3 Random Things and a Jetflow Hydration Pack Giveaway

1.  Before I left for the airport Brooke wanted me to read to her the Summer Sanders article in Runner’s World and tell her all about our race together.  I gladly went along with it.  

Can we talk about how all of the sudden Brooke looks like a five year old.  

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2.  So Fun Yogurt in Pennsylvania had quite the assortment of sprinkles.  Their peanut butter froyo is actually the best froyo flavor I have ever had  (I have others that agree with me on this one).  They also had chocolate Magic Shell… how did I forget about how good that stuff is …. Magic Shell got me through many hard times in high school:)

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3.  Last night I was standing in line to get a chicken wrap in the Chicago airport for dinner and then I looked to the right of me and saw deep dish pizza.  I wondered why I was making such bad life decisions in choosing a wrap over CHICAGO deep dish pizza and then went on to make the honorable decision.   (ps I know that pizza in the airport doesn’t count as the real deal but it was still pretty good)

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Jetflow sent me one of their awesome Hydration Packs (in pink, which I love).

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These people are brilliant.  They have made a hydration pack where you simply just attach your water bottle/gatorade etc to the pack.  You don’t have to use the same ‘bladder’ each time like the other hydration packs require.  It simply connects directly to your bottle.  This makes life 1 million times easier because you don’t have to take the pack apart each time to clean it out.  

This is how it works.  

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I really and truly like running with this pack.  I sometimes forget that I am wearing it (because it is so comfortable and lightweight) until I feel thirsty and remember how awesome it is to have my water right there waiting for me to drink.  It is dishwasher safe and easy to clean and you don’t have the weird plastic tastes from the bladder (because there isn’t one:) It has a great pocket to store things like keys, your phone, gloves, two additional water bottles etc.  

It is a winner in my book.  I may even use it on my treadmill during the winter months… that is how cool it is.  

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Enter to win your very own!  Giveaway ends on Friday (10/25/13)

To enter to win a Jetflow Hydration Pack leave me a comment telling me your favorite drink or your favorite ice cream flavor.  You choose.  

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Favorite ice cream flavor is peanut butter!


My favorite drink is water w/ lemon. Can’t seem to drink regular water anymore :) I even put a few squirts of lemon in my sport bottles. Even in my Camelbak — except that it leaks – ack! Please consider me for your giveaway…
Thanks for your consideration.


My favorite bev is coffee and my favorite ice cream is PUMPKIN!


What an unbelievably brilliant idea for a hydration pack! My new favorite ice cream is Turkey Hill Pumpkin Pie. It has a graham cracker ribbon and tastes just like pumpkin pie!


heath bar crunch just came to mind … yum!


Favorite ice cream flavor is anything with chunks of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups in them. Would loooooooove to win this hydration pack!!


Fav ice cream has to be menchies! I LOVE being able to try all the different flavors and get any toppings I want! So good!


My favorite ice cream flavor is Ben and Jerry’s AmeriCone Dream! YUM


I once did a taste test of all the Ben and Jerry’s flavors and learned that I like almost all of them equally. Flavor geniuses they are especially the one with the potato chips in it. I also love anything cake batter related and favorite drink for after workouts and running is Powerade Zero : )


My favorite ice cream flavor it Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough – but it has to be Turkey Hill.


Favorite ice cream is the Ben and Jerry’s cheesecake brownie. I’m sure it has a real name, but I don’t know what it is off the top of my head!


I have always loved chocolate ice cream!


My favorite Ice Cream has been and I am thinking always will be Chocolate Chip Mint. Although Bubble Gum is a close second.


My favorite ice cream flavor is straight up vanilla bean!


Good choice with the deep dish pizza. Chicago pizza is the best.

I really really really want a hydration pack for my long runs since it’s 10 billion degrees here always in FL. I love real, authentic strawberry ice cream as my favorite dessert. My favorite drink is water…but that’s boring


Favorite ice cream is vanilla bean with Reese’s peanut butter cups mixed throughout, just heaven


Burnt Sugar & Butter ice cream is my absolute favorite!


