it tonight when we had missionaries over.
it was a new recipe that calls for (dry) butterscotch pudding in the topping. It was good! (not as good as the chocolate cake though)


Any Ragnar lovers reading? MEEEEEE!!!!! I’ve done SoCal & Napa. Vegas seems crazy hot…but my sister in law is running it this year too! Good luck!!

How much did you weigh when you were born? 8 lbs. 12 oz.

Moms reading: how much did your kids weigh when they were born? Ada was 9 lbs. even and Lola was 9 lbs. 4 oz.


I bet I will trump anyone when I say that I was 12.8 pounds when I was born! True story.
My kids were 7.14, 7.8, 8.3, and 7.4

Good luck on your “very hard” leg!


I want that cake in my life. Like, yesterday.

I’ve not done Ragnar, but I have done 3 other relay runs! Epic relay (ultra team…it was stupid insane); a local one, Roseburg to Coos Bay (Oregon); and then I did one this summer called Cascade Lakes Relay. The latter was definitely the best. I got teary eyed on my last leg when I finished.

Last dessert… I’m drinking wine and eating chocolate chips right now, but that hardly constitutes a dessert. That’s more like my fourth meal. I honestly can’t remember. Meaning, it needs to happen asap!

7 lbs 11 oz at birth.

No babies for me.


Last dessert I had was about 8.5 lbs of chocolate chip cookies. Which, ironically, is how much I weighed at birth :)


I did Ragnar Vegas last year– and it was the coldest I’ve ever been in my life. You’ve been warned!!! (And I’m from Utah as well so you know it must be saying something if I say that!)


I was 10 lbs. A chunky baby. Love Brooke-love you! I’m excited for you and Alex to kill it at Ragnar! So fun. Alex loves his new compression socks. His first pair ever ;) Miss you girlfriend!


I’ve never done the Vegas Ragnar but I’ve always wanted to. I decided I can only do one ragnar a year… or maybe every other year… I do NOT do well with staying up all night and then trying to run?! ughhh but you make great memories otherwise.

I just ate a chocolate peanut butter cup in honor of National Chocolate Day. Yay!

I weighed 8 lbs 14 ounces :)

LOVE Brooke’s boots!


I was a good 9lb. 3oz. and only three days late. Whats funny is the size you are born usually has nothing to do with what size you will be as a child or an adult. Last dessert I had was chococlate chip cookies with vanilla bean ice crem in between.


I know my 6yr old, oscar was 7lbs 11 oz…but I have no clue how much my 5 yr old jax weighed…. I guess the 2nd time around it is a blur. Anyhow the last dessert I had was YOUR s’more bars. I had to search for the recipe but I found it and they were great. My husband loved them too…he is a chef, I will let you know if he puts Janae’s s’mores on his menu!!!


WHOA! 7 lbs of cake is insane. That’s why I love Costco they take everything to a whole new level. We don’t have one close to use so whenever we go to our beach house my fiancee get’s super excited about going there…it’s like he’s saving up all his impulse purchases for Costco.

I weighed 9 lbs when I was born too…I was a huge baby! I don’t have any children yet but I can imagine that carrying a 9 lb baby was not fun during the last few weeks of pregnancy.

I love the J Crew cataloug as much as Brooke too! I’m heading to the J Crew bridal store in a few weeks to pick out bridesmaid dresses :) I love NYC and shopping so hopefully it will be fun! :)

Karen @karenlovestorun


I think the last dessert item I had was the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies from Potbelly’s… so good!!!

When I was born, I was 6 lbs, 5 ounces, when my son was born (this July), he was 8 lbs, 5 ounces, just like his dad… He’s also only two days older and same weight as the royal baby.. they were meant to be friends I think..


I was just over 6 lbs when I was born. My daughter was 4lbs.6oz… teensy weensy!

I LOVE those boots of Brook’s! You have to tell me where they were purchased!! :) Pretty Please!


Those boots are adorable. I love boots for little girls. I have at least 4 pairs for Gracen. She probably has know shoes than I do.

I love relays and Ragnars are awesome. I haven’t some one yet but hope I can meet year. I really also want to do Hood to Coast!

Last dessert was a Soppapilla (spelling? ) with my Mexican recovery meal on Sunday.

I weighed a tiny 6lbs. 11oz. I was a month early.
My kids both were big babies, Connor weighed 8lbs. 2.4oz. Gracen weighed 8lbs. 6oz. I was surprised she was bigger in weight because she looked so much smaller. I still don’t know how I managed to birth 8 lb babies.