Favorite drink is water (lame, I know)! Favorite ice ream flavor is Neapolitan, 3 for 1! Yum!


Favorite drink is water!! never can get enough!


Favorite drink right now is water. Boring I know.


my favorite ice cream flavor is ben & jerry’s peanut butter cup. finding a chunk of a pb cup is the most exciting thing that ever happens to me


Big coffee lover, here.

Favorite icecream is pistachio.


I’m from the south, so I LOVE sweet tea! My fave ice cream flavor is anything that has cake/cake batter mixed in with it!


Favorite drink is super boring…..water. I feel lost without a water bottle :-)


I LOVE chocolate coconut water.


favorite ice cream flavor…salted caramel!!


My fav drink of the moment is actually hot cinnamon tea. I’m drinking it right now at work. :)


Best Ice Cream is Hershey’s Whitehouse Cherry!


Oh that would be nice to have for my next training cycle. I’ve been a big Propel drinker since high school.


I’m obsessed with coconut water…takes me to the beach every time! Ice cream…that could be a hard choice, but I’m a die hard mint chocolate chip fan – and it has to be the green kind.


My favorite ice cream flavor is birthday cake! Anything with rainbow sprinkles!


My favorite ice cream flavor is a toss up between Blue Bell Cookies ‘n Cream or mint chocolate chip!


That pizza looks delish! My favorite ice cream us definitely cookie dough!


I really like 1/2 green ice tea & 1/2 lemonade!


So many favorites. With the cold weather I am loving hot tea, all kinds. Favorite ice cream, between coconut ice cream bars and Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food!


favorite ice cream flavor: White Chocolate Mousse with Chocolate Sprinkles from TCBY– it might be yogurt, but since all of the TCBYs near me have closed, I miss it the most.


My favorite sports drink is Ultima Replenisher!


I love soda water and my favorite ice cream flavor is mint choc chip. That hydration pack looks amazing!!


My current favorite drink is water with lemon & lime, and my favorite ice cream? Oh man, that’s tough! I’m alternating between two classics right now- vanilla bean and rich chocolate.


Favorite drink right now – sparkling water (from my sodastream) with blueberry lemonade Mio for flavor


My favorite drink (for running anyway!) is water with half a dissolved lemon-flavored electrolyte tab. That would be perfect for this pack – I never put electrolyte tabs in a hydration pack bladder because it is so hard to wash out!


My favorite ice cream is peppermint. Too bad it only comes out once a year during the holidays!


I love diet come on a hot day or soy chai tea on a cold day. Soy hot chocolate is also good. I love all icream- the red velvet you always speak of I just tried and it’s amazing!


Brilliant! My favorite ice cream is pistachio.


My favorite ice cream flavor is Phish Food (Ben & Jerry’s) So good!


Ooooo I need this! Fave drink is probably fresca. Fave I’ve cream is graham canyon baby!!


Favorite drink: diet coke, I know its so bad for me


my favorite drink right now is my morning protein smoothie. It consists of about 1/3 cup almond milk, 1 banana, 2 small oranges, 1 cup of kale, 1 cup of spinach, flaxseed and vanilla protein. so yummy and nutritious.


My favorite drink is water (yup, boring), followed by Propel raspberry lemonade when ever my allergies are annoying. Ice cream – apple with cinnamon – which I can only get from 1 shop in town during the fall. Maybe that’s a good thing. :) Thanks for the give-a-way.


Chocolate AND raspberry, just like Harry Potter! ;)


Favorite ice cream flavor is jamoca almond fudge from BR!!!!


What a great idea! I love that there are so many options with that hydration pack. My favorite drink is a toss up between Chocolate Milk and Coke (although I haven’t had one in a while.) I do also love my Watermelon Nuun!

I usually go for Frozen Yogurt but when it comes to Ice Cream I’d have to say Butter Pecan! YUM!!!


My favorite ice cream flavor is Pecan Praline. But I recently also rediscovered Magic Shell. It is so delicious!


Yay for an awesome giveaway!
I love plain water or any flavored powerade during my runs. If I’m not working out, I can’t stand tap water and have to have the sparkling kind.
Favorite ice cream flavor? – the combination of lemon and chocolate (if I can have two different kinds), otherwise: passion fruit!


I need this hydration pack! My favorite drink is water & I’m pretty sure I never met an ice cream I didn’t like ;)


My favorite drink is southern sweet tea.


My favorite drink is DIET COKE! I think if I won this, I would probably put a bottle of Diet Coke in it :)


Half-Baked ice cream … Cookie dough and brownies!


Favorite Ice cream is probably coconut!


What a genius idea!

My favorite drink (right now, anyway) is a caramel latte. I still have yet to have a single pumpkin drink this fall… I know, FAIL.


Favorite ice cream is moose tracks. Mmmm… So so so good!! My favorite drink is a dirty dr pepper. Yum. Not sure it would taste too good in one of the jetflow packs. :)


My favourite icecream flavour is Rocky Road.


I love heath bar ice cream – mmmmm


Favorite ice cream flavor has to be chocolate-peanut butter.


I love love love good old vanilla ice cream, but recently the froyo place near my house added pumpkin to the rotation, which sounds weird but is delicious!


I love a hot steaming mug of cinnamon tea, and I love any ice cream with chocolate and peanut butter!


Favorite ice cream is Fresh Banana, with peanut butter sauce!!


I like propel and powerade the best.


My favorite frozen treat is TCBY- White Chocolate Mousse. Do they even still make that?


My favorite ice cream flavor is soy chocolate with peanutbutter.


Ive never tried a hydration pac before and id love to have one! My favorite drink is limeade from sonic :)


My favorite all time ice cream flavor is Baskin Robins peanut butter chocolate ice cream; creamy chocolate ice cream with thick layers of peanut butter!!


Favorite ice cream is Edy’s peppermint ice cream. Oooh man, I can’t wait until the holidays when it hits the shelves! :)


Favorite ice cream is anything chocolate with chocolate, no nuts. (So chocolate fudge brownie or any variation you can think of, it just needs at least 2 kinds of chocolate.) I also love Phish Food from Ben & Jerry’s. Marshmallow cream can substitute for one of the required chocolates.


My favorite ice cream flavor is birthday (or wedding) cake mixed with cookie dough pieces! YUM!!!!!!


Iced Coffee all the way!!


my fave ice cream flavor is banana from the Bethlehem Dairy Store aka ‘The Cup’. So good!


My favorite drink is Lemonade Vitamin Water. Which would go perfectly in a Jetflow Hydration Pack!


Favorite ice cream flavor = Yippee Skippee = Creamy peanut butter ice cream loaded with salted caramel ripples, chunks of soft brownies and crispy chocolate-covered pretzels. Oh yes.


No doubt about it – my favorite ice cream is Peanut Butter and Chocolate from Baskin Robins!


My favorite drink is Hubert’s Raspberry Lemonade! I am obsessed!!


My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate cherry. I’ve always heard great things about Ben & Jerry’s and wanted to try but so afraid I’ll become addicted!


Thanks alot. Now I really want some frozen yogurt with magic shell. ;)

Oh my favorite sports drink are the little packets called sustain that u can buy from melaluca (im not a member anymore so I have a stockpile. What am I gonna do when they are all gone?! Guess I have to rejoin.)


Favorite ice cream flavor right now is ben and jerrys greek froyo in peanut butter banana! SO good.


Favorite drink? Thai iced tea. With boba!


I want one of these because I am the WORST at hydrating on runs!
My favorite drink is definitely my morning coffee! It’s a must!


Favorite ice cream is Talenti Sea Salt Caramel. If you haven’t tried this, you haven’t lived.