I have two boys! My first was 8 lbs., 5 oz. The second was 8 lbs., 3 oz. Their little chunky legs were the sweetest thing ever!


I weighed a whopping 11 lbs and 1/2 oz. Thankfully my babies were 8lb3oz and 7lb15oz. My poor mama!


I did the Ragnar Vegas last year!! It was super fun – especially running near the Red Rocks and then the city at night :) You’ll have a blast!


last dessert: apple crisp!!!! 1 of my favorite fall desserts {hard to compete with pumpkin though…}
I was a tiny baby– only 5 lbs!


I ran Vegas Ragnar last year. I had some really great runs (my 2nd leg in the pitch black in the middle of nowhere – it was nearly a spiritual experience.)

No upcoming Ragnars for me as I’m growing a big baby boy of my own right now.
I was 7’14 but my husband was nearly 10lbs. I’m a little nervous about his size, but I know there’s not much I can do about it- oh except maybe cut out all the fries and sweet I’ve been shoveling in.


Omg! Where did u get that hot chocolate?? I want some sooooo bad!…
Please tell…. And I was 10 lb when I was born, my poor mom:( all natural birth too!


1st born 8 lbs. 14 oz
2nd born: 8 lbs. 1 oz
3rd: 9 lbs even


stop it! those boots!!


Ahh!! I’m doing Ragnar Vegas and I am also Runner #8!!!

(your team will be way ahead of mine, I’m sure – but we’ll know similar pain/glory/excitement/etc.!!)


Never done a Ragnar. It sounds fun though!

I was 6 lbs. 7 oz and 2 weeks early. Quality Performance Apparel


Gosh I’ve had so much halloween candy & junk recently. It’s hard to remember my last dessert but I didn’t have a scoop of chocolate ice cream earlier. :)

I weighed 6 lbs 11 oz at birth.

My first child, Emma, weighed a whopping 1 lb 7 oz at birth! She was born 3 months early and thankfully she is completely fine now. :) My son’s weight was a mirror opposite. He was 7 lb 1 oz.


Mmm those drink mixes sound awesome!

Haha that’s so funny that Brooke was the same as the cake!


Thanks for the NYCM shoutout, lady! SHE LOOKS SO CUTE IN THAT SHIRT. Please bring her here so I can snuggle her, too. Thanks. Bailey’s request.


When I was born, I weighed 5 pounds 10 ounces and my twin weighed 4 pounds 5 ounces. Teeny babies ;)
I love Brooke’s smile – she is always laughing! :D


I haven’t run Ragnar Vegas, but I ran Ragnar Tennessee this past weekend and had a blast! We packed a gallon of chocolate milk in the cooler and it was the BEST THING EVER!

Latest dessert=homemade sweet potato pie :-)


Oooo have fun doing the Ragnar! I’d like to do that some day!! I hear ya on the hibernation thing…I’m in Ohio and I feel hibernation mode setting in already – and we don’t even have snow in Columbus yet!


I just got asked to run the Ragnar with some of my Vegas friends. I did a relay earlier this year, but I’m a bit scared again. Haha. I’m runner 7 for this one. :) I had not 1 but 3 pumpkin chocolate chip cookies tonight. I think that counts as dessert since I don’t eat it very often.. :)


I weighed 7, 1 oz. when I was born.

Last week, I went running just as it was starting to rain (so I thought), and after a few minutes, I wondered why I wasn’t getting soaked. I looked down and there were snow flakes all over me. Although it takes my body a few runs to adjust to the cold, it’s my favorite weather to run in. Layer up and then bring on the hot beverages to thaw out when I’m finished. :-)


I can’t believe it’s supposed to snow already! At least you’re good and stocked up!


Last dessert I ate…hmmm, I can’t remember?!?! That needs to be fixed…

I am a twin, so we were already pretty much guaranteed to be a little smaller, but then my sister and I decided to give my parents a big scare and come 10 WEEKS EARLY! I was only 2 pounds 9 ounces, and my sister was 3 pounds 1 ounce. Needless to say, we had to spend a good amount of time in the hospital after being born gaining some much needed weight!!


Ok not that I run but if I did/when I did in the past I could never hold stuff. It just threw me off. How do you run hanging onto that hadnle? (which by the way you should paten immediately for runners everywhere!)


Last dessert was homemade apple crisp with ice cream :) so perfect for this time of year!!

At birth I weighed a whole 1lb 12 oz – I was very premature!

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