Favorite drink or favorite ice cream flavor? Gee, let me decide which one I’d rather talk about. ;)

Ice cream – probably cookies n cream. Or PB cup. Nah, cookies n cream. Life is full of tough choices.


ice cream: peanut butter ripple! the kind with vanilla ice cream.


Mmm my favorite ice cream flavor is a caramel with salted dark chocolate from a ice creamery here in Portland. THE best.


Ooh I’ve always wanted a hydration pack!

Fav ice cream is candy cane! Fudge crackles, bits of candy cane and seasonal so it makes it even better when the season comes around :)


What an awesome concept for a hydration pack! I have a camelbak and my fav drink that goes in it is grape or cherry limeade nuun. But fav ice cream is much harder. I don’t like ice cream per say, but I love froyo and gelato. Anything with mint which is great and readily available this time of year with the holidays coming up! :)


My favorite ice cream flavor is pistachio!!!


My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate :)


My favorite drink for recovery after a run is Powerade Zero Red. Ice cream flavor has to be a rich flavor. I had a creamy moose tracks once that was awesome.


Attaching to your own bottle sounds handy. Peppermint!


Favorite ice cream is anything with toffee chunks. Or Yagoot. That stuff is the best.

HRG, which version of that water pack do you use? I see they have a few. Thanks!


I’m gonna go with both here, my favorite drink is a Starbucks soy salted carmel mocha with no whipped cream and my favorite ice cream is coconut milk-coffee ice cream with chocolate chips :)


Favorite (or at least most consumed) ice cream: large cup of Chick-fil-A ice cream and favorite sports drink is gatorade x factor orange tropical fruit (in the variety pack from Costco)


Favorite drink during a run is orange flavored Nuun. Favorite ice cream flavor which they don’t make anymore is Hagan Daas Cappuccino Commotion.


My favorite ice cream is cookies and cream. And peanut butter, which I can never buy since no one else in family likes PB…


My favorite thing to drink is orange gatorade!! I love it!!!


oh favorite drink right now is Honest Fizz! But normally,I stick to H20

This pack looks amaze!


Hands down, cookies & cream! Best ice cream ever!


Rocky Road all the way!!!


I have a trail run in Jan and need to get one of these! My fav drink at the moment is peppermint tea. So lovely.


It sounds strange, but my favorite frozen yogurt flavor is avocado.


My favorite drink is a drink called Milo — my mother-in-law is from New Zealand and they drink it there all the time — it is a chocolate-ish energy drink — but I heat it up and have it like hot cocoa. So good.


I love cookies-n-cream ice cream! My favorite drink is a cherry limeade from sonic.


Favorite Ice Cream-Heavenly Hash!! Reminds me of Saturdays with my grandmother when I was little :)


That hydration pack looks awesome – I error on the bad habit of not brining any water with me on long runs just because I hate having things in my hand while running and my belt leaks all over. My favorite ice cream flavor is Java Chip – going to rely on a big tub of that this weekend to get my through a rough patch in life right now. Thanks for blogging.


Favorite ice cream flavor is Haagen Dazs Coffee :)


Favorite ice cream is probably cookie dough!

As a matter of fact…I just ran my very first half marathon this weekend and I think I deserve a cookie dough ice cream reward this very afternoon!


Any coffee flavored ice cream! (I guess this bridges the gap between the two questions)


cookie dough ice cream!!


My favorite ice cream flavor is peanut butter!


Favorite drink is lemon-lime gatorade… NOT lemonade gatorade, I bought it accidentally once and even if it is good I didn’t want it at the time so I have a thing against it.

Favorite ice cream flavor is coffee, favorite Froyo flavor is peanut butter from island yogurt in Kailua, HI. You should come check it out to see if it beats the one you had!


Cookies n cream ice cream! And favorite drink- Diet Dr. Pepper!


I would love a jet flow pack! I love chocolate ice cream with pecans!


Maple pecan ice cream! I am a new reader/runner and I love hearing about your training and daily escapades. I am really jealous of your beautiful running trails in Utah. It is great fun to see photos of the beautiful Rockies!


Favorite ice cream/froyo is Moose Tracks. Vanilla ice cream with fudge chunks and pb cups swirled in! YUM!


Love that Hydration Pack! I want one! I need one!

My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip. Although Moose Tracks comes in a close second.


Coffee is my favorite drink and mint chocolate chip is my favorite ice cream!


It will always be mint chocolate chip! I’ve had all kinds of interesting, fancy ice cream flavors that wowed my socks off, but mint chocolate chip holds a special place in my heart!


Love the salted caramel ice cream from BiRite Creamery in San Francisco. I regularly drive in to the city to get ahold of some…..


My favorite drink is currently (because I’m 8 months pregnant…) chocolate milk. Can’t get enough of the stuff! And my favorite ice cream flavor varies all the time. I’d have to say right now my favorite is cookies and cream or sherbet.

Great giveaway!!


I love yellow Gatorade and M&M Blizzards!


What a great design for a hydration pack! My favorite ice cream is butter pecan and my favorite drink is the grape G2 gatorade (I’m addicted).


I’m a water girl all the way! Mint chocolate chip is my favorite ice cream!


I love homemade vanilla ice cream. We add fresh strawberries and/or chocolate chips!


My favorite fro yo is also peanut butter! But I also really like butter pecan ice cream. And my favorite drink when running is water, but I’m not about to refuse a really good glass of ice tea.


Favorite drink is Diet Coke and favorite icecream is mint chocolate chip!


My favorite drink is Lemonade, especially flavored lemonade. :) of course it switches to hot chocolate in the winter time. ;)

This hydration pack looks so neat. If I had one I would use it all the time for biking and running… and let’s get real honest, just walking around my house. :)


Why drink calories when ice cream is an option?!!! I love vanilla and add in all the good stuff!!! I like peanut better, fudge sauce, hot chocolate mix and NUTS!!!


Do I have to choose only one?! I love rocky road but also anything with strawberries. But since I’m 8 months pregnant I’m hooked on Banana Split right now!


My favorite drink is plain ol’ water. I gave up sodas and such when I was little and never turned back. As far as ice cream, it chocolate with chocolate milk! Delicious.


My favorite frozen yogurt/ice cream flavor is coconut :)
Miss you like crazy! Love the picture of you and Brooke. You are gorgeous as ever, and Brooke is SO cute and getting SO big :)


Favorite ice cream is rocky road..how boring and predictable, I know..but I hate when you buy a shake and they make you think it was chocolate ice cream by just putting a squirt of crappy chocolate sauce in the vanilla ice cream. Vanilla must be cheaper. Anyway, I used to do that because I worked at a shake shop when I was 16.

I love fizz! I like Barq’s Root Beer!


i always struggle with the salad/pizza decision! usually i end up with a bit of both =) favorite ice cream flavor: toasted coconut from a place here in annapolis. favorite drink: water with lemon! when i’m running: usually nuun!

LOVE the jetflow pack! i haaaate cleaning out the bladder in my nathan’s pack.


fave ice cream flavor: mint choc cookie!


Ice Cream Flavor – my local place did a salted caramel chip this year. Humina humina.


What a cool hydration pack! Hands down I have never found a better flavor than cake batter oreo!!


Straweberry ice cream! Actually guava is good…so is anything with peanut butter! I just love ice cream.


My favorite ice cream would hav eto be the “so delicious” peanut butter zig zag its sooooooooooooooooooo good. I am also loving the pumpkin ice cream for the fall season


awesome pack!!! my favorite ice cream is dulce de leche


I can always go for a scoop of maple nut but green tea comes in at a close second!! :)


LOVE water!


My favorite ice cream is definitely mint chocolate chip!


I have always wanting one of these packs! Fav ice cream flavor hands down is my homemade vanilla bean cookies and cream! Yum yum!


My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate chip cookie dough since it’s the best of both worlds: cookie dough and ice cream!

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